THE PARISH MAGAZINE OF ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH, PETALING JAYA DECEMBER 2013 Private Circulation Only 'The adoration of the Shepherds' by Gerard Van Honthorst 1622 what is the real meaning of Christmas ?

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Private Circulation Only

'The adoration of the Shepherds' by Gerard Van Honthorst 1622

what is the real meaning of Christmas?

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Advisor : Rev. Joshua OngEditor : Sharon RamendranSub-Editors / Writers : Prakash Mukherjee Clarice OngPhotographers : Thomas Kong Sugin CharlesLayout : Alan Chong

editor's note

editorial board



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The ParishlinkSt. Paul’s Church

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POLISHING THE SILVERIt seems only yesterday that I was writing an editor’s note for Christmas 2012 and Christmas 2013 has arrived. Soon we will be ringing in the New Year too. How time flies when you’re having fun, so they say. It’s been an absolutely laborious year for me and for many and by laborious I do hope it means productive. Along the way, the world had its problems of political unrest and natural disasters and the country had its fair share of challenges with the elections, the budget, the crimes and the so called endless social problems. Many analysts stressed that this was indeed the most challenging year by far.

This should not be a surprise for Christians as every day is an unpredictable day and every year is a challenging year, the not knowing if we would be able to worship on a Sunday to not being able to read the Bible in some parts of the country. Not knowing is stressful. It leads to tense moments of anxiety. But while every available chaos surrounds us we should never shudder in fear. Its akin to getting ready for Christmas. While all the chaos is going on around us, we still manage to polish the silver till it shines and we are decked out in the finest so as to please our guests during that ‘open house’. What happens after this? Others may want to emulate us or perhaps have a desire to own silver similar to ours.

Similarly, it is only right to ‘polish’ our believe in the risen Lord, ‘smelt’ our negative characteristics, ‘brush’ and ‘iron’ out all creases in our faith so that it is pleasing to our Lord God Most High and we become a shining beacon to others that others want to emulate us or perhaps have a desire to embrace Christ as well.

As we open our homes to friends and family this Christmas, let us not forget the past, always to remember the present and to pray for a blessed future.

“A Blessed Christmas and A Gracious New Year from all of us at the Parishlink committee.” PL

Sharon [email protected]

Gerard van Honthorst (4 November 1592 - 27 April 1656) was a Dutch Golden Age painter. Honthorst was born in Utrecht, the son of a decorative painter, and trained under his father, and then under Abraham Bloemaert. Early in his career he visited Rome, where he had great success painting in a style influenced by Caravaggio. Following his return to the Netherlands he became a leading portrait painter.

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Dear brothers & sisters in Christ,

The Christian calendar begins with Advent Sunday and Advent scripture readings have always been solemn and introspective. The observance of the four Sundays in Advent is so integral that, without it, Christmas cannot be fully appreciated. Especially what is the significance of repentance and belief in preparing for Christmas?

Three years ago, I have to make an urgent visit to the dentist after avoiding it for many years. I never felt a need for it before. I thought everything was alright since I could see nothing wrong from the outside. A painful tooth was extracted. That particular tooth is full of unseen deep cavities. A timely lesson on neglected dental check-up and the unnecessary penalty in irreversible damage.

Repentance is like a ‘rude’ wake up call. It is not so much about taking corrective measure when you have done something wrong (it may be too late by then!). It is intentional effort to put our life in correct perspective before anything actually goes wrong. It is natural in all of us in wanting to avoid a confrontation with our inner self. Yet, like a rotten tooth, most of that which is not right is hidden. We need to step back and take stock in order to prevent all that is negative in sentiment and habits from taking deep root in our lives.

The Christmas story begins with the birth of John the Baptist, the Annunciation, Mary’s visitation to Elizabeth, the humble shepherds, the mysterious wise men and ultimately the birth of Jesus. Every Advent episode is filled with deep pondering and moving faith that struggle to seek meaning and direction. How can one believe or continue to believe in the midst of the unbelievable or even the incredulous? The call to believe is about taking that courageous step of moving forward that God is not only in front to receive us but beside and helping us along.

The reminder to repentance is to pave the way for our belief to be polished through the life changing light and grace of God. God in Jesus came down on Christmas night so that humanity may experience what it means to have ‘Immanuel’ with us. It is only when we journey with hope and understanding that our faith is strengthened and to know that Christmas is more than a celebration but an annual life changing experience. It is about imperfect people discovering a perfect Savior or is it God who discover us instead?

Have a joyous and blessed Christmas! PL

Your vicar and friend,Rev.Joshua Ong


❝The kingdom of God is close at hand. Repent, and believe the gospel.❞

Mark 1: 15

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The answer may just surprise you.For many, Christmas is the time to think of Jesus Christ as a baby in a manger. While the birth of Christ is a special and miraculous event, it isn't the primary focus. The central truth of the Christmas story is this: the Child of Christmas is God.

