What’s New Class Climate Version 7.1 Released: April 24, 2017 For the audio portion of this webinar, please dial: 1.877.820.7831 Conf Code: 393000#

What’s New Class Climate - Iowa State University€™s New Class Climate Version 7.1 Released: April 24, ... – Presentation Slides Redesign Right-to-Left Language Support

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What’s New Class Climate Version 7.1

Released: April 24, 2017

For the audio portion of this webinar, please dial:


Conf Code: 393000#

What’s New Class Climate Version 7.1

Released: April 24, 2017

Presented by:

Micheal Oliver, Manager Corporate Training

CC Version 7.1 New Features and Enhancements

Administrator Enhancements

– Enhanced Text Templates Display

– Instructor Notification of Survey Start

– Display Courses - Additional Search Filters

– Mass Delete Courses Without Surveys

– Integrated Online Help

– Integrated Online Search

– Edit Comments after DEA

– Delete Comments after DEA

– Mass Delete of Obsolete Comment Images

– Volume License Capacity Alerts

– Reduced Mail Service Notifications

– Fix-List Display

VividForms Editor (Questionnaires)

– Horizontal Pole Labels (working again)

– Layout Improvements

Instructor's Optional Questions


– Color Histograms

– Stacked Bar

– Extended Indicators

– Cumulative Frequencies

– Hold Access to PDF Reports

– Include QM View Data

– Presentation Slides Redesign

Right-to-Left Language Support

– Questionnaires and Surveys

– Reports

System Improvements

– Security

– Performance

– Database


LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability)

"Extras" Tab


Administration Enhancements

Enhanced Text Templates Display


Much easier to locate desired Messages, Letters, Emails, Report Headers

Instructor Notification at Start of Survey

Appears on Scheduled Task Screen

– Scheduled Tasks / PSWD to Respondents (Tab 1)

If Checked, Instructor of Record receives email when PSWDs are sent

– NOTE: Text Template needs to be reviewed and modified

Instructors know when Participant Links are available

Allows Instructors to motivate Respondents to participate

Possibly raise Response Rates

Full Screen Shot on next Page


Instructor Notification at Start of Survey, continued


Display Courses – Additional Search Filters

7.0 and prior version:

– Time Period only search criteria

7.1 provides Additional Filters:

– Without / With Surveys

– Non-anonymous / Anonymous Courses


NOTE: Assignment of Time Period has not changed from previous versions

Mass Delete Courses Without Surveys

Display Courses Function

Additional Filter = "Without surveys"

Select / Deselect All "Toggle" Check Box

Ideal for removing Courses when Surveys were not Generated


Integrated Online Help

New icon with Help Option

– Context-Sensitive Online Help System

Responsive Design for different screen resolution

– Controlled by Web Browser

Quick access to matching criteria in User's Manual

Loads faster than huge manual

Initially Auto-Populates based on Current Screen Name

PDF User's Manual still available


Integrated Online Help

Any Keyword or Topic may be entered


Integrated Online Search


Question Mark Icon replaces plain

white search box

Comment Editing After Data Entry Assistant (DEA)

Ability to correct text in Open Questions (Comments) even after the DEA has

processed the entries

Easier to use Menu

May be accessed from Display Overview Screen or Survey Details Screen


Comment Editing After DEA, continued

Simply Click the Edit Pencil on the line that needs to be corrected.


Make the desired


Click Save

Delete Comments After DEA, continued

Ability to Delete one, some, or all Comments

Select / Deselect All "Toggle" Check Box

Ideal for Removing Inappropriate or Non-relevant Comments

– Based on Policy

Comments to be Deleted turn Pink


Mass Delete of Obsolete (Old) Images

Deleting Images added to System Cleaning

Based on specified Survey Period

Affects Original Comment Images from Paper Scanned Surveys

Performed ONLY when Comments are no longer needed

Does not affect Compilation Reports or Active User Surveys

Does not affect Online Survey Comments or Re-keyed Comments by DEA

May Reduce Backup Time

Deletion is Irrevocable


Volume License Capacity Alerts

Two (2) Configurable Warning Thresholds

Triggers Automatic Email Notifications to Admins when Capacity Volume Falls

Below Thresholds.

