Why EVERYTHING You’ve Been Taught About Marketing on the Internet Will NOT Work for You and What You Can Do To Turn it Around Michele PW (Michele Pariza Wacek) Your $Ka-Ching!$ Marketing Strategist

Why EVERYTHING You’ve Been Taught About Marketing on the ... · If you fall under the conscious entrepreneur umbrella (more on what that is below) you are GUARANTEED to fail as

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Why EVERYTHING You’ve Been Taught About Marketing on the Internet Will NOT Work for You and What You Can Do To Turn it AroundMichele PW (Michele Pariza Wacek)Your $Ka-Ching!$ Marketing Strategist

Page 2: Why EVERYTHING You’ve Been Taught About Marketing on the ... · If you fall under the conscious entrepreneur umbrella (more on what that is below) you are GUARANTEED to fail as

About Michele PWConsidered one of the hottest direct response copywriters and marketing consultants in the industry today, Michele PW (Michele Pariza Wacek) Your $Ka-Ching!$ Marketing Strategist, has a reputation for crafting copy and creating online and offline marketing campaigns that get results.

Michele started writing professionally in 1992, working at agencies and on staff as a marketing/communication/writing specialist. In 1998 she started her business as a freelance copywriter.

But she quickly realized her vision was bigger than serving her clients as a one-woman-shop. In 2004, she began the transformation to building a copywriting company.

Two years later, her vision has turned into reality. Michele PW/Creative Concepts and Copywriting LLC is the premiere direct response copywriting and marketing company today, catering to entrepreneurs and small business owners internationally, including the “Who’s Who” of Internet Marketing.

In addition, Michele is also a national speaker and author, has completed two novels, and is a contributing author to the “Entrepreneur Press Start Up Guide to Information Marketing” and “Trust Your Heart: Transform Your Ideas to Income” (which is also an Amazon Bestseller). She holds a double major in English and Communications from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Currently she lives in the mountains of Prescott, Arizona with her husband Paul and her two border collies, Nick and Cassie.

Page 3: Why EVERYTHING You’ve Been Taught About Marketing on the ... · If you fall under the conscious entrepreneur umbrella (more on what that is below) you are GUARANTEED to fail as

©2012 Creative Concepts and Copywriting, LLC. All rights reserved.

Why EVERYTHING You’ve Been Taught About Marketing on the Internet Will NOT Work for You and What You Can Do To Turn it Around

NotesFor Conscious Entrepreneurs/Agents of Change/MessengersWhy EVERYTHING You’ve Been Taught About Marketing on the Internet Will NOT Work for You and What You Can Do To Turn it AroundWhat I’m about to share with you might make more than a few people a little angry. But this is way too important to keep silent about any longer.

If you fall under the conscious entrepreneur umbrella (more on what that is below) you are GUARANTEED to fail as an Internet Marketer UNLESS you take a few moments to think about what I’m covering and “draw your line in the sand.”

(Have no idea what I’m talking about? No worries — keep reading and everything will become clear.)

Let me take a few moments and explain how this special report is laid out.

First, I’ll define what I mean by a conscious entrepreneur/agent of change/messenger, which includes what your “fatal” flaw is. (Fatal flaw was coined from fiction, and the meaning is self explanatory [although fatal didn’t always mean death to a character, it could also simply mean their downfall]. In case you didn’t know, I’m also a novelist, and the longer I’ve hung around this marketing business, the more connections I’ve seen between what “fiction” and the real world — fatal flaws is definitely one that exists on ALL plains.)

Next I’ll describe how that fatal flaw relates to marketing on the Internet, which will explain why Internet Marketing is guaranteed to NOT work for you.

Last I’ll give you an exercise so you can turn it around and build a successful, prosperous business.

So ready to get started?

What Type of Entrepreneur Are You?There are 2 types of entrepreneurs in the world.Now, before I tell you what those 2 types are, I want to stress that this isn’t a new idea. The desire to own our businesses has been around since the first person hammered a piece of metal into a coin and took it down to the marketplace to buy a couple of chickens and a loaf of bread.

Of course businesses certainly look much different than they did back then. But the driving force behind the WHY we want to own a business is the same. And it’s the WHY that separates the 2 types of entrepreneurs.

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©2012 Creative Concepts and Copywriting, LLC. All rights reserved.

