White Wing Messenger December 2012

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The December 2012 issue of the White Wing Messenger, the official publication of the Church of God of Prophecy

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Visit us online—www.whitewingmessenger.org

Bringing honor to the WORD by the printed word, the White Wing Messenger strives to inspire Christian thought and practice as it imparts the “good news” of the Gospel while serving the connectivity needs of our church community.


Ministries24 Children: Love in Action 26 Heritage: Thank You Central City

Editorials 4 Facing Forward: A Giving Faith

31 Messages: The Weight of the World

Updates 5 Worldview Culture–Church–Announcement

30 New Churches

8 The Wonder of the Incarnation Tim Harper

Christ appears in our neighborhood

11 Lo, the Star! Fred S. Fisher, Sr.

God with us!

12 Our Extraordinary Present Rita Ford

He came to us as a babe

14 Follow the Star Uzziah B. Cooper, Sr.

He will lead us over ourspiritual mountains

16 How to Have a Song During this Christmas Season Fred A. Lawson

You have a song

18 Cherished Christmas Memories Jude Enxuto

Peace, goodwill toward men

19 Palace in the Cave Tony Comer

God is with us

20 Ringing in the New Year: Spiritual Resolutions Kiara Casey-Rengifo

Resolute control to Him

22 A Babe of Peace Ashley J. Guidry

Good tidings of great joy


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For God so loved the world, that he gave his only bego en Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlas ng life (John 3:16). e give gi s at Christmas me to remember that God gave the great gi of His Son Jesus. Jesus gave Himself in full surrender to the will of the Father, becoming the sacri cial Lamb of God. The Holy Spirit was given as Jesus ascended and ful lled His promise that another comforter would join the disciples and be with them. It is at Christmas, more than any other me of the year, that we are reminded that our faith is a giving faith. It has been said o en, but should be repeated frequently, that no other faith embraces a God of giving love. There are religions of restric ons, religions of liberty and license, religions of sacri ce, and religions of self ful llment. But no other faith has a God that became man in order to save man. No other faith has a God that gave the rst sacri ce so that all

A Giving Faith

Randall E. HowardGeneral Overseer

others could e perience the bene t. No other religion has a God that is preparing eternity for His faithful to enjoy. Yes, our faith is a giving faith because our God is a giving God. “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also” (John 14:1–3). And God did not stop giving with the advent of Christ. His gi of presence holds the world in place. His gi of grace brings His touch over everything that is made. His gi of mercy replaces judgment with forgiveness for those who confess Him. His gi of salva on delivers men from this fallen world and their fallen selves. His gi of life allows believers to begin now experiencing eternal life. Our God, the greatest giver, has invited us to enter His giving faith. As recipients, our apprecia on for His gi s swells so high that we are mo vated to give as well. We want to give out of compassion for hur ng people in every land. We want to give so that the good news of our giving God will spread to every people. We want to give so that His kingdom will be established in every quarter and His name will be exalted far above all others. “Every good gi and every perfect gi is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights . . .” (James 1:17). “Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gi ” ( Corinthians 9:1 ).

2013 Calendar of Events

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George Bailey on LifeIt’s a Wonderful Life, the perennial Christmas favorite, is the basis for a recent book highligh ng nuggets that can be gleaned from its story. Li le Lessons fro It’s a Wonderful Life by Bob Welch (Thomas Nelson) explores the themes of the lm, taking readers from being viewers to ac ve par cipants.

“A bank in the city where I live has an interes ng requirement for all new employees going through their orienta on: they must watch It’s a Wonderful Life from start to nish,” the author writes in the book’s introduc on. “’The message in that lm,’ the bank president told me, is the message we want our employees to come to work with every day: the idea that our ac ons make a di erence in the community around us’.” Lessons pro led in the book include:

God Honors Our “Childlike” Faith

Stop to Count Your Blessings

When Cri cized, Consider the Source

God’s Greatest Gi Is Life

Miracles Happen

Non-Christians on ChristiansOn Thom Rainer’s blog, he outlines the seven most common types of comments received from non Chris ans about Chris ans. “Read these comments and see if you learn some of the lessons I learned,” he said.

Chris ans are against more things than they are for.

I would like to develop a friendship with a Chris an.

I would like to learn about the Bible from a Chris an.

I don’t see much di erence in the way Chris ans live

compared to others.

I wish I could learn to be a be er husband, wife, dad,

mom, etc., from a Chris an.

Some Chris ans try to act like they have no problems.

I wish a Chris an would take me to his or her church.

“ o you see the pa ern Non Chris ans want to interact with Chris ans. They want to see Chris ans’ ac ons match their beliefs. They want Chris ans to be real.

“In one study we conducted, we found that only ve percent of non Chris ans are antagonis c toward Chris ans. It’s me to stop believing the lies we have been told. Jesus said it clearly: “ The harvest is abundant, but the workers are few. Therefore, pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest’” (Luke1 : HCSB).

o Rainer. o

Most Christians Don’t Read Bible Daily





How often do you?14

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WORLDVIEW (continued) on nued on a e


Holiness Document Available“The Pursuit of the Holy God,” the report that will be presented at the 14 Interna onal Assembly by the Bible octrine and Polity Commi ee, has been made available for download on www.cogop. org. All leaders and members are encouraged to read the document and present their r esponses to the commi ee. The deadline for responses is January 1, 13, to allow the commi ee me to review the responses before its nal presenta on.

Responses should be emailed to [email protected] before January 1.

A Special Thank You I would like to express my deepest hear elt thank you to the Interna onal O ces sta and members of the Church of God of Prophecy for the support I received while serving as a military chaplain. It has been an honor to serve, rst in the nited States Marine Corps as an enlisted Marine, and later to serve through the Navy under a (MOA) contract performing chaplain services to the nited States Coast Guard. The past several years I have served at Clay Na onal Guard Center in Marie a, Georgia, as a state commissioned o cer and chaplain. I re red on Sunday, June 3, 1 from the Georgia epartment of efense. I was privileged to have been the rst state commissioned chaplain to ever have been appointed to the Joint Force Headquarters chaplain o ce in 9. Later, in November of

1 , I was also appointed as Command Chaplain for the GS F ivision of Joint Forces H working for the command general and sta . Serving on the state’s Joint Forces H Chaplain Sta while our Na onal Guard was

gh ng in two wars was a challenge for us all. With more than , soldiers, airmen, and State efense Force guardsmen working diligently to serve this na on, both on the ba le eld and at home here in Georgia. I can truly say that the American spirit is soaring high. The challenge of chaplaincy is being met through Godly men and women in support of those serving. But I send out this thank you because without your support in prayer and faith we could not have had success. God took me into posi ons of leadership that had never been opened before to a state commissioned o cer and chaplain. This was my calling for ministry, I was born for this service and now it has ended for me in uniform but not in my service to God.

I say this as my nal word to all of you. It has been the greatest me of my life serving my God, na on and state as a Chris an military chaplain. A special thanks to my mentor and inspira on, our

rst military chaplain in the Church of God of Prophecy, Chaplain Lieutenant Colonel

ouglas Stephenson S Army Special Forces Green Beret Chaplain Re red.

Ro er . Lantera lain Lieutenant

Colonel (Ret)

Senior Pastors Wanted in

Eastern Canada Senior pastors are being sought for two churches in Western Canada by the administra ve o ces. The Montreal West COGOP and the Downsview COGOP in Toronto are both open churches seeking pastors. According to Bishop Woodroe Thompson, na onal overseer, “the senior pastor is to provide spiritual and pastoral leadership to the local congrega on of the Church of God of Prophecy, will serve as the chief administrator of the congrega on so that it will ful ll its mission and purpose as the body of Christ and will preach, teach, and administer the sacraments and give primary leadership to the congrega on in all areas of worship, administra on, stewardship, and missional living.” Applicants should forward resume and references via email to Administra ve Bishop at revtcogop.ca or secpauline cogop.ca with subject line: Senior Pastor COGOP or mail to: Church of God of Prophecy/ Eastern Canada Administra ve O ce/ 14 Tomken Road/ Mississauga, Ontario L4W 1P1

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Impact YouthDevotional Palma Hutchinson, former Youth Ministries Interna onal Director, is one of 40 contributors to Impact: The Student Leadership

evo onal. The book, covering topics such as Leading with Courage, Hearing God’s Call, Leading with Humility and Staying Focused, also includes contribu ons from Jay Strack, David Edwards, Brent Crowe, and Dusty Wilson. To order the devo onal, available for , visit www.palmahutchinson.com.

