PDF processed with CutePDF evaluation edition www.CutePDF.com OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS SNOWTHROWER 42 In. (107 ern) PAI:T NO, 1101091:1

WH61-90 #431 Snowthrower Drive Shaft Greasable Bearings · bushing, the cronk rod spring. two y, SAE wm.hcrs, cnd one X x % cotter pin. Guide the cronk rod through the cronk suppor!

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Page 1: WH61-90 #431 Snowthrower Drive Shaft Greasable Bearings · bushing, the cronk rod spring. two y, SAE wm.hcrs, cnd one X x % cotter pin. Guide the cronk rod through the cronk suppor!

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SNOWTHROWER 42 In. (107 ern)

PAI:T NO, 1101091:1

Page 2: WH61-90 #431 Snowthrower Drive Shaft Greasable Bearings · bushing, the cronk rod spring. two y, SAE wm.hcrs, cnd one X x % cotter pin. Guide the cronk rod through the cronk suppor!


1. Regard your '!onowlhrowcr 05 '0 pit.'<'t.' of power equipment and leoch this regard to all who operate it.

2. Never ollo'W children or young tccn·ogers to operate the troclor or sno'Wthrower.

3. Be sure you know how to stop the Iroctor and. snowthrower 01 a moment's nOlice.

4. Inslruct children fa keep away from the , orco of opNotion dl all limes.

PREPARATION 1. Check the Iroclor and snowlhrower to make

cerlain both ore in good operating con­dition.

2. Fill gas lonk Qui of doors and ovoid spilling gosoline over engine. Do not fill tonk with gosoline while smoking or while engine is runnmg.

3. Do not remove any guards or covers while operating Iroctor and snowthrower.

OPERATION t. Give complete and undivided attention 10

the job 01 hondo 2. Keep the area clear of all persons. partic~

ulorly small children. 3. Stop engine when tractor is unattended. 4. Disengoge snowthrower clutch when some­

one approaches. S. Do not allow anyone other than the oper­

ator to ride on the tractor or to be towed behind.

6. Extreme caulion should be exercised under slippery conditions. Reduce forward speed. Install tire chains to traction wheels for added safety.

7. Do not ollempt 10 clear auger or discharge elbow while engine is running.

S. When changing posi~ion of the deflector, disengage :h~ o:lU9cr dutch.

VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION (VIN) NUMBER A Vehicle Identification Number identitie!. your

Wheel Hone attachmenL This number should always be referred to when consulting with your dealer or the factory concerning service. replacement ports. or questions you mQY have. If the VIN plate is removed during repair operations it !.hould always be replaced. For yOU1' reference. record below the number from the VIN plate on your attachment.


Remove all the parts from the box and identify as shown in Fig. 1.

9. Never direcl snow c.lhdl'Jr'jc at pf.foplc or buildi ngs..

1 D. Dis.engoge snowlhrowcr clutch when trans. porting.

11. If snowthrower becomes pluf)91!'c.l with snow, or jammed du(.· to hitting a foreign object, dcclulch snO'Wlhrowcr immediately and slap tractor engine. Clear snow from spout if plugged before resuming oper. olion.

&CAUTION & If auger is jammed. or bent from hitting

foreign object, remove spark plug wirels) from tractor engine spark plug(s) and then remove foreign object from auger. If auger damage is noted repoir prior to continuing operation. Then replace spark plug wire(s) and resume I)peration.

MAINTENANCE AND STORAGE 1. Follow implicitly the manufacturer's recom·

mendalions for maintenance. 2. Have a competent service man make thor­

ough inspection 04 the snowlhrower before the snow season begins.

3. Store gasoline in a safe cont.oiner. Store container in a cool, dry place, not in the house or ncar heating appliance!..

4. Keep the snow thrower, tractor and gas container in locked storage 10 prevent chil-. dren from playing and tampering with .them.

S. Maximum snow removal results and sofety can bo expected only if the sno_thrower is maintained and operated correctly.

6. Gasoline powered equipment or fuel con­tainers should not be stored in basement or in any closed area where heating ap. pliances or apen pilot lights are present, unless fuel is completely drained from power equipment or fuel containers.


