www.bradford.ac.uk/management Welcome to Marketing & Welcome to Marketing & Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship Session 1: Session 1: Exploring Enterprise Exploring Enterprise Shahid Rasul Shahid Rasul

Welcome to Marketing & Entrepreneurship Session 1: Exploring Enterprise Shahid Rasul

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Welcome to Marketing & Entrepreneurship Session 1: Exploring Enterprise Shahid Rasul. Exploring Enterprise Introduction to the course Definitions Enterprise Agenda Enterprise Culture. Enterprise. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Welcome to Marketing & Entrepreneurship Session 1:   Exploring Enterprise Shahid Rasul


Welcome to Marketing & Welcome to Marketing & EntrepreneurshipEntrepreneurship

Session 1:Session 1:

Exploring EnterpriseExploring Enterprise

Shahid RasulShahid Rasul

Page 2: Welcome to Marketing & Entrepreneurship Session 1:   Exploring Enterprise Shahid Rasul

Exploring Enterprise Exploring Enterprise

• Introduction to the course

• Definitions

• Enterprise Agenda

• Enterprise Culture

Page 3: Welcome to Marketing & Entrepreneurship Session 1:   Exploring Enterprise Shahid Rasul

EnterpriseEnterprise1. a project undertaken or to be undertaken, esp. one that is

important or difficult or that requires boldness or energy: To keep the peace is a difficult enterprise.

2. a plan for such a project.

3. boldness or readiness in undertaking; adventurous spirit; ingenuity.

4. a Business Organisation

5. willingness to undertake new ventures; initiative: “Through want of enterprise and faith men are where they are, buying and selling, and spending their lives like serfs” (Henry David Thoreau).

Page 4: Welcome to Marketing & Entrepreneurship Session 1:   Exploring Enterprise Shahid Rasul

Enterprise is…..Enterprise is…..

– making things happen

– doing things differently

– having ideas

– and doing something about them

– taking advantage of opportunities

– to bring about change

Page 5: Welcome to Marketing & Entrepreneurship Session 1:   Exploring Enterprise Shahid Rasul

EnterpriseEnterpriseNarrow Meaning

• Starting a business• Being in business• Growing a business• Developing a

business• The business itself

Broader Meaning

Attitudes & Skills which when possessed by individuals, lead them to exhibit innovative behaviour, including entrepreneurship

BUSINESS BEHAVIOURAdapted from Understanding Enterprise, Entrepreneurship & Small Business - Bridge, O’Neil & Cromie

Page 6: Welcome to Marketing & Entrepreneurship Session 1:   Exploring Enterprise Shahid Rasul




Small Business

Adapted fromUnderstanding Enterprise, Entrepreneurship & Small Business - Bridge, O’Neil & Cromie


Enterprise in ContextEnterprise in Context

Page 7: Welcome to Marketing & Entrepreneurship Session 1:   Exploring Enterprise Shahid Rasul

1 Introduction to Enterprise

2 Understanding Entrepreneurship (TA - ALL)

3 Role of the Entrepreneur (TA- ALL)

4 Business Case Studies

5 Market Opportunity Recognition (TA - ACEG)

6 Evaluating the Opportunity (TA - BDFH)

7 Creating a Business Model (T- ALL)

8 Developing the Business Plan (T – ALL)

9 Financial Planning (T- ALL)

10 Entrepreneurial Organisation

11 Managing Growth & Exit

12 Presentations

Module ContentModule Content

Page 8: Welcome to Marketing & Entrepreneurship Session 1:   Exploring Enterprise Shahid Rasul

• Lectures• Tutorials

– Case Studies, Activities, Guest Speakers– Consultation regarding coursework– Presentations

• Personal study and reading• Working in TEAMS • Researching & collecting information

Course FormatCourse Format

Page 9: Welcome to Marketing & Entrepreneurship Session 1:   Exploring Enterprise Shahid Rasul

Entrepreneurship and innovation are central to the creative processes in the economy, to promoting growth, increasing productivity and creating jobs.

