RESEARCH Open Access When trust, confidence, and faith collide: refining a realist theory of how and why inter-organisational collaborations in healthcare work Justin Avery Aunger 1* , Ross Millar 1 and Joanne Greenhalgh 2 Abstract Background: Health systems are facing unprecedented socioeconomic pressures as well as the need to cope with the ongoing strain brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. In response, the reconfiguration of health systems to encourage greater collaboration and integration has been promoted with a variety of collaborative shapes and forms being encouraged and developed. Despite this continued interest, evidence for success of these various arrangements is lacking, with the links between collaboration and improved performance often remaining uncertain. To date, many examinations of collaborations have been undertaken, but use of realist methodology may shed additional light on how and why collaboration works, and whom it benefits. Methods: This paper seeks to test initial context-mechanism-outcome configurations (CMOCs) of interorganisational collaboration with the view to producing a refined realist theory. This phase of the realist synthesis used case study and evaluation literature; combined with supplementary systematic searches. These searches were screened for rigour and relevance, after which CMOCs were extracted from included literature and compared against existing ones for refinement, refutation, or affirmation. We also identified demi-regularities to better explain how these CMOCs were interlinked. Results: Fifty-one papers were included, from which 338 CMOCs were identified, where many were analogous. This resulted in new mechanisms such as risk thresholdand refinement of many others, including trust, confidence, and faith, into more well-defined constructs. Refinement and addition of CMOCs enabled the creation of a web of causalitydepicting how contextual factors form CMOC chains which generate outputs of collaborative behaviour. Core characteristics of collaborations, such as whether they were mandated or cross-sector, were explored for their proposed impact according to the theory. Conclusion: The formulation of this refined realist theory allows for greater understanding of how and why collaborations work and can serve to inform both future work in this area and the implementation of these arrangements. Future work should delve deeper into collaborative subtypes and the underlying drivers of collaborative performance. © The Author(s). 2021 Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated in a credit line to the data. * Correspondence: [email protected] 1 Health Services Management Centre, Park House, University of Birmingham, Birmingham B15 2RT, UK Full list of author information is available at the end of the article Aunger et al. BMC Health Services Research (2021) 21:602 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-021-06630-x

When trust, confidence, and faith collide: refining a

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RESEARCH Open Access

When trust, confidence, and faith collide:refining a realist theory of how and whyinter-organisational collaborations inhealthcare workJustin Avery Aunger1*, Ross Millar1 and Joanne Greenhalgh2


Background: Health systems are facing unprecedented socioeconomic pressures as well as the need to cope withthe ongoing strain brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. In response, the reconfiguration of health systems toencourage greater collaboration and integration has been promoted with a variety of collaborative shapes andforms being encouraged and developed. Despite this continued interest, evidence for success of these variousarrangements is lacking, with the links between collaboration and improved performance often remaininguncertain. To date, many examinations of collaborations have been undertaken, but use of realist methodologymay shed additional light on how and why collaboration works, and whom it benefits.

Methods: This paper seeks to test initial context-mechanism-outcome configurations (CMOCs) ofinterorganisational collaboration with the view to producing a refined realist theory. This phase of the realistsynthesis used case study and evaluation literature; combined with supplementary systematic searches. Thesesearches were screened for rigour and relevance, after which CMOCs were extracted from included literature andcompared against existing ones for refinement, refutation, or affirmation. We also identified demi-regularities tobetter explain how these CMOCs were interlinked.

Results: Fifty-one papers were included, from which 338 CMOCs were identified, where many were analogous. Thisresulted in new mechanisms such as ‘risk threshold’ and refinement of many others, including trust, confidence,and faith, into more well-defined constructs. Refinement and addition of CMOCs enabled the creation of a ‘web ofcausality’ depicting how contextual factors form CMOC chains which generate outputs of collaborative behaviour.Core characteristics of collaborations, such as whether they were mandated or cross-sector, were explored for theirproposed impact according to the theory.

Conclusion: The formulation of this refined realist theory allows for greater understanding of how and whycollaborations work and can serve to inform both future work in this area and the implementation of thesearrangements. Future work should delve deeper into collaborative subtypes and the underlying drivers ofcollaborative performance.

© The Author(s). 2021 Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License,which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you giveappropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate ifchanges were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commonslicence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article's Creative Commonslicence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtainpermission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to thedata made available in this article, unless otherwise stated in a credit line to the data.

* Correspondence: [email protected] Services Management Centre, Park House, University of Birmingham,Birmingham B15 2RT, UKFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

Aunger et al. BMC Health Services Research (2021) 21:602 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-021-06630-x

Page 2: When trust, confidence, and faith collide: refining a

Review registration: This review is part of a larger realist synthesis, registered at PROSPERO with ID CRD42019149009.

Keywords: Collaboration, Partnership working, Integration, Healthcare, Improvement, Realist review, Realistsynthesis, Context, Programme theory, Implementation

IntroductionBackgroundGlobal health systems are currently facing unprece-dented pressures from a multitude of concurrent events,including limited financial resource, an ageing popula-tion, unwarranted variation in healthcare quality, andCOVID-19 [1–3]. Of course, there is no ‘magic bullet’with which to tackle these ongoing issues, however, onesolution has become a focus of current planning in theUnited Kingdom (UK) and elsewhere – that of ‘partner-ing’, or collaborating between organisations [1, 4]. Suchcollaborations are purported to foster improved product-ivity, reduce variation in care quality, and improve finan-cial and clinical sustainability [4]. These arrangementscan be both intra- and inter-sectoral, and can take theform of strategic alliances, joint ventures, clinical net-works, Vanguard initiatives of various forms, buddyingarrangements, mergers, and Integrated Care Systems(ICS’), among others [5]. While defined differently bymany authors, common to the definitions of partneringand collaborating is the notion of working together toachieve benefits that would otherwise not be attainablealone [6, 7].Inter-organisational collaboration is often touted by

policymakers as one of the means for solving the‘wicked issues’ that contemporary health systems arefacing. However, it is not always clear how collaborat-ing will solve underlying issues such as financial pres-sures [1, 7]. Likewise, the process of collaboratingitself has its own set of complexities and challengeswhich require significant time and resource to over-come. These include the impact of historical relation-ships between partnering organisations, the difficultyof rising above conflicts, building trust, and navigatingcomplex and often contradictory regulatory environ-ments [6, 8, 9]. Inter-organisational collaborations re-quire significant time to establish and work tomaintain, and as such it is not surprising that settingup collaborations often results in temporary drops toorganisational performance and a lack of attainmentof the benefits sought [10–12].

Rationale for studyA variety of theoretical contributions have been madetowards improving understanding of inter-organisationalcollaborations in healthcare, however, until now, fewhave attempted to turn a realist lens on the

phenomenon [13–18]. For example, Hudson and Hardy(2002) tackled what determines a successful partnership,such as a local history of partnership working, effectivemonitoring and reviewing of organisational learning,having a shared vision, and development and mainten-ance of trust through behaviours and attitudes such as‘fairness’, openness and honesty, sacrifice, and account-ability. While useful to know ‘what’ leads to successfulpartnering, it is also important to explore how and whythese features enable collaborations to be successful.Why does shared vision aid in accomplishing the aims ofa collaboration? How does collaboration lead to im-proved performance?Realist approaches are valuable to answer these ques-

tions and can help to target and adapt partnering ap-proaches to local circumstances. Those who have turneda realist lens to inter-organisational collaborations in-clude Jagosh et al. (2012) with their investigation of par-ticipatory research initiatives, and Rycroft-Malone,Burton, Wilkinson, et al. (2016) with their realist reviewof a particular subtype of healthcare collaboration in theUK. Likewise, Zamboni et al. (2020) have conducted areview drawing on a realist understanding of context,which sought to look at ‘quality improvement collabora-tives’ in healthcare [19]. However, other than our initialrealist review [18], none have yet attempted to tackle thewider topic of inter-organisational collaborations inhealthcare. Here, we have employed a realist reviewmethodology to synthesise a range of studies and de-velop, test and refine a robust theory of how inter-organisational collaborations in healthcare work, to whatextent, why, and in what circumstances. A starting pointof realist review is identifying the ideas and assumptionsunderlying how programmes or interventions work,known as programme theories. Realists also work withthe premise that programmes are never universally suc-cessful; rather, how they work (their mechanisms) toproduce outcomes is shaped by contextual features. Thegoal of realist review is to explain how contextual fea-tures shape the mechanisms through which aprogramme works. This is achieved through testing andrefining programme theories, expressed as Context-Mechanism-Outcome configurations (CMOCs). Initially,these are tentative ideas; as the review progresses andthese ideas are brought into conversation with evidence(i.e. tested in relation to the evidence) they are refined toproduce a more detailed explanation of how context

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shapes mechanisms [20, 21]. A refined theory can sup-port the process of adapting the intervention to localcircumstances.