What Do You Want to Be? We all had that aunt, the one who cornered you at Grandma’s birthday or Thanksgiving and asked, “So, what do you want to be when you grow up?” Maybe your answer was a shrug or perhaps you had a de nite image in your mind of you as an adult. It was probably fun to imagine being a re ghter or a doctor some me way o in the future. But you know what? You don’t have to wait for the future to do great things. God has a plan for you that starts today.

Have you heard of Trevor Farrell? Trevor saw a TV newscast about people living on the streets. Those images s rred compassion in him. He asked his parents to take him to downtown Philadelphia so he could give his blanket to the

rst homeless person he met. In the following weeks, with the help of family, classmates, and neighbors, Trevor made nightly trips into Philadelphia to distribute food, clothing, and hundreds of blankets to the needy. You see, Trevor had to have his parents’ permission because he was only 11 years old. And now, a huge corpora on exists to ful ll his wish for the homeless to have help. What about Rachel Beckwith? She hoped to save 300 by her ninth birthday to help supply clean water to poor African villagers. Friends, church members, and total strangers from around the world picked up where she le o when news of her birthday wish spread a er she tragically died in a car accident. Last year, Rachel’s fundraising campaign—charitywater.org—surpassed the 1 million mark. Rachel did not wait for adulthood. She knew she was not too young to do good.

A Jewish girl named Mary was called by God to bring Jesus into the world while she was s ll a young person. In today’s language, she said to the angel who told her God’s plan, “Well, here I am! I’m ready! Bring it!” (Luke 1:38). She bravely obeyed God and the world was changed.

What can you do for God? Is there an area of need in your community or church where you can o er to help? Look around you. Listen to your pastor and other ministry leaders as they share their vision for reaching the lost and helping people. O er to assist in Children’s Church or other areas un l you see what you are gi ed to do. Pray for God to s r your heart and then be willing to obey Him. Being grown up is not a requirement for working for God. What do you want to be right now?

Music Notes The fall and winter have seen a great share of great new music in mul ple genres by some very familiar voices. Warren Bar eld’s newest release, RedBird, was funded by listeners through Kickstarter and features the produc on talents of Grammy Award winning songwriter and producer Wayne Kirkpatrick, pla num selling recording ar st Bryan White; Bo Rinehart, Bear Rinehart, and Seth Bolt of NEEDTOBREATHE; and Bar eld. For more info, visit www.warrenbar eld.com Also funded through Kickstarter, Jeremi and Amy Richardson have released Never Let Go, a worship project. The duo, comprising half of the popular contemporary vocal group Avalon, uses contemporary styles and polished produc on for a collec on comprised of mostly original songs. For more informa on, visit www.jeremiandamyrichardson.com. For more Music Notes, visit the White Wing Messenger blog at whitewingmessenger.org.

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The Wonder of the Incarnation: Between Two Worlds

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Each Advent season, I am always awestruck

by the thought of “Deity in Diapers.” God

and baby; baby, yet God. God in need of Pampers,

powder, and baby wipes. Admi edly, it is not di cult

to imagine the birth of a monarch, a prince, an heir

to the throne, a future king in a palace. However, to envision

God, the Creator of the world, as a baby that depended on

someone else to feed, burp, clean and diaper Him—that is a stretch

for my imagina on, crea ng a theological conundrum.

The apostle John stated the Word’s pre-incarnate majesty with

eloquence: “He created everything there is. Nothing exists that he didn’t

make. Life itself was in him, and this life gives light to everyone” (John 1:3, 4

NLT). To envision the God who spoke the worlds into existence, ung the stars into outer space, named each one, calling them by name, to envision that God as a baby who is forced to communicate with sighs, cooing, and crying challenges my mental sensibili es. To envision the invisible God, who is everywhere present at the same me, as a visible baby bound by the laws of me and space leaves me awestruck. Theological minds greater than mine and ecumenical councils have grappled with this profound truth that “In the beginning was the Word . . . and the Word became

esh, and dwelt among us” (John 1:1, 14 NASB). Indeed, it is the wonder of the incarna on. Simply stated, in the incarna on, the Word of God entered our world, while holding onto Himself, yet hanging between two worlds. Let me illustrate.

Entering Another Person’s World The apostle John reminds us that “The Word became esh and blood,

and moved into our neighborhood (John 1:14 MSG). The reality is, I could not move to His neighborhood. The chasm of sin separated us. To be sure, humanity has tried all sorts of ways to build a bridge to God; however, all of our e orts have failed. So, instead of me moving into God’s neighborhood, He moved into mine. When He moved in, however, the neighborhood welcome wagon did not greet his family with a basket of freshly baked goods. The Bethlehem Chamber of Commerce didn’t send coupons for dinner at an area restaurant. The local synagogue didn’t extend a helping hand with unpacking boxes and decora ng the nursery. “The world didn’t recognize him when he came. Even in his own land and among his own people, he was not accepted” (John 1:10, 11 NLT). There was no extended family present at His birth to celebrate and sing songs of joy. However, God would not allow His son to be outdone. Angels lit up the night skies and sang, “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace goodwill toward men.” No one staked yard art of a stork in the barnyard of the stable that read, “It’s a boy!” God, however, would not allow His Son to be outdone. He placed a star in the sky that guided the magi from a distant land. Friends of Mary did not

host a baby shower in order to provide her with the necessi es that a new mother so desperately needs. Again, God would not allow His Son to be outdone. Wise men brought gi s of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Yet, the fact remains. When He moved in, the world did not recognize

His debut. While the world was caught up in the pressures of the tax season and deadlines, God slipped in. Instead of our Lord being birthed into a sterile environment, He moved into a stable where ca le defecate, mice scurry along the ground, and spiders weave webs. But then, that’s our world isn’t it? Oh, we like to pretend that our world is squeaky clean. But let’s be honest, it’s not. Who among us doesn’t get up with morning breath? Our oors need vacuuming, our dishes need washing, our clothes need laundering, our garbage cans need emptying. Indeed, life is messy. I have discovered that where there is life, waste and trash are generated. We live in a fallen world riddled by sin and destruc on. That’s why Jesus was birthed in a stable. When He entered my world, my neighborhood, He didn’t come to a world that was sani zed, spotless and immaculate. He entered a world under the curse of sin. Indeed, in the middle of our disarray and garbage, our Lord enters. Christ appears in our neighborhood. The New Testament gives us glimpses of Jesus entering the world of those around Him. He touched the leper, whose ro ng esh would have ins nc vely repelled others. Indeed, He touches the ro ng caverns of our soul decaying

under the infec on of sin. To the woman at the well, who had been in and out of so many rela onships, trying desperately to nd someone to care for her, Jesus walked into her world and made her feel like no other man ever had. In the darkness of the night, among the howling cries from a cemetery, Jesus, the light

He didn’t come to a world that was sanitized, spotless, and immaculate. He entered a world under the curse of sin.

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of life walked into the domain of death, speaking life to the demoniac of Gadara who had only known the pain of rejec on of death. To a short man who had overcompensated for his inferiority complex by in a ng the taxes of others for his own personal gain, Jesus made Zacchaeus whole and complete. To be sure, there are mes when we feel as if no one understands. No one has been here before. No one can iden fy with my su ering. Take another look—Jesus has moved into your neighborhood!

