Weekday Evening

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  • 7/28/2019 Weekday Evening



    Aravit LChol Weekday Evening Prayer


    Barchu The Call to Worship Barchu et Adonai hamvorach!

    Baruch Adonai hamvorach lolam vaed!

    !|frob:mah fy:y-te) Uk:rfB!

    This is formally the

    first part of the

    service. It requires a

    minyan (ten people),

    calling everyone

    together for prayer. de(fw {flO(:l |frob:mah fy:y |UrfBPraised be the One, to whom our praise is due!

    Praised be the One, to whom our praise is due, now and forever!

    Maariv Aravim Creation Baruch Atah Adonai Eloheinu, Melech haolam,

    Asher bidvaro maariv aravim,

    bchoch'ma poteiach sharim,

    uvitvuna mshaneh itim,

    umachalif et hazmanim, umsadeir et hakochavim,

    bmishmroteihem barakia kirtzono.

    Borei yom valaila,

    goleil or mipnei choshech vchoshech mipnei or,

    umaavir yom umeivi laila,

    umav'dil bein yom uvein laila, Adonai tzvaot shmo.

    El chai vkayam, Tamid yim'loch aleinu lolam vaed.

    Baruch ata, Adonai, hamaariv aravim.

    ,{flO(fh |elem ,Uny"holE) fy:y hfTa) |UrfB,{yibfrA( byirA(am Orfb:diB re$A)

    ,{yirf(:$ ax"tOP hfm:kfx:B,{yiTi( heNa$:m hfnUb:tibU

    ,{yibfkOKah te) r"Das:mU ,{yinam:Zah te) vyilAxamU.OnOc:riK (yiqfrfB {ehy"tOr:m:$im:B

    hfl:yflfw {Oy )"rOB,rO) y"n:Pim |e#x:w |e$ox y"n:Pim rO) l"lOg

    ,hfl:yfl )yib"mU {Oy ryibA(aMU.Om:$ tO)fb:c fy:y ,hfl:yfl }y"bU {Oy }y"B lyiD:bamU.de(fw {flO(:l Uny"lf( |Ol:miy dyimfT ,{fYaq:w yax l")

    .{yibfrA( byirA(aMah ,fy:y hfTa) |UrfB

    God assigns

    structure and order

    to the night. Our

    fear of darkness is

    allayed by

    knowing that God

    ordains it; night

    must be as safe as

    the day. Thus we

    do not connect

    darkness to chaos,

    but rather

    understand it as

    part of Gods plan.

    We praise You, Eternal our God, Ruler of the universe, who makes light and creates darkness, who ordains peace and fashions al

    things. With compassion You give light to the earth and all who dwell there; with goodness You renew the work of creation

    continually, day by day. How manifold are Your works, Adonai; in wisdom You have made them all. The earth in all its fullness

    is Yours. Beyond praise is the work of Your hands; beyond expression the wonder of Your light.

    We praise You, Adonai, the Maker of light.

    Ahavat Olam - Revelation Ahavat olam beit Yisrael amcha ahavta:

    Torah umitzvot, chukim umishpatim otanu limadta.

    Al ken, Adonai Eloheinu beshochbeinu uvkumeinu

    Nasiach bchukecha, vnismach bdivrei toratecha

    .fT:bahf) !:Ma( l")fr:&iy ty"B {flO( tabAha).fT:daMil UnatO) {yi+fP:$imU {yiQux ,tO:cimU hfrOT

    Un"mUq:bU Un"B:kf$:B ,Uny"holE) fy:y }"K la(!etfrOt y"r:bid:B xam:&in:w ,!yequx:B axyi&fn

    God, like a parent,

    showers us with

    love, in part by

    teaching us right

    from wrong

    through Torah.


  • 7/28/2019 Weekday Evening



    Uvmitzvotecha lolam vaed. Ki heim chayeinu

    Vorech yameinu, uvahem nehgeh yomam valailah.

    Vahavatcha al tasir mimenu lolamim!

    Baruch Atah, Adonai, ohev amo Yisrael.

    Uny"Yax {"h yiK .de(fw {flO(:l !yetO:cim:bU.hfl:yflfw {fmOy heG:hen {ehfbU ,Uny"mfy |ero)w

    {yimflO(:l UNeMim ryisfT-la) !:tfbAha)w.l")fr:&iy OMa( b"hO) ,fy:y ,hfTa) |UrfB

    You have loved Israel Your people with an eternal love. You have taught us Torah and Commandments, laws and

    judgments. Therefore, O God, when we lie down and rise up, we will discuss Your laws and rejoice in the words of

    Your Torah and Commandments forever and ever. For they are our life and length of our days; we will meditate onthem day and night. Do not remove Your love from us ever! Blessed are You, God, Lover of the people Israel.

    The premier

    declaration of faith

    in Judaism, Shma

    proclaims Gods

    unity and eternality.

    We cover our eyes to

    aid with


    Sh'ma Shma Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Echad.

    Baruch sheim kvod malchuto lolam vaed..dfxe) fy:y ,Uny"holE) fy:y l")fr:&iy ( am:$

    .de(fw {flO(:l OtUk:lam dOb:K {"$ |UrfB

    Hear, O Israel: the Eternal One is our God, the Eternal God alone! (Deuteronomy 6:4)Blessed is Gods glorious majesty forever and ever!

    All are seated

    We declare our

    loyalty and love for

    God with this Torah

    text, a concrete

    example of Gods

    love for us as

    mentioned inAhavat

    Olam. We love God

    with everything

    heart, soul, body,

    good and badinclinations, and

    with more strength

    than we think we

    possess. We pray

    that there not be a

    moment in our lives

    that we do not show

    God this love. We

    also hearken to our

    experience as slaves

    in Egypt and

    remember that we

    could find freedom.

