Welcome to IMAP

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  • Welcome to iMAP Wood Group PSN Management System

  • Wood Group PSN - Welcome to iMAP

    iMAP defines how we work at all levels of the organisation, ranging from high level strategic direction right down to specific working processes, documents and forms. It captures our best methods and standard practices so that all offices and worksites in our network have quick and easy access to this shared information.

    iMAP applies to all Wood Group PSN employees in all locations and compliance with the system is mandatory. Whatever your role in the company, I encourage you to refer to iMAP to help you do your job and suggest any improvements to the system.

    Robin Watson

    Wood Group PSN CEO


    Our customers choose to do business with Wood Group PSN because we provide a consistent, high quality service.

    We achieve this through a robust organisational structure; effective processes, tools and applications; a competent and knowledgeable workforce; and a strong culture based on our core values. A single business management system, in the form of iMAP provides the framework for this ongoing achievement.


  • iMAP introduction 03

    iMAP scope 04

    how does iMAP apply to me? 05

    iMAP framework 06

    our business 07

    our values 08

    our strategy 09

    our people 10

    how we work 12

    process overview 14

    iMAP management of change 15

    iMAP improvements 16

    review 17

    iMAP awareness 18

    Wood Group PSN - Welcome to iMAP



  • iMAP introduction

    Wood Group PSN - Welcome to iMAP

    The purpose of this handbook is to provide clarity on how iMAP is established, implemented, maintained and improved at all levels of the organisation.

    iMAP is designed to assist all WGPSN employees carry out their work as efficiently as possible and to a consistently high quality. It defines how we do business at all levels ranging from the general direction and organisation as a company, right down to specific working processes, documents and forms.

    By bringing together details of our customers' requirements, legal and other compliance requirements, and the latest expertise on how to conduct all areas of our work, we ensure consistency and continual improvement of our services.

    iMAP applies to all WGPSN employees in all locations and compliance with the system is mandatory. This manual provides an overview of the key elements of iMAP. It covers our business, core values, strategic direction and organisational structure in addition to how we work.


    iMAP is more than a collection of processes and procedures. It outlines who we are, our core values and our behaviours, our strategy and our organisation and our people.

  • iMAP applies to WGPSN operations worldwide and is regularly assessed by our third party certification body, to meet the requirements of ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 international standards for management systems and the European Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC.

    Our global scope of approval covers the provision of support services to the upstream and downstream oil and gas, chemical, energy and utility industries comprising:

    Wood Group PSN - Welcome to iMAP

    Project Management


    Multi-discipline engineering, design and consultancy

    Resource management

    Construction, installation, pre-commissioning and commissioning

    Operations (including management of Duty Holder Assets)

    Maintenance and shutdown services

    iMAP scope

    A number of WGPSN offices throughout our network have been independently assessed and certified to a scope based on the service we provide in each location.

    Provision of support services to the upstream and downstream oil and gas, chemical, energy and utility industries.


    Q.Does iMAP apply to joint ventures, affiliates, subsidiaries, branches, etc?

    The application of iMAP is dependent on the contractual arrangements of the joint venture. Contact your assignment manager for more information on the applicability of iMAP at your location.

  • how does iMAP apply to me?

    Wood Group PSN - Welcome to iMAP

    Everyone in our company works within our management system, whether it be managing a project, producing an engineering deliverable, recruiting a new hire or submitting our invoice. The way we work has been designed and implemented to ensure that data is effectively managed and that approvals and controls provide traceability and assurance.

    All employees should familiarise themselves with the requirements of the management system for their own specific area. Comply with these requirements and challenge these if there are more effective and efficient ways to do the work. Our CEO, Robin Watson has the ultimate accountability to ensure that our management system is effective and the continued maintenance, suitability and adequacy is resourced. This responsibility is delegated to the global quality manager for the day to day stewardship of iMAP.

    Functional managers/Focal Points (including those in corporate and deployed positions) are responsible for ensuring that their element of the management system is effectively documented and communicated throughout the business.

