Welcome to the Galatea Method booklet

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Page 2: Welcome to the Galatea Method booklet

Welcome to the Galatea Method!

I am so glad to have this opportunity

to help you to improve your health. Thank you for the honour of your trust as I work

and serve as your guide along the path to

wellness. I commend you for taking the important step of becoming responsible

for and an active participant in your own healthcare and not acting only as a

passive observer, with the view that it is for someone or something else to make

everything better.

- Ady Strickland ``The Galatea Method for Natural Health and Well Being`` practiced first at

Remedy House in Canada was developed by Ady Strickland. The culmination of Ady’s many years in family practice in Canada and the United Kingdom, The Galatea Method

combines elements of Classical Homeopathy, Advanced Bowen Technique, Holistic

Nutrition, Body Control Pilates, Iridology as well as unique and proprietary techniques developed by Ady over the years to provide a whole body approach to wellness.

The Galatea Method provides a complete therapeutic system of medicine and is a

gentle, and comprehensive approach to relieving many symptoms and complaints associated with muscles, joints, ligaments and other problems. The Galatea Methods`

whole body approach to wellness helps to allow the body to use its innate and powerful

ability to heal itself.

This guide has been written for you in the hope

that it will assist you in

making good choices for your health. Each section of the

guide describes the different methods and modalities that

you may experience during

the course of your treatment.

We believe that by providing you with some understanding of your treatment you will best be able to realize full benefit of it. Important information has been included to

answer many questions that are commonly asked and to address many concerns. We have outlined what you should expect and described how you may feel during treatment

and afterwards and importantly what you can do to help your body as it heals. For some

conditions, helpful information has been included as well as how and when to take any remedies. Nutritional information and an explanation about the important role of nutrition

to your health and the healing process have also been included. Together the sections combine to provide a tool that supports current treatment and a broader, more

comprehensive understanding of treatment options that are available for new and other

health concerns as they arise.

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Bowen Therapy

Bowen Therapy is a hands-on

structural treatment for pain that allows the body to reset itself back to its

original blue print for perfect health.

Bowen addresses every system in the body including internal organ systems as

well as the musculoskeletal structure.

Gentle movements over muscle, tendon insertions and connective tissues

stimulate neurological impulses to the

brain. These specific movements are then given time to be processed and to send impulses to realign the body.

The carefully designed pattern of

movements that are performed over the

body are crucial to the Bowen technique achieving its holistic benefits, which

result in a balancing not only on the structural level but also at the level of

an individual’s overall well being. Since there are no vigorous manipulations, the

technique is safe to use on anyone from

the newly born to the elderly

Bowen achieves profound relief for a wide range of conditions very often achieving those results in three to six treatments.

Consider Bowen treatment for:

Pain of all types

TMJ problems


Sports injuries

Thyroid imbalances

Weight loss

Migraines and headaches

Frozen shoulder


Hormone imbalance

Eczema, psoriasis and acne

Knee problems




Pre and Post-natal care


Plantar fasciitis



And more…

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Your Bowen Treatment:

The Bowen technique is a series of muscle and connective tissue movements

designed to treat a wide range of problems and injuries. Bowen addresses every system in the body including internal organ systems and the musculoskeletal

system. These gentle, powerful moves send neurological impulses to the brain.

The brain processes and feeds impulses back to realign the body. Respecting this feedback loop is key to allowing the body to restore its natural balance.

What to expect The technique will continue to be integrated by the body over the next five

days. Some patients will feel immediate relief others may experience some

discomfort. Sensations like fatigue, aches, nausea are not uncommon as the body detoxifies and heals itself. Patients should not be alarmed should they

experience mild discomfort during this time.

What to do On the day of treatment,

Do not sit for periods longer than 30 minutes at a time. Get up and walk

around for a few minutes before sitting back down. This holds for

driving as well. You may lie down to rest or nap without the need to get up. The technique will set further into the brain’s hemispheres during

sleep tonight.

Strenuous exercise should be avoided. Gentle exercise such as walking

or swimming is beneficial. Drink plenty of water, at least two litres, to help the body expel waste


No hot baths, hot tubs, heating pads or ice pack are to be used. A warm

shower is fine.

During the week following treatment,

Avoid all other forms of physical therapy, massage, chiropractic,

acupuncture, etc. Continue to avoid hot baths, hot tubs and hot or cold

packs. Homeopathic medicines, essential oils and flower remedies may be used and will not interfere with treatment.

