When Dr. John Snow, knownvgzwd9tuoy1l2led3g6pfb1a-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/... · When Dr. John Snow, known as the father of modern epidemiology, traced the source of a London cholera

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Page 1: When Dr. John Snow, knownvgzwd9tuoy1l2led3g6pfb1a-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/... · When Dr. John Snow, known as the father of modern epidemiology, traced the source of a London cholera
Page 2: When Dr. John Snow, knownvgzwd9tuoy1l2led3g6pfb1a-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/... · When Dr. John Snow, known as the father of modern epidemiology, traced the source of a London cholera

When Dr. John Snow, known

as the father of modern

epidemiology, traced the source

of a London cholera epidemic

to a contaminated water pump

in 1854, he solved a public

health problem with creative


Today, John Snow, Inc. (JSI),

the research and consulting

firm that bears his name,

brings the same pioneering

spirit to helping health care

organizations meet their

critical challenges.

Established in 1978, JSI is

dedicated to improving health

care for individuals and

communities in the United States

and throughout the world.

We are a recognized leader

in implementing improvements

in public health, health care

delivery, and environmental

health. Our consulting and

research projects promote

better-educated health care

consumers, improved service

access, effective and efficient

organizations and systems,

informed policy and program

decisions, and enhance d

p u b l i c / p r i va te sector

co l l a b o ration. Our sta f f’s bro a d

range of expertise allows us

to apply an inte rd i s c i p l i n a r y

a p p roach to meet each client’s

specific needs.

JSI is headquarte red in Bosto n ,

M a ssachusetts, with U.S. offices

in Denver, Colo ra d o ; A r l i n g to n ,

V i rginia; and Bow, New Hampshire .

To support our international

projects, we maintain offices

in Africa, Asia, Europe, and

South America.



501 South Street

2nd Floor


New Hampshire


Phone: 603/573-3300

Fax: 603/573-3301

Web: www.nhchi.org

Page 3: When Dr. John Snow, knownvgzwd9tuoy1l2led3g6pfb1a-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/... · When Dr. John Snow, known as the father of modern epidemiology, traced the source of a London cholera

The Community Health Institute (CHI) is committed to improving the health and wellbeing of people and communities in Northern New England.

We strive to assure the community conditions necessaryto support people in their pursuit of healthy lives.

We work with public and private sector clients to buildcapacity to carry out healthimprovement initiatives designedto meet community needs.

We are successful when our work has a sustainable impacton individual and communityability to achieve desired healthoutcomes.


We work to:

• Strengthen the publichealth infrastructure

• Evaluate program effectiveness and promote best practices

• Identify community health concerns

• Increase access to health care services

• Inform public policy

• Improve the quality and efficiency of health servicesdelivery

• Promote healthy behaviors

The CHI was established

in 1995 by JSI Research &

Training Institute (JSI),

in partnership with the

New Hampshire Department

of Health and Human Services

(NH DHHS) and the Robert

Wood Johnson Foundation,

to provide community-based

providers with expertise and

resources to strengthen

New Hampshire’s health

care system. The CHI works

with health departments,

health care providers and

organizations, community

organizations, and foundations.

Page 4: When Dr. John Snow, knownvgzwd9tuoy1l2led3g6pfb1a-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/... · When Dr. John Snow, known as the father of modern epidemiology, traced the source of a London cholera

CHI STAFF is what defines the CHI. CommunityHealth Institute employees comprise a creative, dedicatedand competent team.Characterized best by their passionate commitment to the needs of our clients and of the people of Northern New England, each of ouremployees brings years of expertise in their field.

The employees of the CHI are all residents of Northern New England, with a deep understanding of the area in which they live and work. Our New Hampshire staff may also draw upon a larger team of consultants from our parent organization, JSI.Collectively, this team comprises experts in nearly all areas of the health care

system, available to respond to the particular needs of our clients.

We are organized in a flexible and dynamic way that allows the best team andleadership configuration for your project. Twenty five years of success has proven thatour organizational structureproduces exceptional results.

“We are committed to a healthier

New Hampshire because this is

where we live and work.”

“We are committed to a healthier

New Hampshire because this is

where we live and work.”


