WESTPLAN - Marine Oil Pollution - transport.wa.gov.au · Insert Annex L 8 May 2000 Complete ... PART 2 PREVENTION AND MITIGATION ... The aim of Westplan – Marine Oil Pollution (MOP)

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WESTPLAN – Marine Oil Pollution

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WESTPLAN – Marine Oil Pollution – May 2016 2

Contact Officer To provide comment on this plan, contact: The Manager Maritime Environmental Emergency Response Unit Department of Transport 1 Essex St, Fremantle WA 6160




Initial issue.

1 October 1990 Complete re-issue

2 March 1992 Complete re-issue

3 May 1995 Complete re-issue

4 August 1996 Complete re-issue

5 December 1997 Complete re-issue

6 August 1998 Complete re-issue

7 January 1999 Replace pages 1-12. 19-40.45-54 Insert Annex L

8 May 2000 Complete re-issue

9 April 2007 Complete re-issue

10 February 2010 Complete re-issue

11 September 2015 Complete re-issue

12 May 2016 Statement of fact amendments SEMC Secretariat

A copy of this Westplan is available on the State Emergency Management Committee (SEMC) internet site:



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Table of Contents Amendment List ........................................................................................................ 2

PART 1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................... 5

1.1 Aim and Objectives .....................................................................................5

1.2 Scope ..........................................................................................................6

1.3 Hazard Definition .........................................................................................7

1.4 Related Documents .....................................................................................8

1.5 Authority for Plan .........................................................................................9

1.6 Plan Responsibilities ...................................................................................9

1.7 Exercise and Review Periods .................................................................... 10

1.8 Organisational Roles and Responsibilities ................................................ 10

PART 2 PREVENTION AND MITIGATION ......................................................... 12

2.1 Responsibility for prevention and/or mitigation .......................................... 12

2.2 Legislation and Codes ............................................................................... 12

2.3 Prevention and Mitigation strategies ......................................................... 12

PART 3 PREPAREDNESS .................................................................................. 14

3.1 Responsibility for preparedness ................................................................ 14

3.2 Planning and arrangements ...................................................................... 14

3.3 Resources ................................................................................................. 14

3.4 Training ..................................................................................................... 16

3.5 Evacuation Arrangements ......................................................................... 17

3.6 Arrangement for assistance from other jurisdictions .................................. 17

PART 4 RESPONSE ........................................................................................... 17

4.1 Responsibility for Response ...................................................................... 17

4.2 Levels of Response ................................................................................... 19

4.3 Notification ................................................................................................ 21

4.4 Activation of this plan ................................................................................ 21

4.5 Incident Management System ................................................................... 22

4.6 Hazard Management Structure/Arrangements .......................................... 23

4.7 Marine Transport Emergencies (MTE) ...................................................... 26

4.8 Evacuation arrangements ......................................................................... 28

4.9 Stand Down and Debriefs ......................................................................... 28

4.10 Function Support Plans ............................................................................. 28

4.11 Public information and media management .............................................. 29

4.12 Support plans ............................................................................................ 29


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4.13 Financial arrangements for response ........................................................ 29

PART 5 RECOVERY ........................................................................................... 30

5.1 Responsibility for recovery ........................................................................ 30

5.2 Transition to Recovery .............................................................................. 31

5.3 Post Spill Monitoring .................................................................................. 32

5.4 Cost Recovery ........................................................................................... 32

5.5 Investigation .............................................................................................. 33

5.6 Post Incident analysis / Post Operation Report ......................................... 33

PART 6 APPENDICES ........................................................................................ 34

6.1 Appendix A - Distribution List .................................................................... 34

6.2 Appendix B - Agency Responsibilities (Service Providers) under Westplan - MOP 36

6.3 Appendix C - Glossary of acronyms and terms ......................................... 38

6.4 Appendix D – WA Oil Spill Contingency Planning ..................................... 42

6.5 Appendix F – Cost Recovery Procedure ................................................... 43

6.6 Appendix G – Place of Refuge .................................................................. 43

6.7 Appendix H – Inter-Governmental Agreement .......................................... 43


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1.1 Aim and Objectives

1.1.1 Aim The aim of Westplan – Marine Oil Pollution (MOP) is to outline the management arrangements for the prevention of, preparation for, response to and recovery from a MOP emergency in order to minimise the impacts of marine oil pollution from vessels, offshore petroleum activities and other sources in WA State waters.

1.1.2 Objectives The objectives of Westplan - MOP are to:

1. Ensure the ongoing effective management of MOP prevention, preparation, response and recovery activities within State waters.

2. Define the roles and responsibilities for the prevention of, preparation for, response to, and recovery from a MOP emergency.

3. Establish a basis for co-ordination between Government Agencies and industries involved in the manufacture, storage, extraction, use and/or transport of oil or other petroleum products.

4. Provide an interface with Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) for the request and co-ordination of National and International assistance during a MOP emergency.

5. Provide integration of Westplan - MOP with; a. National Plan for Maritime Environmental Emergencies (National Plan)

2014; b. Westplan - Marine Transport Emergencies (MTE); c. Westplan - Hazardous Materials Emergencies (HAZMAT), d. Department of Transport Oil Spill Contingency Plan (DoT OSCP); and, e. Port, Port Operator, Port Facility Operator OSCPs and Petroleum

titleholder Oil Pollution Emergency Plans (OPEP).

1.1.3 Title The plan shall be titled Westplan – Marine Oil Pollution, abbreviated as Westplan -MOP.


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1.2 Scope Westplan - MOP covers actual or impending spills of oil from a source associated with the marine environment. Spills of other hazardous materials are covered by Westplan-HAZMAT. Note: Westplan - MOP is not an Oil Spill Contingency Plan (OSCP). Procedures for preparing and responding to MOP incidents are to be found in the relevant OSCPs including DoT, Port, Port Operator, Port Facility Operator and Petroleum Titleholder Oil Spill Contingency Plans (OSCP) / Oil Pollution Emergency Plans (OPEP)

1.2.1 Boundaries Definition of waters In accordance with regulation 23A of the Emergency Management Regulations 2006, Westplan - MOP applies to all actual or impending spills of oil in the following waters:

Waters of the State. − All waters within limits of the State. − All coastal waters of the State within the meaning given in the Coastal

Waters (State Powers) Act 1980 (Australian Government) section 3(1).

The area of a port as defined in the Shipping and Pilotage Act 1967 section 3.

The area described in relation to a port by order made by the Governor under the Port Authorities Act 1999 section 24.

For the purposes of Westplan - MOP, the above waters are referred to collectively as “State waters”. Land Spills

Spills of oil that have originated from State waters that impact shorelines are covered by Westplan – MOP. The agency nominated for the source spill will undertake the role of Controlling Agency unless otherwise delegated by the Hazard Management Agency. Spills of oil originating on land are covered by Westplan-HAZMAT. Where spills of oil, originating on land enter State waters, the Fire & Emergency Services Commissioner is the Hazard Management Agency. The management arrangements for these land spills are detailed in the Westplan-HAZMAT. Where a subsequent spill into State waters caused by an initial land spill presents a significantly greater risk, management of the incident may be transferred to the


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relevant Controlling Agency and / or Hazard Management Agency for the subsequent spill by agreement between the two agencies. This is in accordance with State EM Plan Section 5.1.2. In this instance the MOP emergency would be managed in accordance with Westplan - MOP.

1.2.2 Spills Outside of Westplan - MOP Boundaries Westplan - MOP procedures and Western Australian Government resources may be used in support of any Controlling Agency responding to spills in Australian Government or other State/Territory waters. Western Australian Government resources may be requested by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) under the National Plan arrangements through the State Marine Pollution Coordinator for a MOP incident outside State waters. AMSA may request, through the State Marine Pollution Coordinator, that DoT assume the Controlling Agency role, even though a spill has originated in Australian Government waters.