God in a MangerChristmas is not about the Savior's infancy; it is about His deity. The humble birth of Jesus Christ was never intended to conceal the reality that God was being born into the world.

But the modern world's version of Christmas does just that. And consequently for the greater part of humanity, Christmas has no legitimate meaning at all.

I don't suppose anyone can ever fathom what it means for God to be born in a manger. How does one explain the Almighty stooping to become a tiny infant? Our minds cannot begin to understand what was involved in God's becoming man.

Nor can anyone explain how God could become a baby. Yet He did. Without forsaking His divine nature or diminishing His deity, He was born into our world as a tiny infant.

He was fully human, with all the needs and emotions that are common to us all. Yet He was also fully God--all wise and all powerful.

For nearly 2,000 years, debate has been raging about who Jesus really is. Cults and skeptics have offered various explanations. They'll say He is one of many gods, a created being, a high angel, a good teacher, a prophet, and so on. The common thread of all such theories is that they make Jesus less than God. But the biblical evidence is overwhelming that this child in the manger was the incarnation of God.

One passage in particular, written by the apostle Paul, captures the essence of Jesus' divine nature and underscores the truths that make Christmas truly wonderful.

Colossians 1:15-20 says,He is the image of the invisible God, the first born of all creation. For. . . all things have been created by Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. He is also head of the body, the church; and He is the beginning, the first born from the dead; so that He Himselfmight come to have first place in everything. For it was the Father's good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in Him, and through Him to reconcile all things to Himself, having made peace through the blood of His cross.

A Ghostly Illusion?Paul was writing to the Christians at Colossae. The city was under the influence of what came to be known as gnosticism. Its adherents fancied themselves the only ones who had access to the truth, which they believed was so complex that common people couldn't know it. Among other things, theytaught philosophical dualism--the idea that matter is evil and spirit is good. They believed that because God is spirit, He is good, but He could never touch matter, which is evil.

Therefore they also concluded that God couldn't be the creator of the physical universe, because if God made matter, He

what is the real meaning of Christmas?Scripture: Colossians 1:15-20; 1 John 4:2

by John MacArthur

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would be responsible for evil. And they taught that God could never become a man, because as a man He would have to dwell in a body made of evil matter.

Those pre-gnostics explained away the incarnation by saying that Jesus was a good angel whose body was only an illusion. That teaching and others like it pervaded the early church; many of the New Testament epistles specifically refute pre-gnostic ideas. In fact, the apostle John attacked the foundation of gnostic teaching when he wrote "By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God; and every spirit that does not confessJesus is not from God" (1 John 4:2).

The apostle Paul refuted that same heresy when he wrote, "By Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities-- all things have been created by Him and for Him" (1:16). He specifically affirmed that Jesus is God in the flesh--the Creator of everything.

Like Father, Like SonIronically, some of the cults that deny Jesus' deity try to use Colossians 1:15 20 to support their view.

They suggest, for example, that the phrase "the image of the invisible God" (v. 15) hints that Jesus was merely a created being who bore the image of God in the same sense as all humanity. But the truth is though we were created in God's likeness, we only resemble Him. Jesus, on the other hand, isGod's exact image.

The Greek word translated "image" means a perfect replica, a precise copy, a duplicate. Paul was saying that God Himself is fully manifest in the Person of His Son, who is none other than Jesus

Christ. He is the exact image of God. Jesus Himself said, "He who has seen Me has seen the Father" (John 14:9).

Hebrews 1 parallels Colossians 1:15-20 at a number of key points. Regarding the statement that Christ is the image of God, for example, Hebrews 1:3 makes an identical affirmation: "He is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature." Christ is to God as the warm brilliance of light is to the sun. He brings God from a cosmic location to the very hearts of men and women. He gives light and life. He reveals God's very essence. They cannot be divided, and neitherhas ever existed without the other--they are one (John 10:30).Scripture repeatedly says that God is invisible (John 1:18; 5:37; 1 Timothy 1:17; and Colossians 1:15). But through Christ the invisible God has been made visible. God's full likeness is revealed in Him. Colossians 1:19 takes the truth a step further: "It was the Father's good pleasure for all the fullness to

dwell in Him." He is not just an outline of God; He is fully God. Colossians 2:9 is even more explicit: "In Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form." Nothing is lacking. No attribute is absent. He is God in the fullest possible sense, the perfect image.

The Rightful HeirIn Colossians 1:15 Paul says Jesus is "the first born of all creation." Those who reject the deity of Christ have made much of that phrase, assuming it means Jesus was a created being. But the word translated "first born" describes Jesus' rank, not His origin. The first-born in a Hebrew family was theheir, the ranking one, the one who had the right of inheritance. And in a royal family, he had the right to rule.

So Christ is the One who inherits all creation and the right to rule over it. It doesn't mean He was born first in order, for He wasn't.

In Psalm 89:27 God says of David, "I also shall make him My first born, the highest of the kings of the earth." There the meaning of "first born" is given in plain language: "the highest of the kings of the earth." That's what first-born means--Christ is "King of kings and Lord of lords" (Revelation 17:16).

