This brochure is going to show you that healthy eating is not only nutritious, but it can also be incredibly delicious. The next few pages will show you how one amazing appliance has the power to help you really enjoy eating the fruits, vegetables and whole grains you need every day to defy disease, lose weight, feel great and yes, live longer! You’ll see scrumptious recipes that are easy to make in minutes and can help save your life. You’ll read about delicious dishes that include literally thousands of phytonutrients that are not yet available in pill form. You’ll discover a healthy, low-cost, drug-free alternative that can help you be full of energy and free of pain and disease at age 80, 90 even 100. If you want to live a longer healthier life starting RIGHT NO W , turn the page and meet the machine that could help save your life! Simply eating fruits, vegetables and whole grains could sa v ey our life . WHAT’S ON YOUR PLATE? Check to see if this sounds like YOU: Simply eating fruits, vegetables and whole grains could sa v ey our life . WHAT’S ON YOUR PLATE? Have you had less than 12 servings of fruits, vegetables and whole grains in the past 24 hours? Do you find you can’t work as hard as you used to? Are you slowly gaining weight? Is your energy level low? Do you drink more than 3 cups of coffee a day? Do you experience physical pain on a regular basis? Is it harder to get a good night’s rest? Do you get colds regularly? Is your eyesight getting worse? Do you often feel depressed? Is your memory going south? If you checked 3 or more, READ ON . You don’t have a moment to lose!

whole grains could sa whole grains could save your life ...e6klingur.pdf · system every morning! P o w e r ... a bunch of grapes or some carrot sticks. How ... we pay for breathing

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Page 1: whole grains could sa whole grains could save your life ...e6klingur.pdf · system every morning! P o w e r ... a bunch of grapes or some carrot sticks. How ... we pay for breathing

This brochure is going to show you that healthy eating is not only nutritious, but it can also be incredibly delicious. The next fewpages will show you how one amazing appliance has the power tohelp you really enjoy eating the fruits, vegetables and whole grainsyou need every day to defy disease, lose weight, feel great and yes,live longer! You’ll see scrumptious recipes that are easy to make inminutes and can help save your life. You’ll read about deliciousdishes that include literally thousands of phytonutrients that arenot yet available in pill form. You’ll discover a healthy, low-cost,drug-free alternative that can help you be full of energy and freeof pain and disease at age 80, 90 even 100.

If you want to live a longer healthierlife starting RIGHT NOW, turn the

page and meet the machine thatcould help save your life!

Simply eating fruits, vegetables andwhole grains could save your life.

WHAT’S ON YOUR PLATE?Check to see if this sounds like YOU:

Simply eating fruits, vegetables andwhole grains could save your life.


o Have you had less than 12 servings of fruits, vegetablesand whole grains in the past 24 hours?

o Do you find you can’t work as hard as you used to?

o Are you slowly gaining weight?

o Is your energy level low?

o Do you drink more than 3 cups of coffee a day?

o Do you experience physical pain on a regular basis?

o Is it harder to get a good night’s rest?

o Do you get colds regularly?

o Is your eyesight getting worse?

o Do you often feel depressed?

o Is your memory going south?

If you checked3 or more,READ ON.You don’t have amoment to lose!

Page 2: whole grains could sa whole grains could save your life ...e6klingur.pdf · system every morning! P o w e r ... a bunch of grapes or some carrot sticks. How ... we pay for breathing

SLASH YOUR RISK OF CANCER ANDHEART DISEASE – WITH CARROTS.Research at Northwestern Universityhas shown that middle-aged men whoate at least one carrot a day had a 37percent lower risk of death from cancerthan men who did not. A recent studyat Rutgers University indicates thatcarrots and other foods rich in beta-carotene may significantly reduce therisk of heart disease. Because you drink

the entire carrot, Vita-Mix carrot juiceis an especially good source of beta-carotene and alpha-carotene. Both aresuper-powerful antioxidants. Accordingto Lancaster Laboratories, the healthbenefits from Vita-Mix carrot juice iseasily twice that of extracted juice.Whole food juice also gives you six timesthe fiber, which makes the juice moresatisfying. And thefiber counteracts the

high concentration of natural sugars incarrots and prevents a rise in bloodsugar levels.

Taste and see for yourself! It’s easyto add carrots to any Vita-Mixsmoothie or frozen treat for color,flavor and the bonus of extra nutrition. Bon Appétit!

Vita-Mix President John Barnardexplains how the Vita-Mix wholefood machine unlocksthe powerful nutri-tion that’s foundin fresh fruitsand vegetables:“The Vita-Mix isnot a blender or ajuice extractor. It’s somuch more. One difference is theultra-high speed 2+ peak horse-power motor.” According to Barnard,“The tremendous force of the stainlesssteel blade tips, traveling at 240 milesper hour, breaks whole food down tothe cellular level. Vita-Mix juice, soup or smoothies include the wholefruit or vegetable – all the valuablefiber – all the vitamins, minerals andphytonutrients.”

Research shows that those phytonutri-ents can significantly reduce the freeradical damage that causes disease.That’s why eating the recommended 12servings of fruits, vegetables and wholegrains every day is one of the mostimportant things you can do to protectyour health. And the Vita-Mix machinemakes these healthy meals easier andmore delicious than you’d imagine!


