When baking cookies, first take out a cookie pan. Second, you will need to preheat the oven. Third, you will need to roll the cookie dough out. Finally , you will need to place the cookies on the cookie sheet and bake them. What do the underlined words show? A. The first step in baking cookies B. The third step in baking cookies C. The last step in baking 1

When baking cookies, first take out a cookie pan. Second, you will need to preheat the oven. Third, you will need to roll the cookie dough out. Finally,

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Snakes belong to the reptile category. Reptiles are cold-blooded animals. Snakes cannot survive in places where the ground stays frozen. Snakes have a film that protects their eyes when needed. A lizard is another type of reptile. A lizard is also a cold- blooded animal. Lizards are able to close their eye with no special film needed. How is a snake different from a lizard? A. Snakes can’t close their eyes, they have a film that helps protect them. B. Snakes are cold-blooded animals. C. Lizards are reptiles. 3

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Page 1: When baking cookies, first take out a cookie pan. Second, you will need to preheat the oven. Third, you will need to roll the cookie dough out. Finally,

When baking cookies, first take out a cookie pan. Second, you will need to preheat the oven. Third, you will need to roll the cookie dough out. Finally, you will need to place the cookies on the cookie sheet and bake them.

What do the underlined words show?A. The first step in baking cookies

 B. The third step in baking cookies

 C. The last step in baking cookies


Page 2: When baking cookies, first take out a cookie pan. Second, you will need to preheat the oven. Third, you will need to roll the cookie dough out. Finally,

The ancient Greeks did many things to _________ their gods. They put on plays. They held sporting events. In fact, the first Olympic Games were held in ancient Greece. We still hold Olympic Games today.

Which word best fits in the blank?A. anger B. shame C. honor


Page 3: When baking cookies, first take out a cookie pan. Second, you will need to preheat the oven. Third, you will need to roll the cookie dough out. Finally,

Snakes belong to the reptile category. Reptiles are cold-blooded animals. Snakes cannot survive in places where the ground stays frozen. Snakes have a film that protects their eyes when needed. A lizard is another type of reptile. A lizard is also a cold-blooded animal. Lizards are able to close their eye with no special film needed.

How is a snake different from a lizard? A. Snakes can’t close their eyes, they have a film that helps protect them.   B. Snakes are cold-blooded animals. C. Lizards are reptiles.


Page 4: When baking cookies, first take out a cookie pan. Second, you will need to preheat the oven. Third, you will need to roll the cookie dough out. Finally,

Firefighters are ready to fight fires everyday. They work hard to keep people and pets safe. When they get a call about a fire, they have to be ready to spring into action. Fire fighters wear special clothes called turnout gear. Before firefighters can put out a fire, they have to put on their turnout gear.  Which is probably true about the turnout gear that firefighters wear?A. It keeps them safe from flames, heat, and smoke. B. It helps them stay cool.C. It gives them water to fight the fires.



Page 5: When baking cookies, first take out a cookie pan. Second, you will need to preheat the oven. Third, you will need to roll the cookie dough out. Finally,

You don’t have to be a kid to write for fun. Writing is something grow-ups can enjoy too. Some grown-ups even make a career out of writing. Don’t worry about writing fancy, it can be done in many different ways.  Who would like this writer’s ideas the most?

A. A person who wants to be a professional clown

B. A person who wants to be an astronaut

C. A person who wants to be an author 5

Page 6: When baking cookies, first take out a cookie pan. Second, you will need to preheat the oven. Third, you will need to roll the cookie dough out. Finally,

Bottlenose dolphins and orca whales belong to the same family and are both marine animals. Both dolphins and orcas face threats to their survival. The dolphins greatest threat is due to climate change. An ocean water temperatures rise, the pray of dolphins star to look for deeper, cooler water. Whales biggest threat to survival is pollution.  How are bottlenose dolphins and orca whales alike?

