8/6/2019 What is the Wilderness & Prophetic Words http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/what-is-the-wilderness-prophetic-words 1/75 What Is The Wilderness?  You may ask, "What is this modern Christian wilderness experience thing? Will I have to go live in the desert, wear camel’s hair, and eat bugs for a number of years?" Simply put, in the wilderness God takes away your normal ability to manage your life, and He leads you into an intensive time of purification, transformation, training, and inner-healing. In this modern wilderness, the wilderness comes to you, and your life as you know it ends. It is the Holy Spirit helping the Bride to make Herself ready. It is happening to many Christians right now. In this wilderness, the Holy Spirit transforms you from the inside out, and deals with all of your sin and pain from the past. Your career, your church-life, your relationships, your marriage, your residence, your finances, your sanity, and everything else gets "shaken" by the Lord. Whatever remains, will only be what is part of His new plan for your life. How Do I Know If I’m In It? Hopefully this list below will provide you with a simple guide to be able to clearly determine whether you are actually in the wilderness, or whether you are just having a bad decade. But if you are in fact in the wilderness, then the following signs and symptoms that I describe below should be somewhat familiar to you. These are the signs: 1. Everything in your life suddenly seems like you've lost normal control of it. You might feel like there is an unseen force that is resisting or blocking your usual efforts to make the regular decisions you used to be able to make in your life without much of a problem. This includes where you work, your relationships, where you live, what you own, what you can or cannot do, and what or whom you are normally responsible for. You may find yourself getting very frustrated, annoyed, and frightened during this time as you are blocked from calling the normal shots in your life like you once were able to easily do. 2. The grace is gone. The normal grace (divine assistance) to succeed and progress in your life is suddenly missing. It's like the car just ran out of gas, and the only way you can make it go forward is to push it yourself. Before, God may have allowed you to choose, and He gave you the strength and ability to be part of that relationship, church, place of ministry, or job. But now you feel like a stranger, where before you used to feel like you fit and had a place with that certain person or group. During this time, you may only have what or whom God wants in your life because He wants as few distractions as possible while He is changing you in the wilderness. 3. The old unhealed areas of pain, and sin problems you used to keep fairly buried or under control are suddenly coming to the surface full force. And you don't seem to have the usual ability you used to have to ease the pain or keep yourself from sinning in that area. You may find yourself finally grieving over a loss, or traumatic event that you had long

What is the Wilderness & Prophetic Words

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What Is The Wilderness? 

 You may ask, "What is this modern Christian wilderness experience thing?Will I have to go live in the desert, wear camel’s hair, and eat bugs for anumber of years?" Simply put, in the wilderness God takes away yournormal ability to manage your life, and He leads you into an intensive time

of purification, transformation, training, and inner-healing. In this modernwilderness, the wilderness comes to you, and your life as you know itends. It is the Holy Spirit helping the Bride to make Herself ready. It ishappening to many Christians right now. In this wilderness, the Holy Spirittransforms you from the inside out, and deals with all of your sin and painfrom the past. Your career, your church-life, your relationships, yourmarriage, your residence, your finances, your sanity, and everything elsegets "shaken" by the Lord. Whatever remains, will only be what is part of His new plan for your life.

How Do I Know If I’m In It?

Hopefully this list below will provide you with a simple guide to be able toclearly determine whether you are actually in the wilderness, or whetheryou are just having a bad decade. But if you are in fact in the wilderness,then the following signs and symptoms that I describe below should besomewhat familiar to you. These are the signs:

1. Everything in your life suddenly seems like you've lost normal control of it. You might feel like there is an unseen force that is resisting or blockingyour usual efforts to make the regular decisions you used to be able tomake in your life without much of a problem. This includes where youwork, your relationships, where you live, what you own, what you can or

cannot do, and what or whom you are normally responsible for. You mayfind yourself getting very frustrated, annoyed, and frightened during thistime as you are blocked from calling the normal shots in your life like youonce were able to easily do.

2. The grace is gone. The normal grace (divine assistance) to succeed andprogress in your life is suddenly missing. It's like the car just ran out of gas, and the only way you can make it go forward is to push it yourself.Before, God may have allowed you to choose, and He gave you thestrength and ability to be part of that relationship, church, place of ministry, or job. But now you feel like a stranger, where before you usedto feel like you fit and had a place with that certain person or group.

During this time, you may only have what or whom God wants in your lifebecause He wants as few distractions as possible while He is changing youin the wilderness.

3. The old unhealed areas of pain, and sin problems you used to keepfairly buried or under control are suddenly coming to the surface fullforce. And you don't seem to have the usual ability you used to have toease the pain or keep yourself from sinning in that area. You may findyourself finally grieving over a loss, or traumatic event that you had long

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since buried, but has been secretly sapping your strength for many years.Plus, if you have practiced any secret sin habit, you may suddenly haveless self-control over it, and you will most likely be getting caught muchmore easily, like someone or something is supernaturally causing it. Yourhidden problem will be exposed to everyone so that you will be forced toface it and receive God’s to help to finally be free from it.

4. You have a sense of being pulled away from the world, and into anintensive time of introspection, study, prayer, and just spending timealone with God. Your normal attachments to the world’s obligationssuddenly have no support from God and you now live fairly off the grid.It's almost like driving on a highway and all of the sudden your car takesan exit and stays parked in a secret spot while you sit and watch all theother cars buzz by. You may feel like a ghost that is still living in a bodyduring this time, and whoever you used to be doesn't exist anymore. Yourold life is gone, and the road that was before you has ended and you'renot really sure what to do, or where to go next.

5. Your finances dry up except for the bare essentials. All of the sudden, itgets very difficult to pay your bills, almost to the point where you arebeginning to wonder if you are going to end up living in the woods, orwhether you will even survive at all. The regular money you used to haveto pay your normal bills suddenly gets dried up except for what is actuallyneeded for your basic survival. It's like the depression of 1929 just cameto you personally, and you are wondering what in the world's going on.

 You may find yourself going to food banks for the first time, or havingpeople give you money to get by. This may vary a bit if you have kids, butit will still be some slim pickings for a while. You learn to live by everyword that proceeds from the mouth of God for everything in your life andall other previous means of support or direction is now very limited.

There are other signs and symptoms to being in the wilderness, but theseare the five basic signs that should tip you off as to whether you areactually in the wilderness or not. If you don't see most of these thingshappening in your life then chances are that you are not in the wildernessbut just going through a trial or you are just having a tough time with lifefor some other reason. Rest assured though, if you are a true Christianthen you can expect God to lead you through His wilderness boot camp atsome point. It is time for the Bride to make herself ready and nobody willbe left out.

REV 19:7 Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of theLamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready.

A Brand New Life

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My dear one, you have lived a certain way for a very long time in a wilderness type

setting and now you have reached the end of this long process of change and things

feel very dead and desolate to you, but I am about to give you a brand new life. I

am the God of springtime and I cause what looked dead to suddenly have new and

fresh life and I can do the same thing with your life. You see things through your

own ability to change things which has nothing to do with My ability to changethings.

I am going to be giving you fresh and new assignments that will inspire you and

give your fresh zeal to go forward. I am going to be visiting you and filling you with

a fresh infilling and anointing of My Spirit that will make your spirit enter a

springtime of your soul. This is a day of fresh and new things my child so look to

what I can do rather than what you cannot do. Though things have been a certain

way for a very long time dear one they are about to change, and all that was old will

be replaced with the new!

A New Blessing Comes 

My dear one, I have seen you grieving over some of the sacrifices youhave made for Me because now you realize that some of them arepermanent and they will not be returned to you in the way that youwanted. But you must know My love that I saw all of this beforehand andit does not affect My plans to bless and use you in this world. I know yourheart was deeply set on having your blessing fulfilled the way you wantedit to be, but I also know what is really best for you and others involved inyour blessing.

There has been a sharp contrast between your life and those around youwhere you think you look like a failure and this is just not true. Success inMy kingdom and success in the world is vastly different. My goal has beento change and heal your heart so that I could greatly use you in the earth.If I had given you some of the same blessings that you see others have itwould have just distracted and slowed down the progress I needed tomake in you. I know it has been a long time but change is here.

Although I did bless Job with more children and things that he lost he wasstill not given back the original ones and he still missed them at times.

 Your life was shut down long ago so that I could prepare you for My power

and the great harvest, but that day is ending now and I am granting youbrand new life. The blessing that I give you in place of what you feel youlost will be much more satisfying and wonderful than you can imagine.Trust in My love and faithfulness to you because a new blessing comes.

A New Door Will Appear

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My dear one, you have waited for a long time now and you have faithfullywalked through each door that I presented to you. But those doors wereonly temporary avenues to accomplish my purposes, they were nevermeant to lead you very far away from your place of training andpreparation. Now you have reached a place of true readiness to goforward so a new larger door is about to appear that will lead you into a

place of major change where your whole life will be different in just aboutevery way.

 You have now ended this phase of your walk with Me and you are about tobegin a new leg of the journey that I have called you to travel. Though youhave ended the old thing, you have not yet entered the new thing, so tryto be patient and just know that you have not gotten off course, you are

 just in a time of transition. Sometimes I will allow a space of time to existbetween the old and new so that once I bring the new there will be nowanting to run back to the old. Now you are truly ready for the new.

 You are a new wineskin that is truly ready for new wine so get ready to bepoured into until you are overflowing. I will be sending you to manypeople and sending many people to you in order for My power andmiracles to be brought forth so that many would believe in My name andbe saved. No matter how many old doors led to only short paths this newdoor will lead to a very long new path. I have done everything to buildyour faith so now My precious child expect your new door to appear verysoon.

A New Foundation 

My dear one, I have seen you grieving and lamenting over your old life andhow it appears that you have accomplished so little on the outside, but Iwould tell you this day My love that you do not fully see all the good andnecessary changes I have made on the inside. I allowed the visible houseof your life to crumble so that I could fix and repair the foundation that itstood upon. Now you stand on a new foundation.

Before we began you did not see all of the cracks and damage that hadbeen done to the old foundation of your life, so I had to shut everythingdown to show you so that you could fully appreciate the need to change.

 You do not realize how much I have built Myself in you and how much of 

the old damage has now been repaired. Now you stand ready for Me tobuild upon the new foundation that's been created in your life.

I realize My love that the evil one has been tempting you to focus uponthe rubble of your old life that lies around you, but I would call you to look down and see the new foundation you are now standing upon. Do notentertain the lies that say I do not care about you or want to bless you,because I surely do. Continue to keep your faith and focus upon Me and donot doubt Me, for you now stand on a glorious new foundation.

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A New Phase 

My dear one, for many years now you have been in a training, healing,serving, learning, and growing phase of your life, but now you are about

to step into a brand new phase of your life that you have neverexperienced before. This new phase will dominate your life until you seeMe face to face. This new phase you are soon entering will be walking inMy power and in the greater spiritual works meant to bring in this lastharvest of souls in these last days.

 You have wondered why your life has been so different from many othersaround you, and it has been to prepare you for this power phase of yourlife. There is a great accountability and level of responsibility that isrequired for those who will consistently walk in My power, so I beginpreparing and shaping their hearts at a very early age for this. All of thesacrifices and restrictions you have experienced in your life will pay off,and you will be so glad for it.

I have called you to step into complete repentance, complete obedience,and complete holiness, My dear one, so take this step now and do notwaste any time, because the time is short to qualify for what I will do nextin the earth. Come to me and seek Me in prayer and I will be found by you,because now you have given Me all of your heart and life. Get excited Mylove, for this new phase of your life is about to begin, and you will not bedisappointed.

A New Road Begins

My dear one, you are at the end of the road after a very long leg of your journey, and although you may feel very broken, spent, and weary rightnow, I am coming with new life and fresh strength to begin a new roadthat is about to appear. This new road will not be like the old road you areleaving, but do not forget all that you have learned from your journey onthe old road because it will help you to make proper decisions in the days

 just ahead. You had to complete the old road first in order to begin thenew one.

The evil one has been tempting you to leave your post right now and to goback and try to rebuild your old life because nothing ever seems to behappening for you. But understand My love that I cannot build on afoundation until it is completely sound and repaired from any damage thatcould cause what I build on it to collapse. You must remain at your postand just know that although you do not understand what I am doing, I do,and I know that all this hard work will lead you to My power and blessing.

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My dear one, I want to comfort you this day with the knowledge that all Ihave been trying to do for you, is to create a stable foundation for yourlife so that I can build very high upon you, and flow through you with Mypower. You are not cursed or thought of as less valuable by Me justbecause your circumstances are much more restricted than that of thosearound you. My heart has always just been to help you by stripping away

the old house that rested on top of your damaged foundation, and then byrepairing all the cracks in that foundation.

There is no need to look at the other houses that are standing around yourbare foundation My love, because I have caused your foundation to gomuch deeper, and the end result will be a much taller building later on.Plus those other houses you have focused on have cracks and damage intheir foundations, just like yours did. Once I see a consistent obedienceand that the cracks are truly repaired, I will begin to build a beautiful newhouse on your finished foundation. If I built on a damaged foundation, thegreat weight of that home would destroy it.

Help Me dear one to put the finishing touches on your foundation, and trynot to be sad or discouraged just because you are weary at the end of itall. Come to Me and let Me refresh and restore you, rather thancomplaining that you do not have a house upon your foundation likeothers do. Once I begin to flow through you with My mighty power, manypeople will be inspecting your foundation, so I just want it to be right,especially for your sake. So trust Me My love and just know that My heartall along has only been to give you a stable foundation.

A True Overcomer 

My dear one, you have had a difficult and challenging life full of seemingdenials and disadvantages compared to other people, and lately you havebeen looking at your life and feeling like you have accomplished verylittle. But I would tell you this day My love that what I have beendeveloping in you inside is much more valuable than what you could haveaccomplished on the outside. You see, I have helped you in life and I havecaused you to be an overcomer with a wealth of experience and faith thatI can use greatly to help many others. You have been given great spiritualriches where many other people are spiritually poor. I have shaped Myheart in you and that is priceless.

Now the deep foundation is complete in you and I can build the highbuilding I have planned to build through you. Though your life seemsempty and broken I have caused you to overcome all past pain and sin andyou will be used mightily to testify and help many others who need thesame help that I gave you. Rise up this day My love from your death bedand realize that it is time for a miraculous resurrection in which I will livethrough you. Do not see your life as less than other peoples lives becauseit is what is done in the human heart that really counts and what will last.

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So do not grieve over what you do not see in your life, but rather rejoicethat you are a true overcomer.

Always Mix It With My Love

My dear one, there will be many busy days ahead that will involve many different

people. Some of these people will be nice and they will add to your strength and

your ability to do my will, other people will not be so nice and they can drain you of 

your strength and have the effect of hindering your progress if you let them. But I

would call you to mix everything you do in the days ahead with My love because my

love is the foundation for all that happens in My kingdom. When you walk in my love

with everyone you will always do things from the right motives and you will never

need to figure out how to treat each person, it will just flow from you naturally and


Do the works that I call you to do and flow with My Spirit and My love. Allow other

people to do their part and do not try to accomplish your work or theirs by the

power of your flesh. You will know when you are in your flesh when you lose My

peace and strength, and your ability to do the work will suddenly seem missing. You

must stay filled up with My love and you do this by spending daily intimate personal

time with Me and by letting Me fill you afresh with My power and virtue. I have told

you that My yoke is light and that My burden is easy so do not bother trying to add

things to the load I give you. Staying obedient and filled is more important than

staying busy.

