What Is Acne Vulgaris And A Glimpse Into Homeopathic Treatment For Acne

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The face is affected in 99% of cases, the back in 60% and the chest in 15%. Acne vulgaris is very common among teens. Some women who never had acne growing up will have it as an adult, often right before their menstrual periods. If one of your parents had severe acne, you are more likely to have it. Scarring due to acne vulgaris may be permanent and lead to distortion of the face. Homeopathy helps to normalize the hormonal imbalance that is the root cause of this terrifying skin condition. You can find more of such informative Power Point Presentations as well as other useful health information at www.welcomecure.com, the definitive online homeopathic treatment portal.

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For a Permanent Solution click


• Do you often suffer from itchy, runny nose?

• Does your day begin with sneezing bouts?

• Are you always ‘sick’ in spring & winter?


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To combat your ALLERGIES Naturally & Permanently

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• Allergic diseases are the 5th most prevalent chronic diseases in all ages, and the 3rd most common in children

• Allergic rhinitis affects between 10% and 30% of the population worldwide

• About 16.9 million adults and 6.7 million children have been diagnosed with hay fever in 2013

• Children have a 30% - 60% chance of developing allergic rhinitis if one of their parents have it, and a 50%- 70% chance if both the parents have it.

It’s about time that we tackled & overcame this menace once and for all!To know more about Allergic Rhinitis

Click www.welcomecure.com/HealthCare/Allergic-Rhinitis-Overview

Amazing Facts & Figures

About Allergic Rhinitis

• Allergic rhinitis is an allergic inflammation of nasal passages.

• Affects any age group and occurs after repeated inhalation of allergic


What is Allergic Rhinitis?

• Sneezing bouts

• Copious, watery nasal discharge

• Itching in nose

• Nasal congestion & obstruction

• Itching, redness & watering of eyes

• Discomfort or itching in ears

• Other general symptoms like fatigue,

weight loss & decreased appetite

What Happens in

Allergic Rhinitis?

• Outdoor allergens - Pollen from

trees, grass, ragweed, etc.

• Indoor allergens - Pet dander, mold,

cockroach particles, dried skin flakes,

saliva, urine of animals, etc.

• Irritants - Smoke, strong odors,

changes in temperature and humidity

of the air, etc.

What Causes Allergic Rhinitis?

Genetic predisposition –

• Having other allergies or asthma increases risk

for allergic rhinitis

• Having blood relative with allergic rhinitis

- 30% chance when one parent has it

- 50% chance when both parents have it

Environmental factors –

• Cold weather, high humidity

• Exposure to chemicals and fumes

• Smoking

What are Risk Factors for

Allergic Rhinitis?

Allergic rhinitis can have a significant impact on one’s daily

activities and performance in school and work

If not treated appropriately, it may lead to complications such

as –

• Sinusitis - Inflammation of paranasal sinuses

• Otitis Media - Inflammation of middle ear

• Fatigue with inability to concentrate on studies or work

• Secondary infection of nasal passages, throat, airways and

even lungs.

What can Allergic Rhinitis lead to ?

Homeopathic Approach• The hallmark of homeopathy is that the focus is on totality

of symptoms & not just the allergy symptoms.

• It is based on the fact that no two individuals are

exactly the same.

• Each person is unique. Therefore 10 persons with

allergic rhinitis may require 10 different

Homeopathic remedies, which gives result in the patient.

• Homeopathic medicines are selected after a detailed study of each

individual patient i.e. customized to each patient

To get maximum benefits from

Homeopathy click www.welcomecure.com/Patient/Registration

Homeopathy helps in regulating the immune system

and improves its efficiency

It reduces the excessive sensitivity to harmless

allergens like pollen, dander, etc.

It protects & preserves our health from the harmful

effects of pollutants that exist all around us

It gradually reduces intensity, frequency & duration of

allergic rhinitis attacks

Role of Homeopathy in

Allergic Rhinitis

For further details

Click www.welcomecure.com/HealthCare/Allergic-Rhinitis/Allergic-Rhinitis-Treatment

Homeopathy has a huge advantage in relieving a large number of patients from the distress of Allergic rhinitis.

We have a large number of highly effective remedies for allergic rhinitis which are selected on the basis of patient’s unique symptoms.

A few commonly used remedies are:

• Pulsatilla

• Allium cepa

• Sabadilla

• Euphrasia

• Gelsemium …..and many more……

These remedies are used in varied intensities as per the

need in different cases

Homeopathic Medicines

For Allergic Rhinitis

Homeopathic remedies are selected on the basis of minute differentiation

from the unique symptoms of each individual case.

For example:

• Spasmodic sneezing from odors of flowers with profuse watery

discharge: Sabadilla

• Sneezing with watery acrid nasal discharge and bland tears, better in

open air: Allium Cepa

• Sneezing on exposure to slightest cold with thick offensive discharge:

Hepar Sulphur

Thus, you can see the fine differentiation of symptoms and remedies that

is unique to Homeopathy.

