What is the message of this cartoon?. H OW SUCCESSFUL WAS K RUSHCHEV ? Objectives: 1) To find out Krushchevs aims in domestic and foreign policy 2) To

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What was Krushchev’s inheritance? “In 1953 Krushchev informed the central committee that grain stocks under Stalin were lower than under the Tsars. In 1953, it is probable that most Soviet citizens were below the poverty line.” McCauley. (1993) Krushchev in 1959 to an American audience: “For the moment, you are ahead of us, we still have a lot of work to do to catch up with you. We’ll do that. We’ll do our best. We’ll catch up! We’ll surpass you. And we’ll go forward! That’s my conviction. You may, perhaps, laugh now. But when we overtake you, we’ll wave our hands and say: “Capitalists! Goodbye. Our train is going ahead. Catch up if you can!”

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What is the message of this cartoon? H OW SUCCESSFUL WAS K RUSHCHEV ? Objectives: 1) To find out Krushchevs aims in domestic and foreign policy 2) To evaluate his success in meeting these aims 1.Describe what you can see in the carton. 2.What is the message of the cartoon? 3.Suggest where the cartoonist was from. What was Krushchevs inheritance? In 1953 Krushchev informed the central committee that grain stocks under Stalin were lower than under the Tsars. In 1953, it is probable that most Soviet citizens were below the poverty line. McCauley. (1993) Krushchev in 1959 to an American audience: For the moment, you are ahead of us, we still have a lot of work to do to catch up with you. Well do that. Well do our best. Well catch up! Well surpass you. And well go forward! Thats my conviction. You may, perhaps, laugh now. But when we overtake you, well wave our hands and say: Capitalists! Goodbye. Our train is going ahead. Catch up if you can! W HAT WAS THE V IRGIN L AND C AMPAIGN ? W HAT WAS THE V IRGIN L AND C AMPAIGN ? Original target was to farm 13 million hectares of unused land. By 1955, 29.7 million hectares of virgin land was being farmed, most in Northern Kazakhstan and Western Siberia. A recruitment drive led by the Komsomol brought 300,000 people to these new areas. Government agreed to pay higher price for crops, providing an incentive for workers. Investment in agriculture increased by 250% in the years , with 120,000 new motorised tractors produced. H OW SUCCESSFUL WERE K RUSHCHEV S AGRICULTURAL REFORMS ? Is there any evidence of success in agriculture? Is there any evidence of failure? What were the reasons for this failure? Mini-extension: Someone from the future has found you on a State farm in Kazahkstan in Theyve given you a mobile and told you how to text. Let your old friends in Moscow know how youre getting on. W HAT WAS LIFE LIKE UNDER K RUSHCHEV ? Between per capita real disposable income increased by 4.1% annually witnessed the annulment of the 1940 law whereby workers were not allowed to change their place of employment of their own free will, and all tardiness and truancy were punishable with imprisonment saw an end to compulsory subscribing to state bonds. Pensions were lifted, the pension age was set at 60 for men, and 55 for women something that is in force to this day. Workers employed at particularly hard or health-hazardous jobs were granted early retirement rights. W HAT WAS LIFE LIKE UNDER K RUSHCHEV ? Further legislation included raising the minimum wage in 1956 and 1959, introducing the seven hour day in 1960 One of the most acute social problems remained housing shortage. This is what historian Leonid Katzva says about attempts to solve it: In the second half of the 1950s there began a mass scale government-financed building of standard panel blockwork housing. These houses, which were later to receive various derogatory nicknames from the population, were certainly far from comfortable. Yet, they were cheap, and as such sprouted very fast in whole blocks. At the end of the 1950s first half of the 1960s the USSR moved into first place in the world in pace of construction work and the number of housing turned out annually. People received state housing free of charge. Besides, around a half of the houses were built on attracted investments from the population. The housing problem was thus somewhat alleviated, although it was far from completely solved. Leonid Katzva W HAT WAS LIFE LIKE UNDER K RUSHCHEV ? Further education and medical facilities also expanded so that when Krushchev had to go he could look back on some solid achievements. The