1.3 Hazard Definition

1.3.1 Prescribed Hazard The Emergency Management Regulations 2006 prescribes the following as a hazard:

“actual or impending spillage, release or escape of oil or an oily mixture that is capable of causing loss of life, injury to a person or damage to the health of a person, property or the environment” [r15(j)].

1.3.2 Spill Risk In 2011 the DET NORSKE VERITAS ‘Assessment of the Risk of Pollution from Marine Oil Spills in Australian Ports and Waters’ report engaged by AMSA identified four main areas of Level 2/3 marine pollution risk in WA:

The Fremantle inshore waters. This risk is associated with the volume of shipping using the port of Fremantle.

The inshore waters and shipping lanes in the Dampier Port area. Risks here are associated with the combined Pilbara Ports and Port Walcott, along with other coastal shipping.

The offshore petroleum areas of the NW Shelf and Browse Basin.

The Joint Petroleum Development Area (JPDA) of the Timor Sea.


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1.4 Related Documents

This document is to be read in conjunction with the following suite of State Emergency Management (EM) documents:

Emergency Management Act 2005 (EM Act);

Emergency Management Regulation 2006 (EM Regulation);

State Emergency Management Policy (State EM Policy);

State Emergency Management Plan (State EM Plan);

Relevant State Hazard Specific Plans (Westplans);

State Emergency Management Procedures (State EM Procedures);

State Emergency Management Guidelines ( State EM Guidelines); and

State Emergency Management Glossary (State EM Glossary).

It should be noted that the State EM Procedures are divided into Prevention, Preparedness, Response and Recovery sections, with individual procedures referred to as ‘State EM Prevention Procedure’, ‘State EM Preparedness Procedure’, ‘State EM Response Procedure’ and ‘State EM Recovery Procedure’, as applicable.

Supporting documents, legislation, policies or guides, relevant to this plan include:

Pollution of Waters by Oil and Noxious Substances Act, 1987 (POWBONS).

Intergovernmental Agreement on the National Plan to Combat Pollution of the Sea by Oil and other Noxious and Hazardous Substances 2002

Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006

Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Environment) Regulations 2009

Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Resources (Environment) Regulations 2012

Petroleum (Submerged Lands) (Environment) Regulations 2012

Petroleum Pipelines (Environment) Regulations 2012 Integration with other plans:

National Plan for Maritime Environmental Emergencies 2014 (National Plan)

Westplan – Marine Transport Emergencies

DoT Oil Spill Contingency Plans (OSCPs)

Western Australian Oiled Wildlife Response Plan

Port, Port Operator, Port Facility Operator and Petroleum titleholder OSCP/OPEPs

Australian Marine Oil Spill Plan

Facility Spill Response Plans

Westplan – HAZMAT

State Health Emergency Response Plan


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State Emergency Welfare Plan and its annexures on Reception and Registration and Reunification

State Emergency Public Information Plan activated by the State Emergency Public Information Coordinator

State Emergency Telecommunication Plan

1.5 Authority for Plan The State Emergency Management Committee (SEMC) is responsible for arranging the preparation of Westplans it considers necessary [Section 18(1) EM Act]. SEMC has directed that responsibility for coordinating and maintaining the development of Westplan - Marine Oil Pollution, to the Hazard Management Agency responsible for response to that hazard. The Marine Safety, General Manager, Department of Transport (DoT) is the Hazard Management Agency for a MOP emergency [Regulation 23A(3) EM Regulations]. The 2002 Inter-Governmental Agreement on the National Plan to Combat Pollution of the Sea by Oil and other Noxious and Hazardous Substances (IGA) commits the Australian Government and State/Territories to implement and maintain a National Plan for Maritime Environmental Emergencies. The IGA commits the State to nominate a responsible ‘Jurisdictional Authority’ to manage MOP emergencies in State waters and nominate a ‘State Marine Pollution Coordinator’. The National Plan sets out the national arrangements, policies and principles for the management for MOP. It defines obligations of the States and various industry sectors in respect to MOP prevention, preparation, response and recovery. In effect, the above arrangements prescribe DoT as the Jurisdictional Authority in respect to the IGA for a MOP emergency in State waters. The National Plan also identifies the Marine Safety, General Manager, DoT as the Hazard Management Agency for a MOP emergency and the State Marine Pollution Coordinator during a MOP emergency. The role and responsibilities of the State Marine Pollution Coordinator is further defined in the IGA, Section 2.5 of the National Plan for Maritime Environmental Emergency and Section 4.6.1. of this Westplan.

1.6 Plan Responsibilities The development, implementation and review of Westplan - MOP is the responsibility of the Hazard Management Agency in consultation with Controlling Agencies, and key stakeholders in accordance with State EM Policy Section 1.5.

1.6.1 State Marine Oil Pollution Committee The State Marine Oil Pollution Committee (SMOPC) assists the Hazard Management Agency in the development, implementation and review of Westplan - MOP.


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The SMOPC provides a forum for interagency collaboration towards achieving the highest level of prevention, preparation, response and recovery to MOP emergency in accordance with the National Plan and Westplan - MOP. The Terms of Reference for SMOPC can be found in Appendix E

1.7 Exercise and Review Periods

1.7.1 Exercising This Westplan will be exercised annually in accordance with State EM Policy Section 4.8, State EM Plan Section 4.7 and State EM Preparedness Procedure 19. The location, timing and format of the annual exercise will be confirmed by the Hazard Management Agency in partnership with the host Controlling Agency and in consultation with other key stakeholders.

1.7.2 Review Westplan - MOP will be reviewed and updated by the Hazard Management Agency as necessary following a significant emergency, relevant legislation changes or at least once in every five years in accordance with State EM Policy Section 1.5.

1.7.3 Oil Spill Contingency Plans / Oil Pollution Emergency Plans It is the responsibility of all Port, Port Operator, Port Facility Operator, Boat Harbour Operator and Petroleum titleholders to formulate, review and exercise their own OSCP/OPEPs. The Hazard Management Agency may periodically review these plans. It is the responsibility of the petroleum titleholder to test the response arrangements under the respective petroleum legislation requirements. The Department of Mines and Petroleum (DMP) assess and approve OSCPs for offshore petroleum activities in State waters. The National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA) asses and accepts OPEPs for offshore petroleum activities in Australian Government waters.

1.8 Organisational Roles and Responsibilities Other organisations, industry groups and Agencies that have responsibilities for activities, resources and facilities under this Westplan are:

Australian Marine Oil Spill Centre (AMOSC).

Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA).

Department for Child Protection & Family Support (CPFS).

Department of Defence (Defence).

Department of Environment Regulation (DER).

Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES).


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Department of Fisheries (DoF).

Department of Mines and Petroleum (DMP).

Department of Parks and Wildlife (P&W).

Local Government Authorities.

National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA).

Office of the Environmental Protection Authority (OEPA).

Petroleum titleholders.

WA all Ports, Port Operators, Port Facility Operators.

Western Australian Police (WA Police).

Details of the respective agency and organisation roles and responsibilities are listed in Appendix B.


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2.1 Responsibility for prevention and/or mitigation The Hazard Management Agency has the overall responsibility for ensuring that MOP prevention and mitigation strategies in WA are implemented and maintained at an adequate level. It is the responsibility of all Port, Port Operator, Port Facility Operator, Boat Harbour Operator and Petroleum titleholders to ensure that MOP prevention and mitigation strategies relative to their operations are implemented and maintained at an adequate level.

2.2 Legislation and Codes The Hazard Management Agency’s legislative instruments include (but are not limited to):

Emergency Management Act 2005.

Emergency Management Regulations 2006.

Pollution of Waters by Oil and Noxious Substances Act, 1987 (POWBONS).

WA Marine Act 1982.

Transport Coordination Act 1966.

Shipping and Pilotage Act 1967.

Port Authorities Act 1999.

Marine and Harbour Act 1981.

Navigation Act 2012 .

Maritime Transport and Offshore Facilities Security Act 2003.

State EM Policy.

2.3 Prevention and Mitigation strategies

The Hazard Management Agency’s prevention and mitigation strategies include (but are not limited to):

Developing and monitoring policies and arrangements to prevent and control MOP emergencies.