    Vahavta et Adonai Elohecha,

    bchol lvavcha uvchol nafshcha uvchol modecha.

    Vhayu hadvarim haeileh

    Asher anochi mtzavcha hayom al lvavecha.

    Vshinantam lvanecha vdibarta bam,

    bshivtcha bveitecha uvlechtcha baderech

    uvshochbcha uvkumecha.

    Ukshartam lot al yadechavhayu ltotafot bein einecha.

    Uchtavtam al mzuzot beitecha uvisharecha.

    Lmaan tizkru vaasitem et kol mitzvotai

    vhiyitem kdoshim leiloheichem.

    Ani Adonai Eloheichem

    Asher hotzeiti etchem meeretz Mitzrayim

    Lih'yot lachem leilohim. Ani Adonai eloheichem.

    ,!yeholE) fy:y t") fT:bahf)w.!edo):m-lfk:bU !:$:pan-lfk:bU !:bfb:l-lfk:B

    heL")fh {yirfb:Dah Uyfhw.!ebfb:l-la( {Oyah !:Uac:m yikonf) re$A)

    ,{fB fT:raBid:w !yenfb:l {fT:naNi$w|ereDaB !:T:kel:bU !ety"b:B !:T:bi$:B

    .!emUq:bU !:B:kf$:bU!edfy-la( tO):l {fT:ra$:qU.!yeny"( }y"B topf+o+:l Uyfhw

    .!yerf(:$ibU !ety"B tOzz:m-la( {fT:bat:kUyftO:cim-lfK-te) {etyi&A(aw Ur:K:ziT }a(am:l

    .{eky"hol)"l {yi#od:q {etyiy:hw{ekyholE) y:y yinA)

    {iyar:cim jere)"m {ek:te) yit)"cOh re$A).{eky"holE) fy:y yinA) ,{yihol)"l {ekfl tOy:hil

    You shall love your Eternal God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your might.

    And all these words which I command you on this day shall be upon your heart.And you shall teach them diligently to your children.

    And you shall speak of them when you sit in your house,

    when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise up.

    And you shall bind them for a sign upon your hand. And they shall be for frontlets between your eyes.

    And you shall write them on the doorposts of your house and upon your gates.

    So that you will remember and do all My commandments and be holy to your God.

    I am your Eternal God who led you out of Egypt to be your God. I am your Eternal God

    (Deuteronomy 6:5-9, Numbers 15:40-41).


  • 7/28/2019 Weekday Evening



    Mi Chamocha Redemption: Just as we were redeemedfrom slavery, may redemption come for those enslaved today.

    Mi chamocha baeilim Adonai? Mi-kamocha,Nedar bakodesh, Nora thilot, oseh feleh? ,hfkomfK yim ?fy:y ,{il")fB hfkomfk-Yim?)elep h"&o( ,toLih:t )frOn ,$edoQaB rfD:)en

    After freedom

    from slavery, our

    people sang these

    words at the Sea of

    Reeds (Red Sea) tocelebrate their

    freedom (Exodus

    15). Today, we

    sing them to

    conjure images of

    our own future

    Redemption and

    freedom. We

    imagine a day

    when the world

    will be perfected.

    Who is like You, Adonai, among the gods? Who is like You, Who is majestic in

    holiness, awesome in splendor, Who does wonders? (Exodus 15:11)

    Malchutcha rau vanecha, bokeia yam lifnei Mosheh;

    Zeh eili! anu vamru:

    Adonai yimloch lolam vaed!

    ;he$m y"n:pil {fy a("qOB ,!yenfb U)fr !:tUk:lam;Ur:mf):w Unf( !yil") hez!de(fw {flO(:l |ol:miy fy:y

    Your children witnessed Your sovereignty, splitting the sea before Moses. This is my God! They spoke up

    and said, Adonai will rule forever and ever! (Exodus 15:2,18)

    Vneemar: Ki-fada Adonai et-Yaakov ugalo miyad

    chazak mimenu. Baruch ata, Adonai, gaal Yisrael.

    daYim Olf):g:U boqA(ay-te) fy:y hfdfp-yiK ;ramE)enw

    .l")fr:&iy la)fG ,fy:y ,hfTa) |UrfB .UNeMim qfzfxIt is said: Adonai rescued Jacob and redeemed him from the hand of one stronger than ourselves

    (Jeremiah 31:10). Blessed are You, Adonai, Who redeemed Israel.

    Hashkiveinu Hashkiveinu Adonai Eloheinu lshalom,

    Vhaamideinu malkeinu lchayim.

    Ufros aleinu sukat shlomecha,

    Vtakneinu beitzah tovah milfanecha

    Vhoshieinu lmaan shmecha.

    Vhagein baadeinu, bhaseir mealeinu

    Oyev dever vcherev vraav vyagon,

    Vhaseir satan milfaneinu umeachareinu.

    Uvtzel knafecha tastireinu,

    Ki El shomreinu umatzileinu Ata.

    Ki El Melech Chanun vrachum Ata.

    Ushmor tzeiteinu uvoeinu lchayim ulshalom

    Meiatah vad olam.

    Baruch Ata Adonai, Shomer amo Yisrael laad.

    ,{Olf$:l Uny"holE) fy:y Un"byiK:$ah,{yiYax:l Un"K:lam Un"dyimA(ahw

    ,!emOl:$ taKus Uny"lf( &Or:pU

    ,!yenfp:Lim hfbO+ hfc"(:B Un"n:Qatw.!em:$ }a(am:l Un"(yi$OhwUny"lf("m r"sfh:w ,Un"dA(aB }"gfhw

    ,}Ogfy:w bf(fr:w berex:w rebeD b"yO).Uny"rAxa)"mU Uny"nfp:Lim }f+f& r"sfhw

    ,Un"ryiT:saT !yepfn:K l"c:bU.hfTf) Un"lyiCamU Un"r:mO$ l") yiK.hfTf) {Uxar:w }UNax |elem l") yiK

    {Olf$:lU {yiYax:l Un")ObU Un"t)"c rom:$U.{flO( da(:w hfTa("m

    .da(fl l")fr:&iy OMa( r"mO$ ,fy:y ,hfTa) |UrfB

    We ask God to

    protect us while

    we sleep. Sleep

    1/60 of death

    (Brachot 57b), our

    most fragile state.