Summary of existing middle range theory (MRT)Our existing realist programme theory, reported in aprevious paper, put forward a number of ideas abouthow and why partnerships work [18]. Building onothers, we incorporated Partnership Synergy Theoryas a Middle Range Theory (MRT) [22, 23]. This the-ory posits that collaborations achieve performancebenefits once an effective combination of skills, know-ledge, and resources of partners (termed ‘synergy’), isachieved. Our MRT also incorporated the trust-building loop by Vangen and Huxham (2003) and itsfocus on risk taking as a driver of collaborative, ra-ther than competitive, attitudes and behaviours [15].Within the trust building loop, trust acts as an en-abler for organisations to enhance their risk tolerance.Further, we identified a role for ‘faith’ [18] where in-dividually and collectively, actors have belief that thecollaborative endeavour (the intervention) is a virtu-ous and beneficial undertaking, thereby worthy ofworking on. Faith is thus likely to drive actors todedicate time and effort to engaging in collaborativebehaviour, but will change over time in response toother mechanisms and contextual factors.As such, we posit that trust (with its link to risk

tolerance) and faith serve as dual drivers for actors tobegin behaving collaboratively; and they also serve asmechanisms in realist terms. According to realist the-orists, mechanisms are defined as changes to people’smindsets or behaviours introduced by the intervention[21, 24]. In our MRT, building trust and faith is thepurpose and key processes that constitute the ‘collab-orative functioning’ stage of collaborations. Achieve-ment of a high level of trust and faith across theorganisation allows for a synergistic state in whichpartners achieve maximal collaborative behaviour. Ourprior work also indicated that in more integrativetypes of collaboration (such as a merger) or thosethat are mandated, trust may be progressively re-placed by ‘confidence’ in contractual mechanisms as ameans for driving collaborative behaviour [18]. This isbecause much of the risk of engaging in collaborativebehaviour is enshrined in contractual obligation ratherthan the building of trusting, robust interpersonalrelationships.Our MRT identifies that, at least initially, collabor-

ation requires daily effort to maintain interpersonalties and build relationships for ‘collaborative function-ing’ to be maximised. Mechanisms found to be key tocollaborative functioning identified in the review weretrust and faith, with conflict, interpersonal

communication, leadership, and cultural integrationbeing within different CMOCs (Fig. 1) [18]. As is evi-dent in this applied example, these CMOCs operatethrough one another, forming chains that are situatedin temporal stages as the collaboration develops overtime (Fig. 1). Our MRT posits that once trust andfaith reach a certain threshold, a novel state is en-tered, termed “partnership synergy”, in which the ben-efits of collaboration can be attained. In our paper,this has been reframed as ‘collaborative behaviour’, tomake ‘synergy’ a more tangible concept [18]. Drivenby the integration of skills, knowledge, and resourcesof partners, performance benefits may include innova-tions brought about by sharing of expertise, cost sav-ings from better bargaining power, and reducedduplication of effort across health systems. For thispaper, we adopt our theory from phase 2 as the MRTfor understanding in this phase.

ObjectivesThe purpose of this paper is to present findings fromthe third stage of theory refinement (Fig. 1). Drawing onadditional case study and organisational evaluation lit-erature, we aim to (1) test our initial CMOCs with add-itional evidence and identify new CMOCs. The paperdoes so to (2) better understand how CMOC configura-tions of inter-organisational collaboration are chainedtogether causally and how (3) differences between con-texts affect their implementation. It argues that a betterunderstanding of these elements serves to enhance use-fulness of a realist theory for policy makers and practi-tioners tasked with developing implementing differentforms of collaboration in a healthcare setting.

MethodsDetails of search strategyThe literature for this refinement stage of our realistsynthesis was identified through a combination of exist-ing literature from prior stages (systematically-searched),novel systematic searches, and grey literature sources(for identifying organisational reports and evaluations),as is typical of a realist synthesis [25]. An explanation ofprior literature searches for phase 2 of the realist synthe-sis can be found at its site of publication [18]. Our exist-ing searches were conducted in early 2020 onHealthcare Management Information Consortium(HMIC), MEDLINE, Social Policy and Practice, and Psy-cINFO databases (see additional file 1 for full searchstrategy). Only case studies from the existing searchwere included here, with these case studies beingbrought over into this refinement stage of the synthesisafter being screened for relevance and rigour for thisnew phase. In addition, a novel systematic search wasconducted on 10.06.20 on the Social Policy and Practice

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database to identify additional case studies. Further itera-tive searches for grey literature were conducted on07.10.20 and 08.10.20 on UK-specific websites for evalu-ations of collaboration types, including the King’s Fund,the National Institute for Care Excellence, the NuffieldTrust and Health Foundation, and NHS Employers.These searches were on the publication sections of eachwebsite, with a focus on identifying evaluative reports.These used the following terms: “collaboration”, “part-nership” and “integration” and were limited to 2012 on-wards to maximise relevance to contemporarydevelopments in collaborative arrangements. Figure 2depicts the full evolution of this realist synthesis from aliterature perspective.

Inclusion criteriaWe included papers that 1) were case studies orevaluations (defined as reporting results of arrangementsusing descriptive methods), 2) report on an inter-organisational collaboration between healthcare provid-ing organisations, 3) and were in English language, dueto resource limitations of the study. Some papers hadboth literature review and case study portions, and thesewere also included, but data extraction was performedonly on the case study parts. Selected studies were thensubject to rigour and relevance checks in line with realistsynthesis methodology.

Rigour and relevance screeningIn line with guidance from Wong (2018), the screeningfor rigour was ongoing during the analysis process andaimed primarily to increase the trustworthiness of thefindings [27]. For case studies and reviews, this processinvolved including a CMOC only when 1) supported byclear data in included studies and 2) by multiple sources

[27]. For theoretical sources of evidence, only theoriesthat had seen significant use in the literature since publi-cation were used in the building of our MRT andCMOCs. If documents were screened out on the basis oftrustworthiness, the reasons for doing so were to be re-corded. However, no studies or extracts were excludedon this basis.

Data extractionA custom data extraction form was created which re-corded the study, collaboration type, primary driver (asbest deduced from the study), CMOCs which fit intoprior theory, and novel CMOCs (which could be novelin context, mechanism, or outcome), which did not fitwholesale into the prior theory. This type of customform is typical in a realist synthesis and is included inadditional file 2 [28]. Additionally, we attempted to ex-tract whether studies were reporting on externally man-dated forms of partnering or voluntary forms, but it wasnot always possible to determine this information, unfor-tunately, due to inconsistent reporting of this byauthors.