Continue to drink plenty of water, at least two litres daily.

Gentles walks are recommended.

Follow-up treatment,

You should plan to return one week following your first treatment as an

essential step for setting the foundation of the work into the body. Your condition and the progress of treatment will be assessed during

your follow-up and treatment protocol will be discussed. Once your

condition is resolved you may wish to schedule additional treatments for maintaining general well being or as needed.

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Exercise & Nutrition Following your treatment exercise and good nutrition can help to speed

recovery and work to promote improved overall health and serve as a preventative strategy.

Several exercises may be suggested following your treatment specific to your needs.

Please speak with us before

beginning any exercise program following or during the course of


We would also be pleased to speak

with you about your nutrition and offer suggestions that may assist

with your condition, support treatment and recovery as well as maintain and

promote improved well being. Like hydration, say by drinking plenty of water, good nutrition provides the body with the materials to support healing and a

constitution that is more resistant to disease.

If you would like to learn more about nutrition please ask about our Nutrition Consulting services.

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Classical Homeopathy

Classical Homeopathy is a system of medicine based on the principle of “let likes be

cured by likes”. Patients who exhibit symptoms of disease are treated with administration of minute doses of substances, to stimulate the individual’s natural healing process in

order to restore and maintain health.

Under the Homeopathic Act, 2007, the scope of practice is defined as “the assessment of body system disorders and treatment using homeopathic techniques to

promote, maintain and restore health”.

Homeopaths are trained health care practitioners who observe and assess the

totality of signs and symptoms that the patient expresses. This totality refers to taking all the symptoms a patient exhibits on a physical, mental and emotional level, and

prescribing the remedy that best matches these symptoms. Treatment involves choosing the appropriate remedy, administering in minute doses with the aim of stimulating the

individual’s healing response in order to restore and maintain health.

Your Homeopathic Treatment:

What to expect

Patients with simple conditions may see rapid improvement and feel relief quickly where the

remedy that best matches has been applied. In more complex situations that may have developed

over time relief may take longer as underlying

layers of the condition are unravelled and healed. Several remedies may be required to restore full


The successful selection and application of the appropriate homeopathic remedies is always dependant the open and honest

disclosure of information to the Homeopath’s in answer to his/her questions. Remember,

it is your body that performs the healing not the remedy or the Homeopathic physician. He or she is only a guide who works with you to select the appropriate remedy, on the

basis of a whole body approach, that will signal your body to activate its innate healing ability.

What to do

On the day of treatment when taking your remedy do not have food or drink twenty minutes before or after each dose. Support your body’s healing process by ensuring that

you hydrate well and enjoy good nutrition as well as moderate exercise. While sometimes difficult to do, try to reduce stress as much as you can during treatment and

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the healing process in order to afford your body the best opportunity to do the work of

healing itself.

Make sure you advise of any pharmaceuticals you may be consuming as a course of drug therapy. You can expect a delayed response by your body in healing itself if you are

taking drugs, antibiotics and other pharmaceutical compounds. In some situations these

will negate the benefits of homeopathic remedies, as they tend to suppress symptoms rather than heal underlying conditions.

Your homeopathic remedy will be in either in sublingual pellet, taken under the

tongue or in liquid. Please follow the instructions you are given for frequency and dosage.

Homeopathic remedies are available for sale at most pharmacies, online and at many major grocery stores. Your homeopath can also provide you with a supply of the

remedies you should be taking.

Many patients find it helpful to have a

Homeopathic First Aid Kit at home to support everyday needs. If you would like to purchase one

please ask us and we would be happy to explain the variety of options available.

Homeopathy Seminars for Women provide

helpful information about common conditions and

related remedies and approaches to women’s and family health.

If you would like to learn more please ask us to find out the next date for the

seminar or visit our website, www.adystrickland.com for more information.

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Holistic Nutrition

The Galatea Method takes an approach to nutrition that is healthy, natural and

considers the individual as a whole, including all aspects of his/her lifestyle. We recognize your desire to live in away that is healthy, enjoyable and fun, free of guilt and shame.

Our approach incorporates emotional, spiritual and physical health and is

complimentary to homeopathy and Bowen treatment and helps to create a state of well-

being that supports optimum health and that is achievable and sustainable.

Nutrition counselling services help you to learn to eat for mind, body and soul. Food

provides the energy needed to function properly in your daily life and supplies the nutrients that

are essential for the natural processes that

constantly take place in the body.

