c 1 I j 1 L I t < I e v fI = rIkw I THl EvENING WOTtl WEDNESD OCTOBEB 28 t90S d B t h RUSSIAN PATRI f t GETS OUT OF JAIL I Tschaikovsky Released on 25000 Bail After a Years Imprisonment 31 ST PKTKtlSBUnO Oct ISNicholasT- echnlkoxskj the Mf l Hussion patriot who has teui Itnpi Moneil In this city tor nearly a year vus iclcascd this nfternoon- The fund of 2 > 000 subscribed In Eng ¬ land to cover thbail demanded br the Russian Government for lschalkovkr release was reoalved here yesterday and was deposited In the Imperial Bank to- day ¬ i TschalkovBky was the nut leader In the reform movement In Hutsln and was known as the rather of the flue slan Htxolutlon lie was arrested on tho nu glnti frontier nov 23 oj and conflnod In the fortress ot St Peter and St Paul nlthouRh there wero no specific olinrpps nstlnst him T chn- lkoxslj Is well known In the tnlted States nnd England haling resided In j each country fur long periods Ills ar- rest ¬ ulinispil protests from both Great Hrltaln nnd the nltrd States and pe- titions ¬ HKIICI liy muis piomttient men for his release were sent to Rimmi- Irmn lunilnn Hnd XiM Vork It as- hltlH mi iirunmt of these uiTortK tuft the prlMim i llnull was set lit liberty todn 7llwI p WlmliiIM Southwest Corner 6th Ave 18th St Dr Kellers 8300 Comlort Shoes For Nurses Teachers Saleswomen etc sr Size 3 to 8 Made of in e195 ported black 7 let KLlskm Fle ii le Lather Sols Rub- ber ¬ FLes V = ry dress and J c comfortable s2r J 4 1jr L For Women whose r duties or profession r require them to be much s of the time on their feet the a Dr Keller Sho s are a great blessing Wehave many testi- monials ¬ ft- t J from gratful wearers 4 Womens k Higli Grade vs 93t 4 Napoleon and Sample Shoes from pronvncnt jrjJl manufacturers Lace Button and Blucher r 1 r patterns in all Ir X f2 the popular l itI dull and bright ea her at I a a 150- I 2 to S- 2s neue t ty- leig ar 1 t Womens Shoesfor Street Wea b I of KUsk n with PMcnt Tips ted C mir n Snse bhow e iim Toes and shoes wth Felt lin C i t LS sres in the latter Worth If i tc a pair a- tc 5Q J t lilt of wellnude Worn I ens Ofnrds ojd and ends 4 lJ uj > Irlh up to 200 at k f C1HdIL nls Sample Shop 3 r SIZCS 2 to T and 5H to s t Made of soft Kldskin Han1- i5 59c f ttirLLJ soles mJ spnng heels tKbtrb t J Fine for growing children I 7Sc to Slno ihies at = = uacrDroI- I < Shoes 4ViCi Kidskin and Box Calf Lace and a4 Button solid leath- ertxtension sole I never sold for less 14t1 Th4 than 200 a pair Sizes St to 11 at 325 t Sizes 11 to 2 at i I 4Ul4 lo 1 1- 50 1 1 Boys Boots Storm Calf Boys Shoes I i Made of Black and Tan Dress and school Calfskin with heavy vis in all the most durable coli zed soles Extra leathers lace and with straps and buckles bluchers Sizes 9 to 133s Sizes 1 to 534 Worth jo 195 Worlh15ot0100 at per pair I What is Castoria ASTORIA Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Paregoric Drops C and Soothing Syrups It is Pleasant It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic substance Its ago la Its guarantee It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles cured Constipation and Flatulency It assimilates the Food regulates tho Stomach and Bowels giving healthy and natural Bleep Tho childrens Panacea Tho Mothers The Kind You Have Always Bought and which has been in uso for over 50 years lout horn the signature oC Clots II Fletcher and hM been made undor his personal supervisIon since its Infancy Allow no ono to deceive you In this AU Counterfeits Imitations and Justnsgood ore but Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of Infants nd- ChiidrenExpcrienco against Experiment Genuine Custorla always bears signature of I I V1 t 1t 1< r IINIrliiIIM I Southwest Corner 6th Ave IStlt S- tFashiollable Suits = FOR = Women and Misses InelotMng Many in Directolre Models Values from 1975 to 2250 at 41Y 8 95 H4- itIJtI The ma eriais are plain t1 Che viotsplainand fancy C ° > Broadcloths and Scotch ti l Aixtures embracing all 4 f i the leading seasonable tt iti Fit shades The majority j of the Coats are lined J k with good quality satin and other desirable Iit fabrics 1 he Skirts are Iii lull gored or pleated some with one and two folds It at Special 88 0 95 J Ready m to wear 98c r HatsSpeciatm I d wiih velvet lfill Pocahontas bands and quiH Value 150 J r i i i Special at 98c s 1 Also several hundred new I trimmed Hats with large < I new low crown trimmed iwlth lure bows wings and c licncy feathers al colors to match your costume Regu- lar ¬ f price 30 and 7 i Special al- UntrImmed tJUtCO Velvet Shapes S Large and Handsome laced J in satin all newest i P r colors Regular fl 8 a e 350 values t- i I s Sample Regular Coats I For Women and Masses Worth from 750 fo 995 at I 498Ma- de of Medium Weirht Kerseys Scotch Chv 1 jots 2nd Broadcloths inch le gth trimmed j with silk velvet and silk C braid Worth tJ I 70 to 510 1198- I Special I I Handsome House Dresses Onepiece style tucked 1 wulst wide lull skirt j In block and white f uray und white and navyandwhlte98g- worth a i iGREAT SALE OF RUBBERS M L FOR MEN WOMEN BOYS AND GIRLS 3 tiC Storm and lowcut patterns in all the first quality brands such as HOOD 3 tiC pair OLD COLONY BOSTON and others Worth 8Jc special at pair c t I c 4 I FREETRANSFI3RS Our nccnt at With St A tee V will Inml oa ono Itsns uoo1 m r c In emit on a f no puriae at our utorf which I lnke It uot the 8imn ftI though i Rtottit34S U LEXINGTON TO 3D AVC 50TH TO fiOTM ST A Safe Investment j Is a Walters Piano The Greatest Piano Sale We Have Ever Held Everybodys Opportunity- to secure the best piano manufactured at a saving of from 33 to 50 per cent 1500 newest and latest designs of renowned richtoned Walters Pianos included in this sale We want everybody who does not own a Walters Piano to come and judge for himself whether this is not the Great ¬ est Piano Offer in the world 1375 Style A Wallers Piano 198 J410 Style BIJ Walters Piano 225 S 173 Sire C WaUes Piano 240 S5CO Style L Ii M Wallers Piano 250 S5JO Sljle D alters Piano 260 fO 0 Myls F Walters Piano 325 750 StjlcCoonlal Piano 350 J7oStleR > olers Piano 375 750 Weliers crtical Urnml 375 J630 Wnllers Pe nler Piano 400 SICOO Wallers Baby drandPlnno 600 TheAbove Prices Include New Style Chair and Cove- rAltentinnl THE ACTION is THE LIFE AND I SOUL OF A PIANO LOST MO- TION ¬ ACTIONS which th se pianos II contain arc the finest in the world Everybody who wants the highest grade lost motion action piano at a big tavinjj should take advantage of this sale at once Our Special Offer of 900 Wai lers Musiertunc Player 450 Piano Outfas finest player piano made with 12 rolls of music cabinet and silk scarf Thigh of It You can buy finest Ughgrade pianos by paying t 5 Down I 1 Per Week- No interest for the time taken in making payments- No insurance No extras The piano will be deliver- ed ¬ in your home on pay ¬ ment of 5 Walters Pianos Masterpieces of Piano Construction in fact tney are Pianos Built to Last a Lifetime Their tone is rich beautiful and resonant their touch is one of the main featureselastic and responsive- Cases are double veneered cross banded all the way through beautlul and original in design Walters Pianos will hold the lone which is rich mellow and rcsonantlongerthan any other piano in the world Beware of Piano FraudsD- ont Buy a Piano Unless Bears the Makers Name Stencilled Pianos One should b ware ot stencilled pianos It is ex- tremely ¬ dangerous to purchase a piano masquerading under a false name The word stencil is the commonest form of piano fraud