Realist methodsUsing the existing realist programme theories from steptwo of this realist synthesis process as a base, we aimedto test our existing CMOCs against case studies and im-prove our understanding of how CMOCs are situatedtemporally and causally to improve our theory of collab-oration in healthcare. This comprised phase 3 of ouroverall analysis (Fig. 3). The literature was identifiedthrough systematic searches of databases and searches oforganisational websites. The literature was then cate-gorised by collaboration type, as well as whether theywere mandated or voluntary arrangements (as could best

Fig. 1 Simplified depiction of our Middle-Range Theory and the essential roles of trust, confidence, and faith. Adapted from Lasker, Weiss andMiller (2001) & Aunger et al. (2021)

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be identified), and then rigorously searched to identifyCMOCs. Testing of existing CMOCs then occurredagainst the novel literature. This comprised identifyingwhether CMOCs were identical to the existing CMOCsfrom phase 2, or could be considered novel in terms ofcontext, mechanism, or outcome content, or novel interms of the relationship of one CMOC to another. BothCMOCs from the existing theory that had support, aswell as novel CMOCs not present in the existing theory,were recorded. Any conflicting information about theconfiguration of existing CMOCs was also recorded.This process resulted in significantly more overall

CMOCs than were present in our prior realist phase,and this allowed us to gain a greater understanding ofhow the outcomes of certain CMOCs can become a con-text for another further down the chain. To identifythese relationships, these CMOCs were deductivelycoded in NVivo 12 into categories, according to theirmechanism, to better investigate the literature for

presence of demi-regularities. Demi-regularities are, inrealist terms, patterns of how outcomes generally cometo occur [30]. These data were then used to refine theMRT and programme theories to provide a better un-derstanding of the links between these elements. Thispaper was written according to the Realist And Meta-narrative Evidence Syntheses: Evolving Standards(RAMESES) II reporting standards [25].

ResultsLiterature selectionIncluded here after screening for relevance and rigourwere 25 papers classified as case studies from searchesfrom the second phase of our realist synthesis. For thenew systematic search, the Social Policy and Practice data-base search identified 2144 papers, or 1092 after dedupli-cation against our existing literature library for thisproject (please see Additional file1 for the full details ofthis search strategy). Abstracts were then screened forrelevance and 104 remained. At this point, papers weremost frequently excluded due to not being related tointer-organisational collaborations, or for not being casestudies. After full text screening, 48 papers were consid-ered eligible for the review, but, after screening for rele-vance and rigour, only 13 of these were included. Allthose removed were due to being insufficiently descriptive(lacking relevance). The searches on the websites of theKing’s Fund, the National Institute for Care Excellence,the Nuffield Trust and Health Foundation, and NHS Em-ployers resulted in an additional 11 papers. Nine of thesewere included after two were removed for lack of rele-vance. Three further studies were identified through cit-ation tracking and a final paper was identified in adepartment newsletter after the search was completed. Asa result, 51 papers were included in total in this theory re-finement portion of this realist synthesis (Fig. 4) [31–81].

Fig. 3 Depiction of phases and aims of this realist project, where this is phase 3 [18, 26]. Modified from Westhorp [29]

Fig. 2 Evolution of literature synthesis by phase of review [18, 26]

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Literature characteristicsPapers in the literature covered a wide range of inter-organisational collaboration types, including integratedcare initiatives (such as Sustainability and Transform-ation Partnerships (STPs) and Accountable Care Organi-sations (ACOs)) (n = 22), mergers (n = 7), jointcommissioning (n = 6), vanguards (n = 4), primary carenetworks/partnerships (n = 4), (n = buddying (n = 2),provider chains (n = 1), alliances (n = 1), health boards(n = 1), networks (n = 1), quality improvement collabora-tives (n = 1) and mixed partnership types (n = 1). Table 1depicts the characteristics of studies included in thisreview.

Refining the CMOCs of collaborative functioningThis refinement of our realist synthesis gave greaterinsight into how CMOCs are situated in the timeline ofdevelopment of collaborations, which is how we havestructured this section of the paper. Additionally, it hasgiven further insight into atemporal mechanisms (thosemechanisms that can activate at any time) and howthese affect the process of collaborating.

CMOC coding and establishment of CMOC chains,refinement of mechanismsExtraction of CMOCs from included studies resulted in338 CMOCs being identified, many of which were func-tionally identical and analogous to demi-regularities.The full list of these can be viewed in additional file 2.As such, there are too many CMOCs to explore here indetail, and the majority of them have been explained inour prior paper [18]. As previously mentioned, coding ofCMOCs was performed according to which mechanisma context activates. The below ‘initial mechanisms’ wereused as preliminary deductive codes; however, thesewere updated as CMOCs with other mechanisms were

identified in the literature (Table 2). By the end of theprocess, novel CMOCs were not being identified as theywere all analogous to demi-regularities that had beenalready found. In terms of frequency, those most identi-fied were CMOCs with trust or confidence as the mech-anism, then ‘perception of progress’, faith, interpersonalcommunication and information sharing, task complex-ity, cultural assimilation, conflict, and clarity and shared-ness of vision. For the sake of brevity and due to thecomplexity of inter-organisational collaboration, everyCMOC and the contextual factor will not be exploredhere, but they can be found in additional file 2 alongwith the full table of CMOCs identified in each respect-ive paper.

Mechanisms specific to early stages of collaborationOur initial CMOCs [18] identified that, essential to es-tablishing ‘initial faith’ (i.e., whether engaging in collab-oration is feasible, and worth the risk and effort) arefactors such as financial constraints, the regulatory en-vironment and its favourability to collaboration, and or-ganisational size (which may affect the perceiveddifficulty of the task). A further contextual factor identi-fied in this refinement stage was the reputation of thespecific form of collaboration being considered; for ex-ample, some papers referred to negative perceptions dueto collaborations being associated with privatisation ofthe NHS [67]. This lowered actors’ desire to engage withthis form of collaboration in the first place (their initialfaith in the endeavour). Also tied into faith as a precur-sor mechanism is the perceived legitimacy of collabor-ation, which often affects a collaboration from theoutset. Impacting this mechanism is stakeholder involve-ment, which can serve to increase its legitimacy in theeyes of staff, whether a partnership is voluntary or not,

Fig. 4 PRISMA diagram of search results

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Table 1 Characteristics of included literature

Study Country Partnership type Sector Methods and sample

Adedoyin et al.(2016)

USA Merger Social workprogrammes

Journaling to report personal experiences and retrospectivedescriptions of the merger process

Allen et al. (2016) England Joint commissioning Healthcare Case study with 42 interviews & documentary analysis

Ball et al. (2010) Scotland Community healthpartnership/integrated care

Health and social care More than 30 interviews with professionals, public, andvoluntary sector; use of Partnership Assessment Tool [82]

Care QualityCommission (2017)

England Sustainability TransformationPartnership/AccountableCare Organisation

Health and social care Evaluation, based on inspection reports based on visits to25 independent sector adult social care providers and afour-day visit to the organisation

Cereste, Doherty andTravers, (2003)

UK Merger Hospitals and mentalhealth/communitytrusts

Focus group, and questionnaire answered by 457 trusts(mostly chief executives, finance directors, etc.)

Community Network(2020d)

England Provider alliance/ Integratedcare

Health and social care Summary report from a wider project – case studies(methods unknown)

Community Network(2020e)

England Provider alliance/ Integratedcare

Health and social care Summary report from a wider project – case studies(methods unknown)

Community Network(2020b)

England Provider alliance/ Integratedcare

Health and social care Summary report from a wider project – case studies(methods unknown)

Community Network(2020a)

England Provider alliance/ Integratedcare

Health and social care Summary report from a wider project – case studies(methods unknown)

Community Network(2020c)

England Provider alliance/ Integratedcare

Health and social care Summary report from a wider project – case studies(methods unknown)

Cortvriend (2004) England Primary care trust Acute care, primarycare

Focus groups, with 31 participants taking part across fivesuch groups, each containing 4–8 participants

Crump and Edwards(2014)

England Provider chains Acute care Interviews (non-NHS, n = 11; and NHS, n = 5)

Dickinson and Glasby(2013)

England Integrated care Health and social care Five case study sites, using documentary analysis,interviews, and focus groups.

