What Will Save Humanity

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  • 8/9/2019 What Will Save Humanity


    What Will Save Humanity

    You are hearing the voice of the Angels transmitting to the world a New Message from Godthrough their messenger, Marshall Vian Summers.

    As Revealed to

    Marshall Vian Summers

    on March 30, 2008

    in Boulder, Colorado USA

    Humanity is about to face its greatest trial and its most difficult challenges. Many people are feeling

    this, of coursea vague sense of anxiety, pervasive concern over the futurewhile others still

    dream that life will continue as they have known it, only better now, for it must be better, they

    think. But humanity is entering its time of great trial and difficulty. This must be accepted if you are

    to understand where your life is going, if you are to understand the sequence of events, if you are to

    understand how you must prepare for the futurea future that will be unlike the past in so many

    ways. This is not a negative perspective. It is a revelation of what is coming.

    Those who argue against this are perpetuating their own sense of denial, revealing their weakness

    and their inability to face a changing set of circumstances. Peoples hopes and dreams cannot now

    be the foundation of their lives, for they must prepare for what is coming so that they may survive

    the Great Waves of change and be of service to others, which is ultimately what they are here to do.

    You may project any ideas upon the futureyour hopes, your fears, your dreams, your anxieties.

    You may paint a happy picture or a frightening picture for yourself. But life is moving. It is not

    dominated or even affected by your projections.

    Peoples attitudes, of course, are important. It is important to have a supportive attitude, but this

    attitude must be founded upon a real understanding of what is happening around you, where your

    life is going and what life will require of you for the future. You build your positive, constructive

    attitude around a recognition of reality. Certain things have been set in motion now that you cannotchange by wishful thinking or by your own personal admonitions.

    The Creator of all life has sent a New Message into the world to prepare humanity for this new era,

    for all the Revelations that have been given to humanity before cannot prepare it for what is coming

    now. The wisdom of the great traditions remains as an inspiration, as a correction, as an emphasis

    and as a higher standard. But a New Message from God must come now to prepare humanity for the

    Great Waves of change that are coming to the world and for humanitys encounter with intelligent

    life from beyond the world, which represents a new reality and a new challenge for the human


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    You can face these things and learn of them through the revelations of Gods New Message,

    through your own experience and through the signs that the world is giving you nowsigns which

    are coming every day to inform you and to prepare you, to warn you and to shake you out of your

    self-preoccupation and your attachment to your hopes and your dreams.

    These revelations will be shocking. They may be emotionally difficult for you, for they will require

    you to reconsider many things. They may arouse tremendous fear and anxiety because you will see

    that you are not prepared and you are not yet strong enough to face these things, even emotionally.

    But no matter what your initial reactions, it is far better to see, to know and to be prepared than to

    remain in ignorance or denial while the world changes around you.

    Gods New Revelation provides a warning, a blessing and a preparation for the Great Waves of

    change and for humanitys encounter with a Greater Community of intelligent life. These two great

    phenomena more than anything else will affect the future and the destiny of humanity, the lives of

    every person in the world today and the future of their children.

    People are consumed with other things, of course, with other problems that seem significant and

    grave in the moment. But these things are small and often insignificant compared to the power of

    the Great Waves of change and humanitys encounter with a Greater Community of intelligent life.

    What will save the world now will not be these preoccupations, these fantasies, these admonitions

    that people everywhere are still maintaining to try to assure themselves that life will give them what

    they want and that they have control over their destiny. Your control over your destiny must come

    from a greater power within you, a power that God has placed there.

    Whether you are religious or not, no matter what nation you live in or what religion that you devote

    yourself to, the power and presence of this deeper Knowledge lives within you. It is true for

    everyone, for God does not discriminate. God is not delighted with the religious and angry with the

    unreligious. God has placed the saving Grace within each person. The real purpose of religion is to

    bring people to this saving Grace. Religion in all of its forms is intended to do this. Even though

    religion has taken on other manifestations and assumed other purposes and in many cases has been

    adopted by political forces, this is its fundamental purpose: to bring you to Knowledge, to bring you

    to this deeper guiding intelligence that the Creator of all life has placed within you and within each

    person as a potential.

