Welcome to File Trac Claims Management System-Adjusters Now that you have logged into the system you are ready to start using FileTrac to perform various activities in the system. The majority of the time you will use the Alerts Page, which you are currently viewing, and the other section of the system you will use the most is the Manage Claims screen. We will review a few key items in each page that you will need to know to properly navigate around the system. ALERTS PAGE To populate an Alert please click on the name of the alert in blue and underlined, this will populate the alerts in the middle/right hand side box. File c No11agcC1ohm ·I .... l1M:l r ac - !'iiys l r.m Nc•••oo:• :;;,.·: 1/ tflOU - ·-:--r.,•t ·r-,.. , n .:~t '·"' r•• ,- :.- IHPO.IANII lo 1,1gn appl•••• tefl:t •11 ema•I wtlh ti.. DAit ol '"" ... t....,. ya.a wnh to atlll!'fld m !he !IIUIIJll l l ll'lt loW..,bm.r~!POnhNirepor1mtt.nc..cc1n ··• We w,llonly •tf'l, ••d ... nd the (on .. ) lavrCc lo lhc ••••I •ddrr.n rfftuca;lht9 lhc racrvetio. Ot'lly. l'tce,c lifnlt 011c reowic1l per cm•il •d4re:u .. ~.I!! t,o-e: 'Ol. CNl."t /,UC C/il! !tl,1Tf ; ~.;. C::e,.t~n;;. NOT' "~ Cf\SON. no.:.,,,< ,·cu II / U/2DOB t '""' " e.-; 1,:: ·,•,,:,- ~1:1 ft.,., 1,e d 'l'W To .\n,,e-,, 9::e-~ 11 Jrnr,,,a..c,r,. i ' , ·) RLECT P A<.E: : I I. iiffi#§tlfi hi " '8 •2013 ) .,4a•S) PM • "' Tf1~ r;.-.~d..,., l C <'1 ,1 -,,. ; lnMff : Pubec ·· ,: (',,-:l ""~' 4 ' 8! Wl3 2. •J: <4-4 PM - Insur.ct; THt ~ . ' • •- • • ··~ t • - , s-~-~"1 i: ..... ~-;.r:, "':- -·- C", u~ ·-. e Note: With all the alerts you will want to keep them cleared out so that your system will run more efficiently. Remember to click the Clear, Mark as Read or Remove the Alert, buttons. 1) FileTrac Reminders: This feature is created by putting a note in a file and then selecting a date in the future that you wish to follow up on something regarding that file. To create the reminder go to the Manage Claims (1) screen and click on the word Notes (2) under the Diary Heading, for the file you wish to make a note on. nu~ - ,. • • • • 8 .. : · ....;,~':&. t)) .. ;..,_ ;J: ;~11".!1 J :'Jl:l: (Np,) ,~ .. ,..:-,, ., · :tet·u·, --: c·..-·r ~s File c f) St¥01 .. Fr.~.F11'1c:1 .....

Welcome to File Trac Claims Management System-Adjustersscgadjusters.com/FileTrac - Adjuster- Instructions.pdf · Welcome to File Trac Claims Management System-Adjusters Now that you

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Page 1: Welcome to File Trac Claims Management System-Adjustersscgadjusters.com/FileTrac - Adjuster- Instructions.pdf · Welcome to File Trac Claims Management System-Adjusters Now that you

Welcome to File Trac Claims Management System-Adjusters

Now that you have logged into the system you are ready to start using File Trac to perform

various activities in the system. The majority of the time you will use the Alerts Page, which

you are currently viewing, and the other section of the system you will use the most is the

Manage Claims screen. We will review a few key items in each page that you will need to know

to properly navigate around the system.


To populate an Alert please click on the name of the alert in blue and underlined, this will

populate the alerts in the middle/right hand side box.

