What do all of these images have in common?

What do all of these images have in common?

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Our new topic is…coasts

We are going to find out what coasts are and why they are interesting and

important places to study.

Play a game of whack-a-day!

This is a word association game that you play with a partner.

Take it in turns to say a word that has something to do with THE SEASIDE. You have only got 2 seconds to give a word before you run out of time.

You lose if…

1. You hesitate for too long

2. You repeat a word that has been said

3. You say a word that is not about the topic

Defining coasts…

Given what you know about the coast, how would you define the word ‘coast’?

What would it say if we looked up the word coast in the dictionary?

The correct answer…

‘Coast: land next to or beside the sea.’

(Source: Encarta World English Dictionary.)

‘A coast is the edge of the land where it meets the sea or ocean.’

(Source: BBC Schools: Rivers & Coasts: www.bbc.co.uk/schools/riversandcoasts/coasts/whatis_coast/index.shtml )

What do you notice about the lights on this image of Earth from space?

Look how many settlements are positioned near the coast! Why is that?

Have a think…

There are lots of reasons that people live near the coasts.Can you think of any?

Look at the following answers and see which ones you thought of.

There are lots of jobs by the coast.

The coast is where we can link to other countries.

Living by the coast means living by a rich source of food.

Tourism is important at seaside resorts.

The coast has beautiful scenery

…and fascinating wildlife!

Everyone has fun at the coast!

Looking forward…

As we jump into this new topic, what questions do you have? What do you want to find out?

Make a list of three questions that you would like to find the answers to.