It consists in labelling by stencil plate a cheap piano with a name resembling a good- one but in reality it is nothing but- a cheap commercial piano manufac ¬ tured for the dealer for that purpose and in a short time the piano becomes perfectly useless Your safeguard is to Buy a Walters PianoThey Ate the Best The Name Walteison a Piano stands for the veiy highest and heat grade One is as safe in investing in- a Waiters Piano as one would be in purchasing United States gold bonds I Caution to Prospective Piano Purchasers I Under no consideration do we advise you to buy a tocalled slightly used or secondhand piano They are like wornout machinery petfectly useless otherwise people would not wish I to part with them Why ahould you buy other peoples castoffs when we offer you the highest grads new Walters Pianos for lees money on the most liberal I terms of 1 per week 1 On Cash Sales we will box and hlp pianos free of charge to any part of the U S- your old pno for on ot Exchange Uiu teullful nw Wet tin Fluuu We will take yuur 01 pJn < In > fttrm nt ant rive yuu- tbt DrlTllro of t Unc- t rno MI wMk tfpoN HExjrnsi L UKWUWNTATrVB fVILlt CULL W rtroanw Third Ho- urBLOOMINGDALES I Lex to 3d Av 59th io 60th St free Transfers0 ur Rent nt 59th St ca Lex Ave will hand you one Its good as Sc cash a jt pUrchnse at our store which makes it just the same as though T- Oooiiiiiioa4 l Womens Smart tailored Hats Previously priced at 198 298 and 398 are yours in a3 Hour J 29 Sale tomorrow Thursday morning from 9 to 12 oclock at This sale presents the most remarkable values in womens hats thus far offered Handmade Velvet Hats with Imported wings nnd fancies Superb Satin Hals with sup rlor quality trimmings Frenci and Wool with stiff nnd soft trimmings In taupe navy brown black etc None C O D nnd no mail orders filled jtaln Floor Lex Xv Section fltIlM IXOIIArJs The Last Chance of the Year to Have Made to Your Order i28O 11 A Winter Suit Winter Overcoat Prince Albert Coat and Vest or Raincoat for i 4f1 I t I I I R- t 1 1- ti ° I I I 1- g iff wll f Jn- A fEijBt Suit Over ¬ coatPrinceA- jbertCoatand 12 80 Vest or a Rain- coat ¬ i made to your order for 31 way do prompt refund mone will made sale pOW way and win end on Saturday at oclock last that will be offered you this year to Suit Winter Coat and or made to order by tailors at low price twelve and cents SI Floor flOlh Section Our Great Sale FursI- s the Economy Fur Event of the 55 Black Kersey Coats lined with brown 0 Spanish mink 52 inches long pieced Iarat Persian col 2500 Womens 25 Spanish Mink Fur Lined Coats j i 48 inches long brown lynx collar 1250 < at C J 50 Black Lynx Fur Sets new model rug muff and I large shawl tie trimmed with heads and tails 2475- W- 7 at 61 11 > J5 Persian Paw Sets r I 1 l 60Inch throw over tie i1 l 1 with tat cads and quart II I J3i2 pIllow at Iuff 750 p50 Pointed black Wolf Sets have large fancy rug muff and tie lined with f C 00 hoads and tails at J > 30 Rich Black Lynx Set fancy whole animal ttnrf with head tail ind two paws large rug muff with one head 3 paws and 4 tails to 15 fjfl matchnt- tf 25 Alaska Sable Sets 60inch bat end scarf and large square i illow muff to 12000 match at 30 Fox Setf nrge whole skin scarf with 2 tails and 4 paws open rug muff Jsmne and 1 head 1 tall und 15e 00 4 tabs at Second Floor ratt St NcIon- m llMntl I Small Rugs Small Prices Reversible RugS Mrong and good looking for din ingrooms and bedrooms sizes- 9x6 feet 189 9x7 0 feet 12x9 feet 361 Rugs rich Oriental patterns litches 129 Axminster Mats new goods In handsome de signs size 36x18 inches at- Iourlh 79c Floor llIAMIWIAIES How to Buy on Easy and Save Money Consult our cooperative selling department on the Third floor You may buy furniture household caipeta mugs