File c


· I .... l1M:l r ac - !'iiysl r.m Nc•••oo:• • :;;,.·: 1/ tflOU -·-:--r.,•t ·r-,.. , n .:~t '·"' r•• ,- : . -

IHPO.IANII lo 1,1gn appl•••• tefl:t •11 ema•I wtlh ti.. DAit ol '"" ... t....,. ya.a wnh to atlll!'fld m !he !IIUIIJll l l ll'lt loW..,bm.r~!POnhNirepor1mtt.nc..cc1n ··• We w,llonly •tf'l, ••d ... nd the (on .. ) lavrCc lo lhc ••••I •ddrr.n rfftuca;lht9 lhc racrvetio. Ot'lly. l'tce,c lifnlt 011c reowic1l per cm•il •d4re:u .. ~.I!! t,o- e: 'Ol. CNl."t /,UC C/il! !tl,1Tf ; ~.;. C::e,.t~n;;. NOT'"~ Cf\SON. no.:.,,,< ,·cu ~

• II / U/2DOB • t '""' " e.-;1,:: ·,•,,:,- ~1:1 ft.,., 1,ed 'l'W To .\n,,e-,, 9::e-~ 11 Jrnr,,,a..c,r,. i ' , ·)

RLECT P A<.E: : I I . iiffi#§tlfi hi • " '8 •2013 ) .,4a•S) PM • " ' Tf1~ r;.-.~d..,., l C <'1 ,1 -,,.; lnMff: Pubec ~~. ~~-

· · ,: (',,-:l ""~' • 4 '8! Wl3 2.•J:<4-4 PM -~ Insur.ct; THt ~ . ' • •- • • · · ~ t • - ,

s-~-~"1 i: ..... ~-;.r:, "':- -·- C", u~ ·-. e

Note: With all the alerts you will want to keep them cleared out so that your system will run

more efficiently. Remember to click the Clear, Mark as Read or Remove the Alert, buttons.

1) FileTrac Reminders: This feature is created by putting a note in a file and then selecting a

date in the future that you wish to follow up on something regarding that file. To create the

reminder go to the Manage Claims (1) screen and click on the word Notes (2) under the Diary

Heading, for the file you wish to make a note on.

~ ~

nu~ • - ,. • • • • • 8 ..

: · ....;,~':&.

t)) ..

;..,_;J: ;~11".!1 J

:'Jl:l: (Np,) , ~ .. ,..:-,, .,

t· · :te• t·u·, --: c·..-·r ~s

File c

f) St¥01 .. Fr.~. F11'1c:1 .....

Page 2: Welcome to File Trac Claims Management System-Adjustersscgadjusters.com/FileTrac - Adjuster- Instructions.pdf · Welcome to File Trac Claims Management System-Adjusters Now that you

Enter your note in the big box, then go down below the box and click on the little select box

next to a calendar icon ~ . click on the calendar icon and select the date you want to be

reminded of this note. Click on the green Save Comment.

Enter your diary note here:

Follow up on Frida,

T XT s~f,. , Yes

Text Characters Max 100: 80

Insert Signature

• • Apnl • 2013 • £j " I.I

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat l 3 .: 5 6

e 9 10 11 12~ 15 16 17 ~8 19 20

22 23 2.: 2 5 26 2 29 3

Today is Fri, 12 .'.<pr 2013


All Admins Only

Branch Adm111 (Holbr ook Branch)

Manager (Steven Zuct-owsk1 )

Supervisor (Steve Zuchc•., ski)


Visible to Client To email/ alert/etc. your Client, check this box.


Show Alert in FileTrac

Send Email/ Text Message

Set Reminde r for 4/12/2013

Plain EMail


CHOOSE RECIPIENTS (for m ethcds selected above)

Client Company Claims Rep for this file Steven Zuchowski (t,. anager / Supervisor)

Steven Zuchowski (TXT)

Insured: John Q . Public

Trle F,:,llot•,1 r g 3 re ~mail only rer 1p,er ts . T-;, use t r'i em r~1.. fTlvst 3c!'1va te er,; 3 11 l'J O! , c.a t ,,;..'1 3t ~r- e t ,;p -;,, f thi s page Th1 $ wdl apply ~~ .a. fl selec~ed , ec,p ,ent.= for th, s- ri ::.- t e.

