Why Is America So Presented by: Joanne M. Conaway, BSN, RN

Why Is America So Sick? Presented by: Joanne M. Conaway, BSN, RN

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  • Why Is America So Sick? Presented by: Joanne M. Conaway, BSN, RN
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  • United States Wealthiest Industrialized Nation But the Sickest
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  • Americans get sick more often than people in other industrialized countries Since mid 1990s the number of Americans with at least 3 chronic illnesses has nearly doubled Life expectancy has decreased Infant Mortality has increased Autism - March 2013 1 in 50 children (CDC), compared to 1 in 25,000 in the mid-1970s ADD/ADHD - March 2013 (CDC) 1 in 10 Type II Diabetes - rates in the U.S. increased by 176 % between 1980 and 2010 Celiac Disease - is four times more common now than 60 years ago Alzheimers Disease - alarming rates - estimated that 5.4 million Americans (one in eight older Americans) have AD; rates have doubled since 1980s Genetics vs. Environment
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  • Choices/Influences Affecting Our Health Food Digestive Health Supplementation Family/Doctor/Media
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  • Wheat Our Daily Bread
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  • Wheat is Not Wheat Hybridized and Crossbred Resistant to drought Resistant to pathogens Increased yield per acre Gluten Proteins Structurally changed Cant survive without human support Never safety tested on humans or animals
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  • Effects of Modern Wheat on Health Dominant source of gluten protein in our diets Damage gut lining makes lining permeable leaky gut Non-celiac gluten sensitivity Celiac disease Wheat starches = complex carbs high glycemic index (GI) rapid increase in blood sugar - GI whole grain bread: 72, white bread: 69, Mars Bar: 68, Shredded Wheat cereal: 67, table sugar: 59, Snickers bar: 41. Fiber content minimal / does not offset ill effects
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  • Nutritional Misunderstanding Food Labeling calories per serving/serving size
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  • Nutritional Misunderstanding GM - Genetically Modified GE - Genetically Engineered GMO - Genetically Modified Organisms
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  • US GM Crops Soy 91% Corn 88% Cotton 87% Canola 80% (Canada)
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  • GM Soybeans Soybeans: Soy flour, soy oil, lecithin, soy protein isolates and concentrates. Products that may contain genetically engineered soy derivatives: vitamin E, tofu dogs, cereals, veggie burgers and sausages, tamari, soy sauce, chips, ice cream, frozen yogurt, infant formula, sauces, protein powder, margarine, soy cheeses, crackers, breads, cookies, chocolates, candies, fried foods, shampoo, bubble bath, cosmetics, enriched flours and pastas.
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  • Corn: Corn flour, corn starch, corn oil, corn sweeteners, syrups, corn solids, maltodextrin Products that may contain genetically engineered corn derivatives: vitamin C, tofu dogs, chips, candies, ice cream, infant formula, salad dressings, tomato sauces, breads, cookies, cereals, baking powder, alcohol, vanilla, margarine, soy sauce, tamari, soda, fried foods, powdered sugar, enriched flours and pastas. GM Corn
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  • Anatomy of The Gastrointestinal System Major Functional Components Mouth Esophagus Stomach Liver Gallbladder Pancreas Small Intestine Large Intestine
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  • How Does Digestion Work? Vagus Nerve Stimulation Cephalic Phase Smell, sight or thought of food mouth waters Gastric Secretions increase Digestive enzymes are made available specific for each foodstuff - amylase, lipase, protease, etc.