    This includes active participation in the review and approval of functional iMAP content including change (see management of change section in this booklet). Where instances of non conformance, preventive actions, etc point to weaknesses in our management system documentation then functional managers shall ensure that these improvements are addressed, communicated and are embedded within our business.

    Assignment, Contract and Project managers are responsible for ensuring that effective management system arrangements are deployed on their specific business area including the allocation of resources to effectively deploy and manage their local arrangements. The primary application of iMAP is through the adoption of global ways of working, however where local specific arrangements apply then these deviations will be managed in line with iMAP management of change processes.

    All other key roles and responsibilities for the day to day management of iMAP are detailed within global iMAP documentation including iMAP role profiles, etc.


  • iMAP is structured to apply across our business and is subject to continual review and improvement. To help us do this, we have developed iMAP to identify roles, responsibilities, processes and controls that we have in place to achieve our goals, objectives and measure our performance. iMAP is shaped by our overall business strategy and core values.

    Wood Group PSN - Welcome to iMAP

    iMAP framework

    This framework is based on the classic Plan, Do, Check, Act cycles as shown below:


    > Manage corrective / preventative action data> Implement business improvements> Lessons learned

    > Wood Group Core Values> Global and local business strategies & goals

    > Roles and responsibilities> Local improvement plan

    > Execute work using globaland local iMap content

    > Contract / Project KPIs> Global and local assurance & audit activities> Reporting arrangements> Process reviews> Monitor customer feedback

  • our business

    Wood Group PSN - Welcome to iMAP

    Wood Group PSN, a division of Wood Group, is a global provider of pre-operations including start-up and assurance, engineering, construction, hook-up and commissioning, operations and maintenance, project management and procurement, decommissioning, consultancy, duty holder and training services to the energy industry.

    Our ambition is to be the best production services company to work for, the best production services company to work with, and have a relentless focus on continuous improvement. To achieve this, we put our Core Values at the centre of all that we do; they are our guiding principles under which we operate.

    WGPSN is built on a global reputation for providing highly skilled services to the oil, gas, and process industries. We are delivering outstanding maintenance services on contracts around the world.


    For more information on our business click hereor visit the our business section of iMAP.

  • Wood Groups core values are at the heart of our business because they define who we are, how we work, what we believe in and what we stand for. Our core values set out how we act and how we expect to be treated as part of WGPSN. When faced with difficult decisions, we make choices which best reflect our core values.

    Wood Group PSN - Welcome to iMAP

    our values

    Values are the DNA of our business they are a global gold standard that guides our thinking, determines our behaviour, and allows us to adapt to local needs.


    For more information on our values click here or visit the our values section of iMAP.

    Safety & Assurance


    Social Responsibility



    Financial Responsibility


  • our strategy

    Wood Group PSN - Welcome to iMAP

    We target controlled growth and will only tender for work where we can do the work in such a way that exceeds our customer expectations and is profitable for WGPSN.

    Our strategy will deliver increased revenues which shall come from repeat business from existing customers, new customers, WGPSN Joint Ventures and acquisitions. To support these growth areas, WGPSN shall continually improve our support to customers, deliver and further develop our core competencies while improving our processes, systems and tools to create competitive advantage.

    This will allow us to:

    Deliver high-quality solutions to customers quicker and more cost-effectively

    Share work across the network more easily

    Operate with a competitively low overhead

    Deliver on shareholders growth expectations

    We set our strategy around our core values. In defining our strategy we assess the potential growth opportunities available in our industry and match those to our core capabilities, competencies and strengths.


    For more information on our strategy click here or visit the our strategy section of iMAP.

  • Wood Group PSN - Welcome to iMAP

    our people


    WGPSN is arranged in a simple matrix structure. The success of our business is dependent on us working as a team, where Business Units and Support Functions rely on each other and have a responsibility to support each other. This set up gives us the flexibility to effectively respond to varying customer demands.