Remember My servants Mary and Martha and how each of them tried to serve Me in

different ways. You will receive your strength to serve by sitting at my feet, and

then your work will not seem so draining. What can you really give people beyond

what I give you anyway? Nothing lasting. I operate a kingdom that runs on My love

and My power even in the midst of turmoil, so walk in My love and stay strong. I am

the Vine so receive my daily nourishment in order to bear fruit. No matter what you

do, who I ask you to help, or how they might treat you, always mix what I call you to

do with My love and you will stay filled and full of everything you need to do what I

call you to do.


Be Chosen 

My dear one, as I have said in My word, many are called, but few arechosen. Things like sin, idols, unbelief, unforgiveness, and other thingsprevent some of My called children from maturing and overcoming, but Ihave worked very closely with you and I know that you can be one of 

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than just being mostly obedient but yet still reserving a few private sinidols that you run to when things get tough. Even My people in the land of Canaan destroyed most of the idol shrines of the land, but they still left afew of them up in the high places. Be like My servant Josiah and tear downall of the high places in your life.

I will have a pure and holy Bride in these last days who will walk in My fullpower and love, and no longer will I tolerate any sin, idolatry, orcontinuous disobedience in My people. You can either believe me now,repent, and be greatly blessed, or you will soon see that I am notexaggerating in the slightest, and be counted with those who continuallybreak My laws. My heart is to bless you, not correct you, so chooseobedience now. Be earnest and repent My love, and if you do, you willreceive My blessing and power, and avoid any further correction.

Believe Again!

My dear one, you have reached the very threshold of My promise beingfulfilled in your life, but now you have become too afraid to believe againbecause there has been so many times that you thought it would happen,but it didn't. I would tell you this day My love not to be afraid to believeagain, because My words always come to pass when the time is right, andwhen the person I am blessing is fully prepared to receive what I want togive them.

There is no safety or blessing in doubt My dear one, even though youthink it will protect you from being hurt again if you just push it all away.

Even Abraham and Sarah were greatly tested because the fulfillment of their promise seemed to take forever, but they hung on until the very daythat their promise was staring back at them. You too must hang on even if you are afraid to, because you will need what I am going to do for you inorder to fulfill your call.

Rejoice this day My love, because you are not My slave, you are Myprecious child. But because you are My child, I am very careful not to bringthings into your life until you are truly ready. You know much better now

 just how what I do through you can affect other people's lives for the goodand bad depending on how you use it. So decide today My love to believeagain and to walk forward out of your cave of doubt. Believe, and I will

indeed move.

Believe In My Goodness 

My dear one, I have seen your discouragement and disillusionment lately,and I have felt your pain and disappointment, and heard your words of 

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questioning My goodness. I would tell you this day child to trust Me all theway to the end of this. My people in the wilderness long ago had a hardtime trusting Me because first they were slaves all of their lives, and thenthey faced the hardships of the wilderness which made them easy prey forthe evil one to sow discord and discontentment in their hearts. They choseto grumble, complain, and accuse Me of wrongdoing, when all I was trying

to do all along was to bless and help them.

I realize My dear one that your life has seen less blessing than most otherpeople around you, but it is no different of a life than I gave many peoplewho have done great things for Me throughout history. When I callsomeone I begin to shape their hearts very early in life, and yes there is acontrast between their lives and the lives of those around them. But youmust trust in My ultimate good, and that even though you have not seenmuch of My favor and blessing yet, it doesn't mean that things will be likethis forever. I have planned to bless and use you in a great way from thevery beginning, so do not lose hope now at the very end.

The choice is yours My love, will you trust Me to the very end, or will yougive up and give in to hopelessness and despair? Get up this day fromyour bed of mourning, grieving, and crying, and dry your tears. You haveseen all of the good things I have done for you on the inside to prepareyou, so trust that My motives are to bless you on the outside as well. Iknow that you just need to know this day that I love you, and that I valueyou like I do My other children. Settle things in your heart this day toserve and trust in Me all the way to the end of this My love, and believe inMy goodness and desire to bless and use you in your life.

Come Closer 

My dear one, I have spent years repairing the foundation of your life bygiving you revelations of the truths of My kingdom. I have taken you uphigher and allowed you to see My kingdom more clearly, and now youknow that the ways of this world and the things that people pursue in lifeare not as relevant or important as you had believed. Now you havereached a place where you have stepped away from the world, and youare longing to step closer to Me and to the realm that is truly your realhome. I want to encourage you this day My love to indeed come closer, forI am here waiting for you.

 You now stand on the firm foundation of truth and righteousness that Ihave built in you, so what I can do in your life will not be so limited. Nowyou are ready to come up higher, and ready to go deeper, than you haveever gone before. Now what you long for is not only what I can do for you,now you just long for Me. And I also long for you, because it has been Meall along leading you here and creating this hunger inside of you to knowand see Me as I truly am. I hear you knocking at My door right now and I

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want you to know that I will indeed open it up for you to come in, so donot give up.

 You have climbed a very high mountain day by day throughout these longyears of preparation, but know this day that it is I who sits at the top of this mountain waiting for you to come and fellowship with Me. Come and

seek Me in prayer and be willing to wait before Me longer and I will indeedreveal Myself to you. This was the purpose of My creating you, so that youwould know Me and walk with Me even as Adam walked and talked withMe in the garden. So My love, I beckon to you to come closer for the wayis not shut to you. The door to My home is wide open so come now andenter in.

Command It To Go!

My dear one, you are facing some serious problems right now and youhave been crying out to Me and begging me to come and help you, but Iwould tell you this day to command this problem to go and you will befree. I have given you My authority to command all that is not of Mykingdom to go but you must rise up in faith and do it. I know howdesperate your situation and need is right now but I am trying to help youto stand up and step into the authority I have given you to receive whatyou need in life.

Though your faith seems weak right now I would tell you to stand and tocommand this problem to go, rather than laying down and giving up. Itdoesn't matter how many times you have tried to command it to go in the

past for I am doing new things in My people right now and you are readyto move up to a higher level of operating in My kingdom. If you lack faithand strength then ask Me for it and I will grant it to you. So My child Iwould tell you once again to stand up and command this problem to go!

Complete Deliverance 

My dear one, I know that you have prayed for deliverance from yourproblem but now things seem to be drastically worse and you areperplexed as to why this is taking place. You see My dear child, when you

release control of your problem over to Me I know exactly what needs tohappen in order for your problem to totally get fixed and what changesneed to happen in your heart for you to completely be free for good.

The reason you have not been able to get free is because you have beenhanging onto your problem and because of that your will is in the way andthe solution to your problem will be limited to your choices. I know whatneeds to really happen to change you so I will allow things to get so

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extreme that you will indeed be willing to fully let go of it for good. Ialways do things to create permanent change, not just temporary fixes.

I know that you are frightened right now because you do not feel incontrol, but isn't that the problem in itself? You do not fully trust Me soyou are constantly wrestling for control over your life with Me and thus

limiting the amount of help that I can give you. Let go this day My loveand trust in My leadership and you will be fully free this time. This is yourday for complete deliverance so let go and trust Me to totally set you free.

Critical Juncture 

My dear one, you have reached a critical juncture in your walk with Mewhere you may be tempted with depression, discouragement, andunbelief, because it seems like nothing is happening in your life right now,and that it is too late for you. Evil spirits have been trying to exploit thistime of transition in your life to create doubt in your heart concerning Myfaithfulness, but you must reject these lies and continue to trust in Mylove no matter what you do or do not see happening in your life right now.

Even as Abraham and Sarah were given a promise for a son they were stilltempted later in life to doubt Me when the promise didn't come at thetime that they thought it should. But nevertheless I was faithful to themand I will be faithful to you in just the same way. Guard your heart andmind with My word and remember My promise to never leave or forsakeyou. Right now you will have to fight to hang on to my promises just likeAbraham did, so be found trusting and not doubting when I fulfill My


My words are faithful and true and those who do not doubt them areblessed. I know you are weary of believing for things that never seem tohappen, but you must learn to trust in who I AM, and not just in what I dofor you. My timing is perfect. Come and seek me at this difficult time andlisten closely for My voice. Worship Me right now even though you do notfeel like it and you will break through your clouds of doubt and enter Myrealm of joy. So My love, continue to trust in Me at this critical juncture.

"Do Not Be Afraid, Only Believe" 

My precious child, some of my most effective trials come at some of yourweakest and most vulnerable times. They come at times when it looks likeall all is lost and that I have failed you, but I would say to you this day,"Do not be afraid, only believe". Believe that I am the God that can bringnew life out of apparent death and that although you may not understandwhy something bad seems to happen, that I can bring ultimate good out of it, which is the growing and development of your faith in Me.

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are truly evil, but most of them are just ignorant, and deceived by the evilone. They are sheep that need the Great Shepherd. I want all people tocome to know Me. "All People, All People, All People!".

I know how to move upon a nation, or even one person that cries out tome for revival. I have surely heard your prayers and groanings to see

revival, within yourself, your family, your nation, and the whole world. MyGreat Harvest has already begun, and I would call you to allow Me to finishpreparing you completely, so that I can use you to help the greatestamount of people in this Harvest. Live completely and consistently inholiness, walk as I walk, and do as I do. Do not compare yourself withothers, but rather compare yourself with Me; I am your Father. There is notime to waste, things are moving forward rapidly. I rejoice in giving you allthe good things you need to succeed.

I would call you to pray for those who commit such evil, so that I can helpthem, and save them. Pray, Pray, Pray! Bring your fear and anger to Myalter, and allow Me to replace that hurt with My love. How can you helpthem with such pain inside your heart? Come to Me, and let Me heal yourwounded heart. Ask Me to fill you anew with My Love, and My Spirit. I lovethem, as I love you. You were once lost, even as they are lost now. I cansave them, just as I saved you; believe this. As I once had mercy upon you,I would call you to have mercy upon them. Who else will?

Trust in Me, that I AM fully in control of everything, and that everything Ido, is for the benefit of the individual, and mankind as a whole. Trust inMy power and sovereignty; Trust in My good intentions; Trust in My greatlove and approval for you. I am with you, and I am working in the earth tobring salvation to all. All. Trust in Me, and do not regard the evil deeds,

that evil men do. Do not be dismayed by evil, but rather, let Me use you tocreate good. I am coming soon, so be very courageous, and do not fear.

"Do Not Fear, You Will Cross Safely"

My dear child, you have come to the edge of your promise land but nowyou are facing some obstacles that seem to block your path forward. Iwould tell you this day that just as I cleared the way for my people tocross the Jordan river safely into their promised land, so I will miraculouslyclear away what blocks you from going forward into all that I have

promised you. Only know this my dear one, I still require you to continueto trust Me in this difficult hour and to continue to have faith in Me and tostay the course no matter what you might see challenging you right now.Have I not carried you safely thus far? Have I not fed you day after day?

 Yes, indeed I have and I will continue to do so. My faithfulness does notchange just because your life does.

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I know that you are weary right now and that you feel like you don't haveeven one more "trust" left inside you, but I would call you to receive Myfaith this day and My strength this day. I would call you to put on Myarmor and to receive My battle plan for the road ahead. Your strength liesin Me alone so take courage this day and receive fresh faith and strengthfrom Me. Come before Me in your quiet place and let Me calm the turmoil

and fear you feel inside you. I will be faithful to you no matter what youface my love and I am stretching your faith at a time when you feel likeyou don't have any left. Put your shoes on and be ready to cross as I tellyou to, for surely I will clear the way before you and great joy awaits allthose who do not give up in this final hour.

Do Not Trust In What You See, Trust Only In Me

My dear one, I realize that your circumstances have gotten worse and not

better lately, and because you are weary you have been tempted to justgive up your hope and go back to find some other way to make your lifework again. But you must know that the evil one has come in like a floodlately just before I move in order to try to discourage you and drive youinto despair. I would tell you this day My love, do not trust in what yousee, trust only in Me! I am never limited by how bad things may get.

Do not give up your faith and trust just before My hand is ready to moveon your behalf My dear one. I have been well aware of all these otherthings that are important to you, and those things are very important toMe as well. I am also well aware of all that you have sacrificed to followMe. I do not keep slaves in My kingdom, but rather loving servants, so do

not think that all I care about is what I want you to do for Me. I have feltall your heartaches, and I have heard each sigh and cry that you havemade.

This is a day when My people need to praise, worship, and thank Me nomatter how bad or hopeless things may appear, and I will do mightymiracles for you if you do. I made the whole universe, so do not think thatyour problems are beyond my ability to fix them. But the development of your faith is what I have been working on for so long and not these otherthings. I had to remove every distraction from your life in order for you tofocus only upon learning, growing, and repenting of all that limited youbefore.

Try to just understand that it has been your spiritual growth and maturitythat has been the most important thing during these recent years. Theseother things had to be set aside for a season until you were completelyready. You are so close to the end of your preparation now dear one, so donot give up or give in to depression or despair. I will do miracles for youno matter how bad things look or get. So do not trust in what you see,

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trust only in Me, and I will fulfill every good promise that I have made toyou.

Doors of Decision

While in prayer I saw a great crowd of people mulling around one door that said

"Complete Obedience" on it. These people were holding a book in their hands that

said "God's Word" so I believe these people were Christians. There was an outer half 

circle around these Christians made up of people and demons that knew these

Christians and they were calling out to them to come away from the door, and to

not go through the door of complete obedience. The crowd seemed to get more and

more agitated as these Christians one by one all began to run through the door of 

complete obedience. On the other side of the door of complete obedience were

many angels instructing people to go through a whole new set of doors labeled

"Divine Opportunity" and they each one went through the door assigned to them. As

everyone filtered through their doors of divine opportunity they all led to a vast

harvest field full of what looked like huge supernatural vegetables and they all

began to harvest. Jesus stood on a high rock above the field giving instructions to

the many angels that were flying over the harvest field and they in turn gave His

instructions to those who were working in the field. A great bounty was harvested

and brought to Jesus up rows in large carts.

 This is what the Lord then spoke to my heart after seeing this vision:

"My child, walk through the door of complete obedience now so that I can lead you

through to My divine opportunities to be placed into this great harvest of souls in

the earth. Do not hesitate or delay any longer, nor listen to the Enemy or those he

speaks through that would try to hinder you. Great breakthrough and blessing await

all those who make the firm and final decision to walk through My door of complete


 Embrace Your Future

My dear one, I had you deal with your past in order so that you could cometo terms with it, let it go, and then move forward. I wanted to make surethat things were finally settled so that you could move ahead into yourfuture and commit your heart and life fully to the new things I want tobring into your life. I want your focus to be on the here and now, and noton the painful dark things that have held you captive from your past.

It is time for new joy, not for old sorrow, so do not lay down in your past

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anymore because only darkness and death remains there. If you remainthere you will also die, so you must get up and start walking forward intoMy light, and into new life, and new happiness. Why hang onto your past?,what lies there is only an illusion because those things are nothing morethan a memory, they have no real life in them anymore.

Those things that you have clung to from your past that I still want tokeep in your life are actually waiting for you ahead not behind, and theywill meet you as you step forward. My heart was never to take things fromyou to make you sad, but rather to take you aside and change and healyou so that I could give you many things to make you happy. So my child,step forward into My light, into life, and embrace your future.

Face to Face 

My obedient servant, you have been faithful to minister to everyone that Ihave asked you to, and you diligently learned how to minister andfellowship with other people electronically through the Internet. This hasbeen a good benefit for everyone and it has helped you through yourwilderness time to remain fruitful. It has also helped you to become moreconnected to other people who are in the same situation as you are.

But now my love, I will be shifting you to more of a face to face type of ministry where I will flow through you in power and many people locallywill find My salvation and miracles through you. You will also be travelingmore and you will be connected to people face to face there that will bebrought together for ministry to distribute My power and resources to the

needy, and to live together as one large spiritual family.