Hebrews 1 again has a parallel statement. Verse two says God has appointed His Son "heir of all things." He is the primary One, the Son who has the right to the inheritance, the ranking Person, the Lord of all, heir of all creation.

Creator and KingThe claim that "first born" means Christ is a created being completely ignores the context of Colossians 1:15. Remember, you've already seen verses 16 and 17 explicitly name Him as Creator of everything. Christ is not part of creation; He is the Creator, the very arm of God, active from the beginning in calling the universe and all creatures into existence. John 1:3 says, "All things came into being by Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being." That could not be true if He were Himself a created being.

Hebrews 1:2 also identifies Christ as the Creator. Christ was the Person of the Trinity through whom the world was made and for whom it was fashioned.

The size of the universe is incomprehensible.

Who made all that? Some scientists say there was this big explosion that eventually formed a primordial swamp, and ... Science cannot explain it. God created it all.


The babe in Bethlehem. He made everything. PL

Available online at: http://www.gty.orgCOPYRIGHT (C) 2013 Grace to You

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what is the real meaning of Christmas?

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by Sharon Ramendran

experiencing christ in the deep south

❝The Lord revives, rejuvenates and radiates in all communities big and small, far and near❞

I had been in the Study of the United States Institute programme at Ohio University, Athens, Ohio for two months. I had met some wonderful people along the way and through this programme travelled to Cleveland, Atlanta, San Fransisco and ended at Washington D.C for the Journalism and Media educators conference. On the final day when everyone else was packing up to leave I was preparing for my solo journey to the Deep South.

When I decided to travel on my own, one crucial element that determined my selection of the vast lands was that I was not going to all the commercial cities most tourists travelled to. I wanted to go to a city, meet the community and experience ‘real America’ and one of the many cities I travelled to that gave me that feeling of home and community was Flowood, Mississippi.

My time in Flowood, Mississippi

Where? You might ask. Yes. Flowood, Mississippi. It was not a place I selected but a place that selected me. As lonely a journey I took, skeptical as I was about the South from everything that I had read going there was a blessing and

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Sharon (centre) with friends

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it reminded me of the verse from Proverbs 3:5-6 , “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths."

Let me tell you this story. At first I had decided to head down to Jackson (the capital). I had taken a train from New Orleans and was thoroughly enjoying the back roads and countryside and the vast Mississippi river. I had booked myself into a hotel near the AMTRAK train station which I thought was a smart thing to do since I will need to head out by train to Memphis (my next destination). When I arrived and checked in and sorted my stuff out, I decided to do a little exploring. I walked with my camera in hand at about 6pm, the sky still bright like a 4pm in Malaysia. Everything was silent. I was a little taken aback but I thought people were just indoors or they hadn’t finished work yet. So there I was taking my time taking pictures and just walking. I had read about a restaurant online and decided to check it out. As I walked on this street, it was dead silent. No vehicles in sight except for two locals on opposite sides of the road staring at me. It didn’t feel right and so I just increased my pace and headed back to the hotel. In my head I told myself if those guys ran towards me I definitely could not outrun them. They were tall (about 6 foot and more) and largely built. When I reiterate that story to family and friends they ask me if I felt fear and when I think back I know I didn’t. Not one bit. Today I am reminded of that scene and the verse from Deuteronomy 31:6, “Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.”

That night I called up Father Fred Basil from St Stephens Episcopal Church, a friend of Rev Daniel Thomas from St Paul’s. Rev Daniel had given me much advice and put me in touch with parish priests in various locations. I thought of calling to say hello and possibly meeting up for a cup of coffee but what was to follow was more than what I had intended.I had left a message for Father Fred and the next morning he gave me a call and when I told him where I was, he insisted I stay put and he was coming to meet me. When I met Father Fred, I was surely taken aback by his insistence that I check-out of the hotel immediately. He said that the place I was staying at was terrible. Apparently Jackson was a city high in crimes. People were never out after 5pm (hence the isolated feeling the day before) and most of the locals had left the city to live in the outskirts and indicated that the two armed policemen in the coffee house weren’t there for free breakfast but was there to keep watch. He then checked me out and took me to an area called Flowood (similar to if one was living in Kuala Lumpur and was moved to Section 14 Petaling Jaya) and checked into a different hotel.

But there’s always a reason things happen and so I was introduced to St Stephens. This quaint community church is a member of the Reformed Episcopal Church. Founded in 1873, the Reformed Episcopal Church traces its origin and doctrine back to the ancient church, as well as the English Reformation.As I walked into the church hall that evening for Bible Study cum Southern community gathering, I was greeted with hi’s and hello’s and wide grinned smiles. It seemed that they were more fascinated with me than I was with them. I met the bible study speaker Kyle and was treated to a true Southern supper and was given a wonderful lesson from the Bible. It reminded me of Acts 2:42, “All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord's Supper), and to prayer.”It was a very relaxed informal session and it reminded me of St Paul’s and the Bible studies here. We exchanged stories and as much as I wanted to know more about their lives in St Stephens, they were also curious about my life in St Paul’s and all our activities. After the Bible study supper session I headed back to the hotel given food for the soul and the stomach.