oil paintings machines talking machines Moves anything you need for the household on mot liberal terms Childrens 50c Rompers 39c Flannrlette In pink and tilua chocks hlzes to years Second nor I La 169- Uroken In models Second Kloif I I Infants Short Dresses at198 Usually and 1293 HUM moi and years 6toon Floor I To give those of m d- our RtJH1 Otfeber 38 whc patrons October 29 Thursday the missed regu- lar semi annua Friday October 30 i merchant tailo- ring Saturday sale las Monday November month anothei TaesdayKovtmber 3 opportunity t c I Wednesday November 4 take advantage o this offer we hat Thursday November 5 decided to hold Friday November 6 t j plemenfary this 10day sale sup Saturday November7 C ending Satur- day November 7th During this sale we will tpke orders to make to measure no matter what your size may be a Suit j Overcoat Prince Albert Coat and Vest or a Raincoat of this seasons mostd- ependable ma- terials ¬ t i18O made l lined and trim- med by most i skilled tailors for You may choose from forty different styles- of all wool fabrics which include Blue and Black Scotch ¬ spuns Cheviots of All Kinds Cassi meres Worsteds Clay Diagonals- and Cheviot Overcoatings Fit and Satisfaction Arc Guaranteed- If after the garments are made up and delivered you find them unsat sfactory In any all jou need is return them and a of > be Remember the is under November the Seventh six This is positively the chance have n Winter a Overcoat a Prince Albert Vest a Raincoat your our firstclass the amazingly of dollars eighty St HIAOMIXOIArES of Year Mens I I If stole richly fine Isabella animal head ir 232 Wilton 54x27 Terms goods sewing 2 I 250 various I d 1 3 October Serges Home 3 Embroidered Linen Waists at 198I- s one of the spe ¬ cial features in our waist department- for tomorrow These waists are made- of 5 a splendid qual- ity ¬ ii pure linen with s hand mbroidered 4q and tucked front trimmed with fine pearl buttons Have cluster tucked hick and laundtedcollar I arid cuffs A very mannish style Ex- ceptionally ¬ pond 3 value < 1 198 for 1 nionmlnKcliilm Sfrom re Door fttI st Sorlln- nmooMiMi ii Womens Flannelette- Wrappers65c I We sell these wrappers regularly at 100 and at that price they are cot sidered excellent value tt They are in gray nnvy black It and white in pretty designs Have pleated back full front with fancy braid on yoke and t full sleeves finished with cuffs I X Skirt has deep ruffle We will II not fill mall or CO D Y11rn orders of at our special 65c L price Second Floor Btlih Bt tteettorm i IIIOOMIMiDVII Save on Best UmbrellasB- y taking advantage these specials Ironclad Umbrellas 1 Piece dyed taffeta j lock frame fine fancy handles guaranteed Silk Umbrellas 195 24 and 26 Inch sizes j steel rod beautiful assortment of hardwood and fancy handler Silk Umbrellas 295 I 26 and 28 inch sizes j guaranteed strong close roll- ing ¬ frames hardwood and fancy handles Main Hour BSth f t Section nrooMisri vii v Tomorrow Thursday No C O D Mail or Phone Orders P1orning Sales from 8 to 12 oClock tilled None to dealers Splrite Corsets elzei Ceo Paragon lock Paragon Womens S8 Long Coats at 595 Excellent cloth with velvet and braid trimming All sizes tieconJ floor Womens 6 52lncli Coals 119f- fluu and brown chavlou In all sizes Bft on S Floor Girls 1 Dresses at 7Qc Wool pattern full ntiH with straps of cashmere and raid Still pleated stein Sizes i 0 H > ffti- fif onl Floor i24c Seersucker per yard 5Ue- Man > Iittertnt stYles In stripes tall color sf510 Floor Oullnit Flannel per yard Hie host quality In light and lark grounds prmij ile Uni MAin Floor 15c Linen Toweling yard IOcl- Ied t bar i i fin ralur tar kitchen RIliJ rj r t i lie Miln Floor II All Cars Transfer toflhomingdalu to 3d Ave 59tkh 60th St iI I t

