What Works? Th E l M hd The Entrepreneurial Method IEEC Coventry Sep 2011 Saras Sarasvathy University of Virginia Darden Graduate School of Business EFFECTUATION Elementso f With inputs from: Ian Ayers Nicholas Dew EntrepreneurialExpertise Jeanne Liedtka Rene Mauer Nicholas Dew William Forster Edward Freeman Brent Goldfarb SARAS D. SARASVATHY Rene Mauer Anil Menon Stuart Read Herbert Simon Brent Goldfarb Susan Harmeling Graciela Kuechle NewHorizonsinEntrepreneurship Herbert Simon S. Venkataraman Robert Wiltbank www.effectuation.org

What Works? Th E l M h dThe Entrepreneurial Methodieeponline.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/What-Works-The...Th E l M h dThe Entrepreneurial Method ... DDnGu funarden Graduate School

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What Works?Th E l M h dThe Entrepreneurial MethodIEEC Coventry Sep 2011

Saras SarasvathyUniversity of VirginiaDarden Graduate School of BusinessD n G u f u n

EFFECTUATIONE l e m e n t s o f

With inputs from:Ian AyersNicholas Dew

E n t r e p r e n e u r i a l E x p e r t i s e

Jeanne LiedtkaRene MauerNicholas Dew

William ForsterEdward FreemanBrent Goldfarb


Rene MauerAnil MenonStuart ReadHerbert SimonBrent Goldfarb

Susan HarmelingGraciela KuechleN e w H o r i z o n s i n E n t r e p r e n e u r s h i p

Herbert SimonS. VenkataramanRobert Wiltbank


The First Empirical Journey

Question:What are the teachable and learnable elements of What are the teachable and learnable elements of entrepreneurial expertise?

Subjects: 27 expert entrepreneurs(Founders of companies from $200M to $6.5B)

h l lMethod: Protocol analysis(80 hours of tape; 1500 pages of data)

h h Theory: Sarasvathy, 2008(Effectuation: Elements of Entrepreneurial Expertise)

Results:Over 63% of the subjects used an EFFECTUAL f jlogic more than 75% of the time

The Key Finding

• To the extent we can predict the future, we can control itcan control it

• To the extent we can control the future, we don’t need to predict it

How do you control a future you cannot predict? How do you control a future you cannot predict?

Principles of Effectuation(AMR 2001)( )

• Bird in hand principle:• Bird-in-hand principle:Start with Who you are, What you know, & Whom you know (Not pre-set goals/opps)

ff d bl l l• Affordable loss principle:Invest what you can afford to lose – extreme case $0 (Not expected return)

• Crazy Quilt principle:Build a network of self-selected stakeholders (Not competitive analysis)

• Lemonade principle:Embrace and Leverage surprises (Not avoid them)

• Pilot-in-the-plane principle:The future comes from what people do (Not inevitable trends)

Dynamics of Effectuation(JEE 2005)

Who I amWhat I knowWh I k

What canI do?

Effectual stakeholder commitments

Interactions with other

Whom I know I do? commitmentspeople(Affordable loss)

Non-predictive control

Hi h

Plan PersistHigh




= Non-predictive control

Low High


How do you control a future you cannot predict? y y pYou co-create it through stakeholder commitments

Dynamics of the effectual network(JEE 2005)

Expanding cycle of resources

New means

Actual courses ofAction possible

Who I amWhat I knowWhom I know

What canI do?

Effectual stakeholder commitments

Interactions with other



Who We areWhat We knowWhom We know

What canWe do?Whom I know commitmentspeople

New goalsActual Means

C i l f t i t

(Affordable loss)Whom We know

Converging cycle of constraints


Claus Meyer, Meyer Group – at CBS, Denmark

Pierre Omidyar on eBay

• Almost every industry analyst and business reporter I talk to observes that eBay's strength is that its system is self-y g ysustaining -- able to adapt to user needs, without any heavy intervention from a central authority of some sort. So people often say to me - "when you built the system you must have often say to me when you built the system, you must have known that making it self-sustainable was the only way eBay could grow to serve 40 million users a day."

• Well… nope. I made the system self-sustaining for one reason: Back when I launched eBay on Labor Day 1995, eBay wasn't my y y , y ybusiness - it was my hobby. I had to build a system that was self-sustaining… …Because I had a real job to go to every morning I was working as a software engineer from 10 to 7 and morning. I was working as a software engineer from 10 to 7, and I wanted to have a life on the weekends. So I built a system that could keep working - catching complaints and capturing feedback even when Pam and I were out mountain biking and feedback -- even when Pam and I were out mountain-biking, and the only one home was our cat.

• If I had had a blank check from a big VC, and a big staff running around - things might have gone much worse. I would have probably put together a very complex, elaborate system - something that justified all the investment. But because I had to operate on a tight budget -tight in terms of money and tight in terms of time - necessity focused

i li it S I b ilt t i l h t t i it lf me on simplicity: So I built a system simple enough to sustain itself.

• By building a simple system, with just a few guiding principles, eBay was y g p y j g g p p yopen to organic growth - it could achieve a certain degree of self-organization. So I guess what I'm trying to tell you is: Whatever future you're building… Don't try to program everything. 5 Year Plans never worked for the Soviet Union - in fact, if anything, central planning contributed to its fall. Chances are, central planning won't work any better for any of us.

• Build a platform - prepare for the unexpected... …And you'll know you're successful when the platform you've built serves you in y p y yunexpected ways. That's certainly true of the lessons I've learned in the process of building eBay. Because in the deepest sense, eBay wasn't a hobby. And it wasn't a business. It was - and is - a community: An organic, evolving, self-organizing web of individual relationships, formed around shared interests. (Omidyar, 2002)

Markets and Opportunities: Made, as well as found

N t j t ji lNot just a jigsaw puzzle

More like a crazy quilt