Promoting the commitment of Controlling Agencies, to implement Westplan – MOP.

Ensuring that Port, Port Operator, Port Facility Operator, Boat Harbour Operator and Petroleum titleholders formulate and maintain an appropriate Oil Spill Contingency Plan (OSCP) or Oil Pollution Emergency Plan (OPEP) detailing their preparedness and response capability commensurate with their identified risk.


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Maintaining a stockpile of MOP equipment to meet its own Controlling Agency responsibilities and supplement other Controlling Agency stockpiles during a MOP incident.

Promoting public awareness and appropriate community participation in MOP preparedness.

Provide support to the National Plan Strategic Coordination Committee (NPSCC).

Ensuring the development and ongoing refinement of contingency planning within WA, through support for Westplan - MOP and OSCP/OPEP auditing procedures.

Promoting MOP emergency response training in WA.


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3.1 Responsibility for preparedness The Hazard Management Agency is responsible for ensuring that MOP emergency preparedness is maintained at an adequate level for State waters. Controlling Agencies have responsibility for ensuring adequate preparedness for MOP incidents within their respective area of responsibility.

3.2 Planning and arrangements

Preparedness arrangements are to be outlined in OSCP/OPEPs and include response and recovery procedures, location and management of resources as well as required guidelines, templates and forms. Preparedness includes MOP emergency response training and general public awareness and education.

3.2.1 Oil Spill Contingency Planning

It is the responsibility of all Port, Port Operator, Port Facility Operator, Boat Harbour Operator and Petroleum titleholders to formulate, review and exercise their own OSCP/OPEPs. The Hazard Management Agency may periodically review these plans. Preparing to respond appropriately to MOP emergencies requires a joint effort by the Hazard Management Agency, Controlling Agency and key stakeholders. Relevant Controlling Agencies are required by legislation to prepare OSCP/OPEPs setting out arrangements to respond to MOP incidents that might occur in their areas of responsibility. See section 1.7.3 of this plan on the review and exercise requirements for such plans. These OSCP/OPEPs and response arrangements must be consistent with Westplan - MOP, which in turn is consistent with other State Emergency Management Plans and the National Plan for Maritime Environmental Emergencies. OSCP/OPEPs will document the identified hazard and risks, available response resources, response arrangements, procedures and reporting requirements. See Appendix D for guidance on preparing OSCP/OPEPs.

3.3 Resources

3.3.1 Human Resources Trained personnel The DoT maintains a database of WA personnel who have been trained by the DoT or AMSA as oil spill responders. Participants who have completed the relevant training courses may be called to assist in a MOP incident.


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WA Incident Management Response Register (IMRR) The WA Incident Management Response Register (IMRR) is comprised of personnel from the DoT, Controlling Agencies and Service Providers trained to perform functional roles within an Incident Management Team. Activation of individuals of the IMRR during a MOP emergency is through the State Marine Pollution Coordinator. WA State Response Team (SRT) The WA State Response Team (SRT) comprises of officers from Controlling Agencies and other Stakeholder Agencies. Activation of the SRT during a MOP emergency is through the State Marine Pollution Coordinator. National Response Team (NRT) The National Response Team (NRT) comprises experienced personnel who can be seconded from Australian Government/State/Territory Agencies and industry. NRT members are managed, trained and seconded through AMSA. Requests to AMSA for activation of the NRT during a MOP emergency is through the State Marine Pollution Coordinator.

3.3.2 WA Based Equipment Western Australian Government and Port Owned Equipment Each Port, Port Operator, Port Facility Operator and Boat Harbour Operator is required at a minimum to hold and maintain a stockpile of Level 1 response equipment commensurate with their identified risk. It is a requirement that an up to date list of equipment is provided to the Hazard Management Agency in order to facilitate the maintenance of the WA Marine Oil Spill Equipment System (MOSES). National Plan Equipment National Plan response equipment owned and maintained by AMSA is stored in two stockpiles located in Fremantle and Dampier. National Plan dispersant stocks are also stored with these stockpiles. Requests to AMSA for access to this equipment during a MOP emergency is through the State Marine Pollution Coordinator. Other nationally available response equipment can also be accessed during a MOP emergency through the State Marine Pollution Coordinator. Additional Equipment Each Petroleum title holder is required to hold and maintain a stockpile of equipment commensurate with their identified risk as outlined in their relevant OSCP/OPEP. An up to date list of equipment is to be provided to the DoT in order to facilitate the maintenance of WA MOSES.


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AMOSC hold and maintain a stockpile of equipment commensurate to their obligations to AMOSC members. AMOSC equipment can be accessed during a MOP emergency through the National Plan arrangements.

3.3.3 Aircraft Surveillance Aircraft OSCP/OPEPs are to identify any existing local arrangements for accessing aircraft for surveillance during a MOP emergency. If aircraft are unavailable, or sources cannot be located during a MOP emergency, an initial request can be made to the State Marine Pollution Coordinator. Where commercial aircraft are unsuitable, or not available, Department of Defence aircraft may be available during a MOP emergency. Request for Defence resources can be made to the State Marine Pollution Coordinator. All requests for Australian Government physical assistance are to be made in accordance with State EM Policy Section 5.10, State EM Plan Section 5.6.1 and State EM Response Procedure 20. Aircraft for Dispersant Spraying Operations AMSA have established a Fixed Wing Aerial Dispersant Capability (FWADC) for the application of oil spill dispersants. Activation is through the State Marine Pollution Coordinator.

3.4 Training

The Hazard Management Agency and Controlling Agencies are required to conduct preparedness training for responding to MOP emergencies.

Under this plan, the Hazard Management Agency will promote MOP emergency response training in WA by:

Delivering training to Port Authorities in oil spill response equipment operation, shoreline assessment and clean-up.

Facilitating the participation of Controlling Agencies, Service Providers, assisting agencies and organisations in both State and AMSA training programmes.

Supporting regular spill response exercises and ensuring the participation of the agencies represented on the SMOPC.

Ensuring that Port, Port Operator, Port Facility Operator, Boat Harbour Operator and Petroleum titleholders provide appropriate and adequate training on their own OSCP/OPEPs.


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Encouraging Controlling Agencies and Service Providers with particular skills or roles in administration or response to develop appropriate training courses, or units for presentation in courses.

3.5 Evacuation Arrangements OSCP/OPEPs are to detail any evacuation arrangements dependent on the nature and location of the emergency. Refer to section 4.8 of this plan for further detail.

3.6 Arrangement for assistance from other jurisdictions

3.6.1 Australian Government Assistance External to the National Plan arrangements, the provision of Australian Government physical assistance is dependent upon established criteria and requesting arrangements. All requests for Australian Government physical assistance are to be made in accordance with the State EM Policy Section 5.10, State EM Plan section 5.6.1 and State EM Response Procedure 20. Requests for Australian Government assistance during a MOP emergency will be coordinated through the State Marine Pollution Coordinator.

3.6.2 National Plan Assistance The State Marine Pollution Coordinator will request National Plan assistance through AMSA’s Joint Rescue Coordination Centre – Australia (JRCC) Duty Officer. AMSA will activate and coordinate the deployment of NRT, National Plan resources and any overseas assistance as outlined in the National Plan. Any requests for assistance from WA under the National Plan arrangements for a MOP emergency in another jurisdiction will be made through the State Marine Pollution Coordinator, who is the Marine Safety General Manager, Department of Transport.