What I V Its C I Oooiiiiiioa4 - Library of Congress...a4 Button solid leath-ertxtension sole I never sold for less 14t1 Th4 than 200 a pair Sizes St to 11 at t325 Sizes 11 to 2 at

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Page 1: What I V Its C I Oooiiiiiioa4 - Library of Congress...a4 Button solid leath-ertxtension sole I never sold for less 14t1 Th4 than 200 a pair Sizes St to 11 at t325 Sizes 11 to 2 at

c 1

I j 1 LI


I e v fI =rIkw I



I Tschaikovsky Released on

25000 Bail After a YearsImprisonment

31 ST PKTKtlSBUnO Oct ISNicholasT-echnlkoxskj the Mf l Hussion patriotwho has teui Itnpi Moneil In this citytor nearly a year vus iclcascd thisnfternoon-

The fund of 2 > 000 subscribed In Eng ¬

land to cover thbail demanded br theRussian Government for lschalkovkrrelease was reoalved here yesterday andwas deposited In the Imperial Bank to-


iTschalkovBky was the nut leader In

the reform movement In Hutsln andwas known as the rather of the flueslan Htxolutlon lie was arrested ontho nu glnti frontier nov 23 oj andconflnod In the fortress ot St Peterand St Paul nlthouRh there wero nospecific olinrpps nstlnst him T chn-lkoxslj Is well known In the tnltedStates nnd England haling resided In

j each country fur long periods Ills ar-rest


ulinispil protests from both GreatHrltaln nnd the nltrd States and pe-


HKIICI liy muis piomttient menfor his release were sent to Rimmi-Irmn lunilnn Hnd XiM Vork It as-hltlH mi iirunmt of these uiTortK tuft

the prlMim i llnull was set lit libertytodn

7llwI p WlmliiIMSouthwest Corner 6th Ave 18th St

Dr Kellers 8300 Comlort ShoesFor Nurses Teachers

Saleswomen etcsr Size 3 to 8

Made of in e195ported black7 let KLlskm

Fle ii le Lather Sols Rub-


FLes V = ry dress andJ c comfortable

s2r J 4

1jr L

For Women whoser duties or professionr require them to be much s

of the time on their feet the a

Dr Keller Sho s are a greatblessing Wehave many testi-


¬ ft-t

Jfrom gratful wearers 4

Womensk Higli Grade

vs 93t 4 Napoleonand Sample

Shoesfrom pronvncntjrjJl manufacturers

Lace Buttonand Blucherr 1 r patterns in all Ir X

f2 the popular l

itI dull and brightea her at


a a


2 to S-

2s neue t ty-

leigar 1

t Womens Shoesfor Street Weab I of KUsk n with PMcnt Tipsted C mir n Snse bhowe iim Toes and shoes wth Felt lin Ci t LS sres in the latter WorthIf i tc a pair a-

tc 5QJ t lilt of wellnude Worn

I ens Ofnrds ojd and ends4 lJ uj > Irlh up to 200 at

k f C1HdIL nls Sample Shop3 r SIZCS 2 to T and 5H to s

t Made of soft Kldskin Han1-

i559c f ttirLLJ soles mJ spnng heels tKbtrbt J Fine for growing childrenI

7Sc to Slno ihies at= =uacrDroI-



Shoes4ViCi Kidskin and

Box Calf Lace anda4 Button solid leath-

ertxtension soleI never sold for less 14t1

Th4 than 200 a pairSizes St to 11 at

325tSizes 11 to 2


I 4Ul4 lo

1 1- 501

1 BoysBootsStorm Calf Boys Shoes

I i Made of Black and Tan Dress and schoolCalfskin with heavy vis in all the most durablecoli zed soles Extra leathers lace andwith straps and buckles bluchers Sizes 9 to 133sSizes 1 to 534Worth jo 195 Worlh15ot0100at per pair


What is CastoriaASTORIA Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Paregoric DropsC and Soothing Syrups It is Pleasant It contains neither Opium

Morphine nor other Narcotic substance Its ago la Its guarantee Itdestroys Worms and allays Feverishness It cures Diarrhoea and WindColic It relieves Teething Troubles cured Constipation and Flatulency Itassimilates the Food regulates tho Stomach and Bowels giving healthy andnatural Bleep Tho childrens Panacea Tho Mothers