    The fact that the world is in its present deteriorating condition is evidence that people are not aware

    of Knowledge and are not following Knowledge. They are following ambition. They are followingtheir social conditioning. They are following their grievances. They are following their ideals, all

    things of the mind the personal, worldly mind. But there is a deeper mind within you now, and it

    is this greater intelligence that will respond to Gods New Message. It is this greater intelligence

    that will be your raft to navigate the difficult waters ahead.

    Only God knows what will save humanity. You may have many plans and theories. You may insist

    upon your ideas and your beliefs. You may even claim that your ideas are sanctioned by God or

    directed by God, but only God knows what will save humanity. For humanity must now be saved

    not for Heaven, but for its future here in this worldso that the world may remain a habitable

    environment for humanity and so that you may learn to deal with competition from beyond the

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    world and all the many influences that will be placed upon humanity by other nations in the

    Universe who seek to have the world for themselves, to benefit themselves.

    When you begin to learn of the Great Waves of change, which the world is revealing to you with

    each passing day and which Gods New Message addresses directly, and when you begin to face thereality that the world is undergoing intervention from races from beyond the world who seek to gain

    control of humanity and the resources of the world if you can face these things, which will be a

    great challenge, then you will realize that you do not have an answer. Perhaps this will lead you to

    feel helpless and hopeless. But you will realize you do not have an answer and that the answers that

    you can imagine, or that you believe will be effective, will be insufficient to deal with challenges of

    this magnitude. Good ideas here will not be potent enough to deal with the challenges to come and

    the challenges that are already here.

    What will save humanity now will be recognition, courage and necessity. The recognition is that the

    Great Waves of change are upon you, that humanity has destroyed so much of the life-sustaining

    resources of the world, and that you are living in a world in declineof declining resources, ofenvironmental degradation, of changing climate and the ever-growing temptation of nations to go to

    war with one another.

    As you face the reality that your world is being visited, not by friendly forces, but by those that

    would seek to plant themselves in an advantageous way, to influence human leadership and to

    pacify the human publicif you can face these things, you will realize you do not have an answer.

    This is very important, you see, because here you must turn to God beyond you and the intelligence

    that God has placed within you. Here is where your intellect will run out of reasonable answers.

    Here you will see the limits of your ideas. Here you will face the limitations that your social and

    religious conditioning has placed upon you.

    With this recognition, there must come courage. You cannot be weak and faltering in the face of the

    Great Waves of change or in facing competition and intervention from the Universe around you.

    You cannot be ambivalent, only concerned with your happiness and with acquiring those things you

    want for yourself. You are standing at the threshold of immense change and challenge. You cannot

    be dreaming of other things if you are to be prepared.

    God has already given you the power of Knowledge to guide you, to protect you and to lead you to

    your greater accomplishment in life. But if you do not heed this or do not believe that such a power

    and presence live within you, then you may pray to God for deliverance. You may pray to God for

    salvation. You may pray to God to intervene in the difficult circumstances around you. But God hasalready provided the answer, you see.

    The Lord of the Universe is not going to become preoccupied with your social welfare, for the

    answer has been placed within you regarding what you must do and not do, what you must release

    and what you must focus upon. This takes courage, of coursecourage of a very fundamental

    nature, courage that is greatly lacking, particularly amongst the wealthy people of the world, who

    have become accustomed to having their needs fulfilled, who believe the world is there to satisfy

    their desires and ambitions, who feel that their wealth and privileges are like an entitlement from

    God, who think that they are better than others who are struggling even to meet the basic

    requirements of life.

