What is Magnetism

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  • 8/18/2019 What is Magnetism


    What is magnetism?

     The force of attraction or repulsion in and around a material

    2. How was magnetism discovered?

    Piece of material that can attract iron

    3. What are the two ways by which objects can be turned to magnets? What are the

    properties needed to turn an object into a magnet?

    . When the magnet is divided into smaller pieces! it still retains north pole and south

    pole. How does this happen?

    ". What are the two types of motions electrons e#hibit while revolving around an atom?

    $. What are paired electrons? How do they a%ect the magnetic properties of materials?

    &. What is magnetic 'eld and how is it created?

    (. )e'ne the *magnetic domains+.

    ,. -#plain how a compass is used to now the direction.


  • 8/18/2019 What is Magnetism


    /0. )raw and e#plain the direction of the 'eld of a bar magnet.

    //. )iscuss the relationship between electricity and magnetism by e#plaining what you

    saw in the demos in your last class.

    /2. -#plain how magnets can be used to generate electricity.
