WEST WINDS July 20, 2020 Page 1 Inside this IssueCommunity News and Updates Community Corner Chaplaincy News Coming Events Channel 2 Listings Lets Get Fit Together Inside the Art Center HCC/AL Programs WEST WINDS NEWSLETTER FOR GOODWIN HOUSE BAILEYS CROSSROADS 3440 S. Jefferson Street, Falls Church, VA 22041 - www.ghbcresidents.org Volume 31, Number 30 July 20, 2020 OUTDOOR CONCERT SERIES PRESENTS Iraida Poberezhnaya, Harpist Tuesday, July 21, at 4:30 – 5:00 p.m. Disclaimer – With the Harp having a softer sound and no amplification, we will not be live streaming the concert on Channel 2. Iraida Poberezhnaya is a concert harpist with a broad repertoire. She has performed as a soloist and in ensembles in Europe and the US, including Stanislavsli Opera and Ballet Theatre (Moscow), Santa Barbara (California) Symphony, Santa Maria (California) Philharmonic, Oklahoma City Philharmonic, Tulsa Opera. In 2012, she was awarded with a special certificate from the Arts and Science Centre, Russian Consulate, Washington, DC, as a recognition for building cultural bridges between two countries. Iraida has performed at Goodwin House before and is excited to be back! FOREIGN AFFAIRS TALKS Wednesday, July 22, 3:00 p.m. on Channel 2 Press Freedom in the Age of the Coronavirus A free press is the foundation of every other right that we have,Filipina-American Journalist Maria Ressa says, speaking about the Philippines and the rest of the world. If we lose that, then were no longer a democracy.Maria Ressa, an international icon for press freedom, discusses this critical issue and the weaponization of social media with London-based NPR journalist Frank Langfitt. Ressa is the co-founder of Rappler, a multi-media news outlet in Manila, now under attack from the Duterte government. World renowned and formerly CNNs chief investigative journalist in Asia, she is one of the journalists combatting fake news around the world who were named as Time Magazines Persons of the Year in 2018. ATTENTION RESIDENTIAL LIVING RESIDENTS: We are holding a mandatory COVID-19 testing day for all Residential Living residents on Tuesday, July 28. We will provide you with a time to report to the Clinic in your mail box next week before the end of the day on Friday, July 24. Please pick up your appointment slip from the Reception Desk and report to the Clinic at your designated time. Thank you.

WEST WINDS July 20, 2020 WEST WINDSghbcresidents.org/WestWindsArchive/documents/WW7-20-2020.pdf · 7/20/2020  · shared more than 191,000 nights with families in need. The next time

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WEST WINDS July 20, 2020 Page 1

Inside this Issue… Community News and


Community Corner

Chaplaincy News

Coming Events

Channel 2 Listings

Let’s Get Fit Together

Inside the Art Center

HCC/AL Programs


3440 S. Jefferson Street, Falls Church, VA 22041 - www.ghbcresidents.org

Volume 31, Number 30 July 20, 2020


Iraida Poberezhnaya, Harpist

Tuesday, July 21, at 4:30 – 5:00 p.m.

Disclaimer – With the Harp having a softer sound and no amplification, we will not be live streaming the concert on Channel 2.

Iraida Poberezhnaya is a concert harpist with a broad repertoire.

She has performed as a soloist and in ensembles in Europe and the US, including Stanislavsli Opera and Ballet Theatre (Moscow), Santa Barbara (California) Symphony, Santa Maria (California) Philharmonic, Oklahoma City Philharmonic, Tulsa Opera. In 2012, she was awarded with a special

certificate from the Arts and Science Centre, Russian Consulate, Washington, DC, as a recognition for building cultural bridges

between two countries.

Iraida has performed at Goodwin House before and is excited to be back!


Wednesday, July 22, 3:00 p.m. on Channel 2

Press Freedom in the Age of the Coronavirus

“A free press is the foundation of every other right that we have,” Filipina-American Journalist Maria Ressa says, speaking about the Philippines and the rest of the world. “If we lose that, then we’re no longer a democracy.”

Maria Ressa, an international icon for press freedom, discusses this critical issue and the weaponization of social media with London-based NPR journalist Frank


Ressa is the co-founder of Rappler, a multi-media news outlet in Manila, now under attack from the Duterte government. World renowned and formerly CNN’s chief investigative journalist in Asia, she is one of the journalists combatting fake news around the world who were named as Time Magazine’s Persons of the Year in 2018.