PART 4 RESPONSE 4.1 Responsibility for Response The Hazard Management Agency has overall responsibility for ensuring there is an adequate response to a MOP emergency in State waters and is the State Marine Pollution Coordinator during a MOP emergency. The Controlling Agency has responsibility to control response activities to a MOP incident. The responsibilities of Service Providers during a response to a MOP incident are listed in Appendix B of this plan or individual OSCP/OPEP’s


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Responsibilities for response to MOP incident are prescribed in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1 WA Oil Spill Response Arrangements

Location Spill Source

Hazard Management Agency / Jurisdictional Authority

Controlling Agency (*)

Level 1 Level 2/3

Australian Government waters

Offshore Petroleum Activity

NOPSEMA Petroleum Titleholder

Petroleum Titleholder ***


State waters

Offshore Petroleum Activity

Marine Safety General Manager, Department of Transport


Petroleum Titleholder

DoT ***


Marine Safety General Manager, Department of Transport

DoT**** DoT

Port Authority (PA) waters

Offshore Petroleum Activity

Marine Safety General Manager, Department of Transport

Petroleum Titleholder



Marine Safety General Manager, Department of Transport

PA**** PA / DoT*****

For spills originating from land into State waters refer to 1.2.1

(*) The Controlling Agency remains true to the spill source. If a spill crosses over defined waters boundaries, the Controlling Agency will remain with the nominated agency or organisation for the spill source, unless otherwise appointed through agreement between the Hazard Management Agency / Jurisdictional Authority of both waters.

(**) DMP are the Regulatory Agency for Offshore Petroleum Activities in State waters and have the responsibility to approve OSCPs and to administer their relevant legislation. DoT remains the Hazard Management Agency for spills sourced from Offshore Petroleum Activities in State waters. (***) In the event of a Level 2/3 MOP incident resulting from an Offshore Petroleum activity in Australian Government waters that impacts State waters, the role of Controlling Agency will be performed by DoT for response activities in State waters. As per the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Environment) Regulations 2009 Reg 14 (8AA), (a), (b), (c) (d), the Petroleum Titleholder must have in place the


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resources and capability to respond to a level 2/3 incident. This includes the provision of appropriate response resources and capability to support DoT as the Controlling Agency in State waters. (****) DoT and PA may assign, through OSCP/OPEPs, MOP emergency response functions to a Port Operator or Port Facility Operator for spills originating from their activities, however the role of Controlling Agency will remain with the nominated agency or organisation as above.

(*****) In the event of a Level 2/3 MOP incident in PA waters, the role of Controlling Agency may fall with the PA or DoT and will be determined by the State Marine Pollution Coordinator in consultation with the PA. The Controlling Agency will be the agency deemed most capable of performing the role of Controlling Agency.

The State Marine Pollution Coordinator is to confirm in writing the Controlling Agency during a MOP incident. In any MOP incident, should a Controlling Agency be deemed by the State Marine Pollution Coordinator to be incapable of providing an adequate response, the State Marine Pollution Coordinator is to reassign the role of the Controlling Agency.

4.1.2 West Australia Border Agreements If a spill occurs close to State borders the Controlling Agency will be decided through consultation between the relevant Hazard Management Agency/ Jurisdictional Authorities and will be assigned to the agency deemed most capable of performing the role of Controlling Agency. In these instances the State Marine Pollution Coordinator will represent WA in consultations with another State or Australian Government Jurisdictional Authorities and the respective Controlling Agencies.

4.2 Levels of Response

MOP incident response is based on the principle of proportionate response whereby the Controlling Agency, and amount of resources mobilised, will vary according to the scale and location of the incident. The Incident Controller has a responsibility to continually assess the incident level and regularly confirm that assessment with the State Marine Pollution Coordinator. If deemed appropriate, the HMA may declare an emergency situation in response to a MOP emergency (refer to Section 4.4.1 of this plan). In this instance, the incident may be referred to as an emergency. Westplan - MOP identifies three levels of incidents as follows: • Level 1 Incidents are generally able to be resolved through the application of

local or initial resources only (e.g. first-strike capacity)


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• Level 2 Incidents are more complex in size, duration, resource management and risk and may require deployment of jurisdiction resources beyond the initial response

• Level 3 Incidents are generally characterised by a degree of complexity that

requires the IC to delegate all incident management functions to focus on strategic leadership, response coordination and may be supported by national and international resources.

In accordance with State EM Plan Section 5.1.6, if assessed as a Level 2 or 3 incident, the Incident Controller must make an ‘Incident Level Declaration’ to the State Marine Pollution Coordinator. If a Level 2 incident has the potential to escalate to a Level 3 Incident, or a Level 3 Incident is declared by the Incident Controller, the State Marine Pollution Coordinator must contact the State Emergency Coordinator to: • Advise of the incident level declaration. • Discuss activation of the State Emergency Coordination Group (SECG). • Consider an ‘Emergency Situation’ declaration. Table 4.2 provides a non-exhaustive list of the general characteristics of each of the three levels.

Table 4.2 Emergency Classification and Activation Triggers



Jurisdiction Single jurisdiction Multiple jurisdictions Multiple jurisdictions

Delegation Incident Controller responsible for all functions

Some functions delegated or divisions created

All functions delegated and/or divisions created

Number of agencies First-response agency Routine multi-agency response

Agencies from across government and industry

Incident Action Plan Simple/Outline Outline Detailed

Resources Resourced from within one area

Requires intra-state resources

Requires national or international resources


Type of response First-strike Escalated Campaign

Duration Single shift Multiple shifts Days to weeks

Extended response Weeks to months

Hazards Single hazard Single hazard Multiple hazards


Human Potential for serious injuries

Potential for loss of life Potential for multiple loss of life

Environment Isolated impacts or with natural recovery expected within weeks

Significant impacts and recovery may take months. Remediation

Significant area and recovery may take months. Remediation


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required required

Wildlife Individual fauna Groups of fauna or threatened fauna

Large numbers of fauna

Economy Business level disruption

Business failure Disruption to a sector

Social Reduced services Ongoing reduced services

Reduced quality of life

Infrastructure Short term failure Medium term failure Severe impairment

Public Affairs Local and regional media coverage

National media coverage

International media coverage

(Ref National Plan – Table 5 Guidance for emergency classification)

These characteristics can be used to develop criteria for consideration when evaluating the need to escalate response arrangements. These criteria should be embedded within the relevant OSCP/OPEP or adapted to the specific emergency. Not all characteristics will apply in all cases, or to all MOP incidents.

4.3 Notification Initial notification and reporting procedures for an actual or impending spill are to be prescribed in the relevant Port, Port Operator, Port Facility Operator, Boat Harbour Operator and Petroleum titleholder OSCP/OPEPs. The relevant Port, Port Operator, Port Facility Operator, Boat Harbour Operator or Petroleum titleholder must report all actual or impending MOP incidents in State waters to the State Marine Pollution Coordinator as soon as reasonably practicable to the DoT Maritime Environmental Emergency Response Unit (MEER) Duty Officer via the 24 hour reporting number (08) 9480 9924. The State Marine Pollution Coordinator is responsible for the notification of an actual or impending MOP emergency in State waters to the Director General – Transport, the Minister for Transport and the State Emergency Coordinator as required.

4.3.1 Alerts The State Marine Pollution Coordinator is responsible for the provision of alerts during an actual or impending MOP emergency to potential Controlling Agencies and Service Providers. This will be achieved through notifications to members of both the Operational Area Support Group and State Marine Pollution Committee and follow up communications as required.

4.4 Activation of this plan Westplan - MOP details the organisation for the management of MOP emergency at all levels and does not require formal activation for individual MOP incidents.


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4.4.1 Declaration of an Emergency Situation If a MOP incident requires additional powers beyond the existing powers of the Hazard Management Agency, Controlling Agency and the State Marine Pollution Coordinator, the Hazard Management Agency may declare an Emergency Situation in accordance with the Emergency Management Act 2005. The Incident Controller may request the State Marine Pollution Coordinator give consideration to declare an Emergency Situation during a MOP emergency. The State Emergency Coordinator can also declare an Emergency Situation during a MOP emergency if required. If the HMA has declared an emergency situation in response to a MOP incident the incident may be referred to as an emergency.

4.4.2 Hazard Management Officers The State Marine Pollution Coordinator may appoint Hazard Management Officers (HMO) to utilise the additional powers available under the Emergency Management Act 2005, during a declared Emergency Situation.