    Like asukkah

    shelters a field

    worker at night,we ask God

    shelter us at




    Cause us to rest peacefully, O Adonai our God, and let us rise invigorated, our Ruler; spread upon us a Sukkah

    of peace. Let us be partners with good counsel before You, and save us for the sake of Your name. Protect us

    and remove the threat of enemies, pestilence and the sword, hunger and sorrow from us, and keep adversaries

    away from in front and behind us. Conceal us in the shadow of Your wings, for You are a God Which protects

    and saves us. You are a gracious and compassionate God. Guard our going and our coming, for life and for

    peace, now and forever. Blessed are You, Adonai, Who guards the people Israel forever.

    - All rise -


  • 7/28/2019 Weekday Evening



    Reader's Kaddish Reader:

    Yitgadal vyitkadash shmei rabah.

    Balma divra chirutei,

    vyamlich malchutei bchayeichon

    uvyomeichon uvchayei dchol beit yisrael,

    baagalah uvizman kariv, vimru:Amen.


    Yhei shmei rabah mvorach

    lalam ulalmei almaya.


    Yitbarach vyishtabach vyitpaar

    vyitromam vyitnasei

    vyithadar vyitaleh vyithalal shmei dkudsha,

    Brich hu, Leila min kol birchata vshirata

    Tushbchata vnechemata daamiran balma

    vimru: Amen.


    .)fBar H"m:$ $aDaq:tiy:w laDaG:ty,H"tU(:rik )fr:b-yid )fm:lf(:B}Oky"Yax:B H"tUk:lam |yil:mayw

    ,l")fr:&iy ty"B-lak:d y"Yax:bU }Oky"mOy:bU.}"m f) .Ur:mi):w byirfq }am:zibU )flfgA(aB

    Everyone:|arfb:m )fBar H"m:$ )"h:y.)f m:lf( y"m :lf( :lU {alf(:la


    ra)fP:tiy:w xaBaT:$iy:w |arfB:ty,)">an:tiy:w {amOr:tiyw

    )f$:dUq:D H"m:# laLah:tiy:w heLa(:tiy:w raDah:tiyw,)ftfryi$:w )ftfk:riB-lfK-}im )fL"(:l ,)Uh |yir:B

    ,)fm:lf(:B }fryimA)aD )ftfmExen:w )ftfx:B:#uT.}"mf) .Ur:mi)w

    Serving to break

    up sections of the

    service, Chatzi

    Kaddish declares

    Gods sovereignty

    and authority overthe world.

    Sometimes called

    the Half (Chatzi)

    Kaddish because it

    is shorter than


    prayers, it is led

    responsively by

    the prayer leader,

    hence its name.

    EveryKaddish is a

    doxology, or a

    statement of praise

    to God. We butterup God before the

    midah, the



    May Gods great name be extolled and sanctified in the world that God created at will. May Gods authority

    rule in our lives and days and in the life of all Israel, now and in coming times, and let us say:Amen.

    May Gods great name be praised forever and ever.

    May the name of the Holy One,Blessed be God, be blessed, praised, honored, elevated, carried high, glorified,

    raised, and rejoiced, Who is above all the blessings and songs, praises and adorations that we utter in the world.And let us say:Amen.

    AMIDAH Adonai, sfatai tiftach, ufi yagid thilatecha. .!etfLih:T dyiGay yipU ,xfT:piT yatfp:& ,yfnodA)

    Eternal God, open my lips, that my mouth may declare Your glory (Psalms 51:17).

    1. Avot v'Imahot-Consider all that you have learned and

    gained from your own family.

    Baruch Ata Adonai Eloheinu Veilohei avoteinu

    vimoteinu Elohei Avraham, Elohei Yitzchak,

    Velohei Yaakov. Elohei Sara, Elohei Rivka,

    Elohei Leah Velohei Rachel. Ha-El hagadol,

    Hagibor vhanora El elyon. Gomeil chasadim

    Uny"tObA) y"hol)"w Uny"holE) ,fy:y hfTa) |UrfB,qfx:ciy y"holE) ,{fhfr:ba) y"holE)Uny"tOMi)w

    ,hfq:bir y"holE) ,hfrf& y"holE) .boqA(ay y"hol)"wlOdfGah l")fh .l"xfr y"hol)"w ,hf)"l y"holE)

    {yidfsAx l"mOG .}Oy:le( l") )frONah:w rOBiGah


    (standing prayer),begins with three

    blessings of praise.

    vot Vimahot, the

    first, extols Gods

    greatness and

    reminds God of

    chut avot, the

    merit of our

    ancestors, through

    whom we hope to

    be seen as worthy

    of good things as

    well. 4

  • 7/28/2019 Weekday Evening



    Tovim, vkonei hakol, vzocheir chasdei avot

    vimahot, umeivi gulah livnei vneihem, lmaan

    shmo bahava. Melech ozeir umoshia umagein.