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FIG. 1. Snowlhrower Package

- 2 -

Page 3: WH61-90 #431 Snowthrower Drive Shaft Greasable Bearings · bushing, the cronk rod spring. two y, SAE wm.hcrs, cnd one X x % cotter pin. Guide the cronk rod through the cronk suppor!


loco Ie the cronk rod. the cronk !.upport, the nylon bushing, the cronk rod spring. two y, SAE wm.hcrs, cnd one X x % cotter pin.

Guide the cronk rod through the cronk suppor! by inserting the handle end of the cronk rod (end with two 90° bends) through the inside of the crank sLip­port.

Slide the nylon bushing over the handle end of the cronk rod and work it pasl both 90::l bends. Snap the bushing into the cronk support. Install a ~ SAE washer, the cronk rod spring und the remaining y, SAE wosher onto the rod cnd work them past both 90" bends (Fig. 2).






FIG.2. Crank Rod & Cronk Rod Support Assembly

Secure the assembly by inserting a Va x % colfer pin through the hole in the crank rod (fig. 3).

FIG. 3. Inslall Va x ~~ Cotter Pin


locate the two reinforcing bars, four %·16 )( ~ bah .. , four Ya.16 Eslak' nuts. one y, SAE washer and one y. x ~~ colfer pin.

AftQch the cronk support to the right front corner of the snowfhrower housing using the two reinforc· ing plates, two bolt ... and two nuts. Install one rein· forcing plotc above the cronk support and one reinforccment plate INSIDE the snowthrower housing (Fig. 4).

FIG. 4. Lower Crank Support Mounting

Secure the upper portion of the cronk support using the remaining two bolts and nuts (Fig. 5).

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FIG. S. Upper Crank Support Mounting

Align the lower portion of the cronk rod with the guide hole (fig. 6). Hoving someone push "in" on the crank handle. retain the lower portion of the cronk rod with a ~ SAE washer and a Va x ~ cotter pin (Fig. 6).

FIG. 6. Cranlc Rod Lower Mounting



Remove the ~.16 nul and large plastic washer from the two discharge chute guide studs (Fig. 7). Also. loosen. but do nol remove, the two bolts and nuls securing the rear chute guide hardware in place.

Page 4: WH61-90 #431 Snowthrower Drive Shaft Greasable Bearings · bushing, the cronk rod spring. two y, SAE wm.hcrs, cnd one X x % cotter pin. Guide the cronk rod through the cronk suppor!

-, . -. . • , • ' .... • • •

• • • • • •

FIG. 7. Remove/loosen Chute Guides

'. ,

Slip the discharge chute into place over the plastic collor. Reins..tall the plastic wQ!;hers and ~e·16 nuts on the fronr guide studs, making sure the spacers are still in place on the studs. Before tightening the nuts. push the plastic callor forworc!l to take up any excess clearance between the chute flange ond spacers (F;g. 8). DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN. T;gh'en 'he fWD bol" and nuts at the rear of the discharge chule. DO NOT OVERT!GHTEN. Check that the c.hule turns freely. The chute flange and guide spacers may be lubricated with oil if desired.

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FIG. 8. Install Chule



locate the control coble.


Turn the disc.horge chute so Ihe middle of the opening faces 90° right of the cenTer of the snow­thrower housing.

Open the coble clomp loc.oted OUTSIDE the dis­c.horge. chute, by turning the sc.rew counter.c.lockwise. Imert one end of the c.onlrol coble into the c.oble clomp from the reor of the chute. Tighten the clomp by turning the screw cloc.kwise (Fig. 9).

Wrap the coble around Ihe bac.k of Ihe discharge chule and insert Ihe coble through the hole in Ihe spool on the cronk assembly (Fig. 10).

Wrap the cable 3!--S turns oround the spool. In a counterclockwise direCTion (Fig. 11).

i I . • • ,



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fiG. 9 •. Install Cable into Outside Clamp

',-' :,,, .--:., .......... --- ',,-

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• • \

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FIG. 10. Insert Coble into Cronk Assembly -- '-.. -. .. _ ... -_ .. .,. ... ..,. .. . ~ I . . ••• d"" ", ' . , ' .~.,

, ...... ;'--7:':: .;'::i' ' . " .~

FIG. 11. Wrap Cable 3!1 Turns Counterclockwise


FIG. 12.


