WEEK 3 Dr Zain , cell signalling 2014,5.pptx

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  • 8/10/2019 WEEK 3 Dr Zain , cell signalling 2014,5.pptx



    GrowthDifferentiationGrowth factorsDNA replication


    Degradationoxidation of fattyacids



    glucose glycogen

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  • 8/10/2019 WEEK 3 Dr Zain , cell signalling 2014,5.pptx


    Requirement of Biosignaling

    Requires a receptor to detect signals;

    The receptor must link to or generate anintracellular response;

    Such linking molecules are known as secondmessengers

    This transduction system must meet four specificcriteria.

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    Criterion 1: specificity High specificity only the target cell is influenced;

    Receptor binding site ligand (signal molecule)complementary and non-covalent interaction follows the law of mass action

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    r er on : amp ca on

    often short-lived& low concentration

    A single receptor binding event may elicit responses in multiple enzyme

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    Criterion 3: Desensitization


    the aim of biosignaling is to produce a rapid and majorcellular response to a transient signal.

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    Subcellular mediators of cell membrane receptor activation

    1. cAMP2. Inositol

    trisphosphate (IP3)

    3. Diacylglycerol (DAG)

    4. Ca++ Adenylylcyclase





    Ca 2+

    Second messengers



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    G protein

    G refers to the fact that protein binds

    Guanine nucleotides GDP, GTP) ;

    G proteins are integral membrane protein,hetertrimers );

    G proteins have similar and subunits, butdiffer in the type of -subunits;

    When G-protein is activated, the subunitdissociates to interact with an enzymes thatgenerate second messengers e.g. cAMP).

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    Various types of G-protein families -subunits

    G protein Signal Effected enzyme EffectGs epinephrine adenylyl cyclase stimulatoryglucagon

    Gi catecholamines adenylyl cyclase inhibitory

    Gq acetylcholine phospholipase C stimulatorycatecholamines

    Gt photons cGMP stimulatoryphosphodiesterase

  • 8/10/2019 WEEK 3 Dr Zain , cell signalling 2014,5.pptx


    An extracellular signal such as epinephrine or

    PGE1 can have quite different effects on

    different tissues or cell types.Depend on:

    The type of receptor:-1. The type of G protein with which the

    receptor is coupled;

    2. The set of PKA target enzymes in the cell .

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  • 8/10/2019 WEEK 3 Dr Zain , cell signalling 2014,5.pptx


    1) When all subunits are associated together, the G protein is in aninactivate state and in this state the subunit preferentially bindsGDP;

    2) Once epinephrine or other cAMP-linked hormones bind to thereceptor, the hormone-receptor complex interacts with the Gprotein to bring about its activation;

    3) Following interaction of the hormone-receptor complex with the

    G protein, GTP displaces GDP;4) Binding of GTP produces a conformational change in the G

    protein that causes the subunit to dissociate.5) The subunit then interacts with adenylyl cylcase;

    6) The subunit is inactivated when the bound GTP is hydrolyzedto become GDP, which is catalyzed by a GTPase activity that ispart of the subunit.

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    Self-Inactivation of Gs

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    cAMP is synthesizedfrom ATP via adenylate

    cyclase, and degraded bycyclic AMPphosphodiesteraseinhibited by caffeine);

    Once cAMP issynthesized, it mustultimately activate orinhibit enzymes involvedin fuel metabolism,which is accomplishedby the phosphorylationof these regulated

    enzymes in a reactioncatal zed b PKA.

    cAMP acts as a second messenger

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    Cyclic AMP as aSecond Messenger

    In many cases, a G protein is activatedwhich then activates an enzyme,adenylyl cyclase which converts ATP to

    cyclic AMP (cAMP).

    cAMP then serves as a second messenger

    which activates another enzyme in the

    cell, often a protein kinase (an enzyme

    that phophorylates a protein, activating


    cAMP initiates a chain of events (the

    signal transduction pathway) that

    results in some specific response of the

    cell to the first messenger (hormone).

  • 8/10/2019 WEEK 3 Dr Zain , cell signalling 2014,5.pptx


    Activation of Glycogen Breakdownby Epinephrine

    1. Epinephrine (adrenaline) triggers a largeincrease in the rate of glycogen breakdown intoglucose-1-P units that then feed into glycolysis.

    2. Binding of one epinephrine molecule activatesabout 100 G protein molecules which thenactivate 100 adenylyl cyclase molecules.

    3. Each adenylyl cyclase generates about 100cAMP producing 10,000 cAMP molecules eachof which can activate an inactive protein kinase


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  • 8/10/2019 WEEK 3 Dr Zain , cell signalling 2014,5.pptx


    Inositol Triphosphate 2 nd Messenger

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  • 8/10/2019 WEEK 3 Dr Zain , cell signalling 2014,5.pptx


    Two second messengers: IP 3 and diacylglycerol

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    1) IP 3 opens channels to release calcium ions fromintracellular stores

    1) IP3 is able to increase [Ca 2+] by associating with the

    IP 3 channel or IP 3 receptor;2) At least three molecules of IP 3 must bind to sites on

    the cytosolic side of the membrane protein to openthe channel and release Ca 2+ (allosteric interaction).