    Baruch Ata, Adonai, Magen Avraham vezrat Sara.

    tObf) y"d:sax r"kOz:w ,loKah h"nOq:w {yibO+{ehy"n:b y"n:bil hfLu):G )yib"mU ,tOhfMi)w

    .}"gfmU a(yi$OmU r"zO( |elem .hfbAha):B Om:$ }a(am:l.hfrf& tar:ze(w {fhfr:ba) }"gfm ,fy:y ,hfTa) |UrfB

    Blessed are You, Adonai our God and God of our ancestors: God of Abraham, God of Isaac, and God of

    Jacob; God of Sarah, God of Rebekah, God of Leah and God of Rachel; The great, powerful, and awesome

    God, God exalted, who bestows good and kindness and controls everything, Who remembers the kindnesses ofour ancestors, and Who with love brings redemption to their childrens children for the sake of the name;

    Ruler, Helper, Savior, and Protector. Blessed are You, Adonai, Shield of Abraham and Helper of Sarah.

    2. G'vurot Atah gibor lolam Adonai, mchayei hakol ata,

    Rav lhoshia. Mchalkel chayim bchesed,

    mchayei hakol brachamim rabim.

    Somech noflim, vrofe cholim, umatir asurim,

    umkayeim emunato lisheinei afar.Mi chamocha, baal gvurot, umi domeh lach,

    melech meimit umchayeh umatzmiach yshua?

    HfTa) loKah h"Yax:m ,yfnodA) ,{flO(:l rOBiG hfTa),desex:B {yiYax l"K:lak:m .a(yi$Oh:l bar

    .{yiBar {yimAxar:B loKah h"Yax:m,{yirUsA) ryiTamU ,{yilOx )"pOr:w ,{yil:pOn |"mOs

    .rfpf( y"n"$yil OtfnUmE) {"Yaq:mU,|fL hemOD yimU ,tOrUb:G la(aB ,!Omfk yim

    ?hf(U$:y axyim:camU heYax:mU tyim"m |elem Vneeman atah lhachayot hakol. Baruch atah,

    Adonai, mchayeh hakol.

    .loKah tOyAxah:l hfTa) }fmE)enw.loKah h"Yax:m ,fy:y ,hfTa) |UrfB

    You are eternally mighty, O God; You give life to everything, great is Your ability to save! With kindness You

    sustain the living, with great compassion give life to all, helping the fallen and healing the sick; bringing

    freedom to the restrained and keeping faith with those who sleep in the dust. Who is like You, Master of Might,

    and Who is like You, O Ruler who causes death and life and the birth of salvation? Who is like You, Source of

    mercy? In compassion you sustain the life of your children. We trust You to restore our life. You faithfully give

    life to all. Blessed are You, Adonai, Who gives life to all.

    3. Kdushat HaShem-God is holy;contemplate that which is holy.

    Atah kadosh vshimcha kadosh

    Ukdoshim bchol-yom yhallucha: Selah!

    Baruch atah Adonai, haEl hakadosh.

    $Odfq !:mi$:w $Odfq hfTa).hfleS ,!Ul:lah:y {Oy-lfk:B {yi$Od:qU

    .$OdfQah l")fh ,fy:y hfTa) |UrfBYou are holy, Your name is holy, and holy ones shall praise you every day; Selah!

    Blessed are You, Adonai, the holy God.

    On Saturday Night, continue here:Ata chonen ladam daat,

    umlamed leenosh binah.

    Ata chonantanu lmada toratecha,

    Vatlamdeinu chukei rtzonecha.

    Vatavdel, Adonai Eloheinu, bein kodesh lchol,

    Bein or lchoshech, bein Yisrael laamim,

    Bein yom hashviI lsheishet ymei hamaaseh.

    Avinu Malkeinu, hachel Aleinu hayamim habaim

    ',gS ostk ibIj vTt/vbhC JIbtk sNknU

    ,!etfrOT (aDam:l UnfT:nanOx hfTa).!enOc:r y"Qux Un"d:Mal:Taw

    ,lOx:l $edoq }y"B ,Uny"holE) fy:y l"D:baTaw,{yiMa(fl l")fr:&iy }y"B ,|e $x:l rO) }y"B

    .he&A(aMah y"m:y te$"$:l yi(yib:

  • 7/28/2019 Weekday Evening



    likrateinu lshalom.

    Chasukhim mikol cheit, umnukim mikol avon,

    umdubakim byiratecha.

    Vchoneinu meitcha deah binah vhaskel.

    Baruch atah Adonai chonen hadaat.

    ,{Olf$:l Un"t)fr:qil}owf(-lfkim {yiQun:mU ):+"x-lfKim {yikU&Ax

    ,!etf):riy:B {yiqfBud:mU

    /kFGvu vbhC 'vgS WTtn UbBj:w/,gSv ibIj 'hh vTt QUrC

    You grace humanity with knowledge and teach human beings understanding. You graced us with knowledge of

    Your Torah and taught us to perform Your willful laws. Discern, O Adonai our God, between holy and

    ordinary, between light and darkness, between Israel and the nations, between the seventh day and the six daysof creation. Our Father Our Ruler, commence upon us the days coming, to greet us with peace. May they be

    free of all sin and clear of iniquity, and may we be cleaved in awe of You. Grace us with knowledge,

    understanding and insight. Blessed are You Adonai, the Bestower of knowledge.

    Continue with Tshuvah: Repentence (Paragraph 5 below)

    Blessings 4 16

    are called the


    Blessings of the

    midah. They

    appear exclusively

    when it is an

    ordinary service,i.e. not a holida .

    4. Binah-Wisdom Atah Chonen ladam daat umlamed leenoshbinah. Chaneinu meitcha deah binah vhaschel.Baruch atah Adonai chonen hadaat.

    /vbhC JIbtk sNknU ',gS ostk ibIj vTt

    /kFGvu vbhC 'vgS WTtn UbBj

    /,gSv ibIj 'hh vTt QUrCBy Your Grace we have the power to gain knowledge and to learn wisdom. Favor us with the knowledge,

    wisdom and insight, for You and their Source. We praise You, O God, gracious Giver of knowledge.