4.4.3 Declaration of a State of Emergency The Minister responsible for the Emergency Management Act 2005, may declare a “State of Emergency” when the situation requires extra powers provided under the Emergency Management Act 2005.

4.4.4 Authorised Officers The State Emergency Coordinator may appoint Authorised Officers to utilise the additional powers available under the Emergency Management Act 2005, during a declared State of Emergency.

4.5 Incident Management System The Australasian Inter-Service Incident Management System (AIIMS) is to be used by all Controlling Agencies operating in accordance with Westplan – MOP unless otherwise approved by the Hazard Management Agency. All Service Providers with responsibilities listed in Appendix B Westplan – MOP are requested to be familiar with AIIMS. The AIIMS structure is described in further in the DoT OSCP.


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4.6 Hazard Management Structure/Arrangements

4.6.1 State Marine Pollution Coordinator The Marine Safety, General Manager, DoT is the Hazard Management Agency for a MOP emergency and is designated as the State Marine Pollution Coordinator during an actual or impeding MOP emergency. The State Marine Pollution Coordinator has overall responsibility for ensuring there is an adequate response to that MOP emergency. During a MOP emergency the State Marine Pollution Coordinator will provide overall strategic management of the response and executive level support and guidance to the Incident Controller. In the event that the General Manager, Marine Safety, DoT, is not available to perform the function of the State Marine Pollution Coordinator during a MOP emergency, then that function will be designated to the Harbour Master, DoT, or the Director Waterways Safety Management, DoT.

4.6.2 Maritime Environmental Emergency Coordination Centre (MEECC) During a Level 2 or 3 MOP incident, the State Marine Pollution Coordinator will establish and operate from the Maritime Environmental Emergency Coordination Centre (MEECC). The Maritime Environmental Emergency Coordination Centre will be comprised of individuals able to assist the State Marine Pollution Coordinator to provide strategic management of a MOP emergency and provide executive support to the Incident Controller. Should an incident escalate to an emergency, an Operational Area Support Group (refer to Section 4.6.7) will be established and located in the Maritime Environmental Emergency Coordination Centre.

4.6.3 Incident Controller The Incident Controller is the individual responsible for the management of all incident control activities across and incident.

4.6.4 Appointment of Incident Controller The Controlling Agency is to ensure that the appointed Incident Controller is competent to undertake the incident control function at a level commensurate with the defined level of incident. For Level 1 MOP incident, the Controlling Agency is responsible for appointing an Incident Controller with responsibility for the management of all incident response activities to that MOP incident.


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For Level 2 and Level 3 MOP incident, the appointment of an Incident Controller by the Controlling Agency will be confirmed in writing by the State Marine Pollution Coordinator. The Hazard Management Agency is responsible for maintaining a database of individuals deemed by the Hazard Management Agency as being competent to perform the role of Incident Controller.

4.6.5 Incident Management Team (IMT) The Incident Management Team is the group of incident management personnel comprised of the Incident Controller and other personnel appointed by the Incident Controller to be responsible for the response to a MOP incident. The exact composition and structure of the Incident Management Team will be determined by the Incident Controller. For Level 2 and Level 3 MOP incident, additional coordination and support arrangements may be required beyond the Incident Management Team in the form of an Incident Support Group (refer to Section 4.6.6 of this Westplan).

4.6.6 Incident Support Group (ISG) During a MOP emergency the Controlling Agency may establish an Incident Support Group (ISG) if required to assist the Incident Management Team. The Incident Support Group may include liaison officers from the Local Emergency Management Committee (LEMC), District Emergency Management Committee (DEMC), Service Providers required by the Incident Controller. The function of the Incident Support Group is to assist the Incident Controller through the provision of information, expert advice, support and resources relevant to their organisation.

4.6.7 Operational Area Support Group (OASG) During a MOP emergency the State Marine Pollution Coordinator may establish an Operational Area Support Group. The primary role of the Operational Area Support Group is to provide agency specific advice and support in relation to the strategic management of the MOP emergency. The Operational Area Support Group is comprised of senior liaison officers from other Government Agencies and will be located in the Maritime Environmental Emergency Coordination Centre in accordance with in State EM Plan Section 5.2.1.

4.6.8 State Emergency Coordination Group (SECG)

A State Emergency Coordination Group (SECG) is established during a state of emergency, or may be established where an emergency occurs or is imminent, at the request of the HMA, or on the SEC’s own initiative, to assist in the provision of


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a strategic, coordinated multi-agency response to and recovery from the emergency. Additionally, if a level 3 incident occurs, the HMA must consult with the SEC to determine if a SECG should be established.

The SECG is established in accordance with State EM Policy Statement 5.4.7, State EM Plan Section 5.2.3 and State EM Response Procedure 4.

A State Emergency Coordination Group (SECG) may be established by the State Emergency Coordinator at the request of, or in consultation with, the State Marine Pollution Coordinator, where a MOP emergency includes significant political, socio-economic or resource implications that can only be effectively addressed on a whole of government basis. The role of the State Emergency Coordination Group is to assist the State Marine Pollution Coordinator

to ensure the provision of coordinated emergency management by public authorities and other persons;

to provide advice and direction to public authorities and other persons to facilitate effective emergency management;

to liaise between emergency management agencies and the Minister.

4.6.9 State Marine Pollution Coordinator Liaison Officer (SMPCLO) During a MOP emergency the State Marine Pollution Coordinator may deploy a State Marine Pollution Coordinator Liaison Officer (SMPCLO) to the Incident Control Centre (ICC) to assist effective communications between the State Marine Pollution Coordinator and the Incident Controller. The State Marine Pollution Coordinator Liaison Officer may also offer subject matter expert advice to the Incident Controller as appropriate. In the event that a Forward Operating Base (FOB) is established to respond to a MOP emergency, the State Marine Pollution Coordinator may also opt to deploy an additional State Marine Pollution Coordinator Liaison Officer to the FOB. In all instances a State Marine Pollution Coordinator Liaison Officer reports directly to the State Marine Pollution Coordinator.

4.6.10 Environmental Scientific Coordinator (ESC) The Environmental Scientific Coordinator is a nominated officer from the Department of Parks and Wildlife. The Environmental Scientific Coordinator is a member of the State Marine Oil Pollution Committee (SMOPC) and may be requested during a MOP emergency to provide whole of government, expert environmental and scientific advice to the State Marine Pollution Coordinator or Incident Controller.


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In a MOP emergency, access to the Environmental Scientific Coordinator is coordinated through the State Marine Pollution Coordinator as appropriate. The role and responsibilities of the Environmental Scientific Coordinator are further defined in the DoT OSCP.

4.6.11 Coordination structure The Coordination Structure for responding to MOP emergency in accordance with Westplan - MOP is shown in Figure 4.1.

The Marine Oil Pollution Coordination Structure

See the DoT OSCP for further details on the MOP IMT Structure. (*) The Hazard Management Agency during a MOP emergency is referred to as the State Marine Pollution Coordinator.

4.7 Marine Transport Emergencies (MTE) The General Manager, Marine Safety, DoT is the Hazard Management Agency for Maritime Transport Emergencies (MTE) in State waters. In the event of a simultaneous MTE and MOP incident the General Manager, Marine Safety, DoT, or their nominated proxy, would in effect perform the role of an Operational Area Manager (OAM).

Incident Support Group (ISG)

Hazard Management Agency * (State Marine Pollution


State Emergency Coordination Group

(State Emergency Coordinator)

Incident Management Team (IMT) (Incident Controller)

Operational Area Support Group (OASG)

State Disaster Council (Premier of WA)

Department of Transport Director General

National Arrangements (IGA/ National Plan)

WA Minister for Transport


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In the event of an impending or actual MTE and MOP incident occur simultaneously, the General Manager, Marine Safety, DoT may appoint multiple Incident Controllers with separate Incident Managements Teams or opt for a single Incident Controller with a single Incident Management Team. The overall coordination structure for responding to a significant impending or actual simultaneous MTE and MOP emergencies is shown in Figure 4.2.