This citrus super-star is best knownfor being loadedwith Vitamin Cthat really helps

strengthen whiteblood cells in order to

fend off colds and flu andsoluble fiber that lowers cho-

lesterol. But that’s just forstarters. Recent research has foundthat oranges are also one of the richestsources of hesperidin, an antioxidantthat helps speed recovery from a heartattack. This Vitamin C powerhouse alsohelps enhance the potency of Vitamin E,another heart protector. Plus, orangeshelp prevent clogged arteries by relax-ing them (which can also lower bloodpressure). Many leading nutritionistsrecommend at least one orange a day,including the pulp, fiber and albedo (thewhite material just under the peel).Unfortunately, most of the fiber and thephytonutrients are missing in extractedjuices. Your Vita-Mix whole foodmachine has the power to transformthat whole orange – albedo, seeds and

all – into delicious vitamin-rich juicethat’s ready to be absorbed by your body.No blender can do this.AN APPLE A DAY IS GREAT ADVICE– IT CLOBBERS CHOLESTEROL.Apples are loaded with pectin, a solublefiber that soaks up excess cholesterol inyour intestine before it enters yourblood and lands in your arteries. Whenpectin leaves your body, it takesunwanted fat and cholesterol along withit. But the pectin and most of an apple’sdetoxifying, nourishing power is in thepulp – so don’t count on store-boughtapple juice to do the job. Commercialjuicers, as well as home juicers, throwthe pulp away! In fact, extracted applejuice has such a high concentration ofsugar that is absorbed into the blood-stream so quickly, it’s no better for youthan a can of soda. When all that sugarenters the bloodstream, your pancreasreleases insulin in an attempt to normalize blood sugar levels. Thatencourages the body to store the excesscalories as fat. Only whole food juicemade in the Vita-Mix machine deliversall the flavor and fiber you need to prevent a short-lived “sugar rush” andeliminate unwanted fat and cholesterol.

Unlock the of fresh whole foods with your


Make Vita-Mix Multi-FruitJuice in just 60 seconds!

1/4 cup fresh pineapple1/2 orange, peeled1/4 apple1/3 banana1-2 tablespoons honey1/4 cup ice cubes

Packed with pectin, potassium andVitamin C! Gather these ingredients, then run the machine on high for 60 seconds for anincredibly creamy-smooth boost to your immunesystem every morning!


JUICE WHOLE FOODS in aminute. Toss in your favoritefruits and vegetables – skin,stems, leaves and all. Get all the valuable nutrition, all theincredible flavor, all the good-for-you fiber – with no fiber feel.Vita-Mix whole food juice is trulythe easiest, most enjoyable andmost economical way to get those nine servings of fruits andvegetables daily. Enjoy!


COOK HOT SOUP fromscratch in 4 minutes. Vita-Mixfriction heat makes steaminghot soup – full of fiber, phytonutrients and fresh ingre-dients – in the time it takes toopen and heat a can of sodium-soaked, store-bought soup. Acouple of extra seconds lets youchop and mix in additionalingredients for a chunky soup.Either way, your body wins!


Reuben Soup

GRIND GRAIN into vitamin-rich flour, then MIX and KNEADDOUGH in under 5 minutes. Itall happens right in the Vita-Mixdry blade container. Forget flavorless, store-bought whitebread once and for all. Now youcan capture freshly ground grainwhen it’s most nutritious and fla-vorful. Bonus: Real whole wheatbread helps you lose weight andclobber cholesterol. You’ll love it!


FROZEN TREATS take only 30seconds from start to finish.These goodies are guilt-free and agreat way to get kids to snack onnutritious fruits and vegetables.Sneak in some cabbage or a car-rot and they’ll never know. Youcan also let them add a littlesomething extra like nuts orchocolate chips. The magic is inthe Vita-Mix high speed bladeaction – it really works great!


Strawberry Smoothie Peach Sorbet

Whole wheat, soyand flaxseed bread

CAUTION: Don’t expect these results from a blender!

(continued from previous page)

(continued on next page)




FOUR SIMPLE PROCESSEShelp you make hundreds of QUICK, EASY,



the Medicine Cabinet in your kitchen!


Page 3: whole grains could sa whole grains could save your life ...e6klingur.pdf · system every morning! P o w e r ... a bunch of grapes or some carrot sticks. How ... we pay for breathing

Q: I’ve read that Vita-Mix wholefood juice gives me more nutritionthan munching a whole apple, a bunchof grapes or some carrot sticks. Howcan that be?

A: It’s all about preci-sion technology.

Our teeth simplydon’t have thepower to breakthrough the cellwalls of whole

foods and releaseall the nutritionlocked inside.

The Vita-Mix wholefood machine does amuch better job with

laser-crafted, stainlesssteel blades traveling at

240 m.p.h. They crush and cutthrough whole foods to give you

maximum benefits from the mostnutritious parts of whole foods suchas grape or apple skins and straw-berry seeds. You don’t even begin tobreak down the whole food fiberwhen you chew your food – and most of that valuable fiber getstossed in the trash when you makeextracted juice.

Q: Won’t I get the nutrition foundin Vita-Mix whole food meals if Itake nutritional supplements?