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  • Mechanical Breakdown Chewing Mastication Breaks food particles into smaller particles (chew 30 times) Amylase breaking down carbohydrates/starches
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  • Esophagus 10 inches long Mucous but no enzymes
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  • Anatomical View of Stomach Four main regions Cardia Fundus Body Pyloris Muscular layer Rugae Pyloric sphincter
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  • Accessory Organs of Digestion Pancreas 1% of cells arranged in clusters called the islets of Langerhans responsible for insulin production 99% of cells secrete a mixture of fluid and digestive enzymes called pancreatic juice
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  • Digestive enzymes Specific for the various component of food Lipases for fats Amylases for carbohydrates Proteases and peptidase for proteins Enzymes work in various stages of digestion and with out digestive enzymes, nutrients and foods cant be broken down and utilized by the body
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  • Food Enzymes Found in raw, whole foods Found naturally in unprocessed uncooked foods Lacking in our diets due to processing of foods Lack of whole food enzymes forces the body to use its own digestive enzyme stores Once our bodies digestive enzyme stores are used up digestive symptoms may occur such as acid reflux, belching, bloating, gas, heartburn, indigestion, nausea and vomiting
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  • The Liver A gland - weighs about 3 pounds, heaviest gland in the body metabolic warehouse Responsible for detoxification, destruction of worn out white blood cells, red blood cells, and destruction of bacteria and other foreign matter in the venous circulation draining from the GI tract
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  • Responsible for the production of bile and bile salts Bile Responsible for the emulsification of large fat globules into smaller globules
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  • The Gallbladder A 3 to 4 inch pear-shaped sac located in a depression of the posterior surface of the liver Acts as a receptacle to store the bile so ample amounts are readily available to ensure emulsification and proper digestion of fats Removal may result in long-term problems with fatty acid absorption
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  • The Liver, Gallbladder and Pancreas
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  • The Small Intestines Begins at pyloric sphincter About 10 feet long Duodenum about 10 inches long Jejunum 3 feet long Ileum 6 feet long joins with the ileocecal sphincter
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  • Function of intestinal mucosa Mucosa forms a series of fingerlike projections called the villi
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  • The Immune Function of the Small Intestine The small intestine plays a critical role in immunity related to bacteria - the balance of healthy or friendly (lactobacillus and bifidobacterium also called flora) and less desirable organisms (candida yeast) bacteria Friendly bacteria in the small intestine are responsible for several things: Vitamin production specifically the B vitamins Decrease in lactose intolerance - the enzyme lactase Stabilizes cholesterol levels Defense against food-borne illnesses
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  • Inhibition of Candida yeast and other fungal forms of bacteria Better absorption of nutrients - they produce enzymes Increase in peristalsis normalizing bowel movements Increase in immunity through the secretion of acids and natural antibiotics Maintenance of good hormonal balance Detoxify hazardous chemicals added to foods, i.e., nitrates Control the acidity-alkaline levels in the intestines Help in eliminating bad breath, gas, belching, bloating
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  • Enemies of Healthy Intestinal Bacteria Antibiotics, steroids and medicines including those injected into cows and other livestock Chlorinated water drinking or showering Antacids and anti-inflammatory drugs, i.e. NSAIDS Stress acute as well as chronic Radiation, chemotherapy, x-rays Caffeine and tobacco Most prescription medications and OTC medications Large amounts of sugar, preservatives and fried foods GE, GM, GMO
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  • Dangers of Fungal Bacteria Overgrowth Ultimate breakdown of the integrity of the wall of the small intestine (the villi and microvilli) Passage of larger than normal food molecules especially protein molecules into the circulation Potential problems with systemic Candida infections, allergy symptoms and autoimmune disorders
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  • Intestinal permeability is responsible for up to 90% of all chronic symptoms and chronic conditions This is because your intestinal lining is the doorway from the external environment (food, drink, toxins, germs, etc) to your internal environment (bloodstream).
