YEAR C OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST: KING OF THE UNIVERSE Page 4 Welcome to St Joan of Arc Parish Haberfield Ministers Clergy Parish Secretary Parish School Principal Every baptised Fr Frank Furfaro Office Phone: 9798 6657 Mr Bernard Carey and confirmed Tuesday, Wednesday Office Phone: 9798 9780 member of the 9.30am - 2.30pm St Joan of Arc Villa Parish Community Phyllis Hoole Phone: 9799 8753 GO FORTH…. Telling the Good News Sharing in the breaking of Bread Enriching the community through our talents, treasure and time Transforming the community by prayer and action NEW PARISHIONERS are invited to register in person at the Presbytery after Sunday Masses. WE ARE DELIGHTED TO WELCOME YOU. 1909 - 2009 Catholic Presbytery 97 Dalhousie Street Haberfield NSW 2045 Phone: 9798 6657 Fax: 9799 4275 Email: [email protected] Web: stjoanofarc.org.au We invite you to share in the Sacraments of: EUCHARIST: Saturday Vigil: …………………………………………………………..5.00pm Sunday Mass: ..……………………………………………..9.00am & 6.00pm Tuesday (Preferred day and time for 1 month & 1 year of anniversary of death Masses - must be booked)……………… 7.00pm Wednesday, Thursday …………………………………………………….9.00am Friday ………………………………………………………………...9.15am RECONCILIATION Saturday 4:30pm BAPTISM Celebrated on the SECOND Saturday and the FOURTH Sunday of the month at 11.00am MARRIAGE Arrangements for a wedding must be made at least four months in advance. Attendance at a Pre-Marriage Course is encouraged. ANOINTING OF THE SICK We are pleased to administer the Sacrament of the Sick to those in need. The Eucharist will also be brought to those who are ill or housebound upon request. Please notify the Presbytery if members of your family or other parishioners are in need of the Eucharist. 24th November, 2013 Walking with the Martyrs in London ST MARY OF THE CROSS MacKILLOP PRAY FOR US

Welcome to St Joan of Arc Parish Haberfield · St Joan of Arc Parish Haberfield Ministers Clergy Parish Secretary Parish School Principal Every baptised Fr Frank Furfaro Office Phone:

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Welcome to

St Joan of Arc Parish Haberfield

Ministers Clergy Parish Secretary Parish School Principal

Every baptised Fr Frank Furfaro Office Phone: 9798 6657 Mr Bernard Carey

and confirmed Tuesday, Wednesday Office Phone: 9798 9780

member of the 9.30am - 2.30pm St Joan of Arc Villa

Parish Community Phyllis Hoole

Phone: 9799 8753


• Telling the Good News

• Sharing in the breaking of Bread

• Enriching the community through

our talents, treasure and time

• Transforming the community by

prayer and action

NEW PARISHIONERS are invited to register in person at the Presbytery after Sunday Masses.


1909 - 2009

Catholic Presbytery

97 Dalhousie Street

Haberfield NSW 2045

Phone: 9798 6657

Fax: 9799 4275


[email protected]



We invite you to share in the Sacraments of:


Saturday Vigil: …………………………………………………………..5.00pm

Sunday Mass: ..……………………………………………..9.00am & 6.00pm

Tuesday (Preferred day and time for 1 month & 1 year of

anniversary of death Masses - must be booked)……………… 7.00pm

Wednesday, Thursday …………………………………………………….9.00am

Friday ………………………………………………………………...9.15am


Saturday 4:30pm


Celebrated on the SECOND Saturday and the FOURTH Sunday of the month at

11.00am MARRIAGE Arrangements for a wedding must be made at least four months in advance. Attendance at

a Pre-Marriage Course is encouraged. ANOINTING OF THE SICK We are pleased to administer the Sacrament of the Sick to those in need. The Eucharist

will also be brought to those who are ill or housebound upon request. Please notify the

Presbytery if members of your family or other parishioners are in need of the Eucharist.

24th November, 2013

Walking with the Martyrs in London





We extend a warm welcome to new Parishioners at St Joan of

Arc. If you would like to be listed on the Parish Roll, or be a

part of the Planned Giving Program, please complete the


PARISH ROLL AND PLANNED GIVING Please complete this form and place it in the collection basket.

Please indicate:

I wish to contribute to the Parish on a regular basis

I wish to be listed on the Parish Roll

Please circle your choice:

Automatic Payment (credit card/ direct debit)

Weekly Envelopes Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms_____________________________________

Address: ___________________________________________

_____________________________ PCode: _____________

Phone: ____________________ Mob: ___________________

Fax: ______________________________________________

Email: _____________________________________________



Readers, Ministers of Eucharist, Acolytes, Altar Servers and

Church Wardens are always needed for Sunday Mass. Training

and information will be provided and you will be rostered at a

mutually agreed time. If you would like to be part of our

Ministry here at St Joan of Arc, Haberfield call into the Sacristy

after Mass and ask for a Ministry sheet.


At the Last Supper, on the night he was betrayed, Jesus

instituted the Eucharist, or the Mass, to perpetuate the sacrifice

of the Cross throughout the ages until he should come again.