A: Believe it or not, there are 3,850powerful, disease-fighting phytonu-trients that supplements can’t giveyou but your Vita-Mix machine cangive you. If that sounds a bit crazy, consider this: Manufacturers areonly able to extract about 150 phy-tonutrients from whole foods when

they make supplements – that’s it.And the worst part is, you get noneof the heart-healthy fiber in a pill.

Q: Can’t my blenderdeliver whole foodnutrition?

A: Your blendermight make agood milkshake, butit simply doesn’t havethe power behind it to do what theVita-Mix whole food machine can dofor you. It’s the only kitchen appli-ance that’s been laboratory-testedand proven to deliver up to threetimes more nutrition than foodsprocessed any other way. When yoursmoothie is chunky, that means thefruit and vegetable skins haven’tbeen taken down to the cellular levelfor maximum nutrition.

Q: Can you tell me a little moreabout the phytonutrients I getfrom Vita-Mix whole food meals?

A: Absolutely! The phytonutri-ents found in whole foods arenature’s preventive medicine.They have tongue-twistingnames like lutein and lycopeneand you can only get them fromfresh, whole foods. They fix andrepair the damage done to your cellsby free radicals. When you addwhole foods to your daily diet you’llnotice the improvements immediate-ly. High blood pressure can drop intwo weeks. Cholesterol can come

down in five days. Some of the long-range benefits are increased energy,a sharper memory, a strong skeleton,and good digestive health.

Q: What are free radicals?

A: Free radicals are “crippled” oxygen molecules that are the pricewe pay for breathing polluted air,smoking, sun exposure and otheroutside factors. They actually warpthe structure of our cells and damageour DNA. The chemical reactionthey cause is the reason for age-related diseases and the agingprocess itself. Phytonutrientsfound in plant foods are the bestway to prevent free radicals frombecoming a powerful negativeforce in our bodies.

Q: Don’t you think healthy eating – fruits, vegetables, whole grain bread – is an awful lot of work, though?

A: Absolutely not! With a Vita-Mixmachine on your kitchen counter,healthy whole food meals that couldsave your life are only five minutesaway. You can make whole food juice,

cook hot soup fromscratch, grind grain

and knead doughfor homemadebread – andeven make icecream in lessthan five min-

utes. Rememberthis important fact:

If you don’t take a fewminutes to eat those fruits and veg-etables now, you may be spendinghours and hours in doctor’s officesand hospitals later. The choice isentirely up to you!

Your Vita-Mix machine is the easiest way to enjoy your fruits and vegetables. Switching to at least 3 quick and easy

whole food meals a day could save your life.



have proven that eating five, six orseven times a day is the best way tolose weight and keep it off.Spreading your calories into several“mini-meals” instead of three bigones practically guarantees that youconquer cravings and see your ener-gy level skyrocket. Win, win, win.

“When you supply your body withsteady fuel,” explains Jeff Novick,R.D., of Pritikin Longevity Center inCalifornia, “you never feel like youare running on empty – because younever are.” In fact, as long as you areeating the right stuff – whole foods,lean protein and healthy fats – eat-ing more can be better for you.

FACT: Eating stimulates yourmetabolism to burn calories at afaster rate for about an hour aftereach meal. That’s what Vita-Mix“mini-meals” do for you.

SOUP IS THE SECRET WEAPONIN THE BATTLE OF THE BULGE.One of the latest weight loss strate-gies is really nothing new: Sip soup.

Research shows that eating soup regularly has a lasting effect onweight loss. In one recent study, thegroup who ate soup lost more weightthan those who didn’t. And the moresoup eaten – the more weight lost!

Nutritionists agree that foods eatenslowly (like hot soup) allow yourappetite time to feel satisfied. Soupsmade with fiber-filled vegetables fillyou up faster – with far less fat andcalories. That’s where the Vita-Mixwhole food machine can help: Startwith fresh, garden vegetables and getsteaming hot soup in 4 minutes.

How can an appliance that looks likea blender do that? It’s a case of sim-ple science. The Vita-Mix machinehas hammermill and cutting bladesdriven by a powerful 2+ peak horse-power motor. That incredible combi-nation generates enough frictionheat to cook soup from scratch.

What’s interesting is that those samepowerful blades enable the Vita-Mixmachine to make delicious, low-fatfrozen treats. (See page 3.)

FACT: Vita-Mix soup is quick, easyand perfect for a metabolism-boosting “mini-meal” plan.

FAT-FIGHTING WHOLE GRAINSCAN HELP PEEL OFF POUNDS.Yes, you can eat so-called “forbidden”foods like pizza, pasta, pancakes andbread – and still lose weight – ifthey’re made with whole grainsloaded with insoluble fiber.

Fiber cuts calories by blocking thedigestion of fat eaten along withit. Fiber evens out thedigestion of foodsand helps elimi-nate surges inblood sugar andoverproduction ofinsulin which pro-motes fat storage.

WORD TO THE WISE: Check thelabels on store-bought, “wheat”bread. Refined or enriched flour hashad the bran and the germ removed– along with 80% of the vitamins andminerals. You’re getting nothing buthighly processed slices of starch!