The next morning Father Fred and Ruth took me under their wing, showing me around and explaining things to me. The whole trip away from home was making me miss my husband and family very much and suddenly it felt like I had family with me. That was how welcoming and warm Father Fred, Ruth and the entire St Stephen’s community was. They made sure I was given the best time and sent off with a hug and a prayer and hopes of seeing each other again.

I believe that everyone has some similar experience in their lifetime. The sense of being unsure, unclear, being away from family and friends and familiarity. We are always complacent and content with our surroundings and sometimes take God for granted. But I guess if we are placed in a situation, we have to be sure He is going to lead us through and He is going to place people strategically in our lives to guide us on our path. We may not know it at that time but eventually we would realize that everything good that has happened comes from Him and Him alone.

The whole Mississippi experience was an eye opener. From thousands of miles away I found a family who took me in and made me feel at home and helped me in a small way overcome being homesick and I never truly understood Matthew 5:13-16, "You are the light of the world-like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father,” until I met the community of Flowood, Mississippi. PL

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experiencing christ in the deep south

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A tea cluster was held at Dewan St Paul on 18 August 2013. Approximately 30 ladies attended. We started off with Praise & Worship followed by a short devotion on Galations 5:14 by Dss Yoon Ping.

The topic for the day was based on “Parenting”. Our speaker was Ms Mabal Tan, a mother of 2 teenage daughters and also a successful career woman. As a senior leader in a multi-national company, Mabal often takes time to engage with the younger employees of her company about career development, work life balance and managing life’s challenges by sharing her own life experiences. Mabal and her family worships in Peace Community Church, Bukit Jalil and she was a former Sunday School Superintendant in St Paul’s.

Based on her own life experience, she mentioned that a parent’s challenges were to see our children growing up happily and have a successful career. Besides that, she even asked, “How can we be effective parents? “ The Bible references quoted are from Ephesians 2:10, Romans 8:28-29

st paul’s women’s fellowship tea cluster

and Ephesians 6:4. Our goal as parents is to help our children to be disciplined and to be others-centered like Jesus.

A few points mentioned by Mabal were:1. To spend more time with the children2. Do meaningful things together such as celebrating

birthdays, holidays, visiting relatives and be present for their school activities or sports day.

3. To listen to them and to encourage them to commit everything to the Lord in prayer.

4. Be a good example/role model, to have love and respect for elders and also to set priorities right and have devotions.

5. Understand the children’s growing pains.6. Don’t be over protective. An over-protected child goes out

into the world without defenses. We need not worry too much and leave it to the Lord.

7. Discipline lovingly, based on firmness, fondness, frankness and fairness. (Prov 22:6, Col 3:21, Eph 6:1-4)

8. Bring children to church and pray with them. Parents will build a secure foundation for their children if the Word of God is at the centre of everything they do.

9. Constantly recharge ourselves and commit each day to the Lord.

We were then divided into three groups to discuss on the challenges, our worst fears and opportunities. After much discussion, each group would send out representative to present what they have discussed. The day ended with light refreshments. PL

by Grace Chung

Group discussion. Is Thomas at the right meeting?

Mabal Tan

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The Bonding of Seniors

St. Christopher’s Church Johor Bahru had the honour of hosting the Diocesan Golden Circle 23rd Annual General Meeting/Fellowship 2013 from Friday 2nd to Sunday 4th August. Nine seniors from our church joined 178 others at this gathering at Hotel Selesa. After the photography session in the hall, the opening service with Holy Communion commenced in church at 5pm. The message was delivered by our Bishop, Rt. Rev. Datuk Ng Moon Heng. The topic was on ‘Our Father’ in reference to Luke 12: 1-4. The congregation was tickled pink with his hilarious jokes. Then we headed back to the hotel for a sumptuous dinner. This was followed by an ice-breaking session organized by the youth/young adults of the church. By around 10.30pm we were ready to hit the bed after a long tiring day.

Day 2 started with devotion at 7am followed by breakfast. Praise and Worship preceded the Theme Talk ‘Optimizing God’s Vineyard’ – by Asst. Bishop Jason for the English

by Suganthy Sundram

diocesan golden circle agmand fellowship 2013

session, Rev. Stephen Soe for the Chinese session and Rev. Canon J.Kennady for the Tamil session and Rev. Jacob George for the BM session. Asst. Bishop Jason spoke on Moses in reference to Exodus chapter 4 and 5. In his introduction he spoke about Bob Hope living to the ripe old age of 100, optimizing his life and career. He then expounded on Moses optimizing his life in three stages. First forty years, leading his children to the Promised Land with much perseverance. God wanted him to lead the people out of slavery but he gave one excuse after another – the similarities in him and us when we are called to something. Very often we respond by asking …who me? What if? By what authority? I do not speak well…, send someone else…etc. In the end, Moses did what God wanted him to do and touched the lives of his people. We were reminded that we, though frail and frightened like Moses we needed to take time to pray, worship, serve God, love others and be holy.

