LIGHTING OF THE CANDLES, GREETING and NOTICES PRELUDE *INTROIT (11:00) In My Life, Lord, Be Glorified The Chancel Choir *CALL TO WORSHIP (Responsively) Climb the mountain of God and wait... wait for God’s glory, which shines like the sun. We will climb the mountain of God and wait for the dawn. Climb the mountain of God and wait... wait to see Jesus as he truly is. We will climb the mountain of God and wait for Christ to reveal the heart of God. Climb the mountain of God and wait... wait to gain courage for the terror of the night. We will climb the mountain of God and wait for the Spirit to dispel the darkness. Climb the mountain of God and wait... wait to behold God’s glory. We will climb the mountain of God and wait to see God’s light shining like the sun. *HYMN Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise UMH 103 *OPENING PRAYER Source of Light and Love, as you appeared to your servant Moses like a devouring fire on Mount Sinai, so appear to us in power and might during our time of worship; as you revealed to Christ’s disciples the light within their beloved friend and master, so reveal your light to us in acts of Christian love and sharing during our time together. Transform us with the light of your hope and love that our souls might shine your light through Christ, our Light, into a world shrouded in darkness and despair. Amen. *PSALTER Psalm 99 UMH 819-820 In the name of Christ WELCOME! Although you may be a stranger to us, you are no stranger to God, who knows you and loves you, and whose heart is glad at your presence here. We sincerely hope this time of worship will bless your life. As you are able, please stand for acts of worship indicated by an asterisk (*). UMH indicates United Methodist Hymnal (red hymnal) TFWS indicates The Faith We Sing (small, black hymnal) Help us sustain God’s creation by placing unwanted worship bulletins in the basket on the credenza in the back of the sanctuary for recycling. Our Mission: To Know and Share Jesus Christ 110 East Queen Street Hampton, Virginia 23669 (757) 723-6577 Email: [email protected] Website: www.firstumchampton.org

WELCOME! LIGHTING OF THE CANDLES, GREETING and NOTICES PRELUDE In My Life, Lord…firstumchampton.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/02-26-17... · 2017-02-24 · LIGHTING OF THE CANDLES,

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*INTROIT (11:00) In My Life, Lord, Be Glorified The Chancel Choir

*CALL TO WORSHIP (Responsively)

Climb the mountain of God and wait...

wait for God’s glory, which shines like the sun.

We will climb the mountain of God

and wait for the dawn.

Climb the mountain of God and wait...

wait to see Jesus as he truly is.

We will climb the mountain of God

and wait for Christ to reveal the heart of God.

Climb the mountain of God and wait...

wait to gain courage for the terror of the night.

We will climb the mountain of God

and wait for the Spirit to dispel the darkness.

Climb the mountain of God and wait...

wait to behold God’s glory.

We will climb the mountain of God

and wait to see God’s light shining like the sun.

*HYMN Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise UMH 103


Source of Light and Love, as you appeared to your servant

Moses like a devouring fire on Mount Sinai, so appear to us

in power and might during our time of worship; as you

revealed to Christ’s disciples the light within their beloved

friend and master, so reveal your light to us in acts of

Christian love and sharing during our time together.

Transform us with the light of your hope and love that our

souls might shine your light through Christ, our Light, into a

world shrouded in darkness and despair. Amen.

*PSALTER Psalm 99 UMH 819-820

In the name of Christ


Although you may be a

stranger to us, you are no

stranger to God, who knows

you and loves you, and

whose heart is glad at your

presence here. We sincerely

hope this time of worship

will bless your life.

As you are able,

please stand for acts of

worship indicated by

an asterisk (*).

UMH indicates

United Methodist Hymnal

(red hymnal)

TFWS indicates

The Faith We Sing

(small, black hymnal)

Help us sustain God’s creation

by placing unwanted worship

bulletins in the basket on the

credenza in the back of the

sanctuary for recycling.

Our Mission:

To Know and

Share Jesus Christ

110 East Queen Street

Hampton, Virginia 23669

(757) 723-6577


[email protected]




Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost;

as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be,

world without end. Amen, Amen.