 You and I will also be having more of a face to face relationship as youlearn how to better connect and communicate with Me through intimateprayer. You will be working with My servants the angels who will help youto do My will in this harvest. You have longed to have a face to facerelationship with Me because I have longed for that with you. Live holy,for your life and ministry are about to become much more face to face.

Fall In!

My dear one, the call has gone out throughout all of My kingdom for all of My faithful soldiers to fall into their assigned places for immediate servicein My great harvest. It is time to drop everything that you have beendoing and to come without hesitation or distraction into My holy formationmade up of those who are truly ready for battle. You must be completelycommitted to letting go of all sin, and to walking in full obedience.

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I know you have heard My call and you are now making your way into theranks, but you must hurry for this call is very urgent. All those who comewith a full and complete commitment will experience my best. My powerwill be poured out upon all who fully and completely give themselves overfor absolute service in this harvest. There is no time left to delay orprepare, so come right now because the door will soon be closed.

It is time to leave behind all that hinders and distracts, and time tocommit yourself fully to the great day of battle that is at hand. There is avast harvest to reap and all who come to me now without any conditionsor limitations will be used in a great way. Do not delay in running to yourplace in the ranks for there is no time left to wait. So My love come andfall in, for My power will flow through all who take their proper place.

Finishing Touches 

My dear child, I know that you are anxious to move forward, but I wantyou to know that I am accomplishing critical finishing touches in you rightnow so that you are fully ready to move on. These last few things thatmust change are important because if you cannot do the right thing now,then you won't be able to do the right thing later on.

I have tested you in these areas many times and each time you have madea little more progress. Now you have reached a place where you must dothe right thing the first time and every time, rather than lapsing into oldbehavior just because it seems more familiar and easier to do. This is yourday to stand, and you will indeed stand.

A finishing touch means that you are almost finished, so don't give up ordigress back into error just because you get frustrated. You have lived formany years in the school of My Spirit so it has been a lot of difficult work everyday, but when the work is done you will be glad when you see howall these changes benefit you later on.

 You have reached the threshold where you are leaving your wildernesstime and you are stepping into your promised land, but you are not goingforward alone. There are many people who have gone through the samethings that you have so that they could be healthy for you. So be patientand allow Me to put My finishing touches upon you.

Forward March 

My dear one, can you sense a change in the spirit realm? I am sending outmy Spirit and my angels to begin new works and to set My people in orderby rank and file to get ready to march forward together as one. This is aday where everything will be made new and all that is of the past will be

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to be harvested. But there was still some brown patches from no rain andsome produce that had not grown to maturity even though the others had.As the rocket came down the nose exploded with fire and people and thefire and the people landed all over the harvest field. As soon as thepeoples feet touched the ground they were all very busy and the fireengulfed them like a suit but did not consume them. Wherever they went

the produce was set on fire and brought to maturity and health and thenharvested. The people had harvest bags full of produce when they reachedthe end of the field. These harvest bags looked like they were four storieshigh, if not more. That was the end of what I saw, and this is what theLord then spoke to me.

My child, you have been brought to a place of maturity and purity and Iam about to empower you and to send you out into My harvest field. Irealize that you do not feel very mature or pure right now, but I see youdifferently than you see yourself and your sanctification has been createdby My work, so I know when you are truly ready. My grace will help youwith these last few remaining things that need to be made whole.

Get ready to be very busy because people are in great need of My powerand glory and great will be the demand for it in these last days. There willbe great opposition at times, but I do not want you to bear the weight of My work alone. Allow those whom I join you with to help you and do nottry to do it all by yourself. Just keep following and obeying My words anddaily directions like you learned to do in your wilderness time.

I will also restore, bless, and heal you as I send you out and great andmany will be the miracles you will experience in the days just ahead of you. Do not be afraid to step forward as I now begin to open new doors of 

opportunity for you. Great will be the abundance of your harvest. So Mylove get ready to be launched out because ready or not, your day hascome, and you will indeed be given new marching orders very soon.

Give Them My Love 

My dear one, you have prayed for My power for many years now and sothis is right because I have placed those desires within you, but what Iwant you to give people the most is My love. You see, all of My gifts work only with My love mixed in with them so always allow My love to flow

through. When you truly love people with My love then they are attractedto Me, and not just to what I can do for them.

When My love flows through you it will give you all the desire and energythat you need to serve others. Look at those you love already; you do theright things for them because you love and value them and you try to stopyourself from doing things that hurt them. It is good that you pray for Mypower, but I want you to remember first and foremost that My love andSpirit are what will draw all people to Me and save them.

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Be of good cheer My dear one, for indeed My power is in fact coming toyou and will flow through you to help many, but you have to want it forthe right reasons. My power flows on My terms and in My timing in orderto reveal My glory and to draw all those involved to My salvation. I havebeen reshaping your motives and purifying your heart so that all will beright. So once again My dear one, go forth and give them My love.

Hang On To My Promises 

My dear precious child, I gave you a number of promises as we set out onthis long road together many years ago, and you have held on to thesepromises for a very long time even though many things have happenedwhich have tempted you to let them go. But I would say to you this day tohang on to My promises, for surely they will happen soon enough. Mywords always come to pass for those who believe and do not doubt.

Even as My servant Abraham waited for a very long time to see thefulfillment of My promises, he did not let go of them or Me. He cried out inanguish to Me and I heard him the very first time he prayed. I have alsoheard you the very first time you asked Me, and I granted this prayer longago. I just had to prepare you to be able to receive this thing so that itwould not harm you or others, or become an idol or burden to you.

What you have sought cannot be accomplished in the natural. You havedespaired when you saw each chance in the natural for your miracle tohappen, but the timing was not yet. I saw your tears and I felt your painand disappointment each time, but you see, My promises are fulfilled

through faith and not through your ability or earthly plans or means. Youhad to understand this truth from your heart, and now you do.

Rejoice My love, for great will be your joy in the day that I do all that Ihave said that I would do for you. Receive all that I have promised you Myprecious child, and know that I delight in blessing My children. As you nowknow, My blessing takes much preparation with many difficult trials andmany deaths to the vision. But you must not be afraid to believe again, forwhat I have promised you will surely happen quite soon.

"Hang On To Your Faith!"

My dear one, you are about to see the fulfillment of many promises that Igave you long ago, but the evil one is trying to tempt you right now to letgo of your faith by pressuring you to compare your life to other peopleslives around you. This is a critical time to hang on to your faith and to notgive up because your miracle is right at the door and you can trust in Mygreat faithfulness and love for you no matter what you may see, think, or

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feel. Comparing your life to other peoples lives around you will just causeyou to lose your peace because I have deliberately dealt differently withyou in order to prepare you for your calling which included manyrestrictions and hard trials.

 Just because I have limited your life in order to shape your heart does not

mean that I do not want to bless you, or that I have forsaken you. Even myservants David and Joseph had lives that were very much different thanthose around them and they too were tempted to doubt Me, but they heldon to their faith and were greatly blessed in the end by Me. I would callyou today My loved one to hang on to your faith in just the same way anddo not doubt that I want to bless you because I do. Continue to get rid of anything that blocks our fellowship and draw close to Me right now. I wantto you to come closer right now and not further away, so hang on to yourfaith and be blessed.

Healing Is Coming

My dear one, I placed My desire into your heart and gave you a word manyyears ago that I would one day flow through you with My power to healthe sick. This word is still alive and will in fact find its fulfillment in yourlife very soon. I know that right now you are also in need of healing, and Iwant you to know that healing is indeed coming for you, and through thismiracle you will receive greater faith to pray for many others.

 You have been heavily restricted most of your life so that I could shape Myheart in you and share my compassion with you for those that suffer, and I

even used some of your problems to hobble you so that you would settledown and not be able to run off when things got tough. Now yourpreparation is complete and you will be fully restored and empowered inevery way so that you can be totally ready for the work just ahead.

Pray for all that I send to you and I will indeed heal them. Preach the greatmessage of My salvation and kingdom to all who see, hear, and experiencemy power to heal. Trust that healing is coming for you very soon and thatthis is not your day to die, but rather your day to live and be healed sothat many others might also be healed. Rise up this day My love andreceive by faith the fulfillment of My words of healing for you.

Honor and Blessing

My dear faithful servant, I am well aware of the depleted state that younow exist in because of the wilderness. I know you feel broken and spentand too used up to ever be restored, but you are thinking in human terms.I am able to take your used up life and breath new life into every area thatappears to be very dead and lifeless. I am able to take your apparentdishonor and shame and turn it into great honor and blessing.

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 You sacrificed your life when you went into the wilderness and now youknow that that death is very real and very deep. You have lived like aghost still in a body able to view your life passing by you but actually thiswas not death but rather transformation. Like the caterpillar you havestayed in a cocoon, but now you have been completely changed into abeautiful spiritual butterfly that will indeed fly and be shown off by Me.

Though you have felt ugly, old, and used up, I can transform your life in aday and change everything. Have faith that I want to do this for you, not

 just for others, and that I am very aware of your suffering. You are notsmall, but rather you are spiritually tall. Did you honestly think that Iwould just leave you in your cave to die? I would not! Be obedient andtake fresh hope for I will indeed give you honor and blessing very soon.

Honor For Disgrace

My dear one, you have had to bear a lifetime of restriction and reproach,but the day has now come where I will trade your disgrace for honor, andyour shame with favor. You must understand that these difficultcircumstances were only allowed in your life in order to shape your heartand character into My heart and character so that I could help manypeople through you. I know how humbling this process has been for you,but it is only the truly humble that I exalt, because any pride left can spoileverything.

I have heard your many sighs My love, and I have seen the many tears rolldown your cheeks over the painful situation you have had to live in for so

long, but I want you to know that I have not forgotten you, nor have Icursed or rejected you. What you have gone through is the same thingthat many of My faithful servants throughout history have gone throughto gain Me. There are many stories of faith yet to be added to My book,and in these last days you will see many mighty people of faith and valor.

I will do all I that I have promised for you, and I will vindicate My work inyour life before those who have wrongly judged and ridiculed you. Only behumble My dear one and show love and mercy where it would be easy tosay I told you so. Use all that I bless you with to preach My gospel and tolead those in need to Me. Fear not, for you will not go forward in lack, butrather you will go forward full of every good thing that you need. Take

new hope, for this is the day that I trade honor for disgrace in your life.

Humbled To Be Exalted

My dear one, I have seen you grieving over your life because of howdifferent it has been from most others people's lives and what you were

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denied. But I would tell you this day that you were humbled in your life sothat I could one day exalt you to a place of great service by Me to helpmany people just like My servant Joseph was. My servant Joseph suffereda lifetime of humiliation and rejection to prepare him for the great officehe would one day occupy that would end up saving and helping manydesperate and needy people. He bore great humiliation and reproach to do

My will.

So you too have lived a lifetime of restriction, rejection, and painful loss,but I would tell you that it is not because you are cursed, but ratherbecause you are just being prepared to be raised up to serve at a highlevel. I have called you to walk in My power and in My blessing and thesegifts require great humility and genuine submission to Me alone. Justbecause you have not yet seen my blessing does not mean that it will notcome because it will indeed come very soon. Be encouraged this day Myloved one and grieve no more, for you will soon rise from the dungeon tothe throne room.

I Am Able to Keep and Restore You

I have felt the sorrow and mourning in your heart, because you have said "I am too

old now, and my life has been all used up in this wilderness, it is too late for me to

ever be restored or used". I would tell you this day, that I am able to keep you, and

restore you no matter how many years you have spent in this wilderness. And you

will see, that your end, will be so much greater than anything you could have built

through your own plans.

I am even able to slow your aging and keep you fertile, even as Joshua and Caleb

were kept young and strong through their long years in their wilderness time. I am

also able to put lands and finances into your hands, that are already established. I

am able to give you offspring, even as I did for Abraham and Sarah at their old age.

I am able and willing to do for you, what I did for My servants of old who also placed

their trust in Me.

Know this day, that I am the God who is able to keep and sustain. I am the God who

creates everything from nothing. Do not look for your answers through human

ways, but rather look for your answers through My power, and My ways. Trust in Mygreat love for you. Would you withhold any good thing from your children? I just had

to grow you up first, so that you would be responsible, and have the right motives

for receiving it all.

So, know this day, that you are not too old, and you are not too broken or used up,

for Me to restore and use in this harvest. These years you followed Me were not

wasted in vain. I deliberately restricted you from advancing in the world, so you

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your every need. I am perfecting you daily, shaping you into My image. I love you,

My child. You are precious to Me. Keep on keeping on. Persevere, for I have given

you the keys of the kingdom. Walk in My joy.

"I Am Still With You"

My dear one, I have seen you worrying about many things these days, and because

you have not felt My presence as much as usual lately, you have been wondering

whether I am still with you as much as before, and I would tell you this day, "I am

still with you". I have just been weening you off of some of the usual outside things

so that you will begin to come closer and seek Me on the inside through a much

deeper and more intimate time of prayer.

Like My friend Martha in My word, you have allowed yourself to become verydistracted by many outside problems and needs, but also like her, the answer to all

that you seek can be found while sitting at My feet. I understand that you have not

found prayer that rewarding in the past, but I want to lead you into a more intimate

and satisfying way of communicating with Me where you can hear My voice more

clearly and distinguish My voice from all others.

I would call you this day to cease your striving and struggling, and to just come

before Me and pray. Worship Me and be willing to listen more and I will indeed

speak to you. Allow Me to cleanse you from all sin, and repent of anything that

could block your fellowship with Me. My heart is to restore and empower you, so

come with just the desire of knowing Me more and I will meet with you. So doubt no

longer My love, because I am still very much with you.

"I Am Who I Said I Am" 

My dear one, you have reached a place in the road where you feel like youare ready to drop and that I have abandoned you. I have not. I am stillwith you just as much now as ever even though you do not see Me doingwhat you think I should be doing right now. I would tell you this day tocontinue to put your trust in Me because I am still completely aware of your needs and problems and they will be taken care of at the proper timein the proper way. Always know my love that I Am who I said I am.

Like John the Baptist in prison, his circumstances were screaming at himto doubt me and the evil one whispered in his ear that I had abandonedhim, but I sent people back to tell him that I am who I said I am, and thisday I am doing the same thing for you. You must hang on to who you knowthat I Am this day my dear one for surely you will be released from your

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prison of pain and need very soon so hang on and do not give up or give into sin. Know that I love you dearly and that help is on the way.

"I Just Can't Do This Anymore!" 

My dear one, I know that you are weary and I have heard you say "I justcan't do this anymore!", but I would tell you this day to hang on because Iwill indeed be breaking through very soon on your behalf. This is a timewhere you will just have to trust in who I am alone because everythingelse around you will tell you to doubt and to give up. Even My servant Jobwent through such tests but He found strength in Me.

Think back and remember all of the times that I have helped you. Did Igive up on you then? No I didn't, so why would I give up on you now? Iwould not. Your faith must rest in my faithfulness and not in what I do ordon't do for you. You must trust Me all of the time and not just part of it.When you are weary spend time with me rather than repeating what evilspirits are whispering into your ears and your faith will increase.

Many wonderful and exciting things lay just ahead for you so continue totrust Me all the way up to their revealing rather than feeling ashamed thatyou grumbled before they came. I love you dearly and I am with you. I toldyou that I would never leave you and I will not. This is a new day for youMy child and you are beginning a whole new exciting part of your life.Continue to trust in Me to the end and you will be blessed.