    5. Tshuvah - Repentance Hashiveinu avinu ltoratecha vkarbeinu malkeinulavodatecha, vhachzireinu bitshuva shleimalfanecha. Baruch atah Adonai, harotzehbitshuvah.

    UbFkn Ubcreu 'W,rI,k Ubhct UbchJvvnkJ vcUJ,C Ubrhzjvu 'W,sIcgk

    /vcUJ,C vmIrv 'hh vTt QUrC /WhbpkHelp Us, our Creator, to return to Your Teaching; draw us near, our Sovereign, to Your service; and bring us

    back into Your presence in perfect repentance. We praise You, O God: You delight in repentance.

    6. Slichah - Forgiveness Slach lanu avinu ki chatanu, mchal lanumalkeinu ki fashanu, ki mochel vsoleach atah.Baruch atah Adonai chanun hamarbeh lisloach.

    hF UbFkn 'Ubk-kjn 'Ubtyj hF Ubhct Ubk-jkx

    vTt QUrC /vTt jkIxu kjIn hF 'UbgJp/jOxk vCrNv iUbj 'hh

    Forgive Us, our Creator, when we sin; pardon us, our Sovereign. when we transgress; for You are eager to

    forgive. We praise You, O God: You are gracious and quick to forgive.

    7. Gulah Redemption Reh vaneinu vrivah riveinu, ugaleinu mherahlmaan shmecah ki golel chazak atah. Baruchatah Adonai goel Yisrael.

    vrvn UbktdU 'Ubchr vchru 'Ubhbgc vtrvTt QUrC /vTt ezj ktID hF 'WnJ ign

    k/ktrGh ktID 'hh

    Look Upon Our Affliction and help us in our need; O mighty Redeemer, redeem us speedily for Your names

    sake. We praise You, O God, Redeemer of Israel.


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    8. Rfuah - Health Rfaeinu Adonai vnerafeh, hoshienu vnivasheah,vhaaleh rfuah shleima lchol makoteinu. Baruchatah Adonai, rofeh hacholim.

    ,vgJUbu UbghJIv 'tprbu hh /UbtprQUrC /Ubh,IFn-kfk vnkJ vtUpr vkgvu

    /ohkIjv tpIr hh vTtCompassionate Source Of Healing, heal us, and we shall be healed; save us, and we shall be saved; grant us a

    perfect healing for all our infirmities. We praise You, O God, Healer to the sick.

    9. Birkat HaShanim - Abundance Barech aleinu, Adonai Eloheinu, et hashanahHazot vet kol minei tvuatah ltovah.Vten bracha al pnei haadamavsabeinu mituvech. Baruch atah Adonai,mvarech hashanim.

    vbv ,t 'UbhvOt hh 'Ubhkg QrC/vcIyk V,tUc, hbhn kF ,tu ,tZv

    'vnstv hbP kg vfrC i,u/ohbv Qrcn 'hh vTt QUrC /WcUyn UbgC

    GuBless This Year for us, Eternal God: may its produce bring us well-being. Bestow Your blessing on the earth

    that all Your children may share its abundance in peace. We praise You, O God, for You bless earths seasons

    from year to year.

    10. Cheirut - Freedom Tkah bshofar gadol lcheruteinu, vsa neis lifdotashokeinu vkol dror yishamah barbah kanfothaaretz. Baruch atah Adonai podeh ashukim.

    ,USpk xb tGu 'Ub,Urjk kIsD rpIJC geT,IpbF gCrtC gnh rIrS kIeu UbheUJg

    /oheUJg vsIP hh vTt QUrC /.rtvSound the great Shofar to proclaim the freedom, raise high the banner of liberation for the opressed, and let

    the song of liverty be heard in the four corners of the earth. We praise You, O God, Redeemer of the


    11. Mishpat Justice Al shoftei eretz shfoch ruchecha, vhadrichembmishpti tzadikecha, u,loch aleinu atahlvadecha, bchesed uvrachamim. Baruch atah

    Adonai melech ohev tzadika umishpat.

    ofhrsvu WjUr QUpJ .rt hypIJ kgWSck vTt Ubhkg QIknU Wesm hyPJnC

    Qkn hh vTt QUrC /ohnjrcU sxjC/yPJnU vesm cvIt

    Bestow Your Spirit upon the rulers of all lands; guide them, that they may govern justly. Then shall love and

    compassion be enthroned among us. We praise You, Eternal One, the Sovereign God who loves righteousness

    and justice.

    12. Rishah - On Evil Vlarishah al thi tikvah, vhatoim elechaYashuvu umalchut zaron mheirah tishaver.Taken malchutecha btocheinu, bkarovbyameinu lolam vaed. Baruch atah Adonaihamashbit rashah min haaretz.

    Whkt ohgUITvu vue, hvT-kt vgJrku/rcT vrvn iIsz ,UfknU UcUJh

    cIreC UbfI,C W,Ufkn iEThh vTt QUrC /sgu okIgk UbhnhC

    /.rtv-in gJr ,hCJNvLet the reign of evil afflict us no more. May every errant heart find its way back to You. O help us to shatter

    the dominion of arrogance, to raise up a better world, where virtue will ennoble the life of Your children. We

    praise You, O God, whose will it is that evil vanish from the earth.


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    13. Al HaTzadikim - TheRighteous

    Al hatzadikim val hachasidim gerei hatzedek valeinuyeheimu rachmeicha, Adonai Eloheinu, vten sachartov lchol habotchim bshimcha bemet, vshamchelkeinu imahem lolam. Baruch atah Adonai, mishanumivtach latzadikim.

    esMv hrD kgu ohshxjv kgu ohehSMvkg

    'UbhvOt hh 'Whnjr Unvh 'Ubhkgu',ntC WnJC ohjyICv kfk cIy rfG

    i,uvTt QUrC /okIgk ovNg Ubekj ohG

    u/ohehSMk jycnU igJn 'hh

    For the righteous and faithful of all humankind, for all who join themselves to our people, for all who put their

    trust in You, and for all honest men and women, we ask Your favor, Eternal God. Grant that we may always be

    numbered among them. We praise You, O God, Staff and Support of the righteous.