GOSPEL LESSON Matthew 17:1-9 (NRSV)

17 Six days later, Jesus took with him Peter and James and his brother John and led them

up a high mountain, by themselves. 2 And he was transfigured before them, and his face

shone like the sun, and his clothes became dazzling white. 3 Suddenly there appeared to

them Moses and Elijah, talking with him. 4 Then Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, it is good for

us to be here; if you wish, I will make three dwellings here, one for you, one for Moses,

and one for Elijah.” 5 While he was still speaking, suddenly a bright cloud overshadowed

them, and from the cloud a voice said, “This is my Son, the Beloved; with him I am well

pleased; listen to him!” 6 When the disciples heard this, they fell to the ground and were

overcome by fear. 7 But Jesus came and touched them, saying, “Get up and do not be

afraid.” 8 And when they looked up, they saw no one except Jesus himself alone.

9 As they were coming down the mountain, Jesus ordered them, “Tell no one about the

vision until after the Son of Man has been raised from the dead.”

The Word of God for the people of God. Thanks, be to God.




Transforming God, you have changed our lives and called us to come down from the

mountain and into the streets with Jesus. We make this offering to serve Christ’s

mission of sharing the good news of your enduring love and forgiveness. Amen.

*PRESENTATION OF GIFTS Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow UMH 94

Praise God from whom all blessings flow;

praise God, all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia!

Praise God, the source of all our gifts!

Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts!

Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

*HYMN Be Thou My Vision UMH 451




Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will

be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us

our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into

temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the

glory forever. AMEN.

RESPONSE (11:00) Glorify Thy Name The Chancel Choir

ANTHEM (11:00) Be Thou My Vision The Chancel Choir

SERMON The Voice on the Mountaintop Rev. Candee Martin

*CLOSING HYMN Here I Am, Lord UMH 593


Do not fear to climb the mountain of God.

We will walk in the light and truth of God. Do not fear the voice that calls from heaven.

We will hear the call to follow Jesus. Do not fear the glory of God that appears like a devouring fire.

We will bathe in the wonder of our God. Do not fear to shine the light of Christ in the world.

We will be like lamps shining in the dark. Do not fear, for God goes with us.


Here I am, Lord. Is it I Lord? I have heard you calling in the night.

I will go, Lord, if you lead me. I will hold your people in my heart.


The United Methodist Women’s Unit will meet on Wednesday, March 1 at 9:30 a.m. in

the fellowship hall. The business meeting will be first followed by a special Lenten Program.

Phyllis Nucklols, a former Peninsula District team member, will bring us a

dramatization entitled I Remember My Son.

The dramatization will begin at 10:30 a.m. and EVERYONE is invited to attend. This is

an excellent way to begin the Lenten Season.

From our own congregation:

Carl & Jane Roberts Nell Writtenberry

Lil’ Bit & Brownie Brown

Robert Kilgore Bob Stickle

Richard Mundie Cecelia Short

Marty Baker Eleanor Woodward

Aggie Hogge Linda Marushi

Ed Kilgore Jean Andleton

Vernon Wilson Jane Roberts


Carolyn Crozier (former member)

John Morrill (Vincent Mundie's brother-in-law)

Kaylee Rodriguez (Waldon’s granddaughter)

Baby Lyle (Wilson’s preemie grandson)

Z’amir (Pastor Candee’s grandnephew)

Eloise (friend of Jane Miller)

William Lucke (Jane Miller’s cousin)

in Kabul for a year

Sylvia Milholen

Courtney (friend of Amanda Hooten)

Anne Fleming (Midge Eason’s niece)

Jerry Berkseed

Cottrell family

Alyson Rodriguez (Waldon’s daughter)

Beverly Geer (Kristen’s mom)

David Roberts (Carl & Jane’s son)

Susan Roberts Wornom

(Carl & Jane’s daughter)

Garrett McLees

Jackie Leggett (friend of Nell Writtenberry’s)

Emily Evans (Rusty & Ann Gordon’s

pregnant daughter-in-law)

Is there someone for whom you would like us

to pray? Please contact the church office or

call Kristen Milholen at 757-642-5228 (cell)

or 757-238-3656 (home).