I Will Bless you Financially

To my precious child in whom I delight and call "Friend". Over the years Ihave taught you much about walking in faith for all your needs byrestricting you financially and by putting you into positions where youabsolutely needed a miracle from me to meet your needs. I also taughtyou to receive from those with less than you, and to give to those withmore than you, which created humility and exposed any hidden prideconcerning your motives for giving and receiving. Although you got scaredwhen I did not do some things in the way or the timing that you thought Ishould, you still persevered and determined to trust in me no matter what

to wait upon me for my manna, and to not turn back to Egypt for yourprovision. Faith comes through need.

Now we have entered into a new time and a new day where I am callingyou to sow once again, for you are now entering into your promised landof abundance that I promised you so long ago, but you must be obedientand keep your eyes upon me as I bless and increase you financially. Theday of just enough is over, and now I will give you more than enough to

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live on and to meet the needs of others. I would call you to meet theneeds of many in a time of soon coming famine just like my servant Josephdid in Egypt long ago. I would call you to make a place for all I will send toyou and to not only meet their needs financially, but especially spiritually.The focus must remain upon me and the message that my kingdom andsalvation have come for all people.

It delights me to bless you my child and I will keep all the words andpromises I have spoken to you so long ago. I do this not only to meet yourneeds, but also to vindicate you and to make you an example to many whowant to receive from me. I will give you an increase and then see how yourespond to it so that you have time to adjust to it, then I will give youmore and more as you are obedient and responsible with what I place intoyour hands. Remember that all things come from my hand and I give themto whom I will. Freely you have received, so freely give. Remember thepoor and needy and do not allow the wolves to devour that which I haveentrusted to you. Allow yourself to believe again my child, and fan intoflame the old promises I have given to you to bless you, because in not toomany days you will see my miracles.

I Will Breathe New Life Into Your Vision

My dear precious Child, I know you are weary, I know you feel like there isno strength or faith left in you to believe again in the words and vision Ihave spoken to you so long ago. I know you have seen many false starts,and then you see what little that seems to get built fly away before yourdisappointed eyes. You have become discouraged and despondent, and

now you sit too weak to stand up even one more time. Now in yourweakness and your inability, you will see that I am able to breathe new lifeinto the vision that I have given you, and that there is nothing you can doin your own strength to ever create or generate what I have called you todo. You will see and believe that all your strength and all your abilitycomes only from My strength and My ability.

Even as Joseph lay in the dark prison after so long, you too have waited inyour time of loneliness and isolation, and you have said "what's the use inall this, it always comes to nothing", but I would tell you this day, that Ihave wrought a death in you, so that My new life can be breathed intoyou. And even as Joseph finally gave up his striving and surrendered to my

sovereignty, now you have come to the end of your striving and plans.Now you will see that like Joseph, My power and words, can also take youfrom the prison to the palace, in just a day. I would call you this day, totrust in who I Am, and in My heart of love. I Am the same God that soughtyou out and saved you. I Am the same God that filled you with My Spirit,and set you before my people to minister My words to them. I Am thesame God who has never left your side, not even for a second, during thislong period of purification, and transformation.

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I have pruned you down to the roots, so that I could heal you at the rootlevel. I needed every area of your heart and life examined and exposed, sothat there would be no area or place of weakness that the enemy couldexploit once I began to move you forward in greater power and anointing.Even as Joseph trusted in who I Am, I want you to trust that I am able tobring new life into that which seems as though it is utterly dead. Do not

look at the desolation of your wilderness, but rather look at what I havechanged in you without the normal distractions of life. Look at thestability of character you now have, and look at My heart that has beenfully formed in you. Even now, My breath is blowing, and what youthought was dead will now thrive with new life. Even now, new rains of mySpirit are beginning to fall upon the dry ground you thought was too fargone to ever bear fruit again. You are My secret weapon hidden for thisday and this hour, trust in Me, and know that you have overcome throughMy subtle daily workings.

"I Will Revive Your Old Gift" 

My dear one, for many years I had you operate in a certain gift, but then Ihad you lay this gift down for a season while I purified, prepared, andpruned you to be able to bear more and better fruit. Although you did notunderstand why all of the sudden you did not feel like operating in yourold familiar gift, you did in fact obey and lay it down, but now the day hascome to revive this old gift, so be willing to take it back up again.

I will not only be reviving this old gift, but I will also enhance it far beyondwhat it was before, because now you have completed all the work 

necessary on the foundation of your life for me to bring a greateranointing upon it. I will reveal Myself through your gift like never before,and heaven will pour through it upon the earth around everyone near it.This is what you have longed for because this is what I have longed forthrough you.

Do not be afraid to pick this old gift back up again, because I will pour afresh grace upon it as you do. I will fellowship closely with you throughyour gift and we will walk in a much greater intimacy together because amuch wider channel of communication has now been opened up for you.So My love, take up your old gift and I will breathe new life into it. I willrevive your old gift and make it new and wonderful for all to enjoy.

"I Will Vindicate You" 

My dear child, you have reached your day of restoration and blessing and Iwill be vindicating the work that I have done in your life before those whohave wrongly judged and accused you. But I want you to remember thisday my dear one that it is I who will vindicate you and that you should not

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rise up in your own power or strength to try to justify yourself in front of your accusers. I would call you to wait and be silent even though youcould stand up on your own behalf and say that I told you so. Allow Me tobe the one who makes things right and remain in a state of love, humility,and grace.

Even My servant Joseph waited for Me to vindicate him even though hehad the power to go and vindicate himself before his brothers, and I wouldcall you to do the same thing this day. Remember that I even used what

 Joseph's brothers did to lead him into his destiny. There have been somepeople in your past that although they judged and rejected you unfairly, itpushed you toward the calling you now stand in today. So My love, behumble and gracious when I vindicate you and forgive your accusers. Ihave seen your sacrifice and obedience and now I will allow all to see it.

"It's Closer Than You Think" 

My dear child, you have waited long and endured much to prepare forwhat I wanted to give you and do through you, and now you stand at thethreshold of its revealing. I know that you are afraid to believe even onemore time because you are afraid of being disappointed, but I would tellyou this day that your blessing is closer than you think. Though youcannot see it, it is standing right in front of you and will soon appear so beready and believing when your day of breakthrough arrives, for it is rightat your door.

This blessing will change everything about your life in a moment and one

day your life will be one way, and the next day it will all be different. Youwill remember this old life but it will be like a dream to you compared tothe many new things I will be doing. Be of good cheer this day My childand be depressed no more, for I am the God of sudden changes, andsuddenly everything is about to change for you for the better. Onlyremember all that I have taught you and continue to be humble andobedient

"It's Not Over Yet!" 

My dear one, I know you are going through a difficult time right now andyou are being tempted to compare your life to other peoples lives and look at what other people do or do not have compared to you, but I would tellyou this day my child, "It's not over yet!" You have been speaking of things as though they are finished and they are not. Just because youhave not broken though to the other side do not think that it will neverhappen because it will. But you must hang on right now and not give up!

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 Your life has been very different from other peoples lives so it is a mistaketo compare yourself to others. You have been set apart and like Abrahamand Sarah you have walked by faith and followed a course that I have setyou on. You have a greater blessing than other people so do not allow thelies of the evil one to lead you into doubt and depression. Praise and givethanks to Me and you will come out of this dark time as you reaffirm your

trust in Me and hang on to everything I have told you.

 You are on the verge of the greatest breakthrough in your life My love and just because someone digs a big long tunnel doesn't mean that they giveup just before they finally break through to the other side. Just a few morestrikes with the pick and you will see daylight. Your joy in breakingthrough to your blessing will be much greater than the gloom you are nowin. Get up my love and push through to the other side! Your greatestvictory comes when you absolutely refuse to give in to defeat!

It's Time for Great Battle and Abundant Harvest 

My dear one, you have labored hard over the years allowing me to changeyou and to prepare you for both battle and harvest, and behold that dayhas come for not just you, but for all of my Body. I place now My sword inone of your hands, and My sickle in the other, and I would tell you this dayto go forth into battle to conquer and to reap My harvest at the sametime. This is the day where all that you have sown will come back to youmany fold and everywhere you look there will be both battle and harvestand you will marvel at the great victories and super-abundance of fruitthat will come.

I have given you My rod of authority to lead and to conquer andaccomplish all that I command you to do in the earth, so go forth and donot be afraid or dismayed. I am looking over My battle plans right now andI am assigning my children places to conquer and to reap at the sametime. I am delighted to bring you into this time of great victory andabundant harvest my child, and I have been preparing you all of your lifefor this very moment in history. Though you may feel weary and spent,though you may not feel ready, I will do and be all that you need to do andbe in this great day.

But I would admonish you my dear one to keep your robe extra clean in

this day, for many more eyes will be watching you and many more earswill be listening to you. I would call you to walk as one with your brothersand sisters and to let Me fill you up with My fresh love and power everyday. You must come to Me as your Commander and Lord of the Harvestevery day for fresh orders and fresh instructions as to how to proceed.Rejoice and be glad my cherished one, for this is the day of great victoryand great harvest, and everywhere you look you will see great success inall that you do.

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 Just Because I Love You

My dear one, I am going to be blessing you and performing great miracles in your

life in the days just ahead, and I wanted you to know beforehand that I do these

things not because of your efforts or righteousness, but simply because I love you.

Also I want you to know that I am not limited in any way by your age, your

problems, or any other circumstance of your life, and I can do things simply because

I choose to do so. There are no restrictions for Me, so expect Me to do not just the

ordinary, but the very extraordinary. I can make your life anything I want it to be, so

nothing is ever too late.

I delight in blessing you dear one, and even as I have had you bear the reproaches

of going through the humiliating circumstances of the wilderness in front of many

people that misjudged you in various ways, so I also enjoy blessing you in front of 

those same people so that I can honor you and show Myself faithful to all who wait

for My help. Your very reproaches will be turned into great testimonies after I act on

your behalf, and what was once an embarrassing burden to bear, will now become a

great trophy of My goodness and faithfulness to all those who serve Me with a

whole heart.

I have heard you say in your heart "All I ever get are prophetic words, but nothing

ever seems to happen". I give you prophetic words to encourage you in the truths

that I have spoken so that you will continue to embrace My truth in challenging

times. My words are just as true now as they were when I first spoke them, but

sometimes there is much preparation involved before I do something in your life

that will require great responsibility and accountability on your part. So know thatthe miracles I now do are just because I love you, and know also that I am not

limited in what I can do for you.

  Just You And Me 

My dear one, all of your life you have been connected to and dependentupon certain people that I have used to help you, or used you to helpthem. But now you have reached a place of being a mature servant of thekingdom, and I want you to know and understand that all you need in lifeis Me alone, and together we can accomplish all that needs to be done.

If I add to, or take away people from your life it is always for a goodreason, and some of these people you will want to hang onto, and othersyou will want to get away from, but you must accept those I send, and alsothose whom I take away, because My focus will always be to help you, andnever to hurt you. Your spiritual growth will involve many differentpeople.

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So as you now take your first steps into this last great harvest of souls inthe earth, I want you to keep in mind that it is just you and Me andwhoever else I allow to be part of your life. Hold on to people very loosely,but hang on to Me very tightly, because I alone died for you and I aloneam everything you will ever need. So remember My love, it is just you andMe.

Keep Sailing Straight 

My dear one, you have reached a place in your journey where you cannotsee what lies ahead of you, and I would call you this day to just keepwalking forward and I will guide your steps to the right place that youneed to arrive at next. Though you may feel blind right now with littledirection, I can see where you are at and where you need to go, so trustMe to lead you even though you cannot currently see the path ahead.

There will be times just like this where you will feel little leading ordirection to know what to do next, but I will still call you to just walk inobedience and to trust in Me to be your eyes and ears when yours don'tseem to be working. You have grown much in faith over the years, butthere will still be times when I will test and purify your faith to make surethat it is still Me, and not your own understanding that you are trusting in.

Like a ship that enters the fog I would call you to just keep sailing straightright now and to trust Me to be your compass when you cannot see theway forward. Do not drop anchor because you are making good progresseven though you may not see it. I know the course for your long journey

ahead and I will guide your voyage as you trust Me. So My love, just keepsailing straight and you will arrive safely at your next port.

Keep Trusting Me 

My dear one, you have been working and waiting for some things from Me,and you have been tempted to give up because you have not seen themcome to pass for so long now. But I would tell you to keep trusting Me,and to not give up because your breakthrough will come very soon if youkeep working and waiting patiently. My most precious gold comes only

after much searching and digging, but you will soon find it.

These times are like labor pains, and you will just have to keep pushingbecause in good time this thing will indeed be birthed into this world. Yourpromise is real and just like a human baby that you cannot see but stillexists even before it is born, so your promise is just as real even thoughyou have not seen it born yet. So keep looking to Me and it will come topass because I have declared it would be so very very long ago.

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 You do not need to keep striving because I have heard you, and what Iwould require of you this day is just to fully repent, to fully forgive people,and to seek Me more in prayer so that you can learn to hear My voicebetter. It will be your full readiness and complete cooperation that opensthe door for these miracles, not your worrying. So keep trusting Me andsoon you will see the fulfillment of these long awaited promises.

Keep Your Hands On The Plow 

My dear one, for many years now we have been plowing up the field of your life and heart together, so that all that hinders and distracts in it canbe removed and a great bumper crop of fruit can be grown upon it. But Iknow that you have become a bit more weary than usual lately, and I alsoknow that you have been more tempted than usual to look back andpossibly take your hands off of the plow and find something else to dowith your life. I would tell you this day My love to keep plowing andlooking forward.

I want you to know My dear child, that I am and always have been veryaware of all the challenges and problems that you have dealt with duringthis difficult time. I also know that these challenges have been quitesevere at times, but this does not mean that I have forgotten or forsakenyou in any way. Things had to be very limited during this time so that youwould focus only upon preparing your field, and not on the usual cares of this world. Anything more added would have just slowed down yourprogress.

I realize that you have had to watch many people and opportunities passyou by on the sides of your field, and some of these things were veryimportant to you. But I also know that what I have planned for you aheadwill be well worth it in the end, not only for you, but for many I want tohelp through you. Rather than focusing upon what you were denied, Iwant you to focus upon all of the good things that I have created in youand set you free from. These are eternal treasures that can never be takenfrom you.

How many obstacles can we afford to leave in your field My love? If Irushed things and left them there it would not only hinder you later, butalso anyone else who was working in your field. I am very thorough in

what I do, so continue to be patient to the very end and you will be gladyou did. It has been your spiritual development that has been mostimportant all along. So rejoice, for a great crop will be grown on the fieldof your life. Keep your hands on the plow and looking forward, for soonyou will be done.

Keep Your Peace 

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My dear one, very soon I will be doing many wonderful new miracles inyour life and things will become very busy with many new people wantingto be joined to you. I would encourage you today to take things slowly andto keep your peace at all times. It will appear that you will have muchmore freedom to make decisions and to help many, but you must wait andbe patient with each particular situation and allow Me to instruct you in

what to do. The evil one pressures, but My directions come with peace.

There will also be people that will come and try to distract and to stealwhat I have placed into your hands, but if you stay close to Me and spendtime with Me every day you will have no problem identifying those whom Ihave given you and those who would hinder. Remember how Joshua wasfooled by the Gibeonites and learn from it. Do not fear what you are aboutto face My loved one, because it is full of joy and blessing and I speak toyou today to help you to make it through this time without suffering loss.

Let The Offense Go Now

My dear one, you have held on to an old offense for far too long now andalthough you have made good progress in trying to let it go, you still keepthinking about it and allowing the pain, anger, and bitterness to flare upagain. I would call you this day to let the wound go once and for all and towalk in the truth I have shown you concerning this matter. I saw whathappened to you and I have also seen what you have done to otherpeople, and yet I have forgiven you and even helped others to forgive yoursin.