difference between social classes had been reduced, wage differentials were smaller and the gulf between town and countryside and between industry and agriculture was slowly being closed. McCauley, 1993 W HAT WAS K RUSHCHEV S INHERITANCE ? What was Krushchevs inheritance? W HAT WAS K RUSHCHEV S INHERITANCE ? What was Krushchevs inheritance? W HAT WAS K RUSHCHEV S POLICY OF P EACEFUL C OEXISTENCE ? Peaceful Coexistence - wanted to live more peacefully with the west. Visited US presidents Held American exhibitions in Russia. What was the reaction to this policy: a) Within the Warsaw Pact? b) China? c) The USA? A ) R EACTION TO PEACEFUL COEXISTENCE WITHIN THE W ARSAW P ACT, Poland, 1956: The Polish communists independently elected a new leader, Gomulka. The Soviets threatened invasion, but the Poles stood firm and the USSR backed down. This appeared to signal elsewhere that Moscow would not fight to preserve Stalinism. A ) R EACTION TO PEACEFUL COEXISTENCE WITHIN THE W ARSAW P ACT, 1956. W HAT WERE THE CAUSES OF THE H UNGARIAN UPRISING ? Communist party had been elected by rigged elections. Death of Stalin & rise of moderniser, Nikita Khrushchev; the thaw which began under his leadership July 1956, revolt in Poland had led to concessions to Poles Desire for more economic & political freedom. Falling living standards and insistence of comecon to meet industrial targets of 5 year plan at expense of agriculture. Resentment at presence of Russian troops (paid for by Hungarians) & influence of Russian culture & govt. on Hungarian life Fifteen-year-old Hungarian rebel. How useful is this photo in telling historians about the nature & strength of popular support for the Hungarian uprising? Your task, either: a) Write a Radio broadcast or b) Design a poster Which is a rallying call to all Hungarians to join in the uprising. Explain the events which have inspired rebellion B) R EACTION TO PEACEFUL COEXISTENCE FROM C HINA The SinoSoviet split was the gradual worsening of relations between the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) and the USSR during the Cold War. In 1961, the Chinese Communists formally denounced The Revisionist Traitor Group of Soviet Leadership." Read pages and make notes on differences in: a) Ideology b) Foreign policy c) Territory d) Personalities C) R EACTION TO PEACEFUL COEXISTENCE FROM USA W HAT WAS THE C UBAN M ISSILE C RISIS ? I was ten, I remember my dad saying there was gonna be World War III, but that it would be worse as the weapons had advanced and could wipe out whole cities. When the news came on at night the streets were empty as we were all watching TV, waiting for it to start, hoping London would not be targeted. T HE WEEK THE WORLD HELD IT S BREATH Why was Cuba important to the Superpowers? USA Missile Launch Bases USSR Missile Launch Bases NATO Missile Launch Bases Warwsaw Pact Missile Launch Bases Why was Cuba important to the Superpowers? W HAT WERE THE KEY EVENTS OF THE C RISIS ? Bay of PigsU2 Spy Plane Naval Blockade Bay of Pigs Blockade Spy plane Step One: Causes of the crisis Step One: Causes of the crisis Step Two: What happened during the crisis? Step Two: What happened during the crisis? Step Three: The consequences from Soviet perspective Step Three: The consequences from Soviet perspective W HY DID K RUSHCHEV FALL FROM POWER ? T EACHER S NOTES : Starter: What was the inheritance of Krushchev? Discussion on nuclear war smash an egg on map of England to show what an impact it would have had in Discuss Hiroshima, teacher to show images and read sources. How did this affect relations? Show arms race develop between two superpowers class throwing coloured paper at each other. Escalation under high stalinism, Berlin blockade; truman doctrine; Nato; Warsaw Pact. What does Krushchev do in? Destalinisation. What are the effects outside of USSR? Why were the Poles and Hungarians unhappy? Students to make posters, radio broadcasts recruiting rebels. How did Krushchev respond? Why did Poland get concessions yet Hungary crushed? Shows pragmatism of Krushchev, like Stalin. How did China view Krushchev? How did relations with USA develop in this period of peaceful co-existance? Lead into Cuban Missile Crisis. Run through slides of crisis, discuss how it was handled and what impact this may have had on USSR. Students flowchart the causes, course and consequences of crisis from the Soviet perspective. Read pages on the fall of Krushchev, mind-map the reasons for his fall from power. Possible extension: How should Krushchev be remembered?