Good evening!

Why do we need to make a global media?

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Good evening!

Who am I?

My name is Ken Furukawa. I’m CEO of nanapi.


What do we do?


(Daily tips online media)

nanapi is one of the biggest online daily tips media.

Today’s Agenda

Why do we need to make a global media?


Most Japanese are not good at English…

There are huge differences between Japanese and English.

I heard that we have to study 2760 hours to become fluent in English!

Group1 Dutch, French, Italian, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish 720 hours

Group2 Bulgarian, Hindi, Indonesian, Malay, Urdu, German 1320 hours

Group3 Finnish,Hebrew,Hungarian,Russian 1500 hours

Group4 Japanese,Korea,Chinese,Arabic

2760 hours

by Foreign Service Institute, Expected Levels of Absolute

If we think we need to expand overseas, it is difficult for us

because there are few English speaker in Japan

And Japan is adequately huge market.

GDP is the third largest in the world Population

Why did we decide to go global?


There are 3 points.That is 3R




All media creators want their articles read around the world.

There are much more readers in the global market compared to Japan.

Japanese readers English readers


It is 20 times the size of the Japanese market.





We’d like to have more readers! More more more!



Revenue 0.5円 / 1pv

In Japan we can make 0.5 yen per page view.

WikihowRevenue 2円 / 1pv

But similar services in other market can make 2 yen per page view.


There are many advertisers in the global market.

In Japan,we can't earn as much money online from ad revenue when compared to Television.

TV advertising is still very strong in Japan.

Because …

If we want to make more money, we need to expand overseas.

You might think…

We want to earn much money by expanding overseas?Are we greedy?

We just want to make money to publish good articles.

Why do we need more money?

Please take a look at image.

This is Quartz Curve

In the future it is said that articles will be really short or long, and would be read on smartphones.

short long

Previously, we have made “One Image Tips” for twitter users.

article image

How could we make long contents?

We need to get professionals to interview people and write and edit



Almost all Japanese media don’t aim to expand overseas

Because they are scared of foreigners…


But they can make great articles.

So we make relationship with Japanese medias.

And we translate from Japanese into English.

Relationship with Japanese medias are our advantage.

Our Goal

Our ultimate goal is to create a powerful global media from Japan.

And I wish other Japanese media would see our success

and think that they too can go global.

I hope more Japanese media companies would take on this challenge.

That's the end of my presentation. Thank you for your time.