When you hold on to an offense it defiles your heart and then My lovecannot flow through you as easily. I would also call you this day My childto release all the anger you have carried against Me. The evil one has liedto you and told you that I don't really care about you and that I do nottreat you right. Remember my love that I am the same God that soughtyou out and saved you in your dire state, so why would I want to mistreatyou? You must trust in my goodness and let go of all these lies.

This is your day to stand and to rise, and not a day to hang on to the painof the past. It is time to come out of your prison of fear and unforgivenessand to walk forward in my love and mercy. Are you willing to let go of death and embrace life? I know that you want to. Only say the word and I

will help you to do this. You cannot take your bitterness with you where Iam leading you, so I would tell you again to release it and to walk forwardwith Me. Allow me to cover and heal your old wound My love and do notpick at it anymore. Your life begins anew when you choose to forgive.

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Listen To My Voice

My Child, do not believe the lies of the evil one. He has tried to tellyou that you have made a grave mistake by allowing Me to take you intothe wilderness. He has said that "You've wasted and ruined your life,"that you are doomed, and that it is too late now to ever restore all

that has been dismantled. He spoke these same words to My children intheir tents in the wilderness long ago, and some of them wept in thenight, and I listened to their cries. They believed these lies thatdemons magnified, and bitterly grumbled against Me.

I do not lead someone into the wilderness to die, but to live, and beprepared to do great things on the Earth for My purposes and glory. Itransform you in the wilderness so that I can trust you with My powerand resources, so that you can help others selflessly, and powerfully.

I am the God of restoration, and although in your mind, you havewondered

how things could ever be restored after such apparent decimation, youwill see that My restoration and blessings are supernatural, and willgive you an end much greater than what you would have built on your own

back in Egypt.

Take heart, and remember how I have kept you miraculously in thiswilderness. I pulled you out of the world and fed you with My ravensand secret waters. You asked Me for faith, so I put you into a positionwhere you could no longer meet your own needs in the natural, and youwere forced to trust Me. You did not go hungry, and you did not endup homeless. I have cared for you.

Trust Me, that if I lead you into the wilderness that I have planned tolead you out. The time you spend in the wilderness is up to you. If youcooperate wholeheartedly with My Spirit, your time will be short. Do notlet the lies of the evil one enter your heart. Listen only to My voice.Remember all the great things I have done for you in the past, and how Ibrought you up out of Egypt and out of it's bondage and turmoil.

 You have entered My rest, so continue to walk in what I have taught you.Continue to trust Me, even though your circumstances seem to look likeyou are a failure. I shut down the outside, so that I can work on theinside. You needed to be as undistracted as possible, so that I couldbring you through this time of transformation much more quickly.

I love you; My words always give you peace and hope. Any other word hasnot come from Me. You know My voice; listen to it, and keep your faithas I lead you into your new place of service and blessing.

Look For The New 

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My dear one, I want you to begin to look ahead of you toward the manynew things that I want to bring into your life. For many years now, youhave kept your focus on a lot of the old things that you lost from your pastduring your long years of wilderness. But now it is critical that you let allof the past go, and that you allow Me to bring many new things into yourlife.

I know that many of these old things from your past are very important toyou, and I have not forgotten about even one of these very valuablethings. But you have held on to these old things so tightly that it couldhinder the new things from coming to you. Let all of these old things gonow, and trust Me to bring back whatever is truly part your wonderful newfuture.

Expect more changes to continue My dear one, because I need to break you out of many old ways, and old familiar things that you have foundmuch security in. The wilderness was never meant to be a long termhome, it was only intended to be a place of change. You like the Israelitesmust now abandon your wilderness and enter into your promised landministry.

 You have done your best to make peace with your past, and that isenough, but now you must leave all of these old things in my hands only,and allow me to decide what can return. You are now stepping into abrand new phase of your life My love, so look no longer to what is behind,but rather keep your eyes focused ahead of you toward the new things Iwill bring.

My Hand Will Move

My dear one, for many years now you have sought My face while living ononly the bare minimum, but now you have reached a day where you willsee not only My face but also My hand. You have been faithful to do what Ihave asked you to do every day but you have been severely depleted inthe process and now you need to be restored and replenished. You havebeen very patient and long-suffering and now your day of blessing andabundance has come. You have been faithful with little so now you will begiven much so that you can truly abound in every good work that I giveyou to do.

But I would caution you this day My love to be thankful for what I havegiven you, rather than complaining about what it seems that you havebeen denied. You have entered a dangerous time where you will have toguard your heart, mind, and mouth from entertaining the lies of the evilone. Even though it seems like you have less than others you are actuallyrich because I have given you the secrets of the Kingdom which are trueand lasting treasures. So speak only words of thanksgiving and do not

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grumble dear one, for My hand will surely move on your behalf in not toomany days.

My Will Is Indeed To Bless You 

My dear one, I have seen you question whether or not My heart is to blessyou in life, and I want to make things absolutely clear this day that My willis indeed to bless you, and never to curse you. You have often comparedyour life to the lives of others around you and supposed that you weresomehow cursed and not loved and valued by Me as much as them, butthat is simply just not true. I have dealt with you differently from the verybeginning because I wanted to shape your heart into one that would lovelike Mine does, and one that would walk in all of My ways, and not justsome of them.

I would call you this day dear one, to turn away from all habits of disobedience that have limited Me from releasing My full blessing andpower upon your life. What good would it do Me to take the restrictionsaway from your life and bless you if you are not yet ready to walk in fullobedience before Me? What I have planned for you to do in the harvestwill require full obedience, not just partial obedience. If you continue towalk in disobedience simply because you mistakenly think you are alreadycursed, you will only be creating the very problem that you are trying toavoid. Trust and obey My love.

This is a day when all of My people will be required to repent of alldisobedience and walk completely righteous before Me. No person will

escape My day of correction and holiness, so make the decision today tofully cooperate with what I require of you, and forsake all that has beenhindering you from moving ahead. I will help you as you take each stepforward to get rid of all remaining hindrances, but you must go beyondmere words, and take firm action. I can only steer a moving object. My dayof blessing has come My love, so rise up this day and just know that Mywill is indeed to bless you.

Neither One Of Us Has Failed 

My dear one, you have experienced some severe spiritual warfare latelywhere you have become discouraged because the evil one has beenwhispering into your ear and telling you that both you and I havesomehow failed because there has been so many perplexing situationsthat took place in your life that seemed to end in failure. This is simply notthe case My love, and neither one of us has failed at all. Reject these liesand hang on to the truth that My plan will always lead to good andblessing in the end.

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I have allowed some very extraordinary situations to take place in your lifebecause you needed to be prepared for the most challenging time inhistory. Your life has not just been a series of failures, it has been a seriesof critical lessons meant to help develop your faith and to prepare you foryour very demanding future calling. Many of My people throughout historyhave lived lives that didn't seem to make a lot of sense at the time, but I

see all that needs to happen in someone's life to fully prepare them.

If you read through to the end of many of My people's lives of faith theytoo doubted and questioned themselves and Me at different times, butalso you can see in the end that neither I, nor they failed in any way. Manyapparent failures are actually My plans for future successes through Me,so you can either choose to doubt My plans, or you can choose to continueto trust Me and see the great ending I have planned for you. Know thisday My love, that neither one of us has failed, so trust Me to the very end.

Overdue Pregnancy 

My dear one, I know that you are feeling like the road you have been onfor so long has ended and now you have run out of road and are aimlesslywondering around, but I would tell you this day to hang on because I willindeed lead you forward. You have been spiritually pregnant for manyyears with the promise and calling I have placed on your life but now itfeels like the pregnancy is way overdue and you just want and need tohave the baby born and I would say that your promise will indeed bebirthed.

 You must remember that I only allow someone to become pregnant withsomething that can indeed be born. What you have been carrying for solong will not be aborted but will indeed find life in this world. Rather thanthinking that this baby will never be born keep in mind that you are closernow than ever to its birth and like a normal birth its delivery will comesuddenly when you do not expect it. Try to be patient in these lastmoments rather than complaining and it will make this last time morebearable.

Though you feel that there is nothing left in you right now to hang on Iwould call you to come and seek Me. There is no need to flounder indespair when you can come and talk to Me and let Me tell you what is

happening. Try not to take your frustrations out on others, but ratherkeep your peace if you are tempted to lash out. Read my word andworship Me and it will save you from getting into your flesh. I know youare weary of carrying this spiritual baby but your promise is not overdueand will be born.

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Pass The Test Now 

My dear one, for many years now I have been working with you to showyou some of the weak areas in your character and behavior that need tochange. At first you thought that it was all just an attack from the evilone, but now you can see that there are in fact some legitimate problem

areas that need to be corrected in your life. I have even used some peoplenear you to help test you in order to give you the opportunity to learn todo the right thing. But I only allowed these things in order to truly helpyou.

The day has now come My love for you to go forward and these weak areas can no longer just be set aside. I have sent yet another retest andyou must now master this thing, take responsibility for your part in it, anddo the right thing consistently, so that you can finally pass the test and goforward. As you can see now I am not going to budge concerning yourbeing fully prepared, so the best thing that you can do is just respondconsistently the right way when the test comes, and you will indeed passit.

Everything in My kingdom operates on the basic principle of love, and anythought, word, or action that takes place that is not mixed with My love iseventually addressed and transformed until it is. You have learned how tolove those who love you, but there are still some that have not treatedyou right, so you do not show them love in return. In My kingdom we learnto show love to all people regardless of how they behave, and we alwayskeep in mind that all people are at different stages of growth andmaturity.

 You have made so much progress already My dear one, and I know that inyour heart you just want to do the right thing and live fully obediently toMe. I know that you have used these wrong behaviors just to protectyourself, but that is a lie. I will protect you if you really need it. I haveplanned to use you in a mighty way so none of these shortcomings canremain. How many weak areas can you afford to take forward with you?This is your day to pass the test now My love, so pass it and let's moveforward.

Prepare for Jericho 

My dear Child, you have done well in your time of preparation, and youkept your ears and heart open to My voice. No matter what was going onaround you, or what people said to discourage you, you kept your focus onMe, and made consistent progress in your everyday growth. Now it is timeto begin what I have prepared you for, but there are a few things that Ineed to tell you before we go forward, so that you can remain in Me, andbear good fruit.

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I would call you this day, to walk in all that I that I have shown you, and tohave stability and consistency in the good foundation I have built in you.We are going forward, and I am happy and pleased to do this, but I wantyou to do what is right and walk in truth, even when you feel weary, ortempted to sin. There will be many days up ahead that will be very busy,but you must remember that you will only remain strong during a day, if 

you spend good time with Me.

I am sending you forward to your next assignment, and I want you toremember what happened in Jericho. They were obedient to My directionand they waited for My power to bring the victory. They marched as agroup, and not as individuals. You need your Brothers and Sisters, to beable to win the victory. You cannot, and should not, try to do this alone.Keep your clothes clean, and keep your eyes and ears upon Me, and all thebarriers ahead will fall.

 You will see temptations along the way, but I have already trained youhow to make the right decisions. Trust me, and practice obedience. Thereis no room for disobedience in the great conquest I am calling you to, foryour enemy will try to distract you will old temptations. Cry out to Me andothers for help, if this happens, and do not try to beat it alone. I trainedyou to walk in truth in the wilderness, so that you could live that wayeveryday in the promised land.

 Your daily obedience will open the new doors to what I am calling you todo. I am leading you into abundance, and you will remember what it waslike to live on manna, but you will not eat of it, anymore. I will heal andrestore all that needs to be healed and restored. Though you have waitedfor so long, you will wait no longer. Open your heart and mind to the new

things I will do, and be willing to let go of whatever old things that I sayyou are finished with. Look to Me.

Do not be afraid, if I was with you in the wilderness, how much more will Ibe with you as you battle to possess the new land I am sending you to? Ihave great plans to use you. I seek to show my goodness to My creationthrough you, so that they would know Me, and be saved. Even as a goodson, cares about what his father cares about, know this day, that My heartcares for all the heartbroken, fearful, and needy. I hear their cries, andsend you to help them.

Prepare For Much Change 

My dear one, I am allowing your normal routine and schedule to bedestabilized right now because I want you to prepare for many newchanges that I am bringing into your life. There are certain things that Ihave supported in the past that I am no longer supporting because those

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works are now complete and finished. So I need you to not be afraid to letgo of the old ways and works so that the new can come in their place.

Like a tree that gets pruned, so I am pruning your life right now andanything that has been sucking the strength and energy out of your dayand producing little fruit, I will now cut off. Only you must not fight or

wrestle with Me when I cut a branch off just because you like how it looksand have gotten used to it. I am pruning you so that you can bear abumper crop of new fruit, more and better fruit than you can now imagine.

Repent of everything that has been hindering your ability to be used byMe and let go of anything or anyone that I am finished with in your life.

 You have been faithful and obedient in the old things that I asked you todo, but those old things have gotten too familiar to you and couldinterfere with the many new things that I am bringing. So My love, let goof the old and embrace the new, for it is time to prepare for much change.

Prepare Yourself  

My dear one, I have had you in a waiting mode because you are about toreceive a fresh outpouring of My Holy Spirit. Even as the disciples waitedin the upper room for My Spirit to fall so you too have felt this same senseof anticipation and expectation. But I would call you this day to prepareyourself for My visitation by repenting of all sin and by forgiving everyoneafresh for any offenses they have committed against you.

Do not be weary in your waiting or allow old things to creep back in and

cause problems for you because I do not want you to be ashamed in theday of My visitation. I am coming to anoint you with My power andauthority to go into the world and reap this great harvest of souls. MySpirit will not delay so do not be caught unprepared or unaware for I willindeed come very soon and my power and blessing comes with Me.

Press Through! 

My dear loved one, I know that you feel weary and spent right now, but Iwould call you this day to press through no matter what you may feel,

think, or see right now. Do not be afraid to push hard on these last fewcontractions to birth what I have called you to receive so many years ago.Many mothers feel their weariest in the end but the relief and joy thatthey experience when the baby is finally born is worth all the pain. Youtoo have gone through a long spiritual pregnancy, but your due date hasarrived.

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Give no place to doubt, unbelief, or apathy right now because my eyes areupon you testing to see whether you will step forward when everythingelse around you tells you to give up and that you are wasting your time.

 You see, when I speak a thing into existence it lives from the moment Ispeak it and it is up to you to do the preparation to grow into receiving it.

 You are now ready to receive what I promised you so I would tell you again

this day to press through my child, and you will soon dance with joy!

Remain Steadfast and Faithful 

My dear one, you may be experiencing some challenges in yourrelationships in the coming days and weeks, but rather than being quick to judge and rejecting those that offend you I would have you to remainsteadfast and faithful to Me, and to those I have called you to walk with.In times past you have allowed yourself to become easily offended and

you have closed yourself off from those that hurt you, but I need you tocontinue to be loving and accepting especially during times of testing andwarfare.

If someone offends you I want you to come to Me in prayer and let Mespeak truth to you and give you understanding as to the source of theproblem. Pray for those that say hurtful things, rather than talking toeveryone else about what happened and being cool toward your offender.The days ahead will have many opportunities to become easily offendedso I want you to learn to be more forgiving and to maintain a true lovetoward those that hurt you. This is a sign of maturity that you love thosethat hurt you.

When challenges come I would call you to be patient, kind, and slow toanger, not to react impulsively when a misunderstanding arises. I amcalling you up higher to a place where you have thicker skin whensomeone offends you. I would also call you to wait for Me to speak truthinto your conflict, rather than just judging by what you see on the surface.By being steadfast and faithful during times of testing and difficulty youwill maintain the unity and love that I have called you to walk in and showto everyone.