Figure 4.1 Significant Simultaneous Incident Coordination Structure

For lesser impending or actual simultaneous MTE and MOP incidents, the General Manager, Marine Safety, DoT may opt to appoint a single Incident Controller and establish a single Incident Management Team to control the response to both hazards. The overall coordination structure for responding to a lesser impending or actual simultaneous MTE and MOP incident is shown in Figure 4.3.

Figure 4.2 Lesser Simultaneous Incident Coordination Structure

See Westplan - MTE for further details on the MTE structure.

Hazard Management Agency (General Manager Marine Safety DoT)

Operational Area Manager

Marine Oil Pollution Emergency Incident Management Team (IMT)

(Incident Controller)

Marine Transport Emergency Maritime Casualty Control Unit

(MCCU) (Incident Controller)

Hazard Management Agency (General Manager Marine Safety DoT)

Operational Area Manager

Maritime Environmental Emergency (MOP/MTE)

Incident Management Team (IMT) (Incident Controller)

Maritime Casualty Control Unit (MCCU) (Maritime Casualty Officer)


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4.8 Evacuation arrangements Evacuations during a MOP emergency are the overall responsibility of the State Marine Pollution Coordinator and will be managed by the Incident Controller with the support of WA Police or DFES.

4.8.1 Evacuation Offshore The evacuation of passengers and/or crew from a vessel connected with a MOP emergency will be coordinated by WA Police under arrangements contained in Westplan - MARSAR.

4.8.2 Evacuation Onshore The evacuation of shore based personnel will be coordinated by WA Police. If the evacuation is required due to chemical spill it will be ordered by DFES under arrangements contained in Westplan - HAZMAT. Department for Child Protection & Family Support (CPFS) will be requested to provide assistance with temporary shelter to house evacuees in accordance with State EM Plan Section 5.5.4 and the State Emergency Welfare Plan.

4.8.3 Triggers for evacuation An evacuation would be triggered by any situation which presents a threat to life or the safety of personnel.

4.9 Stand Down and Debriefs The HMA is responsible for facilitating a ‘Hot Debrief’ and the commencement of stand down procedures. Any outstanding tasks and issues from the ‘Hot Debrief’ may also be clarified at this stage.

4.10 Function Support Plans 4.10.1 Terrorism Act In the event of a Terrorist Act resulting in a MOP emergency, Westplan – MOP will be used to support Westplan – Terrorist Act.

4.10.2 DoT Oil Spill Contingency Plan (OSCP) The DoT OSCP provides details of functional support to this plan and to a MOP emergency. The OSCP contains a number of functional sub plans for more specialist activities.


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4.10.3 WA Oiled Wildlife Response Plan The Western Australian Wildlife Response Plan for a MOP emergency is administered by the Department of Parks and Wildlife (P&W). Oiled wildlife response is an integral part of MOP emergency response at both the State and District levels. The current WA Oiled Wildlife Response Plan endorsed by Hazard Management Agency is located on the P&W website.

4.11 Public information and media management The State Marine Pollution Coordinator has overall responsibility for the provision of media management and public information during a MOP emergency. For Level 1 MOP incidents the Incident Controller will be responsible for appointing a Public Information Officer to assist the Incident Controller to facilitate media conferences, prepare media releases and co-ordinate on-scene media visits. The State Marine Pollution Coordinator may provide strategic guidance to the Incident Controller in this regard. For Level 2 and Level 3 MOP incidents, the State Marine Pollution Coordinator may require that final approvals and releases of information to the media and Minister’s office are undertaken by the State Marine Pollution Coordinator. The State Emergency Public Information Plan may also be activated through the Director of Media and Public Affairs, WA Police, appointed by the State Emergency Coordinator.

4.12 Support plans A number of plans may be activated in support of this plan. These are listed in Section 1.4 of this Westplan.

4.13 Financial arrangements for response The organisation with operational control of any resource shall be responsible for payment of all related expenses associated with its operation during emergencies unless other arrangements are established. Detailed information in relation to the financial responsibilities of participating organisations are outlined in the State EM Policy Section 5.12, and State EM Plan Section 5.4. The Controlling Agency is responsible for ensuring that there are arrangements, administrative or legislative, in place to enable Service Providers to be reimbursed for the costs incurred in responding to an incident. For Cost Recovery see Section 5.4 of the Westplan.


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5.1 Responsibility for recovery The State Marine Pollution Coordinator has overall responsibility for ensuring an effective recovery process is initiated for a MOP emergency. The Controlling Agency has responsibility to initiate and coordinate an effective recovery process for a MOP incident. The responsibilities of Service Providers to support a recovery process to a MOP emergency are listed in Appendix B of this plan or individual OSCP/OPEP’s and agreements. Assessment of the recovery and rehabilitation requirements should be conducted as soon as practicable after the impact of the event and implemented in conjunction with the emergency response.

5.1.1 Recovery Committee (RC) The Recovery Committee will be established by the Incident Controller, in consultation with the State Marine Pollution Coordinator, before the termination of response activities to a MOP incident. The Recovery Committee may comprise of representatives from the Hazard Management Agency, Controlling Agency, Combat Agencies, Support Organisations, Service Providers and representatives from any of the coordination structure groups.

5.1.2 Recovery Guidelines Recovery activities support the affected community in reconstruction of the marine environment and port infrastructure, restoration of navigational safety to the required level, and provide for emotional, social, economic and physical wellbeing. Marine accident and coronial investigations may continue and records and accounts must be kept. Guidelines for recovery operations are available in State EM Policy Section 6, State EM Plan Section 6 and State EM Recovery Procedure 1-4 .It provides the State level procedures, policies and arrangements to manage community recovery following major emergencies. Recovery action is co-coordinated by the State Recovery Coordinator through the State Recovery Coordination Group (SRCG). Should the recovery effort require State level coordination, a request may be progressed through the State Marine Pollution Coordinator in accordance with State EM Policy Section 6.4.


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5.2 Transition to Recovery Recovery activities are initiated and retained by the Controlling Agency until such time as the local recovery structure is established in accordance with State EM Policy Section 6.2-6.3 and State EM Plan Section 6.5. In a MOP emergency, the Controlling Agency is responsible for initiating recovery activities to an emergency. This may include transition arrangements whereby the end point criteria and triggers for the transition from response to recovery are determined. The end point criteria will be established and assessed by the Incident Controller, in consultation with the State Marine Pollution Coordinator, Controlling Agency and relevant technical experts. AMSA provide an advisory document entitled ‘Advice on Foreshore Assessment and Response Termination’ (NP-ADV-003) which provides guidance on foreshore assessment, response termination and recovery/rehabilitation considerations. The Incident Controller will confirm with the State Marine Pollution Coordinator and the relevant local government authorities when the response phase has concluded. The management of the recovery/rehabilitation will then be the responsibility of the relevant local government authority at this time.

5.2.1 Specific on-site recovery The recovery process after a MOP emergency typically addresses four functions: environmental, economic, social and infrastructure. Table 5.1 provides guidance on the types of activities required to address each of these recovery functions.

Table 5.1 Recovery functions

Environmental Economic Social Infrastructure

Assessing and documenting the impact of the incident on natural resources

Assessing and documenting the impact of the incident on the local, regional, and national economy

Assessing and documenting the impact to cultural and heritage and other community resources

Assessing and documenting the impact to infrastructure and services

Rehabilitating impacted areas where possible and measuring recovery over time

Support Organisations recovering response costs

Rehabilitating and conserving impacted cultural and heritage resources where possible

Rehabilitating or returning to service the impacted infrastructure, e.g. damaged navigation aids and restoring production

Communicating to the public the impacts of the incident

Facilitating the recovery of losses incurred by business as a result of the incident

Restoring community services as soon as possible, e.g. re-opening beaches and boat ramps

Prioritising the rebuilding of impacted infrastructure

Engaging with the community to assist with the assessment and rehabilitation process

Assisting business to recover from the intangible impacts of the incident, e.g. loss of confidence In the fishery or tourism sectors

Engaging with the community on the recovery process

Engaging with affected stakeholders on the recovery process


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5.2.2 Removal and Disposal of MOP emergency response waste

The site clean-up, removal and disposal of MOP emergency response waste, will be taken up in accordance with the DoT waste management guidelines and the respective Port, Port Operator, Port Facility Operator or Petroleum titleholder OSCP/OPEPs. DER administers the Environment Protection Act 1986 and regulations for the disposal of MOP incident response waste.

