Why Read Write Inc?Why Read Write Inc? D Tried and tested over many years D Systematic and structured D Early success in reading D Training and ongoing

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Page 1: Why Read Write Inc?Why Read Write Inc? D Tried and tested over many years D Systematic and structured D Early success in reading D Training and ongoing
Page 2: Why Read Write Inc?Why Read Write Inc? D Tried and tested over many years D Systematic and structured D Early success in reading D Training and ongoing

Why Read Write Inc?

D Tried and tested over many years

D Systemat ic and st ructured

D Early success in reading

D Training and ongoing staff development

Page 3: Why Read Write Inc?Why Read Write Inc? D Tried and tested over many years D Systematic and structured D Early success in reading D Training and ongoing

What is Read Write Inc?

D A rapid Learn to read programme

so children can…

D Read to learn for the rest of their lives

Page 4: Why Read Write Inc?Why Read Write Inc? D Tried and tested over many years D Systematic and structured D Early success in reading D Training and ongoing

Who is it for?

D 4 year olds plus

D Older children who need to ‘catch-up’

D Children new to English

Page 5: Why Read Write Inc?Why Read Write Inc? D Tried and tested over many years D Systematic and structured D Early success in reading D Training and ongoing

How does it work?Children:

D Learn 44 sounds and matching letters/letter groups

D Learn to blend sounds to read words

D Read lots of specially written books This

is decoding

Page 6: Why Read Write Inc?Why Read Write Inc? D Tried and tested over many years D Systematic and structured D Early success in reading D Training and ongoing

How does it work?Children:

D Talk a lot about what they have read to show they understand

D Listen to and discuss other ideas to deepen understanding

This is com p r eh en d in g

Page 7: Why Read Write Inc?Why Read Write Inc? D Tried and tested over many years D Systematic and structured D Early success in reading D Training and ongoing


All words are m ade up of sounds

I n English there are 44

Page 8: Why Read Write Inc?Why Read Write Inc? D Tried and tested over many years D Systematic and structured D Early success in reading D Training and ongoing


A grapheme is a sound written down

English has more than 150 graphemes

A complex code!

Page 9: Why Read Write Inc?Why Read Write Inc? D Tried and tested over many years D Systematic and structured D Early success in reading D Training and ongoing

Consonants: stretchy

Consonants: bouncy

Set 1 sounds Set 2 sounds

Vowels: stretchy

Vowels: bouncy

f l m n r s v z sh th ng nk

b c k

d g h j p qu t w x y ch

a e i o u ay ee igh ow

oo oo ar or air ir ou oy

Children learn a simple code first

Page 10: Why Read Write Inc?Why Read Write Inc? D Tried and tested over many years D Systematic and structured D Early success in reading D Training and ongoing

f l m n r s v z sh th ng nk

ff ph ll le mm mb

nn kn rr wr ss se c ce

ve zz s ti ci

b c k d g h j p qu t w x y ch

bb ck ch

dd gg g ge dge

pp tt wh tch

a e i o u ay ee igh ow

ea a_e ai y ea e

i_e ie i o_e oa o

oo oo ar or air ir ou oy ire ear ure

u_e ue ew

oor ore aw au

are ur er ow oi

Page 11: Why Read Write Inc?Why Read Write Inc? D Tried and tested over many years D Systematic and structured D Early success in reading D Training and ongoing


D Fred helps children learn to read

Fred can only talk in sounds...

(Fred can only say c_a_t , he can’t saycat )

We call this Fred Talk

Page 12: Why Read Write Inc?Why Read Write Inc? D Tried and tested over many years D Systematic and structured D Early success in reading D Training and ongoing

D If children understand Fred they

can blend orally

Blending is needed for reading


Page 13: Why Read Write Inc?Why Read Write Inc? D Tried and tested over many years D Systematic and structured D Early success in reading D Training and ongoing

Storybooks and Get Writing Books

Page 14: Why Read Write Inc?Why Read Write Inc? D Tried and tested over many years D Systematic and structured D Early success in reading D Training and ongoing

So how can you help your child?

D By knowing the 44 pure sounds

D By using the Speed Sound cards with your child

D By knowing how to blend using Fred Talk for reading m_a_t

Page 15: Why Read Write Inc?Why Read Write Inc? D Tried and tested over many years D Systematic and structured D Early success in reading D Training and ongoing

And...D By reading to your child lots of lovely stories and asking

lots of questions!

Use these prompts to help you:

What is that character thinking?

What is the character saying?

What do you

think that character is

What is happening?

What do you think happens next?

feeling now?

Page 16: Why Read Write Inc?Why Read Write Inc? D Tried and tested over many years D Systematic and structured D Early success in reading D Training and ongoing

And...D By enriching conversations through description:

“Look at that rain. It looks like little diamonds sparkling on the window pane!”

D By having fun with words and language.

“I’m as hot as a spud in a cooking pot!”

D By praising your child for using new words or interesting images

Page 17: Why Read Write Inc?Why Read Write Inc? D Tried and tested over many years D Systematic and structured D Early success in reading D Training and ongoing

Thank you...

Happy reading!