Dickinson, Peck andDavidson (2007)

England Merger Health and social care Case study, 23 semi-structured interviews with range ofpeople, from service users to CEOs

Erens et al. (2017) England Integrated care Health and social care Case studies of 25 Integrated Care Pioneers, involvingdocumentary analysis, qualitative interviews, and surveys

Findlay (2019) Scotland Health boards Health and social care Literature, documentary analysis, non-participant observa-tion, and semi-structured interviews with 44 participants

Forbes, Evans andScott (2010)


Integrated care Health and social care Four case studies, two in England and two in Scotland;semi-structured interviews were used (n = 16)

Foundation TrustNetwork (2014)

England Buddying Acute care Twelve trusts as case studies, involved in buddying; usingsurveys, desk research, structured interviews anddocumentary analysis

Fowler Davis, Hindeand Ariss (2020)

England NHS Vanguards Health and social care Service evaluation with embedded team; qualitative in-depth interviews

Fulop et al. (2002) England Merger Health and social care Nine trusts (cross-sectional) and four trusts (case studies);using in-depth interviews and documentary analysis

Gannon-Leary, Bainesand Wilson (2006)

England Partnerships (mixed) Health and social careand voluntary sector

Evaluation and literature review; narrative ‘experiential’methodology

Gulliver (1999) England Joint commissioning, mentalhealth

Health and social care Evaluation; narrative ‘experiential’ methodology

Gulliver, Peck andTowell (2001)

England Joint commissioning, mentalhealth

Health and social care Evaluation of a mental health service; utilising interviewswith service users & staff, postal surveys, focus groups,observations, and documentary analyses

Hearld, Alexanderand Shi, (2015)

USA Alliances Health and social care Case study of 16 alliances; quantitative data from surveysand qualitative interviews

Henderson et al.(2020)

USA Primary care network Health and social care Evaluations of six primary care clinics and community-basedorganisations; qualitative methods comprising 54 interviewsand 10 focus groups, with review of 80 documents

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Table 1 Characteristics of included literature (Continued)

Study Country Partnership type Sector Methods and sample

Idel (2003) Israel Merger Acute care Prospective study with quantitative methods; using aquestionnaire; n = 128 participants

Jones (2020) England Primary care network Primary care Report of experiences; narrative ‘experiential’ methodology

Kershaw et al. (2018) England Sustainability andTransformation Partnership

Health and social care Case study of five STPs in London; phase 1 (small scaleinterviews with leaders), phase 2 (26 semi-structured inter-views with leaders and stakeholders) and groupsdiscussions.

Lalani et al.(2018) England Quality improvementcollaborative

Acute care Evaluation with researcher-in-residence model, based ontwo sites, comprising 15 semi-structured interviews

Leach et al. (2019) England Buddying Health and social care Evaluation; using quantitative performance data and mixedmethods staff survey

Lewis (2005) Australia Primary care partnership Primary care Case study of two PCPs; using a network researchmethodology including both surveys and interviews with37 people

Lim (2014) UK Merger Health and social care Quantitative analysis of merger data from nine hospitalsrelating to staff job satisfaction

Maniatopoulos et al.(2020)

UK Vanguards (eleven differentcases)

Health and social care Comparative case studies including 66 semi-structuredqualitative interviews across nine vanguards, as well asdocumentary analysis of included

Mervyn, Amoo andMalby (2019)

England Network Health and social care Exploratory case study employing 12 initial semi-structuredinterviews, a literature review, and then an additional 21 in-terviews with another sample

Murray, D’Aunno andLewis (2018)

USA Accountable careorganisation

Health and social care Longitudinal case studies from 2012 to 2017 with twoACOs, including 115 semi-structured interviews and obser-vational data based on 7 site visits

Naylor, Alderwickand Honeyman(2015)

England Integrated care Health and social care Five case study sites with acute hospital providers that havemoved towards integrated care, utilising 39 in-depth inter-views and site visits

NHS Employers(2017)

England Vanguards Health and social care In-depth case studies on three vanguards including semi-structured interviews (n = 13), focus groups (n = 3), anddocumentary evidence

NHS Providers (2019) England Integrated care Health and social care A briefing by a policy organisation that uses interviews(unknown number)

NHS Providers (2018) England Integrated care Health and social care Case studies from three health and social care partnershipsin England, in the format of a series of organisationalreports

NHS Providers andNHS ClinicalCommissioners(2018)

England Joint commissioning Health and social care Policy report drawing on a literature review and in-depthsemi-structured interviews with clinical commissioning (n =9), national thought (n = 5) and provider leaders (n = 10)

Peck, Towell andGulliver (2001)

England Joint commissioning Health and social care Case study of a combined Trust; using annual semi-structured interviews with managers, postal surveys with(n = 169 in 1999 and n = 143 in 2000), and exploratoryworkgroups

Pickup (2004) England Integrated care/jointcommissioning, mentalhealth

Adult services Case study in the format of an ‘experiential report’

Round et al. (2018) England Integrated care Primary, acute,community, mentalhealth and social care

Programme evaluation design; using documentary analysis,31 stakeholder semi-structured interviews, focus groups,and observational data

Shaw (2002) England Mergers Health and social care,integrated Trust

Case study of merger of two trusts; using qualitativemethods and semi-structured interviews with 42 people.Documentary analysis was also used

Smith et al. (2020) England Primary care networks Primary care Qualitative cross-comparative case study across four sitesusing: rapid evidence assessment, a workshop with aca-demics and policy experts, interviews with stakeholders, ob-servations, survey, documentary analysis

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and whether staff perceive the collaboration as a threatprofessionally [48].Related to the level of initial faith is that of initial

trust. Initial trust was put forward in phase 2 of ourrealist synthesis as likely to come into play in the‘Connecting’ phase of collaboration, during which or-ganisations seek partners and establish initial relation-ships [84]. Contextual elements identified as essentialto determining this initial level of trust are the historyof collaborating or competing between the organisa-tions [36, 57, 67, 79], their organisational reputations[76], and at a later stage, the strength of legal agree-ments [31]. These factors have been found to enhanceor undermine trust. For example, legal agreementscan both act as an initial reassurance when relying ona partner, as well as undermine it, if they do notallow for attribution of collaborative behaviours to al-truistic intent [41, 76]. Furthermore, this refinementstage identified also that a context of a known historyof health system failures in the region can also lowerinitial trust [58], as evidenced by NHS Providers(2018), who put forward that “a legacy of challengesled to a break-down in trust and dialogue and an en-trenchment of organisational ‘fortress mentalities’ [58].As trust and risk are intricately linked, this level ofinitial trust is essential to setting the degree of riskan organisation is willing to take on with its partner,which can affect the aims and outcomes a partnershipseeks to accomplish [42, 76].