5.2.3 Equipment

The Controlling Agency will initiate and coordinate recovery of all equipment and unused materials once no longer required to support the MOP emergency response. A recovery plan will be prepared by the Incident Management Team in consultation with the Recovery Committee to ensure all equipment is cleaned and returned to its custodian as soon as is reasonably practicable and to the best possible extent available to the response activities. The custodian will ensure the equipment is serviced and repaired or replaced as per the equipment maintenance schedules prior to returning to storage. Reasonable costs incurred by the custodian requiring reimbursement by the polluter must be submitted with justification to the HMA to be included in the overall cost recovery process.

5.2.4 State Level Recovery Coordination

The State Marine Pollution Coordinator shall provide a representative (if requested) for State level recovery coordination activities.

5.3 Post Spill Monitoring The Controlling Agency has the responsibility to implement a post spill scientific monitoring program. The State Marine Pollution Coordinator in consultation with SMOPC will provide advice and approve proposed monitoring program prior to their implementation.

5.4 Cost Recovery Response and recovery for MOP emergency is funded on the basis of the polluter pays. For shipping, this is achieved through the implementation of relevant international conventions under the auspices of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO). For the offshore petroleum industry, this is achieved through the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006 for Australian Government and the Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1982 for State.


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The Controlling Agency is responsible for initiating and preparing claims for cost recovery in line with the polluter pays principles outlined in the National Plan, AMSA guidance on cost recovery and relevant legislation. See Appendix F for more details on Cost recovery.

5.5 Investigation Any investigation into the cause of the MOP emergency will be conducted in accordance with the existing maritime legislation, both Australian Government and State, as appropriate. Investigative activities of MOP emergency under State legislation will be conducted by the DoT Marine Safety Investigations Unit.

5.6 Post Incident analysis / Post Operation Report

Following a MOP emergency response, the HMA in consultation with the Controlling Agency will undertake a Post Incident Analysis (PIA) or review to assess the effectiveness of relevant OSCP/OPEPs and Westplan - MOP. The PIA should include a collaboration of responder experiences, formal debrief outcomes, incident reports, incident investigation reports and any outcomes of inquiries. The PIA will be conducted in accordance with ‘The Conduct of Post Event and Incident Analysis’ guidelines published AMSA. A Post Operation Report will be provided to the State Emergency Management Committee in accordance with State EM Policy Section 5.11, State EM Plan Section 5.7 and State EM Response Procedure 22.


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PART 6 APPENDICES 6.1 Appendix A - Distribution List

Organisation Attorney General’s Department Australian Government Crisis Coordination Centre Emergency Management Australia Institute Library State Government Ministers Minister Responsible for Administration of the Emergency Management Act 2005 Minister for Transport State Emergency Management Committee All members SEMC Secretariat All subcommittee members Organisations with responsibilities in this plan WA Based Agencies Australian Marine Oil Spill Centre (AMOSC) Fremantle Australian Maritime Safety Authority: Fremantle Australian Maritime Safety Authority: Karratha Department of Environment and Regulation (DER) Department of Parks and Wildlife (P&W) Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) Department of Fisheries (DoF) Department of Transport (DoT) Department of Mines and Petroleum (DMP) Police (WA Police) Rottnest Island Authority Port, Port Operator, Port Facilities Operators Kimberley Ports Authority Pilbara Ports Authority Mid-West Ports Authority Fremantle Ports Authority Southern Ports Authority Australian Institute of Petroleum (AIP) Cape Cuvier (Dampier Salt) Derby (Shire of Derby/West Kimberley) Houtman Abrolhos Consultative Committee Onslow Salt (AKZO) Port Walcott (RTIO) Useless Loop (Shark Bay Salt) Wyndham Port Yampi Sound Cockatoo Island (Portman Mining) Interstate Agencies Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA), Canberra Australian Marine Oil Spill Centre (AMOSC) Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association Ltd (APPEA)


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Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure, South Australia Marine and Safety Tasmania Marine Safety Queensland Maritime New South Wales National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA) NT Department of Transport Transport Safety Victoria Library Deposits (Bound copies with contact details removed) National Library of Australia, Legal Deposits Unit (2 copies) State Library of Western Australia, Battye Library (4 copies)


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6.2 Appendix B - Agency Responsibilities (Service Providers) under Westplan - MOP State and Local Government Agency Incident Role/Support

District Emergency Co-ordinator Logistic support

Emergency management support

Department of Environment and Regulation (DER)

Environmental regulation advice

Waste management approvals

Air quality sampling

Chemical response advice/support

Department of Parks and Wildlife (P&W)

Oiled wildlife response

Environmental advice

Marine park management advice/support

Office of the Environmental Protection Authority

State Environmental and Scientific Co-ordinator (ESC)

Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES)


HMA for land based spills

Emergency management

Logistical support

Evacuation support/coordination

Local Government Local knowledge

Local logistical support

Community engagement support

Shoreline cleanup

Incident Support Group (ISG)

Operational Area Support Group (OASG)

Department of Health Coordinate the Heath response

Medical support

Public health and safety support

Department of Mines and Petroleum (DMP)

Assess and approve OSCPs for offshore petroleum activities in State waters

Western Australia Police (WA Police) HMA for SAR

Emergency management support

Site security/control

Crowd control/management

Evacuation support/coordination

Port Authorities Controlling Agency for MOP incidents in Port Authority waters

Resource support

Port Operators, Port Facilities Operators, Boat Harbour Operators

May be assigned MOP emergency response functions in relevant OSCP/OPEPs

Formulate, exercise and review own OSCP/OPEPs

Rottnest Island Authority Regional expert advice

Local resource support

Department of Transport (DoT) Jurisdictional Authority as per Westplan - MOP

Department of Indigenous Affairs (DIA)

Cultural, heritage, indigenous advice

Conduit for communication between communities and emergency management


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Department of Child Protection & Family Support (CPFS)

Support Organisation of the emergency management activity of providing welfare services.

Australian Government Agency Incident Role/Support

Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA).

Jurisdictional Authority, Controlling Agency for shipping related MOP incident in Australian Government waters

Conduit for activation of National Plan resources

Bureau of Meteorology Meteorological information

Department of Defence Provide support to response at the request of AMSA and Emergency Management Australia

National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA)

Jurisdictional Authority for offshore petroleum related MOP incident in Australian Government waters

Accept OPEPs for offshore petroleum activities in Australian Government waters

Industry / Private Agency Incident Role/Support

Petroleum Titleholders Controlling Agency for level 1 spills from offshore petroleum activities

Resource support to MOP incident response

Australian Marine Oil Spill Centre (AMOSC)

Response support commitments to the National Plan

Response support/coordination as per Industry agreements

Maintenance of Industry equipment

Industry training

St John Ambulance Australia (WA) Inc

Medical Support

First Aid personnel/post


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6.3 Appendix C - Glossary of acronyms and terms The following terms are used in this plan and are consistent with the WA emergency management arrangements, and other State emergency plans

6.3.1 Acronyms

AIIMS Australian Interagency Incident Management System. AIP Australian Institute of Petroleum. AMOSC Australian Marine Oil Spill Centre. AMOSPlan AMOSC mutual aid plan AMSA Australian Maritime Safety Authority. CA Controlling Agency CPFS Department of Child Protection & Family Support DER Department of Environment and Regulation DEMC District Emergency Management Committee Defence Department of Defence DFES Department of Fire and Emergency Services DMP Department of Mines and Petroleum DoC Department of Commerce DoF Department for Fisheries DoT Department of Transport DoT OSCP Department of Transport Oil Spill Contingency Plan EM Act Emergency Management Act 2005 ESC Environmental and Scientific Co-ordinator. FWADC Fixed Wing Aerial Dispersant Capability. HAZMAT Hazardous Material HMA Hazard Management Agency HMO Hazard Management Officer IC Incident Controller.