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    There must be recognition. Without this, you have no hope. Your life will be overwhelmed,

    overtaken by forces you did not anticipate. Your privileges will be lost by forces you do not

    understand. And you, like many others, will be enragedblaming governments, blaming other

    nations, blaming life itself for your predicament, when in fact you missed the signs and the cues

    along the way. You did not respond to the urgings of Knowledge within yourself. You thought youranxiety was just a psychological problem. You thought that your concern for the future was

    unjustified, when in fact it was attempting to speak to you all along.

    The calling is within you now to respond, to become aware, to look without hostility and

    preference, to see what you can see coming over the horizon. Instead of planning your future around

    what you want, you must plan your future around what you see, what you feel and what you know.

    If this seeing, feeling and knowing is authentic, if it is true to Knowledge within you and not merely

    some kind of bargaining on your part, then you will be able to build a strong foundation. And you

    will begin to change your life before the requirement for that change is upon you. You will begin to

    alter the course of your life and to shift your allegiance to Knowledge before necessity has

    overtaken you.

    You have to find and build the courage to do this. No one else can do this for you. You cannot

    assume that the government will take care of you. You cannot assume that your city government

    can take care of you or that your hospital can take care of you under all circumstances. You must

    rely upon the power of Knowledge within yourself, within your relationships and within others. But

    this is not a weak assurance. This is not a passive role. You will have to become very observant,

    very objective and willing to face whatever is coming over the horizon. Otherwise, you will panic,

    and your life will be overtaken with tragic consequences. You may blame God for this, but God has

    been warning you all along through your experience, through your dreams, through your sensations

    and through your deeper emotions. God has been warning you all along, and the world has been

    giving you its signs all along.

    What are the signs you should be looking for in the world at this time?

    You should be looking for the price and availability of food and the availability of water.

    You should be looking at how nations are regarding one another.

    You should be looking at the financial condition of your nation.

    You should be preparing yourself for the Great Waves of change.

    You should be watching the climate conditions of the world.

    The world is giving you these signs. You must watch them carefully now. They will help to inform

    you about how much time you have and how quickly you must begin to make the kinds of changesin your life that will be necessary. They are informing you. If you are not paying attention, what can

    life do for you? If you are arguing with this reality, if you are denying it or thinking it is false or that

    only governments are to blame, then you are not taking responsibility for your life.

    You will need a tough love for the tough times. God is giving you the real loveby warning you,

    blessing you and preparing you. If you think love is about something else, then you are confused

    about the nature, purpose and reality of love, and you do not understand what Gods love really is.

    Why would God give you pleasantries when in fact your life is in danger? Would that be love? Why

    would God try to fulfill all of your desires for happiness when your world itself is imperiled? To

    want this, to expect this or to demand this represents a fundamental confusion. To think it is all a

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    matter of perspective means that you do not yet realize the power and the potency of Knowledge

    within yourself, which is not governed by preferential thinking. It is not swayed by fear or desire.

    That is what makes it powerful. That is what makes it reliable. That is what makes it your greatest

    inner resource.

    We have mentioned three things: recognition, courage and necessity. Recognition and courage are

    important on an individual level particularly. But it will be necessity that will give humanity its

    greatest chance. For the Great Waves of change and the challenges that will be coming and are here

    already from the Greater Community represent the two great initiatives for real human unity. They

    represent necessity.

    Humanity is imperiled from within and from without. From within, it is facing a world in decline.

    Its growing populations will have to contend with a slowly shrinking well of resources and with

    environmental disruption. It will have to pay attention now to the laws of nature, which hold little

    mercy for the unprepared. It will have to face a fundamental decision over whether nations will

    compete and contend and fight over the remaining resources or whether they will unite to preservethem, to extend them and to make sure the human family as a whole has what it needs.

    It is not about national security now. It is about world security. Your nation will not remain

    unaffected if other nations fail. If millions of people stream over your borders because they cannot

    sustain themselves in your neighboring countries, that will have a great impact upon you. If

    humanity cannot feed itself, great war and tribulation will follow. Think not that these challenges

    are not upon you, for the world is telling you otherwise, and Knowledge within you is urging you to


    It will be the necessity of facing the Great Waves of change and cooperating to meet its challenges

    that will unite humanity at last. Humanity will not be united because of an agreed political agenda

    or shared ideology or shared religion. It will not be the result of a natural reconciliation between

    cultures, nations and groups. It will be generated by a very fundamental truththe truth that united

    you can succeed, but divided you will fail.