A. pollution is both their biggest threatB. they are both marine animals C. they both have the threat of climate change


Page 7: When baking cookies, first take out a cookie pan. Second, you will need to preheat the oven. Third, you will need to roll the cookie dough out. Finally,

Have you ever been to New York City? There are many exciting things to see. One sight is the famous Brooklyn Bridge. It was built more than 100 years ago. Another is the Empire State Building. It is one of the _______ buildings in the world. You can take an elevator ride to the top of the building. From there, you can see for miles.

Which word best fits in the blank?A. smallestB. shortestC. tallest 


Page 8: When baking cookies, first take out a cookie pan. Second, you will need to preheat the oven. Third, you will need to roll the cookie dough out. Finally,

Sam went to the grocery story to get a snack. He picked out a bag of chips and a drink and still some money left over. While there he saw one of this friends. His friend forgot his money at home, so Sam spent his extra money to buy his friend a snack. Sam is a good friend. How does this story show you this?A. While there he saw one of his friendsB. Sam went to the grocery store to get a snackC. Sam spent his extra money to buy his friend a snack


Page 9: When baking cookies, first take out a cookie pan. Second, you will need to preheat the oven. Third, you will need to roll the cookie dough out. Finally,

Feliz could not wait to race home from school. Today was her birthday, and she was sure she was going to get the beautiful red bicycle she wanted for so long. When it was time to open presents, her mother handed her a box that was way too small to hold a bicycle. Feliz found it hard to smile. Her mother said, "We wanted to get you something you really need.” Feliz slowly tore the paper from the box. Suddenly, the smile was very easy. Inside the box was a new bicycle lock and a note that told Feliz to go look in the garage. She knew what she would find there. What word best tells about Feliz? A. excited

B. bossyC. upset


Page 10: When baking cookies, first take out a cookie pan. Second, you will need to preheat the oven. Third, you will need to roll the cookie dough out. Finally,

David was ready for his swim meet. He had been practicing for weeks. He took his place at the start of the pool. Once the whistle went off, David began the race. He won first place. What caused David to be ready for the race?A. he practiced

B. he won first placeC. the whistle went off


Page 11: When baking cookies, first take out a cookie pan. Second, you will need to preheat the oven. Third, you will need to roll the cookie dough out. Finally,

Kevin and Henry were playing outside. While they were playing, it began to sprinkle. Kevin said,” I really hope it doesn’t rain any harder than this.” Henry agreed, and they continued to play. A little while later, the rain began to fall harder. Henry said, “It’s raining cats and dogs!” Both boys ran into the house to wait for the rain to stop. What does raining cats and dogs mean?A. cats and dogs are running around B. letting something fallC. a storm with wind and heavy rain


Page 12: When baking cookies, first take out a cookie pan. Second, you will need to preheat the oven. Third, you will need to roll the cookie dough out. Finally,

Kai’s softball team was in need of a new coach. Kai went home and explained the situation to her parents. Her dad, Kenny, was a newspaper reporter and decided to place an ad about her team needing a new coach in the local newspaper. Two days later, Kai’s team had a new coach. Kai and her teammates were very thankful for Mr. Kenny. How is this problem solved? A. Kai’s team is in need of a new coach.

B. Kai calls friends to ask if they want to be the coach.C. Mr. Kenny placed an ad in the newspaper and a new coach was hired.


Page 13: When baking cookies, first take out a cookie pan. Second, you will need to preheat the oven. Third, you will need to roll the cookie dough out. Finally,

Juan loves to play games. His favorite game is chess because it requires a lot of thought. He likes games that require skill. Juan also likes to play other board games like checkers. If he is alone, Juan likes to play video games. What does Juan think about playing games?

A. He thinks it would be better to only play alone.B. He enjoys playing games, especially chess, checkers, and video games.C. He only likes to play chess.


Page 14: When baking cookies, first take out a cookie pan. Second, you will need to preheat the oven. Third, you will need to roll the cookie dough out. Finally,

In general, Josh like things that his older brother Phil likes. Josh and Phil both like science. The both like Mexican food. However, Josh has some of his own interests. Although Josh likes baseball, his older bother prefers soccer.  What does Josh like that Phil doesn’t?

