Welcome to Psychology

Welcome to Psychology. Let’s review What is Psychology? Pick a partner Tell them what psychology is

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Welcome to Psychology

Let’s review

What is Psychology?

•Pick a partner

•Tell them what psychology is


• The scientific study of behavior The scientific study of behavior and mental processes.and mental processes.–scientific research methods.scientific research methods.

–Behavior = all observable Behavior = all observable behavior.behavior.

–Mental processes = thoughts, Mental processes = thoughts, feelings and dreams.feelings and dreams.

Where did Psychology come from?

Aspects of the Mind have been pondered for thousands of years by Philosophers!



It’s NatureNature – we’re just born

this way!

……and Aristotle!and Aristotle! (335 B.C.)

It’s Nurture!Nurture! Our

environment shapes who we


Nature vs NurtureNature vs Nurture

• This is still the fundamental debate in

Psychology today!

• the mind and behavior the mind and behavior remained merely remained merely

philosophic discussion philosophic discussion until….until….

• 1879 establishes the first psychology laboratory at the University of Leipzig,


• This is generally considered the starting

point of Psychology as a science.

•Wilhelm WundtWilhelm Wundt

PsychoanalystsPsychoanalysts• Sigmund FreudSigmund Freud - around 1900

The The unconscious unconscious

mindmind controls controls

much of our much of our thoughts thoughts

and actions!and actions!


• 1930s and 1930s and 1940s1940s

People People repeat repeat

behaviors behaviors that are that are

rewarded rewarded and stop and stop

behaviors behaviors that are that are





• 1960s and 1970sPeople have People have free will! free will! They are They are

guided by guided by physical, physical, emotional emotional

and spiritual and spiritual needs!needs!

Carl Rogers and Carl Rogers and others – 1960s and others – 1960s and


A Few more Contemporary Psychological Perspectives

Cognitive PerspectiveCognitive Perspective• Focus: On how people

think and process information

• Behavior is explained by how a person interprets the situation

Biological PerspectiveBiological Perspective

• Focus: How our biological Focus: How our biological structures and substances underlie structures and substances underlie a given behavior, thought, or a given behavior, thought, or emotionemotion

• Behavior is explained by brain Behavior is explained by brain chemistry, genetics, glands, etc.chemistry, genetics, glands, etc.

Social-Cultural Perspective

• Focus: How thinking and behavior change depending on the setting or situation

• Behavior is explained by the influence of other people present

Fields in Psychology

What do people do with a degree in Psychology?

…what can I do with a degree in Psychology?

Fields in Psychology

• Applied v. Basic Psychology:

–Applied refers to practical and interactive psychology.

–Basic refers mainly to the research fields of psychology.


• Mental and physical rehabilitation regarding mental disorders.

• Can include medications, in/out patient services, counseling, etc


• Assisting school-aged children, adolescence issues, counseling, etc.


• Diagnosis and treatment of troubled people.


Practical issues of selecting and training a workforce

Forensic Psychology

• Provide advice to legislators, judges, correctional officers, lawyers and the police

Sports PsychologySports Psychology• Sport-specific

psychological assessment and mental skills

• Goal-setting, self-confidence, eating disorders, overtraining and burnout counseling, team building, sportsmanship

Developmental• Study mental

and physical growth from prenatal through death.


• Study how people influence each other.


•Experiment with how we perceive, and solve problems


• Conduct research on learning, memory, sensation, perception, cognition, motivation, etc.

Careers in Psychology: Percentage of Psychology Degrees by Specialty

What is the difference between a

psychologist and a


Psychology v. Psychiatry

• Psychiatry is the study of mental disorders.

• Psychiatrists are medical doctors and can prescribe medications to treat the physical and mental disorders.