    14. Jerusalem Shchon Adonai eloheinu btoch yerushalayimirecha vyhi shalom bishareiha, vshalva bleivyoshveiha, vtoratcha mitziot tetzeh udvarchamirushalayim. Baruch atah Adonai bonehyrushalayim.

    ,Wrhg ohkJUrh QI,C ,UbhvOt hh ,iIfJ

    ,vhcJIh ckC vukJu vhrgJC oIkJ hvhu

    /ohkJUrhn WrcsU ,tmT iIHMn W,rI,u/ohkJUrh vbIC hh vTt QUrC

    Let Your presence be manifest in Jerusalem, Your city. Establish peace in her gates and quietness in the hearts

    of all who dwell there. Let Your Torah go forth from Zion, Your word from Jerusalem. We praise You, O God,

    Builder of Jerusalem.

    15. Yshuah - Deliverance Et tzemach tzadakah mheirah tatzmiach vkerenyshua tarum kinumecha ki lishuatecha kiveinu kolhayom. Baruch atah Adonai matzmiach kerenyshuah.

    ireu 'jhnm, vrvn vesm jnm ,tkF UbhUE W,gUJhk hFWntbF oUrT vgUJh

    /vgUJh ire jhnmn 'hh vTt QUrC /oIHvLet the plant of righteousness blossom and flourish, and let the light of deliverance shine forth according to

    Your word, for we await Your deliverance all the day. We praise You, O God, who will cause the light of

    deliverance to dawn for all the world.

    16. Shma Koleinu Hear our Prayer Shma koleinu Adonai Eloheinu chus vracheimaleinu, utkabel brachamim ivratzon et tfilateinu,ki el shomeah tfilot vtachnunim atah. Baruchatah Adonai shomeah tfilah.

    ojru xUj 'UbhvOt hh 'UbkIe gnJ

    ,Ub,KpT ,t iImrcU ohnjrC kCe,U 'Ubhkg/vTt ohbUbj,u ,IKpT gnIJ kt hF

    /vKpT gnIJ 'hh vTt QUrCHear our voice, eternal God; have compassion upon us, and accept our prayer with favor and mercy, for You

    are a God who hears prayer and supplication. We praise You, O God: You hearken to prayer.


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    17. Avodah - Receive ourprayers.

    R'tzei, Adonai Elohienu, b'am'cha yis'raeil ut'filatam

    b'ahava t'kabeil, ut'hi l'ratzon tamid avodat

    yisrael amecha. Eil karov l'chol-kor'av p'nei el

    avadecha v'chaneinu. Sh'foch ruchacha aleinu,

    {ftfLip:tU ,l")fr:&iy !:Ma(:B ,Uny"holE) fy:y ,h"c:rtadObA( dyimfT }Ocar:l yih:tU ,l"Baq:t hfbAha):B

    le) h"n:P wyf):roq-lfk:l bOrfq l") .!eMa( l")fr:$y

    ,Uny"lf( !AxUr |Op:$ .Un"Nax:w !yedfbA(Be favorable, Adonai our God, toward Your people Israel, and receive their prayers with love. May the

    worship of Israel Your people always be acceptable. God is near to all who call out. Turn to Your servants and

    be gracious to us. Pour out Your spirit upon us.

    Blessings 17 - 19

    are found in every

    midah. Avodah

    shows how our

    prayer replaced the

    sacrificial system

    in the Temple.

    Priests at the end

    of their sacrifice

    would ask God toaccept their labors;

    so too we pray for

    acceptance of our

    On Rosh Chodesh Add:Eloheinu veilohei avoteinu vimoteinu, yaaleh vyavo

    vyizacher zichroneinu vzichron kol-amcha beityisrael lfanecha, ltovah lchein lchesed ulrachamim,lchayim ulshalom byom Rosh HaChodesh Hazeh.

    Zochreinu, Adonai eloheinu, bo ltovah. Amen.

    Ufokdeinu vo livrachah.Amen.Vhoshiyeinu vo lchayim. Amen.

    )obfy:w helA(ay ,Uny"tOMi):w Uny"tObA) y"hol)"w Uny"holE)ty"B !:Ma(-lfK }Or:kiz:w Un"nOr:kiz r"kfZiy:w

    ,{yimAxar:lU desex:l }"x:l hfbO+:l ,!yenfp:l l")fr:&iy.heZah $edoxah $)or {Oy:B {Olf$:lU {yiYax:l

    .}"mf) .hfbO+:l OB ,Uny"holE) fy:y ,Un"r:kfz

    .}"mf) .hfkfr:bil Ob Un"d:qfpU.}"mf) .{yiYax:l Ob Un"(yi$Oh:w

    On Rosh Chodesh, which

    occurs on a new moon,

    we offer a special prayer

    that just as the moon

    reappears out of the

    darkness, may God

    reappear in our lives

    during our darkest times.

    Our God and God of our ancestors, may our existence be raised, come up and be remembered, along with the

    memory of all Your people Israel, for goodness, grace, kindness and compassion, for life and for peace on this New


    Remember us today, Adonai our God, for well-being. Amen.

    Visit us on this day with blessing. Amen.

    Save us on this day with life. Amen.

    We Continue here:

    V'techezeinah eineinu b'shuv'cha l'tzion b'rachamim.

    Baruch Ata, Adonai, hamachazir sh'chinato l'tzion..{yimAxar:B }OYic:l !:bU$:B Uny"ny"( hfnyezExetw.}OYic:l Otanyik:$ ryizaxaMah ,fy:y ,hfTa) |UrfB

    May our eyes gaze upon your return to Zion with mercy. Blessed are You, Adonai, Whose Presence (Shchinah)

    returns to Zion.