The Mass is an act of thanksgiving to God for his saving work;

it is a sacred meal which nourishes us spiritually and anticipates

the heavenly banquet, and it is a holy sacrifice, making present

the one true sacrifice of Christ our Saviour. Catholics believe

that Jesus Christ is truly present at the Mass; in the assembly

gathered as the Body of Christ, through his Word made present

in the scripture, but supremely under the appearance of bread

and wine.

In the Eucharist the body and blood, soul and divinity of Jesus

Christ is wholly and entirely present. Strengthened by this

sacred food, we go forth to build up the Body of Christ in this

world, and to bring his healing and salvation to all peoples.

Please give generously to


Many people are giving today the same amount

as they gave five or ten years ago.


* Insurance, garden and general maintenance, electricity and

telephone, computor and printing charges, teaching aids and

general Church needs.

Has my offering to each Collection

kept pace with the rate of inflation?

In keeping with the Privacy Act names cannot be published in our Parish Bulletin

without the permission of the persons themselves or their next of kin. Please

specify on your Mass Envelope your intention to include the person’s name in this

Bulletin or contact the Parish Office on 9798 6657

BAPTISMS - November, 2013 We welcome these children into God’s family

and our parish community

Denzel Suiqa, Patrick Suiqa, Amelia Turner, Isabella Partaglia,

Oliver Holman, Vittoria Maggetti, Valentina Fuda,

Lucas D’Agostino, Alex Musumeci,

WEDDINGS - November, 2013 And the two shall become one

Giovanni Caré & Maria Mancone

Emilio Caspanello & Bonnie Cabatbat


24th November, 2013 Entrance Antiphon: How worthy is the Lamb who was

slain, to receive power and divinity, and wisdom and strength

and honour. To him belong glory and power for ever and

ever. Responsorial Psalm: Let us go rejoicing to the house of the

Lord. Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia, alleluia! Blessed is he who

inherits the kingdom of David our father; blessed is he who

comes in the name of the Lord. Alleluia! Communion Antiphon: The Lord sits as King for ever. The

Lord will bless his people with peace. Scripture Readings for next week: Isaiah 2:1-5,

Romans 13:11-14, Matthew 24:37-44 Scripture Readers for next week:

Saturday Vigil: Joanna Albani, Judith Molloy

Sunday 9.00am: Vince Sicari, Jim Meekin

Sunday 6.00pm: Dianne Tesoriero Ministers of Communion for next week:

Saturday Vigil: Anna Attard, Sr Elizabeth Crilley

Sunday 9.00am: Romina De Grazia, Maria De Grazia

Sunday 6.00pm: Robert Graham, Rita Raco

LORD, WE PRAY WELCOME HOME THOSE WHO HAVE DIED Recently Deceased: Rosario Scari, George Mamo, Salvatore

Mazzeo, Nora Yarin, Phyllis McDonnell, Carmela Pagano,

Elisa De Francesco, Harry Christensen, Francesca De Nicola,

Carmela Speranza, Gabriele Norris, Graziella Rizzo, Vincenzo

Nastasi, Geraldo Blasi, Nello Quern, Fillipa Previte, Maria

Franco, Barry Jones, Francesco Licastro, Clare Cook, Frances

Lois Morton, Harry Neeley, Fortunata Ingerneri Rest in Peace: Franco Impala, Saveria De Grazia, Jack

McEnally, Rosario Aversa, Concetta Aversa, Stefano Scipione,

Sebastiano Scipione, Vittoria Campagna, Sid Nucifora, Angela

Nucifora, Mariano Nucifora, Camillo Nucifora, Felicia Rubbo,

Pietrina Natoli, Maria Pia Natoli-Perez, Carmel NatoliMary

Attard, Antonio Caprara, Macri & Vozzo Families, Gino

Trofilio, Carmelo Di Stefano, Carmela Girgenti, John Huie, Giuseppe Conti, John O’Keefe, Frances Taranto, In your love and concern please pray for the following ill

members of our community: Mario Nucifora, Donna Neeley,

Naomi Fox, Adeline Ashing, John & Anne Simington, Rina

Martinello, Annelise Buda, Giovanni Luci, Pasquale Ramirra,

Stephan Ferenc, Carmel Speranza, John & Gemma Madsen, Giancarlo Budda, Mario Bianco, Tony Sulfaro Special Intentions: Huie & Ashing Families


“’Jesus,” he said ‘remember me when you come into your


During the Second World War, a young man from Switzerland,

Roger Schütz, had a dream of starting a community which would be

a “parable of community”. He was able to buy a small run-down

property in the village of Taizé, in France, where he saw people

suffering from the wartime conditions, many of whom were

refugees, some of whom were Jewish. By 1942, it was too dangerous

for them to continue this work in France, so they moved to Geneva.

After the war, however, they were able to return to Taizé, and work

of healing and reconciliation continued and the community grew.