Email the Primary Insured

Email the Primary Claima nt

EMail this address:

Page 3: Welcome to File Trac Claims Management System-Adjustersscgadjusters.com/FileTrac - Adjuster- Instructions.pdf · Welcome to File Trac Claims Management System-Adjusters Now that you

The note will be placed in the file and you will be notified on the date you selected through this

alert. On the date that the reminder populates, simply click on the File# (link) and it will take

you right to that file so that you can go in and view what you need to.


M4D49S C8tfrn1

~ t ...

f ,t., r,--.-1;"''"" """"~ !-:a,."f.l • , ; ,.., ••- ·~ r·,·-.:- ! . .-

• ..!.:.:..'. 4 f 1 (Xll"l •

.. ,,,,,"" ;~, .... , o,~;.1 1.o- s 1.:111~..,.. lfft:Jl~ 'ft =h••~ofllr1r .. ::i..;r, 1.::..:.t:;

13 St::tdl· 5¥11

2) Response Requested From Others: This Alert lets you know that someone has put a note in a

file and selected to send you an alert within File Trac. Depending on the alert message you will

have 3 options. If they were just notifying you of something and no activity is required, once

you have read the message, simply click on (Mark as Read ) this will clear the message on your

screen and on the sender's Response Requested From Me it will change the color of your name

from Red to Green so that they are aware you had read the note. If the sender wants you to go

to the file to view a report and you need to get in that file click on (View Claim), this will take

you right to the claim and show you any reports that were uploaded or have the ability to

navigate around that file. If the sender was simply asking a question and you need to respond

to them, click on the file number #Test-00123, this will automatically pull up the Notes screen

for this file where you can click in the big notes box, enter your response and then you have the

option to send them an alert in FileTrac and/or email, by clicking the appropriate boxes on the

right, select their name from the recipient list and then click the Save Comment. Your response

will be documented in the Notes for that file. You always need to click Mark as Read in your

Response Requested From Others to let the person know you took action on that Alert.

Mooooe Claim5 Ouick Note, Oufck Timcfoo


Sclc•ct~Alcrt "'

• :.. ...... ,. .. ; - · ,.. • ,, I"'!$ Ma"<t::I L.r9e r : It..-:;,.,.: :1t•1 U"l•••O: ~ •• · • t.a :

• =•s;;: '"1"' $• : ,.c,.,. .. .. ... g f· ;;; 'TI ,. . . .. ~ • Cc:mm el"'ts H•·<.e:I i.r ;ier: ~.: .. : :1te, l..:""•1: ; ·•n · ·: · ro: · ; .. , ~

• : .. .. , •• .:u £ "r"' f; ''"$ • f : 1 -,- . .. .;;IJ .. .. Tf .. f ..J I°

Response Requested from Others • Comme,cs Marked urgent:

SELEC T PAGE: : 1 13N1¥§fiiltbl • 4/ 12 f2013 1_:_3_6: 30 PM - ~PRJ·'C. T,,u ·t ·Ol Insured : Public by BranchAdmin : Smith • . ,. ,.,., • . ·~ ~ ,

S,ff •• ,..,.'°?"' • .. ~# ...• :_

Alerts 1 t o 1 of 1 Alerts SELECT PAGE: }

Page 4: Welcome to File Trac Claims Management System-Adjustersscgadjusters.com/FileTrac - Adjuster- Instructions.pdf · Welcome to File Trac Claims Management System-Adjusters Now that you

3) Responses Requested by Me: These are alerts that you have sent someone by putting a note

in the file and selecting to send them an alert. If you see the person's name in Green then they

have read the message and you can click on the (Remove the alert) and this will remove the

message from your screen. If their name is still in Red then you can assume that they did not

read that message yet and you can click on the (View Claim), this will take you directly to the

claim to navigate around that file to see if they have done what was asked of them. Another

option you have is to click on the file number #Test-00123, which will open the Notes screen for

that file and enter another note to that individual, and again send them an alert and/or email

by checking the appropriate box on the right hand side and select their name in the recipient

list, then click the Save Comment.