    That truth will now become the governing principle if humanity is to choose the path that will

    sustain it, redeem it and give it a better future than the past. For the past has been a record of human

    conflict, competition and human tragedy. You are entering a set of circumstances now where a few

    people cannot be enriched while the rest of the world goes into decline, for they too will lose

    everything as a result. It cannot be that a few are wealthy while the many are struggling to survive,

    for in the face of the Great Waves of change, whole nations will fail under such an arrangement.

    Nations will have to cooperate now or face mutual destruction. The peoples of the world will have

    to be cared for at a much higher level than currently exists. Necessity will drive this. Cooperation

    will be necessary now. And those groups and those forces that will not cooperate will have to

    become isolated because they are endangering the whole world.

    Necessity will also drive you to face the Greater Community. For in emerging worlds such as your

    own, the first contact with intelligent life in the Universe will be with resource explorers and

    economic collectives, predatory races that seek to take advantage of a weak and divided world such

    as your own. The New Message reveals the reality of life beyond your borders and how you will be

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    able to tell friend from foe and how those who are really your allies or potential allies will behave

    regarding you in the future.

    No one is going to come and rescue you, and those that claim to be here to do so will be your

    greatest danger. You do not understand this yet because you do not understand the reality of life inthe Greater Community. The revelation of this must be given to you from God if it is to be real and

    authentic and not some form of manipulation from some other race who seeks to gain advantage


    Necessity will require that human nations unite for their own defense, establish their own rules of

    engagement with any [foreign races] who are in the world today or who may seek to come here in

    the future. If one nation is infiltrated, it will threaten the whole world. This is thinking at a different

    level now. It is not thinking as a member of a tribe or a group or a nation. It is thinking as a member

    of the human family. It is being concerned with the welfare and the security of the entire human

    family, the native race of this world that is now facing intervention from beyond and competition

    from beyond.

    You must learn to think in these ways, to gain the courage to do this and to recognize that those

    who would visit your world are not here because they are fascinated with you or they are trying to

    uplift you spiritually or they are going to shepherd you into some glorious future.

    In the history of your own world, ignorant races have fallen under complete subjugation following

    assumptions of this kind, believing that advanced technology represents a higher moral or ethical

    approach to life.

    You are entering a Greater Community of intelligent life in the Universe, a competitive

    environment on a scale you can hardly imagine. And you are entering it as a weak and divided race,

    stewarding a beautiful planet that is valued by others.

    Intervention is occurring now because you are destroying this invaluable asset, this beautiful world;

    because you have produced technology that others can use; and because those who seek to intervene

    do not want to see you become more powerful than you are today. This is their opportunity, and

    they will take advantage of itgenerating human conflict, weakening the strongest nations, pitting

    nations against one another to weaken them and to make them more dependent upon the presence

    that is now amongst them, a presence from the Greater Community.

    You know not of your predicament. You know not of your vulnerability. You are still thinking likepeople living in isolation, assuming that everything important in life has to do with your local

    environment, your histories and your temperament. You do not see that you live within a Greater

    Community of intelligent life and that humanity is facing a grave set of circumstances.

    Those who are in the world today do not represent military forces. They are commercial forces.

