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  • 7/29/2019 Weirdness



  • 7/29/2019 Weirdness


    CHAPTER ONE IT WAS like playing Russian roulette with your sex life: place a loaded invitation in the barrel, then shoot and see if you scored a hit. Everyone was doing it, Raffaelle Villani observed cynicallythe young and nubile, complete with breast implants and carefully straightened and dyed blonde hair. They circled the room eyeing up likely victims, picked the richest man they could find, then primed him and fired their lucky shot. Or unlucky, depending from which side of the fence you viewed it. Some you win, some you lose, he mused as one eager player tried the deal on him only to be rewarded with the sight of his back. Contempt twisting his lean golden features, he beat a retreat to the furthest cornerof the room where the bar was situated. Discarding his untouched glass of champagne, he ordered a glass of fullblooded red wine to take its place. Functions like this were the pits and he would not have come but for his stepsister twistinghis arm. He owed Daniella a favour for pulling him out of a tricky situation recently with a woman who had been about to become his latest loveruntil Daniella had whispered in his ear that the woman was married with a small son. It turned out that she had even lied to him about her name. Discovering that she was actually the ex-catwalk model Elise Castle, now married to the heavyweight Greek Leo Savakis, had not made Raffaelle feel good about himself. een her own.

  • 7/29/2019 Weirdness


    Or maybe not, Raffaelle then contended. Perhaps the breasts and the blue eyes had been just more lies the beautiful Elise had fed to him. Fortunately he had notmanaged to get close enough to find out. But he still owed it to Daniella thathe?d managed to get out of a potentially scandal-spinning tangle before it had exploded in his face. He was into gun metaphors, he noticed. What a great way tospend a Saturday night. Where was Daniella--? Straightening his six-foot-four-inch frame up from its bored languid slouch against the bar, Raffaelle began scanning the sea of bodies milling about in front of him for a glimpse of the sylphlike figure belonging to his beautiful stepsister. He found her almost instantly.Her glossy mane of black hair and the red dress she was wearing made her virtually impossible to miss. She was standing with some smooth-looking guy over by a wall on the other side of the room, and it came as a shock to Raffaelle to see that she was playing the game like all the rest! She was pouting, her pose distinctly saucy, her breasts pushed up almost against the guy?s chest while he lookeddown at her with one of those lazy I?m-interested-smiles on his handsome face. Were Daniella?s breasts her own--? The question hit Raffaelle?s brain and made him curse softly because he didn?t care what Daniella?