    3) Increase [Ca 2+] activates PKC4) IP 3 is a short-lived messenger (less than a few

    seconds)5) 2. Diacylglycerol activates protein kinase C (PKC)6) PKC phosphorylates Ser or Thr residues of specifictarget proteins, changing their catalytic activities;1) Isozymes of PKC: target protein specific and tissue-


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    IP 3

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    DAG 2 nd Messenger

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    Calcium as a second Messenger

    activates the regulatory protein Calmodulin,

    which stimulates many enzymes and


    Calmodulin:integral subunit of Ca 2+/calmodulin-dependent

    protein kinase

    (CaM kinase)

    regulatory subunit of phosphorylase b kinase of


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    Smooth Muscle Contraction: Mechanism

  • 8/10/2019 WEEK 3 Dr Zain , cell signalling 2014,5.pptx


    Smooth Muscle Contraction: Mechanism

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  • 8/10/2019 WEEK 3 Dr Zain , cell signalling 2014,5.pptx


    These receptors, are coupled to a Gs-protein , whichstimulates the formation of cAMP.

    Although increased cAMP enhances cardiac myocytecontraction , Activation of 2 -adrenoceptors in the lungscauses bronchodilation and in vascular smooth muscle anincrease in cAMP leads to smooth muscle relaxation. The reason for this is that cAMP inhibits myosin light chainkinase that is responsible for phosphorylating smooth

    muscle myosin.

    Therefore, increases in intracellular cAMP caused by 2-agonists inhibits myosin light chain kinase thereby producing

    less contractile force (i.e., promoting relaxation).

    Mechanism of 2-agonists promoting relaxation ).

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  • 8/10/2019 WEEK 3 Dr Zain , cell signalling 2014,5.pptx


    IP 3- Coupled Signal Transduction The IP 3 pathway is linked to activation of 1-adrenoceptors ,angiotensin II (AII) receptors, and endothelin-1 (ET-1) receptors and therefore is stimulated by alpha-agonists ,angiotensin II and endothelin-1 .

    These receptors are coupled to a phospholipase C (PL-C)-coupled Gq-protein , which when activated, stimulates theformation ofinositol triphosphate ( IP 3 ) fromphosphatidylinositol biphosphate (PIP 2 ).

    Increased IP 3 stimulates Ca ++ release by the sarcoplasmicreticulum in the heart, thereby increasing inotropy as one ofits actions

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    Gs Protein and Gi Protein Coupled Signal Transduction

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    Gs-Protein and Gi-Protein Coupled Signal TransductionG-proteins are linked to an enzyme,adenylyl cyclase, that dephosphorylates

    ATP toform cyclic AMP (cAMP).Gs- protein (stimulatory G-protein) activation(e.g., via-adrenoceptors) increases cAMP by activatingadenylyl cyclase. cAMPthen activates PK-A (cAMP stimulatedprotein kinase) and causes increasedcellular influx of Ca++by phosphorylation and activation of L-type calciumchannels, and enhanced release of Ca++ by thesarcoplasmic reticulum in the heart.These and other intracellular events increase inotropy (muscle contractility),chronotropy (heart rate), dromotropy (velocity of electrical conduction) andlusitropy (relaxation rate).

    Activation ofGi-proteins (inhibitory G-protein), for example by adenosineand muscarinic agonists binding to their receptors, decreases cAMP (throughadenylyl cyclase inactivation), inactivates PK-A, decreases Ca++ entry into the celland release by the sacroplasmic reticulum, and increasesoutward,hyperpolarizing K +currents . Activation of the Gi-protein pathway therefore

    enhancesrepolarization.Gi-protein activation produces effects that are opposite to those elicited by Gs-protein activation; however, Gi-protein effects are primarily found in theSAnode and AV node, and lead to a decrease in sinus rate and AV nodal conductionvelocity, respectively, with minimal effects on muscle contractility. In contrast, Gs-

    protein strongly stimulates muscle contraction in addition to having nodal effects.

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  • 8/10/2019 WEEK 3 Dr Zain , cell signalling 2014,5.pptx


    I o n - C

    h a n n e l

    R e c e p

    t o r s

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    Note steps

    involved:1. Ligand

    Reception2. Receptor


    on3. Catalysis(Phosphor ylization)

    4. Subsequent Protein

    Activation5. Further


    6. Response

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  • 8/10/2019 WEEK 3 Dr Zain , cell signalling 2014,5.pptx


    teroid hormones

  • 8/10/2019 WEEK 3 Dr Zain , cell signalling 2014,5.pptx


    Steroid hormones bind tointracellular receptors


    The steroid-receptor

    complex binds to DNA,turning specific genes onor off

    TARGETCELL Receptor










    Cellular response:activation of a geneand synthesis ofnew protein

    In this example, a newprotein is synthesized

    teroid hormones

    steroid receptor

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    Regulation of transcription by steroid hormones

    steroid receptor

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    I n t r a c e

    l l u l a r R e c e p

    t i o n

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