LIVING RESIDENTS: We are holding a mandatory COVID-19 testing day for all Residential Living residents on Tuesday, July 28.

We will provide you with a time to report to the Clinic in your mail box next week before the end of the day on Friday, July 24.

Please pick up your appointment slip from the Reception Desk and report to the Clinic at your designated time.

Thank you.

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Something new has been added to the Community Service projects list. Now that the soda dispensing machines are not in service, we are getting our sodas in cans. All of these aluminum cans have pull tops and guess what? Ronald McDonald House, headquartered in Falls Church, collects these pull tabs. Most of us are familiar with the fact that the Ronald McDonald House Charities ease the hardships of children’s illness on families by focusing on keeping families with sick children

together and near the care and resources they need. A place for families to rest and regroup right at or near the hospital where the child is located. The pop tab collection helps raise funds to run and maintain the two RM Houses in the DC area…which have a total of 33 bedrooms, 4 kitchens and in 36 plus years, have shared more than 191,000 nights with families in need.

The next time you open a can of soda or V8 juice you could be pulling for Ronald McDonald House, if you would just wiggle off the little pull tab and add it to your collection. These pull tabs can also be found on some soups and canned pet foods. The tabs take such little space and are easy to collect in a quart zip-lock bag or a jar…a pickle or mayonnaise jar would work. Once you have quite a few, take them to the Resident Office Center and empty them into the container marked Ronald McDonald House on the counter next to the “Box Tops for Kids” collection box. There also will be collection jars in strategic locations for staff. So remember, the next time you feel like “flipping your lid,” twist off the tab and save it!

Dottie Moser, Resident



With the temperatures rising, and more activities occurring outdoors, it is important to ensure that you are adequately hydrated. Before heading outside to exercise, try to have a full glass of water, and rehydrate as soon as you return to the apartment.

If you are able to carry a water bottle while walking, I also recommend taking sips of water while you exercise. Dining Services has water bottles available by the entrance to the Bistro. Also, look out for Chef Brian! He will be doing weekly, pop-up hydration stations outdoors where he will have refreshing, cool beverages available.

If you do not enjoy the taste of plain water, try these tips below:

Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables which are naturally high in water

Flavor your water with lemon wedges, fresh herbs or frozen fruit

Try V8, sparkling flavored water, milk, diluted fruit juice or herbal tea

What are signs of dehydration? Dry mouth, dark urine, headache, fatigue and extreme thirst.

Alison Liggett, Dietitian


The GHBC VaCCRA Chapter announces the Kick Off of the Absentee Ballot Program. Watch your West Winds for instructions on how to submit your Ballot in time for the national election. The GHBC polling place will not be available this year. Check West Winds and the resident website for further instructions this fall. Jean Bacon

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Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) students continue to offer daily spiritual devotionals/reflections through the summer. Tune in to Channel 2 at 11:30 a.m. Monday – Friday to see them. Catch up with the videos you may have missed by going to the resident website. Links to each video are posted on the GHBC Resident Website under Spiritual Life/Clinical Pastoral Education Program and Coming Events. Our students come from a variety of backgrounds. We hope you enjoy getting to know them.


CPE Students are now able to visit with some residents, one-on-one, outside, at a distance. After getting to know many of you over the telephone, the students are very much looking forward to connecting in-person. If you want to connect in person, please email Liz Pomerleau, the Director of GH CPE, at [email protected].

NEW FACE AT THE CHAPEL Did you notice that a few weeks ago a new face appeared on the wall leading into the Chapel? Wonder who it was? It is the new Assisting Bishop for the Diocese of Virginia. Bishop Susan Ellyn Goff continues to serve as the Bishop Suffragan since 2012 and also as the Ecclesiastical Authority since late 2018. Her photo is to the left of the large portrait of Bishop Goodwin. To the right of the portrait are now two photos. One is of the Rt. Rev. Jennifer Brooke-Davidson, Assistant Bishop, who formerly served as Bishop Suffragan in the Diocese of West Texas. She joined the Diocese of Virginia on November 4, 2019. The second photo is of the Rt. Rev. Porter Taylor, Assisting Bishop, who is the former Bishop Diocesan of Western North Carolina. Two additional retired bishops, the Rt. Rev. Edwin (Ted) F. Gulick, Jr., and the Rt. Rev. David Colin Jones, continue to serve as Visiting Bishops.