Our Prayer Group meets on Tuesdays at

11:00 am in the church parlor. All are

welcome to join us!!

Please remember in prayer:

the hungry,

the unemployed,

those suffering with loneliness and


healing for all cancer patients,

members of our armed forces & veterans,

first responders, state and national leaders,

the homebound and the homeless,

our UM Bishop and District Superintendent,

our Pastor, church leaders & staff,

discernment, wisdom, clarity & unity for our


our children’s Sunday school program,



those suffering and many others….

Sympathies to

Jim Holt on the loss of his brother,

Tami Pollard on the loss of her cousin,

Ray Waldon on the loss of his uncle,

Peggy Langford on the loss in her family,

Family of Mary Jane Sager who passed

February 15

Family of Polly Marple who passed

February 20.

Sunday, February 26

8:30 am Worship (S)

9:30 am Teacher Appreciation Breakfast (FH)

9:30 am Kingdom Kids Choir (upstairs)

9:45 am Sunday school/Bible study

11:00 am Worship (S)

Monday, February 27

No scheduled activities

Tuesday, February 28

11:00 am Prayer Group (Parlor)

5:30 pm Shrove Tuesday Pancake supper (FH)

Wednesday, March 1

9:30 am UMW Unit Meeting (FH)

11:00 am UMW Circle 6 (FH)

7:00 pm Ash Wednesday Worship Service (S)

Thursday, March 2

6:15 pm Handbell Choir rehearsal

7:15 pm Chancel Choir rehearsal

Friday, March 3

No scheduled activities

Saturday, March 4

No scheduled activities

Sunday, March 5 – 1st Sunday in Lent

8:30 am Worship with Communion(S)

9:30 am Refreshments & Fellowship (FH)

9:30 am Kingdom Kids Choir (upstairs)

9:45 am Sunday school/Bible study

11:00 am Worship with Communion(S)

2:00 – 8:00 PM Chat & Chew with the Bishop

Celebrating Birthdays

2/26 Carl Roberts

Alaina Williams


Nancy Allen

Regina Knight





Issobella Owens


The Pastor and staff

wish everyone a happy birthday and

pray God’s blessings upon you.

If your birthday is not listed or listed

incorrectly, please accept our apologies

and let us know in the office

so we can correct our records.

Thank you.

FH-Fellowship Hall HP-Happy People’s Class

CR –Choir Room S-Sanctuary

CFR-Craft Room Kit-Kitchen

C-Crouse Room



LITURGISTS: Mike Langford (8:30)

Richard Slye (11:00)

FINANCE: Carol Gardner

BUS DRIVERS: Sam Pollard & Ed Boyce


Rusty Evans



LITURGISTS: William Milholen (8:30)

Mitchell Woods (11:00)

FINANCE: Vesta Wallio

BUS DRIVERS: Judy Rushton


Ann Gordon Evans

The flowers on the altar this morning were given to the glory of God by Cheryl & David Williams

celebrating their beloved daughter, Alaina’s 25th birthday!

Next Week:

One of the ways the Worship Committee has decided to observe Lent is

by not having flowers on the altar during this season of austerity and

simple reflection. We hope this absence of flowers during Lent (March

1-April 8) will amplify the resurrection message of the Easter flowers

when they arrive!

Stewardship Corner – Feb 19


Worship: Total: 91

8:30 – 25 11:00 - 66

Sunday School: 57

Offering Received last week:

General Fund 5,302.66

Designated Funds 32.00

If you would like to participate in our

envelope mailing program, please call the

church office.

Come Help Us Honor Our Sunday School Teachers!

Everyone is Invited!

Teacher Appreciation Breakfast Sunday, February 26 2016

9:30 to 10:45 am

Breakfast Casseroles, fruit, coffee cakes, juice and coffee

A love offering will be collected.