Remember Me, in the New Land You are Entering 

 You have worked hard and done well, you did not withhold anything fromMy hand when I required it, although you were a little hesitant in letting afew of your more precious loves go, you still released them into My handeventually. Now I in turn, will withhold no good thing from your hand. Iwill give you all that you need to take the land I am sending you to, onlybeware, you can only take this land by My plans, and by My power, and

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remember that all I have taught you must be adhered to carefully. Youmust remember Me in all you do in this new place, for your victory onlycomes through Me.

It is My joy to send you forward, I know you have waited long, and I haveheard the sighs in your heart saying when God, when? Each year you

asked Me, "Will it be this year Lord?", and you kept walking even thoughwhat you hoped would happen did not. But you saw with each passingyear, that what you learned during that year that passed was critical toyour success in your promised land. Will you continue to trust My timing,as you enter this new land? Trust Me that as I lead you forward, there isalso a time line of things that must happen. You must not rush ahead, orlag behind, wait for My leading.

There are many in this dark place I am sending you, that have cried out toMe for years, begging Me to send help, and also asking Me, when God,when? In this time, I have been preparing My servants, and I have beenpreparing a secret Army to go and meet the need. To go and push back and vanquish the darkness that has enslaved and harmed the peoplethere. Do not be afraid, at what you see when you arrive, I have kept Myeyes closely upon this place, and I have a strategy for victory. Some of you, will be released in the very city I have hidden you, out of your caves,you will come. Remember Me, and trust in Me as your Captain of Battleahead, and you will see success after success.

Rescue Has Come

My dear one, you have lived for many years like a castaway on a desertisland and you have done your best to survive on what little you had tolive on. But now I would tell you that you are finished with your time of 

 just surviving and that rescue has come for you at last. I know you havereached the last of your strength and will to go on and I am sending youhelp in many forms to restore and heal you in every way you need.

Remember all that I have accomplished while I had you taken away fromnormal life and how I have built a deep and sure foundation of character,obedience, and holiness in you. You will not only be rescued and restored,but you will also be greatly blessed with abundance to go and help manyother weary people. So with the last of your strength my love stand up

now for your day of survival is over and rescue has come. 

Rest, Flow, and Abide 

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I have taught you how to rest, flow, and abide. To remain at peace andfollowing My direction as it comes, rather than rushing around in yourflesh doing things in your own strength and losing your peace.

I restricted you so much, that you had no choice but to slow down, andlearn to rest in Me for your direction and strength. This has served you

well, and you have lived at peace and things have felt effortless, ratherthan burdensome to accomplish.

Soon, I will progressively be removing some of these restrictions, and youwill have more of an ability to return to striving if you choose, but I wouldcall you to continue to do exactly what I have shown you to do.

I wish you to remain at peace, and to remain doing only what I direct youto. This will be a great blessing to you in the days ahead. This will be achallenge at times, but you already know what to do. I always operatefrom a stance of peace.

So, continue to rest, flow, and abide in Me, as you enter this new freedomI bring. Apart from Me, you cannot do anything that counts anyway.Remain doing what I have taught you to, and things will continue to goforward without having to re-learn old lessons.

I love you, I trust you, and I believe in you. You are no longer a child, youare capable of walking in mature ways. You are held to My standards, youcannot do as others less mature do. Embrace the good work I haveaccomplished in you, and you will keep your peace. Remain submitted toMy Spirit in all that you do, and you will keep your joy.


When I brought you into the wilderness, your outward life stopped, butyour inward life is what I worked on, and changed. You seemed frozenin time outwardly, while you watched all others pass you by in theiroutward lives. You wondered, "How could I ever possibly be restoredafter such a long period of being kept at 'just enough' to survive."

But you are thinking in human terms. My restoration is done by My Power,

and it is supernatural, and will be a super restoration. You will end upmuch further outwardly in the end, than you would have been if I had letyou keep building in your old life. Even as My servant Job wassupernaturally restored, so will you be.

But do not focus on what is outward, rather, focus on what I am requiringof you each day to finish on the inside. This was all done so that Icould prepare you to help many, and so that I could trust you with My

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 You have been faithful and patient to allow Me to work in you so trust Meall the way through to the end, because there is an end. I did not makeany wrong decisions in your past, so you need not keep second guessingwhere you should be right now. The evil one will try to steal your peace bytelling you that you are off course, and that you have missed my directionsomewhere along the line, but you haven't, so do not worry. Remember

that I love you, and I will be faithful to keep you right where you need tobe.

Salvation Explosion! 

My dear one, for many years now you have cried out to Me for certainpeople that you care about to get saved, and yet your words seem tobounce off of them and they did not respond to the message of thegospel. That is all about to change my dear one for now these very same

people will be coming to you asking you how to become saved because Iam moving upon the hearts of many people and I am bringing in the greatharvest of souls in these last days. You will soon see a salvationexplosion!

 You see, for many years I have been healing and preparing my Church. Ihave been pruning my people of all that does not bear fruit so that theycould bear much better fruit. That is why you have not seen manysalvation's is because I shut you down to fix your foundations so that youcould stand when I built high upon you. Now you are ready to go forwardinto the harvest field and everywhere you look it will be harvest. In thisharvest the fruit will even come looking for the harvester, so get ready to


Rejoice and be glad for I have not forgotten about all those people youlove and I have heard each prayer you have prayed concerning them. Ihave not been ignoring you, I have just been changing you so that youcould succeed in the great day of harvest. You see, I had to not onlyprepare you, but I had to prepare those to be saved as well. I tell you thatthe harvest is truly ripe, so go and reap for it will be everywhere you look.Get ready for a salvation explosion my dear one, because here it comes!

Set Your House In Order

My dear one, you have felt an urge lately to set things in order in your lifebecause you are being prepared for heaven to come to your home. Get ridof everything that offends and get excited because My presence is comingto dwell with you in a new and more powerful way. Even as a birdprepares its nest to receive the new, so I would call you to prepare yourhome and life to receive all the new things I want to bring you.

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Total holiness is a must now and I am helping you to persevere until youare truly a complete overcomer in every area of your life. Do not give upor get discouraged if you experience a setback because there is a newgrace being given to you right now to overcome all that has hindered anddistracted you in your life. Forgive and pray for all you have not fullyforgiven yet because you must fully forgive and repent to go forward.

The grace is also changing upon your life right now where there will belittle strength or desire for what is passing, but no strength or directionhas yet been given for the new path. I would call you to seek Me My lovein a new more intimate way because I desire for you to come closer to Me,and to know Me as I truly am. So My dear one, set your house and life inorder and prepare to receive all the new things I am bringing.

Something Special

My dear one, you have followed Me faithfully and you have sacrificedeverything I have asked of you and withheld nothing from My hand, eventhough many of these things were very dear and precious to you. Youhave watched many pass you by and receive the normal blessings thatpeople do in life, while you had to be denied in order to be prepared byMe.

Now the day has come My dear one, for you to receive all that has beendenied you, and more. Now the day has come where you will not onlycatch up with those who have passed you by, but you will greatly exceedthem in many ways. Even like My servant Job, I will not only restore what

you've lost, but I will give you much more than you lost, just to bless you.

Do not be afraid to trust and believe in Me once again My love, becausenot one of My good words or promises will fail you. I know that it has beena very long time since you first received these old words and promises,but all I have spoken still remains. So though others have received what isnormal in life, something very special has been reserved just for you.

Stand Firm!

My dear one, you have reached a place where you will have to dig in andstand firm right now. My help is coming but you will have to be tough andstand your ground until relief arrives. I would call you to repeat my wordto yourself as you sit in your foxhole and to not retreat no matter howfierce the battle rages in front of you. I am with you and I am fighting byyour side, but I want to teach you to persevere until you see yourbreakthrough, rather than giving up or retreating. Good character is built

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Rather than attacking and threatening to break away from those I have joined you with, come together with them and pray to Me. Forgive andallow Me to freshen your faith right now. This is a time to draw closer toMe in faith, not further away in doubt. Rebuke the evil one and be willingto take the lead even while those around you are still faltering. Times likethis will test your faith, but you must remember that this test comes just

before a major breakthrough and many miracles take place in your life.

I want you to walk fully in My kingdom right now and let go of the ways of the world. In My kingdom we walk in complete truth in every area of ourlives. In My kingdom we walk in complete love one for another and webuild up, rather than tearing down. In My kingdom we walk in the fullnessof My power where there is no lack or need because My people walk incomplete faith at all times. Stand up this day My love and stay at yourpost even though everything is telling you to abandon it, for I am surelywith you.

Sudden Changes

My dear one, for a very long time now you have gone through your dailyroutine of working on change, and doing what I call you to accomplisheveryday. But lately, you have begun to give up hope and like Sarahlaughing in her tent you have found it hard to believe anymore for oldpromises long since given to you. But I would call you this day to be likeAbraham and to hang on to your promise forever if necessary, becausemany sudden changes are about to happen in your life and you can eitherbe found believing or doubting when I come.

 You have done well and you have persevered for a very long time My dearone, but you have allowed weariness and unbelief to start creeping in andpoisoning your heart and faith. Rouse yourself out of your apathy this dayMy love, because I am rising from my throne to come to you and I wantyou to be clothed and ready to meet with Me when I show up and beginknocking at your door. I have watched you closely each day My love, and Ihave been anxious to come and to bring much needed gifts and blessingsin order to fully restore you.

Even My servants Joseph, Mary, Hannah, and Elizabeth, went on with theirdaily routines for many years, and some of them despaired of ever seeing

My promises to them fulfilled. But then I brought sudden changes to theirlives that rolled away their reproaches and turned their life around in aday. This too will happen for you, so put your garments of faith back onand get ready to meet with Me. I will surely turn your sorrow and sadnessinto instant joy, and I delight in doing this for you. So My love, expectsudden changes to come very soon.

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Take My Hand

My precious child and friend, I have seen you fretting over many thingsabout your life and your past and I would call you this day to stop yourworrying and fretting and to do one thing; just take My hand. I want youto let go of all these other things that you can do nothing about and to do

the one thing that you can do something about and that is to take Myhand and allow Me to lead you forward into new good things.

I am well aware of what has happened in the past and that you have beentreated unfairly in certain situations, but the evil one is trying to distractyou with these old things so that you cannot see the new things I want todo with you. I have many new things and new people that I want to joinyou with but you must let go of the old things first in order to take hold of them. Has your struggling and striving changed anything?

Do you want to go on an adventure My child? Well I have an adventure

waiting for you and all you have to do is to drop all of these other uselessthings and take My hand. Everything is prepared and ready to go and allyou have to do is make the firm decision to step into the new and let theold go for good this time. Let go of your sin and the past for today is anew day of power and all you have to do is take My hand.

Take the Final Step 

My dear one, you have done well and you have made good progress inyour growth and work of purification and healing. Many things have been

accomplished over the years and now you stand at the day of graduationand promotion, but first you must take the final step into completeobedience in the last things that need to be changed. This is your day totake all that I have taught you and to put it into practice by letting go of all old idols of sin and by fully forgiving all who have wronged you in thepast.

 You have clung to many things over the years because you were afraidand because you did not know how to fully trust in Me, but now you havereached a sure place of maturity and faith where you no longer need thesethings. Even little children are given much grace because of theirignorance and inexperience but sooner or later they must grow out of 

childish things and walk as an adult. You are no longer a spiritual child butrather you are a spiritual adult so the time has come for you to walk in itaccordingly.

Do not be afraid to take this final step My child, for many good andwonderful things await you on the other side of your choice to fullycomply. I have done all of this work so that I could not only trust and blessyou, but more importantly so that I could flow through you in power so

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that many would believe and be saved. Do you remember many years agowhen you asked for my power to help people? Well now you know what ittakes to prepare for it. Go forward now and take the final step of obedience.

Tell Them The Truth

My dear one, soon I will be sending you out and many people will beseeing and meeting you for the first time, and I would call you this day tobe open and willing to tell people the truth about the good things I havedone in your life. You see I found you when you were broken and helpedyou not only for yourself, but also so that I could use you to testify to thisbroken world of my desire and ability to help them as well.

Do not be afraid to be open and vulnerable because I am with you and it

only matters what I think about you. Nobody can take anything away fromyou that I have given you. When you become My servant you not only takeon My blessing, but also My reproach, so there will always be people thereto criticize you no matter what you do, or don't do. So do not shrink back in fear or be silent, because I Am with you.

Remember that I love you so much and I approve of you. All of My childrenare at different places of growth and maturity and I see the finishedperson they will become. Accept yourself and also accept your brothersand sisters that are at different places of maturity and growth than youare at. Love and be humble. So I would tell you again My child, do not beafraid to tell people the truth about what I have done in your life.

The Breaking Point 

My dear one, you have reached a place where everything seems to be atits breaking point right now, but I want to encourage you today that I amthe God who is able to fix what is broken and beyond normal repair.Though you see all around you destabilizing I want you to keep your eyesupon Me and know that no matter how out of control things may appearright now, I am still perfectly in control of all that is taking place in yourlife. As you keep your eyes upon Me, you will also keep your peace.

Sometimes dear one, when I am about to do a miracle I allow things tobecome impossible so that all may know that I alone did the impossible inyour midst and believe. But before I can do a miracle I must make surethings are truly impossible. Do not be alarmed if you do not have yournormal strength or ability to keep things together right now because youare in a time of transition and many changes need to happen. So eventhough you are at your breaking point right now, keep trusting Me!

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The Button Pushers

While in meditation, the Holy Spirit showed me a man, he was handsome,muscular, with wavy hair, and looked like the perfect picture of a human.He had on a silk shirt and just gave a broad charismatic smile as I viewedhim. All of the sudden, the silk shirt was ripped off his chest, and youcould see all kinds of little buttons, kind of like the old time cash registerbuttons. People began to appear and push these little buttons, and theman kept trying to push them away, and cover the buttons back up withhis hands, but there was just too many to cover with just two hands. Therewas one particular button that everyone seemed to want to push, andevery time the man would get one person away from it, another wasstanding in line to push it again. The buttons seemed to be growing, andthe man called out "Jesus, help me!". Jesus appeared and began to talk tothe man about each button, and as the man kept his focus on the Lord,even though the people were still pushing the buttons, the buttons beganto fall out, and there were little roots connected to the back of eachbutton. The buttons just kept falling off, until it was no longer a bigproblem, or distraction for the man. Then Jesus handed him a new shirt,and on it said, humility, love, and grace. That was the end, then the HolySpirit explained what I had seen to me. He said;

I have stripped you of your normal beauty, and allowed all of your fearsand character flaws to become exposed. I have also allowed people tocome and trigger these problem areas off, so that you could see what isthere, and your need to fix it, and call out to me for help. I already knowwhat is there, but you had to see it, so that you would want to deal with it,

and be rid of it once and for all. As you put your focus on the peopletriggering the problems, you lost your peace and strove in the flesh toprotect yourself, and end it. But as you kept your focus on Me, andlistened to what I told you to do to change, these trigger buttons havefallen off by the root, and will not grow back this time.

Remember, that I have allowed all of this for your good, to help changeyou. I am not being cruel or sadistic as you have heard. I am doing this tomake you healthy, you have asked to move in my power, and I am helpingto eliminate any weak areas that the enemy might try to exploit, discredit,or hinder My power. Know that this situation will get better and betterwith time, and with each area that's resolved. I would call you this day, to

surrender completely to My workings, and in doing this, you willaccelerate this process of sanctification. Fighting Me, will just extend theprocess. Know that I love you, and I am working to help you to makeyourself ready for all I have planned for you.