CHI Staff CHI Office

Page 5: When Dr. John Snow, knownvgzwd9tuoy1l2led3g6pfb1a-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/... · When Dr. John Snow, known as the father of modern epidemiology, traced the source of a London cholera

CHI STAFF bring a broadrange of skills and expertise to any project. Among our areasof expertise are:

Health Education andPromotion• Curriculum development• Implementation of evidence-

based guidelines• On-site professional

education with continuingeducation credits

• Conference planning andlogistics

• Educational materials development

• Design and implementation of social marketing campaigns

Project Development andManagement• Grant writing and proposal

development• Strategic planning and

facilitation• Coalition building• Group facilitation and

consensus development• Program design and

implementation• Performance management

Research and Evaluation• Data management and

analysis• Focus groups, key informant

interviews and other qualitative research

• Health policy research• Needs assessment, asset

mapping and gap analysis

• Process and outcome evaluation

• Program and multi-site evaluation

• Survey design and implementation

• Cost-effectiveness analysis

Practice Management• Short-term, on-site

management support• Operational efficiency

reviews and staff analysis• Technical support

for establishing billing procedures and fee schedules

• Training on CPT coding and HIPAA compliance

• Managed care contractingand contract management

• Accounting support• Federal MUA/P designation


Page 6: When Dr. John Snow, knownvgzwd9tuoy1l2led3g6pfb1a-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/... · When Dr. John Snow, known as the father of modern epidemiology, traced the source of a London cholera

Plan, which outlines essential improvements designed to improve the public health system for NewHampshire. The CHI continuesto assist the NH DHHS’ Office of Community and Public Health to establish improved local public health capacitythrough the New HampshirePublic Health Network by managing a community grantprogram and providing technical assistance. The public health collaboratives work to addresscomplex public health issues at the local level.

For the Rhode Island and Massachusetts DiabetesPrevention and ControlPrograms, the CHI has provided

training and facilitation in the use of the Public Health Performance AssessmentInstrument, a comprehensive tool for evaluating the local public health system against public health performance standards to identify and benchmark superior performance.

Evaluating program effectiveness and promoting best practices. The CHI consults with community-based organizations and state agencies to evaluate the effectiveness of programsand to promote best practices.

SINCE 1995, the CHI has completed over 100 projects. All our projects demonstrate our commitment to promotinghealthier lives for everyone in the region. The following are examples of our work.

Strengthening the public health infrastructure. A strong public health infrastructure is the foundation for protecting and promoting the public’s health. The CHIworks with communities and state agencies to strengthen the delivery of the ten essential public health services.

The CHI facilitated a two-year strategic planningprocess culminating in the NHPublic Health Improvement


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The CHI was funded by theEndowment for Health in partnership with the NHDHHS, Office of HealthPlanning and Medicaid, and the Attorney General’s Office,Division of Charitable Trusts to assess the impact of NewHampshire’s Community Benefits Law. The law is designedto ensure that health carecharitable trusts provide the communities they serve withbenefits in keeping with the

charitable purposes for which the trusts were established.

Identifying community healthconcerns.

The CHI conducts needs assessments to identify high priorityhealth concerns using analysis ofdata sources and community input

through surveys, focus groups and community forums. The CHI has expertisein GIS mapping and large dataset analysis.

For the March of Dimes, the CHI conducted a needsassessment of perinatal healthissues to guide the organization’sfuture funding priorities.

For the NH DHHS’Adolescent Health Program, theCHI completed a comprehensiveneeds assessment of adolescenthealth status and risks to informthe adolescent health agenda for the state.

The NH Public HealthLaboratory contracted with the CHI to facilitate the development of a plan for a human biomonitoring programto monitor human exposureto environmental toxicants.


The CHI assisted communitycoalitions funded under the New Hampshire State IncentiveProgram to evaluate the outcomesof projects which used evidence-based models of substance abuseprevention with youth. SmokingCessation for Women ofReproductive Age is a CHI-managed continuing educationprogram for health care providersserving women before, duringand after their pregnancy. The training brings evidence-based training, tools and technical assistance to public andprivately-funded practice sites in a Lunch and Learn model.

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Increasing access to health care services.The CHI works with clients to promoteaccess to essential health care services for all persons regardless of income, race,ethnicity or sexual orientation.

For Dartmouth MedicalCenter, the CHI wrote a successfulFe d e ral grant proposal to fund a new community-based earlyintervention service delivery system to bring people living with HIV into care early.

The CHI provided consultation to the HealthLinkp r o g ram to expand their health service delivery model to uninsured residents in surrounding communities.

Under contract to the NHDHHS’ Maternal and Child

Health Pr o g ram, the CHI provided child care progra m swith a nurse health consultant to facilitate access to routine andp revention care for young c h i l d ren enrolled in child care.