Helps avoid unexpected Shutdown due to exceeding Volume License value


Reduced Mail Service Notifications

Messages appear to Admins upon Class Climate Login

Classification and Frequency of Mass email Error Messages reduced

Reduces False Alarms and unnecessary Notifications

– Typically, caused by temporary shutdown of Class Climate database server during

backup procedures

– System now momentarily waits before errors appear


Fix-List Display

Appears on License Management Screen

Provides List of Fixes AND if they were Installed Correctly

Beneficial when communicating with Scantron Tech Support


VividForms Editor (Questionnaires)

Horizontal Pole Labels—They're Back!!

Version 7.0 - Mutli-Column Layout and Text Adjustment adversely

affected Horizontal Poles

– Introduced in 6.0

– Broken in 7.0

– Functioning again in 7.1

– Zero Degree (0o) Inclination

Example below utilizes both Horizontal Poles Labels and Text Adjustment


Layout Improvements – If message appears—READ Carefully

Corrected the Computing of Automatic Layout for:

– Checkboxes with Alternating Scale Resolutions

– Horizontal Extended Pole Labels

More consistent Form appearance

"Convert Form" Message may appear after Upgrade to 7.1

To avoid possibility of shifting on the form, Copy / Edit New Form is always



Pre-Defined Instructor Optional

Questions (IOQs)

Access to Question Library Folder for Pre-Defined IOQ's

IOQs must be pre-established on Questionnaire(s)

Allows Instructors to choose questions for their IOQ's from a library folder

System Setting defines:

0 = No access to Question Library

1 = Instructors may only choose Questions from the Library

2 = Instructors may enter their own Questions or choose from the Library

System Settings / Survey / Instructor's Optional Questions / Rights to add

questions in the "Predefined Optional Questions" mode

May be Activated / Deactivated on an Subunit-by-Subunit basis


Entering Pre-Defined Questions into Library for IOQ's

System Settings Determines which Admin roles(s) may add Pre-Defined

Questions to specific Library Folder

1 = Admin and Secondary Admins ONLY

2 = Admin, Secondary Admins, and Subunit Admins

Instructors may choose Questions from this Folder


System Settings / Survey / Instructor's Optional Questions / Rights to add

questions in the ´Predefined Optional Questions´ mode

Entering Pre-Defined Questions into Library for IOQ's

In this example: ALL Admin

Types are authorized to enter

Pre-Defined Questions into the


Authorized Admins will

automatically have a Folder to

enter the Pre-Defined IOQs

Public is not required for

P-D IOQs to be available to



Questionnaire with Pre Defined IOQs Available


This example allows for up to

3 questions to be chosen

from the Library Folder.

Generate the Surveys as


Instructor Screen for Completing Pre Defined IOQs


Create a Questionnaire utilizing Pre-

Defined questions

Clicking the checkbox in Settings,

adds a question for Predefined

Optional Question to be chosen by

individual Instructors.

Enter as many Questions as desired

(do not exceed the number of

questions available in the Library)

Instructor Screen for Completing Pre Defined IOQs


Generate the Survey as usual

A Questionnaire is created with an "asterisk" indicating a Template has been


IOQs may now be added

Activate the IOQs specifying

Predefined Optional Questions

Instructor Screen for Completing Pre Defined IOQs


Choose the appropriate options and Click Proceed

Message that emails will be delivered appears:

Instructor Screen for Completing Pre Defined IOQs


Instructors receive an email to add their Question(s)

Instructor Screen for Completing Pre Defined IOQs


Clicking the link in the email will open the following:

Instructor Screen for Completing Pre Defined IOQs


Once all desired questions have been Added, Click Finish

The following message will appear

– Indicates Questions were added

– Clicking OK will complete the process—no further action may be taken

Instructor Screen for Completing Pre Defined IOQs


The remainder of the process is identical to all IOQ options

The Admin will now see the IOQs have been completed

A sequence number is added

– Creates a new Questionnaire with added Questions

The responses will appear in the Instant Report but not when Combined by the

Report Creator(s)

The Completed Questionnaire:



Question Wizard Options

Report Settings

New Instant Report "Type of Diagram" Options

Two New Options Added to Question Wizard

– Multi-color Histogram

– Stacked Bar Diagram

Histograms now easier to read and interpret

(and prettier)