Manage Clain1s

. • ;,c5 ... cr5,: i,CQYCXC:i t, rjC • :'.:cmmerts Ma-...;ed Ur-gen.:

q•: , ... ,:,:ates u.,-.,~ •,; ~•- ::: :•·•, · ••": • ;U"cra 3iCCYCSte:~ f"cm C._~ .. <- - Commeri:s Ma ... ..:ed

rgert "• ,., .. ,-.te, u .. ·••= - ••· -s: l"• ~ .. ,,

• :,:r j re .:u ,gr n"'¢:r""S • • t : , ., .. ., ... :.u a ., ..... ,..,t 1•

11 #Ifill l§l;N14t>

Quick Notes Quick Timelog


Response Requested by Me - Comments Marked Urgent

SELECT PAGE, , 1 Ni§S1'#Mi i#-Utii

Page 5: Welcome to File Trac Claims Management System-Adjustersscgadjusters.com/FileTrac - Adjuster- Instructions.pdf · Welcome to File Trac Claims Management System-Adjusters Now that you


This is the section of the system that will list all of your open files. Once a file is closed it is

removed from this page but can be recalled at any time by using the drop down Search option

in the Blue Bar. The first thing we recommend is selecting how many files you want this screen

to populate you have the options of 10, 25, 50 or 100, we recommend 25.

~ New ctalm Manage claims


!Test Upload Tool R£POIITS<il>

PRJ - XactTest- 01 ll!i $ R£POIITS<il)

S ~; ~e20: 3 =ubhc . , CO tl ' •V:IS ;)

=u.bhc (Ma-x) :::urACrs

File ac

Quick Umelog ReRo.ru companies 1 ~ 1 ~

l Search ".II Pwnar, F1e1os

E> ir•ar,1 Jrsu"arce Ccmpar ·, Jct-I" Juc;r s

E> •'"'ar, Irsu"ar ce CC l'Tl'"'§'"',• Jct-n Jyp:ter 8

Ir1;,ot _c;cr}~:i .. ::>ue . .. 9 - • .,

[r1 <:14I Ccr;ac; :lue;.: 5 :013

T ime ~

'te"er, Zu,~,;.,s <· 8

~ ~ 8




Next go to the dropdown on the right hand side in the blue bar and select Multi-Criteria Search

and then cl ick the Search button in the blue bar and this will lock this feature in. The Multi­

Criteria Search is a powerful tool to search for any file that is opened, closed or both (if you are

not sure the status of the file). You can also use partial searches in several of the fields.

File ac

~ New cfaim Manage Claims lliJ.!ing Quick Notes Quick Uroelog &:R2l1S Comonnie:;

File# : Claims Rep:

Client Claim#: Loss Address:

Policy#: Loss City:

Loss Dnte Fron1 : Loss State:

Loss Date To: Loss ZlP:

eceived Date From: Phone:

Received Date To: Manager:

l.lutb-Cntena Seareh

... d.ust-er .;ss1oneo Super.,sor !..ss19nee File r= 1E.,1act1 File = 1Pa111a1 Claimant Last r la"11e c1a1'lls Rep ;,ss1gneo

C=::J Custom~r Cla1""t ~ Insurance Compan,


Pn"l1ar, Insureds Last IJaMe Pn-,,ar, Seconaar, lnsurecs Lastrla"'le E ----,

: ..n, Contact Last Ila e ~ Status • I : Loss street >.".~ress

~I 8-e,-ect- a ,-.1.-n. Loss C1t1 ~-- - Loss Stale

Loss Type: ! Select a Loss T,pe • I f!le..! .t.1.1.im

IT~~t !J12l2ad !921 @ s ,ix--.~-~~ REPOl!IS<il> ~

PBl-~ns;;!;Ts::11-Ql ~ s ~ RB'OIITS<il> ~


.: ·e ·20:3 l'ubhc

::::: ru ,.crs

.:. 'o! 2013 ;:.ut:hc (Mar>..J ., ::.:::rn~s


.) E)·1ror · f1"'SU .. §"'C'C Compar..., [r ,•·a , Ccrtact ~ Jc t-r Juc•>C" 8 :}ue ~ 5. :: : 3 ~


~ ~ 8

~ ~ 8

Diary Invoic e

Page 6: Welcome to File Trac Claims Management System-Adjustersscgadjusters.com/FileTrac - Adjuster- Instructions.pdf · Welcome to File Trac Claims Management System-Adjusters Now that you

1) Viewing Documents: Once you have located the file you wish to review click on the

REPORTS~ icon this will open the file and show you a list of all the documents that have been

uploaded to this file. To view an individual document click on the eyeball icon <a> in the same

line as the document you want to view.