Why EVERYTHING You’ve Been Taught About Marketing on the Internet Will NOT Work for You and What You Can Do To Turn it Around

NotesThe first type wants to own a business because they want to be business owners. They’re driven by money, being their own boss, the freedom, or maybe the challenge of running a business. You can recognize these entrepreneurs because they choose a business based on one of the above factors (i.e. they see an opportunity to make a lot of money or they don’t want employees so they choose a business model that fits that) rather than because they have a real passion for the business itself. This is the definition most of us think of when we think of a “traditional entrepreneur or business owner.”

The second type wants to own a business because they have a huge passion or vision – they want to change the world and the only way they can see doing that is if they build a business around their vision or passion. Now, they may like other benefits of owning a business, for instance they want freedom, to be their own boss and to make lots of money. But the driving force is seeing their vision or passion come to life and making a difference/changing the world.

You can recognize these entrepreneurs because they choose their business based on what the business does (i.e. they’re a healer so their business is built around healing) rather than around something like capitalizing on a money-making opportunity. They also are defining themselves with different names — names such as “conscious entrepreneurs” “heart-centered entrepreneurs” or “agents of change.” (Authors who have written a book also fit into this category — they want to build a business around selling their book and getting that vision out into the world.)

Now, you may be able to argue there is a third type. This third type wants to own a business, doesn’t have a huge vision or passion yet yearns to HAVE a business built around a vision or passion of making a difference. I would argue this type belongs in the second type. So if you’re someone who loves the idea of the freedom and money of having your own business AND you want that business to help people in some way but you’re not sure what that way is, no worries. You belong in type 2.

What’s Your Fatal Flaw?Depending on which type of entrepreneur you are, you’re going to have different strengths and weaknesses, as well as different obstacles you’re going to have to overcome to be successful. You’re also going to be attracted to/repelled by different marketing tactics, so that also is going to impact your business growth. (Which ones you use, how you use them, etc.)

So let’s talk about those strengths and weaknesses (and you might be surprised to learn your biggest strength is also your biggest weakness).

For the “traditional entrepreneur” their strengths are they’re comfortable with the idea of making money. In fact, they may have chosen their business because of the money-making potential. So for them, having a profitable business is not a problem for them.

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©2012 Creative Concepts and Copywriting, LLC. All rights reserved.

Why EVERYTHING You’ve Been Taught About Marketing on the Internet Will NOT Work for You and What You Can Do To Turn it Around

NotesHowever, what IS a problem is their lack of bigger vision. They get stuck/procrastinate/stop moving forward/etc. because they don’t have a big vision pushing them forward.

Let’s face it. It’s tough to run a business. And there are days when it’s really, REALLY tough (i.e. you’re ready to crawl back into bed at 10 in the morning because your day is going so crappy). Those are the days where you need something to propel you forward, and a bigger vision/mission can be what keeps you going in your business rather than shutting down and surfing the web all day.

For conscious entrepreneurs, the big vision isn’t a problem. They know they need to be making a big difference in the world and they’re ready to do what it takes to turn that vision into a reality. What stops them is money.

So often they feel guilty making money from their gift. How can they possibly profit from what comes so naturally to them? Isn’t it wrong to be making money while you’re changing the world? If you were truly a good person, wouldn’t you be doing this for free?

Thus they sabotage themselves. They especially will sabotage themselves when they’re on the verge of financial success. That’s typically when they find themselves stuck and not moving forward with their business.

Now, if that isn’t bad enough, as a conscious entrepreneur you actually have even bigger problems than just a money block. You see, if you have a money block, you ALSO have a VERY big marketing block.

Think about it. What other activity do you do for your business that is knotted up with all these MAJOR fears and blocks you’re dragging around right now? Marketing DIRECTLY relates to:

• ANY blocks you have around money

• Fear of success

• Fear of failure

• Fear of visibility (including being seen, becoming famous, etc.)

• Any issues you have around the value you offer to your clients or the world

• And more

The problem is, if you want to make enough money in your business to actually live on (much less get rich with your business) you’re going to have to make

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©2012 Creative Concepts and Copywriting, LLC. All rights reserved.

Why EVERYTHING You’ve Been Taught About Marketing on the Internet Will NOT Work for You and What You Can Do To Turn it Around

Notesmarketing a priority. But if you have any of these blocks or fears rattling around in your head, more likely than not you’re going to self-sabotage your marketing strategies.

But, believe it or not, it gets EVEN worse. You see, marketing yourself is difficult enough when you’re dragging around one or more blocks. But following Internet Marketing strategies is virtually impossible.