Multicolored Histograms

Scaled Questions Only

Selected per Question on Question Wizard

Ability to define Colors for Individual Bars

– Colors established for all 11 Options

– Colors auto-adjust based on actual number of defined Options

– Last 11 Report Settings

– Colors must be completely reversed if Positive is on Left

Relative Values, Absolute Values or Both displayed

– Based on System Setting / Report Settings


Stacked Bar Diagram

Scaled Questions Only

Selected per Question on Question Wizard

Horizontal gradient of colors indicate positive/negative

Uses same color scheme as Multi-color Histograms

Values of Stacked bar Diagrams always shown

as Percentages


Indicators Stacked Bar Diagram – Report Setting


Three (3) Report Settings affect Stacked Bar Diagram for Indicators

– Activate display of indictors as Stacked Bar Diagram

– Left Pole Default Value

– Right Pole Default Value

Indicators Stacked Bar Diagram – Report Setting


System Settings / Report Settings / Configuration"

– "Indicators: Display stacked bar diagram" = Activated

– "Indicators: Left pole" = minus or plus based on value assignment

– "Indicators: Right pole" opposite of Left pole assignment

If Poles are inconsistent across Organization, recommend "blank" for both

Pole Values

Cumulative Frequencies

Provides ability for Report Recipients to view Total Responses in PDF Report

Cumulate the frequencies based on positive values or negative values

– Satisfaction rates or Dissatisfaction rates

For single-choice and scaled questions

Example - Scale of approval: Show the overall percentage of the two positive

options of a five-point scaled question (Strongly Agree and Agree)

The cumulative frequency can be used to represent problem frequencies or

satisfaction indices in the PDF report.

When configured, "cf" displays in the PDF Report


Cumulative Frequencies – Making it Work


Cumulative Frequency must be Activated

System Settings / Report Settings / Configuration /

Numeric Values: Display Cumulative frequency

Cumulative Frequencies – Data Export Configuration


Questionnaires / Details / Advanced Settings / Data Export Configuration /


Variable name must contain Weighted Values to be considered in the summed


– 1 and 2 would represent lowest 2 values (Strongly Disagree / Disagree)

– 4 and 5 would represent highest 2 values (Agree / Strongly Agree)

– Mirrored Scales also configurable

Variable name = V3_Eo4o5 represents

– Question 3 (from the Questionnaire add values 4 and 5 together to be divided by

total number of responses

Hold Access to PDF Reports


Ability to restrict result access for central surveys which are not


This affects both active and passive users with login access to pull

reports from central evaluation

Activated = Users can view their reports prior to Closing Courses

Deactivated = Users can only view their reports after the Courses

are Closed

System Settings / Instructor Accounts /

"Allow survey result access for open surveys"

Include QM View Data

System Settings / Report Settings / Configuration /

Quality Guidelines: Show tabular overview


New Presentation Template in Landscape Format

New layout better suited for presentation (PPT) inclusion

Indicators shown as stacked bar graphs with or with Standard Deviation

Also Works for Free Iindicators


Right-to-Left Language Support

47 47

Arabic Language Support – Questionnaires and Surveys


Right-to-Left (RTL) support added to Languages for Questionnaires

(Languages) and Multi-Language Surveys

Full automatic mirroring of the entire survey

Arabic Language Support - Reports

Right-to-Left (RTL) support added to Languages for PDF Reports

Full automatic mirroring of the entire Reports

– Histograms

– Profile Lines

– Survey Contents


System Improvements


General Security Improvements

Class Climate Platform subjected to Penetration Test

– Completed by 3rd Party Company

– Data Security Specialists

Incorporated suggestions and repeated Penetration Tests

Ensures Core System Design is Safe from known attack



General Performance Improvements

Various Functional Areas Optimized

– Display of Subunits

– Loading of Questionnaire Library

– Batch Events

Reduces Processing Time

Faster System Response


Database Improvements

Converted Internal Communication between Class

Climate and Database Server to Transactions

Prior: Unexpected Program Termination occasionally left

data fragments

– Adverse side effects could occur

Increases System Stability

Enables Complete Reversal of more complex processing


– Due to unexpected errors

Working Storage of System has Increased to support

these changes


PDF Plug-Ins

Why plug-ins?