Holding Onto Himself Throughout the en re earthly journey of our Lord, He never ceased being God. John communicates this certainty when he writes, “The Word was made esh . . . full of grace and truth (John 1:14 NKJV). I have known individuals who had a lot of grace but were de cient in truth. On the other hand, I have known folks who were heavy on truth, but light on grace. Jesus was full of both. Fully man, He never ceased being God. It is mind-boggling to ponder that for nine months, He progressed through the gesta onal process in Mary’s womb. Then a er birth, Mary had to care for his most basic needs—the Creator dependent upon the created. The care of the Creator was entrusted into the hands of a teenage girl. Can you imagine the gasp that must have echoed through angelic host in the corridors of heaven the rst me that Mary almost dropped baby Jesus, or spoke to the toddler with that ins nc ve mother’s voice? You know

the drill. S ll to this day, my mother occasionally says, “Timothy Arnold!” I remember a me in Scripture where Mary probably said, “Jesus Joseph!” Yes, I am taking a li le literary license here.

Jesus was twelve years old. The family had made their pilgrimage to the Temple in Jerusalem and on their way back home, traveling with a large crowd, Joseph must have assumed that Jesus was with Mary and vice versa. When they discovered that Jesus was with neither, panic must have struck their heart. Every parent knows that excrucia ng alarm when, in a split second, your child is out of sight and you think he is missing. It’s terrifying. On top of that, how would you like to explain to Jehovah that you lost His Son? They hurried back to the city and found Jesus in the Temple. When Mary confronted the Savior of the world, she retorted, “Why have you done this to us? Your father and I have been fran c, searching for you everywhere” (Luke :48 NLT). No ce how Jesus responds, however, He knew who He was. Entering our world, Jesus replied, “Why did you need to search . . . Did you not know that I must be about my Father’s business?” (v. 49). Yet we search. We search for meaning, for purpose, for happiness, for peace of mind. Jesus simply says, “Your search is over.” I’ve entered your world doing my Father’s business, reconciling men, women, and children back to the Father.

Hanging Between Two Worlds Our being reconciled to the Father occurs because Jesus hung between two worlds. Peter Scazzero in his book tled, The Emo onall Health Church, observes that “Jesus, during his incarna on on earth, was fully God, in perfect communion

with the Father. He was also fully human, tas ng su ering and death. He hung between two worlds: heaven and earth. Life would have been much simpler for Jesus if he stayed in heaven with the

Father. This world, for Jesus, was not safe. But by entering our world, he invited sorrow and pain into his life. He was misunderstood and not appreciated. He died a naked, lonely death on a cross, hanging literally between heaven and earth” (p. 189). A favorite Christmas carol resounds, “See Him in a manger laid.” However, the story of incarna on and redemp on doesn’t end at the manger. It also heralds, “See him on a cross nailed.” Fast forward from the cradle to the cross. The heavens are now silent. The angels that joyfully sang at His birth 33 years earlier now have to be restrained from rescuing Him from the cross. Instead of a star in east, the noon skies turn black and the earth quakes beneath the weight of the cross. There are no gi s o ered as He hangs between heaven and earth. Soldiers gamble for his clothes amid the insults and cries of mockery from the crowd. Take another look at the foot of the cross. There you will nd the one who pushed him through the birth canal 33 years earlier. She so desperately longs to pull him from the tunnel of death. The hand that wiped his face clean from amnio c uid, now yearns to clean the spi le of others from his face. As her Son, and the Son of the Father, hung suspended between two worlds, hers and the heavenly Father’s, her heart ached. Indeed, Simeon’s words rung true, “A sword will pierce your very soul” (Luke :3 NLT). However, Simeon also prophesied “He will be the greatest joy to many others” (v. 34). Indeed, the wonder of the incarna on, simply put, is that since He moved into my neighborhood, I can one day, move into His.

Dr. Timothy A. Harper Overseer, Great Lakes Region

The wonder of the incarnation is that since He moved into my neighborhood, I can one day move into His.

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Fred S. Fisher, Sr.General Overseer Emeritus

Ma hew :10 . . . “when they saw the STAR, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.” Cloistered behind gated communi es, the hillsides of California are spla ered with ve to ten million dollar houses, some with statue-lined swimming pools with water cascading down into the pools. A few miles away in downtown Beverly Hills, are marble slabs laid in wet concrete in the shape of a star with handprints of famous STARS pressed into them for tourists to see and admire. This is the lifestyle of the STARS. However, the shine will eventually wear away and a new genera on will forget the names of those embossed in the marble. Two thousand years ago, a small group of astrologers were in deep discussion over a NEW STAR that was bigger and brighter than any they had ever recorded in their historical journals. So much so they decided to follow this one. The Magis’ new desert travels used only the STAR for guidance and seamen for their direc on on the stormy seas. They could not shake the desire to follow, even though they had to follow at night. Soon a er several nights and days of travel, they no ced the STAR had stopped over a par cular house. The Wise Men knocked gently on the door and were greeted by a mature man and a young girl who was holding a li le boy. They could not hold back the tears, nor could their excitement and joy be held inside. A Spirit of the living God overwhelmed them with worship and gi -giving. They had followed HIS STAR and found direc on for life! No! not in a gated community, nor in blocks of marble, but in the living Body of the Baby Jesus . . . Emmanuel. The Wise Men had found God in the esh and they returned home another way. Sixty-four years ago, this writer found that same STAR on a Christmas night on Eighth Avenue in North Nashville, Tennessee. He, as well as millions, have found direc on for their travels in their deserts and while on their stormy seas. While new genera ons may forget the “OLD STARS” with handprints on marble slabs, and may forget the parades of the famous STARS, the shopping malls, etc, we know the STAR that guided the WISE over two thousand years ago, will be celebrated in many churches. He will s ll be Lord of Lords and King of Kings forever . . . forever. He will never be forgo en because He is Jesus, our Lord and Savior . . . EMMAN EL, God with us!!

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This is a wonderful me of the year. It’s Christmas, a me of celebra on.

We give thanks to God for sending Jesus to the world to save us from our sins. He was the perfect sacri ce. He is the reason for this season. He is the greatest gi that anyone could ever receive for Christmas.

What is it that we feel in our hearts this Christmas? Are our thoughts of what we may receive this year? Is it the food we may eat?

Or is it the feeling of sorrow for the ones who won’t be here this Christmas? Do we feel all alone or unloved?

We are never alone when Jesus lives inside us—He is extraordinary. He does amazing things in our lives.

He came to us as a babe. He was born of an earthly mother and a spiritual Father. There had never been another like this birth. It was extraordinary. Isaiah 9:6 says, “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, the mighty God, The everlas ng Father, The Prince of Peace.”

Even the shepherds knew He came. They saw a light and an angel told them of this extraordinary babe. They had to hurry to the place and see Him for themselves. It was the one they had waited for. He was the Messiah born pure and holy. He

was born to save the world. He would be the perfect sacri ce.

He was extraordinary: “And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I being you good dings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord” (Luke :10, 11).

The wise men saw the star and followed it. It took them two years to travel to where He was. They marveled and brought Him gi s of gold, frankincense, and myrrh and worshiped Him.

“And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshiped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gi s; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh” (Ma hew :11).

Even at the age of twelve, He was extraordinary. He grew strong in spirit. He was lled with wisdom. He was so remarkable that He sat with the physicians in the temple both hearing them and asking them ques ons.

“And all that heard him were astonished at his understanding and answers” (Luke :47).

He soon grew to become a man. He matured in wisdom and stature and with favor with His Father and man. He loved mankind. He helped people wherever He journeyed. Many were healed, delivered,

and followed Him. The people knew if they could get to Jesus they would be whole. Only His touch could free them.

Jesus knew the me was near for Him to give His life. So He prayed to His Father. In Luke :4 , He prayed, “Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me. Never the less not my will, but thine be done.” He prayed earnestly and His sweat was as it were drops of blood falling to the ground.

