What is Dowsing

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  • 8/22/2019 What is Dowsing


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    The GreatDEMYSTIFICATIONofDowsingand other phenomena)

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    What is dowsing? .......................................................................................................... 3

    What exactly is a chakra as it relates to the 6thSENSE?...........................................4Do I have a SIXTH SENSE? .......................................................................................... 6What can the SIXTH SENSE be used for? ................................................................... 7How is dowsing l inked to prayer? ............................................................................... 7Is being able to dowse di fferent from being psychic? ............................................... 8What kinds of beings are on the Other Side? ........................................................... 9What are some examples o f dowsing throughout History? ....................................10Ending Summary......................................................................................................... 15Bibl iography ................................................................................................................ 16

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    What is dowsing?The word dowse means to read and specifically interpret energy. It is a fairly recently

    coined word which stems from the German word deuter used as early as the 17th

    century by

    German energy readers. The word migration went dueterdoitdowse. Not to beconfused with douse which means to drench or completely cover.

    Energy reading is a skill which almost every living thing on Earth can utilize or has at somepoint utilized. For humans- this should be executed through meditation (as defined by MerriamWebster-

    Etymology:Latin meditatus, past participle of meditari, frequentative of medri to

    remedy more at medicalDate:1560, intransitive verb

    1 : to engage in contemplation or reflection

    2 : to engage in mental exercise (as concentration on one's breathing or repetition ofa mantra) for the purpose of reaching a heightened level of spiritual awareness as

    Connecting to a Super High Consciousness.

    Using focused meditation to read energy is important so that your interpretation is as clear and as

    uninfluenced as it can be. For those who can dowse, this process happens at a much faster speed

    than for those who can not or have other limitations. Other animals also have levels of this

    ability (to read energy) include mammals (many stories of dogs and cats finding their way homew/ no directions) on down to ants which follow deliberate energy patterns when going off to find

    food and bring it back.

    The ability to dowse is the SIXTH SENSE; this is different from being psychic (covered inanother section). A sense is a means of being able to navigate or figure out whats going on

    around you. The greatness of any sensing ability is genetically-based, just like smell, sight, taste,eye color, running ability, musicality, etc. However, recognition or development of THIS sense

    is not one that normally taught by way of most educational schools or many of todays religions

    (early 21stcentury). Therefore, you can easily be gifted with this and never really know the

    extent of it.

    Understanding that this sense detects energy, lets understand about energy as a whole with

    respect to the human body. Each and every cell is composed of atoms. Atoms can have a netnegative or positive charge. So in the human body, you can have a lot of atoms with varying

    charges; thus, a person really can emit a certain vibe that it able to be sensed at its most minutelevels (if you just knew how).

    A better way of describing this vibe is the charge of your body/ your chi / your energy flow.

    Every living or non-living thing has a net charge to it. However, with the help of our brains, thiscan chi be interpreted to understand all types of things. Older, surviving civilizations like those

    in India have categorized key energy locations on the human body named chakras (cakra in

    Sanskrit) which mean literally- energy wheels.

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    What exactly is a chakra? How does it relate to a 6th SENSE?

    Chakras are a little more complex than just a simple wheel. Actually, there are terms for all

    levels of energy that the body has. However, for simplicitys sake, well stick with the majorenergy centers in the body. Each wheel really is a focal point which looks like a convoluted-

    type flower where all the energies collect (Figure 1)

    However; when its activated, it spins like a wheel. People (mates) who are complimentary to

    one another energetically have chakras which spin the opposite of the other (yin-yang,

    clockwise/counterclockwise, See Figure 3).

    Each chakra recognized as being located at specific locations along the spine at major branches

    of the nervous system. Below is an excellent example of a side view of the chakras (see Figure


    Figure 1- Chakra example

    Fi ure 3- Com limentar s innin chakras Figure 3- Chakra wheels side view

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    Each chakra location emits a certain light frequency and is named below for its location and also

    has a color description (from the bottom to the middle of the brain):

    1. The Root Chakra (in the lower body) shows as red when open/spinning at its full speed.2. Sacral or Spleen Chakra (located by Reproductive parts) shows as an orange light.3. Solar Plexus (located in the Navel) shows as a yellow light.4. Heart Chakra (located near the Heart) shows as a green light5. Throat Chakra (located at the base of the throat) shows as a blue light6. Third/ Minds Eye (the pineal gland) shows as a deep purple color7. Crown Chakra (located at the front/top of the Forehead) shows as a white light

    The body aurais the combination of all of the energy emittedfrom your spinning chakra wheels.








