Week 4 Vocabulary and Grammar Verb Complementation I Exercises

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  • 8/16/2019 Week 4 Vocabulary and Grammar Verb Complementation I Exercises


    Week 4  –  Verb complementation I Practical course  –  Vocabulary and Grammar


    1. Underline every word that can complete each of the following sentences. One, two, three or four may be


    1) I [a. think; b. find; c. consider; d. make]  the way certain birds make their way home from miles away incredible.

    2) She [a. expressed; b. ignored; c. concluded; d. recognised]  that she had had enough of that kind of life.

    3) I [a. reckon; b. can’t bear; c. question; d. couldn’t stand]  that she wasn’t totally honest with us. 

    4) We [a. concluded; b. in fer; c. assume; d. estimate]  that you intend to give less than the statutory period of notice.

    5) I think his presence in the side will [a. have; b. do; c. become; d. make]  a big difference.

    6) They [a. said; b. found; c. told; d. charged]  him guilty of grievous bodily harm.

    7. All of a sudden he went [a. blind; b. deaf; c. mad; d. crazy].

    8) Perhaps in the end it was best that he died [a. suddenly; b. young; c. intestate; d. happil y].

    9) Your presence here is [a. getting; b. turni ng; c. making; d. having]  me nervous.

    10) Everyone fell [a. silent; b. quiet; c. asleep; d. over]  when the prince came in.

    11) You do [a. seem; b. feel; c. appear; d. sound]  to have coped extraordinarily well.

    12) It is a fact that this kind of snakebite rarely [a. proves; b. emerges; c. grows; d. tu rns]  fatal.

    2. Complete each sentence with one  suitable preposition.

    a) I really prefer just about anything ……………….…….. watching television.

     b) This year’s conference coincided ……………….…….. two other major conventions.

    c) It is possible to insure my bike ………………….….. theft?

    d) The problem stems ………………….….. the government’s lack of action. 

    e) When I asked Jean, she hinted ……………….…….. the chance of a promotion for me.

    f) Being rich doesn’t count ……………….…….. much on a desert island.

    g) I pleaded ………………….….. John to change his mind, but he wouldn’t listen. 

    h) I can’t stand the way she is always boasting ………………….….. her wealthy parents.

    i) My grandfather is always confusing Madonna ………………….….. Maradona.

     j) Could you please refrain ………………….….. smoking in the lecture hall.

    3. Underline every word or phrase that can complete each of the following sentences.

    1) I consider this candidate [a. unsui table; b. a liabili ty; c. to be the best; d. as a ri sk] .

    2) I felt [a. a fool ; b. li ke a stranger; c. odd; d. as you did; e. strangely; f . out of place]. 

    3) You sound [a. like a foghorn; b. as if you agree; c. happy; d. to be OK; e. as a foreigner].

    4) He turned [a. blue; b. into a fr og; c. me a sociali st; d. me in to a nervous wreck; e. me down].  

    5) She went [a. bli nd; b. red; c. an i diot; d. li ke a fool; e. unnoti ced; f . empty-handed].

    6) He died [a. happy; b. suddenly; c. unexpected; d. a happy man; e. in hi s sleep].

    7) Just hold [a. on; b. conscious; c. me tight; d. responsibl e; e. tight; f. silent] .

    8) He proved [a. capable; b. a capable replacement; c. that he was capable; d. to be capable]. 

    9) You make [a. a terr ibl e baby-sitter; b. like a fool; c. me laugh; d. me to make mistakes; e. me nervous]. 

    10) We agreed [a. to go; b. wi th them; c. that they were ri ght; d. them ri ght; e. to him coming; f . to the contract; g.

    on the pri ce; h. the fact that it was cheap; i. about most things].