The United Methodist Men will sponsor a Shrove Tuesday

Pancake supper on February 28 from 5:30 to 7:00 pm. There will be pancakes, waffles, bacon and sausage and

more. The dinner is free but a love offering will be taken

to help cover the cost of the meal.

Lenten Devotional Books are available in the narthex, in the

fellowship hall or on the information table outside the church

office. We hope you will take one to use during Lent. Often people

choose to forego something during Lent: sweets, perhaps, or watching

television. But each year the Society of St. Andrew offers you the

opportunity to do something extra during Lent: take on the spiritual

discipline of daily scripture reading, reflection and prayer. “With

faith the size of a mustard seed” contains readings for each day in the

Lenten season from Ash Wednesday (March 1) through Easter (April

16). The booklets are the church’s gift to you.

Ash Wednesday Worship Service

March 1, 2017

7:00 pm


Jesus is the Question

Each Wednesday March 8, 15, 22, 29 and April 5

Dinner at 6:30 pm Study at 7:00 pm

Jesus wasn’t much on giving direct answers. In fact, of the 183

recorded questions asked of him, he only answered three. He

was, however, good at asking questions. For every question he

specifically answered, he asked—literally—a hundred. In fact,

asking questions was central to Jesus’ life and teachings. Through

his questions he modeled the struggle, the wondering, the thinking-

it-through that helps us draw closer to God and better understand,

not just the answer, but ourselves, our process, and, ultimately, why

questions are among Jesus’ most profound gifts for a life of faith. A

game-changer of a book.

Books are available on the table outside of the church office.

You don’t want to miss it so get your book today!

Thanks to ALL who volunteered and

helped with Night’s Welcome. Here is

one of our groups, UMW Circle 9, that

cooked and served dinner to our guests.

“Chat and Chew” Sessions

with Bishop Sharma D. Lewis

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Warwick Memorial UMC

38 Hoopes Road, Newport News, VA 23602

Please R.S.V.P by February 27, 2017

To Warwick Memorial UMC

Office: (757) 877-2270

On-line: https://bishopvisit.eventbrite.com

Cost for the meal is $8.50 - $10.50 (payable online)

Note: these prices are approximate

How to build relationships with skeptics

It’s easy to lose sight of how important it is to learn about others, especially those who hold

different beliefs than ours. Atheists are one group Christians have historically kept at a distance,

but shouldn’t we try harder to connect with these neighbors of ours? Despite the wide range of

denominations, traditions and views within Christianity, some people assume that all atheists are

the same. The stereotype of an immoral atheist is widespread, but the skeptic camp is also wide

and varied. In fact, even assuming that self-identifying atheists don’t believe in God is fallacious

because eight percent say they believe in a universal spirit.

What if we led churches that build bridges to those from whom we are disconnected? What

are some good ways to engage and connect with those around us who don’t share a belief in the

personal God we elevate? Instead of going on offense with page after page of apologetics, what

if we just listened to people share their story and then shared ours in return?

1. Move closer to those who are different than us

Acknowledge that it is good to be in relationship with skeptics. Theologically it’s about

being bridge builders, about sharing truth we find in Christ. But building relationships and

trust comes first. Focus on the things we agree on and have in common. Where do our

views overlap and how can that overlap bind us together?

We must care about others even if they aren’t like us. Even if they don’t believe in a higher

power. Even if they say harsh things against us. It’s important to remember that atheists do

not want to be your project. If your friendship with them is solely based on the condition

that they will eventually convert, they’d rather have nothing to do with you. They don’t

want to fool with friends who will disappear after the ultimatum is not met.

2. Understand that atheists or agnostics may already attend your church

Sound crazy? You might be surprised to learn what someone in your congregation actually

believes. Maybe they attend church out of obligation to family or local culture. Perhaps

they’ve continued attending despite drifting from belief in God. Or maybe it’s a young

person who hasn’t discovered his or her personal faith. The bottom line is that we be

cautious in using words like “outsiders” when we’re likely already close to people

struggling in their faith.