The Divine Waiting Room 

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strong in the days ahead. This is not a time to sit down or to be distracted,it is a time to push forward until you cross the finish line completely.

My blessing has indeed come for you, but remember that even My blessingcan become a distraction to you if you allow it. Also keep in mind thatthere will be people that will be jealous of what I do for you. I did all this

in you and for you so that I could help others through you. Although Ibless you, this has all been about Me using you to bless others. Alwayskeep that in mind in all you do for Me. Behold my love, the finish line isnow in plain view so run to the very end and complete this race with joy.

The Fruits and the Roots

While in prayer, I saw a vision. I saw a large tree, and on the treesbranches I saw alot of fruit. Then, it was like my vision zoomed in on the

branches and the fruit on each branch. On one branch, I saw large ripefruit, and then on another branch right next to it, I saw what looked likediseased, damaged fruit. Then I saw Jesus dig down and expose the roots.He showed me good healthy roots, and right next to them, I saw whatlooked like rotten diseased roots. Each root seemed to be connected to abranch that produced either good or bad fruit depending on the conditionof the root connected to it. Then the Lord explained what this all meant.

"In your life, you have born much fruit, some of which has been good fruit,and some of which has been bad fruit. Deep within your heart, lies bothgood and bad roots, that have developed both good and bad behavior inyour life. These good and bad roots, have existed side by side until now.

My Word, and My Spirit both produce good fruit in your life as you havebeen obedient to them. But because you have suffered harm, and becauselies have been sown into your mind and heart by evil, you have beendamaged and need to be healed. I know you have not wanted the badfruit, and that you have cried out to Me for help. I have come now, to setyou free from these lies, and from this damage completely, and I havecome to heal you from the pain of your past.

Will you allow Me to expose the damaged roots of your heart to you? Willyou allow My Truth to heal the lies that have stunted your growth for solong? Are you willing to cease to practice sin, as I now set you free fromits power over you? Are you willing to be well? Are you willing to face your

pain? Believe that I can accomplish all this within you as you cooperatewith My work of transformation. What you have not been able toaccomplish alone, we will now accomplish together. Where you have failedtrying alone so many times, we will now succeed working together. I haveallowed you to see your absolute need for My help. You now know in yourheart that you cannot fix these problems alone.

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Trust in Me, that I am the Master Gardener, and that I know exactly whatto do to heal each damaged area of your heart. Once you agree, there willbe no turning back. This may sound easy, but it will be very challengingand painful at times, more than you can realize right now; but I will staywith you throughout this process. I will take your hand and I will not letyou go, even for a second. At times, you may feel alone, but I am still

here. I am the Faithful One, and I work to heal and restore My Body. Trustthat My intentions are completely good even though this may hurtintensely at times.

Know that as we go forward in this time of healing, that I do this to makeyou whole, I do this so that the evil one cannot harm you anymore with hislies. I do this so that you can fulfill your calling. I heal you so thatrighteousness will reign, and that all I wish to give you will not bewithheld any longer because of sin. Remember that I am with you to theend, and that I love you completely and absolutely. Be courageous andtrust in My wisdom, and in My power, and most of all, in My great love foryou. You are My beloved Tree of Righteousness, and I have come to healyou, and make you whole so that you can bear all good fruit. Trust in Me,and you will see this happen before your eyes".

The Great Day of Battle Has Come 

To My faithful soldier. Your day of rest and preparation has now endedand the day of conflict and battle has now come. I would call you this dayto wake up from your slumber and to put on your armor and weapons, forthe enemy is at the gates and I have drawn up my battle plans and I need

to inform you of your place within the great army that I am assembling.This is a day to get ready and to come before Me and to listen. It is nolonger a day to just look to survive in the wilderness for although you maynot feel ready, I have given you everything you need to march forward andto succeed in the great conquests I am sending you on. Do not be afraid tostep out into the unfamiliar because just as I was with you in thewilderness, so I will also be with you in your time of warfare. Your enemyhas already been defeated, so do not fear.

The wilderness has become too familiar for you and you have become toosecure in the daily routine of going through the job of getting ready toenter your promised land. The day of actually entering into your promised

land has now come and it is time to stand up and prepare to fight, for I Amyour strength and shield. I am now aligning My people and joining themtogether in their ranks and battle groups, for I have my plans sittingbefore Me. Come now and take a look at my plans for you for they areexciting and they will bring you new hope and fresh joy to go forward. Youwill not go forward alone and you are guaranteed success through Me sowake up my dear one and get ready to fight, for the conflict is already atthe gates and the time to act has now come. So I would tell you again mysoldier, get ready for battle, for it is already here.

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The Last Mile

My Child, you have said to me, "Why have you kept me in this wildernessso long, and why have you abandoned me after I have endured so much?"

I led you into this wilderness to transform you, and to purify you. I couldnot do this work while you were in Egypt because you would have beentoo distracted with activity to work on change. And I could not do thiswork the promised land because you would have not been ready to endurethe fight. You would have fallen because of the the old sin that kept youfrom being stable.

I have told you that I would never abandon you, so you must believe thatwhat I say is true. I know you are weary, I know this is a time of very lowgrace, and that your emotions and evil spirits will try to tempt you to

grumble and complain. This is your time to believe with your faith alone inwho I AM.

Finish what I have shown to finish and I will surely do everything I havepromised you. You must continue to cooperate on these last few areas.These few remaining idols will be the hardest to let go of, but I willdemand complete holiness and stability before I send you forward with myPower. I understand how tedious and painstaking change is for you.

Do not fear, what you have held onto is a lie, and you must face lifetrusting me to be your protection and security. I will not share my glorywith idols. Take my Hand and finish the last part of this wilderness, and I

will open the door to your Promised land where you will help many withwhat I have done in you. I love you, so don't ever forget that, and trust mefor this last mile.

The Opposite 

My dear one, your day to rise has come and now I will take you from thesmall world you have been used to, and place you into a large world thatis greatly in need of My help. I will fulfill all of the words I have spoken toyou and none of them will go unfulfilled. You will see and believe that I am

the same God in the end that called you from the beginning so long ago.Now you will begin to experience the opposite of many of the things youhave been used to all of your life. Now comes the great shift.

I would call you not to grieve over the Ishmael's you have lost, but rather Iwant you to start looking for the Isaac's I want to add to your life. Do notallow the blessing I add to your life to be wasted on the Hagar's of yourpast, but rather devote your heart to the Sarah that I have joined you

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with. This is your day to finally let go of all the old and to embrace thewonderful new things that I have for you. This is a day to repent of allbehavior that has caused you loss in the past so that I can bless you withgoodness.

Though you have lived in a small place I will now give you a large place

where many can come and be refreshed and ministered to. Where therehas been few family now I will give you a large family made up of peopleyou will know for eternity. Where you have been poor and struggling I willbless you until you cannot close your cupboards because of the greatabundance. Where you have been dishonored I will give you honor and Iwill vindicate you. So my love expect the opposite and be very blessed.

The Prison and the Warden 

While in prayer, the Holy Spirit showed me a person, and then it is asthough the picture zoomed inside to the heart of the person, and what Isaw was what looked like many prison cells with many floors, and variouspeople inside each cell. Then I saw the same person who's heart I wasviewing as a warden, and they were walking down each row running theirnightstick across the bars of each cell glaring in at each person inside.There was a look of satisfaction and contempt on the face of the wardenthat passed by each cell. But then the view zoomed out a bit, and I couldsee, that there was no door to the prison to get out anywhere, and thewarden was also trapped inside. Then I saw a large golden key with theword "forgiveness" etched into it, come down from above, and all of thesudden it unlocked all of the cells, and dissolved the whole prison itself.

Then the Holy Spirit explained to me what I was viewing.

He said; You have been hurt many times in life, sometimes very deeply,and because your offender did not apologize, or make things right, youput them into a prison cell in your heart. Now as an adult, you havecreated a large prison of people that you have not forgiven, and you visitthis pain often, reliving the original offense, and punishing those whohave wronged you, it has poisoned your heart, and interfered with yourability to receive My forgiveness. You have said in your heart, "When theysay they are truly sorry, I will let them out, but not until then".

I would call you this day, to let these people go from the prison of your

heart, even as I let your offenses go that you committed against Me, andothers. I pardoned you from not only a life sentence, but from a deathsentence. These people are not really in your prison anyway, it is only thepain and bitterness that you keep locked up, and that is all that actuallydwells in each cell. You have trapped yourself inside your own prison of bitterness and resentment, and it is time to destroy this prison altogetherwith true and complete forgiveness. It is time to draw this poison and painfrom your heart, and fill you with fresh love and mercy. Are you willing totrust Me, and My justice?

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I love you so much, and it hurts Me to see you so hindered by this oldanger, it has created many weeds in the garden of your heart, that stealenergy from the good plants. Do you trust Me to bring justice at theproper time, or will you insist on handling your pain by yourself? It is timeto clear the garden of your heart, and plant new flowers of forgivenessand love. I would call you this day, to pray for these people, and leave

them to Me, I am well aware of their crimes. I have felt your pain, and Iknow what it is like to be betrayed and sinned against. But I also know,that all men are a work in progress, and that someday, they will give anaccount for all that they have done in their lives.

Come to Me now, and lean into Me. Let your tears fall, and let Me healyour heart. Know that I love you dearly, and I love those who have hurtyou as well. Remember the great mercy I have lavished upon you. Grantmercy, even as I have granted you mercy so many times. Know, that asyou forgive, it will free up much energy in your soul that has been going toholding your grudges. Know that your heart will become an open channel,free from all that has blocked it up as you forgive. Know that it is yourforgiveness that releases Me to deal with your offenders. Now, instead of a prison, your heart will become a haven of love for all who dwell there. Itis time to let it all go, let's go forward now.

The Time Is Now 

My dear one, I have worked with you for many years now to lay afoundation of obedience, faith, and righteousness; and now you standready to walk fully in it. There is no more time left to keep trying to get it

right because you already know what needs to change, and now you justneed to do it. You are ready to make these changes, so you must chooseto let go of all that has hindered you in the past, and to fully cooperatewith what I need you to do.

Believe that as you now repent, things will be different this time, and thatyou will not slip back into old ways like before. There are many changesthat are about to happen in your life and you can either face them beingready, or face them being unready, the choice is yours. You are no longera spiritual teenager in training, you have now reached a place of spiritualmaturity where you will be expected to consistently behave as a spiritualadult from now on.

Very soon, there will no longer be a place for you in the wilderness, andalready you have felt a strong sense of transition and change coming overyour life. New doors will soon begin to appear to you, and the manna Ihave sustained you with in the wilderness will cease. You must now standup and walk through these new doors because your future depends uponit. If you let go of the old things willingly, this transition will go mucheasier, so do not fight Me.

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Understand my dear one, that even as you begin to walk in maturity andfull obedience, that I will allow certain tests to come along in order toprove that these changes are genuine. I only promote the truly obedient.My power will indeed flow through your life, so come and seek Me more inprayer, and I will meet you there and give you fresh revelation andinsight. So My love, do not look at things as being in the future any

longer, because the time is now.

The Time to Repent Fully Has Come 

My dear one, you have come to the end of your time of preparation andnow we are going forward, but I need you to fully repent of your sin andyour past in order for you to go forward. Do not be afraid to take the stepof faith to walk in complete holiness before Me, for that is the doorway toyour future. I would also call you this day to let go of those people from

your past that have no place in your future. I will take care of them andyour job is just to focus upon and follow Me. Take your hands off of thepast so that I can hand you your future, you cannot hold on to both of them at once.

I will no longer accept partial repentance like in the past for I havebrought you into a place of maturity where there is no longer any excuseor reason to walk in old ways that brought only death and shame. I amyour strength and behold I have laid a new foundation in you to buildupon. The old weak foundation is gone so do not fear that you will fail likein times passed. Look to me to be your strength and just be willing to letMe lead you forward into a new day of purity and obedience before Me.

Stay humble my child, for all the good you see in your life will come fromMe and my work.

I am pouring out extra grace right now for all who will take the step of faith to fully repent of all sin in their life so ask it of Me and I will grant itto you. Do not look around at what others may or may not be doing, donot compare yourself to others in making your decision to repent. Look only to Me and take the step forward this day to forsake all sin idols inyour life, for My kingdom is truly coming and is already at the door. TrustMe this day my loved one, for My hand is extended to you right now tohelp you to fully repent and to lead you into the wonderful destiny that Ihave planned for you.

They Will Look To You

My dear one, you have spent many years being prepared by Me so I hadmuch of your outer life shut down along with many of the normalrelationships that could have possibly distracted you while I was changing

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you. I allowed only what was necessary and useful in your time of growthand healing to remain in your life, but now that most of your time of transformation is now complete I will be opening up many new and olddoors to relationships where people will come to you to receive from Meand to serve.

Get ready to get busy locally as well as globally my dear one for I willplace you upon peoples hearts and some will even dream of you because Iam sending them to you for ministry and to also minister with you. Soeven though you have just survived in a cave for so very long now I will bechanging things and causing your dwelling to be expanded and improvedto accommodate all those who will be sent to you. Be willing to be open tothe many new things that will come because they are right at your door.

Even old friends and family that have left your life long ago will suddenlybe drawn to you again and new opportunities to help your community willbe opening up very soon so be willing to be joined to others within yourarea that have finished their wilderness time like you have. I will buildlarge families on large pieces of land so though you have dwelt like ahermit you will now be part of a very large and loving family. They arecoming my love and they will look to you so open your heart wide and letthem in.

This is Your Day to Stand

My dear Child, I have heard you asking in your heart "Why have youallowed all these apparently terrible things to happen in my life, I just

don't understand it?" Though you may not understand it right now, justlike my servant Joseph I have been creating things in you through theexperiences you have endured so that you could fulfill the calling I haveplaced upon your life. Though you do not understand now what I havedone, you will fully understand later on why this was all so necessary.

Will you continue to trust me now even though you do not understandwhat I have allowed to happen in your life? Will you continue to look andto wait upon me for fresh direction even though you cannot see a path infront of you to take right now? I have not forgotten you and I will be justas faithful as I have always been to lead you forward when the time is justright. I am looking at my watch right now for exactly the right time to

send you forward, and that time is nearly here even now.

Do not give up your hope or trust in me in this day of strange testings. Iknow you are weary and confused right now, but this is a time to drawcloser to me, not to draw away from me in distrust. Remember all thegood things that I have done for you in the past and how I have alwaysbeen faithful to you even when you were not so faithful to me. Would Iabandon you now in your day of greatest need? No, of course not. I am

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with you my precious one, and I will indeed fulfill all the words I havespoken concerning you. The vision I have given you for your life is indeedreal, and I will help you to stand in it this very day. This is your day of joynot doubt, so stand up I say!

This Storm Will End

My dear one, you have entered a time of great transition where everythingis being upheaved and allowed to be destabilized. This time of greatchange may effect your finances, health, relationships, vocation, family,residence, and the ministry I have called you to. But know that thesechanges are meant to bring you up higher and not lower. This may feellike a fierce storm right now but I want to encourage you that this stormwill end when I have accomplished all that is necessary to bring you uphigher into this next level of service. These changes must occur in order

for you to rise and to do everything I need you to do with the least amountof hindrances and distractions.

Even with My people in the wilderness just before they entered theirpromised land there came a day when their manna stopped coming andthe normal lifestyle they lived suddenly began to change. All that theywere familiar with and secure in became uprooted and they had to trustme for new things even as the old passed away. I am bringing you up to anew and higher level in every area of your life, and in order to do that Ihave to lift the grace off of these areas. I allow things to seem out of orderso that I can bring them into the new place of order and structure that canstand in the new things I am calling you to. New wine indeed requires a

new wineskin to put it in.