Provides the ability to easily create and integrate customized extensions into

Class Climate

Plug-ins can:

– Be published as Open- or Closed-Source software

– Extend existing functions

– Contain entirely independent desktops

– Produce analysis reports

Administrators able to upload and maintain (Add, Edit, Delete) plug-ins directly

in the user interface

– Does not require IT staff to install, configure, and manage

– Does not require direct access to the server

Create your own plug-ins or select from a range of free plug-ins located on

Extras Tab

Scantron is planning to add to the list—check back regularly


To Get You Started (and Thinking)

Six (6) Plug-ins have been developed for you

– (Plugin Summary doesn't count)

Located on the Extras Tab


Plug-in Summary

Links to a Downloadable Data Sheet (hyperlink)

A copy was attached to your Handout email


Plug-in Flowchart

Plug-in Menu entries





a/ A




generating SOAP user with TAs

setting up menu entries

showing the configuration in GUI

generating PDF report plug-in Custom PDF



Plug-in Management in the CC Interface

Overview of all Plug-ins with Status

Custom Configuration of plug-ins

Detailed information about content and SOAP API rights

Plug-ins can be Edited or Deleted

All plug-ins are also listed in the table of Professional Services Extensions

“System Information / License” if previously installed

"System Settings / Interfaces & Plug-ins"


Example: Menu with Plug-In Installed

1. Bring Your Own Device

2. Download Log Files

3. Find My Questionnaire

4. Historical Data Import

5. Last Changes Dashboard

6. Response Analysis

List of Available FREE Plug-Ins


#1: Bring your own device

Provides Passive Instructors the ability to immediately release Online

Surveys by overriding the Scheduled Tasks

Passive Instructors with login capability may view and release Survey

Single Password surveys produce a QR code to display to students

– Students scan the QR code to complete the Survey

Unique PSWD Surveys immediately sends the emails to students

– Overrides the release date/time of Scheduled Tasks


#2: Download Log Files

Provides ability to download current Log Files as a .zip file

Eliminates laborious searching for Log Files on server for Support Issues.

Performed by Admins

Does not require client IT staff to access server


#3: Find my Questionnaire

Do you only have a few Questionnaires? This is not for you

Lots of Admins/Subunit Admins with lots of Questionnaires?

Read On…

Using Search, you can find Questionnaires matching desired criteria

Questionnaire may be Opened directly from search results

No need to return to Questionnaires List


#4: Historical Data Import

Easily Imported via .csv file

Previously available as a Scantron Professional Service

Prerequisite: Questionnaire must be created identically matching the data being


Survey Period defined at import

Historical Data may be combined in Compilation Reports or used with Batch

Profile Lines – historic data MUST align with current data


#5: Last Change Dashboard

For Admins and Subunit Admins

Display overview of last changes in the system

Activities are bundled on the Dashboard

Surveys: Identify those created last or have new data

Questionnaires: Identify those recently created or edited 65

#6: Response Analysis

Provides a quick graphic of collected data

Diagrams include Time Axis and Number of responses per day or month

– Chosen from Pull Down "Group data by"

Assists with determining how many and when participants completed the survey

– More when Surveys are first released

– More near the end


#6: Response Analysis

Online and Paper responses may be displayed

along with Cumulative responses



LTI® Learning Tools Interoperability

Most LMS's (Learning Management System) provide LTI® implementations

LTI® available since Class Climate V7.0 SP1 (March 2016)


Display for Learners / Students

The Default Template provides Overview of all Open Class Climate Surveys of

the Learner / Student:

– Course Name

– Public Course ID

– Instructor Name and Profile Picture (also Secondary Instructors) (optional)

– Scheduled Tasks of the Survey

– Direct Link to Survey


Display for Instructors

The Default Template provides an Overview of all Class Climate Surveys of the


– Course Name

– Public Course ID

– Response Rate

– Number of Responses

– Status

– PDF Report (optional)

– CSV Export (optional)


Requirement in Class Climate: Instructor

Instructors matched against their email address in

Class Climate user profile

Multiple instructor accounts (i.e. instructor in

different subunits) allowed

Using same email address requires populating

external ID field

The function "Display external ID" must be

activated in Class Climate Configuration

May be named as desired (PIDM, Emp #, etc)

View Report as secondary instructor must be



Requirements in Class Climate: Surveys

Only open surveys are displayed to learners / students

Scheduled Tasks are recommended when Generating Online Surveys

The Option "Prevent premature display of surveys in LMS" is available to hide

scheduled surveys until released by Scheduled Tasks


System Settings / Survey Online

Activate LTI® in Class Climate V7.1


"Extras" Tab

Extra Tab


Extra Tab


Questions for Me