To get the “fiber-ful” benefit of wholewheat, you need to start with freshwheat berries and grind them intoflour minutes before you make freshbread. You can now complete theentire process – grain to dough – inonly 5 minutes with your Vita-Mixmachine. No need for a graingrinder– and you never need to touchthe dough.

FACT:You can capture whole grainsat their nutritional peak. Grindgrains in the Vita-Mix machine,then mix and knead the dough inthe same container!

Maybe it’s time to face the facts.Americans spend millions of dollarseach year on diet-related productsand services, yet obesity is a nationalepidemic. Diets don’t work. Whatdoes work is a healthy eating planthat you can live with for the rest ofyour life. Vita-Mix whole food “mini-meals” are a great place to start.When you see how good you look andfeel, you’ll never want to stop.

SIP SOUP, BREAK BREAD and eat all day long!SIP SOUP, BREAK BREAD and eatall day long!

Want to lose weight?

Vita-Mix Tofu Tomato Soup


4 5

Page 4: whole grains could sa whole grains could save your life ...e6klingur.pdf · system every morning! P o w e r ... a bunch of grapes or some carrot sticks. How ... we pay for breathing

If you’re not seeing red – youshould be! Tomatoes are a truly ter-rific health food. They containlycopene, the most powerful phytonu-trient there is. Lycopene in tomatoes– boosted by their high Vitamin Ccontent – offers great protectionagainst cancer, heals your heart andbombards the bacteria that canweaken your immune system.

Tomatoes eaten whole or sliced intosalad are good for you, but tomatoesprocessed in your Vita-Mix machinegive you more nutrition! Researchproves that the lycopene is lockedinside the pulp, skin and seeds oftomatoes. The cell walls need to beruptured for the phytonutrients to bereleased. And that’s what the

Vita-Mix whole food machine can dofor you – deliver all that disease-fighting power. Much of that valuablenutrition is lost when tomatoes are simply chewed. The Vita-Mixmachine, with its precision-craftedcontainer and uniquely-designedstainless steel blades, deliversthree times the nutrition fromtomatoes and other whole foods.Whether it’s juice, soup, sauce or salsa, when it’s “Tomatoes a láVita-Mix” – it’s maximum nutri-tion. Voila!

Chocolate has power-ful anti-aging proper-ties, according to alongevity study fromthe British MedicalJournal. Scientists dis-covered that men whoeat just a few pieces of

chocolate a month live significantly longerthan those who don’t. The reason is thatchocolate is rich in phenols, the antioxidantfound in red wine. Phenols are known tolower the risk of heart disease and cancerand boost your body’s overall antioxidantcapacity – creating a powerful weaponagainst all kinds of age-related problems.

Our Vita-Mix ChocolateOrange Fondue is agreat way to avoid thekiller calories and stillget your chocolate“benefix.” The Vita-Mixmachine makes fonduefast – and flawlessly –with absolutely no

stirring or scorching. The blades generatecooking heat so you don’t need a stove.Dip strawberries, bananas and pineapple into your anti-aging fondue for even moreantioxidant power!

Dip fresh fruits in CHOCOLATE

To live longer and look younger

Dip fresh fruits in CHOCOLATE

To live longer and look younger


Here’s what you’re REALLY gettingwhen you eat a tomato!

A study by the Health Researchand Studies Center showed thatwhen tomatoes are processed inthe Vita-Mix machine you getTHREE TIMES MORE LYCOPENEthan tomatoes prepared ina juicer or eaten whole.



GOOD FOR YOUR HEAD AND YOUR HEART!Blueberry-powered, this delicious drink really takes free radicals to task. Add the phytoestrogens in soy and you’ll also head off migraineheadaches, drop cholesterol levels, lower the risk of heart disease,protect against breast cancer and further reduce the risk of memoryproblems. The Vita-Mix machine makes it so easy to enjoy better health!

Combine the following ingredients in the Vita-Mix whole food machineand process on HIGH for 30 seconds.

1/2 cup blueberries 1/2 cup ice1 tablespoon honey 1/2 block light tofuHINT: The Vita-Mix Super 5000 makes it easy to increase the nutritional impact of any meal. Sneak soy into soups, sauces and smoothies you make in your Vita-Mix machine.You’ll get a smooth creamy texture that won’t crank up the calories!

Sip a Vita-Mix Blueberry Tofu Smoothie

Take a look at what Vita-Mix®


You’ll find many more delicious, nutritious ways to use blueberries and other whole foods inthe Whole Food Recipes for Better Living cookbook. This colorful, hard-cover cook-book is just one of the 4 FREE BONUS GIFTS you get with your Vita-Mix Super 5000.

One of the biggest benefits of eating whole fruits and vegetables is that they

can defy disease better than prescription medicines.AND THE VITA-MIX TRIPLES THE BENEFIT!


Remember, now’s agreat time to call 1-800-VITAMIX!7

MyPyramid graphic is courtesy of U.S. Department of Agricultureand the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services


The taste is delicious– and it’s amazinglyeasy to make in

your Vita-Mixmachine. Kidswill love it!

is the color of a true

If you thought eatingfive to nine servings

of fruits and vegetables was a

tough task –guess what? The 2005 USDA DietaryGuidelines Committee has just raisedthe bar. For a 2000 calorie diet, thenew “food pyramid” recommends aminimum of nine servings (4 1/2-cupservings of fruit and 5 1/2-cup servingsof vegetables) plus 3 or more servingsof whole grains daily.