Chaplain Theresa Brion is in the Chapel on Wednesdays 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. each week for those who wish to stop by for conversation, prayers, blessings, etc. (as a supplement to her being available to you as and when you need on request).

Sunday Chapel Service is broadcast on Channel 2 on Sundays at 10:30 a.m. and can be viewed via internet link posted on the GHBCResidents.org website.

Call the GOODwin Hope Line for an inspirational message at any hour or day of the week at Ext. 7241(703-578-7241). Message changes twice a week.

The Spiritual Life Committee is busy planning continued ways to engage in antiracism concerns. If you are interested in learning more, watch the West Winds issues, explore the GHBCResidents.org website and/or contact members of the Spiritual Life Committee or your chaplain, Theresa Brion.

Chaplain Theresa Brion likes to get to know each and all of you better. Call her any time, schedule a visit, have a phone chat, whatever whenever. (Ext. 7224 (703-578-7241; [email protected])

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The Veterans Committee resumes its movie program on Tuesday, July 21. During the week, the committee will show two different movies in the Auditorium, with each movie being shown two times. Depending on resident demand, we may increase to three showings of each movie as well as increase to three movies a week. Sign up in the business office for the movie and time you wish. The first movies are:

The Longest Day

Tuesday, July 21, at 7:00 p.m.

Friday, July 24, at 7:00 p.m.

In 1944, the U.S. Army and Allied forces plan a huge invasion landing in Normandy, France. Despite bad weather, General Dwight D. Eisenhower gives the okay and the Allies land at Normandy. General Norman Cota travels with his men onto Omaha Beach. With much effort, and lost life, they get off the beach, traveling deep into French territory. The German military, due to arrogance, ignorance and a sleeping Adolf Hitler, delay their response to the Allied landing, with crippling results.

To Kill A Mockingbird

Wednesday, July 22, at 7:00 p.m.

Friday, July 24, at 2:00 p.m.

Small-town Alabama, 1932. Atticus Finch (played by Gregory Peck) is a lawyer and a widower. He has two young children, Jem and Scout. Atticus Finch is currently defending Tom Robinson, a black man accused of raping a white woman. Meanwhile, Jem and Scout are intrigued by their neighbors, the Radleys, and the mysterious, seldom-seen Boo Radley in particular.

Flyers will be posted by the elevators at the start of the week describing the two movies. You must sign up in the Resident Business Office. Limit 10 people per movie, but the sign up sheet will list more slots in case people drop out.


In view of the continuing restrictions on movement due to COVID-19, our planning group is continuing to provide weekly Foreign Affairs talks for Channel 2 on timely topics, on Wednesdays at 3:00 p.m.

Here is the currently planned lineup into early September:

July 22 – Maria Ressa/Frank Langfitt, Press Freedom in the Age of Coronavirus

July 29 – Walter Russell Mead, China’s Attempts to Influence US Institutions: A Conversation with FBI Director Christopher Wray

August 5 – PBS, China: Power and Prosperity

August 12 – Aaron David Miller, What Annexation Would Really Mean for Middle East Peace

August 19 – GHBC Panel Discussion of Bob Gates’s “Exercise of Power”

August 26 – Walter Russell Mead, Impact of COVID-19 on Foreign Policy

September 2 – Foreign Policy Assn., Competing for Influence: China in Latin America

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Please Note: The morning Seated Fitness times have changed. They will be on at 10:30 a.m. rather than 10:45 a.m. followed by the Meditation at 11:00 a.m. Thank you for your patience as we work on timing issues.

What’s new: Thursday matinees and Saturday night movies are back! We recently got new technology that will allow us to show DVD’s again! These movies will be shown on Channel 43. All other non-movie programs still will be on Channel 2. Note: We are working diligently to work out any bugs with the new system.

