WHAT’S INSIDE ABOUT US WWW.SUCCI.COM HOURS OF OPERATION MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY THE LOOP is a newsletter for students published by SUCCI, The Student Union of Confederation College. We are a student focused organization committed to advocacy, entertainment, well-being, employment, education and student-friendly services to enhance the overall college experience. 8:30AM - 4:30PM 8:30AM - 4:30PM 8:30AM - 4:30PM 8:30AM - 4:30PM 8:30AM - 4:30PM FEBRUARY 2017 VOLUME I | ISSUE 4 BY CHRIS ZAISER The hallways at Confederaon College are decorated with campaign posters as students vie for a posion on SUCCI’s Board of Directors in the upcoming 2017-18 academic school year. Campaigning began on February 3rd and will run unl February 20th at which me the campaining period will end. Vong will begin on February 21st and last for three days, ending on February 23rd at 4PM. All full-me post secondary students are eligible to vote and a link will be sent to the college email address of all eligible voters. Once logged in, candidate profiles will be available to review so students can make an informed decision before placing their vote. For students that may not have access to a computer outside of the college, there will be an opportunity to vote at one of the Healthy Breakfast locaons: Shuniah Student Lounge, McIntyre Cafeteria, and the ACE Lobby as they are on the elecon days. If you don`t receive the link to vote or have quesons about the elecons, stop by the SUCCI Office for more informaon. Don`t miss out, make your voice heard! SUCCI 2017-18 BOARD OF DIRECTORS ELECTION IN FULL SWING WWW.SUCCI.COM 1 PAGE 2 • CANDIDATE PROFILES Vice President, Internal PAGE 3 • CANDIDATE PROFILES Director of Student Wellness & Diversity PAGE 4 • CANDIDATE PROFILES Director of Social Events PAGE 5 • CANDIDATE PROFILES Senator of Business, Hospitality, & Media Arts PAGE 6 • CANDIDATE PROFILES Senator of Technology PAGE 7 • ACCLAIMED POSITIONS President | Vice President, External PAGE 8 • CANDIDATE PROFILES Senator of Aviation Senator of Health & Community Services

WHAT’S INSIDE SUCCI 2017-18 BOARD OF DIRECTORS ELECTION IN ... - Confederation College · 2017. 6. 8. · the college email address of all eligible voters. Once logged in, candidate

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Page 1: WHAT’S INSIDE SUCCI 2017-18 BOARD OF DIRECTORS ELECTION IN ... - Confederation College · 2017. 6. 8. · the college email address of all eligible voters. Once logged in, candidate






THE LOOP is a newsletter for students published by SUCCI, The Student Union of Confederation College. We are a student focused organization committed to advocacy, entertainment, well-being, employment, education and student-friendly services to enhance the overall college experience.

8:30AM - 4:30PM8:30AM - 4:30PM8:30AM - 4:30PM8:30AM - 4:30PM8:30AM - 4:30PM


BY CHRIS ZAISERThe hallways at Confederation College are decorated with campaign posters as students vie for a position on SUCCI’s Board of Directors in the upcoming 2017-18 academic school year. Campaigning began on February 3rd and will run until February 20th at which time the campaining period will end. Voting will begin on February 21st and last for three days, ending on February 23rd at 4PM.

All full-time post secondary students are eligible to vote and a link will be sent to the college email address of all eligible voters. Once logged in, candidate profiles will be available to review so students can make an informed decision before placing their vote.For students that may not have access to a computer outside of the college, there will be an opportunity to vote at one of the Healthy Breakfast locations: Shuniah Student Lounge, McIntyre Cafeteria, and the ACE Lobby as they are on the election days.If you don`t receive the link to vote or have questions about the elections, stop by the SUCCI Office for more information. Don`t miss out, make your voice heard!