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ANoch Coble 10 In,ide Clamp

Page 5: WH61-90 #431 Snowthrower Drive Shaft Greasable Bearings · bushing, the cronk rod spring. two y, SAE wm.hcrs, cnd one X x % cotter pin. Guide the cronk rod through the cronk suppor!

Route the c:able inside of large cable guide weld· ed to the snowthrower housing. see Fig. 22) and ottoch the end of Ihe coble 10 the INSIDE clomp (F;g. 12).

Turn c:ronk several times to rolote chuto from left to right. Remove exc:ess sloc:k by cutting the c:able shorter, if nec:essory.


locate the drive pulley, two X,·lB x X, allen set screw, and the drive belt.

Note: For installation on 1974 and 1975 "B" Series tractors and 1973 ot'd prior Short Frame tradon. replace the 9750 drive belt supplied with a 102743 drive belt.

Install the fwo set screws into the pulley. being careful not to drive them, in too for as they will inter­fere with the drive shaft when the pulley is installed (Fig. 13).

' ..

. ; • .

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. .' .. ,.,. ...

FIG. 13. Inttal! Set Screws In Orive Pulley

Install the 3<6 x 1 square key in the dri .... e shaft. Place the belt over the drive pulley and install

the pulley over the drive shoff. aligning the slot in the pulley with the key on the drive shaft (Fig. 14). The pulley should be -in line with the two idler pulleys affixed to the mounting frame. Tighten set screws.

........ : . .,.,..­.. ,o:;r .

'. -

FIG. 14. Install Drive Pulley on Drive Shaft (See Note)


locate the mounting fro me. four ~1".16 x Ya bolts ond four H·16 Eslok nuls.

The mounting frame is "notched" on the bOllom front of the right bor. Insert the mounting frome into the snowthrower housing (Fig. 15).

• • f,

FIG. 15. Slide Mounting Frame into Snowthrower Houling

Sec:ure the mounting frame to the snowthrower housing using the four baits and nuts. Install the bolts from the outside (Fig. 16)

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, .. ,.. /~r; .. -.' 1-~

-FIG. 16. Secure Mounting Frame to

Snowthrower Housing


Using three %.16 x 1 carriage bolts.. three Ya washers. and three %.16 Eslok nuts, ottac:h the top plate to the edge of the snowlhrowcr housing (Fig. 17). Boh the top plate to the outside of the snow. thrower housing. Install the bolts from the top with the washers and nuts on the baltom.

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FIG. 17. In •• all Top Pia'.

- 5 -

Page 6: WH61-90 #431 Snowthrower Drive Shaft Greasable Bearings · bushing, the cronk rod spring. two y, SAE wm.hcrs, cnd one X x % cotter pin. Guide the cronk rod through the cronk suppor!


Note: DO NOT install side extension plotes on tractors having 10 horsepower or less.

Imtal! the side extension plates as shown in Fig. 18. Note that the plates are installed outside of the snow­thrower housing. with the cutting edge parallel to the side of the housing. Secure the plotes with three 71-16 x 1 corriage bolts, three y. washers and three 71-16 Eslok nuts.

", " .. ,-.-.-

FIG. lB. 'nstall Side Extension Plates (See Note)


Note: For installation on 1974 and 1975 "B" Series traclors and 1973 and prior Short Frome tractors, either replace the 107403 lift tube supplied with a 104664 lift tube, or shorten the supplied lift tube by cutting HS in. (3.8 em) off the rear end of the lube.

Install the lift tube onto the snowthrower housing as shown in Fig. 19. Secure with a y. washer and a 1l' x 1 cotter pin.

" , '.

FIG. 19. Inslalllift Tube (See Note)


Position the tractor behind the snowthrower, with the lift tube extending rearward between the tractor's front wheels. Open the trector's front Tach·a·malic hitch.