    WGPSN operates an expanding network of offices across five continents. We source, nurture and deploy the best people, ensuring that the talent of the entire network is available to customers wherever they need it. The team that leads WGPSN the Executive Committee or Excom has responsibility for directing every aspect of our business. WGPSN is organised to reflect five Operating Regions:

    UK Operations

    Americas Operations

    Africa Operations

    Australia & Asia Pacific Operations

    Middle East & ER

    For details of our organisation charts click here, or visit the our people section of iMAP.

    Beneath each operating region are:

    Business Units: which are manageable business segments consisting of single or multiple contracts.

    Assignments: typically a longer term scope of work delivered as part of a contractual agreement between parties with discrete projects therein.

    Projects: a finite scope of work delivered as part of an overall contract or assignment, typically of short-term duration.

    Our unique network structure enables us to deliver projects in some of the worlds most difficult operating environments.




    Middle East& ERC

    Australia & Asia Pacific


  • Wood Group PSN - Welcome to iMAP

    how we deliver

    Lead & growExcom directs how our company is run, what we do and how we do it. They are accountable for ensuring we have consistent management, cohesive policies and processes in addition to the verification that legal and ethical standards as well as our core values and behaviours are maintained.

    Our growth comes from successfully executing our existing work and winning repeat business; developing relationships and winning work with new customers; successful WGPSN joint ventures and acquisitions.

    ManageIt is imperative to the success of WGPSN that we effectively manage delivery at both a contract and project level. Through each phase of a contract or project there are common processes which need to be successfully delivered. iMAP provides a proven framework for managers to utilise to ensure success.

    DeliverOur core business involves managing any scope of work from inception through to closeout regardless of whether it is engineering, construction, operations & maintenance, decommissioning or a combination of any of these activities.

    Each stage of project delivery is defined within the iMAP framework and further detailed in the supporting documentation.

    SupportTo enable successful delivery a project shall be supported by the functional groups within the WGPSN organisation. These functional groups shall provide the foundation on which the project is built and they shall provide their own specific processes, procedures and guidelines to ensure that they provide the necessary support.

    For more information on how we deliver click here, or visit the iMAP homepage.


  • 12

    Wood Group PSN - Welcome to iMAP

    The content held in iMAP defines how WGPSN initiates, plans, executes, monitors and controls work, both at a global and assignment level. It encourages a culture where employees understand how work is produced and acts as a baseline for assurance activities.

    WGPSN have developed a framework within iMAP that enables users to navigate through increasing levels of detail to understand the interaction between processes and identify the deliverables required at each stage of project delivery.

    Dcumentation in iMAP is structured to fulfil different purposes and the overall documentation hierarchy is shown on page 13.

    There are four levels of processes represented within the iMAP framework, as shown on page 14.

    Levels 1 to 3 comprise the system navigation. These overviews describe the breakdown of core business processes and identify where support processes interact. Level 4 consists of documents lists that include detailed flowcharts describing the series of activities required to execute a specific business process.

    The process diagram navigation defines how we operate as a company from leading the business and winning new work, through to how we start-up or transition into new contracts or joint ventures, manage contracts and projects, deliver work to meet customer requirements and the support required to enable this delivery.

    how we work

  • Wood Group PSN - Welcome to iMAP


  • Wood Group PSN - Welcome to iMAP


    process overview

    L1: Enterprise Process

    L2: Process overviews

    L3: Subprocess overviews

    L4: Document Lists

    Lead the business

    Select & position to win

    Start Contract

    Start Work Engineer

    Construct & Commission

    Operate & Maintain Decommission

    Closeout work

    Closeout contract

    Initiation Feasibility Concept FEEDDetail Design

    Construction & Commissioning

    Project Closeout

    Receive the work

    Consider workshare

    Carry out internal kick off meeting

    Conduct concept

    readiness review

    Agree SOR

    Define Scope

    Project Closeout

    Prepare schedule, cost &


    Prepare resource


    Prepare HSEQ Plan

  • Wood Group PSN - Welcome to iMAP


    iMAP management of change

    We understand that our Management System will not be a one size fits all however, managing deviation leads to consistent application of best practice, less duplication and wasted effort.