The latest report from the USDAalso states that a whole food diet –rather than dietary supplements – isessential to a long and healthy life.Interestingly enough, Vita-Mix own-

ers have known that for years. Andthey also know that eating the recom-mended 12 daily servings of wholefoods is not only doable, but delicious.Here’s how:

Vita-Mix whole food smoothies:They’re perfect for getting your metab-olism in motion at breakfast! You getover 70 recipes to try in your WholeFood Recipes cookbook, but the possi-bilities are endless. What a deliciousway to get two or three servings of fruit. Toss in a carrot or some cabbage and count in a vegetable, too.Sixty seconds, start to finish!

Vita-Mix made-from-scratch veg-etable soup: One simple four-minute

recipe and you get anywhere from oneto four vegetable servings. Soup forlunch is great if you’re watching yourweight because it fills you up andkeeps you satisfied until dinner. Makeit and take it to work in a Thermos – soquick and easy!

Vita-Mix whole wheat bread: Aperfect way to get your grains!Delicious, heart-healthy homemadebread has never been so easy. TheVita-Mix Super 5000 grinds wholegrains into pastry-fine flour in about aminute. Then you can add the otheringredients to the flour in the Vita-Mix container – and voila – theVita-Mix machine can mix and kneadthe dough! Five minutes and you’re

on your way to fresh-baked wholewheat bread.

Vita-Mix frozen fruit desserts: Icecream, frozen yogurt or fruit sorbet –your choice! All the ingredients arefresh and the fruit you choose is up toyou. Kids love these frozen treats, soit’s up to you to tell ‘em they’re healthy.And this delicious fruit serving is onthe table in under a minute!

Vita-Mix certainly isn’t the only one pro-claiming the power of whole food meals,but we do have the secret to making themquick, easy and delicious. Knowing this,why would you wait another day to starteating the foods that could save your life.CALL 1-800-VITAMIX TODAY!

Stay on top of the new Food Pyramid with Vita-Mix®Stay on top of the new Food Pyramid with Vita-Mix®

Page 5: whole grains could sa whole grains could save your life ...e6klingur.pdf · system every morning! P o w e r ... a bunch of grapes or some carrot sticks. How ... we pay for breathing

SICKIf you’re eating white sugar, whiterice, white bread – in a word, refinedfoods – watch out! Refined sugar con-tributes to an acidic body pH helpingnasty viruses, bacteria, molds, yeastand fungi thrive inside our bodies.

According to Robert O. Young, Ph.D.in his book, The pH Miracle, sciencehas identified over 1000 toxins beingproduced by these parasitic “nasties.”

These toxins block the absorption ofproteins, minerals and vitamins. Theysuck up the nutrition your body needsto detoxify, nourish and build newcells and antibodies, leaving you sus-ceptible to disease. They wreak havoc

on your mental andemotional well-being.Worse yet, in an effortto protect you from thetoxins, your body sur-rounds these free

radicals with fat cells that cause youto gain weight.

NEED WE SAY MORE? If you’re“sick and tired” of being sick andtired, you need a Vita-Mix machineto give your body all the nutrition it needs.

HERE’S THE STRAIGHT SCOOP!Your Vita-Mix machine will breakthrough the cell walls of whole foods todeliver the phytonutrients and antiox-idants found in fresh fruits, vegeta-bles, beans, nuts and whole grains toyour nutrient-starved body.

It’s that simple. Vita-Mix whole foodmeals give you more nutritionalammunition to avoid things like diabetes, high blood pressure, arthri-tis, high cholesterol, cancer, obesity, –even the everyday evils of the flu, heartburn, stress and allergies.

What are you waiting for? You CAN startfeeling betterTODAY!

Are you Are you


PURE POWER – 2+ peak horsepowermotor works with the custom-craftedblades to liberate nutrients from wholefruits and vegetables.

VARIABLE SPEED CONTROL –Depending on the process, blade tip speed can be as low as 11 m.p.h. or as high as 240 m.p.h. A unique electronic feedback-type control adjusts motor speed and torque for consistent processing at any speed.

STAINLESS STEEL BLADES –Hammermill and cutting blades worktogether to completely pulverize whole foods quickly and efficiently.

VIRTUALLY INDESTRUCTIBLEPOLYCARBONATE CONTAINER –Patented square-bottomed design assures impeccable processing every time. Half-gallon (64 oz.)

PATENTED TAMPER – Perfect for processing peanut butter, ice cream and ingredients that blenders can’t even touch! Lets you push food into the blades without fear of jamming the blades or damaging the tamper.

PATENTED SPILL-PROOF VENTED LID – Super-secure, with aremovable plug for adding ingredients while the machine is running.






Here’s how it works:Here’s how it works:SICK

HERE ARE A FEW NON-SUGAR-COATED FACTS:After 35 years of intensiveresearch at a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars, the incidence of heartdisease, cancer,osteoporos is ,d i a b e t e s ,strokes, obesity,arthritis anda u t o i m m u n ediseases contin-ues to increase.