Insert the snawthrower's tnounting frame into the hitch slolS. Close and lock the fronl Tach·a-malic hitch (F;g. 20). LIFT ROD AND SPRING ASSIST (Fig. 21)

Locale the lift rod, Iy"oo % washers, a hairpin cotler, eyebolt, one ~~·16 elastic stop nut, and the helper spring (heavier and shorter of two remaining springs)

loy"oer the tractor's attachment liff. Pioce the 'wo nat y"oashen on the shaft of the lift rod and insert

• . .. .. I

.: ., , .,:

FIG. 20. Mount Snowthrower in Front Tach·a.matic Hitch

the shaft into the lift tube. Connect the lift rod stud to the top hole of the tractor's lift orm and secure with a hairpin colter (Fig. 21).

Raise the tractor's attachment lift and check that the lift tube does not contact the franl axle. If contact is noted, remove one or both of the nal washers from the lift rod shaft as required (Fig. 21). The flat washers increase the effective length of the lift tube, regulating the maximum raised height of the snow· thrower.

&,CAUTION &. Block the snowthrower up in the raised posi.

tion 'while installing the helper spring - 00 NOT work under the tra.ctor with the snowthrower unsupported.

Hook one end of the helper spring on the frome crou rod and the other end to the eyebolt. Inserf the eyebolt through the bracket on the lift rod and secure with the y'.16 nvt. Thread the nul onto the eyebolt until the spring is under slight tension.

FIG.21. Lift Rod and Spring Assist Mounting

BELT INSTALLATION (Fig. 22) With the snowthrower in the lowered pOSlfton, con­

nect the tension spring bety"oeen the idler arm ond the snoy"olhroy"oer hou5oing (Fig. 22). Route the drive belt through the idlen and install in the OUTSIDE groove of the PTO 050 1hown in Fig5o. 22 & 23. Tighten the belt guide on the "V" idler pulley in the position shoy"on in Fig. 23.

Lubricate the drive chain, drive chain 5oprockets. the idler pulley shafts, and the height (ldjuslment wheel bvshin9<; with SAE 10 or SAE 10W30 engine oiL Lubricate all moving port5o of the linkoge with a light grade of machine oil. The drive pulley shaft end


Page 7: WH61-90 #431 Snowthrower Drive Shaft Greasable Bearings · bushing, the cronk rod spring. two y, SAE wm.hcrs, cnd one X x % cotter pin. Guide the cronk rod through the cronk suppor!

• •

----: . ' .- -. . ',. -',' .'

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FIG. 22. Install Tension Spring/Route Drive Belt



, - L

FIG. 23. Correct Belt Instollation

the auger run in sealed ball bearings Clnd do nol require lubricalion.

REMOVAL The snowthrower j" removed by following these

five sleps: 1. Remove drive belt from PTO. 2. Disconnect helper spring, 3, Disconnect tifl rod. 4. Open fronl Tach-a·rnolic hitch. S. Back troclor oway from snowlhrower.


/1::,. CAUTION /1::,. To minimize the ponibility of injury, become

familiar with all safety suggestions at the fronf of this manual before placing the snowthrowcr into operation.

Each time the snowthrower is installed, check for proper operation of the PTO clutch and brake. Adjustment of the PTO is covered in the tractor Owner's Manual.

The use of wheel weights and lire chains is recorn­mended for e)l.tra traction, particularly when heovy ~nows or icy cenditiens occur. These accessory items are ovailoble through your authorized dealer.

The direction the snow is thrown is controlled by turning the cronk rod. The discharge chule will rolale through 0 1 BO" arc. The denector on the uppcr por­tion of the discharge chute can be adjusted up and down 10 con"lrel the height and distance the snow ,~

thrown by repositioning the indc)! pin In the arm of the deflector.

The distance be1.ween the auger and the ground is regulated by the wheels at each side of the snow­thrower housing. The auger height should be ad­justed so that the housing will not catch on uneven surfaces. When operpting the snowthrower over loose material, such as a grovel driveway, raise the auger sufficiently to prevent picking up stones or other debris. To adjust auger heighl, pull the conlrol hC:lndle, on the right side of Jhe snowthrower housing, out and reposition the index pin into one" of the adjacent holes.

/1::,. CAUTION /1::,. 'When making any adjustrt'ent to the snow.

thrower, disengage PTO, shut off engine and remove ignition key.