A!filll New Claim Manage Claims .llillirul Ouick Notes Quick Jimelog .ReJl2W companies I ~ I ~

PRJ-XactTest-01 lei $ IIIPOIIT5(a>

~ : .: e~0!. 3

,! ' ,! 2 : ::,

out: l1c C::N!ACJS

"Yt loc (Marx) c::Nr~s :J

! Seareh ..JI Pnmar, Fields

Tln1c ~

E)l if" § f"I I Ir, s;,1 .. arc• Ccmcori , [ l"' 1t>,9 l Cc,.,tact ~ Jc>-r Juc1ti:· 9 )ue:.: 9 ::.:3 V

f >; 1r, pr, Ir s,ra r c;i: Ccmco!" "f !!'r;1!! Cgr5~:3 ~ )ct->r Jup,r~ ... 8 .... ue . .i :, _ ... 3 ~



~ New Claim Manage claims .!ill!ing Quick Notes Quick Umelog ~ companies I ~ 1 ~

! Seareh >\JI Primar, F1elcs

Time Ml.law Diary

•Test Upload Tool @ $ TJ X--;;c5e c •e ,20 t 3 ?ub lo c IIPOl150 Q · c ~ ,..,., r. ~ C0 r11AC'1'S ,)




Report Date Description Eka,dle Docu,,.l"lb I Add .... D_ ..

Printed OeUv-er Viewed Doco • ...... Report

0_' 9 ' : 13 3rd Report ( '.\7j · Test3 ~ ~ 00 J \Y@ Ne

C '9 '2 : 3 2nd Report TXlj · Test!. .fl2ll (0 ~ <il> 00 J \Y@ Ne

.: ·s·i 13 111 Reli!S2Cl { I .\ 1 · Test2 ~ ~ <il> 00 J \Y@ No

Note: After viewing a document and you wish to remain in the claim, look up in the blue bar to

the right and click on Manage this Claim, this will keep you within this claim instead of clicking

on the Mange Claims heading and bringing you back to the list of open files.


- - l ll>SD I IIIIIIW

, ,,1-+ ~ Ho 1.• Tools 5"ln

~ - Addre,1 Line J

Page 7: Welcome to File Trac Claims Management System-Adjustersscgadjusters.com/FileTrac - Adjuster- Instructions.pdf · Welcome to File Trac Claims Management System-Adjusters Now that you

2) Uploading Documents: To upload a document click on the OAD button under the file

number on the Manage Claims screen for the file you wish to place the document in .


A!.eru New claim Manage Claims .!iillirul Quick Notes Quick Timelog .lwl2W companies I J,ls.e.[s I ~

PRl- XactTest-01 ~ $ RIPOIITS<a)

nx- -;,s.; i:.e C'-:.,. N a r.

.: ·.:. ·20 :.;

Oubllc :::; r,,t,.;;..iS .)

c ubhc (Mal"XJ CO HT~ S

i Seareh ~JI Pnmar, Fields

E> 1ra ro , trsrarce Ccmcar·, Jct,r Ju cite .. 8

E> •ri ar • Jr su ... arc• Cc mcar ·, Jc r- ... Jue ts" 8

Ir1;,o; Ccrtag )u~· .: ·9 ·: : :. 3

Jr 1t1a! ccr;oc; :)ue ~ 5 : Ju

Time ~ Diary Invoice

Then click on the dropdown and select what it is you are uploading or keep it selected to

Miscellaneous (choosing Miscellaneous will use the name of the document based on how you

saved it on your computer, and that will be the name of the document once it is uploaded).

Browse for your document and double click on it, then click Upload Report.


kport Type:


lrpo,t 0Ncf1)1.aa; ~~;~~:. E."IC!m!t Fl'I R?p1 C~11 Rf:,:t1


Sd«t lt9art Docurfffll: Chxtt ftt lo) t er-:!!"!