He was scourged with 39 lashes upon Him and never opened His mouth. Those wounds can cure any disease that we can possibly get. Isaiah 3: says, “He was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniqui es: the chas sement of our peace was upon him: and with his stripes we are healed.”

He was then nailed to a cross. He was cruci ed for all of us. He willingly gave His life for all, and became the path for us to get to God.

He was then placed in a borrowed tomb. And on the third day He arose. He now lives forevermore. And because of this extraordinary Man, we have eternal life and will never be alone.

This is why we celebrate this Christmas and every day to come. Jesus is alive and well! Praise His name forever! Let us celebrate our extraordinary Savior, the best present we have ever received.

Rita Ford Autryville, North Carolina

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Where is he that is orn ing of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east and are come to worship him (Ma hew : ).

Since civiliza on began, stars have been used as Global Posi oning Systems (GPS). God made the rmament on the second day of His Crea on, which we call heaven. On the fourth day, God populated His heavens with lights; of which two were greater and more signi cant than the others. One of these two great heavenly bodies gives light to rule the day and the other gives light to rule the night. Stars have rescued wandering travelers since the sixth day of God’s crea on. As for the wisemen, “The star which the had seen in the east went on efore them un l it came and stood over the place where the Child was (Ma hew : ).

The Bible refers in a most striking manner to the height of the stars—that is to their distance from the earth. “Is not God in the height of heaven? nd see how lo are the highest star (Jo : NI ). The honor of being the rst to measure the distance from the earth to a star other than the sun must be given to the German astronomer Friedrich Bessel. In 1838, he calculated the distance to 61 Cygni as 11 light-years from Earth. Today, astronomers have several methods for measuring distances. For objects within the Milky Way, most methods employ the technique of parallax. For objects outside our galaxy, astronomers use the Cepheid variables. A Cepheid variable (named a er the star Delta Cephei) is a type of star that displays constant varia ons in its brightness.

Whatever the cosmic discoveries might become, “the sun is of one kind of splendor the moon another and the stars another ( Corinthians : ), the challenge to follow the star remains a very real one. Astronomers have iden ed that stars are di erent in color, in size, in density, in temperature, and in total amount of light emi ed. The sun, around which the earth revolves, is an average star in size. While it is over one million mes as large as the earth, there are some stars that are one million

mes as large as the sun.

Although God has placed humankind under the decree of His stars, there are at least two biblical examples whereby He allowed otherwise. Firstly, God allowed Joshua to make the sun to stand s ll (Joshua 10:1 ); Second, He granted King Hezekiah a sign saying, “I will make the shadow cast the sun go

ack the ten steps it has gone down on the stairwa of ha (Isaiah : NI ). When we follow The star, wonderful things happen. Throughout biblical history, the compass for travel was heavenly stars. During unenlightened

mes, navigators of ships and other cra s were equally guided by heavenly stars. In these post-modern mes, electronic GPS will be reduced to toys of destruc on, if their technologies are not following the stars. To the same, we cannot ignore the Old Testament analogies which link us to the prophecies of the beau ful star of Bethlehem: “There shall come a Star out of Jaco and a Sceptre shall rise out of Israel (Num ers : ).

One of the many sins of the children of Israel was that of worshiping idols. They wanted to worship the sun, moon and the stars, but in Deuteronomy 4:19, God warned them not to indulge in such worship. God is summoning all to follow The star and worship Him: “Where is he that is orn ing of the Jews? we have seen his star in the east and are come to worship him (Ma hew : ).

Herod’s inten ons were not to follow and worship the star in earnest. Because of this, the wise men were warned by God in a dream that they should not return to Herod. Disobeying the king was only expedient when God’s words were spoken into the hearing of all of the king’s men. Like the wise men, God will con nue to watch over those whom He loves; He knows how to foil the purposes of the wicked, and to deliver His own out of the hands of those who would destroy them. O yes! He is forever guiding the pilgrims through night-seasons. If we let Him, He will lead us over our spiritual mountains l the

Dr. zziah B. Cooper, Sr.Bergen eld, New Jersey

break of dawn. He wants to take us into the land of perfect day.

We might not be able to follow along bearing tangible gifts for the Star of Bethlehem. Gi s of gold, and frankincense, and myrrh are challenging to come by. We can bring ourselves; our sha ered dreams, the scars which our sel sh choices a ord us, and the needless pains we bear. Following the star will bring us into a me of rejoicing, as we herald the angels’ song. If we follow-on, we will soon come to the place where “the star stood over”. Following the star will bring forth melody such as: “O beau ful star of Bethlehem, shine on”. This star can overshadow economic perils, emo onal crises, social s gmas, and the darkness of racial bias.

To the apostle John, Jesus is his “ right and Morning Star (Revela on : ); who is He to you? Jesus, the star of Bethlehem, has come to be joy giver to our troubled world and the me to follow Him is now! We have tried all the choices which the world has o ered, so why not follow the best? As His beau ful star shines on, may it light your way unto perfect days, throughout this Yule de season and the years ahead.

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Manger,” “Joy to the World.” In fact, we know that Christmas is ge ng closer when we hear the songs being played. As Jesus gets closer and closer, we can have a song in our hearts. Mary had a song, too. In fact, we can iden fy at least three songs she had. As we do, may it remind us that we too can have songs in our hearts not only during the Christmas Season but through the year.

Mary Had a Song of Praise (vv. 46-49). No ce the focus of Mary’s praise is God. Nine mes she uses the word “He.” Six mes she uses the word “His.” She also uses words like “Lord,” “God,” and “Savior.” When we are praising God—there is no me for a pity party. Praise always moves us out of nega vity, because praise focuses on the posi ve. If anyone had a right to have a pity party it was Mary. She was young, pregnant, and single. Can you hear the gossip? Can you image the stories? But no ce what she does—let the singing begin: “I don’t have to defend myself. I don’t have to explain my situa on. I don’t have to understand it. God is in control. Praise the Lord! There is no scandal. There is no shame. There is no fear. There is praise.”

Mary Had a Song of Purpose (vv. 51–53). God “sca ered the proud,” “put down the mighty,” “exalted the lowly,” “ lled the hungry.” These are the ac ons of God, who is in the middle of the situa on. God is in control. He has a purpose for what is happening.

nd Mar said: “M soul magni es the Lord nd m spirit has re oiced in God m Savior. or He has regarded the lowl state of His maidservant or ehold henceforth all genera ons will call me lessed. or He who is might has done great things for me nd hol is His name. nd His merc is on those who fear Him rom genera on to genera on. He has shown strength with His arm He has sca ered the proud in the imagina on of their hearts. He has put down the might from their thrones nd e alted the lowl . He has lled the hungr with good things nd the rich He has sent awa empt . He has helped His servant Israel In remem rance of His merc s He spoke to our fathers To raham and to his seed forever (Luke : N J ).

Christmas . . . is it really the most wonderful me of the year? For most people, it is. However, many people nd this season stressful and depressing! Some people nd it depressing because of a loss of a spouse, family member or friend, who is not here to share Christmas this year. Others nd it depressing because of experiences of childhood abuse. The list could go on and on. However, each one can have a song in his/her heart regardless of the things around us if we can keep in mind what president Calvin Coolage said about Christmas in 19 7. He said, “Christmas is not a day or ac vity; it is a state of mind.” With that state of mind, we all can keep a song in our heart during Christmas and everyday of the year! Have you no ced what has happened in our worship services over the past couple weeks? How the music has changed? Around this me of the year, we change the music and start singing songs such as “O Li le Town of Bethlehem,” “Away in a

Dr. Fred A. LawsonRegional Presiding Bishop

How to Have a During the


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No ce the song is not about Mary, although she played a major role in this drama. The song is about God. He is breaking into history. His purpose will be ful lled. His plan will come to pass. Whatever is going on in your life, it’s not all about you. It’s about God wan ng to break into your life. Into you home, into your holiday, into you heart. God has a purpose for what you are going through. He wants to be in the middle of your life. He doesn’t want your problems to be the center of your life. He doesn’t want your circumstances to be the center of your life. He doesn’t want your situa on to be the center of your life. God, Himself, wants to be the center of your life. Are you le ng Him? “Nothing is impossi le with God.

