Welcome! []€¦ · decisions, commitments and choices around how you will “do” that area of your life moving forward. As you can no doubt appreciate, the more areas of your life

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Page 1: Welcome! []€¦ · decisions, commitments and choices around how you will “do” that area of your life moving forward. As you can no doubt appreciate, the more areas of your life
Page 2: Welcome! []€¦ · decisions, commitments and choices around how you will “do” that area of your life moving forward. As you can no doubt appreciate, the more areas of your life


Welcome!Congratulations! You are here because you care about yourself, your life, and very possibly, making the world a happier, healthier and generally more wonderful place.

How do I know this?

Quite simply, it’s because it’s only a certain type of woman who is drawn to the phrase “high vibrational” - and you weren’t just drawn… you took action, you took some time out of your life to be here, and you intentionally directed your energy into receiving this eBook… because you wanted to.

Actions speak louder than words, right?

So welcome!

I am delighted that you are here

because there are way too many women in this world living a life that does not lift them up

and fit who they truly are.

High Vibrational Living changes all of that…


Page 3: Welcome! []€¦ · decisions, commitments and choices around how you will “do” that area of your life moving forward. As you can no doubt appreciate, the more areas of your life


What is High Vibrational Living?High Vibrational Living is about consciously choosing to live your life in a higher frequency.

This effectively means deciding from a higher place inside of you that you don’t want to live as most people do, you don’t want to think like most people think, and you probably won’t be attracted to anything like a mainstream way of living in many - or all - areas of your life. In fact, if you’re anything like me, chances are, you may have been this way inclined since you were a child!

In real terms, High Vibrational Living translates to consciously taking stock of each area of your life, running it through a higher internal filter than you may have done in the past, and then making new decisions, commitments and choices around how you will “do” that area of your life moving forward.

As you can no doubt appreciate, the more areas of your life you upgrade in this way, the happier, more aligned and more joyful you will feel in your life overall. Life also gets a whole lot more interesting, exciting, rewarding and magical also. And who doesn’t want more of that?!

In creating a High Vibrational Life for yourself, you not only give yourself the gift of leading a life that makes you feel truly amazing, but there is also an incredible ripple effect onto those that you love, all those who come into contact with you, and all those whose lives are touched by your higher vibrational choices and decisions - and beyond.

If the term “High Vibration” is new to you, you will no doubt be wondering, “well, what does that mean exactly?”

In short, a high vibration is anything that makes us feel really positive in some way. The highest vibrational energies are: gratitude, freedom, appreciation, peace, joy, love and enthusiasm.

Therefore, if you make a commitment to live a life that is based on any or all of these feelings, you will automatically start creating a High Vibrational Life for yourself.

Now doesn’t that sound rather wonderful and worth your serious consideration?!

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The 24 Areas of High Vibrational LivingIn my deeper work with women who are passionate about improving themselves and their lives, we work with 24 areas in total.

These 24 areas are:

1 Soul

2 Human Identity

3 Spiritual Growth

4 Personal Development

5 Sexuality

6 Femininity

7 Masculinity

8 Health & Body

9 Beauty & Image

10 Dreams & Desires

11 Power Sources

12 Home

13 Work & Business

14 Finances

15 Possessions

16 Intimate Relationship

17 Children & Pets

18 Friends & Family

19 Help & Support

20 Fun & Play

21 Travel & Adventure

22 Personal Legacy

23 Family Legacy

24 Professional Legacy

As you can see, some of these are regular everyday life areas, and some of what we look at goes deeper.

At the top of the list you’ll see “Soul”. We start with your Soul because this is your highest source of guidance (a.k.a. your connection to God/Source/Spirit/Universe). When you come from this place you will transcend old limiting thoughts, patterns and beliefs (and what everyone else is doing!), and make the highest possible choices.

When you decide to focus on any area of your life, the highest vibrational response and inspiration is always going to come to you from your Soul, because your Soul is your essence - the truth of who you are. And the closer that you move to aligning with your truth, the happier and more high vibrational your life will be.

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Where to StartSo, now that you understand what High Vibrational Living is and the “secret” to accessing your own personal version of it, are you ready to get started?

If yes, then to get things going, I invite you to choose just ONE of the 24 Areas of High Vibrational Living, and to have a play with reinventing it using the special process that I’m about to share with you.

On the next page you will find my simple 3-step process which you can use over and over with any or all of the 24 Areas.

By following this process you will come out the other side with a very clear vision for how you want this aspect of your life to look and feel.

Once you have that, you’re then in a position to go about bringing it to life!

Just imagine how different your life will look and feel if you raise the vibration of three, four, five or ten of the 24 Areas!

I guarantee that you will not just be enjoying a much more magical and rewarding life, but you’ll also be feeling very different as a woman too.