. ... ,ht..i.,.t .. llMtW.-u,....__.,. Text lie Ad1v1:ttr t!Mt tllil doc.nt Ns bttl ,osttd

&i,Mldte ~ doc:-..-.1: toAd)VSlcr

fJNd the~ "'at did docaatll Ms btttl posted

Text the ~tMW tit.al U... doc::aaNl Ms btta potted

EINil t~ IJpNded docllMM la SupeMIOI'


··x1ro ,n ootmaltd9! 10m, Um4ftcumcnt. mcstittdr nehft:Jomrd!Hf.' · : ;: -•l'-1C"'t~;t:, !::r-"·1.' f"':Hlrtr I . . .. . : .. ' . .. . - . . ; ~ .

: l..-;;s:-t r tt-1,:· ~:..-te"l'lllif"tf~

~:,: t,


Page 8: Welcome to File Trac Claims Management System-Adjustersscgadjusters.com/FileTrac - Adjuster- Instructions.pdf · Welcome to File Trac Claims Management System-Adjusters Now that you

3) Notes: To view Notes simply click on the word Notes under the Diary Heading.


A!m:i New claim Manage Claims ruJling Quick Notes Quick I]mefog ~ companies I ~ I ~

I Search 'JI Pn..,ar, F1e1cs

Time ~

ITe:st UPioad Tool $ TIX·7cs.:..c:g .: ·s 2013 RIPOIITS~ ~

Pu 1,c ., COW 4CTS ,J

Ex1ra r1 ICSU "'§l"C( Ccmoar·, Jr ,;,a : Cer~act £l'i. Jot'l r Juc•ti!" 8 Jue · .:. 9 :~:3 V

~ ~ 8

PRJ-xactJs;st-01 @ S RIPORTS<a) " '" 20:3

=ublit (Marx) . c=mAClS ~

E) ll'' §f"I Jrsy rar c;,; Ccmpan·, J/"11t ,al CONOCt ~ Jct-I"' Juc1te '" 8 :>:ue: .:. s :.J!l V

~ ~ 8

This will open a new window where you can view the notes of a file by simply using the pull

down bar on the right hand side of the window, the newest note will be on top.

Cllth brr,: to P999dtlr ftrkb wUb HYnl dele' _

11!'.nter vour d l•rv note hue:

TXT S• '• YH

T•xt Ola,Kt- N- 1001 100 --I

C3 Re.mind mt: .about this on &/ 17/ 1013



TN!-. 2.i1.:.1PU

=AdJUSttf Comm«lts Alert Shown

ZIJChicoAs~. Ste...ret'I (UJ. 1-.1!> ~ .. ,.


A.II Adm ,ns Only

9r,.nch Adr•nn .. ~ l!.r;

Nana9er {Stever Z...:hc-As ,o)

Supli!rvtMr (St•ve,, Zudlc A, .o)

\lisU,le lo Cliettl To emall/elert/ ttc. your Client. dtec.t this box.


~fQ .. Alert In rll~Trac

Send Emal/Text Nu.sage Pl•kl £Nall Set Reminder fo., 4 / ll/201 3 :3

CKOOS.E U:Cll'IUHS (fer 1"etr.:xls u !t:::ed 1t-ov•)

CJlnt C~nv Clalrns R•p fot tNs me Steven ZUdlowsb (M1Nt;r I SuO#f".rsv) Ste ... .n Zud'\O·~b (T."1) lDSdred: lohn Q , Pul:lk

'"> • h-=- :- .-.lt9'>1y .. :c11,-..-:. r~~ .. do.,., ~ ... .. -r. .a =:-v,:. ...... 1 • ;r.#:, :,;-, .a! !'" • t:# 1f !'1" 1:-,;. ..,. ,, .. t1 ~--,:1>, ~ , JI ,.:~~~ l:, e,, f ,-,;:.