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    Do I have a SIXTH SENSE?

    The correct way of dowsing involves opening your soul to access the highest levels ofConsciousness and Awareness. For this reason, its not something to play around with for fun

    as youd be needlessly exposing your soul or living space to situations that were very avoidable

    (possessions, hauntings, other spiritually-related activity, etc.).

    A possession is simply the action of another spirit/soul attaching to another spirit/soul which is

    already inhabiting a human being (similar to how a leech does to the human skin). The effectcan range from influencing thoughts to causing change in normal physical actions (including

    involuntary foaming at the mouth, etc. in extreme cases). The attaching soul can be good or evil.

    Towards that end, people fall into 3 main groups:

    Group 1- Have the ability to dowse safely and with accuracy 28 of every 28 days/ 4

    weeks. These folks are able to spin all energy wheels/open their chakras up to Level 7and are NOT able to be possessed by spirits.

    Group 2- Have the ability to dowse safely and with accuracy 1-27 days of every 28 days/4 weeks. These folks are able to spin their energy wheels/open their chakras up to a

    higher level (Level 5) at all times and up to Level 7 sometimes (on dowsing days). If its

    an off day again its advised not to dowse. The direct result of semi-capable peoplerepeatedly dowsing when they should not is a sudden reversal and intense fear of the

    action of dowsing and feeling that it is evil. The simple check is to verify if youre

    able to correctly Connect- if not- then youd simply not continue on and youre fine.

    This is the only group of people who are able to be possessed.

    De-possession simply needs to block the ability of the being/energy to attach to your

    soul. Detachment can be done using certain affirmations &/or energized water (holywater).

    Group 3- Have no ability to dowse, but if you are in: Group 3a- you have good gut instincts and can spin energy wheels/open their

    chakras up to Level 4. Group 3b- you have lower gut instincts and can spin energy wheels/open their

    chakras up to Level 3.

    Group 3c- you could dowse if an effective spiritual cleansing is done. Yourability/capability would rise to be in either Group 1 or Group 2.

    None of these Group 3 subgroups are able to be possessed, but CAN feel threatened

    about dowsing as a whole.

    Simple ways to know if youre dowsing capable:

    Contact a verified, accurate dowser and have them assess which group youre in as far as

    potential or current ability.

    Try it- especially if you have a hunch about it! This hunch is actually a positive gutfeel that body dowsers use for positive indications. (see section II)

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    What can the SIXTH SENSE be used for?The potential uses for reading energy are boundless. However, if you are Connected only to the

    Positive Light level then there are natural limitations. You will not be able to receiveinformation to win the lottery at will (this could mess your ability to achieve your Purpose), mix

    up deadly concoctions for mal-intent (nor any other controlling, malicious acts), nor predict the

    stock market. However, you will have the ability to do other very cool things. This list but is thetip of the iceberg:

    Deeper connection during prayer.

    Find drinkable water (crucial skill for people of old who didnt have technology! Still a

    crucial skill for land-living animals)

    Find and identify healing or cosmetic herbsGeneral verification of information (did my great-grandmother have any illness which I

    carry the gene for, is the painting in the other room blue with a gold frame that I can sell

    for a profit?)

    How is dowsing linked to prayer?Understanding that prayer/meditation seeks Connection to the All-Knowing level to present a

    request for help or calm yourself- then realize that when correctly dowsing, you are doing the

    exact same thing. Over time- the connection to emulating energy readers has been lost, however

    the best body dowsing (non-tool dowsing) positions are also commonly recognized prayer andmeditation positions (hands clasped in front, bowing action, many yoga positions, Native

    America cross-leg position, etc.). Even the action of what Jews do at the Temple Mount is adowsing response (natural gut pull for a positive response)bowing before the Kingdom of


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    Is being able to dowse different from being psychic? Yes! There are psychics who can not dowse- and dowsers who are not psychic. Psychics are

    people who can use one of the means listed below to communicate with the Other Side. The

    Other Side is composed of beings of all types like- spirits/souls, angels, animals, spiritual guides,etc. associated with the Light(Good) or the Dark(Evil). Being psychic is another type of Gift

    whereby instead of, for example, being able to run fast, you are able to communicate and sense

    energy from the Other Side.