Doctors have nowimproved early diagno-sis, drugs, treatments and surgery procedures, but each of themcomes with an exorbitant price tag.Cancer treatments alone run$15,000 to $250,000. Obesity oftentriggers Adult Onset Diabetes withtreatments costing $8,000 to $10,000a year. Yes, now there are more andbetter drug treatments for all of theage-related diseases, but the cost ofthe top 30 drugs prescribed in thelast three years rose 22% – and that’s3.6 times the rate of inflation. Onepill can cost as much as $20 – evenwith insurance!

Here’s a real “choker”: The UnitedStates has the most expensive healthcare system in the world, but it’sranked near the bottom of the list inproviding health care to its citizens.The U.S. also has more sick peopleper capita than most.

Here’s another: Baby boomers –because of their consumption of

“denutritionalized” fast and con-venience foods – are on the

fast track to a painfulexistence in their old

age – if the insanitydoesn’t stop.

WE HAVE ONLYTWO CHOICES:Either – be pre-pared to endure

a lot of pain whenwe can’t get medical

care or afford thedrugs we really need in

our so-called “golden years.”

Or – recognize now that disease prevention is the only intelligent and affordable way to have quality“senior years.”

SEE THE SOLUTION?The key to a healthy and energizedlife as a senior citizen is building astrong immune system now. Giveyourself the gift of good health so youcan really enjoy spending time withyour children and grandchildren.

Read this twice: Eating wholefoods and cutting processed,nutritionally bankrupt foodsfrom your diet is the only hope ofbeing healthy as you age.

The solution is as easy as eatingfresh whole food meals prepared inyour Vita-Mix machine. Without one,your chances of switching to a whole

food lifestyle are close tozero because you won’thave the tool that turnsfresh fruits, vegetables,and grains into flavor-ful juices, nutrient-packed soups and deli-cious, health-boostingbreads in minutes.

If you don’t want togive up dessertsand other sweettreats, that’s agreat reason to own aVita-Mix machine.The Vita-Mix WholeFood Recipes forBetter Living cookbookis packed with nearly400 delicious recipesincluding desserts andfrozen treats that willmake you healthierinstead of weaker like thefast food versions.

A WORD TO THE WISE:Don’t count on good old“Uncle Sam.” Do thesmart thing and takecare of your healthyourself – with helpfrom the Vita-MixSuper 5000. Call 1-800-848-2649 andget started onyour plan for ahealthy Vita-Mixlifestyle TODAY!

We occasionally share our mailing list with a few carefully selected, like-principled companies because we feel what they offer may be of interestto Vita-Mix customers. If you’d prefer we not send you any Vita-Mix advertising or refer your name to others, let us know. Just drop us

a note and your mailing label in the enclosed envelope. If you’d like to receive less advertising mail in general, send your name and address to: Direct Marketing Association, Mail Preference Service, P.O. Box 643, Carmel, NY 10512 and allow several months for your mail to decrease.

Sulforphane Cancer Broccoli Cheese Soup (Soups, pg. 118)

Anthocyanin Memory Loss Blueberry Kiss (Beverages, pg. 70)

Lignans Osteoporosis Flaxseed Bread (Whole Grains Cookbook, p.20)

Beta-Carotene Cataracts Roasted Red Pepper Alfredo (Sauces, pg. 138)

Lycopene Prostate Cancer Tomato Lime Blush (Beverages, pg. 47)

Resveratrol Breast Cancer Strawberry Grape Juice (Beverages, pg. 40)

Soluble Fiber High Cholesterol Banana Oat Pancakes (Syrups & Batters, pg. 203)

Phytonutrient Fights Against Vita-Mix Whole Food Recipe

Information compiled from “Maximum Food Power for Women” by Julia VanTine and Debra L. Gordon and “The Doctor’s Book of Food Remedies” by Selene Yeager


Find these recipes in your Vita-Mix cookbooks – FREE with purchase!



Enjoy the Vita-Mix machine in your own home

for 30 days – RISK FREE.Call about our

home trial offer!1-800-VITAMIX1-800-848-2649


Page 6: whole grains could sa whole grains could save your life ...e6klingur.pdf · system every morning! P o w e r ... a bunch of grapes or some carrot sticks. How ... we pay for breathing


1.Vita-Mix meals are the EASIEST way to get 12 DAILY SERVINGS offruits, vegetables and grains.

2. Whole food nutrition helps youAVOID A HEART ATTACK.

3. Whole food meals help PREVENT CANCER.

4. Vita-Mix mini-meals are thebest-kept secret for LASTING WEIGHT LOSS.

5. Vita-Mix meals bring TASTEAND NUTRITION togetherin over 400 tested recipes.

6. Vita-Mix meals make healthyeating QUICK, EASY AND ENJOYABLE.

7. Vita-Mix processing delivers up to 3 TIMES MORE NUTRITION than any other kitchen appliance.

8. The Vita-Mix family can help you GET STARTED on your healthy lifestyle andWE’RE HERE if you need us along the way.

9.You can TRY THE VITA-MIXMACHINE FOR 30 DAYSin your own home. You’ll get a full refund if you’re not 100% thrilled with it.

10.You get FREE StandardShipping by using your private code (on order form)within the next 14 days!