The Kind You Have Always Bought and which has been in uso for over50 years lout horn the signature oC Clots II Fletcher and hM been made undorhis personal supervisIon since its Infancy Allow no ono to deceive you In thisAU Counterfeits Imitations and Justnsgood ore but Experiments thattrifle with and endanger tho health of Infants nd-ChiidrenExpcrienco against ExperimentGenuine Custorla always bears signature of


V1 t 1t 1<



Southwest Corner 6th Ave IStlt S-

tFashiollable Suits=FOR=

Women and MissesInelotMng Many in Directolre ModelsValues from 1975 to

2250 at

41Y8 95 H4-

itIJtIThe ma eriais are plain t1Che viotsplainand fancy C


Broadcloths and Scotch til

Aixtures embracing all 4 f i

the leading seasonablett iti Fit

shades The majority j

of the Coats are lined J k

with good quality satinand other desirable


fabrics 1 he Skirts are Iii

lull gored or pleatedsome with one and twofolds It

atSpecial 88095 J

Ready m to wear 98cr HatsSpeciatm I

d wiih velvetlfill Pocahontas bands and

quiH Value 150Jr i ii Special at 98c

s 1 Also several hundred newI trimmed Hats with large

< I new low crown trimmediwlth lure bows wings and

c licncy feathers al colors tomatch your costume Regu-lar


f price 30 and 7i Special al-


Velvet ShapesS Large and Handsome laced

J in satin all newesti P r colors Regular fl 8

ae 350 values t-


I s

Sample Regular CoatsI

For Women and MassesWorth from 750 fo

995 at



de of Medium WeirhtKerseys Scotch Chv 1

jots 2nd Broadclothsinch le gth trimmed j

with silk velvet and silkC

braid WorthtJ

I 70 to 510 1198-I Special I


HandsomeHouse DressesOnepiece style tucked 1

wulst wide lull skirt jIn block and white furay und white andnavyandwhlte98g-worth



FOR MEN WOMEN BOYS AND GIRLS3tiC Storm and lowcut patterns in all the first quality brands such as HOOD 3tiCpair OLD COLONY BOSTON and others Worth 8Jc special at pair

ctI c



Our nccnt at With St A tee V willInml oa ono Itsns uoo1 m r c In emiton a f no puriae at our utorf which

I lnke It uot the 8imn ftI though



A Safe Investmentj Is a Walters Piano

The GreatestPiano Sale We

Have Ever HeldEverybodys Opportunity-to secure the best pianomanufactured at a saving offrom 33 to 50 per cent 1500newest and latest designs ofrenowned richtoned WaltersPianos included in this sale

We want everybody whodoes not own a Walters Pianoto come and judge for himselfwhether this is not the Great ¬

est Piano Offer in the world1375 Style A Wallers Piano 198J410 Style BIJ Walters Piano 225S 173 Sire C WaUes Piano 240S5CO Style L Ii M Wallers Piano 250S5JO Sljle D alters Piano 260fO 0 Myls F Walters Piano 325

750 StjlcCoonlal Piano 350J7oStleR > olers Piano 375

750 Weliers crtical Urnml 375J630 Wnllers Pe nler Piano 400SICOO Wallers Baby drandPlnno 600

TheAbove Prices Include NewStyle Chair and Cove-




ACTIONS which th se pianosII contain arc the finest in the world

Everybody who wants the highestgrade lost motion action piano ata big tavinjj should take advantageof this sale at once

Our Special Offer of 900 Wailers Musiertunc Player 450Piano Outfasfinest player piano made with12 rolls of music cabinet and silkscarf

Thigh of It You can buy finestUghgrade pianos by paying

t 5 DownI 1 Per Week-

No interest for the timetaken in making payments-No insurance No extrasThe piano will be deliver-ed


in your home on pay ¬

ment of 5Walters Pianos Masterpieces of

Piano Construction in fact tney arePianos Built to Last a Lifetime

Their tone is rich beautiful andresonant their touch is one of themain featureselastic and responsive-Cases are double veneered crossbanded all the way through beautluland original in design WaltersPianos will hold the lone which isrich mellow and rcsonantlongerthanany other piano in the world