Snow removal conditions vary greatly. Depth of snow, wind directian, temperature Qnd the conditian af the area to be cleared are all factors which must be taken into consideration when throwing snaw. Best results are obtained with high auger speed and slaw forward movement. Therefore, operate the trac­tor in low range at full engine speed. With automatic drive tractors, adjust ground spe:!d to about 1 MPH (1.6KPH).

A definile pattern of operating is required to thor­oughly clean the snaw area. This will ovoid a second removal of snow and thrawing snow into unwonted ploce~. Snow should be thrawn downwind. However. where it is possible ta throw snow ta the right and left, as on a lang driveway, it is advantogeaus to starl in the middle ond work progressively outward. Ihro ...... ing snow 10 both sides of the drive ...... ay without changing the pa~ition of the discharge chute (Fig. 24).

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FIG. 24. Throwing Snow to Both Sides

If snow con only be thrown to one side of a drive_ way or ...... ide walk, stort on the side farthest from where the sno~ is to be thro ...... n, rOloting the discharge chule 180" at the end of each pass.

Before storling the tractOr engine, make sure the auger will rota Ie freely. This is especially importont ...... hen the unit has been in use and left standing in the cold. The auger could be frozen in the hOUSing and. if the PTO clutch is engaged under these condi_ tions, the clutch or belt or bOlh could be damaged. Also check the discharge chute to be sure it is free ta turn.

For normal ape rations, the snowthro ...... er i-s used with the unit resting on the graund. T a begin. slort the tractor's engine and ollow it to worrn up. Lower Ihe ~nawlhrower to the ground using the tractor's al1achrnent lift. and then engage the PTO.


Page 8: WH61-90 #431 Snowthrower Drive Shaft Greasable Bearings · bushing, the cronk rod spring. two y, SAE wm.hcrs, cnd one X x % cotter pin. Guide the cronk rod through the cronk suppor!

& CAUTION & Never permit anyone to stand in front of the

auger or discharge chute when the tractor engine is running. Keep children and pets away from the orea when throwing snow. There may be objects in the snow being thrown which could caUle injury to anyone being struck by them.

In deep, drifted, or banked snow, it will be neces­sary to drive the auger into the snow and then stop the Iractor to allow the auger to clear the snow. Repeat this method until a path is cleared. On the second pass overlap the first enough to allow the snowthrower to operate without repeated stopping and starling of the traclor.

In extremely deep snow, raise snowthrower from t'he ground using the tractor's attachment lift. Drive the Iractor ahead inta the deep snow, removing the lop layer first. The tractor itself should not el"ller the snowbank. Reverse the tractor and lower the snow­thrower to the ground._ Drive the Iractor ahead and repeat the process to remove the balance of the snow. Working with repeated pones in and out of drifts will eventually move even the deepest ~now.

&CAUTION & If snowthrower becomes plugged with Snow

or jammed due to hiHing a foreign object, pro­ceed as follo ..... s:

1. Declutch snowthrower and stop tractor engine immediately.

2. DiscQnnect spark plug wire(s}. 3. Clear snow from discharge chute if plug­

ged. 4. If auger is jammed. remove foreign object

and repair any damage to snowthrower before continuing.

5, Reconnect spark plug wire(s). 6. Resume operation.

The snowlhrower should not be lHed to remove ice or hard po.cked frozen snow, which can CClU!.C

damage to the unit. For best results. snow should be removed os soon as possible after it falls.

Before th~ snow season begins, il is suggested that the srlOW removal area be tnoroughly inspected and

cleared of all stones, stidr.s, etc. which rrngt.t be pick­ed up by the auger. Mark the location of all ob5tpcles thai could become hidden under the "now and cause damage to the auger or Iroclor if struck.

MAINTENANCE AND STORAGE Before eoch use, check thai all bolts, set screws and

other fastenen arc light and in ploce. Drive choin tension con be adjusted by loosening and shifting the lower idler sprocket in ih slot in the snowthrower housing. This idler sprocket is localed on the left side of the snowthrower at the lower front corner of the housing. Tighten nut securely after adjustment.

Do not overtighten chain. A correctly adjush,d chain will have a slight amount of slack. An overtightened chain will result in early failure of the auger drive chain.