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St Paul's delegation flanked by Bishop Moon Hing and Siew Lan (right) and Assistant Bishop Jason (left)

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servers commissioningThree servers were commissioned at the 9am first Advent Sunday Service. Rev Joshua officiated the commissioning with assistance from Rev Luke Ooi and head server Abel lee.

The new servers are Rowena Joseph, Issac Dylan and Samuel Ronley. PL

confirmation service

alpha weekend

This year's Confirmation Service was held on 19th November.Thirty church members were confirmed, many from the Bahasa congregation. Among them was Mika, a Japanese national with Malaysian permanent residency. Mika attended the recently concluded Alpha Course in St Paul's.

The Right Revd Bishop Moon Hing officiated the service. He was assisted by Rev Joshua Ong. PL

After a span of more than five years, St Paul’s Mission and Evangelism Ministry revived the Alpha Course program. The English Alpha course was held in St Paul’s with about forty participants. The Holy Spirit Weekend was held in the newly renovated Methodist Centre in Port Dickson, with over sixty odd participants, including about thirty from the Sri Manja Tamil Congregation, St Paul’s daughter church.

The two-day-one night program included fun & games, watching Nicky Gumbel’s CDs and separate group discussions. The highlight of the weekend was the ministry time with several participants accepting Christ. On their free time, many took the opportunity to swim in the Centre’s pool while some more adventurous took a long walk to the beach. PL

L to R: Chief server Abel Lee, Samuel Ronley, Issac Dylan and Rowena Joseph

Confirmation candidates

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Members from nine churches of the Upper Central Archdeaconry Golden Circle gathered on Saturday, 29th September 2013 to pit their Bible knowledge against each other at the annual Bible Rally.

Organized by St Paul's Golden Circle, the event commenced with a quick breakfast with nine competing teams participating in four individual events and culminating in the Bible Quiz, a team event. Amazingly, the contestants, all senior citizens, demonstrated their knowledge of the Bible by answering most questions within the allotted time.

The Bible Reading event was keenly contested with some contestants expressing much emotions and feelings. St Katherine's Church emerging as the winner. Last minute entrant, Bethel Centre won in one of the events. St Katherine's team also won the challenge trophy, emerging as the Bible Rally Champions of 2013. They got to keep the trophy until next year.

Our Vicar Rev Joshua Ong gave away the prizes to the winners. After that, the participants adjourned to Dewan St Paul for a sumptuous lunch. Each member also received a door gift before dispersing. PL

ucagc bible rally

Contesting teams anticipating the next question

Suganthy receiving her prize from Rev Joshua

The champions

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Praise the Lord for His blessing on 14.9.13 at St. Paul's Church, Petaling Jaya for the successful evangelistic night.

The celebration was a joyful occassion for every participant as well as a moment of renewal in life, a renewal of the wonderful creation of God in everyone's heart. Through spiritual songs, skits, praise dance, etc., the marvellous works of the Creator God were presented to new comers and friends to His glory.The theme of the event "Celebration of God's Creation" brought out the Word of Truth.

It also achieved the objective of correcting the wrong perception of this Chinese cultural legend of worshipping the moon and personality. Participants including non-believers were reminded that the universe - the moon and all living creatures are God's creation. Therefore the focus of our worship should be on God the Creator and not His creations.

Moreover, we witnessed through this celebration the operation of one body of Christ, irrespective of race, language, those from various care-centres and different cultural background

celebration of God's creation (mid-autumn festival)by Lydia Wong

who gave thoughts to the truth of creation. It is indeed a wake-up call for all of us that all things are a creation of this loving God who made the universe for our enjoyment.

In unity, the organizing committee, parishioners and guests served God, resulting in a night of joy and blessing. May God bless all who contributed in effort and labour. To God be the glory. Hallelujah! PL

Fun & Games

Lantern parade

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Saturday 27th July 2013 was a significant day for St. Paul’s Day Training Centre (DTC) students and trainees as well as Bethel Early Intervention Centre (EIC) students. It was the first time they were getting together for their annual concert. At 5pm on that day, an excited group of people which included students, parents, teachers, volunteers, St. Paul’s church members and supporters of DTC/EIC got together at Dewan St.Paul’s.

Excitement and joy filled the air as the students dressed up for the event. After welcome and prayer by Ps. Nesam, Annam, the former DTC/EIC Coodinator, introduced each of the items in the program. There was silence as St. Paul’s trainees sang the song “Miracles Happen When You Believe.” They were accompanied at the piano by Debra Abraham of Rockstarz

st. paul’s

dtc and

bethel eic concert

student gave a solo “This is my desire” and it touched many hearts. Angus, DTC’s ex-student and an accomplished pianist played two classical pieces. The EIC students did their best in their singing and dancing.