Monday, July 20

10:30 a.m. – Seated Fitness

11:00 a.m. – Meditation

11:30 a.m. – Devotionals/Reflections from CPE

1:00 p.m. – Art Film - Art in Three Colors: White

Tuesday, July 21

10:00 a.m. – Standing Low Impact Aerobics Workout

10:30 a.m. – Seated Fitness

11:00 a.m. – Muscle Relaxation

11:30 a.m. – Devotionals/Reflections from CPE

Wednesday, July 22

10:30 a.m. – Seated Fitness

11:00 a.m. – Meditation

11:30 a.m. – Devotionals/Reflections from CPE

2:00 p.m. – World Travel - 17 Most Beautiful Islands

3:00 p.m. – Foreign Affairs Series: Maria Ressa/Frank Langfitt on Press Freedom in the Age of Coronavirus

Thursday, July 23

10:00 a.m. – Standing Low Impact Aerobics Workout

10:30 a.m. – Seated Fitness

11:00 a.m. – Muscle Relaxation

11:30 a.m. – Devotionals/Reflections from CPE

2:00 p.m. – Town Hall with Justin Carwile

3:00 p.m. – Matinee Featuring The Greatest Showman (Channel 43)

Growing up in the early 1800s, P.T. Barnum displays a natural talent for publicity and promotion, selling lottery tickets by age 12. After trying his hands at various jobs, P.T. turns to show business to indulge his limitless imagination, rising from nothing to create the Barnum & Bailey circus. Featuring catchy musical numbers, exotic performers and daring acrobatic feats, Barnum's mesmerizing spectacle soon takes the world by storm to become the greatest show on Earth.

Friday, July 24

10:30 a.m. – Seated Fitness

11:00 a.m. – Meditation

11:30 a.m. – Devotionals/Reflections from CPE

1:00 p.m. – Opera - Gianni Schicchi - Puccini

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Enjoy your drinks on the Bistro Patio while listening to the sweet sounds of Guitarist David Andrew Smith.

Each Wednesday in July, David will be playing on the Bistro Patio from 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. Grab a friend and a drink from the BC Lounge and soak in the summer sun. Have a song request? Email it to Elizabeth Whitehouse at [email protected].

Weather Permitting

Channel 2 and Channel 43...continued

Saturday, July 25

7:15 p.m. – Ford v Ferrari (Channel 43)

American automotive designer Carroll Shelby and fearless British race car driver Ken Miles battle corporate interference, the laws of physics and their own personal demons to build a revolutionary vehicle for the Ford Motor Co. Together, they plan to compete against the race cars of Enzo Ferrari at the 24 Hours of Le Mans in France in 1966.

Sunday, July 26

10:30 a.m. – Sunday Service


Last night I dreamt that I was crushed under an avalanche of green plastic bags. Gasping for breath, I clawed my way out, and saw that these were the compostable bags in which our meals are delivered! In huge letters on one side was printed BIO BAGS, Certified Compostable, made to Industrial Standards in Austria by the TUV company. Also, in all caps, the bag ordered me to USE, REUSE, THEN COMPOST! Further, the bag was to be composted ONLY at a commercial facility, not by just anyone for their own flower box. Then came the kicker—commercial composting facilities may not exist in your area. My dreaming mind panicked: Had Justin Carwile made sure that there was a valid composting facility in our area? With so much on his plate, this might

easily have slipped by. What then? We had started with one bin in the Market Place, then two, and now three—and still bulging bags of compostable materials overflowed the bins. In my dream I saw a tsunami of green plastic sweep through the Market Place, envelope the yogurt machine, slither, ankle deep, to submerge the piano, engulf the atrium. As it was about the flood the mailroom, in a panic I awakened, groping my way to the relief of reality.

Thank goodness it was just a dream. I had escaped. But I was trembling. I needed ice cream. In the kitchen I opened the freezer with a shaky hand—and yelped as a small avalanche of three green bags, bulging with frozen garbage, burst from the freezer and bruised my bare feet. This was no dream. There was no escape.

Looking to the future I see miles and miles of green plastic bags, cramming our freezers, overflowing our bins, haunting our dreams. And, believe it or not, actually helping to clean up our environment.

Barbara Morris

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Total Body Standing, Auditorium, 8:50 a.m.

Total Body Seated, Auditorium, 9:30 a.m.

Chair Fit, Auditorium, 11:30 a.m.

Yoga Length & Strength, Video, Auditorium, 2:15 p.m. TUESDAY, JULY 21

Stretch and Flex, Auditorium, 8:15 a.m.

Get Started, Auditorium, 9:00 a.m.

Tone & Balance, Auditorium, 9:45 a.m.

Pilates Video, Aerobics Room, 11:00 a.m.

Line Dance, Auditorium, 2:00 p.m.

Outdoor Fitness Circuit, Main Entrance, 5:00 p.m.


Total Body Standing Aerobics Room, 8:50 a.m.

Total Body Seated, Aerobics Room, 9:30 a.m.