Im.ii lite P.tm.,., l___.

c-;a-.Prirnll,.,cs.a.n..•t Dt.lUthaddreHf

4 / 11/lOll SI00.01 Ptt

w u c;n"'1de

U•• s.ltdtO Co"""'1\tl'M H Rue

Page 9: Welcome to File Trac Claims Management System-Adjustersscgadjusters.com/FileTrac - Adjuster- Instructions.pdf · Welcome to File Trac Claims Management System-Adjusters Now that you

(1) To add a note simply click in the big box on the left hand side, enter your note and then cl ick

on the (2) Save Comment button. Also notice the (3) CLIPPINGS field -you can add/edit as well

as use Clippings that were added by your Ad min. A clipp ing is a commonly used statement -

used to cut out your duplicate entry and so there is less miscommunication. Make sure you click

your mouse in the Diary Notes box then choose the CLIPPING you want. It will auto-fill for you .

To send someone an (4) Alert and/or Email enter your comment in the comment box and then

on the right hand side you can chose to send an Alert within File Trac and/or Email, then select

the name of the person in the (5) recipient box, then click the (2) Save Comment button.

Enter your diary note here:

T . sa .:-e : Yes

Te.xt Ch~ractetS Hax 100: 100 I

Insert S1cnature

.e. 1.1 , c1,cconcs

3 Remind me about this on 4 / 12/ 2013

Time: 2 J 1 J 1 Pl.I



All Admms Onlv

Branch Adm,n (Hclb•cc< a rarct, )

Manager (Steven Zuchc~-.~ki)

Supervisor { Steven Zuchc ·,\S IOJ

Visible to Client To emLJll/a/ert/etc. your Client, check this box.


Show Alert in FileTrac

Send Email/Text Message Plain EMal

Set Reminder for 4 / 12/ 2013 3 CHOOSE RECIPIENTS ( for metrods selected above /

Client Company Claims Rep for this file Stea en Zuchowski (,'1onager I SLJDEN SC')

Ste~en Zuchowski (TIT) Insured: John Q. Pubhc

Save Progress


Tr• Fdl,:\·, ,.-g ., ... ~•ii only ,.:,c ... ::,- T-:. i..s• er•M ~ ~ ... rr. ... s: .J:-:, . .,.,=• .,.,,.,,: .,,: :,f ,c1e,~ .. ~~ :,... X:> ,:f

:,-,1 c-•; • - ,. ,, \ .. ,u 1r:r;I , =~ . n s•:•=t•-= rw=,p,.-~:s f-:.,. :r-, , ,.o:•

Email the Primary Insured

Email th• Primary Claimant

EHaiJ th.is address:

Page 10: Welcome to File Trac Claims Management System-Adjustersscgadjusters.com/FileTrac - Adjuster- Instructions.pdf · Welcome to File Trac Claims Management System-Adjusters Now that you

. i· 4) Timelog: To enter timelog information click on the green clock

File ac

Al.!:.rui New Claim Manage claims .l!1llinq Quick Notes Quick Timelog Rel!2!1:! companies 111.sfil:S I ~

~Test Upl9ad Tool @ S TJX- - :5a: .:z .: ,8

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Diary Invo ice

The first thing you will want to do is select the {1) date you performed the service by clicking on

the calendar icon and selecting the date (Note: You have the abil ity to back date the entry to

the date you performed the service and it will appear in the timelog in chronological order).

Next go to the (2) Service Name dropdown and select the service you wish to charge for, then

go over to the {3) Description box and type in your activity/comment, and then go to the (4)

Quantity box and enter the quantity you need to charge for this service. If you need to charge

for another Service, simply click on the (5) Add Service Row and another line will be added in

which you can charge for the next service. Also if an Expense Item is needed you will see where

you can add Expenses. If you paid for the expense item make sure you check the box in the {6)

Reimburse column or you will not get reimbursed for this item.

Note: Your system may contain (7) Timelog Codes, by selecting these codes you will not have to

type in the information as it will auto populate that item and if need be you can add to that

code by typing the additional information in the Description box. To see what a Code will auto

fill, click on the @ and this will show you what that code will auto fill in the description for that

timelog. Also your Company may have (BJ Timelog Macros (Templates}, the Timelog Macros if selected will populate Service lines for a particular Service/ Activity that is commonly used. When

using the Timelog Macros simply put in the Quantity for each service line, and if need add

additional information in the description box. Click (9) Submit Timelog Entry when done.