Why? Because Internet Marketing is directly based on the principles of direct response.

So why does that matter? Let me start by defining direct response. Direct response is all about creating promotional pieces that persuade people to take action without a sales person involved. (Examples include direct mail or junk mail, those super-long online sales letters where you’re scrolling forever looking for the price and infomercials.) Direct response is the ultimate form of leverage — leverage for your marketing activities AND sales activities. Once you use direct response, you’re marketing and selling one-to-many, instead of a one-on-one.

Using direct response is the ultimate way to grow your business in a cost-effective way. Think about it — when you embrace direct response marketing principles, no longer do you need to be the only sales person in your business. You free up your time to focus on business activities other than sales. AND (this is the conundrum) you also put yourself in a position to get your vision, your message in the world in a MUCH bigger way. You simply can’t do that selling people one-on-one.

It all sounds really great, doesn’t it? However, there are 2 big problems with it:

1. Talk about magnifying your blocks a hundred-fold. You’re about to put your marketing on steroids with direct response so of course your money blocks will come roaring out when you decide to use these principles.

2. Buying is based on emotions, not logic. So, in order to move your ideal clients to a buying decision, you MUST tap into their emotions. And DEPENDING on how you tap your ideal client’s emotions, it can feel hype-y, sales-y and inauthentic. (But it doesn’t have to, more on that in a moment.)

Do you remember The Force in Star Wars? The Force is the root of all power — by itself it’s neutral. It is inherently neither good nor evil. It’s all in how you use it — you can use The Force for good or you can use it for evil. It’s your choice.

Direct response is the same way. By itself it’s neither good nor evil. But you can choose to use it for good OR for evil.

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©2012 Creative Concepts and Copywriting, LLC. All rights reserved.

Why EVERYTHING You’ve Been Taught About Marketing on the Internet Will NOT Work for You and What You Can Do To Turn it Around

NotesHow do you use it for good? When you use it to get your products, services and message out into the world and you start making the huge impact you know you were meant to make. You know you’ve done this when your clients are your raving fans. Chances are without direct response methods, you never would have gotten them as clients, which means YOU wouldn’t be in business NOR would they have gotten the transformation they sorely needed.

How do you use it for evil? When you use it to sell crap. Or sell stuff to people just to make a buck regardless if they need it or not. Or you use it in any sort of con job.

Yes, that is the very sad part of direct response. It can and often is used by scammers, thieves and con artists. There is a reason why direct response is regulated by the government. There is a reason why direct response copywriters (i.e. people who write copy, nothing to do with copyright law or intellectual property) end up in jail. It’s because it WORKS. And if you have no morals or scruples, it can work really, really well.

And the problem is the “black” side of direct response gets all the publicity. You don’t hear about the business owner who uses it in an authentic and moral manner. You only hear about the scammers, thieves and con artists.

And what makes this even more confusing is it’s STILL not that cut and dried. Which is where we get to my “line in the sand.”

Where’s your line in the sand?The simplest way to think of direct response is as a continuum. On one end, it’s so soft you’re barely asking for the sale. On the other end, you’re employing hard-core selling techniques to get the sale. On the FAR end, you’re out and out lying or tricking people about what your product can and can’t do. (This by the way is illegal, so if you’re going to cross this line that’s a whole other ball of wax and beyond the scope of this special report.)

So, to make it easier, let’s define this continuum as a scale of 1 to 5. At the 1 side, you maybe send out an email (or if you’re really feeling wild and crazy, maybe you’ll send two) when you’re doing a promotion. You’re also careful about how you ask for the sale. On the 5 side, you send out many, many emails when you’re doing a promotion, and you’re extremely aggressive about asking for the sale.

So now let’s look at the pros and cons for being a 1 or a 5. If you’re a 5, then you’re far more likely to be selling your products and programs and making money. You probably have a lot of visibility as well — people in your community know who you are and they may have even have bought your products and programs (hence getting your message and brilliance out there in a big way.)

However, you’re also probably getting your share of nasty gram emails and comments about how aggressive, sales-y or hype-y you are. You may even be getting feedback

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Why EVERYTHING You’ve Been Taught About Marketing on the Internet Will NOT Work for You and What You Can Do To Turn it Around

Notesthat you don’t care about your customers, you only care about making a buck. And of course, every time you send out an email, people unsubscribe.

You’re also getting refund requests. Maybe not a lot — maybe 5% or 10% (which is a very acceptable level) — but you might be getting a ton (like 30% or 40%). You also might be getting charge backs at a higher than normal rate.