PAGE 2 • CANDIDATE PROFILES• Vice President, Internal

PAGE 3 • CANDIDATE PROFILES• Director of Student Wellness & Diversity

PAGE 4 • CANDIDATE PROFILES• Director of Social Events

PAGE 5 • CANDIDATE PROFILES• Senator of Business, Hospitality, & Media Arts

PAGE 6 • CANDIDATE PROFILES• Senator of Technology

PAGE 7 • ACCLAIMED POSITIONS• President | Vice President, External

PAGE 8 • CANDIDATE PROFILES• Senator of Aviation• Senator of Health & Community Services

Page 2: WHAT’S INSIDE SUCCI 2017-18 BOARD OF DIRECTORS ELECTION IN ... - Confederation College · 2017. 6. 8. · the college email address of all eligible voters. Once logged in, candidate




ABOUT MEI am in my 2nd year of the Culinary Management program. I am the current SUCCI Director of Athletics, but I am looking forward to the possibility of working in a greater capacity as Vice President-Internal to better serve you, the students. I am also in my second season as goalie for the Thunderhawk’s men’s indoor soccer team.

WHY I AM RUNNINGI am running for Vice President-Internal because I am committed to serving everyone to the best of my ability. My experience as a current SUCCI Board of Directors member has given my plenty of insight on major topics of issue. There is work to be done to ensure that our growing number of International students are treated with the same equality and respect as the domestic students. No student should be treated differently from one another.

MY GOALS IF ELECTED• I will work to make more scholarships and bursaries available to International students. I am aware there are limited bursary options available to International students and it is a priority for me to create more opportunities

• As part of the Task Force with Stay North initiative, I will work towards creating a unified voice to enable First Nations, civic and educational institutions to collaborate effectively and eliminate barriers for our youth as they move towards the workforce

• I will work to eliminate discrimination and racism within our community. Everyone is deserved to be treated with respect and integrity. Cultural diversity, equity, and gender will continued to be valued and respected greatly

MY GOALS IF ELECTED • Implementation of new policies helpful for students

• Effective discussion with sub-ordinates on various issues

• Personal interaction with students to know their creative ideas

WHY I AM RUNNINGTo represent students and to be in a position to speak on behalf of them is a great honour. I believe that I will handle this great responsibility with the best of my abilityies. If given a chance I will try to be one of the best student leaders and try to instill fame and glory in the past will help me as a good decision maker in all critical matters.

ABOUT MEI started my journey in Canada in August of 2016, soon after the introduction of Confederation College to pursue my Post Graduation in the field of Engineering Business and Safety Management. My goal is to be the member of the Board of Directors of SUCCI.

Page 3: WHAT’S INSIDE SUCCI 2017-18 BOARD OF DIRECTORS ELECTION IN ... - Confederation College · 2017. 6. 8. · the college email address of all eligible voters. Once logged in, candidate




ABOUT MEI am currently a student of Industrial Manufacturing Process and my goal of joining this college is to enhance my skills, knowledge and overall development. My leadership roles includes Special Police Officer during Karnataka, India elections and organizing college hostel activities.

WHY I AM RUNNINGMy interest in organizing and managing activities prompted me to run for this position. The first thing that I would like to achieve is to organize events which helps promote a feeling of unity among students. In addition to this, I would like to put forward my ideas which may help improve the student life and make it enjoyable. The events in the college should focus on enhancing skills such as communication, team work, and also act be a source of entertainment. The first on the list if the construction of playground for outdoor games.

MY GOALS IF ELECTED• Encouraging students to participate in activities

• Organizing skill enhancement activities

• Arrangement of interaction session so that students come to know each other better, thus promoting a feeling a harmony and unity among folks

MY GOALS IF ELECTED• Make aware of the services available to the students in the college.

• Work whole heartedly to focus on student’s welfare.

• Focusing on the issues to resolve them for the well being of each student as an individual.

WHY I AM RUNNINGI am running for the position as a Director of Student Wellness and Diversity, because

• Firstly, I like to work for the wellbeing of people, especially students.• There are lots of students, coming far from their home country facing several problems can easily approach me.• I want to create awareness to the students for their rights and opportunities.

The services provided by college are unbiased, but there are some methodologies that needs to be improved on which I would like to focus. I want all the students to know everything about the activities going around and that will be my foremost aim as a director.

ABOUT MEI am a student in the Engineering Business and Safety Management program. My goal is to make aware of the facilities and services available for the students studying at the college. International and domestic students are not aware of the benefits and the opportunities that are available to them during their studies from the college and the community.