Mary Had a Song of Promise (vv. 54, 55) In verse , Mary men ons Abraham. Remember God made a promise to Abraham? “I will make you a great na on, and I will bless you, and make your name great; and so you shall be a blessing; and I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse. And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed” (Genesis 1 : , 3). There are several things God can’t do? One of them is He cannot lie. When God says through Abraham all the families of the earth shall be blessed, they will be. Jesus is a descendent of Abraham. God sent the savior of the en re world as a descendant of Abraham; the Son of Mary. Mary was a very young girl, when the angle Gabriel came to her.

No one would have paid any a en on to her because she wasn’t wealthy or important. She was a simple peasant girl living in a small insigni cant village. Had she died, probably few would have no ced, except for one thing—God chose her to be the mother of the Savior of the world. From this passage of Scripture, we have learned that Mary had a song in her heart during a very di cult yet blessed me in her life. It was not based on a day, event or circumstance; it was a state of mind. A state of mind focused on the true meaning of Christmas. This put songs in her heart; a song of praise, which was focused on God (vv. 46-49), a song of purpose, not hers but God’s (vv. 1- 3), and nally, she had a song of promise—the birth of a Saviour through the seed of Abraham (v. ). The song of her heart was not centered around her but God’s Son, Jesus Christ! Like Mary, you can have a song in your heart if you will ask Jesus to be the center of your life. This season, why not put a song in your heart—a song of praise, a song of purpose, and a song of promise—all centered around the Saviour? If you do not know Jesus as your personal Saviour, the Word of God tells us, “if we come unto Him, He will in no wise cast us out” (John 6:37). “Call on the name of the Lord and we shall be saved” (Acts : 1). “If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us and cleans us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:0). If you do what the Scriptures advise, you will become a Chris an and God will give you a song during Christmas—of praise, of purpose, and of promise.

SongChristmas Season

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hristmas celebra ons vary from country to country, from region to region and from family to family. Even within the same family, this Chris an holiday can vary from year to year depending on circumstances. One year, there was a

special visit from rela ves from abroad a er years of going it alone. I remember another Christmas in Spain when a storm caused the lights to go out and water dripped from the ceiling right onto the turkey, not to men on onto the burning logs in the chimney, leaving us with no heat. Memorable, but not as much fun. We loved the one in southern Germany when we were invited by the Avila’s, a lovely family of Mexican descent, that made home-made meat, bean, and raisin-and-cinnamon tamales. Mmmm. Our 8-month old son got his rst li le guitar as a present; li le did we know he would grow up to be a

ne musician. Of course, I could never forget the Christmas in Holland when I gave my heart to Jesus Christ, no longer just a

gure in a manger, but a real friend and Savior of my soul. But I would love to share another meaningful Christmas

celebra on that occurred in Germany in our modest rst oor apartment of a very old but lovely house. Since we had no rela ves nearby, we had a custom of invi ng other people to celebrate together who had no family either. But this year I had a miserable u so we had not invited anyone. This was not tragic. Christmas was every day to us.

I believe it was the day before Christmas and I managed to get out of bed to go to church. There was a very nice Italian girl who was on her own that year. Her husband had le her and the children were with him for the holidays. My heart went out to her. She would have been the perfect “candidate” to invite over, but how was I to do this? I felt so weak, and to complete the scene, I had no fes ve foods to prepare for a meal. Nor did we have any money to buy anything. Even if we did, I’d be coughing and sni ng over the meal.

Just about ready to get back home, longing to lay back down, we got into a short conversa on and I explained we would have loved to share her company if it weren’t for the circumstances. She was so gracious and expressed that the food was no ma er to her. And then she pointed out that there was another man, from Italy as well, who was also alone. Long story short, we ended up invi ng them both over and between all of us, we improvised a meal. What could be be er, faster, and more inexpensive than Italian pasta? Mario brought a home-made tomato sauce slow-brewed by Mamma back in Sicily. Katja brought a ne desert. We managed to buy a half a pound of chopped meat, and had some salad and spaghe at home. Voilá, instant gourmet dinner!

I was s ll ailing so (to everyone’s delight) I le the bulk of the conversa on to my husband and our guests. The atmosphere was peaceful, but bright. The dinner was so delicious I could hardly believe it was just spaghe . The children behaved so ne and didn’t seem to mind the modest gi at all. But the climax of the evening was when Katja said a prayer of repentance and made a commitment to the Lord. The Christ child came once again into the world, to be light to her life, and to bring joy and sa sfac on to our hearts as we rejoiced with her. What a splendid Christmas a er all.

Whether your Christmas holiday this year is adorned with sparkle or clu er, whether you savor a roast or le -over soup, whether you celebrate in family or all alone, ill or in the nest of

health, I wish you a blessed and Merry Christmas with the best gi of all—peace and good will toward men.

Jude EnxutoBarcelona

Cherished Christmas Memories

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So lowly our place in this life, we dare not disturb those that have gathered in the cave! We dare not o end such a moment with our unworthy stench!

Oh, yes, we had just witnessed the most glorious celebration in the heavens! Yes, we trembled and fell to our knees in the pasture among our sheep! Yes, we heard the announcement of the promised Messiah! And, yes, after we had gained our composure, standing to our feet, our eyes still blinded by the display of light and our ears still ringing with the heavenly declara on in song, we were compelled to seek the One who had provoked such a display of glory! But, now, as we stand here in the cool of the night, dare we assume our welcome into such a majes c event, into the presence of the One that is to redeem us from our fallen state?

Our natural craving to witness such a thing has drawn us to this humble place. But, why are our chests a ame? Why do we tremble so helplessly as we gently step toward the brilliance cascading from the shelter of the cave? The torch within cannot provide such a display of light, yet, it appears as if heaven itself has been unveiled within its dark, cavernous walls!

Our strength has abandoned us, and left us on our knees, yet we move so quietly, ever so gently toward the source of the light.

Our heads are bowed, our eyes dare not be lifted. Oh, but we cannot contain our curiosity, our craving to see this which we have come to witness!

As the mother looks toward us, we quickly bow our heads in fear, but she gently smiles, and with a kind gesture, we finally receive our royal invita on into the palace in the cave. So, fearfully we move toward the holy family, watching for any hint to cease our advance, but none is given. We move as close as our throbbing hearts will allow. Should we breathe? Should we li our eyes to behold the King? Should we speak? Or should we simply sit here in the holiness of His presence? There, tightly wrapped in white linen, lying in the manger of stone among the grain, the ful llment of the ancient prophecies rests quietly. His mother’s eyes are lled with wonder. Her husband standing by her side, never acknowledging our presence, nor speaking a welcoming word, stands in obvious awe of what he has witnessed.

Even as we were drawn into this humble palace, we understand when it is time to return to our charges in the pasture. We leave the holy family as gently as we entered, glancing about ever so carefully to ins ll into our memory the events of this blessed eve. Finally, facing the

elds and li ing our eyes toward the heavens, we realize that indeed, God is with us!