For MaineHealth, the CHIprovided assistance to promoteC a re Partners, a program to meet the needs of low-income,u n i n s u red residents in southernand central Maine.

Informing public policy. The CHI assists state and local agencies in developing informed public policy.

The CHI conducted a comprehensive assessment of rural health issues to highlighthealth disparities among rura l

populations for the NH DHHSState Office of Rural Health.

For the New England re g i o n ,the CHI completed an analysis of the impact of managed care on family planning services for low-income women, andre s e a rched and compared mental health parity insura n c elegislation.

To assist the New HampshireDHHS to increase the state’scapacity to systematically providecommunity-level health data and analysis, the CHI conducted community meetings throughoutthe State to obtain input on specific needs for local


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level data and training. The CHIalso conducted re s e a rch of other states’ strategies and capacities for providing community health information support with an emphasis on web-b a s e dquery and reporting systems.

Improving the quality and efficiency of health servicesdelivery. The CHI provides assistance to health care organizations and systems of care in all aspects of practice management.

For Memorial Hospital, theCHI provided assistance with themerger of well-child and familyplanning clinics to form a com-p rehensive primary care clinic.

The CHI manages a multi-specialty physician association, the Southern New HampshireSpecialists IPA, providingaccounting, contracting and o p e rational support.

The CHI conducts o p e rational assessments fororganizations ranging from small single physician primaryc a re practices (Family HealthCenter) to large multi-specialtymedical centers (MIT MedicalDepartment) including analysis of productivity, staffing levels and financial viability.

Promoting healthy behaviors. The CHI assists clients in supporting consumers to lead healthier lives through

educational forums,practice-based

interventions, and internet-based support services.

The CHI provided logistical support in planning and conducting the annual conference on aging that provided information for olderadults that enables, supports and promotes awareness, self-determination, collaboration and independence.

To support consumers to stopsmoking, the CHI implementedSmoking Cessation for Women of Reproductive Age as follows:State-of-the-art TobaccoTreatment, the NH Try-To-StopTOBACCO Resource Center, and QuitLine with funding from the NH DHHS, TobaccoPrevention and Control Program.


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American Cancer Society, NewEngland Division

NH Attorney General’s Office,Division of Charitable Trusts

HRSA Bureau of Primary HealthCare & Bureau of HealthProfessions

Maine Office of Rural Health

NH Department of Education

NH Department of Health andHuman Services

NH Public Health Association

Nashua Division of Public Healthand Community Services

NH Rural Development Council

Region I Office of PopulationAffairs

Region I Office of the HealthAdministrator


Bureau of Maternal and Child Health

Division of Alcohol and DrugPrevention and Recovery

Division of Family andCommunity Health

NH Public Health Laboratory

NH Division of Elderly andAdult Services

NH Tobacco Prevention andControl Program

Office of Planning and Research


The CHI is proud to work

with a wide array of clients

and partners throughout

Northern New England.

Since 1995, the CHI has

completed more then 100

projects. Our clients include

state and federal agencies,

health care providers and

organizations, community

coalitions, and foundations

including those listed here.

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Office of Rural Health andPrimary Care

Office of Community and PublicHealth

Office of Health Planning andMedicaid

Division of Children, Youth and Family, Child DevelopmentBureau

STD/HIV Division


Berlin Area Health Consortium

Children’s Alliance of NewHampshire

Firearm Safety Coalition

New England Rural HealthRoundTable

NH Community ActionAssociation

New England Public Health &Managed Care Collaborative

North Country HealthConsortium

Lin-Wood, Newfound,PemiBaker Community Coalition

New Hampshire Public HealthNetwork

Monadnock Area Network forYouth


Alliance for Health CareImprovement


Children’s Health Center

Dartmouth-Hitchcock MedicalCenter

Family Health Center

HIV Community PlanningGroup

Huggins Hospital

Manchester Community HealthCenter

Manchester Health Department

Memorial Hospital

MIT Medical Department

Mobile Community Health TeamProject, Catholic Medical Center

Partners Alternative Health Plan


Southern New HampshireSpecialists IPA

Valley Regional Hospital

Ammonoosuc Community Health Services


NH ParTech


Brandeis University

March of Dimes

Massachusetts Medical Society

The Robert Wood JohnsonFoundation

Merck Family Foundation

Endowment for Health

UNH Institute for Health Policyand Practice



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