Homeopathic Medicines

For Allergic Rhinitis

Homeopathic Medicines for

Allergic Rhinitis

Some of the common remedies are

• Pulsatilla

• The person is very sensitive, weepy & clingy

• Thick yellowish discharge from the nose

• Allergies are worse in warm room

• Thirstlessness with all symptoms

• Increased sensitivity to cold air

Allium cepa

• Indicated for copious, watery and

acrid discharge from nose

• Bland tears from the eyes

• Sneezing on entering warm room

• Bad effects after getting wet

• Worse in evening and warm room

• Better in open air



• For violent, spasmodic sneezing

followed by tears from the eyes

• Face hot and red

• Eyelids red and burning

• Intense itching & tingling in the


• Obstructed sensation in the nose.

For complete details about homeopathic treatment for allergic rhinitis

click www.welcomecure.com/HealthCare/Allergic-Rhinitis/Allergic-Rhinitis-Treatment

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Benefits of Health Portal

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• Online payment with easy and secure

payment options

• Medicines at your doorstep

• Anytime, anywhere access to your medical


• Add-on features such as:

Clinical tips

Health tips

Do’s & Don’ts

Nutrition tips

Health calculators

Health reminders, etc……

to enrich your experience

Benefits of Health Portal

@ www.welcomecure.com

To get maximum benefits click www.welcomecure.com/Patient/Registration

• Identify the cause or allergen and try to avoid it.

• Keep a diary and try to trace a pattern

or relation between your allergic reaction and

allergen exposure.

• Choose unprocessed food and check food

labels for additives.

• Close doors/windows during pollen season

• Breastfeed your baby for the first 6 months to

strengthen the immune system and protect

from infections.



• Use dehumidifier and/or HEPA filter

• Wear dust mask to cover mouth & nose

while doing outdoor activities such as

gardening, dusting, etc.

• Use air conditioning with allergy filter

• Vacuum clean carpets, beds, linen regularly

• Keep pets outdoor, at least out of bedroom


• Avoid outdoor activity early in the

morning when pollen counts are highest

• Avoid stress, anxiety and tension as

these can influence the frequency and

severity of symptoms

• Avoid mowing lawns, raking

leaves or dusting house

• Avoid using carpets that attract

dust in bedroom

• Avoid keeping pets inside the house,

especially bedroom


Foods to include:

• Warm fluids like tea or chicken soup help

to clear the airways by clearing the mucus.

• Have diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids

found abundantly in fish, almonds,

walnuts, pumpkin seed, and flax seeds.

• Foods like yogurt are naturally rich in

healthy probiotic bacteria and boost

immunity & reduce chances of infections.

Diet & Nutrition

Foods to avoid:

• Certain foods that are likely to cause allergic reactions such as peanuts, strawberries, eggs, etc.

• Certain fruits and vegetables melons, tomatoes, celery, peaches, etc.

• Beer and wine can trigger allergic reaction in some people

• Spicy foods with chillies or jalapenos

Diet & Nutrition

• A 34-year-old engineer came with complaints of recurrent allergic rhinitis

for the last 2 years

His important symptoms were:

• Attack would begin as soon as he woke up in the morning with severe


• Attack would last for 10 minutes followed by runny nose.

• This drama would happen every 4 months

• The patient was irritated and frustrated because he was unable to

concentrate on his work

Case of Allergic Rhinitis treated

holistically by Homeopathy

Mental State

• He was a short-tempered person and would react easily to

the smallest of matters

• He demanded cleanliness. Slightest uncleanliness would make him react very violently by shouting loudly.

• He was a perfectionist with a flair for organization.

• He would accept any professional challenge whole-heartedly

Treatment Given: Nux Vomica 200

Results Obtained

• After 5 days, the patient was about 50 % better

• His sneezing and runny nose were better controlled

• He continued treatment for 6 months and was completely relieved

from his allergic rhinitis.

• He could focus much better on his work than before

Check out 100s of such successfully treated cases @


• Get freedom from the terrible bouts of

sneezing and nasal discharges

• Live a life free from allergies and numerous

dietary restrictions

• Enjoy the bloom of spring in nature’s lap

Choose Homeopathy –

The Superior Alternative

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Welcome Cure, Bye Bye Disease Protecting & Enhancing Your Health, Always…..

• For additional information about Allergic rhinitis and its effective

homeopathic management visit www.welcomecure.com/HealthCare/Allergic-


at www.welcomecure.com

• At “welcomecure” we have top-of-the-line homeopathic experts with decades

of rich clinical experience on successful management of a wide range of disease

conditions such as Allergic rhinitis.

• To check out further details

click www.welcomecure.com/HealthCare/Allergic-Rhinitis-Success-Stories