So do not fear My dear one, you will get through this challenging time andI have not left you. There is no need to keep second guessing yourself, orwondering where you have failed, this is just a turbulent time of change,nothing more. Be at peace and look to Me and My peace will walk with youand help you through this. This is your day to stand and to take your placein My kingdom and in this great harvest of souls upon the earth. Do notfear change because this is a different kind of change than in thewilderness. I am bringing you into My power and My blessing so that youcan go into battle and defeat the enemy at every turn. So take courage,this storm will soon end.

Time for My Power and Blessing

 You have labored hard over these long years of preparation andpurification, and although you did fight and hesitate at times, you alwayssurrendered to Me in the end, and you did not withhold even your most

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fully prepare you, but now that time is over, so no matter how afraid orunbelieving your heart has become I would call you now to trust Me againfor your day for the fulfillment of your miracles has indeed come!

Walking and Abiding 

My dear Child, I have watched you for years, while you have struggled toovercome sin in your own strength. I admire your effort, and desire to beholy, but true, consistent holiness comes only from walking, and abidingin Me every moment of every day. It comes from being and stayingconnected to Me, that is where your strength comes from. Daily infilling,and obedience to my truth is what keeps you walking free from sin habits.

I would call you this day, to relinquish your control, your plans, and thevows and resolutions you make to stop sinning, and let Me give you My

righteousness. It is My goodness flowing through an obedient servant,that allows him to live free. Have you experienced victory or defeat, whenyou have tried to do it in your flesh alone? Holiness is a state of being, nota trophy to be attained, let Me do through you, what you cannot do onyour own. As you walk in faith, and receive My ability, you will findsuccess.

Surrender to Me, and walk forward, and I will guide your steps. Sitting andstriving will never work, it's time to move forward, are you willing to letMe show you My strength? It is My grace and revelation of the truth, thathelps you to let go of the lie that keeps you bound. Let Me be all that youneed, My way works every time. I cannot share My glory, with works of the

flesh. I love you no matter what, and there is nothing you can do to earnMy love. All that you need is in Me; Now, let go of your flesh, and embraceMy Spirit.

The day has come, to take off your cloak of striving, and put on Mystrength, My armor, My goodness, My grace. You will see success as youabandon your plans, and just walk in Me moment by moment. Trust Me tobe in complete control, I won't fail you. Feed on My word, drink from MySpirit, rest and receive. Trust me to do, what you cannot, trust me to leadyou, even if you cannot see the whole plan I see. Know that I have plannedthis all out, before you were even born, I AM your everything, trust Menow.

Wrestle For My Blessing!

My dear one, I see you teetering between faith and discouragement rightnow and I would call you to push through and to wrestle for My blessingthat has been promised to you. Even as My servant Jacob wrestled with Me

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because he desperately wanted my blessing, I would also call you to dothe same thing this day. Today is your day to break through not to break down, so do not allow the evil one to speak words of doubt and unbelief into your heart. Rather put your trust in Me and you will see My salvation.

Even as the caterpillar goes into a cocoon for a period of time and then

wrestles to break out of it to become a beautiful butterfly, so you too havebeen in a spiritual cocoon of transformation for a very long time, and nowyour day to wrestle and break out of it has come. I would not call you tostrive in the flesh to break out, but I would call you to persevere in faithand prayer during this challenging time and to not let go of any of thepromises I have given you. New life awaits you just ahead if you hang on.

 You cannot stay where you are at any longer and you must move forward,so be willing to struggle to get through this time of transition and you willindeed make it through to the other side. There are many new andwonderful blessings that await you when reach the other side, so do notgive up. I know you are weary right now and that you are afraid to trustagain because you do not want to be disappointed but your faith must restin who I Am and not in what you see. So My child wrestle for My blessing!

 You Are Blessed, Not Cursed

My dear one, there has been a distinction made between you and other peoplearound you in your life where you could not succeed or progress as they did, and

you have supposed that you are just cursed because no matter how hard you triedto do the same thing, you were denied. This happened because I held you back inyour life and not because you failed. You see my love, you have just had a callingupon your life and I needed to shape your character and keep you from being pulledinto the world through the natural course your talents and desires would have takenyou. I have just been preparing you for your whole life and I have not beenpunishing you. You are actually blessed and not cursed, and all you have beenthrough will pay off.

 Though there has been a long standing ceiling placed upon how far you could rise, Iwill promote you much higher than you could have gone if you have been allowedto do it your own way. But remember this promotion is so that I can use you to

serve many, because the time is short and many are needed to help bring in thisharvest. Deeper foundations take more time to build for higher buildings, and so itwas with you. Even though you have had to watch other people who deserved itless receive what you should have received much earlier in life but did not, I willnow by My hand take you much further and higher in one day. So my dear one, donot be disheartened any longer, your day has come to rise up to your true place of service and blessing.

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 You have sacrificed all and surrendered every part of your life to serve Meand you have lost many opportunities, blessings, and relationships in theprocess that normal people seem to have in abundance. But those otherpeople have yet to gain their own souls and there is no price that they canpay to buy what I have given you. You have overcome with My help, whichis priceless. Now you are in a place where I can pour Myself through you to

help many needy people. Rejoice My love for you stand ready to walk forward into the harvest and into the difficult times that are coming uponthe earth where many other people will not be ready and will have no timeleft to prepare.

Know this, I keep careful record of what was sacrificed in someones life inorder to follow Me and I reward them in abundance at the proper time. Butyour time on earth is short and much that man thinks is valuable iseternally worthless. Also remember that I can restore and accelerate youroutward progress just like My servant Joseph and take you from a prisoncell to managing a nation in just one day. Joseph was not prepared in afancy school, but rather He was trained by Me personally in the secret andquiet. So My love do not grieve or compare what is not in your life, butrather see clearly that by forsaking the things of this world you haveindeed gained you own soul.

 You Will Indeed Give Birth 

My dear one, for many years now you have been pregnant with a hugepromise that I gave you long ago. You have hung onto and carried thispromise even though others said there was no promise, and the evil one

also tried to convince you that you had just been deceived. But I would tellyou this day My love, that this promise did in fact come from Me, and youwill indeed give birth to it very soon, so do not give up now.

This promise does not just involve you, it involves many other people thatI will help because of its fulfillment. You are living in a critical time inhistory where you will see many challenging and extreme things takingplace in order for Me to work out My will in the earth for these last days.

 You have been chosen from the beginning to carry this promise because Iknew that you would not give up when things got really tough.

Cast off all doubt and do not abort this promise that I gave you. Do not let

it go for it will in fact come to pass if you do not give up. You see dearone, it took many years and many trials to fully prepare you to carry theresponsibility of this promise after it was finally birthed, so that is whyyou had to carry it for so long. But your day of giving birth is now verynear, so hang on right now and you will see this promise born.

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 You will Not Die In Your Cave

My faithful one, I have seen you in your cave of preparation crying. I havewatched each tear roll down your cheek and your chest heave as yousobbed and prayed to Me in your pain. I would tell you this day my love togrieve and cry no more over what you have lost because all my words will

indeed prove to be true for you. Believe Me and find fresh hope andstrength this day. I have not forgotten you and I am fully aware of the diresituation that you are in right now. Though you have been in a time wherethe sea was flat and your ship seemed to sink right beneath you, I am theGod of resurrection and I am able by my power to raise you up once againeven stronger.

The cave I have kept you in is not a tomb as you supposed, but rather anincubator where I nurtured and matured you. There came a time when myfriend Lazarus died and all hope seemed lost, and some people even gotupset with me for not acting when they though I should, but did I failthem? No, I brought resurrection out of utter death and I will do the samefor you if you will trust Me. Just know that what is raised back to life isMyself formed in you so that people around you can receive from Methrough you. Trust in My faithful character and steadfast love for you mydear one and do not weep in your cave any longer. Believe in the One whodied for you and live.

Though your waiting has seemed like forever, though all around you lookslike a grave, I am the God of resurrection and I will surely move on yourbehalf very soon. Be ready and waiting with your shoes on to meet Me andto walk forward with Me out of your cave once and for all. You willremember all that I have taught you in your cave, but you will not go back 

there again, even if you want to. Remember that all new life springs forthfrom Me alone and Springtime comes solely by My power each year. This isgoing to be my people's spiritual springtime and like a calf you will burstout of your stalls and run with great joy and fresh strength. Once again Myfaithful one, trust in Me and know that you will surely not die in your cave,but rather you will live.

 You Will See Healings 

My dear one, I gave you a word many years ago that you would be used in

the gift of healing and that day has now come. Though you have prayedfor many since then few were healed because you were not yet ready towalk in this area at such a high level. Much has changed since then and Ihave matured you and purified your motives for wanting this gift. Youhave even experienced health problems since then that have shown youwhat it is like to suffer and need healing. I have developed a compassionin you for those who need to be healed and I have built a deep foundationof obedience in you that can stand up and remain strong during times of temptation or persecution.

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It is now time to bring you into a place of greater faith concerning healingso I will be leading you into situations where you and other people aroundwill need healing. All healing works by faith so look and ask for it. Do notbe afraid to step out in faith once again in this area because even thoughmany did not get healed in the past because faith was missing, now theywill indeed be healed. Always remember that I Am the Healer and that you

need My direction with each person that I send to you. This gift will leadmany to salvation so be ready to preach the gospel. So My love, get readyto receive your healing and to help others receive theirs, for surely youwill see healings.

 You Will Soon Step Into A Clearing 

My dear one, for a very long time now I have had you navigating your waythrough a vast spiritual forest as I teach you many things and change you

through it. But very soon you will step into a spiritual clearing where yourview will be unblocked and unhindered, and you will see everything muchmore clearly and completely than you have for a very long time now.

 You will understand things much better in the days just ahead because weare going to have some very close fellowship as we sit in this clearingtogether, and I will explain many things about your journey through thelong forest that you have been moving through for so long. This will be atime of restoration, refreshment, and fresh revelation and empowerment.

When you step into this spiritual clearing, you will notice many othersentering this large clearing from all sides that have also been making their

way through their forest of change, and I will join you to many of thesepeople, and you will work together in this harvest. So My dear one, takefresh hope and courage this day, because you will soon step into aclearing.

 Your Lazarus's will Live Again 

I have felt your pain and heard your cries in the night, as you have grievedover all that has seemingly died in your life. You saw everything that youheld dear and hoped for, seemingly dashed to pieces before your very

eyes. But I would tell you this day, that I am the God of resurrection, and Ibring new life, from that which seemed dead. Look to Me now, and trustMe to bring back to life all that I have given you, nothing shall be lost.

It has been good that these things that you love and hold so dear, haveleft you for a season, because you held on too tightly to some of them,and they competed for attention and prominence with Me. You had to seethat your life would go on without them, and that all you need in life is

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found exclusively through Me. You had to see that I can control andmanage all things, and that you can trust Me with all that which you love.

Now as I bring these things back to life, I would have you hold onto themlightly. For all things dwell in My hands, and they are mine to give life to,or remove life from. I cause things and people to be attracted, or be

repelled, according to my good purposes and plans. Trust Me that whatlives in your life is by My doing, and what is taken from your life is alsodecided by Me. And know that My motives are always good in everything Ido concerning you.

Even as Lazarus was brought back to life and there was great joy, even soit will be with you as you see your Lazarus's brought back to life, andgreat will be the faith it creates in yourself and in others who witness it. Ieven allowed your family, friends, and others to witness the death of these things, so that they could witness them being brought back to life.They will surely know that I am the God that lives, and they will believethat I bring new life, from death.

 Your Life Went The Way It was Suppose To 

My dear one, I have heard you questioning things about your life aboutwhat you think should or should not have happened and I would tell youthis day that your life went the way it was supposed to. You see, I knewexactly what needed to happen in your life to shape you for the calling youwere destined to fulfill. There is no point in saying how if you had beengiven different opportunities in your life that you would have done things

differently because you have been following My course all along.

It is never My will that people sin or hurt other people like you have beenhurt in your life, but I knew that this would happen and I plannedbeforehand to bring good out of it to help others later on. Do not let theevil one lie to you about Me because if after knowing the truth you chooseto believe a lie, then you suffer by your own choice needlessly. Know thatall you have been through will be used and nothing will be wasted. Yourlife went the way it was supposed to my love, so be at peace and live.

 Your Need Is The Doorway To My Miracle

My dear one, do not be perplexed at the great needs, attacks, andchallenges that have suddenly been cropping up and getting over yourhead as far as your ability to manage them. Your need is the doorway toMy miracles so I have allowed you to enter a new place of need in yourbody and finances so that I can lead you into My flow of miracles in theseareas, you need not fear what is happening to you. Even as My children

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were brought to the edge of the Red Sea with the enemy about to destroythem so I have allowed some impossible situations to suddenly arise inyour life so that you might see My great deliverance and believe Me in anew and deeper way.

This is a day of greater faith so I have to allow the need to be greater as

well. You have two choices as you face your Red Sea experiences, you caneither get upset with Me, or you can cry out to Me and trust Me to rescueand help you in your day of need. I have only allowed these things tohappen so that your faith can grow in order for you to operate at a muchhigher level of receiving from Me. There are going to be many people thatI will lead to you that will need to receive from Me so your faith must beable to believe in Me for greater things. Do not be afraid My dear one, Iam the God who heals and provides, so trust Me to rescue you and to alsobuild great faith in you.

 Your Spiritual Season Is Changing 

My dear one, even as the seasons are changing in the world, the spiritualseason you have been in for so long is also changing. Can you feel it? Iknow you can. Do not be alarmed at this mighty shift for we are enteringinto the great harvest of souls upon the earth and many of My dearharvester's will be set into their new places in My field.

As this great change takes place your grace and strength to remain inyour current season will wane, but you must rise up in determination tofulfill your duties even until I bring you fully into this new season. This

new season is very near you even now, and it comes with fresh grace,strength, and provision to carry you into your new position.

Do not worry about the new place I am giving you in My kingdom, I knowexactly the right place for you and I have been preparing that place for avery long time now, long before you got there. Much work is ahead of youbut this work is full of miracles and joy, so you will not be disappointed.Know this day, your spiritual season is changing.

 Your Time Has fully Come Now

My faithful soldier, the time that I have talked to you about for so long hasfully come now and I would call you to put on all of your armor and tostand ready at the battle line with your fellow soldiers to go to war andfight. The time for training and preparation is over and now you mustmarch forward and put all that I have given you into practice. This is theday of fierce battle for the souls of mankind in the earth and I have raisedup a mighty army of holy warriors that will not shrink back in fear or

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retreat when the enemy attacks. I Am your Captain of Battle and I standready to lead you.

This is your day to walk fully in My kingdom life and to put away all sinand to forgive all whom you have held a grudge against. You must neveragain turn back to those things which weakened and destroyed you, but

now you must walk as a strong spiritual adult capable of accomplishing allthat I command you without distraction or compromise. It is time for great

 judgment against the enemy of your souls and I send you out to wreak Myvengeance upon the armies of darkness. This is your day to take back what was stolen and to rescue the captives that have been held by the evilone.

As you go forward my faithful soldier, remember to listen and act upon myorders and direction alone, and do nothing based solely upon what yousee in the natural. You do not march to war alone, but you march with amighty army of your obedient brothers and sisters, and my holy servantsthe angels. I seek to conquer all that is trapped in the realm of darkness

with My light and to set right that which has been kept wrong for far toolong. My eyes have been upon the weak and downtrodden and I come toset them free. Rise up My faithful soldier, for your time has fully comenow.