West Windsor OPRA Requset Form

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  • 7/27/2019 West Windsor OPRA Requset Form



    271 Clarksville RoadWest Windsor, NJ 08550

    Tel: 609-799-2400 Fax: 609-799-1610w E E - Mail: [email protected] Custodian: Sharon L. Young, Township Clerk

    Clerk's Office Representative:DUE NOT LATER THAN:

    Important NoticeT he r ev e rs e side of this form contains important information related to your rights concern ing government records. Please read it careful

    Requestor InformationPlease Print Payment InformationMaximum Authorization Cost $

    Name Mi Last Name Select Payment MethodCash Check Money Orde

    Address Fees as of March 1 , 2011:State Zip E-mal 8% x 11 Or smaler $ 0.05

    copies per pageHours Telephone: Area Code Number Extension

    sr larger copes8 / z x14 0.07referred Delivery: Pick Up El US Mail On Site Inspect[ I FAX[ I E-Mail El perpageyouarerequestingrecordscontainingpersona information, peaseseectone: Under penalty o N.J. S.A. Delivery: Delivery/ postage fees

    3, I certify that I HAVENOT been convctedoany indictable ofenseunderthe laws oNewJersey, any additional depending upherstate or the United States. delivery type.

    Extras: Special service chargeSignature Date dependent upon reques

    Record Request Information: Please be as specific as poss ib le in d e sc rib in g th e r e co rd s b e in g r eq ue s te d . Also, p lease note that y ou r p re fe rr e d m e th od odelivery w i l l o n l y b e a c c om m o d a te d i f the c u s t o d i a n h a s th e technological m e a n s a n d th e in t e g r i ty o f th e r e c o r d s w i l l n o t b e jeopardized b y s u c h m e t h o d ofdelivery.

    Information ofSpecific Property: Block Lot Address:I f request ing p lans a letter from the property owner authoriz ing permission must b e presented a t the t ime of the reques t

    AGENCY USE ONLY AGENCY USE ONLY AGENCYUSE ONLYDisposition Notes Tracking Information Final Cost

    Est. Document Cost Custodian: If any partorequestcanno be Tracking# Totaldelivered in seven business days,

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  • 7/27/2019 West Windsor OPRA Requset Form


    Page 2


    h e custodian ma y require a deposit against c o st s f or reproducing documents sough t t h rough an a n o ny m ou s r e q ue s t whenever t h e c u s to dnticipates that the documents requested will cost in excess of$ 5 to reproduce.a special service charge is warranted under OPRA, that amount will be communicated to you as required under the statute. You h

    e opportunity to revewand obect to the charge prior to it being incurred. If, however, you approve of the fact and amount of the speervice charge, you m ay be required to pay a deposit or p ay in full prior to reproduction of th e documents.

    YOUR REQUEST FOR RECORDS IS DENIED FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON(S):To be compeedby the Custodian oRecordscheck the b ox of the numbered exemption(s ) as they apply to the records requested. Imult ip le r ecords are requested , be specif ic as to wh ich exempt ion( s) apply to each record. Response is due to requestor as soon aspossible, but no later than seven business days.)

    N.J.S.A. 47: 1 A-1 . 1Inter-agency or int ra- agency advisory, consultative or deliberative materialLegslative records0La w enfo rcement records:E( Medical examiner photosCriminal invest igatory records ( however , N . J . S . A. 47: 1A- 3 .b . l ists specif ic c r im ina l i nves tiga tory in fo rmat ion w h ich m us

    disclosed)Victims' recordsQ Trade secrets an d proprietary commercial or f inancial information

    Any record within th e attorney-client privilegeQ' Administrative or technical in formation regarding computer hardware, software an d ne tworks wh ich , if disclosed would jeoparcomputer securityjmergency or secur ity in formation or procedures for a ny build ings or facility which, i f d isclosed, would je op ar diz e s e cu rity o fbuilding or facility or persons therein0Secur ity measures and survei llance techniques which, if disclosed, would create a risk to the safety or persons, property, electrdata or softwareInformation which, if disclosed, would give an advantage to competitors or biddersI n fo rmat ion genera ted by or on b e h a lf o f p ub l ic em plo ye r s o r publ ic employees in connection with:I An y sexual harassment compla in t f il ed w i th a public employerA ny g ri e vanc e fi le d b y o r ag a ins t an employeeCollective negotiations documents and statements of strategy or negotiatingInformation that is a communication between a public agency and its insurance carrier, administrative service organization ormanagemenofcenInformation that is to be kept confidential pursuant to cour t o rderj Certificate of honorab le d i scharge is sue d b y th e United Sta tes government ( Form D D - 214) f il ed with a pub l ic agencySoc i a l security numbersj Credit card numbersUnlisted telephone numbersDrivers' license numbersCertain records of higher education institutions:E] Research recordsn' uestions or scores for exam for emp loyment or academics