Today there are over a hundred brothers, Catholic and Protestant,

coming from around thirty nations. It is truly a living parable of

community, where differences of religious background and

nationality are reconciled. Each year, thousands of young people

come from all around the world to join the community in prayer and

to commit themselves to working for reconciliation in all the

different continents. The legacy of Brother Roger, who was killed

during evening prayer in Taizé in August 2005, is now a movement

of committed Christian young people, who are meeting regularly all

around the world to pray, to experience community and to encourage

reconciliation wherever they are and however they can. A central

part of the Taizé experience is prayer around a cross, a prayer where

the wounds of a divided world are brought to the cross of Jesus for


In the time of Jesus, the people wanted to unite around a king, a new

David, who would deliver them from their enemies and oppressors.

At first, they thought that Jesus was such a Messiah. But in today’s

Gospel, we see that, in the end, they rejected Jesus as their king, they

mocked him and handed him over to be crucified. He cannot save

himself, they said, never mind us. It was however, one of the thieves

crucified with him who recognised something of the truth of Jesus’

claim to kingship. He prayed, “Jesus, remember me when you come

into your kingdom.” he had glimpsed the truth that the paradise of

God’s kingdom is to be found beyond death for those who believe.

In today’s second reading, St Paul reflects on the meaning of the

death of Jesus. He understands that it fulfils God’s plan to reconcile

all things, to overcome the power of darkness and to create a place

for us in the kingdom of his beloved Son. He, Christ, is “the first-

born of all creation”. He is the first to be born from the dead, and it

is through his death and resurrection that we too can be born again to

new life. He is the means for us to be reconciled with God and with

each other. In him we gain freedom from our slavery to sin, the

forgiveness of our sins. In this way, Christ breaks down the barriers

and divisions that we set up between ourselves because of our

selfishness and fear. Christ establishes a new way for us to relate to

God and to each other; his love is the life force of the kingdom of


Jesus is the most unlikely figure of a king. He is rejected. He is

crucified. His kingdom is not of this world. And yet, his Gospel of

love, of self-sacrifice and service, his death on the cross and his

resurrection from the dead have produced the first fruits of a new

world. The kingdom of God, where Christ the King rules over the

minds and hearts of all those who believe, will finally be revealed in

heaven. But already, in the life of the Church, his body, the men and

women of our world can experience the peace and reconciliation for

which Christ came.

The parable of community that is lived in Taizé is a witness for all of

us. As we gather round the cross of Jesus, we learn that his death

overcomes our selfishness and sin; his resurrection empowers us to

live his new life and even now to experience the reconciliation and

peace of his kingdom. On this feast of Christ the King, then, let us

celebrate the fulfilment of God’s plan, but let us commit ourselves

once again to the ongoing work of reconciliation and peace in our


The Living Word


Christmas Carols - Saturday 7th December

7pm in the School Hall.

The night begins with a sausage sizzle, salads, sweets and drinks - tea,

coffee and soft drinks. BYO other. Santa will be there after the Carols.

Door Prizes! Raffles!

Cost - entry $10 per adult, $5 per child

or $10 for 2 or more children in one family.

Tickets are available after Masses from the

Piety Stall or in the church Entrance. Come

along and enjoy yourself at this fun filled

parish event .

(Tickets must be purchased before Sunday

December 1st, 2013 for catering purposes.)


Il gruppo di preghiera del Rinnovamento nello Spirito Santo

vivamente invita la comunitá Italiana di Haberfield e d’intorni a

prendere parte al gruppo e sperimentare la giola della lode, del

canto e della Parola di Dio nella forza dello Spirito Santo.

Il gruppo si riunisce ogni giovedí alle ore 2pm, ed ogni primo

giovedí del messe c`é l`Adorazione Eucaristica.


The Order of Malta invites all parishioners to Lourdes Day Mass

2013, to be celebrated at St Mary’s Cathedral on Saturday 7

December, 2013 at 10.00am. The Principal Celebrant will be His

Eminence George Cardinal Pell AO.

A blessing of the sick and for good health will take place during the

celebration of the Liturgy with water brought from the spring at the

Shrine of Lourdes. Those receiving the blessing will also be

provided with a bottle of Lourdes Water for their personal use.

If you are attending and are confined to a wheelchair or require

special assistance at the Cathedral, please contact our office on

9331 8477 or by email on [email protected] before November 20,



A parishioner has donated Rosary Beads to be distributed to

children in the parish. I visited Haberfield Primary School -

Catholic Scripture Classes - during the week (K-6) giving each

of them a pair of Rosary Beads. Many, many thanks.


Our St Vincent De Paul Society, Haberfield, will be putting

together Christmas Hampers in December for those whom we

assist. Anyone who like to donate one or more items of non-

perishable food for this purpose can place them in the box

provided in the Church entrance from next week. All

contributions will be much appreciated. Thank you.


On Sunday December 1, 2013 at 10.30am Mass, His Eminence

George Cardinal Pell will officially launch the Catholic

Grandparents Association, Australian Chapter, at St Mary’s

Cathedral. All Catholic grandparents are invited to attend and

encouraged to bring along their grandchildren and families. A light

morning tea will follow in the Cathedral Chapter Hall, inquiries

and RSVP can be directed to [email protected] or

9390 5290.