Okay, so let’s look at the pros and cons of being a 1. On the plus side, you’re probably getting next to none nasty gram emails. No one is saying you’re too sales-y or hype-y or you’re sending out too many emails or any other negative comment. You’re also probably getting very, very few refund requests.

However, you’re also selling next to nothing. And any sales you DO make it’s because you getting on the phone and selling it yourself (and it doesn’t matter if you’re selling a $5,000 program or a $20 product, you’re still the one selling it). You have little to no visibility, no one knows who you are, and you’re not getting your message or gifts out into the world.

And this is where the “line in the sand” comes in. You have to decide where you fall on that continuum. How far are you willing to use direct response methods? If you don’t like direct response and absolutely hate the idea of sounding the least bit sales-y, no problem. But your trade-off is a much smaller business (best case scenario you’ll create a job for yourself, worse case you’ll need to find another source of income to live on) and a much smaller impact in the world.

If you choose to embrace more direct response principles, fabulous! But you’ll have to contend with nasty grams, more people unsubscribing from your list, and potential refunds. However, you’ll also have the potential to build your business into a 6-figure or 7-figure business and have a much bigger impact in the world.

And that my friends, is why you’ll fail as an Internet marketer unless you think this through. Too often conscious entrepreneurs decide how much direct response they’re going to use in their business based on one small piece of the puzzle. They decide they don’t want to be the least bit sales-y, then they get upset when their product launch falls flat. Worse, they usually attribute their lack of sales to something else — like the Universe is sending them a message they shouldn’t be in business — when the reality is they’re not making sales because they’re not sending any emails out.

Or, the conscious entrepreneur decides to embrace direct response because she does want to be successful, then frets about the level of people unsubscribing from her list or spends hours soul searching every time someone emails her to say she’s been too sales-y. Or she just generally feels bad or uncomfortable about what she’s doing to market her business and finds herself apologizing about her website, emails, etc. (And how successful do you think you can be if you’re ashamed with your marketing materials — are you REALLY going to market yourself as much as you need to

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Why EVERYTHING You’ve Been Taught About Marketing on the Internet Will NOT Work for You and What You Can Do To Turn it Around

Notesbe to reach your income and visibility goals? Or are you going to quietly self-sabotage yourself by not doing what you know in your heart you ought to be?)

So what I’m here to tell you is there is no wrong answer. There is only how you feel about your business and yourself. I want you to take a stand and draw your line in the sand with your eyes wide open to the pros AND cons. Regardless if you want to use very little direct response, a lot of direct response or somewhere in the middle, draw your line in the sand and be proud of where you’re standing.

And the best part of this is your line is in sand. That means you can move it whenever you want. You can draw your line in one place today and change it tomorrow. It’s that simple.

But wherever you draw it, you MUST be strong about it. That’s a must. And it’s what makes this decision tougher than it looks. Because you MUST accept the consequences as well as the rewards. No bellyaching allowed! You know the consequences so accept them as proudly as you accept the rewards.

But must direct response be so hype-y?All is not lost! I have more good news.You absolutely CAN craft promotional materials that don’t sound hype-y or sales-y, but instead feel authentic and good for you AND for your ideal clients.

So while you’re never going to get away from the unsubscribes or criticism completely, you really can write copy or put together a product launch that feels good for you. And the very best part of this is if you do it right, the only criticisms and unsubscribes you get are from people who are NOT your ideal clients, so you don’t necessarily want to sell to them anyway. The people who ARE your ideal clients will love what you give them and be your most raving fans.

So how do you do that? You connect to your ideal client’s core beliefs and attitudes and then you give them what they want.

Yes, it’s as simple (and as difficult) as that. So how do you do THAT?

I’m going to give you 5 steps to follow:

1. Figure out who your ideal client is. Who are your favorite clients to work with? Why are they your favorite to work with? Paint a very clear picture of the exact person you want to work with in your business.

2. What is keeping them up at night? What is the biggest challenge your products, services or programs can help them solve so they get a good night’s sleep.

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©2012 Creative Concepts and Copywriting, LLC. All rights reserved.

Why EVERYTHING You’ve Been Taught About Marketing on the Internet Will NOT Work for You and What You Can Do To Turn it Around

Notes 3. Now, craft your marketing materials so they speak directly to the pain and map out why your products, programs and services will give them the transformation they’re craving. If you speak directly to your ideal clients in this way, you’ll not only attract your ideal clients but they won’t feel like you’re being sales-y, hype-y or inauthentic.