So if you're ready to begin, please turn the page so that you can start raising the vibration of your first chosen area…

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Vibration-Raising ProcessSTEP 1 Choose one of the 24 Areas of High Vibrational Living to focus on, as listed on page 3. You might choose the one that excites you the most, the one that you feel needs the most attention, or the one that you’ve already been working with and want to take all the way to exactly where you want it to be. Once you have it, write it down here.

STEP 2 Now choose the vibration that you want to align this area of your life with. You might choose from those energies listed on page 2 (i.e: gratitude, freedom, appreciation, peace, joy, love and enthusiasm), or, you might choose another high vibrational word that feels like a perfect fit for you and this particular area of your life, such as purified, magical, extraordinary, blissful, delightful, unconventional or powerful. Once you feel you have the perfect word for you, simply write it below.

STEP 3 Now that you have your Area and your Vibration, it’s time to connect with yourself more deeply. You have two choices here. You can either close your eyes and do your best to connect with the highest place inside of yourself that you are able to access*, or you can use the short guided meditation audio that came with this eBook, and use that as a powerful way to connect.

* If Soul connection and meditation are new to you, no worries! You can either listen to the meditation and see what comes through to you, or, if you choose to close your eyes and go within in silence, I invite you to focus on your heart or your intuition (as opposed to your head) and ask for guidance from there. NB: Your head is wonderful and helpful in many ways, but when it comes to this kind of “work”, it’s incredibly limited and will NOT bring you the kind of magic that you’re seeking.

If you choose to go the non-audio route, simply set the intention to receive ideas, inspiration and some divinely inspired guidance as to how your chosen word (vibration) desires to show up in your chosen life area. Give yourself full permission to take as long as you need and to keep going until you feel you’ve made a higher connection, and have received ideas and inspiration that truly delight you and that feel perfect for this next chapter of your life.

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Whichever route you go, once you’ve received the guidance that you asked for and it feels really good to you, capture below how your Soul is calling for that vibration to show up in your life over the coming months and beyond.

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What Happens Next?And there you have it!

Once you have completed all three steps you officially have your High Vibrational Vision for that particular area of your life.

From this point, you can either go ahead and repeat this process with another of the 24 Areas, or you can direct your energy into getting clear on the specific action steps that you need to take in order to bring this vision to life.

How exciting is that?

Feel free to use the next page to list out your action steps. I have intentionally left off a page number from that page so that you can print as many copies of this page as you wish, in order to work with a different area as and when you feel ready for it!

I know that you will find that the more areas of your life you upgrade and transform, the more magical and meaningful your life will absolutely feel.

So on that note…

I'm wishing you so much enjoyment and fun transforming your first area today, and here's to your High Vibrational Life!

PS: If you want to go deeper on your journey, I am here for you. Come and visit me at my website where’s there’s lots more free high vibrational content and inspiration waiting for you!


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My High Vibrational Living Action PlanLIFE AREA: VIBRATION:


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Meet KarenHi, I’m Karen Knowler, a Hay House author and cheerleader for women everywhere who are waking up spiritually and/or who want to live their best possible life.

I am beyond passionate about this topic because of my own personal journey which started in childhood. Aware that I felt different to those around me, as a young child I found myself praying a lot, writing a lot and creating a lot, with a strong sense of knowing that this was my path, yet having no idea how to make my way in the world without any understanding or guidance.

My spiritual wake-up call came in my early 20’s when I was living and working in London. One day I found myself completely unable to get out of bed and go to work. I wasn’t ill, I wasn’t incapacitated physically, I just could not get out of bed.

It was as if my Soul had said, “NO MORE!”

I spent the next two weeks off work with a doctor’s note, trying to get myself to function and feel happy again. I knew that I couldn’t continue living my life as it had been, it just wasn’t working for me. I felt like I was in the wrong place, doing the wrong thing, at the wrong time. I didn’t know what to do or where to turn.

Eventually it came to me: the only thing that was going to work was to surrender to the calling of my own Soul, and to finally allow myself to be who I truly was, and to do what I truly wanted to do.

While the transformation was not easy, the outcome was magnificent.

Today I am totally on path, living the life I want to live, doing what I love to do, and it continues to gets better and better with every passing day.

If you are at a crossroads in your life, if you are feeling a calling, or if you aren’t yet where you want to be when it comes to living your happy, then I know for sure that my work will help you.

This guidebook is your first step on the path back home to yourself.

When you are connected to your Soul, you are plugged back into the truth of who you are, what you truly desire and the incredible life that you came here to live.

Don’t die with your beautiful song left inside of you!

Come and join me on social media or over on my website to continue the journey back home to yourself. There’s so much more to come!

With much love,

Karen Knowler