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  • Symptoms Associated With Fungal Bacterial Overgrowth Fatigue often chronic - sometimes most noticeable after eating Pour digestion, constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating, cramps and heartburn Vaginal infections, impotence, prostatitis, urinary infections, rectal itch Skin irritations such as eczema, hives psoriasis, athletes foot, jock itch
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  • Frequent colds and flu, post nasal drip, bronchitis, asthma, sore throats Allergies both to foods and airborne chemicals Sugar cravings, mood swings, headaches, especially migraines, poor concentration, dizziness, depression and anxiety In early childhood, hyperactivity, excessive anger, cradle cap, rashes, thrush, chronic infections Hormonal Imbalance
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  • Unhealthy Conditions of Large Intestines and Contributing Factors Constipation Insufficient water intake Lack of exercise to stimulate lymphatic flow Highly processed foods loaded with preservatives, sugar, white flour Hydrogenated fats, caffeine, artificial sweeteners Lack of healthy raw foods and fiber in the diet Lack of proper elimination
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  • Adjusting the Diet Dos Green, Leafy Vegetables High Antioxidant "ORAC" Foods High Protein Meals and Snacks Drink Plenty of Water Natural Whole Foods Donts Margarine (use butter instead) Carbonated Drinks at Mealtimes Fried Foods (vegetable oils) Processed Meats (Nitrites/Nitrates) Processed Sugars Pesticides/Pollution
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  • Supplementation
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  • The center represents the 90 essential nutrients The stem represents Plant Derived Minerals The petals and leaves represent herb support for specific concerns HERBS WITH THE 90 FOR LIFE
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  • HYPOTHALAMUS SUPPORT Hypothalamus Support helps support a healthy hypothalamus, pituitary and adrenal glands plus, feeds the endocrine system and provides glandular support. Hypothalamus is central essential and central to blood sugar control, hormonal control, balanced immune response and reactivity, body temperature, sweating mechanism, peristalsis of the intestines, fat metabolism, and much more.
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  • HYPOTHALAMUS SUPPORT Formula: ASHWAGANDHA: helps to regulate the activity of the HPA Axis ELEUTHERO: regulates inflammation and improves resistance to stress & infection BILBERRY FRUIT: extremely high in good quality antioxidants RHODIOLA: resistance to both physical and emotional stress SCHIZANDRA BERRY: liver tonic, will help to balance the sleep pattern and improve energy levels via the HPA axis support
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  • ADRENAL HEALTH Your adrenal glands are in charge of producing hormones necessary for a wide-range of bodily functions; including your bodys response to stress.
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  • ADRENAL HEALTH Formula: HOLY BASIL Research shows that it includes the potent COX-2 inhibiting anti-inflammatories. It balances hormones and helps maintain healthy cortisol levels CHINESE LICORICE Excellent anti-inflammatory. Helps balance blood sugar levels and strengthen adrenal function ROYAL JELLY High panothenic levels supports normal adrenal function
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  • Taking Charge of Our Health Making the Choice to be Healthy Key Choices Adjust the diet clean up the diet Good Foods/Bad Foods Youngevity 90 For Life Supplementation Program Healthy Start Pak (HSP) Improve digestive system health Probiotics and Digestive Enzymes Herbal Support for Specific Concerns Good Herbs Formulations * This presentation is not intended to diagnose or treat disease.
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  • Every Tuesday 8 pm ET, 7 pm CT, 6 pm MT 5 pm PT 212-990-8000 pin 75555# The "90 For Life Open Forum Call (The Joanne Conaway Call)
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  • Dr. Joel Wallach Veterinarian & Physician Published 75 articles in scientific and medical journals. Defeated the FDA 8 times in court Youngevity is the only nutritional company to receive FDA authorized health claims Youngevity was founded to improve both the physical and financial health of people throughout the world. People need what we have & they arent getting it anywhere else! Dan Graham
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  • Dr. Joel Wallach Veterinarian & Physician Lead scientist in 13 year government study on health of animals & people Author of textbook for veterinarians that is now in the Smithsonian Research doubled the lifespan of animals and eliminated 900+ diseases that still plague humans. The same strategies that work in animals, work like a charm in people! Dr. Joel Wallach
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  • Unique Product Philosophy DVM (prevention) vs. MD (treatment) 90 Essential Nutrients Body cannot produce (must consume) Deficiency leads to disease 60 Minerals 16 Vitamins 12 Amino Acids 2-3 Fatty Acids Its all about results. Give your body what it needs and it will do amazing things! Dr. Joel Wallach Healthy Start Pack VS
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  • Unique Product Value You pay only $41 for all of these nutrients. Look what youll pay for the same quantity of lesser quality nutrients at GNC. 16 Vitamins 60 + Minerals 18 Amino Acids CoEnzyme Q-10 Bioflavanoids Grapeseed Extract and more!!! $41 VS $364.47 Vitamins Amino Acids Grape Seed Extract Co-Q 10 Minerals Ultimate Classic offers you:
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  • Youngevity 90 For Life Paks Healthy Start Paks 80% of diseases fall within 4 categories Hard Tissue - Calcium Deficiency Soft Tissue EFA & Cholesterol Deficiency Healthy Blood Sugar Digestive System Health * This presentation is not intended to diagnose or treat disease.