Beware of PianoFraudsD-

ont Buy a Piano Unless Bearsthe Makers Name

Stencilled Pianos One should bware ot stencilled pianos It is ex-


dangerous to purchase apiano masquerading under a falsename

The word stencil is the commonestform of piano fraud It consists inlabelling by stencil plate a cheappiano with a name resembling a good-one but in reality it is nothing but-

a cheap commercial piano manufac ¬

tured for the dealer for that purposeand in a short time the piano becomesperfectly useless Your safeguard is toBuy a Walters PianoThey Ate

the BestThe Name Walteison a Piano

stands for the veiy highest and heatgrade One is as safe in investing in-

a Waiters Piano as one would be inpurchasing United States gold bonds

I Caution to Prospective PianoPurchasers

I Under no consideration do weadvise you to buy a tocalledslightly used or secondhandpiano They are like wornoutmachinery petfectly uselessotherwise people would not wish

Ito part with them Why ahouldyou buy other peoples castoffswhen we offer you the highestgrads new Walters Pianos forlees money on the most liberal


terms of 1 per week 1

On Cash Sales we will box andhlp pianos free of charge to anypart of the U S-

your old pno for on otExchange Uiu teullful nw Wettin Fluuu We will take yuur 01

pJn < In > fttrm nt ant rive yuu-tbt DrlTllro of t Unc-t rno MI wMk tfpoN HExjrnsi

L UKWUWNTATrVB fVILlt CULLW rtroanw Third Ho-

urBLOOMINGDALESI Lex to 3d Av 59th io 60th St

free Transfers0 ur Rent nt 59th St ca Lex Ave will hand you one Its good as Sc casha jt pUrchnse at our store which makes it just the same as though



Womens Smart tailored HatsPreviously priced at 198 298 and 398 are yours in a 3 Hour

J 29Sale tomorrow Thursday morning from 9 to 12 oclock atThis sale presents the most remarkable values in womens hats thus far offered

Handmade Velvet Hats with Imported wings nnd fancies Superb Satin Hals with sup rlor quality trimmingsFrenci and Wool with stiff nnd soft trimmings In taupe navy brown black etc

None C O D nnd no mail orders filled jtaln Floor Lex Xv Section

fltIlM IXOIIArJsThe Last Chance of the Year to Have

Made to Your Order i28O 11

A Winter Suit Winter Overcoat PrinceAlbert Coat and Vest or Raincoat for i







1 1-











Suit Over ¬

coatPrinceA-jbertCoatand 12 80Vest or a Rain-


i made toyour order for


waydo prompt refund mone will made sale pOW way and winend on Saturday at oclock last that will be offeredyou this year to Suit Winter Coat and or made to

order by tailors at low price twelve and centsSI Floor flOlh Section

Our Great Sale FursI-s the Economy Fur Event of the

55 Black KerseyCoats lined with brown

0 Spanish mink 52 incheslong pieced

IaratPersian col 2500

Womens 25 SpanishMink Fur Lined Coats

j i 48 inches long brownlynx collar 1250< at C

J 50 Black Lynx Fur Setsnew model rug muff and

I large shawl tie trimmedwith headsand tails 2475-W-


at61 11 >

J5 Persian Paw Setsr I 1 l 60Inch throw over tie

i1 l 1 with tat cads and quartII



Iuff 750p50 Pointed black Wolf Sets have large fancy rug

muff and tie lined with f C 00hoads and tails at J >

30 Rich Black Lynx Set fancy whole animalttnrf with head tail ind two paws large rug muffwith one head 3 paws and 4 tails to 15 fjflmatchnt- tf

25 Alaska Sable Sets 60inch bat endscarf and large square i illow muff to 12000match at

30 Fox Setf nrge whole skin scarfwith 2 tails and 4 paws openrug muff Jsmne and 1 head 1 tall und 15e 004 tabs at

Second Floor ratt St NcIon-m llMntl I

Small Rugs Small PricesReversible RugS Mrong and good looking for diningrooms and bedrooms sizes-

9x6 feet 189 9x7 0 feet 12x9 feet 361Rugs rich Oriental patterns

litches 129Axminster Mats new goods In handsome de

signs size 36x18 inches at-



How to Buy on Easy and Save MoneyConsult our cooperative selling department on the