Middle stage of collaborationDuring the ‘mid-life’ of a collaboration, a multitude offactors come into play which can help rapidly increasethe level of trust, buffering against potential conflicts

that may occur. Chief among these are ‘quick wins’ witha partner, which also help to increase faith [55, 76].These small successes serve to rapidly bolster trust andcan be increased further through factors such as second-ing staff [38, 68], and having open, honest, stable, andempathetic leadership [58, 72]. Alongside these quickwins are longer-term battles, such as the need to ensureeffective interpersonal communication between key or-ganisational actors, managing conflict [42, 50, 52, 64],and either creating a new culture or helping build brid-ges between existing ones [33, 53, 79].With respect to ensuring appropriate communication

between collaborators, a number of contextual elementsare key. Geographical proximity is one element that isdifficult to mitigate, as a greater geographical distancebetween collaborators increases time spent building rela-tionships significantly, by presenting a barrier to ease ofarranging meetings and enabling informal interaction[44]. Greater geographical proximity was most oftencited as improving communication, but can also be un-helpful if conflict is already occurring [47, 81]. Addition-ally, having a larger size and/or quantity of organisationsinvolved can make communicating more difficult, due tothe increased number of involved actors and movingparts [39]. Compatibility of IT systems [32, 79], jointstaff appointments [52], and having regularcollaboration-wide meetings can also work to increasetrust as an outcome through the mechanism of interper-sonal communication [75, 77]. When cultures are mis-matched or not mutually understood, conflict can occur,which thereby reduces trust [68]. Improving cultural as-similation by configuring the context is also possible,which can also go on to enhance trust. A mutual cul-tural understanding can be fostered by: ensuring a

Table 1 Characteristics of included literature (Continued)

Study Country Partnership type Sector Methods and sample

Southby and Gamsu(2018)

England Integrated care, primary carenetworks

Primary care andvoluntary andcommunity sectors

Case study design comprising four cases, each with a GPand VCS organisation; using 18 semi-structured interviewswith GPs, practice managers, practice nurses, and seniormanagers, and a focus group of 14 participants

Southwark andLambeth IntegratedCare (2016)

England Integrated care Health and social care Report regarding organisational experience of an integratedcare programme; using evaluative as well as anecdotalevidence

Starling (2018) England Vanguards Health and social care Case studies, interviewing 45 middle-to-senior clinical andnon-clinical leaders and evaluators across eight vanguardsites

Steininger et al.(2016)

Austria Hospital merger Acute care Qualitative case study of the merge of IT systems; involvinginterviews with 40 stakeholders

The King’s Fund(2005)

England Joint commissioning Community care Report as part of an evaluation; observation and interviewswere used (unclear quantities)

Timmins (2019) England Integrated care Health and social care Analysis of leaders’ experiences with integrated care andcollaboration in a report format; based on interviews with16 chairs and leads

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shared vision of the collaboration is in place [33], byhaving a cross-organisational ‘inspirational leader’ whoalso engages in role-modelling behaviours [75], andby supporting staff through the transition [48]. It canalso be improved by having joint teams of staff towork on shared goals, which can improve a sense ofcollegiality [46, 80]. It was evident in the literaturethat certain passive elements, such as the pre-existingdegree of cultural distance, and whether or not thecollaboration is perceived as forced upon staff, canalso significantly change the difficulty of cultural as-similation [72].

Atemporal elements impacting collaborationConflicts between organisations can occur as a result ofdeteriorations in trust, as a result of ‘acute events’ suchas failures on specific tasks, or from accumulating ten-sions caused by cultural distance [18, 42]. Conflicts dir-ectly cause a loss of faith in the collaboration and trustbetween partners [18]. As such, there is a reciprocal rela-tionship between both conflict and trust, and conflictand faith (Fig. 4). This is supported by excerpts such as:“Conflict, for example, due to competition between part-ners, increases the difficulty in predicting the partner’sbehaviour and increases the uncertainty in the decision

Table 2 Mechanisms present in prior phase of realist synthesis (left) vs. refined theory (right), an explanation of these mechanisms,and which outcome these mechanisms typically produce


Refined mechanisms and their type Explanation Mostfrequentoutcome

Taskachievementand performance

Effectiveness through collaboration: enablinginnovation, reduced duplication of effort, sharing ofbest practices, increased access to resource, reducedgaps in services, increased influence over others

The ‘ultimate outcomes’ that usually underlie actualimprovements to key metrics of organisationalperformance


Synergy andcollaborativeinertia

Changes towards collaborative behaviour fromcompetitive behaviour (behaviour)

A move from competitive organisational behaviours tocollaborative ones


n/a Risk threshold (cognitive process) How much risk an organisation is willing to take on witha collaborator


Faith Faith (cognitive process) A belief in the collaborative endeavour as a positiveforce and therefore a motivation to work on its goals


Perception ofprogress

Perception of progress (mindset) Whether actors perceive advancement towards the goalsof the collaboration


Conflict Conflict (mindset) The perception by organisational actors that they are inopposition to collaborators in some way


n/a Approach to conflict resolution and accountability(cognitive processes)

Processes and attitudes in place that lessen the severityof conflict


Trust Trust (cognitive process) “A psychological state comprising the intention to acceptvulnerability based upon positive expectations of theintentions or behaviour of another” [83].


Confidence Confidence (cognitive process) A belief that a collaborator will behave collaborativelydue to contractual or other obligation


Initial trust Initial trust (cognitive process) Trust that manifests as a result of pre-existing contextualfactors


Power n/a (now a contextual factor) Whether one organisation has more influence onproceedings than another


Leadership n/a (now a contextual factor) The set of behaviours and attitudes that keyorganisational leaders possess



Cultural assimilation (cognitive process) How well actors between organisations are aligning interms of attitudes and behaviours



Interpersonal communication & information sharing(behaviour)

The behaviour of communicating and sharinginformation


Perception oftask complexity

Perception of task complexity/initial faith (cognitiveprocess)

How complex actors perceive the collaborativeendeavour to be


n/a Clarity and sharedness of vision (cognitive process) How well-defined and to what extent the vision be-tween partners is agreed-upon


n/a Perceived legitimacy of collaboration (cognitiveprocess)

How actors perceive the collaboration in terms of itsauthenticity

Initial faith

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to trust” [76]. Reductions in faith can also lead to intra-organisational conflict [18]. We also found that conflictcan be modulated when it occurs by the approach toconflict resolution. Conflict resolution is now a mechan-ism in itself in this refined theory, which can dampenthe impact of conflict on trust or faith [52].This refinement stage further identifies that use of ex-

ternal, impartial deal brokers and committees can lessenthe impact of conflict on trust by moving the locus ofthat trust to the third party rather than the partner [50],along with having robust governance structures whichare not imbalanced in either direction in terms of power[52]. Likewise, conflict itself can be mitigated by leadersbringing a constructive approach to conflicts, by pro-actively attempting to reduce power imbalances, and byavoiding or managing any senses of takeovers in the caseof mergers or other more integrative collaboration types[76]. While conflict interacts with both trust and faith,so too does the degree to which the collaborative visionis shared and its clarity. The clarity of vision is morekeenly interlinked with faith, which is supported byquotes such as “most sources concur that a clear visionand/or mission statement should include attainable goalsand that lack of clarity about vision can be a serious bar-rier to engagement” [50]. Here, engagement can be con-sidered similar to our concept of faith. However, thesharedness of the vision works through the mechanismof trust, as sharedness relates directly to the inter-organisational perception of each organisation. The clar-ity and sharedness of vision are affected by patient andpublic engagement (which helps keep the focus on im-proving care quality rather than secondary objectives),having inclusive decision-making processes, and stableleadership. In many cases, significant leadership turnovermeant starting over with trust building exercises, due tolarge changes in vision occurring [60, 63].As a final look into the role of faith, a key mechanism

which links into faith as an outcome is ‘the perceptionof progress’. The perception of progress is interwovenwith faith - but is not entirely the same concept (as onecan have faith without much perception of progress).The perception of progress is essential for ensuring thatmomentum is maintained and that there is no stall intowhat is termed ‘collaborative inertia’, a situation inwhich there is insufficient faith to maximise work on thecollaboration [75]. Having an increased perception ofprogress increases faith, and a lesser perception of for-ward momentum reduces it. This is supported by quotesfrom healthcare leaders such as the following: “So it isharder and less dynamic at the start, until you get adrumbeat going. Then it becomes easier because the peergroup start doing it for you” [72]. Affecting this percep-tion of progress are contextual factors such as appropri-ate degrees of ambition (overambition can lead to

disappointment) [54, 56], implementation of ‘quickwins’, having effective planning, which ensures staff areworking on the most appropriate projects at the righttime [65], and, importantly, having effective evaluationand dissemination processes which ensure staff areaware of the progress being made [54, 85].These various review findings suggest a web of con-

textual elements operating through many mechanisms,to produce many outcomes, forming causal chains (Fig.5). Some of these can be altered to be more beneficial toimplementers (e.g., keeping ambitions realistic), andsome cannot (e.g., geographical proximity). While theseelements discussed are those which underlie the func-tioning of the partnership, the review also identifiesmechanisms which underlie material improvements toorganisational performance.