A. scienceB. baseballC. soccer


Page 15: When baking cookies, first take out a cookie pan. Second, you will need to preheat the oven. Third, you will need to roll the cookie dough out. Finally,

Auriel was talking a walk in a park. The wind blew and made the crisp, autumn leaves roll on the ground around her. One small leaf was as golden as the sun.

What feeling do the words, crisp, autumn, and golden give to the story?

A. boredB. peacefulC. exciting


Page 16: When baking cookies, first take out a cookie pan. Second, you will need to preheat the oven. Third, you will need to roll the cookie dough out. Finally,

Lucy frowned at all the toys scattered around her room. She picked them up, and then she arranged them on her shelf. "That's better," she said.

What does arranged mean?A. orderedB. removedC. counted


Page 17: When baking cookies, first take out a cookie pan. Second, you will need to preheat the oven. Third, you will need to roll the cookie dough out. Finally,

Kayla put her books over _______ on the class book shelf.

A. they’reB. thereC. their


Page 18: When baking cookies, first take out a cookie pan. Second, you will need to preheat the oven. Third, you will need to roll the cookie dough out. Finally,

 Our dog Joe always runs to the door when we get home. He loves to play fetch and chase his ball. At night he goes to his favorite resting spot_______ his fluffy pillow.

A. BesideB. BelowC. Between


Page 19: When baking cookies, first take out a cookie pan. Second, you will need to preheat the oven. Third, you will need to roll the cookie dough out. Finally,

The family loves _______ new puppy, Buddy.

A. they’reB. theirC. there


Page 20: When baking cookies, first take out a cookie pan. Second, you will need to preheat the oven. Third, you will need to roll the cookie dough out. Finally,

Which does the word unusual mean?

1. Something that does not happen most of the time

2. Something that happens often

3. Something that can’t really happen to you


Page 21: When baking cookies, first take out a cookie pan. Second, you will need to preheat the oven. Third, you will need to roll the cookie dough out. Finally,

My grandmother’s name is Mary. She is a special person. Every Saturday, I go over to her house, and we cook together. We bake cookies and talk. My favorite cookie is chocolate chip. After we finish baking, we go outside and pick flowers.

Which tells about the paragraph?A. It tries to get you to go bake cookies.B. It explains how to make chocolate chip

cookies.C. It tells you a story about a family

spending time together. 21

Page 22: When baking cookies, first take out a cookie pan. Second, you will need to preheat the oven. Third, you will need to roll the cookie dough out. Finally,

A narwhal is a whale with a long pointed tusk. The tusk pokes straight out from the whale’s upper mouth, but it is not used for eating. The reason for this tusk is not clear. It may play a role in finding a mate. It may also help sense the coolness of water.

What is a reason for a narwhal’s tusk?

A. They use it for eating.B. They use it for fighting of

predators.C. They use it to sense the

temperature of the water. 22

Page 23: When baking cookies, first take out a cookie pan. Second, you will need to preheat the oven. Third, you will need to roll the cookie dough out. Finally,

Life in the ocean can be dangerous for all animals. Fish have many ways of staying safe. Some fish are fast swimmers. They swim quickly from danger. Some fish hide. Some fish change colors so they blend in with what is near them. These are just a few of the ways fish stay safe. Which is the main idea?A. Fish are some of the fastest

swimmers on the planet.B. Fish have many ways of staying safe.C. Life in the ocean can be dangerous

for all animals.23

Page 24: When baking cookies, first take out a cookie pan. Second, you will need to preheat the oven. Third, you will need to roll the cookie dough out. Finally,

A sundew is a bug-trapping plant. Its leaves look as if they are covered with small drops of morning dew. But these drops are sticky. A bug can easily get stick in the goo. When this happens, tiny leaf hairs fold around the bug and hold it in place. After a while, the sticky goo smothers the bug and the digestion process begins.

What happens after the leaf hairs hold the bug in place?

A. A sticky goo smothers the bugB. Tiny leaf hairs fold around the bugC. The sundew drops a small drop of dew