    It is the responsibility of the iMAP Focal Points to work with the iMAP Function Focal Points and Document Owners to approve and manage the management of change process. For a full listing of roles and resonsibilites please click here to see the iMAP Content Policy, or refer to MNT-POL-1001 in iMAP.

    The iMAP Function Focal Points should ultimately ensure that where possible standardised content is created, and any specific improvements incorporated into global content.

    The Management of Change process allows an audit trail to be formed for changes to content, the iMAP Focal Points will ensure that prior approval is sought from the iMAP Function Focal Points and Document Owners before content is amended, created or withdrawn.

    Dependent on the type of iMAP change the following approvals will be required:

    New content - approval must be sought from the Global Functional Focal Point.

    Amendments / withdrawals to existing global content - approval must be sought from the Global Functional iMAP Focal Point.

    Amendments / withdrawals to existing assignment content - approval must be sought from the appropriate Assignment iMAP Focal Point and document owner.

  • Wood Group PSN - Welcome to iMAP

    iMAP improvements

    Our innovation core value challenges us to actively look for better ways of doing things. iMAP contains a wide variety of information, authored by a wide range of people; therefore everyone has a responsibility for developing iMAP.

    The feedback mechanism within iMAP allows all employees to continually improve the system and content.

    To suggest improvements click here, or visit the contact iMAP team section in iMAP.

    Developing contentTo ensure that the information is accurate and consistent a robust iMAP management of change process is implemented that engages a network of Function Focal Points to ensure that deviations to the standard WGPSN way of working are aligned with company expectations.

    The management of change process also ensures that best practices are used throughout the global business and any duplication is eliminated.


  • Wood Group PSN - Welcome to iMAP


    Audit & reviewOur risk based Audit & Review framework is designed to address both corporate governance and the operational and process performance, to ensure that WGPSN continue to deliver efficient, effective and sustainable delivery performance to our customers.

    Analysis of the data generated from our audits & reviews allows WGPSN to assess potential improvements and justify its added value as well as focusing on differentiators.

    Management system reviewWGPSN undertake an annual review and formally report on the basis of the WGPSN management system to ensure its continued suitability, adequacy and effectiveness.

    IMPactIMPact is the WGPSN system to help us improve what we do and how we do it. It manages and tracks all corrective and preventive actions to help eliminate errors and demonstrate that we are continually improving and learning.

    Lessons learnedThroughout the lifecycle of our work, personnel are encouraged to review lessons from previous jobs and discuss how we could have influenced their outcome so we can learn for the future.


    To manage a business process or activity effectively it is fundamental that the ability to measure it is achieved. By continually reviewing and gathering data on the performance of our processes, we can detect at an early stage, areas where improvement or adjustment is required.

  • It is an expectation of each employee to familiarise themselves and comply with the requirements of iMAP. All WGPSN employees are required to follow the processes and supporting documentation specific to where and how we work, to ensure the consistent delivery of our business.

    Employees must make themselves aware of the activities in the company in which they are involved. Whether in engineering, support or managerial role there is information within iMAP for every discipline and function, and information specific to each location and contract.

    iMAP shall be communicated to each employee by managers or supervisors with support provided by the iMAP Focal Point. It is important that all employees fully understand how iMAP applies to them.

    InductioniMAP inductions are delivered through an on-line self induction which is available directly through iMAP or alternatively delivered by a competent user of iMAP in the form of a group training session or a one to one induction.

    Records of the iMAP inductions are capturedand reported for compliance purposes. Liaise with the iMAP team to ensure these inductions are formally recorded.

    To take the iMAP induction click here or visit theiMAP induction section in iMAP.

    iMAP awareness

    Wood Group PSN - Welcome to iMAP
