Thanks: To Power Delivery and everyone who made this project a success. Happy Birthday! Nikki Townsend Feb. 23 Quentin Jones Feb. 24 Watts-Up @ NGEMC Feb. 25, 2015 Previous editions of The Watt and other newsletters may be found here: Corporate Library/Newsletters. TVA Employee Scholarship Deadline: March 6 Contact Amy Blankenship ORU Grants: ApplicaƟon deadline SATURDAY Nonprot charitable organizaƟons in our seven counƟes may apply for grants through Feb. 28. ORU grant applicaƟons can be submiƩed online at hƩp://www.ngemc.com/ or with our partner, the Community FoundaƟon of Northwest Georgia at www.communityfoundaƟonnwga. org. For quesƟons, please call Amy Blankenship at ext. 1427. HR Notes: We wish Daylon Mathis the best as he pursues other career opportuniƟes. Frigid February: Higher bills expected NGEMC’s big demands 716 megawaƩs (MW), Feb. 19, 6˚ (new February peak) 674 MW, Feb. 20, 11˚ 738 MW, Jan. 8, 8˚ All‐Ɵme NGEMC peak: 754 MW, Jan. 7, 2014. Cold calculaƟons (Thru Feb. 24) Average temperature for February—7.5˚ below normal 3 days—high temperature didn't rise above 32˚ 19 days—low temperature dipped to 32˚ or colder Member resources Monitor daily energy use online at www.ngemc.com or on our Mobile App—My NGEMC Account. And compare with daily temperatures. Energysaving Ɵps and tools at www.ngemc.com, Facebook and TwiƩer EScore Home Improvement DoItYourself Energy EValuaƟon TVA set an all‐Ɵme February power demand on Feb . 19 with an esƟmated 32,109 MW peak and a record February oneday electricity use of 694 gigawaƩ‐hours for the 24hour period on Feb. 19. Feb. 18: 12,000gallon oil containment tank installed at Butler SubstaƟon in Calhoun. Coming soon… Members can’t go wrong with Pay Site kiosks at Shop Rite Chickamauga LaFayeƩe Ringgold Tunnel Hill Take care of your heart; Feb. is NaƟonal Heart Month Journal Meditate Walk daily Call a friend Join a tness class Limit salt—eat sh and ber Quit tobacco Environment & Safety First Oil Containment: Project done unƟl next new substaƟon begins In February, Power Delivery completed a 2year, 12substaƟon oil containment systems project. Now, all 34 NGEMC substaƟons are equipped to contain major oil spills if a substaƟon transformer were to be damaged. New TVA Electric ForkliŌ Program StarƟng March 9, businesses who use forkliŌs and forkliŌ vendors can receive a $2,000 incenƟve for leasing or buying an electric forkliŌ to replace a fuelburning forkliŌ through the new TVA Electric ForkliŌ Program. Learn more at www.ngemc.com under the My Business tab. SPECIAL THANKS to NGEMC team members whose extra eort and volunteer spirit helps us meet the needs of our members during these extreme weather condiƟons.

Weekly Watt February 25

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Page 1: Weekly Watt February 25

Thanks: To Power Delivery and everyone who made this project a success.  

Happy Birthday!

Nikki Townsend Feb. 23 Quentin Jones Feb. 24

Watts-Up @ NGEMC Feb. 25, 2015

Previous editions of The Watt and other newsletters may be found here: Corporate Library/Newsletters.

 TVA Employee  Scholarship Deadline: March 6 

Contact Amy Blankenship  

ORU Grants:  Applica on 

deadline SATURDAY   Nonprofit charitable organiza ons in our seven coun es may apply for grants through Feb. 28. ORU grant applica ons can be submi ed online at h p://www.ngemc.com/ or with our partner, the Community Founda on of Northwest Georgia at www.communityfounda onnwga.org. For ques ons, please call Amy Blankenship at ext. 1427. 


HR Notes: We wish Daylon Mathis the best as he pursues other career opportuni es. 

Frigid February: Higher bills expected  NGEMC’s big demands 

716 megawa s (MW),  Feb. 19, 6˚ (new February peak) 


674 MW, Feb. 20, 11˚ 738 MW, Jan. 8, 8˚ 


All‐ me NGEMC peak:  754 MW, Jan. 7, 2014. 

Cold calcula ons (Thru Feb. 24) 

Average temperature for February—7.5˚ below normal 

3 days—high temperature didn't rise above 32˚ 

19 days—low temperature  dipped to 32˚ or colder 

Member resources Monitor daily energy use online at www.ngemc.com or on our Mobile App—My NGEMC Account. And compare with daily temperatures. 

Energy‐saving  ps and tools at www.ngemc.com, Facebook and Twi er 

E‐Score Home Improvement Do‐It‐Yourself Energy E‐Valua on 

TVA set an all‐ me February power demand on Feb . 19 with an es mated 32,109 MW peak and a record February one‐day 

electricity use of 694 gigawa ‐hours for the 24‐hour period on Feb. 19. 


Feb. 18: 12,000‐gallon oil containment tank installed at Butler Substa on in Calhoun. 

Coming soon… 

Members can’t go wrong with Pay Site kiosks at Shop Rite  Chickamauga  LaFaye e Ringgold  Tunnel Hill         

Take care of your heart; Feb. is Na onal Heart Month 



Walk daily 

Call a friend 

Join a fitness class 

Limit salt—eat fish and fiber 

Quit tobacco 

Environment & Safety First 

Oil Containment: Project done un l next new substa on begins 

In February, Power Delivery completed a 2‐year, 12‐substa on oil containment systems project. 

Now, all 34 NGEMC substa ons are equipped to contain major oil spills if a substa on transformer were to be damaged.     

New TVA Electric  Forkli  Program  Star ng March 9,  businesses who use forkli s and forkli  vendors can receive a $2,000 incen ve for leasing or buying an electric forkli  to replace a fuel‐burning forkli  through the new TVA Electric Forkli  Program. Learn more at www.ngemc.com under the My Business tab. 

SPECIAL THANKS to NGEMC team members whose extra effort and volunteer spirit helps us meet the needs of our members 

during these extreme weather condi ons.