Ton Comer Brunswick Georgia

Palace I N T H E C A V E

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As Christmas is straight ahead, the inevitable New Year is around the corner. We look back at our year and begin to think about how me has

own. With loved ones leaving the world and new babies entering it, we can’t help but wonder what the near future holds. So begin the New Years’ resolu ons, a list of things we’d like to improve in the upcoming year. Each of our resolu ons will be di erent, from changing jobs, losing weight or managing our priori es. Yet, I’m sure at the heart of every resolu on comes a universal desire to be the best we can be. However, what about our spiritual resolu ons list? Where would we begin? A good place to start could be recognizing where and when in the past year, did we let God take control of our situa ons. Would this discovery

nd us pleased or disappointed—or something else en rely? I’d like to share some of the outcomes from just one of my spiritual resolu ons for 01 . Through the simple resolu on to read my Bible daily, I have no ced my hunger for the Lord has cul vated immensely. Let me start by being honest. I really struggled with consistent Bible reading. I would o en nd it confusing and irrelevant. However, I completely trusted that the Bible was the crux of my apparent beliefs. So I made a deal with God: I would take me to read this Book each day but I needed Him ready to answer some ques ons. I had no inten ons to study each verse, work out the original Hebrew, Greek or La n, then interpret that to what He may have meant or follow it up by checking what the famous theologians thought about it and so on. I knew this Book was for everyone; surely if God wanted me to understand something, He would be willing to let me in on it. He was indeed willing. Awesome things began happening as a result of this consistent Bible reading. With each day the Bible was coming to life. Situa ons would arise between family, friends, strangers, and myself that would align to the Scriptures I had read

that morning. The Holy Spirit knew how to help me comprehend what I was reading. I started recognizing more and more how simple His Word was. Which is how it should be, right? A er all, it’s a Book to be read and understood by everyone, not a code to be cracked. It is love in wri en form. Because others in my family and church were reading their Bible with the same seeking heart, we began pursuing His Word as a unit. The year con nued and God started revealing Himself in beau ful ways. We were receiving manifesta ons of His glory through the spontaneous arrival of feathers,

gemstones, and fresh oil in our church and daily lives. This was all new to us, as we’d yet to learn that these wonders were happening to believers across the world. Going deeper into Scripture, we started exploring the promises in His Word. We believed any promise made by God must be important. We would no longer look at the promises metaphorically or discard them as ancient covenants irrelevant to us today. We began taking them literally and claimed them as true. You know what? Even more things have started happening. A re has begun within our church body to see God’s promises revealed and the simplicity of His Word taught, speci cally in healing. We are reveling in the breakthrough of understanding that His healing promises are legit. What an awakening it has been! We have nally started accep ng that God desires us all to be whole and that He wants to heal us ASAWB (As Soon As We Believe). Do you know what is possible when we get rid of our unbelief? Everything! Jesus said so Himself (Mark 9: 3). Imagine if we were believers that actually believed the Bible? Shouldn’t we want more than mediocre Chris anity?

Shouldn’t we want to see a year that is lled with His Word coming to life? Let’s

take a step back, be willing to let go of our to-do lists and wait upon Him. It is urgent that we suit up and be who we’ve been given authority to be in Christ. We are His body. The Kingdom of heaven has su ered violence and the violent are taking it by force (Ma hew 11:1 ). Going into the New Year, if we’re not claiming all that He has promised us, why con nue in this religion’? If we’re not seeing a vast di erence in our lives as Chris ans, and the lives of our unbelieving friends, what’s the point? This is why the world has no interest in

Chris anity. They see no dissimilarity, except, to them, we’re more judgmental, we don’t have fun and we have to get up early on Sundays. Why would they want any part of it? But what if they begin to see you as someone who is glowing with love, bearing no illnesses and walking with con dence that shows no trace of fear—basically someone who lives the Word! They will start to wonder what you have that they don’t. Before the ball is dropped and the New Year rolls in, let’s open our hearts and ask God to take complete control over our lives. Let’s ask Him to take away the fears of the world and the pride we’ve gained in our selves. Pray He replaces this with His omnipotent love and His endless knowledge. As I glimpse into the upcoming year, I do not know all it holds. But as a result of my 01 spiritual resolu on to daily read my Bible, I can con dently claim the following for 013:

I will con nue to consume His Word like never before.

I will con nue to request understanding of Scriptures that I don’t comprehend.

I will be pushed outside of my comfort zone in trus ng His promises.

Ringing In The

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I will con nue to see people healed physically and spiritually.

I will con nue to be seen foolish and perhaps persecuted for my adora on of

Him. But I know for this I’ll be blessed! I will claim who I am in Him and the authority He has given me because He did not die in vain.

I will no longer base my understanding of the Word on my circumstances

or that of people I know. If He says through faith I will do greater things than He did, then this I’ll

do (John 14:1 ).

We may not know the worldly details of the upcoming year, the things that worry us. But by purely knowing who we are in Him, we are more than protected. Go ahead, write down a spiritual resolu on list and set it before God with an open and ready heart. If you’re going to believe and accept some parts of the Bible (like where we go when we die), let’s believe for all of it (like how we’re expected to live while we’re on Earth). Let God know that you believe it and you receive it. Watch how allowing Him total control will be the most exci ng thing you have done this year and will con nue as the founda on for the most exci ng things you’ll do next year. Please keep praying for the church here in Australia as we are awai ng revival. Please also share your stories as He moves in your area and ful lls your spiritual resolu on list. He wants to do it (John 14:13). Don’t keep this to yourself. Share His work in your life, so that we can encourage and upli one another, but ul mately so we can glorify our Father.

With so much love, from Down nder,

Kiara Casey-Rengifo Queensland, Australia

Kiara Casey-Rengifo

New Year: Spiritual Resolutions

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shle J. Guidra erson Louisiana

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“And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall nd the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger” (Luke :1 ). The babe became known as the Word, the Son of God, the Prince of Peace, and several other tles. In the tenth and eleventh verses of Luke 1 , we

nd an angel delivering this message; “And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good dings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.” What we may understand here is that the infant Jesus Christ was born in the esh in order that men and women of esh may be saved. Christ’s mission to this world of ours was to seek the lost so that they may be reconciled to the heavenly Father. Believers in the Lord Jesus have known for ages that the coming of the Savior would take place in Bethlehem, the birthplace of King David. The world had received the Son of God who had come to do the will of God. We lean to the words of Isaiah as he prophesied; “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlas ng Father, The Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6). As we go through the Word, we will

nd that an angel spoke to Joseph, and to Mary, a virgin, le ng them know that the birth of the Lord personally concerned them. To many of us, a virgin bearing a child would seem to be impossible to human reasoning, but to the Almighty God who created human beings, as well as other things, it is very possible. God sent an angel to the shepherds, who were with their ocks, telling them of the birth of the long-awaited Messiah so they could see for themselves this babe in swaddling clothes in a manger. They were to see signs that would not be ones be ng majesty for the King of kings and Lord of lords. “And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and

see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us. And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger” (Luke :1 -16). These shepherds became very anxious to get to Bethlehem to see what the angel had described. They must have been frightened by their surroundings as they arrived at the stable and saw where the Christ Child was laid. They looked at the babe in the manger wrapped in swaddling clothes. They may have told Joseph and Mary about the visita on of the angel and of the praises rendered by the heavenly host! Jesus, being sinless, had taken upon Himself the form of sinful esh, condemning sin in the esh: “The Lord showed a way to freedom from sin, not only to the Jews, but to all who would believe. John wrote; But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name” (John 1:1 ). We celebrate the day that Christ was born as Christmas Day. Some day we will stand in the presence of God the Father who made all this possible. We have heard messages on peace for years and years, since the me of the early Greeks, of a peace that is di erent—one that is apart from the peace of Jesus. The Bible tells us that peace will come to the world, but this will only be a er Christ has been truly acknowledged as the Prince of Peace. Also, as believers, we who have completely yielded to the Lord, peace can be found in our own lives. No ma er what circumstances that are in a believer’s life, he can have the “peace that passeth understanding.” This peace is not interrupted by changing events which occur about us. We may have heard about some men who are unsuccessful in nding peace due to establishing themselves on false founda ons. There is only one dependable founda on for peace in

na ons—Christ Jesus. The basis of peace is to be at peace with God and the only way this peace can be obtained is to receive God’s Son as Lord and Savior. God has said; “There is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked” (Isaiah 7: 1). There are mes when we need to nd peace and calm for ourselves and a solemn place where we can communicate with God. It is important that we speak to the Father so as to gain strength that is needed when our energy may have been spent doing necessary things in our lives. Together, to gain strength, we must have peace; to have peace we must have strength (Psalms 9:11). Living close to God, we know that He is our strength and peace. Christ being born as a human baby, a gi of God truly became as one of us. He came to save. Why did He forgive sin? What was the purpose of His work as a Redeemer? Well, most of us can believe that He redeemed sinners in order that He would rule over those who accepted His redemp ve work at Calvary. Jesus was given many wonderful tles: Savior, Redeemer, and Prince of Peace. Peace is the Lord’s special gi to His people. An inward peace that is received for pardoned sins and reconcilia on with God is a far greater blessing to every believer. When we come to Him, believing and receiving, we will nd in Him all we need for the relief of a troubled mind or heart. “And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:7). It isn’t enough for us to have the peace which arises from having a roof over our heads, food, money, and good health. There is a sweeter peace that Jesus named, “My peace.” His peace keeps our hearts and minds alert. As we stand in Jesus, we know that He will keep us safe and content.