4. Look for ways to reach your ideal clients other than the “same old, same old” (business and marketing is changing, and if you don’t change with it, you’ll probably be left in dust). There are lots of new innovative ways to connect with your ideal clients and deepen the relationship with them. Look for them and implement them in your business.

5. Celebrate! Feel good about the marketing materials and marketing campaigns you’ve created. Get excited about implementing them. And get ready to sell more AND get your message and brilliance out in a bigger way!

What’s next?For some of you, you’ve gotten what you need from this special report. But for others, this might just be the beginning. Maybe you have more questions or aren’t sure how to implement this for yourself. If that’s you then I want to invite you to keep an eye on your inbox. I have something very special I’m going to be unveiling in the next month that may be exactly what you’ve been looking for.

I have something very special I’m going to be unveiling in the next month with my good friend Andrea J. Lee, the Wealthy Thought Leader, that may be exactly what you’ve been looking for.

Andrea and I have decided to join forces because this is just too important to brush aside. Marketing and business is changing, and success depends on you knowing and understanding what’s going on you can make the right decisions for your business.

And while you wait, I’d like to encourage you to take some time and draw that line in the sand. Honestly, it could be the most powerful thing you have ever done in your business.

Page 11: Why EVERYTHING You’ve Been Taught About Marketing on the ... · If you fall under the conscious entrepreneur umbrella (more on what that is below) you are GUARANTEED to fail as

Andrea J. LeeAndrea J. Lee is an Entrepreneurial Futurist with her finger on the pulse of the entrepreneurial spirit and how it can shows up to change the world. Throughout her life, Andrea has done one thing - help those she loves make money. Not once, but twice, she has helped reinvent the coaching industry and knows just one thing for sure: the entrepreneurial spirit is everywhere, looking for a place to make a difference. She is the trusted source of coaching pioneer Thomas Leonard’s intellectual property, the architect behind the Pink Spoon Marketing craze, and her company was named by Seth Godin and Fast Company Magazine as one of the extraordinary ‘Bull Market’ companies helping their clients stand out and prosper. Andrea invites you over to http://wealthythoughtleader.com to enjoy a free guide on 5 steps to Income Through Innovation - A Primer on Your Thought Leadership.

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©2012 Creative Concepts and Copywriting, LLC. All rights reserved.

Why EVERYTHING You’ve Been Taught About Marketing on the Internet Will NOT Work for You and What You Can Do To Turn it Around


Michele PW (Michele Pariza Wacek)Your $Ka-Ching!$ Marketing Strategist

PO Box 10430, Prescott, AZ 86304 • Phone/Fax: 877-754-3384 • www.MichelePW.com

Testimonials“Working with Michele PW was such a relief because she GETS direct response copywriting. She knew what I was looking for and was able to deliver. With her help, we had record-breaking numbers for one of our campaigns. I highly recommend Michele if you’re looking for copywriting that gets you results.”

Ali Brown Founder of Alexandria Brown

International www.alexandriabrown.com

“With Michele’s copywriting and social networking help, I had my BIGGEST 6-figure launch ever! And I’m no stranger to 6-figure product launches. Before Michele, I had 5 6-figure launches. But this one I did with Michele blew all the other ones away. We more than doubled what I had done before. Plus, even though I knew the launch was on track, there were moments I panicked because I wasn’t staying up until 2 a.m. writing copy. I highly recommend Michele, especially if you’re getting ready to launch a new product or service.”

Lisa Sasevich The Queen of Sales Conversion


“I’ve had the pleasure of working with some of the top marketing minds of our time, and as far as results are concerned, Michele is right there with them. One idea she gave me for one of my recent launches, directly resulted in a 30% increase of sales. I’m planning on implementing that idea on a regular basis the results were so powerful. Thanks Michele!”

Mark Harris Co-Founder www.


“With Michele’s expert copywriting and marketing help, we’re averaging an 8% conversion rate! Considering that 1% is typically considered really good by industry standards, we were blown away by the results.”

Linda H. Hunt Owner


“Thanks to your eagle eye and copywriting changes to ONE simple email I increased registrations for my

“Give Your Pricing a Kick-in-the-Pants” Virtual Workshop Intensive by 20%! That’s money that went straight into my bank account!”

Kendall SummerHawk The “Horse Whisperer for Business”

Author, “How to Charge What You’re Worth and Get It!”