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Page 12: Welcome to File Trac Claims Management System-Adjustersscgadjusters.com/FileTrac - Adjuster- Instructions.pdf · Welcome to File Trac Claims Management System-Adjusters Now that you

5) Doc Library: The Doc Library is an area in File Trac that contains Client Instructions, Forms,

Policies and whatever your Company has uploaded for access for their employees. The Doc

Library link can be found under the Claim# while in the Manage Claims screen. To view the

documents click on Doc Library, this will take you to a different page where it will contain both

General Documents as well as Client Specific Documents.

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Time ~ Diary Invoice

Click on the (1) dropdown to select a category you wish to search for a particular document or

simply keep it at All, then click (2) Click to view documents. To view any of the documents click

on the (3) name of the document and it will produce it in the format that it was loaded in. You

have the choice to view it, print it, type in it (if uploaded originally as a Word Doc) or attach it to

the f ile in the Reports area. To put the document in the file you are working on cl ick on the (4)

(/' icon. This will add this document to the Reports area for this file where you can Edit it (if the

document is a Word Doc, Excel Doc or a Writeable PDF), Email it to a recipient, or simply have it

be part of the fi le.

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The docu m ent library hous th Ge neral Documents and Client-Specific Docu r file# IT est Desktop Upload Tool.

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6) Word/Excel Templates: The Word/Excel Templates are documents that auto fill claim

specific information. These documents can be letters, reports, or forms. To produce these

documents click on the . ::oNT,\CTS under the insured's name for a file.

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This will take you to the Contacts area for the file, click on the Word/Excel Templates link in the

blue bar.

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Click on the (1) Select Category dropdown and select the Category for the document you wish

to produce (in the majority of your systems you will be able to choose from Forms, Letters or

Reports). Next click on the (2) Select Template dropdown and select the document you wish to

produce. If no boxes appear click on the format in which you wish this document to be in, you

have the option of (3) Produce PDF or Produce Word/Excel (most of the time I would highly

recommend to produce it as a Word or Excel document so if you need to make changes to it you

will have the ability to do so). If (4) boxes appear above the buttons to produce the document

in the format you want, there will be labels to the left of each box that will label what you need

to type in each box. There is no limitations to the characters that can be entered in these boxes

and the text that you enter will auto fill in the document where it needs to appear. IF you need

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to create another paragraph in the text box simply hit your Enter key a couple of times and

then you can proceed in filling in the text box. Now click on the Produce button for the format

you wish this document to be in. Once you have produced the document click on the (5)

Manage this Claim link in the blue bar and it will take you back to the Reports area where you

can view this document or edit it.

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HINT- You can edit a Word Doc without having to Save it to your computer by clicking on the

word EDIT after the NAME of the Report on the page where you see the list of all reports

uploaded. Hover over the"?" for instructions.

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7) Quick Edit Claim: This icon ~ is located next to the word Contact under the insured's name

while in the Manage Claims screen, when you put your cursor on the icon you will get the

popup where you can enter several key pieces of information for a claim. You can enter the

Date of First Contact and Date of Inspection by clicking on the calendar icon for each of them

and selecting the date you performed that service, now go to the bottom of the icon and click

the Update button. This will keep the dates that you performed those services in the popup

and automatically make a note in the file and mark it visible to your client. This popup is to be

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used for Fee Schedule claims where you can enter the Amount of Claim (the RCV estimate

without deduction for the deductible or depreciation) and now the system will know what tier

to charge the client for this claim.

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Also in the popup you will note that there is a link for Quick Timelog.

X Close Popup Quick Notes I Ouick Timeloal

When you click on that link it will open the Quick Timelog in a separate tab or window where

you have the ability to put a (1) note in a file, (2) send an email, communicate with the office in

the upper portion and then in the lower portion be able to (3) select services and charge your

client for the time & expense that you have on a file, remember to click on the (4) Submit

Timelog on the bottom of the page.

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