Third floor You may buy furniture householdcaipeta mugs oil paintings machines talkingmachines Moves anything you need forthe household on mot liberal terms

Childrens 50c Rompers 39cFlannrlette In pink and tiluachocks hlzes to years

Second norI La 169-

Uroken In modelsSecond Kloif



Infants Short Dresses at198Usually and 1293 HUM

moi and years6toon Floor


To give those of m d-

our RtJH1 Otfeber 38whcpatrons

October 29Thursdaythemissed regu-lar semi annua Friday October 30


merchant tailo-ring

Saturdaysale las Monday November

month anothei TaesdayKovtmber 3opportunity t c I

Wednesday November 4take advantage othis offer we hat Thursday November 5decided to hold Friday November 6

t j

plemenfarythis 10day

salesup Saturday November7


ending Satur-day November 7th During this sale wewill tpke orders to make to measure no

matter what your size may be a Suit j

Overcoat Prince Albert Coat and Vest or aRaincoat of thisseasons mostd-ependable ma-terials

¬ t i18Omade llined and trim-med by most i

skilled tailors forYou may choose from forty different styles-

of all wool fabrics which include

Blue and Black Scotch ¬

spuns Cheviots of All Kinds Cassimeres Worsteds Clay Diagonals-

and Cheviot OvercoatingsFit and Satisfaction Arc Guaranteed-

If after the garments are made up and deliveredyou find them unsat sfactory In any all jou need

is return them and a of > be Remember the is underNovember the Seventh six This is positively the chance

have n Winter a Overcoat a Prince Albert Vest a Raincoatyour our firstclass the amazingly of dollars eighty








stole richly


Isabella animalhead


232Wilton 54x27



2 I




1 3


Serges Home

3 Embroidered LinenWaists at 198I-

s one of the spe ¬

cial features in ourwaist department-for tomorrowThese waists are made-

of 5a splendid qual-



pure linen with s

hand mbroidered 4qand tucked fronttrimmed with finepearl buttons Havecluster tucked hickand laundtedcollar I

arid cuffs A verymannish style Ex-ceptionally


pond3 value <


198for 1

nionmlnKcliilm Sfrom reDoor fttI st Sorlln-

nmooMiMi ii



We sell these wrappersregularly at 100 and atthat price they are cotsidered excellent value

tt They are in gray nnvy blackIt and white in pretty designs

Have pleated back full frontwith fancy braid on yoke and

t full sleeves finished with cuffs I

X Skirt has deep ruffle We willII not fill mall or CO D

Y11rn ordersof

at our special 65cL price

Second Floor Btlih Bt tteettorm i


Save on Best UmbrellasB-y taking advantage these specials

Ironclad Umbrellas 1

Piece dyed taffeta j lock frame fine fancyhandles guaranteed

Silk Umbrellas 19524 and 26 Inch sizes j steel rod beautiful assortmentof hardwood and fancy handler

Silk Umbrellas 295 I

26 and 28 inch sizes j guaranteed strong close roll-


frames hardwood and fancyhandles Main Hour BSth f t Section

nrooMisri vii vTomorrow Thursday No C O D Mail or Phone OrdersP1orning Sales from 8 to 12 oClock tilled None to dealers

Splrite Corsetselzei



lock Paragon

Womens S8 Long Coats at 595Excellent cloth with velvet andbraid trimming All sizes

tieconJ floor

Womens 6 52lncli Coals 119f-

fluu and brown chavlou In all sizesBft on S Floor

Girls 1 Dresses at 7QcWool pattern full ntiH withstraps of cashmere and raid Stillpleated stein Sizes i 0 H > ffti-

fif onl Floor

i24c Seersucker per yard 5Ue-Man > Iittertnt stYles In stripestall color

sf510 Floor

Oullnit Flannel per yard Hiehost quality In light and larkgrounds prmij ile Uni

MAin Floor

15c Linen Toweling yard IOcl-Ied

tbar i i fin ralur tar kitchen

RIliJ rj r t i lieMiln Floor

II All Cars Transfer toflhomingdalu to 3d Ave 59tkh 60th St

iI It