Refining CMOCs driving partnership performanceAs trust and faith are maximised, work on managingconflicts, building collaborative structures, and establish-ing relationships, decreases. As a result, time and effortare freed up to create the conditions for collaborative‘synergy’, which in our refined theory, refers to a willing-ness to engage in collaborative, rather than competitive,behaviour (Fig. 4). Once risk tolerance and faith aremaximised, partners can strike out to work on risky in-novations together, share best practices, pool resources,bid for contracts together, increase market power, re-duce duplication of effort, and better focus on inequal-ities in the health system. These are the mechanismsthrough which ‘ultimate outcomes’ of collaboration (i.e.,performance improvements) are realised - occurring as aresult of an accumulation of skill, knowledge, and re-sources being brought to bear against problems encoun-tered by the partnership. However, these benefits seldomcome to fruition due to the sheer amount of work andgoodwill that is required to rise above the quagmire ofthe daily functioning of the partnership, explaining whymany collaborations are not successful. Studies capturecontexts where “too much was being expected too soon…as they were still working out how to function operation-ally before they could accomplish goals such as decreas-ing workload and improving care” [79].Achievement of this synergistic state is extremely diffi-

cult as many collaborative endeavours are ‘set up for fail-ure’ due to initial contextual conditions being configuredin such an unfavourable manner that it becomes insur-mountably difficult to build the relationships required[12]. These difficult contextual conditions can include aregulatory environment that still revolves around com-petition rather than collaboration [52], mandated part-nerships and integrated care initiatives that do not allowfor building of relationships, brought into place in condi-tions of pre-existing histories of competition and ‘bad

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blood’ [58], and a lack of financial support or consider-ation provided for collaborative endeavours to be imple-mented properly [67]. As outlined by our theory, thesecommon contextual factors serve to undermine initialtrust in partners and initial faith in the process and in-crease task complexity to a degree that makes them verydifficult to overcome. One quote from an included studyof buddying arrangements in the UK reflected thisclearly: “Interviewees repeatedly said how difficult itwould have been if their buddying arrangement had beenimposed, and indeed those arrangements seen to be im-posed by regulatory bodies appear to be have been theleast successful” [44].This information provides implications for cross-

sector initiatives, such as ICS’ or ACOs taking placein the UK. In addition to many of these being man-dated, cross-sector working brings additional chal-lenges by requiring working between workforces ofdiffering professional backgrounds. These professionaldifferences manifest in a greater degree of culturaldivide – a barrier which was referenced by many ofthe included case studies [42, 76]. Likewise, in cross-sector arrangements, the number of partners and sizeof the involved organisations is likely to be greater,which further increases the difficulty of communicat-ing effectively and clearly, and results in much highertask complexity. These are all concerns which requiregreat tact to mitigate.

Refinements by collaboration type and collaborativefunctioningOur initial rough realist theory suggested that partner-ships can be characterised along a spectrum of integra-tion from full integration (i.e., mergers) to moreinformal endeavours involving fewer people (i.e., buddy-ing, clinical networks) [26]. Such differences betweencollaborative types (e.g., buddying vs. alliances) are alsoreflected in our findings as changes to contextual ele-ments (i.e., whether they are mandated or not). Thesecan affect the task complexity, perceived legitimacy,faith, and initial trust. Our review identifies how it ispossible to trace how these impact on implementation.For example, a voluntary buddying arrangement is likelyto be relatively simple to implement, as it is unlikely tobe perceived as threatening by staff, does not involvemany organisations, and, while perhaps not supportedby formal legal agreements, is likely to involve partnerself-selection. This arrangement is likely to start with ahigh degree of initial trust between partners and initialfaith in the process.On the other hand, ICS’ - which have now come into

force in April 2021 - involve a significant number oflarge organisations coming together in a cross-sectormanner, including local councils, primary and socialcare, and acute care [1]. This drastically increases taskcomplexity by being cross-sector and having many in-volved organisations. Additional challenges include thatit is likely such a move may be perceived as a threat by

Fig. 5 Example of how contextual elements and mechanisms may operate over time to drive a voluntary-type partnership into collaborativesynergy. The lines represent how levels of trust and faith may change independently over time in response to the various numbered events

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staff, reducing faith by reducing its legitimacy in theireyes. It is also likely to increase difficulty of effectivecommunication by having both great breadth and depthof organisations involved, making trust building moredifficult, and there may be reduced initial trust from out-set by being set in a local context of pre-existing com-petitive attitudes. In addition to that, being given a rapidtimeline while having to overcome prior differences andconflicts poses an additional challenge which requires astrict patient-centred focus shared across the system toovercome.Our programme theory suggests that formalisation

through contracts may be one means of enabling collab-orative behaviour in such a situation where initial trustis likely to be low or complexity very high. The followingsection explores further how trust and its relationship torisk threshold may be replaced by confidence as a pri-mary driver for collaborative behaviour in mandated orintegrative collaboration types.

Trust versus confidence in integrative and mandatedpartnership typesIn phase 2 of our realist synthesis, we identified a com-mon CMOC which suggested that the formalisation ofan arrangement through contracting facilitated trust re-lationships by having potential to act as a buffer wheretrust may otherwise be lacking [18]. Inversely, trust mayalso be undermined if too much collaborative behaviouris mandated through contract, as they assume the part-ner will act collaboratively as a result of contractual obli-gation. As such, we also found evidence that with eithermandated or otherwise more integrative types of part-nerships (e.g. mergers), trust may not be the primary de-terminant of collaborative behaviour. That role wouldinstead shift to confidence [18].Our updated review sought to further understand the

relationship between confidence, formalisation, risk tol-erance, and trust. While difficult to identify relevant in-formation, our included literature identifies an inherentmistrust taking place in organisations involved in man-dated partnerships, with perceptions of being ‘takenover’, atmospheres of ‘them and us’, and domination ofpowerful partners resulting in a lack of trust [43]. Nextto this lack of trust in mandated collaborations, formal-isation was seen by sources as a means for risk manage-ment. Use of controls and contracts “to minimiseuncertainties of behaviour by partners” had value in in-stances where trust was low [76]. Another source putforward the notion that formalisation through contractis “primarily about managing risk, trying to situate therisk with the organisation/s most able to mitigate it, andgiving them the power to do so.” [58]. As such, we haveadded the concept of confidence, built through formal-isation, to our programme theory diagram, as a

determinant of risk tolerance (Fig. 6). Greater confidence(context) will thereby increase risk tolerance (mechan-ism) for engaging in collaborative behaviour (outcome)(Fig. 6).However, while some sources were espousing formal-

isation as a means for improving trust, it was evidentthat other sources were warning that over-formalisationcould undermine the trust-building process, as “[the]contribution [of contracts] is less in subsequent phasesonce trust grows, not least because early contracts cannotanticipate every eventuality” [76]. This sentiment isechoed by quotes such that “although a lot of the jointcommissioning processes described to us were formalisedand structural, people often recognised that joint workingis essentially relational (based on informal conversationsand interactions)” [41]. These findings indicate that vol-untary collaborations should be careful not to overly relyon structural means of obligating collaborative behaviourwhere they should be focused on building relationships.Memoranda of understanding (MoUs), while generallynon-binding, increase trust between collaborators andthereby reduce perception of risk taken on when en-gaging in collaborative behaviour [62]. We hypothesisethat these non-binding contracts such as MoUs may bemost appropriate as a tool to increase risk tolerance forless integrative or voluntary arrangements, where thereis a risk of misattribution to obligation rather than genu-ine collaboration with the use of binding contracts [6].As Casey (2008, p. 77) puts forward “there is a need fora balance between power sharing and control, betweenprocesses and results, between continuity and change andbetween interpersonal trust and formalized procedures.”