    18. Hodaah Modim anach'nu lach, sha'atah hu Adonai Eloheinu

    veilohei avoteinu v'imoteinu l'olam va'ed.

    Tzur chayeinu, magein yish'einu, atah hu

    l'dor vador. Nodeh lach un'sapeir t'hilatecha,

    al-chayeinu ham'surim v'yadecha, v'al-nish'moteinu

    hap'kudot lach, v'al nisecha sheb'chol-yom imanu,

    V'al-nif'l'otecha v'tovotecha sheb'chol-eit,

    erev vavoker v'tzoharayim. Hatov:Ki lo-chalu rachamecha v'ham'racheim:

    Ki-lo tamu chasadecha, mei-olam kivinu lach.

    Uny"holE) fy:y )Uh hfTa)f$ ,|fl Un:xanA) {yidOm.de(fw {flO(:l Uny"tOMi):w Uny"tObA) y"hol)"w

    )Uh hfTa) ,Un"(:$iy }"gfm ,Uny"Yax rUc,!etfLih:t r"Pas:nU !:l hedOn .rOdfw rOd:l

    Uny"tOm:$in-la(:w ,!eday:b {yirUs:Mah Uny"Yax-la(,UnfMi( {Oy-lfk:Be$ !yeSin-la(:w ,|fl tOdUq:Pah

    ,t"(-lfk:Be$ !yetObO+:w !yetO):l:pin-la(W.bO=ah .{iyfrfhfc:w reqobfw bere(

    .{"xar:mah:w ,!yemAxar Ulfk-)ol yiK.|fl UnyiUiq {flO("m ,!yedfsAx UMat )ol-yiK

    We express our

    gratefulness here

    for our lives, daily

    miracles, and all

    the gifts bestowed

    upon us. Just as a

    subject bows to a

    ruler before taking

    leave of his or her

    presence, so do we

    bow in reverence,

    once at the

    beginning and

    once at the end ofthis blessing.

    We acknowledge You, for You are our God and the God of our ancestors forever and ever. You are the Rock of

    our life, the Protector of our salvation for each and every generation. We are thankful to You and sing Your

    praises; for our lives, which are delivered into Your hands, for our souls, which are under Your auspices, and

    for Your miraculous activities which are with us daily, and for your wonders and acts of goodness of every

    time, evening morning and afternoon. The Good One, for your compassion never ceases. The Compassionate

    One, for your kindness never fails. We have hoped for you eternally.


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    V'al kulam yit'barach v'yit'romam shim'cha,

    Mal'keinu, tamid l'olam va-ed. V'chol hachayim yoducha

    selah, vihal'lu et shim'cha be'emet,

    Haeil y'shuateinu v'ezrateinu selah: Baruch atah,

    Adonai, hatov shim'cha ul'cha na-eh l'hodot.

    ,!:mi$ {amOr:tiy:w |arfB:tiy {fLuK la(w{yiYaxah lok:w .de(fw {flO(:l dyimfT ,Un"K:lam,temE)eB !:mi$ te) Ul:lahyiw ,haleS !UdOy

    ,hfTa) |UrfB .hfles Un"tfr:ze(:w Un"tf(U$:y l")ah.tOdOh:l he)fn !:lU !:mi$ bO=ah ,fyy

    For all these things, may Your name be praised and exalted, O Ruler, always and forever. Let all who live

    thank you, Selah, and praise your name in truth, O God, our Savior and Helper, Selah! Blessed are You, God,Whose name is good, and to Who it is befitting to give thanks.

    19. Shalom Rav Shalom rav al Yisrael amcha tasim lolam,

    Ki Atah Hu Melech Adon lchol hashalom.

    Vtov beinecha lvareich et-amcha Yisrael

    (vet-kol-haamim) Bchol eit uvchol shaahbishlomecha. Baruch Atah Adonai,

    Hamvarech et amo Yisrael bashalom.

    ,{flO(:l {yi&fT !:Ma( l")fr:&iy-la( bfr {Olf$.{Olf

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    Yihyu Lratzon Yhiyu lratzon imrei fi vhegyon libi lfanecha,

    Adonai tzuri vgoali.

    ,!yenfp:l yiBil }Oy:geh:w yip-y"r:mi) }Ocfr:l Uy:hy.yilA)og:w yirUc fyy



    May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable to You, O God, my Rock and my

    Redeemer (Psalm 19:15).

    Oseh Shalom Oseh shalom bimromav, hu yaaseh shalom

    aleinu val kol Yisrael vimru: Amen.

    {Olf$ he&A(ay )Uh ,wyfmOr:miB {Olf$ he&o(.}"mf) .Ur:mi):w ,l")fr:&iy-lfK-la(:w Uny"lf(

    May the Maker of peace in the high places make peace descend upon us and upon all Israel, (and upon all the

    world) and let us say: Amen.

    - All rise -

    Aleinu Aleinu lshabeiach laadon hakol, lateit gdula

    lyotzer breishit, shelo asanu kgoyei haaratzot,


    Samanu kmishpchot haadamah; shelo sam

    Chelkeinu kahem, vgoraleinu kchol hamonam.

    Vaanachnu korim umishtachavim umodim lifnei

    melech malchei hamlachim, hakadosh baruch hu.

    r"cOy:l hfLud:G t"tfl ,loKah }OdA)al ax"Ba$:l Uny"lf()ol:w ,tOcfrA)fh y"yOg:K Unf&f( )ole$ ,tyi$)"r:B

    {f& )ole$ ;hfmfdA)fh tOx:P:$im:K Unfmf&.{fnOmAh-lfk:K Un"lfrOg:w ,{ehfK Un"q:lex

    y"n:pil {yidOmU {yiwAxaT:$imU {yi(:rOK Un:xanA)aw.)Uh |UrfB $OdfQah ,{yikfl:Mah y"k:lam |elem

    S e we

    originally ask that

    G open our lips

    and help us to

    express our

    prayers, we now

    hope that wh

    have said is

    acceptable. Yet

    another prayer f

    at we


    peace follows.