Brain Body Fitness Break, Aerobics Room, 10:30 a.m.


Stretch and Flex, Auditorium, 8:15 a.m.

Get Started, Auditorium, 9:00 a.m.

Tone & Balance, Auditorium, 9:45 a.m.

Pilates Video, Auditorium, 10:30 a.m.

Chair Fit, Auditorium, 11:30 a.m.

Outdoor Fitness Circuit, Main Entrance, 5:00 p.m. FRIDAY, JULY 24

Total Body Standing, Auditorium, 8:50 a.m.

Exercise Video, Aerobics Room, 9:00 a.m.

Total Body Seated, Auditorium, 9:30 a.m.


Total Body Video, Aerobics Room, 9:00 a.m.

Total Body Video, Aerobics Room, 10:00 a.m.


Good News! The Pool is Opening on Monday, July 20, 2020.

After being closed for four months due to COVID-19, the pool will be reopening on Monday, July 20, for lap swimming, water walking, and pool exercise only (no classes at this time). To insure resident and staff safety, new protocols for physical distancing, enhanced cleaning, and disinfection practices are established. Please read the attached GHBC Pool Guidelines or pick up a copy in the Fitness Center for a complete list of procedures. Below is a list of how Residents will be able to sign-up for pool sessions next week.

A weekly sign-up book will be available in the Fitness Center beginning Friday, July 17, afternoon. Going forward the pool weekly sign-up schedule will be placed out on Wednesday afternoons at 1:30 p.m.

Residents are able to sign up for two pool sessions per week.

Each pool session is for 30-minutes.

Three (3) Residents are allowed in the pool at one time.

Residents must wear a mask at all times except when in the pool.

Residents are required to social distance at 6 feet apart in areas outside the pool and at 10 feet apart when in the pool.

The hot tub is closed.

Pool users must sign a new one-time only COVID-19 centered waiver.

Check in at the pool deck for temperature reading and answering the daily assessment questions are required.

The pool will be open Monday - Friday 7:00 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. and closed on Saturday and Sunday.

We know that many of you have missed having the pool open, and we very much appreciate your patience and understanding during this time. Contact Sherry Compton at [email protected] or Ext. 7331, with any questions.

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Inside the Art Center

Everyone is welcome in the Art Center. Sign up for new classes each week,

beginning Monday morning at 8:45 a.m.

Monday, July 20

1:00 p.m. – Art Film – Art in Three Colors: White In the Age of Reason, it was the rediscovery of

the white columns and marbles of antiquity that made white the most virtuous of colors. For flamboyant art

historian J.J. Wickelmann and British genius Josiah Wedgwood, white embodied all the Enlightenment values

of justice, equality and reason.

2:30 – 3:30 p.m. – Just for FUN! Everyone Can Enjoy Art — There is no right or wrong in this class.

Come to the art center to explore and experiment with colors and paint. (sign up required—limit 8) This is an

introductory class, so regular students are asked NOT to sign up in order to leave space for newcomers.

Tuesday, July 21

1:30 – 2:30 p.m. – Knit for Kids — (sign up required—limit 10) Contact Peg Lorenz at Ext. 7690 to register.

3:30 – 4:00 p.m. – Mandala Making and Coloring. By using a provided template and looking at

examples, create your own unique Mandala or feel free to just relax and color from an existing design.

Wednesday, July 22

10:00 – 11:00 a.m – Jewelry Making Group Meets for Discussion. The group will meet in the Art

Center to discuss how best to proceed with restarting classes. (sign up required—limit 10) Contact Carole

Hunt at Ext. 7515 to register.

Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain – Chapter Eight: Relationships in a New Mode: Putting Sighting in Perspective from Betty Edwards’ book.

1:00 – 2:15 p.m. (sign up required—limit 8)

2:30 – 3:45 p.m. (sign up required—limit 8)

Thursday, July 23 (week four of four)

Painting lessons from Vincent van Gogh: Texture, Colors, Swirls. Students will continue to learn to create expressive and dramatic paintings with techniques used by Vincent van Gogh.