    4. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in capitals, and so that the meaning stays the same.

    a) Peter always trusts me with his secrets. (I N )


  • 8/16/2019 Week 4 Vocabulary and Grammar Verb Complementation I Exercises


    Week 4  –  Verb complementation I Practical course  –  Vocabulary and Grammar


     b) A true story forms the basis of Mary’s new novel. (ON )


    c) I don’t understand the reference of this phrase. (TO )


    d) There were a lot of people on the bus. (WITH )


    e) You were in my dreams last night. (ABOUT )


    f) Danny was asked to leave the school for bad behaviour. (FROM )


    g) This house brings home to mind! (OF )


    h) Tina rewrote the French book in Spanish. (FROM )


    i) Christmas and roast turkey go together in my mind. (WITH )


     j) I think a rest would do you good. (FROM )


    5. A prison escape and each prisoner chose a different escape route. Write the letter for the appropriate verb

    (a-k) in the numbered blanks (1-11) in the passage.

    a. dived b. leapt c. ambled through d. burrowed e. dug f. crawled

    g. climbed h. strolled across i. crept j. got on k. slid

    One prisoner ……………. (1) over the wall and ……………. (2) on the ground below. Another ……………. (3) 

    along the length of the prison wall and ……………. (4) into the river below. A third man ……………. (5) a tunnel

    under the wall of his cell and ……………. (6) his way out of the prison. The fourth prisoner ……………. (7) up to

    the wire fence at the back and ……………. (8) through a hole in it. The last man to escape simply ……………. (9) 

    the gate, ……………. (10) the road and ……………. (11) a bus. 

    6. Choose the most suitable word or phrase.

    a) I would never have [A . accused; B. convincted; C. suspected; D. reminded]  Jim of being the culprit.

     b) How did Sheila [A . react; B. answer; C. confess; D. appeal]  to the news of her award.

    c) Someone has been [A. clu tteri ng; B. deali ng; C. tamperi ng; D. matching]  with the lock of the cash box.

    d) Don’t worry about the lunch. I’ll [A. succeed; B . apply; C. devote; D. see]  to it.

    e) More than two hundred police officers are [A . absorbed; B. engrossed; C. special ised; D. involved]   in the


    f) The trouble with Jean is that she is [A . obsessed; B. packed; C. matched; D. dealt]  with sport!

    g) Tony’s parents decided that he couldn’t be [A . acquainted; B. complied; C. trusted; D. met]  with money.

    h) Pauline and Helen [A. congratul ated; B. insisted; C. decided; D. concentrated]  on our staying for lunch.

    i) I am afraid that these regulations have to be [A . compli ed; B. provided; C. faced; D. met] with.

     j) Our thoughts [A. based; B. centred; C. imposed; D. dependent]  on our four missing colleagues.

    7. Fill each of the blanks with one of the verb + adverb collocations listed. You may need to change the form

    of the verb. smil e sweetly; eat health il y; r un smoothly; fal l dramaticall y; crease easi ly; react badly; behave

    badly; r ise steadily; record clearly; start promptly

  • 8/16/2019 Week 4 Vocabulary and Grammar Verb Complementation I Exercises


    Week 4  –  Verb complementation I Practical course  –  Vocabulary and Grammar


    a) She simply …………….……………….…………. and left the room.

     b) Her voice always …………….………………….………. remarkably ……………………….….……………. .

    c) This silk dress …………………………….………….. very ……………………….……….……. .

    d) I regret to say that orders …………………………….………….……….……. over the past few months.

    e) Unfortunately he ……………………………………….….….………. to not getting the job last week.

    f) More and more pressure is being put on people to ………………….………………….……….………. .

    g) We want the festival to ………………………………………..……….……. through the whole weekend.

    h) We mustn’t get carried away yet but exports ………………………….………….…. .

    i) Fans who …………….……………….……………….………. are something of a problem.

     j) Lessons will …………….………………………….…….………. at 8.30 a.m.