Bridge building is rewarding. We bear the image of God when we embrace those who aren’t

like us. By racing toward those who are different than us, we live out the good news of Jesus.

Read more of this article at www.umcom.org.

— Clay Morgan, United Methodist Communications

Annual Conference information, logo now available

Preparation for Annual Conference 2017 is underway. The event will take place June 16-18 2017,

at the Hampton Roads Convention Center in Hampton, VA. Visit the webpage at

http://www.vaumc.org/AC2017 to request a banquet, for housing information and to find out

more about Kits for Conference. More information will be shared as it becomes available.

No Cabinet changes for 2017-18

Bishop Lewis shared in a letter to the conference that there will be no Cabinet changes in the

coming year. “I would like to continue to build the present team and allow myself an additional

year to meet and learn the clergy that could be an additional asset to the Cabinet in the coming

years,” said Lewis.

February is Heart Havens Month

February is Heart Havens Month in the Virginia Conference, a time when churches are asked to

make financial contributions to this agency that provides residential services for men and women

with intellectual disabilities by operating nine group homes throughout Virginia. Bulletin inserts,

worship resources and more are available. For more information or to arrange for a Heart Havens

speaker in your church, contact Sarah Wilkinson, Heart Havens Communications and Volunteer

Manager, at (804) 237-6097 or [email protected]

Bishop’s Convocation on Prayer to be held Apr. 1, 2017

Registration is now open for The Bishop’s Convocation on Prayer on Apr. 1, 2017. The event will

take place at Trinity UMC in Richmond with the Rev. Juanita Rasmus acting as plenary

speaker. Fee is $10 and participants will get to choose two workshops to attend. A workshop in

Spanish is also being offered. To learn more about the event, visit www.vaumc.org and click on

“conference calendar,” then navigate to the corresponding event date.

Quote of the Week

“I had no idea she did all of those things. She never said anything about working with the space

program, but she did always ask us how we were doing in school.” — Carolyn Bond, member of

St. James UMC in White Sulphur Springs, WV, recalls Katherine Coleman Goble Johnson whose

story is being recognized in the new movie ‘Hidden Figures.’ Johnson was raised Methodist and

now resides in Hampton, VA.

Published weekly, the electronic Sunday Advocate summarizes news events affecting Virginia United Methodists and serves as a link to

the in-depth reporting of the Virginia United Methodist Advocate, the official magazine of the Virginia Conference. To subscribe to the

monthly Virginia Advocate magazine, call (804) 521-1110 or 1-800-768-6040, ext. 110; or e-mail Advocate@ vaumc.org. Unless

indicated, all news compiled courtesy of the Virginia Advocate, the weekly e-Advocate or United Methodist News Service.

Visitor Center How to Reach Us


NURSERY: Enter through the canopied

entrance on the side of the building. Rest rooms

are down the hall to the left. The Nursery is up

the steps and down the hall to the right. Greeters

and ushers are available to guide you.

REGISTRATION PADS are located in each

pew near the center aisle. Please use these to

record your presence, and to pass along

information for the pastor or the church office.

PRAYER REQUEST CARDS are available in

the pews and in the foyer atop the Prayer Box.

Deposit them in the box, or drop them in the

offering plates.

WE PRACTICE “OPEN” COMMUNION. We celebrate Holy Communion on the first

Sunday of each month, and at other special times.

All are welcome at the table of the Lord,

regardless of church membership, age, or feelings

of worthiness. If you wish to come into

relationship with Christ, deepen or renew that

relationship, there is a place for you here.


A MEMBER OF FIRST UMC, please indicate

so on the registration pad, or contact the pastor.






There is a place for you and your family on

Sunday mornings here at First UMC Hampton!


[email protected]



Rev. Candee Martin

[email protected]


Office Manager/Finance

Laura Harris

[email protected]

[email protected]

Director of Music Ministries

Dean Shinn

[email protected]

Director of Children’s & Youth Music

Christine Woods

[email protected]

Nursery Director

Jenny Hamm

[email protected]