The highlight of the evening was the launching of Rev. Peter Young’s book, “Peter’s Ongoing Pointers”. This book is compilation of his reflections (political, social, spiritual and personal) on current issues and how they relate to the Christian faith. These reflections were earlier posted on Micah Mandate website from 2011 to 2012.Rev. Young spoke on the book and announced that the proceeds from the sale of the book will go to DTC/EIC Ministry. Rev. Joshua Ong prayed and blessed the book which was sold after the concert.

Performing Arts Studio, Ampang and Rev. Joshua Ong, Vicar of St. Paul’s Church playing the flute. It was indeed a fine performance! Debra and Rev.Joshua together with the teachers had spent weeks training them.

As the students and trainees came out to show their talents there was great applause from the crowd. Jacob, our DTC

The day ended with closing prayer by Rev. Joshua Ong and high tea at the Coffee Terrace. It was indeed a memorable event for all who came. We praise God for the great work He is doing in the lives of the mentally challenged and their families. We thank God for St.Paul’s Church, the DTC/EIC Coordinator and teachers (Agnes,Judy, Jesmine, Shanta and Esther) and volunteers who work among these precious people. PL

DTC students presentating a lively song.

Left:Rev. Peter Young

Right:EIC children presentation

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by Grace Chung

On the 31 st August 2013, St Paul’s Church, Petaling Jaya held a day of fast and prayer for the Merdeka Day celebration. About 60 members of St Paul’s Church attended this occasion to pray for the nation and the church. Rev Joshua Ong led the procession by carrying the Malaysian flag followed by 13 youths from the Bahasa Malaysia congregation bearing the flags of the 13 states of Malaysia.

Andrew Jacob led us in a beautiful praise and worship followed by a reading from the book of Psalm and a short message by Rev Joshua Ong. Slides on the various activities of the church were also projected. After that, the leaders from different ministries gave a short speech about their respective ministry projects and prayed for the ministry. The members were then divided into groups of 5 or 6 to pray for the nation and the church ministries.

At sharp 12 noon, the congregation sang the Negara Ku and the closing hymn. Everyone adjourned for fellowship over lunch. PL

Grace Chung is a member of St. Paul's Church.

merdeka dayof fastand prayer

Rev. Joshua leading the Procession during Merdeka Day Service

After tea beak, Theme Talk 2 was on Simeon and Anna – Luke 2: 21-38, challenging us to embrace a radical change to follow Christ. We were reminded that both were devout people, just and godly, recognized the Messiah, worshipped Him and witnessed to everyone. At the end of it all, age was no barrier to serve God.

A visit to the RBC Resource Centre (Daily Bread) and a 'pass-by' of Legoland was organized after lunch. The AGM was held after dinner and the Bishop’s address was entitled ‘Running the Final Lap’. He encouraged the seniors to stay focused on our mission and not be overcome by feelings of uselessness, boredom or idleness. He concluded by saying it was time for us to be technology savvy, writing down our wonderful stories and life experiences, produce booklets on our interests and lastly, have fellowship time with others.

On Sunday, which was the third day, after our personal devotion and breakfast, it was time for the Closing Service. Around 11am, after all the hugs, exchanges of phone numbers, hi’s and bye’s, we left for home.

On a personal note, yours truly has a refreshing time meeting friends and relatives old and new, listening to encouraging theme talks and thought provoking remedies. Whether we like it or not, we are getting older but we are never too old to serve God and our neighbours. I believe, that in our daily prayer, we should never fail to ask God to help us take one day at a time and lead a life acceptable in His sight.

“I have been young, and now am old. Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken nor his descendants begging bread.” Psalm 37:25 PL

Suganthy Sundram worships at St. Paul's Church, Petaling Jaya.

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diocesan golden circle agm and fellowship 2013

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On the first Advent Sunday 9am service, the congregation was treated to an amazing Nativity presentation by the Sunday school children. The musical was indeed a refreshing change from the normal annual Nativity play we sat through every year.

The thirty or so children, some as young as four years old, gave an immaculate presentation. The maturity of their performance belies their young age. It is hard to imagine these children memorizing the lyrics of seven or eight songs and also singing and dancing in almost perfect harmony and timing. All these can perhaps be summarised in three words; patience, perseverance and commitment. The patience of the directors, Karen Kaur and Ravi, in molding these precocious kids into a disciplined chorister group, the perseverance of the children in practicing for many months and the commitment of the parents and grandparents to bring them for rehearsals. Not forgetting also the support provided by the teachers and volunteers who worked tirelessly behind the scene.

The appreciative congregation gave them a big round of applause. After the service, many church members were seen congratulating Karen and the children, obviously recognizing the many hours of hard work she and the children had put in.

The evening before, the group gave a preview performance to children from two homes and their caregivers. Some parents

sunday school christmas musical 2013

and church members were on hand to give support and to help in serving food and drinks to the guests after the presentation.