    There are two ways to sense- either as a medium (where you are overcome by the energy and

    they literally speak through you) or as a viewer (where you can simply read, interpret, or see the


    Here are some definitions of the actions people can do when having contact with the Other Side:

    Clairaudience*- You can hear the voice all types of spiritual beings (angels of all

    levels, sprits of all types and levels, nature guides of all types and levels or either Light orthe Dark).

    *Everyone can hear the voice of their own spirit guide(s), especially in times of duress. Each human isassigned at least one spirit guide and at least one guardian angel.

    Clairvoyance- You can see spiritual visions (future or past or current) or spiritual beings

    Clairkinesis- You can sense the presence/movement of spiritual being types (this can beall of the different typesor only some of them).

    Clairsentience- You can feel the emotions of spiritual being types. (this can be all of the

    different typesor only some of them).

    If you have both abilities, it is easier to teach someone how to enhance their psychic skills by

    using specific dowsing techniques. However, if a psychic has no dowsing capability, thenteaching about this Gift needs to be done by understanding how other Sensitives (those who are

    psychically apt) have improved upon their Gift. However, there are still some dowsing protocols

    which can be followed (like protective Light surrounding your efforts/readings, centering

    yourself, etc.). Still, it takes practice to be an accurate, non-dowsing psychic.

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    What kinds of beings are on the Other Side?The Other Side- is quite its own world of levels and existences. The Catholic Christians have

    detailed various levels of angels, which some can or cannot relate to. However, most people

    have heard a voice warning or cautioning. Heres a cumulative list of the types of beingspeople have had contact with historically (whether formally recognized or not). This is purely

    to state that there are many other existences, dimensions, and levels on the Other Side too.

    Spirits/souls of all levelsa) Spirit guidesb) Non-attached souls

    Angels of all levels

    a) Angelsb) Archangelsc) Powersd) Powers

    e) Principalitiesf) Virtuesg) Dominationsh) Thrones

    i) Cherubimj) Seraphim

    Nature Guides- they can be animals, insects, or spirits (basically what you see in nature).

    This list is not extensive, but just represents some known types. Ever had a reprieve witha very difficult situation then seen a bird come by as youve reflected on it? You may

    have had a little help!











    Sea Otters



















    However, just like there are mean, dark people on Earth- the Other Side has Dark beings also.

    This document wont go into all the various levels of the Dark, because theres no interest inthat. Just know there are levels there too.

    Every living thing has a soul- the spark that gives you Divine motivation. Every human has at

    least one spirit guide and at least one guardian angel to help guide you in achieving yourPurpose. Spirit guides have the dual jobs of not only providing key pointers, but they also record

    your lifes deeds. This is the information used at Judgment Day where its decided what your

    next stage of allowed spiritual growth will be or not be (Yes! Theres a Hell, but its not all fire

    and brimstone.)

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    What are some examples of dowsing throughout History?CULTURES

    Asian[1, 2, 3]

    The Chinese have definite dowsing roots which still reach out and survive today. Their

    word for energy flow is chi (China, etc.) or qi (Japan, etc.). The arts of feng shui and

    acupressure/acupuncture were developed after repetitive patterns were established manymillennium ago from expert dowsers or geomancers as they are known today.

    Feng shui (means Wind and Water in Mandarin) reads the chi for a house or location to

    assess what arrangement of things is best for the most financial, health, or even

    relationship benefits. Acupressure/acupuncture reads the chi in the body and uses either

    pressure or needle puncture to correct misaligned chi which has been shown to link tospecific illnesses or diseases.

    Expert Chinese astrologers were also experienced and capable dowser-psychics whorecorded and estimated enough information from which trends (financial, relationship,

    etc.) were developed correlating to the layout of the stars in the sky.