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  • Dr. Wallach recommends the Healthy Brain and Heart Pack to: Help support & promote healthy brain & cardiovascular function Beyond Tangy Tangerine EFA Plus Osteo-fx Plus EFA Selenium * This presentation is not intended to diagnose or treat disease.
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  • Dr. Wallach recommends the Healthy Bone & Joint Pak to: Healthy Bone & Joint Pack to Help support & promote healthy bones, joints and connective tissues. Beyond Tangy Tangerine EFA Plus Osteo-fx Plus Gluco-Gel 240 CM Cream * This presentation is not intended to diagnose or treat disease.
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  • Dr. Wallach recommends the Healthy Blood Sugar Pack to: Help support & promote healthy blood sugar Beyond Tangy Tangerine EFA Plus Osteo-fx Plus Sweet EZE * This presentation is not intended to diagnose or treat disease.
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  • Dr. Wallach recommends the Healthy Digestion Pack to: Help support & promote healthy digestion Beyond Tangy Tangerine EFA Plus Osteo-fx Plus Flora-fx Enzymes * This presentation is not intended to diagnose or treat disease.
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  • Suggestions to increase Success with Health Challenges Take your products with food. Nutrients are best absorbed when food is present. This decreases stomach upset as well. Take adequate amounts of product. In the agricultural industry, Dr. Wallachs formulas are dosed according to body weights. The larger the animal the greater the nutritional requirement. Make sure you are absorbing! If you arent seeing results, you either arent absorbing or consuming enough consider Promoting Digestive System Health
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  • Healthy Coffee Gluco-Gel Sweet - Eze CM Cream Flora-fx Rebound & more! Triple Treat Chocolate Hydrowash Anti-aging Makeup Prost fx Pollen Burst The Mighty 90 90 Essential Nutrients are the core! 450+ products!
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  • 1. Start with 90 Essentials Healthy Start Pak 2. Call Doc Wallach Dr. Wallachs Radio Show 1-888-379-2552 2-3pm CST 1-877-912-7529 3-4pm CST For other health concerns: Healthy Start Pack
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  • Unique Opportunity Unique Products - Focused on Results 90 Essential Nutrients Healthy Coffee, Energy, Chocolate, Mineral Make- up, & much more Unique Leverage = Easy to Do! Dead Doctors Dont Lie You dont have to be the expert! Pharmacy Discount Cards Make money giving out something for FREE! Unique Residual Income Higher Customer Retention Essential nutrients are like gas for car Average customer order 3x industry average We simply share an idea for FREE, & many of those who hear it buy the products. Nephi Wayman
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  • Getting Started Customers - $10, wholesale buyer Referral Program - $20 Enrollment $10 10 CDs for $10 Start a Business Learn more Blitz Calls: (212)990-8000 PIN 75555# M-Thurs 11am, 2pm, 5pm, 7:30pm MST Fri 11am, 2pm, 5pm MST Weekly Business Webinar Wallachonline.com, Tues, 8:15 MST Meeting Locator www.wallachonline.com/meetinglocator Once I heard Dr. Wallachs CD, I knew I needed the product! Rich Stocks Rich Stocks
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  • Continue Your Education www.wallachonline.com * Info on products, compensation plan, other media www.yteamtools.com * Purchase Audio, Video, and Print support materials Best of Dead Doctors Dont Lie CD Healing is Easy CD Dead Doctors Dont Lie Book Schrauzer Files: Selenium CD Who Made MDs King CD Seeing is Believing CD & more! Digestion and Hormones 2 CDs
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