After the show, the children adjourned to the hall for a well-deserved party. Food and drinks were served (on the house). They were also entertained to a magic show with an appearance by Santa Claus handing out Christmas gifts to all the youngsters.

All praise and thanks to God for keeping the children well and for keeping the monsoon rain away. PL

The children performing the finale song

The Nativity story

by Alan Chong

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by Ronley Ansoi

pelayanan muda-mudi kbm gereja st. paulMALAM SAMBUTAN PELAJAR IPTA, IPTS & SEKOLAH MENENGAH telah diadakan pada 26hb. Oktober 2013 di Gereja St. Paul’s dan bertempat di Chapel “C”. Acara tersebut bermula dari jam 6.30ptg – 10.00mlm. Sebelum acara bermula, makan malam disediakan & “Last Supper”. Seramai 42 pelajar yang hadir pada malam itu, pelajar yang hadir adalah dari UM, SAITO COLLEGE, SEGI COLLEGE UNIVERSITY, UPM, UNISEL, UiTM PUNCAK ALAM, SMK ASUNTA & SMK LA SALLE. Pengkhotbah Undangan ialah Ps. Alfred Tais dari NECF Malaysia dan Melayani di Evangelical Church.

Minggu Gabungan iaitu pada 20hb. Oktober 2013 juga diadakan “PEMBAPTISAN” untuk dewasa dan kanak-kanak. Seramai 8 orang telah dibaptis pada hari itu, 2 kanak-kanak dan 6 dewasa. Ini adalah Pembatisan yang terakhir pada tahun ini. Rev. Joshua Ong yang melakukan pembaptisan mereka semua. Tuhan memberkati Kalian. Amin!!!

Pada 20hb. Oktober 2013@Ahad, Gabungan Kebaktian (St. Paul’s PJ, St. Paul’s Chapel & St. Stephen’s Puncak Jalil), KBM telah menyambut HARI KANAK-KANAK SEDUNIA dengan memberi laluan kepada semua kanak-kanak untuk melayani di semua pelayanan Kebaktian Ahad. Mereka sangat teruja dengan peluang yang diberikan kepada mereka.

“Biarlah kanak-kanak itu datang kepada-Ku!! Jangan larang mereka, kerana orang seperti inilah yang menikmati pemerintahan Tuhan.”

(Markus 10:14) PL

Ronley Ansoi is the St. Paul's Bahasa Congregation Coordinator.

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As I faced coming to terms with six deaths over a one month period recently, the words of Jesus in Matthew 13:44-46 hit me. Why?? The Message translation of these three verses talks about God’s kingdom like treasure hidden in a field for years and then accidentally is found by a trespasser. The finder is ecstatic saying ‘what a find?’ He then sells everything he owns to raise money and buys that field. Or like a jewel merchant on the hunt for excellent pearls. He finds one that is flawless. He immediately sells everything and buys it.As I pondered about the deaths and about Jesus’ two parables in the light of the fact that 2013 will soon be over and we need to welcome 2014 with all the uncertainties of a new year, where is my real treasure? And the Lord gave me two thoughts under two ‘p’s.

Possessions As Treasure

One possession that was a treasure to me was my sarees but over the years the Lord has helped me to value sarees rightly and to get my priorities ordered properly. In this aspect I thank God for the early growth of my Christian life through the reading of autobiographies of missionaries like Hudson Taylor, George Muller, Isobel Kuhn, C.T. Studd, Jim and Elizabeth Elliot and others. They enriched my early Christian life and were my school teachers as it were. As I look back, these missionaries have been my mentors in the Christian life. What are the things they taught me that still remain:

- “If Jesus Christ is not Lord of all, He cannot be Lord at all.” by C.T. Studd - “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” by Jim Elliot - “God’s work done God’s way will never lack God’s funds.” by Hudson Taylor

Yet how easy it is to be influenced by others to think that you are missing out on things instead of the real joys of following Jesus. So each time this happens, I have to turn my eyes to focus on Jesus again because He is my real treasure!

by Elisabeth Alfred

Jesus Is Our Precious Treasure

I like John’s Gospel very much because of the seven ‘I Am’s’ that Jesus refers Himself to e.g. I am the Good Shepherd who cares for His sheep etc. When you think of each of these seven references of who Jesus is to each of us as we follow Him, can you then deny the fact that Jesus indeed should be our precious treasure – something as the parable implies is worth selling all that we have, in order to have that field where the treasure is, or to sell all that we have, to buy the pearl which is of great value??

May God help us to let Jesus be our one and only treasure in the coming new year of 2014. PL

Elizabeth Alfred is a lay reader of St. Paul's.

what is

your treasure?

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ss3 area fellowship ministryour testimonies

Mr & Mrs Goh

Our area fellowship is in the home of Marcus and Suganthy Sundram. Rasathi is our leader. We have about 7-8 church members in attendance. Thus, there is always active participation from all.