An inward peace that is received for pardoned

blessing to every believer.

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“Christmas, my child, is love in action. Every time we love, every time we give, it’s Christmas.” Dale Evans

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When we si out commercialism and get down to what Christmas really is about, we have to agree that Christmas is God’s love in ac on. God sent His only Son to earth to show how much He loves us. Some mes in all of the “busy-ness” of the Christmas season our ministries fail to re ect to children the real meaning of Christmas. Oh, yes, they hear the Christmas story. They sing Christmas carols. They may even buy presents and give them to others. But have they really comprehended God’s ac ve love that made Christmas a reality and a celebra on? What can we do to make that happen?

TELL THE STORY Almost every child is familiar with the Christmas story—perhaps too familiar. Help the children experience the story as if it was for the very rst me.

Provide preschool children with gures of the na vity that they can

interact with.

Provide props and simple costumes so preschool and early elementary children can act out the Christmas story in their own

me and in their own way.

Place a small baby Jesus gure or picture of baby Jesus in a box. Wrap the box in Christmas paper. When the child opens the box (whether on Christmas Day or in your ministry me) remind him that Jesus is God’s gi to us and He is the very best gi .

Talk with children about what they

can give God. What gi does He want from each of them?

Hide a baby Jesus gure and let the “wise men” in your children’s ministry search un l they nd Him.

Create a Christmas Eve service for the families of your church that engages children in the story of Christmas. You might have sta ons telling the Christmas story—Mary and Joseph travel to Bethlehem but cannot nd a place to stay; baby Jesus is born in a barn; a choir of angels sings wonderful songs announcing the baby’s birth; the shepherds come and worship. At each sta on provide interac ve ac vi es that the children can do.

Have a birthday party for Jesus. Celebrate with Christmas music, interac ve games, and birthday cake. Ask each child to bring a wrapped Christmas gi s containing a toy for a child his age and gender.

Hang a stocking for the Christ child. Let the children ll it with notes just for Him.

LIVE THE STORY If Christmas is love in ac on, let the children live out God’s love.

Challenge older children to become modern-day magi. The magi brought three gi s to Jesus. What three

gi s can you give to Him?

Money. Ask children to give up something each week before Christmas and then use the money saved to help someone in need.

Time. Ask children to set aside a certain amount of me each week to serve at home, in the community, or at church.

Stu . Encourage the kids to go through all of their stu and donate something of value to a local charity.

Encourage every child to do something for the pastor and other leaders in your church—a homemade cra or snack, a note of thanks, an act of service.

Ring in an interna onal Christmas by assigning a country to each child. Besides repor ng about how that country celebrates the holiday, he or she can prepare a seasonal dish to share, give Christmas gree ngs in the language of that country, or demonstrate a song or folkdance. Then pray for the people of that culture so that they too might understand the meaning of God’s love.

Ask children to bring in one or two Christmas cards that friends have mailed to their home. Pray together for each person or family whose name is on the card.

Take ac on NOW to make sure that the children in your ministry and in your home get the big picture of what Christmas is all about—God loved us so much that He sent His Son into the world. That is worth celebra ng!

—Kathryn CreasyInterna onal irector

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June 8th and 9th were busy days at Fields of the Wood. A group from Central City, Kentucky, worked to raise funds to make their way to Fields of the Wood, volunteering to do whatever needed to be done. A er coordina ng with the maintenance crew, they spent all of Friday scrubbing and cleaning markers on Prayer Mountain. On Saturday they started pain ng at the altar and worked their way down pain ng each marker and the arch at the foot of the mountain. While most were swea ng in the heat, we did have a volunteer who agreed to clean the bap smal pool! Thanks, Sarah! The following weekend was our June 13th Fes val and many commented on what a di erence their work had made and how much be er the markers looked. Sister Kris Minton wrote: “Thanks so much for allowing us to come and work. We are already planning our trip for next year.” Thanks again, guys! We appreciate all your hard work! If you or maybe a group from your church would like to volunteer your me and energy to help maintain Fields of the Wood, please contact Wade Pa erson, Heritage Ministries Fields of the Wood Director, wpa erson cogop.org or (4 3) 9- 13 . Volunteers are always welcome. It’s hard work but very rewarding. Just ask Central City Church!

Wade a erson irector Heritage Ministries

Central City Lends a Hand

Front row, le to right: Abby Schroader, Kris e Minton, Landon A erberry, Sarah Roarke, Harper Roarke, Derek Roarke. Back row, le to right: Cameron Roarke, Jennifer Roarke, Troy Erwin, Cheyenne Minton

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Con nued from page WORLDVIEW (continued)


When God Comes on the Scene We all have our trials in life and trying to keep our eyes on God can be challenging at mes. Since the family has read this, the freedom to open up as to how these past few years have been is easier. There is a need to share this story, because there may be someone who has gone through a similar experience. Receiving the diagnosis of Parkinson‘s Disease on January 6,

006 was unreal. The neurologist told the diagnosis. Feeling as though it was a death sentence, the tears came. You see, wai ng for months for a diagnosis of the tremors in my extremi es and now hearing the results of all the tests was devasta ng. Life seemed perfect as a sta nurse at a rural hospital. Nursing was not work. It was a mission. Moreover, God was calling for this heart and life. The mission was to help other people. What will happen now that the mission has ended? That was the ques on inside my heart. It seemed life had taken a dras c turn. Knowing to turn to God for answers, I prayed earnestly every day and cried myself to sleep at night. My faith had become weak and I could not pray believing that God could change the situa on. The Bible was s ll on the computer desk where I had le it weeks ago. I needed God’s Word but could not pick it up. There was a binding spirit in the room. I needed God to help me. The facts were that the doctor had requested driving and work be terminated. My voice was weaker and I was no longer able to sing in church. Climbing stairs was a challenge. Remembering to turn the stove o was also a challenge. The feeling of dying bit by bit was overwhelming. One day, listening to the radio, a song came on that was familiar. However, this me the words seemed to speak to this wounded heart. These were the words: “I miss my me with you. Those moments together, I need to be with you each day. How can you serve me when your spirit’s empty?” Hearing those words, and feeling God calling my heart back from the valley, that song had the answer. Before this illness, working in church had been rewarding, believing God could change situa ons. The day of the diagnosis was when faith became weak. God had reached out in a song. He had opened these eyes, to the answer. Reaching for the Bible and opening it, the rst Scripture verse God spoke was Isaiah 41:10. These were the words He spoke: “Fear thou not; for I am with thee; be not dismayed; for I am thy God; I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.” God knew that communica on with Him every day was the answer to survival. He said in His Word not to be afraid, that He was there, and that He would give strength. God loved me. Now that my heart has found strength in God, doing His will is priority. That is why I felt impressed to share my story. God has even strengthened my voice, so singing in the choir is once again a reality. Someone else may be going through a heavy trial. God will reach us when no one else can.

Just take one day at a me now and live them for the Lord. I hope my story will help someone who is going through a trial in his or her life. One thing is for sure, God will give peace where there is none.