    Charitable contribution informationRare book collections gifted for limited accessAdmssion applications0S tuden t records , gr ievances or discipl inary p roceed ings revea li ng a students ' ident i f icat ionBiotechnology t ra d e s e c re ts N . J . S .A. 47 : 1 A- 1 . 2Convicts request ing their vict ims' records N . J . S .A. 47 : 1A-2. 2Ongoing investigations of non- law enforcement agencies( must prove disclosure is inimical to the public interest) N . J. S . A. 47: 1A -Public defender records N.J.S.A. 47: 1A-5.k.Q' Upholds exemptions contained in oth er S tate or federal s tatutes a n d regulations, Executive Orders, Rules of Court, and privilecreated by State Constitution, statute, court rule or judicial c as e la w N . J. S .A. 47: 1A - 9Personnel an d pension records ( howeve r , th e fo llo w ing i nfo rm a ti on m u st be disc losed:An individual' s name, title, position, salary, payrol l record, length of service, date of separat ion and th e r ea son for sseparation, and the amount and type of any pension receivedWhen required to be disclosed by another law, when disclosure is essential to the performance of offic ial dut ies of a peduly author ized b y t hi s S t at e or th e U S , or w h e n author ized by an ind ividual in interestData contained in information which disclose conformity with specific experiential, educational or medical qualificatrequired for g ov e rn m e n t e m plo ym e n t or fo r receipt of a publ ic pens ion, b ut not inc luding any d e ta ile d m e d ic apsychoogca information N.J.S.A. 47AA-10

  • 7/27/2019 West Windsor OPRA Requset Form


    PageN. J.S.A. 47: 1 A-1

    a public agency has a responsibility and an obligation to safeguard from public access a citizen' s personal information with whichhas b e e n en tr us ted w hen d i sc lo s ur e thereof w o u ld v io la te t he cit izen' s r easonab l e expecta tion of privacy."Burnet t v. County of Bergen, 19 8 N . J. . 408( 2 0 09 ) . W i tho ut am b i gu it y, th e c ou rt h e ld that th e p ri vac y p ro v is io n " is nei ther a prefacea preambe" Rather, " th e very l anguage exp ressed in th e pr ivacy c la u se r e ve a ls its subs tant ive nature; it does no t off e r reasonsOPRA wasadopted as preambes typically do; instead, it focuses on the law's implementation." " Specifically, it imposesobligat ion on p ub l ic a g e n ci e s to protect against disclosure of persona l in format ion w h ic h w o uld ru n contrary to r e as o na b l e p riinterests."

    Executive Order N o. 21 ( McGreevey 2002)Records where inspect ion, examinat ion or c o py in g w o u ld substantially in ter fere w ith th e Sta te ' s abi l i ty to protect and defendSta te an d its citizens against acts of sabotage or terrorism, or wh ich , if d i s cl os e d , w o u ld m a te r ia ll y in cre as e th e riskconsequences of potential acts of sabotage or terrorism.Records exempted from disclosure b y State agencies' proposed ru les.

    Executive Order N o. 26( McGreevey 2002)Certain records maintained by the Office of the GovernorResumes , appl ica t ions for employment or other informat ion concerning job applicants while a recru i tment search is ongoingEl Records of complaints and i nv e stigati on s un der ta ke n pur su an t to the Model P roc ed ure s for Internal Complaint s A lleDiscrimnation, Harassment or Hostile EnvironmentsInformation relat ing to medical, psychiatric or psychological history, diagnosis, treatment or evaluationInformation in a personal income or other tax return0Information describing a natural person' s finances, income, assets, liabilities, ne t worth, bank ba lances , financial history or activior creditworthiness, except as otherwise required b y la w to b e disclosedTest questions, scoring keys and other examination data pertaining to the administration of an examination for public employmenlicensingRecords in the possession of another department ( including N J O ffic e of Information Technology or S ta te Archives) when threcords are madeconfidential b y regulation or EO 9 .

    Other Exemption(s) contained in a State statute, resolution of either or both House of the Legslature, regulation, Executive OrdRules ofCourt, any federal law, federal regulation or federal order pursuant to N . J . S .A. 47 : 1A- 9.a .Please provide detailed information regarding th e exemption from disclosure for wh i ch yo u a re relying to deny access to government recorIf multiple records are requested, b e specific as to which exemption(s ) apply to each record.)

    QUEST FOR RECORDS UNDER THE COMMON LAWin addit ion to request ing r ec ord s u nd e r O P R A, yo u are also r e q ue s ti ng t he government re co rd s u nd e r th e c om m on law, p le a se c he c k th e

    ox below

    public record under the common la w is on e required b y la w to be kept, or necessary to b e kep t in the discharge of a duty imposed b y lawby la w to serve as a memor ia l and e vid e nc e o f someth ing wr i t ten, said, or d on e, or a writ ten memor ia l made b y a p u b li c o fto perform that function, or a writing f i led in a public off ice. The elements essential to constitute a public r ec or d a re that it bt en memor ia l, that it be made by a public officer, and that t he o ff ice r be authorized by la w to make it.