Page 4: WHAT’S INSIDE SUCCI 2017-18 BOARD OF DIRECTORS ELECTION IN ... - Confederation College · 2017. 6. 8. · the college email address of all eligible voters. Once logged in, candidate




ABOUT MEI am in the fourth semester of my Business - Accounting program, in addition next year I will be coming back for a year to get an Advanced College diploma. After, I will graduate from Confederation College; I want to start my own business.

WHY I AM RUNNINGI am running for this position because I want to see how SUCCI organization operates from different Perspectives, in my case as a Director of Special Events. I think the skills I will acquire during the term would definitely help me in the future to run a solid business. I think having a background before I step out and start my own foundation will definitely be the best start to me future even before it begins. I want to look into making the environment fruitful and fun to learn around, create events where everyone mingles and gets to know each other while being a good senator who everyone can approach and get help from.

MY GOALS IF ELECTED• Help students manage their time better by looking into schedules and other operative sources

• Educate both domestic and international students about how things work (eg. Banking System, Tax, etc.) through workshops or meeting

• Listen to student voices and try to find solution as quickly as possible

MY GOALS IF ELECTED• Organize an Event to help them kick-start their life inCanada. This event will help students get their sin number, Sim cards and help them find accommodation. This will happen before the orientation

• Try to organize events that bring the students and Alumni together that will help the students to be better prepared for the real world

• Work with other members of the board to organize a better Job fair and other placement opportunities

WHY I AM RUNNINGConfederation College has successfully managed to educate and entertain it’s students through SUCCI. Our Student union has been doing a great job in bringing the best of events in the interest of the students, both International and domestic. As an aspiring Director of Social Events I plan to bring more to SUCCI’s calendar. My keen interest in the extra curricular activities will motivate me to plan promo events. I plan on gathering feedback from students to develop new events that they wish to see in the college. I believe it is important to respect the sentiments and culture of the diverse student community and organize events accordingly.

ABOUT MEI, Kiran Joseph Kumar from the Engineering Business and Safety management program seek your support to be elected as the Director of social events. I have been the Treasurer for the SAE club in my college and have structured many events and have lead many teams of organizers in the same, and this experience will help me organize the finest of events in the academic year 2017-2018.

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ABOUT MEI am currently in second semester of culinary management and my goal is to have my own chain of restaurants in Canada. As the “Head Chef” of Monsoon Thunder Bay restaurant, I believe I am on the right path to my goal.

WHY I AM RUNNINGI have always been a go-getter in my life where I want to do anything I put in all my efforts and available resources to achieve it. If elected to the office in SUCCI, two things that I will never lack in will be the effort and commitment. I want to lead the path by example and in turn inspire others to do the same.

MY GOALS IF ELECTED• Lost of books, kits

• Women safety on campus

• Equal participation of all communities in college activities

MY GOALS IF ELECTED• Organzing more events and prioritizing students needs.For example resume workshops and other fund events

• Focus create a highly acceptable environment for diversity in campus, while learning about other cultures and sharing my own heritage

• Become a voice of representing student to college authorities opinion


I will arrange events such as games, celebrate events which are interesting. I will focus on increasing student participation in SUCCI events. I will try to complete expectations of students which they make at time of elections from their candidate and also accomplish my promises which I will make at the time of companion.

ABOUT MEI am taking “Leadership for Healthcare professionals” which is a perfect fit for me as it fits my personality. My program provides me the opportunity to develop and implement leadership qualities which makes me a good candidate for this position. If called upon to serve on this position I will bring qualities such as organization, excellent communication skills and easy to approach personality to this position.

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ABOUT MEI am in the 1st semester of Engineering in business and safety management. I have experience as a project engineer for 2years. I was elected and also worked as a general Secretary as well as a Sports secretary in my college for two terms. My goal is to become a leading Entrepreneur.

WHY I AM RUNNINGI like leading others in any form, here I am getting one of the finest and respectful platform in the form of “SUCCI”, I don’t want to miss this opportunity to serve, as well as to develop my leadership skills. Also I would like to apply my past experiences, as well as my leadership skill to enhance the SUCCI and Confederation College. I have good Organizing and Management skills.