    Greeks[3, 5]

    In the Mediterranean, researchers have uncovered evidence that the Python Oracle of

    Delphi used a pendulum to answer questions posted by all who asked. Every European

    library has instructions and books on the subject. Records in Greece show that the art

    was widely practiced on the island of Crete as early as 400 B.C.

    Homers The Odyssey details the mystical story where it was noted that the God

    Apollo gave a specific rod to Asclepius, the ancient Greek god of healing. In fact, this

    symbol of health referred to as the staff of Asclepius .

    Theres also proof that this symbol comes from its use as a diagnosing tool to find and

    treat a commonly infectious worm which dwells in the sub-layers of the skin (most casesin Africa). Treatment included cutting the sufferers leg at the best location to remove

    the worm by wrapping it around the rod. Incorrect cuts resulted in pain for the patient oreven death due to incorrectly severing an artery. Advertisement of accurate treatment of

    this ailment is a serpent wrapped around a staff. The incorrect medical field symbol of

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    the caduceus occurred when the caduceus was adopted by the Medical

    Department of the United States Army in 1902. [1] This was brought about by oneCaptain Reynolds, who after having the idea rejected several times by the SurgeonGeneral persuaded the new incumbent (WH Forwood) to adopt it. The mistake was

    noticed several years later by the librarian to the surgeon general, but was not corrected.

    English & Puritans[5, 7]

    Queen Elizabeth I insisted on learning this skill so her country could be more developed

    in the ways of the world. She made agreements with Germanic peoples to teach theEnglish how to find mines through this method.

    In the United States, the Puritans arrived from England, and used their dowsing skills tolocate and dig life-supporting wells. During the Vietnam War Louis Matacia, a dowser

    and professional land surveyor taught them the skill to locate mines and secret

    underground tunnels of the Viet Cong. In 1912, the Mining World magazine published

    a translation of a Latin Work called On Metals. It was a tribute to dowsing, which hadfirst been published 356 years earlier. The translators were an American mining engineer

    and his wife. Later in life, the engineer would be remembered as President Herbert

    Hoover of the United States.


    Ancient inhabitants of the Britain isles called Celts also read energy. They called it

    getting the ley of the land. This literally meant learning how the energy of the earthflowed and what was the best way to arrange their housing foundations, etc. in order to

    maximize their life needs.


    In Africa, in 1949, French explorers found a massive system of caverns and rocks inTassili of the country of Algeria. Inside were not only amazing pictographs of spacecraft

    and planes, but also large mural of a shaman holding a Y-rod (forked branch) searchingfor water, and surrounded by admiring tribesmen. The paintings were carbon dated to atleast be 8000 years old.

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    Christian[King James Bible]

    The references in the bible which refer to dowsing are many and varied. Even referring

    to the St. James version- there are many examples of Greats of the Bible being led by theRod or the Staff.

    Believe it or not, there are still lots of references to dowsing in the Bible. Fortunately, thepeople of the 325 A.S. Concordance forgot to take out all of the references to rod or

    staff in the Bible. Yes! so theres records of greats in Christian/Jewish history as being

    very experienced and gifted dowsers (Moses, Aaron, Jesus!!, and others) all being led bythe rod or the staff/ shown the way.

    Ezekiel 19:14One of its main branches was Zedekiah. Fire spread from it and burned up its

    fruit. None of its branches is good enough to be made into a ruler's rod.' "That is asong of sadness. And that is how it should be used."

    Exodus 4:17"But take this wooden staff in your hand. You will be able to do miraculous signs

    with it."

    Exodus 4:20So Moses got his wife and sons. He put them on a donkey. Together they started

    back to Egypt. And he took the wooden staff in his hand. It was the staff Godwould use in a powerful way.

    Exodus 4:19-21 (in Context) Exodus 4 (Whole Chapter)

    Exodus 17:9Moses said to Joshua, "Choose some of our men. Then go out and fight against

    the Amalekites. Tomorrow I will stand on top of the hill. I'll stand there with thestaff of God in my hands."

    Jeremiah 48:17All you who live around it, sob over its people. Be sad, you who know how

    famous Moab is. Say, 'Its powerful ruler's rod is broken! His glorious staff is


    Ezekiel 20:37" ' "I will take note of you as you pass under my shepherd's rod. I will separate

    those who obey me from those who do not. And I will give the blessings of thenew covenant to those of you who obey me.