Rasathi is taking us through the book “Abiding in Christ” by Rev Victor J Vethamani. We take our time and cover one lesson per week.

The area fellowship meeting has allowed us to participate in our new life with Christ. Our new lifestyle becomes more meaningful as we discuss, hear and learn. This has encouraged us tremendously; God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are at work, guiding us in holy living.

As we talk and agree or not, we are celebrating our differences. This has bonded the group and brought us closer to each other. As we pray, we get a glimpse of the challenges that we face each day. We are bearing fruit as we attend each meeting, and our relationship with God has strengthened – Without Christ, Nothing!

Christine Charles

A very big thank you to Suganthy and Marcus for letting us meet in their blessed home for this fellowship. Not forgetting Rasathi who has been giving her precious time to lead and guide us.Though I have not been a very regular member here, we had discussed a few topics. It becomes more and more interesting as the discussion continues with ideas and different opinions. I had the opportunity of meeting some 9 am service members from St Paul’s as I had only known them by sight previously.

At one recent session, we discussed in length about loving, giving and sharing and many of us had beautiful personal testimonies, especially in the area of Caring. We also discussed about the ministries of the Visitation team and the Care & Concern team of our Church.

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This was St. Paul’s first experience of a Quiet Day! There were three addresses on the theme of “Faith, Love and Hope” by Rev. Philip Carter a Spiritual Director from Adelaide, South Australia. After each address, there was a time of quiet reflection when participants went away from the meeting place to be alone with God and to allow Him to speak to them individually – one participant shared that God reassured her of His love for her through His creation of a beautiful tree and its leaves in the compound of St. Paul’s.

Let me share some thoughts from the addresses. On “Love”; it is about compassion which is based on the word ‘passion’ – the place where life has dealt with you. For Jesus it was the suffering, dying and the resurrection event. In Jesus we see His compassion arising from this ‘passion’. The Beatitudes is the place where we experience the deeper compassionate side of God. We learn to move from self to the ‘other’ like when Jesus died on the Cross. When I am in touch with my passion or suffering …… then I can begin to have compassion for others. When Jesus said to love your neighbor as you love yourself, it was in order that we may love others more …… including people of other faiths.

On “Faith”, God desires that we tell Him the circumstances of our life and the way we are living with it. This leads to the ‘how’ of what is important to Him – not the ‘what’ which refers to our circumstances. ‘How’ is the openness of our faith to what can be, instead of adopting a closed mind that nothing can change, leading to paralyzing fear. As seen in the life of Thomas, though he was deeply devoted to Jesus, yet he needed to see His wounds before He could accept God’s love for him. Jesus the wounded One met Thomas where he was.

On ‘Hope’, it was in connection with the Transfiguration story. We learnt not to lose hope, but instead to have faith enough to hope. It is the willingness to take risks to launch into the deep, instead of waiting on the shore. Like Nelson Mandela, for twenty seven years while in prison, who learnt to be free and to live with hope. The challenge thus “What kind of prison are you living in?”, “Are you discovering freedom and hope in your present prison?” Freedom and hope come from inside of us, and not from the outside.

In summary - love is the goal in life, faith is the way to get to that goal and hope is hanging in there. Thus love becomes a reality in my life and becomes the way that I choose to live and to love myself as I am – weak as I am, I give myself room to breathe and hoping …… PL

reflections of a quiet day 13th june 2013by Elisabeth Alfred

Rev Philip Carter leading the quiet day

Suganthy Sundram

There was a need for another Area Fellowship home to be ‘opened’ in SS3. As we always had the desire to use our home for the extension of His kingdom, we offered our home.

It is a blessing, and a joy to study the Bible with the senior citizens and we do have a lot to share as we study His word. Rasathi G.

This fellowship meets every 2nd or 4th Thursday at 8 pm. If you are residing in and around the SS3 area, please come and join us as we enjoy the fellowship with God and with one another. PL

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ss3 area fellowship ministry

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Sunday7.00am - Holy Eucharist (Said)9.00am - Holy Eucharist (Sung) - Youth Service - Sunday School - (Refreshments & Fellowship after Service)11.15am - Mandarin Service11.30am - Contemporary Service1.00pm - Myanmar Service (2nd & 4th week of the month)2.00pm - Bahasa Malaysia Service5.15pm - Holy Eucharist (Tamil)

meetingsservices &

Monday9.30am - Day Training Centre Clergy & Staff day off- In case of emergency, please call Maureen 012 265 8466 or John 012 629 0018

Tuesday1.00pm - Tabgha café (Day Training Centre)8.00pm - Parish Bible Study

Wednesday9.30am - Holy Eucharist Ladies’ Visitation Men’s Visitation12.30pm - Day Training Centre8.00pm - Choir Practice

Thursday9.30am - Day Training Centre

Friday1st Fri - Intercessory Prayer2nd & 4th - Area Fellowship Groupsweek

The Parishlink Committee

wishes our readers a

Blessed Christmas