Weekly Adress Assesment 10 9 2010

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  • 8/8/2019 Weekly Adress Assesment 10 9 2010


    Remarks of President Barack Obama

    As Prepared for Delivery

    Saturday, October 9, 2010

    Washington, DC

    The other day, I was talking about education with some folks in the backyard of an Albuquerquehome, and someone asked a question thats stayed with me. He asked, if we dont have homes to

    go to, what good is an education? It was a heartfelt question, one that could be asked by anyonewhos lost a home or a job in this recession.

    Because if youre out of work or facing foreclosure, all that really matters is a new job. All that

    really matters is a roof over your head. All that really matters is getting back on your feet. Thatswhy Im fighting each and every day to jumpstart job-creation in the private sector; to help our

    small business owners grow and hire; to rebuild our economy so it lifts up a middle class thatsbeen battered for so long.

    But even as we focus on doing all that; even as we focus on speeding up our economic recovery;we also know that when it comes to jobs, opportunity, and prosperity in the 21st century, nothing

    is more important than the quality of your education. At a time when most of the new jobs beingcreated will require some kind of higher education; when countries that out-educate us today will

    outcompete us tomorrow, giving our kids the best education possible is an economic imperative.

    Thats why, from the start of my administration, weve been fighting to offer every child in thiscountry a world-class education from the cradle to the classroom, from college through a

    career. Earlier this week, I announced a new Skills for Americas Future initiative that will helpcommunity colleges and employers match whats taught in the classroom with whats needed in

    the private sector, so we can connect students looking for jobs with businesses looking to hire.

    Were eliminating tens of billions of dollars in wasteful subsidies for banks to administer studentloans, and using that money to make college more affordable for millions of students. And weve

    launched a Race to the Top in our states to make sure our students, all of them, are graduatingfrom high school ready for college so we can meet our goal of graduating a higher proportion

    of students from college than any other country in the world by 2020.

    And yet, if Republicans in Congress had their way, wed have a harder time meeting that goal.

    Wed have a harder time offering our kids the best education possible. Because theyd have uscut education by 20 percent cuts that would reduce financial aid for eight million students; cuts

    that would leave our great and undervalued community colleges without the resources they needto prepare our graduates for the jobs of the future.

    Now, it is true that when it comes to our budget, we have real challenges to meet. And if were

    serious about getting our fiscal house in order, well need to make some tough choices. Imprepared to make those choices. But what Im not prepared to do is shortchange our childrens

    education. What Im not prepared to do is undercut their economic future, your economic future,or the economic future of the United States of America.

  • 8/8/2019 Weekly Adress Assesment 10 9 2010


    Nothing would be more detrimental to our prospects for success than cutting back on education.It would consign America to second place in our fiercely competitive global economy. But China

    and India arent playing for second. South Korea and Germany arent playing for second.Theyre playing for first and so should America.

    Instead of being shortsighted and shortchanging our kids, we should be doubling down on them.We should be giving every child in America a chance to make the most of their lives; to fulfilltheir God-given potential. We should be fighting to lead the global economy in this century, just

    like we did in the last. And thats what Ill continue fighting to do in the months and years ahead.Thanks, everybody, and have a nice weekend.


    The other day, I was talking about education with some folks in the backyard of an Albuquerque

    home, and someone asked a question thats stayed with me. He asked, if we dont have homes togo to, what good is an education?

    education [jj kysh'n](plural educations)noun1. educating: the imparting and acquiring of

    knowledge through teaching and learning,

    especially at a school or similar institution

    "After all, what is education but a process by

    which a person begins to learn how to learn?"

    (PETER USTINOV Dear Me 1977)

    2. knowledge: the knowledge or abilities gained

    through being educated

    3. instruction: training and instruction in a particular

    subject, e.g. health matters

    4. learning experience: an informative experience

    y Spending a weekend in their house was a real


    5. study of teaching: the study of the theories and

    practices of teaching

    y a degree in education

    6. system for educating people: the system of

    educating people in a community or society

    y jobs in education

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    It was a heartfeltquestion, one that could be asked by anyone whos lost a home or a job in thisrecession.

    heartfelt [hrt flt]adjectivedeeply felt: arising from strong and sincere


    question [kwschn]noun (plural questions)1. written or spoken inquiry: a

    request for information or for

    a reply, which usually ends

    with a question mark if

    written or on a rising

    intonation if spoken

    y Does anyone have any


    2. doubt: a doubt or

    uncertainty about somebody

    or something

    3. issue: a matter that is the

    subject of discussion,

    debate, or negotiation

    4. EDUCATION examination

    problem: a problem to be

    discussed or solved in an


    verb (past and pastparticiple questioned,present participlequestioning, 3rd personpresent singularquestions)1. transitive and intransitive

    verb interrogate somebody:

    to ask somebody for

    information, especially

    formally or officially and on a

    specific topic

    2. intransitive verb inquire: to

    ask questions

    3. transitive verb doubt

    something: to raise doubts

    about something, especially

    about its truth, genuineness,

    or usefulness

    [13th century. Via French< Latin quaestion-"inquiry" < past participleof quaerere "seek"]

  • 8/8/2019 Weekly Adress Assesment 10 9 2010


    Because if youre out ofwork [[ Old English weorc < Indo-European] or facing foreclosure,allthat

    really matters isa new job [[Mid-16th century. Origin ? What is the Origin of a Blow [[ Old

    English blwan < Germanic] Job?]].

    Allthatreallymatters [What is the Cause of all things] isaroof [Limit] over yourhead [Spy birds]. All

    thatreally matters is [Friend / Foe Approach] [not] getting back on your [financial] feet. Thatswhy Imfighting [yourcountry] eachandevery day to jumpstart job-creation in the privatesector;to help our

    small business owners growandhire;to rebuild our [?] economy so itliftsup a middleclassthats been

    battered forso long [Time Undefined].

    recession [ri ssh'n](plural recessions)noun1. decline in economic activity: a period, shorter than a

    depression, during which there is a decline in economic trade

    and prosperity

    2. withdrawal of somebody in ceremony: the withdrawal of the

    participants in a ceremony, e.g. the clergy and choir after a

    church service

    3. receding: the process of going back or becoming more distant

    -recessionary, adjective

    reality [ree lltee](pluralrealities)noun1. real existence: actual being or existence, as opposed to an

    imaginary, idealized, or false nature

    2. all that exists or happens: everything that actually does or could

    exist or happen in real life

    3. something that exists or happens: something that has real

    existence and must be dealt with in real life

    y a vision that ignores the realities of the business world

    4. type of existence: an existence or universe, either connected

    with or independent from other kinds

    y fantastic notions of alternative realities

    5. PHILOSOPHY totality of real things: the totality of real things in

    the world, independent of people's knowledge or perception of


    [12th century.Directly or viaAnglo-Normanmater(i)e,French matire< Latin materia"timber, stuff"