Why you NEED aVita-Mix whole food

machine NOW!


n Bonus Extra Container with Dry Blades –for grinding & kneading – a $119 value

n Bonus Whole Grains Cookbook – a $10 value

Here’s what you get with both models:n Heavy Duty Base with variable speed, 2+ peak horsepower motor

(*120 VAC, 60 Hz, 11.5 amps, 1380 watts)n Durable Half-Gallon Container with stainless steel

hammermill cutting bladesn Tamper for extreme processing powern Free Whole Food Recipes Cookbook – a $50 valuen Free Getting Started Cookbook – a $16 value n Free Quickstart Instructional DVD – a $25 valuen Free Standard Shipping with code – a $25 valuen Your Choice of Base Color: White or Black or Redn Full 7-year Warranty that GUARANTEES trouble-free performance

under normal household use or we’ll repair it for FREE!

as low as $479!

(Up to a $664 value)

as low as $399!

(Up to a $535 value)

*Other voltages available. Contact Vita-Mix for more information.

Vita-Mix® 5000There’s no better time to start feeling better, looking younger and increasing your

chances for a long and healthy life. You’ve read the facts – we’ve summarized themin the “10 Good Reasons” – so order today and see the results for yourself!

Prefer a more basic model?Here’s a special package designed with you in mind!You get the same superior performance as the Vita-Mix Super 5000 (the super-powerful motor and the base are the same!) and the free gifts described on the previous page.

Our customers asked for this one! The Vita-Mix “compact”container is perfect for processing smaller quantities and fitsoh-so-neatly under standard kitchen counters.n All-new easy-to-remove lid locks securely into placen All-new lid plug marked with 1- and 2-ounce measurementsn All-new super-comfortable handle


Add the “Compact”32-ounce container to your Super 5000 for a truly deluxe package! Just call withinthe next 14 days and give our representative your special private code on the back of this brochure.You’ll pay just $95 – a full $39 savings off the regular $134 price.

Vita-Mix 32-ounce “Compact” Container

($134 when purchased separately)(with code and machine purchase)


Vita-Mix® Super 5000



PLUS! Two bonus values available ONLY with the Vita-Mix Super 5000

Page 7: whole grains could sa whole grains could save your life ...e6klingur.pdf · system every morning! P o w e r ... a bunch of grapes or some carrot sticks. How ... we pay for breathing

Use this form for both Regular and 3 Payment Plan orders.(Payment Plan ONLY available for order total greater than $300.)

Date of Order_____/_____/____

SALES TAX CHARTFind rate and calculate tax

on line below:Alabama: ......................10%Alaska: ............................0%Arizona: .......................8.1%Arkansas:.....................7.5%California:..................8.25%Colorado:.....................7.6%Connecticut: ...................6%Delaware:........................0%D.C.: ...........................5.75%Florida:.........................7.5%Georgia: ..........................8%Hawaii:............................0%Idaho: ..............................5%Illinois: ............................9%Indiana:...........................6%Iowa:................................6%Kansas: ......................7.55%Kentucky:........................6%Louisiana:..................8.75%Maine: .............................5%Maryland: .......................5%Massachusetts:...............5%Michigan:........................6%Minnesota: ..................6.5%Mississippi:.....................7%Missouri:....................6.85%Montana: ........................0%Nebraska: .......................7%Nevada:......................7.75%New Hampshire: ...........0%New Jersey: ....................6%New Mexico: ..................5%NewYork: ................8.375%North Carolina:..............7%North Dakota:................6%Ohio: ............................7.5%Oklahoma: ..............8.375%Oregon:...........................0%Pennsylvania: .................7%Rode Island: ...................7%South Carolina:..............6%South Dakota:............ 5.5%Tennessee: .................9.25%Texas:..........................8.25%Utah: ............................6.6%Vermont: .........................6%Virginia:...........................5%Washington: ...................9%West Virginia: .................6%Wisconsin: ......................5%Wyoming: .......................6%


1223 Vita-Mix Super 5000 (White) $479

1305 Vita-Mix Super 5000 (Black) $479

1328 Vita-Mix Super 5000 (Red) $499

1203 Vita-Mix 5000 (White) $399

1204 Vita-Mix 5000 (Black) $399

1327 Vita-Mix 5000 (Red) $419

15636 32 oz. Compact Container

1124 Additional 64 oz. wet container (call)

Subtotal $ $

Sales Tax (Select from right and calculate) ______________% + $ + $SHIPPING: o CODE ________________ + $ + $

TOTAL AMOUNT – For Regular payment by check or credit card $

Credit card required for 3 Payment Plan + $15.00


Will be charged to your credit card now - $165.00




I agree to the Payment Plan schedule. (signature required) _______________________________________________________

Payment method for Regular order and/or Payment Plan Note: Credit Card required for 3 Payment Plan

Make Checks payable to: Vita-Mix Corporation – (DO NOT send cash)

o Check enclosed o VISA o MasterCard o Discover o American Express

Signature (Required) _________________________________________________________________________________________

In case we have questions about your order, please provide contact information. Check box to receive email shipping confirmation.

Card Number Expires Name on card

Is address correct?(indicate changes here)

Is “ship to” address correct?(indicate “ship to” address here, if different from below)





Payment Planservice fee

(Regular orders only)

Thank you for ordering

your Vita-Mix machine.