    Numbers 17:6So Moses spoke to the people of Israel. Their leaders gave him 12 wooden staffs.

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    They gave one for the leader of each of Israel's tribes. Aaron's staff was among


    Judges 6:21The angel of the Lord had a wooden staff in his hand. With the tip of his staff he

    touched the meat and the bread. Fire blazed out of the rock. It burned up the meatand the bread. Then the angel of the Lord disappeared.

    Esther 4:11"There is a certain law that everyone knows about. All of the king's officials know

    about it. The people in the royal territories know about it. It applies to any man or

    woman who approaches the king in the inner courtyard without being sent for. Itsays they must be put to death. But there is a way out. Suppose the king reaches

    out his gold rod toward them. Then their lives will be spared. But 30 days have

    gone by since the king sent for me."

    In fact, people dont think about it really, but why would a ruler need a rod or staff? They

    wouldnt unless they use it- many examples how special the right rod could be. Did you knowhow many European kinds/queens are appointed- by using a rod/staff for blessing them (and

    certain oils which also help with meditation) so that they may be wise rulers? Stems from

    ancients being led by the rod.


    Modern French Catholic priests are known to uphold the tradition of medical dowsing(called radiesthesia) since Father Mermet brought it to favorable public light at the

    beginning of the 20th century. Mermet credits himself with inventing "pendular

    diagnosis." Radiesthesia is the anglicized form of the word radiesthsie, euphemism for

    "energy reading or dowsing" coined by the Abb Alex Bouly in 1927. It literally means"perception of radiation." Radiesthesia may refer to: (a) all forms of dowsing; (b)

    medical dowsing specifically; (c) dowsing and radionics; or (d) the ability to detect

    "biological radiations." Bouly and two other French priests, Abb Alexis Mermet andFather Jean Jurion, pioneered medical dowsing.

    Mermet's hypothesis was threefold: (1) everything emits radiation, (2) "some kind ofcurrent" flows through human hands, and (3) holding appropriate objects renders them

    revelatory tools. There are two basic "diagnostic" modes of radiesthesia: In one,

    practitioners supposedly detect and diagnose illness simply by passing their hands overthe patient. In the other, they hold an "instrument" over the patient or over a sample of

    tissue or body fluids, a photograph of the patient, or one of the patient's belongings (e.g.,

    an article of clothing). In the latter form of radiesthesia, practitioners base "diagnosis" on

    the movements of the "instrument."

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    Father Jean Jurion, following in the steps of his clerical predecessors, studied both

    homeopathy and medical dowsing. When he began his own first attempts at diagnosis, heobtained excellent results which were confirmed by doctors.

    One of the most common items associated with Catholics are the rosary beads used to say

    prayers. This is a simple pendulum (Cross on the end, light non-energy holding materialsas the chain/string). However, its use as an actual dowsing device changed over many

    years, especially after the Inquisition (which sought to eliminate those who used it to

    connect to the Christ within to see Divine answers vs. using the church. In fact, untilthe Inquisition- the dowsing rod/staff of kings was used to indicate those who were

    telling the truth or lying.

    Voo Doo (Haitian, African)[9, 12, 13]

    The religion of voodoo has its roots in energy readers. Many rituals reflect actions doneby experienced dowsers like the reading of tea leaves and meditation done that

    intentionally allows another soul to attach to them. This is key for their ceremonies

    (connecting to souls of deceased peoples). However, strains of voodoo used the dowsingskill to do Dark deeds such as remedies or spells to met out revenge. Some of most

    commonly known ones are the rising of the dead and sending out punishments by

    using pieces of a persons personal items.

    Rising of the dead is result of simply dowsing of a diluted poison which slows down a

    persons heartbeat so much that it appears they are dead by conventional standards.However, if they are unburied in enough time, they can be resuscitated. By all

    appearances of the uneducated- they have risen from the dead. However, brain damage is

    often a side-effect because its denied sufficient oxygen during this time resulting in azombie-like shell of a person.

    Sending out punishments energetically also incorporates dowsing with Dark intent(instead of connecting to Light of God, connection is done to the Dark). Remedies can

    then be made which can cause ill or spiritual harm to an individual.