A novel means of depicting CMOC chains: ‘causal webs’Our review findings suggest that CMOCs formed chainsof generative causality as a result of the Outcome of oneCMOC becoming the Context for another. For example,a larger organisational size (context) leads to greater taskcomplexity (mechanism), which affects people’s faith inthe process (outcome) [32]. However, further down thechain, faith is a context in which collaborative behaviour(mechanism) occurs, leading to improved synergy (out-come). As such, the ‘chains of causality’ emerged natur-ally from the linkages between CMOCs. As there is nocommon diagrammatical standard for how to depictCMOC chains in realist syntheses, we found that it wasappropriate to depict our findings in the ‘causal web’shown in Fig. 7. Elements that only serve as contexts arerepresented in green boxes, and mechanisms/outcomesas blue ellipses. As such, in the figure, it should be sim-ple to follow the aforementioned example of CMOCchain in the figure from organisational size (context 1)through to collaborative behaviour (outcome 2). Thismode of representation draws similarities with the

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concept of a ‘context map’ put forward by Renger et al.(2015) for use with realistic evaluations, however, ourapproach expands it by including both mechanism andoutcome in the web with their own means of representa-tion. Yet, it is important to note that the diagram doesnot depict how specific contexts alter the mechanisms,only which mechanisms are attached to which context-ual factors, and which outcomes to which mechanisms[86]. For specific dynamics, Fig. 6, updated from our ver-sion in phase 2 based on the present refinements, de-picts the key mechanisms and dynamics underlying thehow of the workings of the CMOCs we identified.

DiscussionThis phase of realist synthesis served to refine CMOCsidentified in our previous paper to ensure these CMOCsare supported by case study evidence, while gaining fur-ther understanding of the temporal and causal links be-tween them. Key refinements to the theory have includedan enhanced understanding of ‘partnership synergy’ aschanges towards collaborative, from competitive, behav-iour, the formation of ‘initial faith’, which firmly situatesmultiple CMOCs into the early stages of collaborations, aswell as ‘approach to conflict resolution’ becoming a mech-anism that has a greater number of contextual factorschanging its configuration (Fig. 7). The degrees to which

the vision for the collaboration is shared and/or clear havealso been added as mechanisms, due to having substan-tially more evidence in included literature supporting itsconstruction as a mental process occurring within mindsof actors, with its own contextual elements affecting theirconfiguration. Next to this, the ‘perceived legitimacy’ ofthe arrangement has been added, due to new CMOCs be-ing identified, which is linked into faith (Table 2). Our re-finements have allowed us to make modifications to ouroriginal programme theory diagram, which was part ofphase 2, depicted here in Fig. 6.Attempting to simultaneously capture the various dy-

namics of inter organisational collaboration within oneoverarching theory is an enormously complex task. In-deed, one example alone cited Primary Care Networks ashaving 47 different potential organisational forms [79].Nonetheless, these collaborative entities have more com-monalities than differences when it comes to what influ-ences their functioning. While we attempted to managethe process of analysing these collaborative types [18, 26],the approach has limitations in terms of the analyticaldepth that can be achieved, as a certain level of abstractionis required to maintain applicability across collaborativetypes. Although a realist approach has not been applied toall healthcare collaborations, others have successfully ap-plied it to subtypes of collaboration [17, 19, 87].

Fig. 6 Refined programme theory diagram based on new and refined CMOCs and demi-regularities identified in this phase of the synthesis.Contextual factors are represented by green boxes

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Our findings build on others in suggesting that trust isclosely linked with the concept of collaborative synergy(framed here as ‘collaborative behaviour’) and mutualsuccesses [23]. Jagosh et al. (2012) put forward the ideathat synergy can be both a context and an outcome, andthrough those means, synergy can act as a buffer againstnegative events [87]. In contrast to this proposition, inour refined theory we argue that synergy is instead theproduction of collaborative behaviour – a mechanismintroduced by the intervention which exists in actors’minds in a summative manner across the involved orga-nisations. Synergy itself thereby cannot act as a bufferagainst ‘conflicts’, etc., rather, trust and faith themselvesare then the elements affected by acute events such asconflict. Jagosh et al. (2015) also refer to a pre-existenceof trust or mistrust, determined by community history,which set the context for their intervention, as is alsoreflected in the present theory [23]. However, we alsobuild upon such examples by introducing the relation-ship of trust with risk tolerance, which explains howtrust is a necessary factor for engaging in collaborativebehaviour.Also linked to risk tolerance was the concept of confi-

dence, which came more into play when considering in-tegrative or mandated forms of collaboration. Othersources not included in our systematic search indicatethat when contracts are in place to uphold risk-sharing,benevolent actions are not attributed to free actions by

the partner, but rather to the mere existence of the con-tract [88]. This suggests that non-binding agreements,such as memoranda of understanding commonly used inthe NHS, may be more appropriate for building that re-lational trust [88]. The notion that more integrative ormandated partnership types may require a more con-tractual governance structure, whereas less integrative orvoluntary partnerships may rely on a more relationalstructure, is supported by other findings in the literature[89]. This is exemplified by the finding that “the stron-gest effect measured in the model is the overall effect ofrelational norms on project performance (including themediating effect of partners’ trust and partners’ contribu-tion)” [89]. Likewise, they identified that project com-plexity affects the uncertainty about the partnershipproject, requiring greater structural and relational gov-ernance to properly overcome. This understanding un-derlies our programme theory, which suggests that inmore integrative or mandated collaborations, formalisa-tion through contracts reduces risk to engage in collab-orative behaviour by making the collaborative behaviourobligatory. However, in more voluntary or less integra-tive types of collaboration, having binding formalisationcan lead to misattribution of altruistic behaviour to theexistence of the contract, undermining trust.This evidence suggests that the need for formalisa-

tion to underline the mechanism of confidence, byobligating a degree of collaborative behaviour, could

Fig. 7 Depiction of ‘web of causality’ formed by CMOC chains of how and why healthcare collaborations work. Green and blue elements relateto Collaborative Functioning