During treatment nutrition promotes natural healing and can help to prevent

health problems such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Food as medicine

supports other treatment approaches and

can afford many health benefits including:

Weight loss and management

Disease prevention

Increased energy levels

Improved mood

Better sleep

Improved skin tone and texture

Strengthened immune system

Balanced blood sugar levels

Reduced cholesterol and blood pressure levels

Improved digestion and relief from constipation

Many chronic illnesses can be improved and managed through diet including:




Heart disease

High blood pressure



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If you would like to learn more about nutrition and find out how nutrition helps to

improve your health and will benefit you during your treatment and healing please consider a nutrition consultation. We will work with you to develop a program tailored to

meet your lifestyle and health needs.

You can also attend our regularly

scheduled Nutrition Seminars held at Remedy House and at other locations

throughout the year. To find out when the next seminar will be held please visit

our web site, www.adystrickland.com

We have many resources available

to support your unique nutritional needs including recipes, resources, alkalinity

information and tests, food combining suggestions, detoxification programs

and restaurant suggestions.

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Additional services supporting rehabilitation, recovery, prevention and assessment

Iridology Analysis

Your Irides are unique to you. Among the

five billion human inhabitants on earth, not one

has irides identical to yours. Not only the colours but the myriad structural variations that can be

viewed in each iris (and no two are the same) are the genetically determined evidence of your


The human iris provides a unique window

into our bodies, containing clues to our past, present and future health. It is estimated that

some 200 differentiating signs may be charted in the average iris.

Iridology allows us to assess our well-being and provides pathways that we can follow to ensure we remain physically, psychologically and emotionally fit. Iridologists

believe that treatment and lifestyle strategies for individuals may be based on accurate assessments of the whole person and the factors that have shaped their lives.

At it’s heart, iridology holds to the humanistic and holistic traditions of medicine and

healing. Iridology, from inception, is a science that has much in common with the

complimentary practice of homeopathy.

The Galatea Method for Natural Health and Well Being utilizes iridology analysis to support conventional and differential diagnosis, treatment and prognosis. Through its use

we also are able to determine and communicate important information about your

constitution and provide a meaningful blue print for your well-being going forward. It is our goal to promote healing through understanding and the communication of the

positive information the iris holds for you and not just as a catalogue of disease, weakness or vulnerability. We aim to empower you with a healthy view of your body and

mind, working with you to better understand your strengths and the opportunities you

may have to enjoy healthy life.

Making a health assessment through iridology analysis; What you will receive,

Assessment of your symptoms, each anatomical system is reviewed.

Case history, a comprehensive survey of your lifestyle, medical history and

family patterns is taken. An examination of your iris and a summary of iris analysis including,

constitution, disposition, diathesis, individual markings, functional

compromise and behavioural indications.

A three or four point health plan that addresses basic indications and helps

to prevent the main risks to your health.

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Ady’s Wellness Seminars

My life’s mission has been

devoted to helping others. I do this in part by applying my

training and experience to

provide my patients with personalized, high-quality health

care on an as-needed and preventative basis.

I have developed “The Galatea

Method for Natural Health and Wellbeing” which combines elements of Classical Homeopathy,

Advanced Bowen Techniques, Holistic Nutrition, Body Control Pilates and iridology to provide a whole body approach to wellness. The Galatea Method is not limited only to a medical practice

like the one at Remedy House in Canada or my past practice in Devon, England. It offers much, much, more for patients and practitioners alike.

Early on, I recognized the powerful therapeutic benefit of putting The Galatea Method into action by conducting wellness seminars designed to introduce, educate, support and immerse patients

in a healthy way of life as they travel along their personal journey to health. To bring it all to life, we regularly travel to wonderful destinations so that patients can observe first hand a way of life

that embodies some of the keys to wellness and to illustrate the lessons being taught during treatment and through the experience of healing.

Practitioners also learn through seminars designed to help them learn about the importance of whole body treatment and touch to the health of their patients. They learn how to provide tailor

made patient care, and about its importance to you and how best to apply the proprietary techniques of The Galatea Method.

Here is an example of a seven day program,

If Not Now, Then When…

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Ady Strickland, DCHM, FCHM The Galatea Method For Natural Health and Wellbeing

33 Victoria Avenue, North Lindsay, Ontario, Canada K9V 4E8 02/2015 www.AdyStrickland.com