    Yes, I am also requesting th e documents under common l aw.the information requested is a " public record" under common la w an d the requestor h as a legally recognized interest in the subject min the mater ia l , then the m a te r ia l m us t b e disclosed if the individual' s right of access outweighs th e State's interest in preven

    set forth your interest in the subject matter contained in the requested material:

    tha t any chal lenge to a den ia l of a reques t for records unde r th e common la w c an no t b e made to th e Gov ern me n t Re c oas the Government Records Council only has jurisdiction to adudcatechalenges to denials of OPRA requestsalengeto the denialoaccessunderthecommonlawcanbe madeby filinganactionin Superior Court.

  • 7/27/2019 West Windsor OPRA Requset Form


    Page1 . All governmenrecordsaresubect to pubicaccessunderthe Open Public Records Act ("OPRA"), unless specificallexempt.2. A re que st for a cc es s to a government re cor d un de r O P R A must be in writing, hand- delivered, mailed, transmitteelectronically, orotherwseconveyedto the appropriatecustodan N. J. S.A. 47: 1A-5.g. The seven ( 7) bus iness daresponsetime does not commenceunil the recordscustodanrecevesthe request form. If you submit the requeform to any o th e r o ff ice r or e m plo ye e o f th e Township of West Windsor, t h at o ff ice r or employee must e i th e r forw a rthe request to the appropriate custodian, or direct you to the appropriate custodian. N . J . S.A. 47: 1A-5. h.3. Requestors may submtrequestsanonymously. If you elect not to provide a name, address, or telephone number, ooth er m ea ns of c on ta ct, th e custodian is not required to respond until yo u reappear b efore th e c us to d ia n s e e k in g

    response to the orignal request.4. T he fe es for duplicat ion of a government record in printed form are l isted on th e front of this form. W e wil l notify you oany special se rv ice charges or othe r addi t ional charges author i zed b y S ta te la w o r r eg ula tio n b e fo re p ro ce s sin g youreques t . Payment shal l b e made b y cash, check or money order payab le to th e Township ofWest Windsor.5. You may be chargeda 50% or other deposit when a request for copies exceeds $25. The Township of WesWindsor custodanwll conact you and advseyouo any deposit requremens You a gre e to pa y th e balance duupondelivery of the records Anonymous requestsin excessof$5. 00 requrea deposit o 100% of estimated fees.6. Under OPRA, a custodian must deny access to a person who h as b een convicted of an indictable offense in NewJersey , any other s tate , o r the United Sta tes , and w ho is seek ing government records conta in ing persona l in format iopertaining to the person' s victim or th e victim' s family. This includes anonymous requests for said information.7. By l aw , th e Township of West Windsor must notify you that it g ra nts or denies a reques t for access to governmenrecordswthnseven( 7) business days after the agency custodano recordsrecevesthe request. If the recorrequested is not currently available or is in storage, th e custodian will advise you within seven ( 7) business days aftereceipt of the request when the record can be made available and the estimated cost for reproduction.8. You may b e den ied access to a government record if your request would substantially disrupt agency operations anthe custodian is unable to reach a reasonable solution with you.9. If the Township of West Windsor is unable to comply with your request for access to a government record, thcustodian will indicate the reasons for denial on the request form or other written correspondence and send you

    signed and dated copy.10 . E xc ep t a s otherw ise prov ided b y law or b y agreement w ith th e reques te r , if the a g e nc y c us to d ia n of r e co rd s fa ils trespond to you w i th in s e ve n ( 7) b us in es s d ays of rece iv ing a reques t , th e failure to respond is a d e e m e d den ia l of yourequest.11 . If your request for access to a government record has been denied or unfilled within the seven ( 7) business day

    required b y law, you have a right to challenge th e decision b y th e Township of West Windsor to deny access. At youoption, yo u m ay either insti tute a proceed ing in th e Superior Court of N e w Je r sey or file a complaint with thGovernment Records Council ("GRC") b y complet ing th e D e n ia l o f A cc e ss Complaint Form. You may contact th e GRCb y toll- free te lephone at 866- 850- 0511, by mai l at P O Bo x 8 19 , T ren ton , N J , 08625, b y e- mail at [email protected]. nj.us , oat their websteat wwwstatenj.usgrc. The Council canasoanswerotherquestionsabou the law. All questionregarding complaints f i led in Superior Court should b e directed to the Court Clerk in your County.

    12. Information provided on this form may b e subject to disclosure under the Open Public Records Act.

    ACKNOWLEDGEMENTIhe reby acknow ledge thatIh a ve r ec e iv e d a response to m y r eq ue s t under th e laws ofth e Open Public Records Act.

    Applicant Name Date