    Overall- the voodoo practice like its Christian counterpart has a lot of history that has

    been lost or not connected. But its practitioners still get enough out of it to have a sense

    of spiritualism.

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    Essene Jews[14, 15, 16]

    This sect of Essene Jews is also known as the first Gnostic Christians. They are the people

    who stored the Dead Sea scrolls which were Scriptures that where not allowed into the

    current Bible at the Concordia of Constantine in 325 A.D. and other original copies of the

    Hebrew bible . Gnostic means All-knowing. It is documented in several references thatJesus and John the Baptist were a part of this group which flourished from 2nd century BC to

    the 1st century AD. This group is also characterized by their vows to say single and their



    Templar Knights of France, Freemasons[17, 18]

    What is commonly known about this group is that its root organization stemmed from masterbuilders who build such great monuments as the Temple Mount and

    The symbol represents the phallic symbol for man combined with thevessel symbol for woman inside of which is God. This hints to their roots of

    Jewish/Christianity and being led by God to know the best way to build the edifices in Gods


    During the times of Solomons temple (given the largess of the buildings assembled), master

    builders were used. These master builders seemed to be able to figure out intricate

    architectural details that the layperson could not figure out. They had a divine wisdom thebelied the age of any master mason.

    Ending SummaryDowsing is a SIXTH SENSE whereby you are reading energy; its a skill which can be

    improved for the betterment of yourself and those around you. However, it can hurt the non-

    ability having practioner -to say nothing of those whom this art is incorrectly practiced on.Psychic people also have a special contribution to the unexplained, however they are an

    exclusive group with respect to dowsers.


    Any comments or suggestions- please send to info@gnosisheal thproducts.com

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    1. Chinese Buddhism: A Volume of Sketches, Historical, Descriptive, and CriticalbyJoseph Edkins (Paperback - May 19, 2005)

    2. http://www.math.nus.edu.sg/aslaksen/gem-projects/hm/0203-1-38-luo_pan/history.htm3. http://www.answers.com/topic/feng-shui4. Mysteries of the Oracles: The Last Secrets of Antiquity (Paperback), by Philipp

    Vandenberg, 20075. http://www.neholistic.com/articles/0008.htm6. Herbert, Steven G., The Fruits of Dowsing, Dowsers of the West,

    www.dowsersofthewest.org/articles/fruits.shtml, Accessed 10/2004.

    7. The American Dowser, Volume 23, No.1 - February 1983 by Barbara Prisbe, a pastDirector of CSQ, and Editor of The American Dowser, BRAIN PATTERNS

    CHARACTERISTIC OF DOWSERS http://www.greatdreams.com/penlearn.htm,Accessed 9/2004.

    8. http://www.fantasy-ireland.com/Celtic-dragons.html9. http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/tass/hd_tass.htm10.Hartman, Jane E., ND PhD DHM, Radionics & Radiesthesia,Aquarian Systems; 2nd

    edition, April 1, 1999

    11.Voodoo Fire in Haitiby Richard A. Loederer and Desmond Ivo Vesey (Paperback - Mar5, 2004)

    12.Voodoo in Haitiby Alfred Metraux (Paperback - April 29, 1989)13.VOODOOS AND OBEAHS/ Phases of West India Witchcraft, by Joseph J. Williams,

    S.J. [1932, Copyright lapsed by non-renewal] (http://www.sacred-texts.com/afr/vao/)

    14.The Prophet of the Dead Sea Scrolls: The Essenes and the Early Christians-One and theSame Holy People. Their Seven Devout Practicesby Upton Clary Ewing (Paperback -

    Sep 1, 1994)15.The Gnostics - The First Christian Heretics Martin, Sean16. http://www.newsfinder.org/site/more/the_essenes/17.Solomon's Builders: Freemasons, Founding Fathers and the Secrets of Washington D.C.

    by Christopher Hodapp (Paperback - Dec 21, 2006)

    18.Secret Societies: Gardiner's Forbidden Knowledge : Revelations About the Freemasons,Templars, Illuminati, Nazis, and the Serpent Cultsby Philip Gardiner (Kindle Edition -Jun 30, 2007) - Kindle Book


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