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be undermined by the current lack of statutory au-thority of such arrangements in the UK. However,since the current successful examples (e.g. ICS’) tendto be those that have evolved from pre-existing ar-rangements with effective leaders in place and a rela-tively strong history of collaboration, the addition oflegislation which reduces flexibility may undermineexisting ways that current ICS’ have developed [72].Both of these dimensions raise a number of implica-tions regarding the notion of trust vs. confidence (orcontrol) and their relation to risk (e.g. [90]), indicat-ing that these similar mechanisms are at play ininter-organisational healthcare collaborations. Das andTeng (2001) identify that both trust and control aretwo separate routes to risk reduction in alliances, andthey also situate alliance types such as joint venturesas oriented more towards the locus of control than innon-equity alliances, which echoes our findings.Our introduction of the concept of faith, while rela-

tively intuitive, is also one underrepresented in existingtheories of inter organisational collaboration [76]. Ourfindings indicate that environmental factors which areout of one’s control tend to reduce faith by presentinginsurmountable obstacles, but facilitators which are inone’s control may be more closely linked to buildingtrust. In this sense, faith can be likened to a constantcost/benefit analysis occurring in actors’ minds regard-ing their participation in the collaborative endeavour.Rycroft-Malone et al. (2016) have conducted a priorrealist evaluation (rather than synthesis) of a type of or-ganisational collaboration in healthcare in the UK andargued that ‘motivation to engage’ is essential for thecollaborative process – a concept similar to ‘faith’ here.This motivation to engage was also linked to perceptionsby stakeholders, and concepts of to whom the collabor-ation belongs – represented in the present theory as‘perception of legitimacy’. These similar reflections oftrust and faith in the literature add support for our real-ist theory of healthcare collaborations. However, webuild upon these links and prior attempts at buildingCMOC chains by proposing what we are terming a ‘webof causality’ (Fig. 7). Although not explicitly using Part-nership Synergy Theory as an MRT, Rycroft-Maloneet al. (2016) put forward the notion that “where struc-tures, positions and resources were aligned, this releasedthe potential and unlocked barriers for purposeful collect-ive action”. This corresponds strongly to our MRT andthe notion of partnership functioning mechanisms beingessential precursors to collaborative behaviour and theaccomplishment of synergistic effects.Our resultant framework bears similarities to others in

other fields where collaboration is at its core, such asteamworking. One such example is a framework devel-oped by Reeves & Scott (2010) for interprofessional

teamworking. Teamworking is likely to constitute a subsetof dynamics occurring within interorganisational collabo-rations [91]. This framework, particularly in the “teamprocesses” aspect, includes similar concepts such as trustand respect, communications, conflict, and “willingness”(which relates to our mechanism of ‘faith). These theoret-ical similarities have also been further highlighted by a sys-tematic review on the topic of interprofessional vs. inter-organisational collaborations in healthcare, which drawsattention to how theoretical frameworks for both havebeen used interchangeably in the literature, while alsohighlighting the additional difficulties and complexitywhen applying such concepts across organisationalboundaries [92]. As such, due to our tackling of a widerange of mixed types of healthcare collaborations, withminor modifications, we see great potential for this theoryto be applied in other areas, including inter-organisationalcollaboration outside of healthcare settings. Our next stepwill be to adopt this realist theory as a framework againstwhich we will test primary data from interviews withpeople involved in healthcare collaborations, to further re-fine and improve our understanding of this phenomenon.Additionally, we will seek to improve our understandingof how collaborative behaviour is linked to improved or-ganisational performance.

LimitationsAlthough every effort was made to be as exhaustive withthe literature search as possible, including multiplewaves of systematic searching throughout the process, aswell as searching grey literature sources such as organ-isational websites, it is nonetheless possible we missedout literature that would have been informative to thepresent review. A particular challenge was covering allof the partnership types due to the myriad overlappingterms used to refer to various collaboration types. Add-itionally, while some included papers did talk about col-laborations which ended in dissolution (e.g. Murray,D’Aunno and Lewis (2018) [42]), these were nonethelessunderrepresented here, perhaps due to underreportingof failed collaborations arising from publication bias. In-clusion of more examples of unsuccessful collaborationswould have provided further evidence regarding how thecontext can impact activation of mechanisms in a poten-tially negative manner.One could also criticise the review for being UK-

centric, however, we did include several studies fromoutside the UK, such as Austria [51] and the UnitedStates [47] and did not purposely remove any based oncountry-specific metrics. Indeed, additional informationfrom other regulatory contexts would have only beenmore informative. Nonetheless, due to the scope of ourproject, it is likely we missed literature from othercountries.

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Lastly, depending on the level of analysis that oneseeks to operate upon, it is possible to criticise thepresent theory for not delving deep enough. As previ-ously mentioned, we had to stay at a relatively elevatedlevel of abstraction in order to be able to encompassmultiple types of inter-organisational collaboration. Onecould say that there are still changes to participant rea-soning (i.e., mechanisms) occurring within some of thearrows present in Fig. 7. For example, organisational size(context) leads to a change in perception of task com-plexity (mechanism) and thereby faith (outcome). How-ever, one could still ask how does organisational sizelead to a change in perception of task complexity? Wecould postulate that it is likely due to an ongoing cogni-tive appraisal within actors’ minds of the workload re-quired, and that by having a greater number of otheractors involved in the collaboration they thereby gainthe knowledge that complexity has increased. However,we had to keep this review process manageable and, inmany cases, we did not have evidence for many aspectsat this level of ontological depth. As such, we have setout some signposts of where to explore, but this remainsan aspect to delve into in further research.

ConclusionWhile many existing theories have delved into what under-lies the process of inter-organisational collaborations inhealthcare, this paper builds upon our knowledge of notonly what, but also how and why these elements work. Thiswas achieved by performing in-depth extraction and quali-tative coding of CMOCs present in 51 case studies andevaluative reports, and by forming hypotheses to produce arefined realist theory. This theory has cemented the interre-lated roles of trust and risk tolerance, faith, task complexity,interpersonal communication, cultural integration, and syn-ergistic effects with novel mechanisms, including 'percep-tion of progress'. It also builds upon similar existingfindings in the literature from other authors by linking con-texts, mechanisms, and outcomes together. This allows anunderstanding of how initial environmental and interorga-nisational conditions set levels of trust, faith, and task com-plexity, and how these mechanisms can be managed laterin the process of collaborating. Likewise, in mandated orhighly integrative collaborations, the locus may be shiftedfrom trust towards contractual obligation and a sense ofconfidence that the partner will act collaboratively. Thesechains of CMOCs were situated within a ‘web of causality’which allowed us to depict how distant contextual itemsand their mechanisms work to affect more distal outcomes,including collaborative behaviour. We hope these theoret-ical advances inspire further empirical study and can proveuseful to those seeking to establish collaborative arrange-ments between health organisations.

AbbreviationsCMOC: Context-mechanism-outcome configuration; HMIC: HealthcareManagement Information Consortium; NHS: National Health Service;NIHR: National Institute for Health Research; UK: United Kingdom;MRT: Middle Range Theory; PRISMA: Preferred Reporting Items for SystematicReviews and Meta-Analyses; PROSPERO: International prospective register ofsystematic reviews; STP: Sustainability and Transformation Partnership

Supplementary InformationThe online version contains supplementary material available at https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-021-06630-x.

Additional file 1.

Additional file 2.

Additional file 3.

AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to thank the collaborators and stakeholders whohelped in the development of this review.

Authors’ contributionsJA performed the searches, study appraisal, data extraction, realist analysis,and write-up of initial manuscript and subsequent revisions. RM acted as in-dependent reviewer for searches, provided feedback throughout the analysisprocess, and edited the manuscript. JG provided expertise on realist method-ology, provided feedback on early drafts of the study results, and edited themanuscript. The author(s) read and approved the final manuscript.

FundingThis research was supported by a grant from the National Institute for HealthResearch HS&DR fund under grant number NIHR127430. The views andopinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarilyreflect those of the HS&DR program.

Availability of data and materialsThe datasets generated and analysed during this study are available fromthe corresponding author on reasonable request.


Ethics approval and consent to participateThis research did not require ethical approval nor consent to participate.

Consent for publicationNot applicable.

Competing interestsThe authors declare they have no competing interests.

Author details1Health Services Management Centre, Park House, University of Birmingham,Birmingham B15 2RT, UK. 2Sociology and Social Policy Department,University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK.

Received: 12 March 2021 Accepted: 14 June 2021

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