• HAND IN HAND (solutions for struggling as well as new students)

MY GOALS IF ELECTED• Work with the program coordinators and authoritiesto ensure more paid internships/Job opportunities areavailable to technology students

• I will work with SUCCI president to ensure that programs like Engineering Business and Safety Management have a registered Co-op placement so that students will get better chances in the industries

• Help each technology students to express their concerns and issues and to make sure that reaches the right place at the right time

WHY I AM RUNNINGAs the Union General Secretary in my graduation college, I’ve proven my audacity and dynamism as a frontman to the student community. I believe that success is the birthright of every student and to make sure the rights are reserved; is my duty. Technology students should vote for me not just because “Senator Sreenath” sounds nice though, but for my convictions and ability to orchestrate more paid internships and job opportunities for our students.

ABOUT MEI am pursuing Industrial Manufacturing Processes program at Confederation College. I am running for the position of Senator of Technology. Sreenath, in Sanskrit means the advocate of prosperity. This senator-ship to me is not just a position, but a platform to do justice to my name, for our prosperity as students.

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ABOUT MEI am the current president of the Student Union of Confederation College Inc. (SUCCI). I graduated from Confederation College in 2016 from the Post Graduate Human Resources Management Program. Previous to this, I graduated from the Business Marketing Administration Diploma in 2014.

WHY I RANI am passionate about my position as President of SUCCI and work to make considerable impacts on the lives of the students of Confederation College by striving to advocate on their behalf at the college, municipal and provincial levels. I am currently working on a variety of projects that will enhance the overall student experience at Confederation College. These projects include The SUCCI Wellness Centre, Atrium Project, TBaytel charging stations. The idea is to increase awareness and access to health & nutritious options for students, to improve spaces for students to study, socialize and reflect.

MY GOALS• Additional Scholarships for all students

• Charging stations

• Awareness about gender equality and health & wellness and diversity through workshops, seminars, virtual training, educational booklets

MY GOALS• I will make more access in regards to the food bank throughout the year

• I will bring in more scholarships, bursarues and awards through college student alliance

• I will try to bridge gaps between partners

WHY I RANWhen I first came to Confederation College, SUCCI welcomed me with kindness which gave me the feeling that I would not miss my home. I have been working as a part of action network at SUCCI which further increased my ability to witness the day to day operations at SUCCI. A Student union at a college is a place where students open up their concerns and issues “YOU WILL BE HEARD”. I will advocate for the best interest of the student body.

ABOUT MEI am a first year dental care & administration student. I ran for the position of Vice president External. I came to Confederation College as a mature student with ample workplace and volunteer experience. I am proud to say I have been a part of the Indian Dental Association.

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ABOUT MEBefore attending Confederation College, I received a Bachelor’s Degree in Aerospace Engineering from Carleton University. During that time, I was also the Co-Founder and President of a student club for four years, and became passionate about leadership and student involvement.

WHY I RANI ran for Senator of Aviation because I believe that community matters. Community can make or break your college experience, and the friendships you form here and the experiences you have will follow you for the rest of your life. Furthermore, I have seen that the SUCCI Staff and Board of Directors truly care about the success, entertainment, and well-being of us all. Therefore, I am honoured to servealongside them. I will work hard to try to make next year your most fun, rewarding, and enjoyable year yet!

MY GOALS IF ELECTED• Plan and advocate for more events and activities at the Aviation Centre of Excellence (ACE) building (like movie nights, and guest speakers from the aviation community

• Promote community and interaction between all four Aviation/Aerospace programs through joint events, activities, etc

• Continue to push for better transportation between the ACE and Thunder Bay Campus buildings

MY GOALS IF ELECTED• Promote overall health & wellbeing

• Equal participateion of all communities

• Accomplish more activities for students to get involved

WHY I RANI ran for this position because, I want to get involved with SUCCI, because I am very passionate about health & diversity and improving the well being for the college. I would like to create an environment that unites all cultures, beliefs, ideas and individualities.

ABOUT MEI am in the dental hygiene program. My goal is to practice as a practice as a dental hygienist to provide care to the community. I like to mitigate conflict by mediation between two parties involved. I like to work closely with people in order to meet their needs.