—Easton ord utryville North Carolina

&Q AWith June Gordon

Conversation with a Worship Leader June Gordon, currently living in Tennessee, has a rich history in the Church of God of Prophecy and has served as worship leader for many interna onal events such as youth conferences, leadership conferences, and the Interna onal Assembly. Here, she shares memories and inspira on for the White Wing Messenger readers.

Do you have a favorite hymn? I can’t say that I have a favorite. I have favorites, but let’s see if I can narrow it down. I will say, It Is Well, I’ll ly way When We ll Get to Heaven and Won’t It e Wonderful There.


Press Forward at NationalYouth Camp This year camp was held from July –8 at Victory Heights in Arouca. The camp focused on encouraging young people to “Press Forward” in spite of whatever situa ons or challenges they encounter in their lives. There was a signi cant increase in the number of persons a ending camp. In 009, 63 persons a ended while 103 a ended in 011. In 01 , the Lord increased the a endance by almost 100 percent. More than

0 campers a ended! In addi on to the campers, 79 daily visitors (not inclusive of ministers or other specially-invited guests) a ended the camp. It must be noted that all 4 churches under the COGOP umbrella were invited to the camp. Out of this, 1 of the churches had members a ending the camp, while members from two of the other three churches visited during the course of the camp. Our na onal youth directors are Adrian and Kimline Clement. —Bishop Maurice Jones Na onal Overseer


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Praise ministry? It de nitely was while I was a ending but I cannot pinpoint the exact moment that I “felt” the call. I joined the young adult choir in the church at about 16. So, it was some me a er that. At that age people tell you that you have an ability and you tend to go with what people tell you. I remember I would do solos during our youth service. Ministry just began to build from there.

Were you mentored by anyone? Yes, I was! Palma Hutchinson and Paule e Mar n mentored me. Palma recognized the call on my life to be a worship leader. She was the rst person to give me the opportunity to lead worship at a local conven on and a youth conven on. She also has hosted several workshops on worship that I a ended. Paule e Mar n also in uenced me with her direc ng style. Oh, and I can’t forget Clayton Harris. I learned from him what obedience was.

for you that this is where the Lord wanted to take you in ministry? Yes, but not audibly. I somehow knew it in my spirit that this is where He would have me.

Is there a lesson that you have learned in your years of ministry? Yep! Obey the spirit of the Lord. If you hear the Spirit of the Lord telling you to do something, do not ignore it!

If you could pass on any words of wisdom to upcoming worship leaders what would that be? Humble yourself. A degree does not enable you to know the heart of God. You have to seek God’s face. Do not allow head knowledge to supersede spiritual knowledge. Also, seek a mentor. Sit underneath people who have been in the ministry for awhile.

con nued on ne t page

Outdoor ac vity at camp

Having fun at Na onal Youth Camp, July 1 , Victory Heights Bible Camp

A great sta made this endeavor


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West Palm Beach, Floridaorganized on September 23;

Pastor Berisford Francis.

Weiser, Idahoorganized on September 16;

Pastor Oscar Padilla.

WORLDVIEW (continued)

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What components do you think makes for a good worship leader? As I men oned before you must be willing to follow the leading of the Lord. Follow a er God’s heart. That is non-nego able! You should always be looking to do be er and always on top of whatever the task is. You need to promote God, not yourself. You can be a worship leader with a team beside you or no team at all. It’s be er to have the team beside you. You cannot do it by yourself.

Speaking of worship teams, you have ministered with quite a few. What do you think makes a cohesive worship team? There are a couple of things. You must know your team, their strengths and weaknesses, what goes on in their lives, etc. I guess what I am ge ng at is that you must have a rela onship with them that extends beyond the me in rehearsal. You should spend me together in rehearsal but also spend me together outside of rehearsals: go out to eat, chat for a li le while. If you only have a rapport on Sundays and during rehearsals the ministry will only go but so far. The rela onship I have with the worship teams that I minister with is based on the me we have spent together and all of us growing spiritually.

What do you do to prepare when you are going to lead worship? Meditate, pray, and listen to the songs over and over. I try to envision the songs being sung in the se ng. I also have several phone conferences and prayer sessions with the team. I am extremely cau ous about my conversa ons, speech etc. (Laughs) I cry a lot, I go through the mill. I’m just a basket case for Jesus!

So tell us, do you have any pet peeves when it comes to ministry? I do. I hate being late. If someone has to be late I do not want it to be me. If we say 3:00, I need to be there at 2:4 .

Another one is I don’t like was ng people’s me. I must accomplish something when I bring people together. People must not leave the same way that they came in. I also really take issue with people who do not live what they say. And my last one is singing o key.

you usher yourself into the presence of the Lord in your closet moments? You may be surprised by this but I don’t listen to a lot of music. I usually meditate, read the Word, talk to the Lord, be s ll, be quiet.

What is something people don’t know about you? This may be hard to believe, but I am very shy. I do not like being in front of crowds.

—Felicia Barracks

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million-dollar idea and want to take care of Mommy and Daddy, I will not protest too much. Sadly, some babies are conceived to save a rela onship. In a scene mimicked in soap operas and mo on pictures, the man decides to exit the rela onship, but before he does, the bombshell pregnancy announcement is dropped. Cue the drama c music. A baby is coming and, perhaps, he or she will save the day. According to sta s cs, it rarely works in real life, but some mes it is just the nudge into maturity that one or both of the parents may need. “We have a baby to take care of now, so we have to grow up and accept this responsibility.” As the baby develops inside of the mother, growing along with him or her are the expecta ons and hopes of the parents—being the perfect child, pulling the parents back together, following in the family footsteps, buying the parents a new home (okay, that last one was mine). Parents spend hours shopping for clothes and accessories, rearranging their lives and their homes. And then an innocent newborn steps into a world that has been anxiously awai ng the arrival and all of the wonderful, glorious pieces of heaven that come with it. For an eight-pound baby, opening his eyes to the world for the rst me, bearing the weight of a crumbling

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rela onship or the dreams of a parent is unthinkable. His jobs are pre y simple—cry, sleep, eat, and then do it all again. Even if he had the awareness and maturity, he could try his very best and s ll not come close to mee ng the needs and wishes set before him. As the season approaches to celebrate the glory of the greatest child ever born, I consider the “hopes and fears of all the years” that preceded His arrival, the burden that hung around His ny shoulders. He’s crying in the cold and yet the tears of billions and billions of the spiritually hungry and hope-starved are His responsibility. His fragile body alerts Him to His hunger, but soon, He would be the one providing nourishment to those who hunger and thirst, with streams of living water that would never be depleted. He would frustrate the expecta ons of many and yet exceed the expecta ons of all. Thank you, Jesus, for every step of yourjourney from a baby to a triumphant king. You cried, You laughed, You hungered, You learned, You loved, and You redeemed.

eWayne Hamby Managing Editor

The Weight of the World When I rst saw it, the image of this month’s cover really grabbed me. Isn’t he beau ful? The newborn baby is blissfully unaware of his surroundings, being cradled in loving hands. I have newborn twins at home so I can tes fy that, between the cries, a sleeping baby is a beau ful and welcome sight to behold and be heard. You look upon their small faces and wonder what they might be dreaming (“Feed me!”). Lately, I’ve considered why people decide to have children. There are couples that may start out saying, “No way,” and now have their own baseball team. What changed? My wife and I always wanted children. Our reasons were that we felt an overwhelming desire to share our love and we wanted our older daughter to have a friend (she now has two) to grow up with. Other parents may feel the need to have someone to carry on the family name or be the heir to a sprawling estate. Some may have children hoping to re-live their own glory days vicariously through them. They may push a child to their own areas of interest, hoping the child will succeed where the parent has failed. I admit that if my daughters have a

Thank you, Jesus, for every step of your journey from a baby to a triumphant king.

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From the International Offices of the Church of God of Prophecy