    They are small in number. They do not have great power, except the power of persuasion, and it is

    this that they are using to turn people against one another, against their governments and away from

    Knowledge within themselves, which can never be turned by any forcefrom this world or any


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    You may say, Oh, this is too much for me! I dont think I can deal with this! But this is your

    world. This is your life. This is your future. What do you mean you cannot deal with it? Of course

    you can. You were sent here by God to deal with it, to contribute to the world. It is because you are

    dealing with other things that have little or no value that you feel weak and impotent in the face of

    such great circumstances. Your romances, the acquisition of wealth, your hobbies, your pastimes,your dilemmas, your conflicts with other individualsthis is all sucking the life out of you! Your

    power, your potency, your courage, your resourcefulnessall being lost to things of little or no


    The hour is late. It is too late for human folly. You must prepare for the future as an individual, and

    you must promote human freedom and unity in the face of necessity. This is what will save

    humanity and give it a foundation for the future that will be greater than anything it has ever had

    beforegreater than its brief periods of opulence and success and indulgence. You now have to

    survive within a declining world. And you will have to become strong enough to resist the

    temptations that will come from the Greater Community. You have to resist intervention. You have

    to become serious about your life, much more serious than you have been before.

    All the problems that humanity is facing now, many of which are very serious, will be

    overshadowed by the Great Waves of change and by competition from beyond the world. For what

    could you hope to preserve or to gain if the world becomes uninhabitable for most people, if there is

    not enough food for the human family, if your essential resources decline to such a point that

    nations cannot function? And what can you hope to gain or achieve for yourself if humanity falls

    under control and subjugation to foreign powers from the Greater Community itself? Consider any

    problem that you think is important in the world in the light of these two great forces, and you will

    see where your emphasis must reside.

    How will you take care of yourself? How will you take care of the elderly? How will you take care

    of children? How will you take care of the disadvantaged in the face of the Great Waves of change?

    How can you become a positive resource for the world, an influenceable to provide for others,

    able to have vision and clarity, able to have strength? How will you be able to recognize that

    humanity must unite for its own defense in the Greater Community or it will be infiltrated,

    subjugated, persuaded and overtaken by other powers?

    This is what happens in nature. This is part of life. This has been going on in the world for

    centuries, between human beings. It is going on throughout the Universe though there are different

    circumstances and different restraints that exist in the Greater Community which you can learn


    This is reality. The great tragedy for humanity is that only the very poor are facing reality, for they

    have no choice. The wealthy are squandering themselvestheir resources, their education, their

    time, their emphasison the most foolish and absurd fascinations and interests. It is too late for this


    That is why there is a New Message from God in the world because without this New Message,

    humanity will fail. Its failure will come incrementally, but it will come. And intervention in the

    world will take place without human awareness and without human resistance.

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    Do not deny this, for if you do, you are missing the great Message from the Creator. If you do not

    see the warning, you will not value the blessing, and you will not see the need for the preparation.

    For Gods New Message, which is meant for all the peoples of the world, is to provide this warning,

    this blessing and this preparation. Not everyone will be able to respond, but many will have to

    from different nations, from different religions. Everything is in the balance now. The fate of theworld will be determined within the next few decades. That is an incredibly short period of time.

    Life is moving. Events are taking place. The results of humanitys degradation and foolish use of

    the world are now moving on their own. Technology alone will not be an answer. There must be

    human recognition, courage and unity. Technology will only be a tool to help you, but without this

    recognition, this courage and this unity, technology will only hasten your demise.

    The Creator of all life loves this world, loves humanity and has given humanity the power of

    Knowledge, has given humanity the great Revelations of the past and has given humanity now a

    New Revelation for this time and for the times to come. You are living in a time of Revelation, for

    you are living in a time of unprecedented need, facing a set of circumstances that humanity hasnever had to face before. You have faced deprivation before in the world, but you have never faced

    a world in decline.

    Do not think your wealth and your privileges will insulate you from this, for you will be vulnerable.

    Everyone will be vulnerable. And that is why the New Message calls for human recognition,

    courage and unity. It is not a good idea now. It is not merely an option, for the choices are very few.

    And that is what gives power and potency to your time. That is what gives urgency to your life and

    purpose and meaning for your life.

    Knowledge within you will guide you to make a contribution to the world with certain people in

    certain circumstances. The condition of the world will give you the sobriety and the conviction that

    you must follow this Knowledge. For this is how God will speak to you, and this is the time in

    which you must learn to listen.