10:00 – 11:30 a.m. – (previously registered students only)

1:30 – 3:00 p.m. – (previously registered students only)

Friday, July 24

Flower Committee Meets

Saturday, July 25

10:00 a.m. – Ceramics Cancelled

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Monday, July 20 Morning: 1:1 TR Visits and Outdoor Visits 10:30 – Seated Fitness (Channel 2)

11:00 – Meditation (Channel 2) 1:00 – Art Film (Channel 2) Afternoon: 1:1 TR Visits: Hydration Cart w/ Puzzles & Word Games, Outdoor Visits

Tuesday, July 21 Morning: 1:1 TR Visits and Outdoor Visits 10:30 – Seated Fitness (Channel 2)

11:00 – Muscle Relaxation (Channel 2)

11:30 – Devotionals/Reflections from CPE (Channel 2)

4:00 – Outdoor Concert Series (Channel 2) Afternoon: 1:1 TR Visits, Art Cart & Refreshments, Outdoor Visits

Wednesday, July 22 Morning: 1:1 TR Visits and Outdoor Visits 10:30 – Seated Fitness (Channel 2)

11:00 – Meditation (Channel 2)

11:30 – Devotionals/Reflections from CPE (Channel 2) 2:00 – World Travel—17 Most Beautiful Islands (Channel 2) 3:00 – Foreign Affairs Talks (Channel 2) Afternoon: 1:1 TR Visits, Activity Cart & Refreshments, Outdoor Visits

Thursday, July 23 Morning: 1:1 TR Visits and Outdoor Visits 10:30 – Seated Fitness (Channel 2)

11:00 – Muscle Relaxation (Channel 2)

11:30 – Devotionals/Reflections from CPE (Channel 2) 3:00 – Thursday Matinee: The Greatest Showman (Channel 43) Afternoon: 1:1 TR Visits, Activity Cart & Refreshments, Outdoor Visits

Friday, July 24 Morning: 1:1 TR Visits and Outdoor Visits 10:30 – Seated Fitness (Channel 2)

11:00 – Meditation (Channel 2)

11:30 – Devotionals/Reflections from CPE (Channel 2)

1:00 – Opera - Gianni Schicchi-Puccini (Channel 2) Afternoon: 1:1 TR Visits, Activity Cart & Refreshments, Outdoor Visits Saturday, July 25 TR 1:1 Visits Throughout the Day (Refreshments, Socialization, Snacks, Activity Cart, Outdoor Patio Visits 7:15 – Saturday Movie: Ford v Ferrari (Channel 43)

Sunday, July 26

10:00 – Joel Osteen (Channel 5)

10:30 – Chapel Service (Channel 2)


Monday, July 20 10:30 – Seated Fitness (Channel 2) 11:00 – Meditation (Channel 2) 11:30 – Devotionals/Reflections from CPE (Channel 2) 1:00 – Art Film (Channel 2) 1:00-3:00 Skype Calls w/ Families Tuesday, July 21 10:00 – Standing Low Impact Aerobics Workout (Channel 2) 10:30 – Seated Fitness (Channel 2) 11:00 – Muscle Relaxation (Channel 2) 11:30 – Devotionals/Reflections from CPE (Channel 2) 4:00 – Outdoor Concert Series (Channel 2) 1:00-3:00 Skype Calls w/ Families Wednesday, July 22 10:30 – Seated Fitness (Channel 2) 11:00 – Meditation (Channel 2) 11:30 – Devotionals/Reflections from CPE (Channel 2) 2:00 – Hallway BINGO 2:00 – World Travel—17 Most Beautiful Islands (Channel 2) 3:00 – Foreign Affairs Talks (Channel 2) Thursday, July 23 10:00 – Standing Low Impact Aerobics Workout (Channel 2) 10:30 – Seated Fitness (Channel 2) 11:00 – Muscle Relaxation (Channel 2) 11:30 – Devotionals/Reflections from CPE (Channel 2) 2:00 – Town Hall with Justin Carwile 3:00 – Thursday Matinee: The Greatest Showman (Channel 43) 1:00-3:00 Skype Calls w/ Families Friday, July 24 10:30 – Seated Fitness (Channel 2) 11:00 – Meditation (Channel 2) 11:30 – Devotionals/Reflections from CPE (Channel 2) 1:00 – Opera - Gianni Schicchi-Puccini (Channel 2) 1:00-3:00 Skype Calls w/ Families Saturday, July 25 7:15 – Saturday Movie: Ford v Ferrari (Channel 43) Sunday, July 26 10:00 – Joel Osteen (Channel 5) 10:30 – Sunday Chapel (Channel 2) 2:00 – Work on Weekend Warrior Packet!

* Chaplain Theresa will visit with interested residents.

Give her a call at Ext. 7224. *