2002 Inter-Governmental Agreement on the National Plan to IGA Combat Pollution of the Sea by Oil and other Noxious and

Hazardous Substances IMRR WA Incident Management Response Register IMT Incident Management Team IMO International Maritime Organisation ISG Incident Support Group JA Jurisdictional Authority JPDA Joint Petroleum Development Area JRCC Joint Rescue Coordination Centre – Australia LEMC Local Emergency Management Committee MARSAR Marine Search and Rescue MCCU Maritime Casualty Control Unit MCO Maritime Casualty Officer MEECC Maritime Environmental Emergency Coordination Centre MEER Maritime Environmental Emergency Response unit MLO Media Liaison Officer


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MOP Marine Oil Pollution MOSES Marine Oil Spill Equipment System MTE Marine Transport Emergency National Plan The National Plan for Maritime Environmental Emergencies 2014

NOPSEMA National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority

NPSCC National Plan Strategic Coordination Committee NRT National Response Team OAM Operational Area Manager OASG Operational Area Support Group OEPA Office of the Environmental Protection Authority OPRC

The International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Cooperation 1990

OPEP Oil Pollution Emergency Plan OSCP Oil Spill Contingency Plan P&W Department of Parks and Wildlife PIA Post Incident Analysis POWBONS Pollution of Waters By Oil and Noxious Substances, 1987 RC Recovery Committee SEPIC State Emergency Public Information Coordinator SRT WA State Response Team SECG State Emergency Coordination Group SEMC State Emergency Management Committee SMPC State Marine Pollution Coordinator SMPCLO State Marine Pollution Coordinator Liaison Officer SMOPC State Marine Oil Pollution Committee SO Support Organisation WA Western Australia WA Police Western Australian Police

6.3.2 Glossary of Terms

Terms used throughout the series of State EM documents have the meanings given in section 3 of the EM Act and the State EM Glossary; specific definitions relevant to this plan are listed below.

AMOSPlan: is managed by AMOSC and outlines the cooperative arrangements for

response to oil spills by Australian oil and associated industries.

Boat Harbour Operator: The agency or organisation responsible for the

management and operation of a Boat Harbour or Marina.

Environment: means the complex of physical, chemical and biological agents and

factors which may impact on a person or a community, and may also include social,

physical and built elements, which surround and interact with a community.


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Environmental Scientific Co-ordinator: Nominated person who provides scientific

and environmental advice to the Incident Controller or State Marine Pollution

Coordinator during a MOP incident.

Hazard Management Agency:

For a MOP incident the Hazard Management Agency is the General Manager,

Marine Safety, DoT.

During a MOP incident in State waters, the Hazard Management Agency, or their

nominated proxy, is referred to as the State Marine Pollution Coordinator.

Jurisdictional Authority: The Agency identified in the National Plan for Maritime

Environmental Emergencies that has the jurisdictional or legislative responsibility to

ensure there is adequate prevention of, preparedness for, response to and recovery

from a specific incident.

Marine Oil Pollution Incident: An actual or impending spillage, release or escape

of oil or an oily mixture that is capable of causing loss of life, injury to a person or

damage to the health of a person, property or the environment.

National Plan for Maritime Environmental Emergencies: A Nationally endorsed

Plan that sets out national arrangements, policies and principles for the

management of maritime environmental emergencies.it provides for a

comprehensive response to maritime environmental emergencies regardless of how

costs might be attributed or ultimately recovered.

National Plan Strategic Coordination Committee: The National Plan Strategic

Coordination Committee is responsible for the strategic coordination of the National

Plan for Maritime Environmental Emergencies.

National Response Team: A group of interstate-based individuals with spill

response experience across all areas of response activities available to provide

support to an Incident Controller.

Offshore Petroleum Facility: Means a facility operating in accordance with the

provisions of the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006 or the

equivalent State legislation.

Oil: Hydrocarbons in any liquid form including crude oil, fuel oil, sludge, oil refuse,

refined products and condensates. Also including dissolved or dispersed

hydrocarbons, whether obtained from plants or animals, mineral deposits, or by



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Oil Spill Contingency Plan / Oil Pollution Emergency Plan: A documented

scheme of assigned responsibilities, actions and procedures, required in the event

of a MOP incident.

Port, Port Operator, Port Facility Operator: Any supplier of goods or services at a

maritime facility within the boundaries defined by the Shipping and Pilotage Act

1967 and Port Authorities Act 1999.

Service Provider: An agency or organisation that provides assistance to the

Controlling Agency in response to a MOP incident.

State Marine Pollution Coordinator: Is the General Manager, Marine Safety, DoT,

as the Hazard Management Agency for MOP incidents, or their nominated proxy,

who has overall responsibility for ensuring an appropriate response during a MOP


State Response Team: The WA State Response Team (SRT) is comprised of

officers from Controlling Agencies, Support Organisations and other stakeholder

Agencies located in the Metropolitan region. They are trained in the use of response

equipment, incident management and administration and capable of rapid

deployment to any spill scene in the State.


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6.4 Appendix D – WA Oil Spill Contingency Planning

6.4.1 Background Oil Spill Contingency Plans (OSCP) and Oil Pollution Emergency Plans (OPEP) outline the preparedness of a Controlling Agency to responds to a MOP incident. Preparing to respond appropriately to MOP emergencies requires a joint effort by the Hazard Management Agency, Controlling Agency and Service Providers. Relevant Controlling Agencies are required by legislation to prepare OSCP/OPEPs setting out arrangements to respond to MOP incidents that might occur in their areas of responsibility. These OSCP/OPEPs and response arrangements must be consistent with Westplan - MOP, which is in turn is consistent with other State emergency management plans and the National Plan for Maritime Environmental Emergencies. OSCP/OPEPs need to document the identified hazard and risks, available response resources, response arrangements, procedures and reporting requirements. It is the responsibility of all Port, Port Operator, Port Facility Operator, Boat Harbour Operator and Petroleum titleholders to formulate, review and exercise their own OSCP/OPEPs. The Hazard Management Agency may periodically review these plans. It is the responsibility of the petroleum titleholder to test the response arrangements under the respective petroleum legislation requirements. The Department of Mines and Petroleum (DMP) assesses and approves OSCPs for offshore petroleum activities in State waters. The National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA) assess and accept OPEPs for offshore petroleum activities in Australian Government waters.

6.4.2 Preparation of OSCP/OPEP It is the responsibility of the Port, Port Operator, Port Facility Operator, Boat Harbour Operator and Petroleum titleholders to ensure their OSCP/OPEP is prepared in a manner to meet their relevant legislative requirements. A number of guidance documents are available to assist in the preparation of OSCP/OPEPs and include but are not limited to:

Technical guideline for the preparation of marine pollution contingency plans for marine and coastal facilities – AMSA


Environmental guidance note on oil spill contingency planning – NOPSEMA



WESTPLAN – Marine Oil Pollution – May 2016 43

6.4.3 Westplan - MOP requirements

OSCP/OPEPs for MOP incidents as outlined in Westplan - MOP must be consistent with Westplan - MOP arrangements. An electronic and or physical copy of the completed and accepted OSCP/OPEP must be forwarded to the Department of Transport (DoT) Maritime Environmental Emergency Response Unit (MEER) via [email protected].

6.4.4 Consultation

OSCP/OPEPs for MOP incidents as outlined in Westplan - MOP should undertake consultation with the Hazard Management Agency, Controlling Agencies, Service Providers and key stakeholders. The DoT Industry Consultation guidelines are available on the DoT website.


6.5 Appendix F – Cost Recovery Procedure

6.6 Appendix G – Place of Refuge

6.7 Appendix H – Inter-Governmental Agreement