UK Government White Paper on Competitiveness

The promotion of enterprise, in every aspect of society and every corner of our country, is at the heart of Government’s agenda. Entrepreneurial talent is essential to deliver social justice, locally and nationally.

Enterprise for Communities

Why all the fuss?Why all the fuss?

Page 10: Welcome to Marketing & Entrepreneurship Session 1:   Exploring Enterprise Shahid Rasul

Business Enterprises in UKBusiness Enterprises in UK

Number - 3.8 million (excl Government & non-profit)99.1 per cent small (0 to 49 employees)27,000 were medium-sized (50 to 249 employees)7,000 were large (250 or more employees) Employment - 22.7 million people 43.7 per cent in small enterprises11.9 per cent in medium-sized enterprises.

Turnover: £2.2 bn37.0 percent Small Enterprises15.0 percent Medium Enterprises

DTI - National Statistics

Page 11: Welcome to Marketing & Entrepreneurship Session 1:   Exploring Enterprise Shahid Rasul

Business EnterprisePrivate Sector

Social Enterprise

Not for profit sector

Corporate EnterprisePrivate & Public


Social, Economic, Environment, Ethics

Types of EnterpriseTypes of Enterprise

Page 12: Welcome to Marketing & Entrepreneurship Session 1:   Exploring Enterprise Shahid Rasul

Source: New Venture Creation - Entrepreneurship for the 21st Century - Timmons












Product Proliferation

Rate of change

Internet Fact

The number of people and

computers connected to the internet

doubles every twelve months.

Exponential Growth

Change is Inevitable?Change is Inevitable?

Only the wisest and stupidest of men never change.


Page 13: Welcome to Marketing & Entrepreneurship Session 1:   Exploring Enterprise Shahid Rasul


Social/ Cultural/ Demographics


What’s Happenin



Global ParadoxGlobal Paradox

Page 14: Welcome to Marketing & Entrepreneurship Session 1:   Exploring Enterprise Shahid Rasul

What has changed?What has changed?










Page 15: Welcome to Marketing & Entrepreneurship Session 1:   Exploring Enterprise Shahid Rasul

In the first industrial revolution, In the first industrial revolution, what mattered was who had the raw materials, the capital and the ports. What matters most now is which country has the shared determination and the national purpose to tap the energy, dynamism and potential of the widest pool of talented people.

Gordon Brown – Chancellor of the Exchequer 2003

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100knowledge growth

human evolutiongenes and culture

Agricultural Industrial Ecology of Networks





Knowledge Growth vs. Human EvolutionKnowledge Growth vs. Human Evolution

Page 17: Welcome to Marketing & Entrepreneurship Session 1:   Exploring Enterprise Shahid Rasul

…………..is one who comes across a pile of scrap metal and sees the making of a wonderful sculpture. An enterprising person is one who drives through an old decrepit part of town and sees a new housing development. An enterprising person is one who sees opportunity in all areas of life.

Jim Rohn – Business Philosopher

An Enterprising Person…..An Enterprising Person…..

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Society Environment

Enterprise in ContextEnterprise in Context

Page 19: Welcome to Marketing & Entrepreneurship Session 1:   Exploring Enterprise Shahid Rasul

Unlocking ValueUnlocking Value



Unlocking Unlocking ValueValue


Rae (1999:16)

Page 20: Welcome to Marketing & Entrepreneurship Session 1:   Exploring Enterprise Shahid Rasul

•Accelerating Change

•Large Safe

•Qualifications Alone Insufficient

•Respected becomes Expected

•Ignore Passion at your Peril

Personal FactorsPersonal Factors

Page 21: Welcome to Marketing & Entrepreneurship Session 1:   Exploring Enterprise Shahid Rasul

We are entering a time when the future, in so many areas, is to be shaped by us and for us; a time when the only prediction that will hold true is that no prediction will hold true; a time

for bold imaginings, for thinking the unthinkable and doing the unreasonable.

Charles HandyCharles Handy

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One stop shop for Budding Entrepreneurs with Self Assessment & Road Tests


Stories about entrepreneurs


Interesting website on motivation


An online book on entrepreneurship

Useful WebsitesUseful Websites