It’s one of the best

purchases you’ll ever make!

– John Barnard


EXPRESS o Add $45 per machineDELIVERY: o AK, HI, PR $55


Is this a gift? o Yes

Remaining Balance will be dividedinto two equal payments andcharged to your credit card 30 and 60 days after 1st payment.

¿ ¿

Vita-Mix Corporation • 8615 Usher Road • Cleveland, Ohio 44138-2199 • 1-800-848-2649


Page 8: whole grains could sa whole grains could save your life ...e6klingur.pdf · system every morning! P o w e r ... a bunch of grapes or some carrot sticks. How ... we pay for breathing

Prepare fresh pasta sauce!

Make non-dairy nut milks!

Make yogurt at home!

Powder sugar to top fruit!

Crush a half-gallon of ice in 3 seconds.

Hash potatoes for breakfast!

Melt cheese orchocolate fondues!

Cream spreads,dips and patés!

Chop cheese coarse or fine!

Create low-fat frozen treats!

Cook hot soup from scratch!

Juice whole fruits and vegetables!

Whip cream or milk perfectly!

Cook up fruit spreads and sauces!

Grind healthy grains whole!

Churn herb buttersfrom fresh cream.


Frappé fabulous,low-fat coffees!

Wet chop coleslaw quickly!

Knead dough forhomemade bread!

Grind lean meatsand save money!

Homogenize restaurant-quality frozen drinks!

Mill gluten-free grains and beans.

Create lump-free sauces and gravies!

Make fresh nut butters!

Emulsify low-calsalad dressings!

Purée fresh, naturalbaby foods in a flash!

Blend fruits for healthy smoothies!

Dice fresh salsa,in seconds!

Mix batters forhealthy breakfasts!

Grind herbs, freshfrom your garden.

Crack whole grainsfor cereals.

Crumb bread quickly and easily!

Shred cooked meats for salads!

Dry chop onions and eggs, perfectly!

Cleans itself in seconds!


2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21

22 23 24 25 26 27 28

29 30 31 32 33 34 35

Just take a look at this list – we’re talking about the talents of 10 KITCHEN APPLIANCES IN ONEAMAZING MACHINE! No attachments are needed – and meals are made in minutes. No otherkitchen appliance can give you the performance, speed, power, durability and health-enhancing benefits of the Vita-Mix whole food machine.

35 AMAZING WAYS35 AMAZING WAYSVita-Mix® helps you enjoy healthy whole food meals!

Page 9: whole grains could sa whole grains could save your life ...e6klingur.pdf · system every morning! P o w e r ... a bunch of grapes or some carrot sticks. How ... we pay for breathing

VALUE – Once you start using yourVita-Mix machine, the savings will startadding up! Take a quick look at thecharts to the right. Compare the cost ofsubstituting just one soup, smoothie andfrozen treat each week, you’ll see thatyou can recover the cost of your Vita-Mixmachine in under a year!

Everything made in the Vita-Mix wholefood machine is more nutritious and youcan enjoy all of these delicious dishesany time of day – right at home!

VERSATILITY – The Vita-Mix wholefood machine will adapt to your family’schanging tastes! The master of 35unique kitchen tasks, this amazingmachine helps you make everythingfrom additive-free baby food to fat-fight-ing whole grain waffles with ease.

Smoothies and ice cream have kidappeal and frozen drinks are perfect forentertaining. No matter which processyou choose to use, it’s done without asingle attachment – and with a drop ofsoap in warm water, the Vita-Mixmachine cleans itself in seconds!

QUALITY – The Vita-Mix machine isbuilt in the USA of the highest qualitycomponents. It’s designed to last andlast and last! And it’s backed with a war-ranty as strong as the machine itself.

Unlike other kitchen appliances (whichtypically come with a one-year warrantylimited to defects) the Vita-Mix machine

gives you a 7-year warranty that guar-antees trouble-free performance forseven years from the day you buy it.The good news is, that you can expect itto last a lifetime!

NUTRITION – The Vita-Mix wholefood machine makes healthy, fast food!Vita-Mix meals start with nutritiouswhole food – and take only minutes tomake. It’s the easiest way to “five-a-day.”

Just think: Fiber-filled juice from freshproduce in a minute – steaming hotsoup from scratch in four minutes – deli-cious, low-fat frozen treats in 30 seconds– bread dough from fresh whole grainsin just five minutes – IT’S AMAZING!With your Vita-Mix Whole Food Recipescookbook as your guide, you are in control of what you and your family eat.

SERVICE – Vita-Mix has been in the business of creating healthylifestyles for over 80 years. A recentstudy by Action Based Research showsthat 93% of Vita-Mix owners would buyagain and a large number of machineseach year are still sold by “word of mouth.” And with good reason. Vita-Mix Corporation is committed tothe success of every Vita-Mix owner.When you call us with a question, you’lltalk to someone who cares – someonewho owns a Vita-Mix machine and usesit – someone who will find the answerfor you.

That’s the Vita-Mix difference.

ICE CREAMcost comparison

SMOOTHIEcost comparison

SOUPcost comparison








©2006 Vita-Mix® Corp.XTN302 H Code: 07-0001-0003

8615 Usher RoadCleveland, Ohio 44138-2199