Lubricate the drive chain every 20 operating hours with SAE 10 or SAE lOW30 engine oil. Be sure oil penetrates inside each roller. Wipe off exeess oil. Also lubricate the ehoin sprockets, idler pulley shafts and the height adiustment wheel bushings at tKe same intervals with the same viscosity engine ail. Other moving ports of the linkage should be lubricated wilh light machine oil applied directly to wear surfaces.

A coat of wax applied to the inside of the auger housing will help prevent snow from slicking 10 it. The inside of the discharge chute and deflector sho\.olld also be waxed several times during the snow removal seeson. Coot bore melol surfaces of the snowlhrower with oil or grease 10 prevent rust until permanent repairs can be mode. Contact with corrosive rood salt should be avoided whenever possible.

Befor .. storing the snowthrower at Ihe end of the season, thoroughly dean it by washing with a gor~en hose. A mild automotive type detergent may be used to remove stubborn dirt. Touch up damtlged paint areas as necessary. Aerosol cons of "Wheel Horse Red" touch up point are available through your authorized dealer.

The ouger should be cooled with oil or treated with a rust preventative. Lubricate the snowthrower as described in this section and store it in a clean, dry place. P-rotect it with a weather-proof cover if stored outdoors.

P'odut{ .nINm~llf)f' and spec.r,cal,ons are ~ho ... n he ... ", ':IS 01 \he l,mt' or p"nUnQ Whe~1 Hone P,otluCI~. Inc .... st"""s Ihe "Qh\ In ct.,no" prOduct :H) .. c,hC~I.ons. des'gn .. ' ,nu Sl .. nd"d eQu.pment "".Ihoul nOI.ce .. nd .... ,,/'Ioul ,n<':u"'''9 Obl'9.1I,on.

·····jWHEEL HORSE ~ lawn & garden tractors

A separate ports monuol for your Wheel Horse attachment can be abtained by completing the attached form ond st:'nding it, along with a check or money order, to the address below.

Attachment ports manuals indude listings for more than one attachment, and moy contain parts lisls for other Wheel Horse implements you own. There­fore, it is suggested that you request parts manuals for your ollachments one at a time to ovoid receiving duplicate manuals.


515 W. Ireland Road South Bend, Indiana 46614


Page 9: WH61-90 #431 Snowthrower Drive Shaft Greasable Bearings · bushing, the cronk rod spring. two y, SAE wm.hcrs, cnd one X x % cotter pin. Guide the cronk rod through the cronk suppor!

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Page 10: WH61-90 #431 Snowthrower Drive Shaft Greasable Bearings · bushing, the cronk rod spring. two y, SAE wm.hcrs, cnd one X x % cotter pin. Guide the cronk rod through the cronk suppor!

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Page 11: WH61-90 #431 Snowthrower Drive Shaft Greasable Bearings · bushing, the cronk rod spring. two y, SAE wm.hcrs, cnd one X x % cotter pin. Guide the cronk rod through the cronk suppor!

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Page 12: WH61-90 #431 Snowthrower Drive Shaft Greasable Bearings · bushing, the cronk rod spring. two y, SAE wm.hcrs, cnd one X x % cotter pin. Guide the cronk rod through the cronk suppor!

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Page 13: WH61-90 #431 Snowthrower Drive Shaft Greasable Bearings · bushing, the cronk rod spring. two y, SAE wm.hcrs, cnd one X x % cotter pin. Guide the cronk rod through the cronk suppor!

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Page 14: WH61-90 #431 Snowthrower Drive Shaft Greasable Bearings · bushing, the cronk rod spring. two y, SAE wm.hcrs, cnd one X x % cotter pin. Guide the cronk rod through the cronk suppor!

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Page 15: WH61-90 #431 Snowthrower Drive Shaft Greasable Bearings · bushing, the cronk rod spring. two y, SAE wm.hcrs, cnd one X x % cotter pin. Guide the cronk rod through the cronk suppor!

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Page 16: WH61-90 #431 Snowthrower Drive Shaft Greasable Bearings · bushing, the cronk rod spring. two y, SAE wm.hcrs, cnd one X x % cotter pin. Guide the cronk rod through the cronk suppor!

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