    We acknowledge

    Israels distinct

    position in the

    world. The Jewish

    people accept the

    one God, Creator

    of all. We look to

    share this quality

    with all peoples of

    the world who will

    one day recognize

    the redemptive

    qualities of

    believing in the

    one God. It is our duty to praise the Master of all, to offer greatness to the fashioner of creation, Who has not made us

    like the nations of the land and Who has not placed us like the families of the earth, Who has not placed our

    portion with them, nor our lot with all their multitudes. We bow and prostrate and acknowledge the Ruler,

    Ruler of Rulers, the Holy One, Blessed be God!

    Shehu noteh shamayim vyoseid aretz

    Umoshav ykaro bashamayim mimaal,

    ushchinat uzo bgovhei mromim.

    Hu Eloheinu ein od. Emet

    malkeinu, efes zulato, kakatuv btorato Vyadata

    hayom vhasheivota el-lvavecha, ki Adonai hu

    haElohim bashamayim mimaal val haaretz

    mitachat, ein od.

    Vneemar: vhayah Adonai lmelech al kol haaretz;

    bayom hahu yihyeh Adonai echad, ushmo echad!

    ,jerf) d"sOy:w {iyamf$ he+On )Uhe$,la(aMim {iyamf

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    God stretches out the heavens and establishes the earth (Isaiah 51:13); You are our God; there is none else. In

    truth You alone are our Sovereign God, as it is written in the Torah: Know this day and place it in your heart

    that Adonai is God in the heavens above and on the earth below; there is none else (Deuteronomy 4:39). And it

    has been said: Adonai be Ruler over all the earth; On that day Adonai shall be One and Gods name shall be

    One (Zechariah 14:9).


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    Mourner's Kaddish Yitgadal vyitkadash shmei rabah.

    Balma divra chirutei, vyamlich malchutei

    bchayeichon uvyomeichon uvchayei dchol beit

    yisrael, baagalah uvizman kariv, vimru:Amen.

    Yhei shmei rabah mvorach lalam ulalmei almaya.

    Yitbarach vyishtabach vyitpaar vyitromam

    vyitnasei vyithadar vyitaleh vyithalal shmeih

    dkudsha, Brich Hu, Leila min kol birchata

    vshirata tushbchata vnechemata daamiran

    balma vimru:Amen.

    Yhei shlama raba min shmaya vchayim aleinu

    val kol Yisrael vimru:Amen.

    Oseh shalom bimromav, hu yaaseh shalom

    aleinu val kol Yisrael vimru:Amen

    .)fBar H"m:$ $aDaq:tiy:w laDaG:tyH"tUk:lam |yil:may:w ,H"tU(:rik )fr:b-yid )fm:lf(:B

    ty"B-lfk:d y"Yax:bU }Oky"mOy:bU }Oky"Yax:B.}"mf) .Ur:mi):w byirfq }am:zibU )flfgA(aB ,l")fr:&y

    .)fYam:lf( y"m:lf(:lU {alf(:l |arfb:m )fBar H"m:$ )"h:y

    {amOr:tiy:w ra)fP:tiy:w xaBaT:$iy:w |arfB:tyH"m:# laLah:tiy:w heLa(:tiy:w raDah:tiy:w ,)">an:tiyw

    )ftfk:riB-lfK-}im )fL"(:l ,)Uh |yir:B )f$:dUq:D}fryimA)aD )ftfmExen:w )ftfx:B:#uT ,)ftfryi$w

    .}"mf) .Ur:mi):w ,)fm:lf(:B

    Uny"lf( {yiYax:w )fYam:$-}im )fBar )fmfl:$ )"hy.}"mf) .Ur:mi):w ,l")fr:&iy-lfK-la(w{Olf$ he&A(ay )Uh ,wyfmOr:miB {Olf$ he&o(

    .}"mf) .Ur:mi):w ,l")fr:&iy lfK la(:w Uny"lf(

    This prayer assures

    mourners that

    death is not the

    end. God remains

    a source of

    strength even

    one struggles

    through difficultimes.Kaddish

    entails inter

    between mourners

    and community,

    reminding them

    not to retreat from

    society due to

    emotional distress.




    Kaddish takes the

    form of a

    doxology, a

    liturgical praise of


    Let the glory of God be extolled, let Gods great name be hallowed in the world whose creation God willed.

    May God rule in our own day, in our own lives, and in the life of all Israel, and let us say:Amen.Let Gods

    great name be praised for ever and ever. Beyond all praises, songs, and adorations that we can utter is the Holy

    One, the Blessed One, whom yet we glorify, honor and exalt. And let us say:Amen. For us and for all Israel,

    may the blessing of peace and the promise of life come true, and let us say:Amen. May the One who causes

    peace to reign in the high heavens, let peace descend on us, on all Israel, and all the world and let us say:Amen

    May the Source of peace send peace to all who mourn,

    and comfort to all who are bereaved. Amen.

    - All are seated -

    Hal'luyah Vaanachnu nvareich ya meiatah vad olam halluyah .hfyUl"lfh {flO(-da(:w hfTa("m Hfy |"rfb:n Un:xanA)aw

    We shall bless God now and forever. Halleluyah!(Psalm 115:18)

    Kol HaNeshamah Kol hanshama thaleil Ya, halluyah! !HfyUl:lah ,HfyUl:lah ,Hfy l"Lah:T hfmf$:Nah loK

    Let every soul praise God. Halleluyah! (Psalm 150)