    8. Fill each of the blanks with one of the verbs listed. You may need to change the form of the verb. worm;

    fi nd; inch; fi ght; dig; smash; work; lie.

    a) She rapidly ……………………….……….………. her way up from Junior Assistant to Head of Department.

     b) The couple were able to …………………….………….………. their way back to their hotel with the help of the

    new moon.

    c) The doctor …………………………….….………. his way most convincingly out of a potentially embarrassing


    d) He cleverly …………………………..…………….  his way into Sonia’s affections with mock -humility andsubtle flattery.

    e) The gang …………….……………….………….  their way out of the gaol using wooden poles stolen from the


    f) The fire officer …………………………..……………. his way along the ledge until he could just touch the girl’s

    outstretched hand.

    g) From 2-0 down, United bravely ……………………….….……………. themselves out of a hole and emerged 2-3


    h) The following week they …………………………..……………. their way back from 3-0 to earn a well-deserved


    9. Two of these verbs or verb phrases can fill each numbered blank in the passage. Write the two letters (a-r)

    for them in each space.

    a. ends b. racing c. meet d. don’t die  e. facing the f. starts

    g. extends h. stay i. begins j. stops k. remain l. live on

    m. stretches n. flooding o. racing in my


     p. running

    towards me

    q. looking out to r. converge

    There is a point on the shore where paths seem to ………………….……….  (1), where the land

    ………………….……….  (2) and the sea ……………………….….  (3). The beach …………………….…….  (4) 

    for miles on either side, I stood there last night …………………….…….  (5)  sea and all those memories came

    …………………….…….  (6)  back. For a moment I saw her …………………….…….  (7). The memories

    ………………….………. (8). Such events ………………….………. (9) with you forever, don’t they. 

    10. Complete each sentence with one  suitable preposition.

    a) I wish you’d stop arguing ………………….………. politics all the time.

     b) Could you deal …………………….……. this problem, I’m rather busy. 

    c) The lights are designed to deter burglar ……………………….…. approaching the house.

    d) Your plan doesn’t allow …………………….……. changes in the weather.

    e) I would like to protest …………………….……. your treatment of the staff.

    f) Damage to the building resulted ………………….………. an unusually high wind.

    g) We really marvelled …………………….……. Helen’s conjuring tricks. 

  • 8/16/2019 Week 4 Vocabulary and Grammar Verb Complementation I Exercises


    Week 4  –  Verb complementation I Practical course  –  Vocabulary and Grammar


    h) I am not really concerned …………………….……. that side of the business.

    i) The Minister is also implicated ………………….………. the scandal.

     j) The company is committed …………………….……. raising salaries and improving conditions.

    11. Underline the best word.

    a) The head teacher accused George of / for  starting the fight.

     b) I haven’t really read the report pro perly. I just glanced for / at  it while I was on the train.c) I strongly object to / for  the tone of the last paragraph of your letter.

    d) Sarah was involved in / with  a traffic accident on her way to work.

    e) Harry pleaded with / to  the judge not to send him back to prison.

    f) I always confused Kate with / on  her sister Maggie. It’s hard to tell them apart. 

    g) A diesel engine differs fr om / to  a petrol engine in many important respects.

    h) Some business people find it hard to choose with / between  their work and their family.

    i) I insisted on / for  seeing the doctor at once, even though I did not have an appointment.

    12. Complete the text with one word in each gap.

    Women and the First World War  

    After the outbreak of war in August 1914, as more and more men became (a) …involved ... in the war effort, many

    women replaced them at work. However, most employers (b) ………………….………. between jobs they thought

    were suitable for women, such as office work and work in the clothing industry, and others, such as in heavy

    industry, where they believed women’s skills (c) ………………….………. greatly from those of men. There were

    other reasons why they did not (d) ……………….…………. of women working in heavy industry. They felt that

    women would not be able to (e) ……………….…………. in skilled engineering work, and they also feared that the

    unions would (f) …………………….……. on restricting such jobs to men only. By 1916 the war effort had (g) 

    …………………….……. in a severe labour shortage, and the employment of women was to some extent (h) 

    ………………….………. on an unwilling nation by circumstances. Soon government industries such as munitions

    manufacturing (i) ……………………….…. on women to a great extent, and those who had (j)

    ……………….…………. to women in men’s jobs were proved quite wrong, as women took on a range of jobs  –  engineering, welding, steel working, bus driving  –   which had previously been (k) …………………….……. 

    exclusively with men.