Weekly HG Guide 3 3 13

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  • 7/29/2019 Weekly HG Guide 3 3 13





    March 3-9BelongWelcome

    This week we continue to learn about How Church Works with the topicHow to Love. Lets all join together & say,

    Awwwww! In the famous words of DC Talk, Here is the example that we oughtta be matchin,' cause luv is a word that

    requires some action. (Are you down with the DC Talk?) Tonight should be fun!

    Opening Prayer

    God, give us a fresh perspective on how Your love works in us & through us to make a difference in our families, in ourcommunity & in our world. Let the love of Christ go from black& white to living colorin our lives!

    Family Time

    A) Who loves pizza? Who loves their pet? Who loves to play soccer? Who loves their mommy & daddy? Who loves Jesus?

    Do you love pizza the same way that you love your mommy & daddy? Do you love your pet the same way that you love

    sports? Whats the difference in love? (let kids answer) Does God love us more than He loves birds, plants, fish, the sky,

    etc.? How do we know that Jesus loves us? (He died for us so that we can be saved.) How else does He show us love?

    B) Do you ever get mad at your brother/sister/mom/dad/friend? When you are mad at someone, do you still love them? (I

    hope so.) What are some reasons that we dont get along with each other sometimes? (let them give plenty of reasons)

    But, even though we dont get along sometimes, how does God want us to treat one another...especially when we are

    mad? (with love) What would that look like? (Have the kids & adults act outsome stories to illustrate what love looks like.It looks like patience, forgiveness, gentleness, self-control, obedience, kindness, etc.) Have fun & get creative.

    Kids Time

    A) Read I Corinthians 13:4-8a. Some people call this the LOVE chapter. Some people think that love is a mushy, kissy,

    huggy love. They think that love is just about marriage...which it certainly is about marriage, but its soooo much more

    than that. Lets look at the different words that are used here In I Corinthians 13 to describe love & lets talk about what

    that actually looks like in real life. (Example: Love is patient. When your sister is taking too long in the bathroom, instead of

    yelling at her to get out, you wait patiently.)

    B) We are going to make cards tonight for people who need to be reminded about Gods love for them. Who needs to

    know that God loves them? (make a list) Have the kids make cards for these people & ask them to deliver them this week .

    Adult Time

    Look at the I Corinthians 13:4-8. Read it out loud, but substitute your name (& the names of people in your HG) for the

    word love. I know that we dont always love this way, but dont be discouraged. Verses 9 -10 tell us that things today are

    not what they will be one day (read it). We love imperfectly, but (praise God) some day our love for Him & our love for

    others will be perfect! Were just warming up, so to speak. Lets take some time now to celebrate the love that we see

    demonstrated in our Home Group members towards one another. (Let group members give examples of love that they

    see in others & be sure to give God the glory!)

    Prayer Time

    Lord, continue to lead this HG to be a community that is growing in love for You & for others. Remind us often of Your

    great love for us in the greatest sacrifice of all, Your Son...but also in the daily ways that You pour out Your love on us.

    Community Calendar

    Were praying that God brings hundreds of new people to our campus on Easter weekend who need to hear the message

    of His great love! How can your HG be part of that exciting weekend? Contact your Area Pastor for more details!

    Church Calendar

    Please be in prayer for our HS & JH youth teams that will be ministering over spring break. The JH team will be serving in

    Houston, TX & the HG team in Colorado Springs, CO. Pray for lives to be changed, safe travels & the glory of God to grow!