www.origsoft.com | © Original Software 1 www.origsoft.com | © Original Software Why Test Automation Fails In Theory and In Practice Jim Trentadue Software Quality Consulting Director [email protected] May 20 th , 2016

Why Test Automation Fails In Theory and In Practice · 2019. 2. 14. · Test Automation Industry – current trends Number of test automation tools have increased to over 25-30, focused

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Why Test Automation Fails

In Theory and In Practice

Jim Trentadue – Software Quality Consulting Director

[email protected]

May 20th, 2016

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2 Adoption challenges with Test Automation

3 Why are Test Automation adoptions failing


5 Correcting the Test Automation approach, concepts and applications

Why are Test Automation implementations failing

Test Automation Industry recap & current trends 1

Session recap 6

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Test Automation Industry:

Recap & Current Trends

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Test Automation Industry - recap

Record \ Playback

Structured Testing (invokes

more conditions)

Data Driven Keyword


Model / Object Based

Actions Based

Hybrid (combines 2 or more of

the previous frameworks)

First Record \ Playback tools appeared about 20-25 years ago

The primary objective was to test desktop applications. Some tools

could test broken URL links, but not dig into the objects

The tester was required to have scripting or programming knowledge

to make the tests run effectively, even in Record \ Playback

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Test Automation Industry – current trends

Number of test automation tools have increased to over 25-30, focused on

taking the scripting / programming out of the mix for the manual testers

Technical complexities have increased considerably to cover the following:

Manual Testers are slow to delve into test automation because almost every

market and open source solution requires some degree of coding

Products are becoming single niche tools, sometimes not offering a fully

integrated quality solution for the SQA organization

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Adoption of Test Automation;

Common myths and perceptions

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Adoption challenges

New challenges below have slowed productivity

Rapid deployment times to production

Shifts from a Waterfall SDLC to an Agile Methodology

How Test-Driven Development (TDD) impacts when to automate tests

How component testing such as: Database, Data Warehouse, Web-Service or

messaging testing impacts what tests to automate

To ensure success, many organizations have employed a Proof of Concept

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Common myths & perceptions

Test Automation

can’t be accomplished!

Significant increase in

time and people

Existing testers will

not be needed

Will serve all testing


Associates training will

have no impact

Implement with a click of a button

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Why is the Test Automation

adoption failing in organizations?

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Case Study 1: Management Struggles

Excerpts from a test engineer’s interaction with mgmt.

Experiences of Test Automation – Case Studies of Software Test Automation: Graham & Fewster

“It Must Be Good, I’ve Already

Advertised It”

Management’s intention was to reduce testing time for

the system test. There was no calculation for our

investment, we had to go with it because manual

testing was no longer needed. The goal was to

automate 100 % of all test cases.

“Testers Aren’t Programmers”

My manager hired testers not be to programmers

so he did not have more developers in the

department. Once told that some tools require

heavy scripting / coding, the message was relayed

that testers need to do “Advanced Scripting”, rather

than “Programming”

“Automate Bugs”

An idea by one manager was to automate bugs

we received from our customer care center. We

were told to read this bug and automate this

exact user action. Not knowing the exact

function, we hard-coded the user data into our

automation. We were automating bugs for

versions that were not in the field anymore.

“Impress Customers (the Wrong Way)”

My boss had the habit of installing the untested beta

versions for presentations of the software in front of the

customer. He would install unstable versions and then

call developers at 5:30am to fix immediately. We

introduced automated smoke tests to ensure good builds.

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Adoption questions

Aligned into categories for questions not answered or asked


• are the right people to create, maintain test cases and object repository information?

• may execute automated tests instead creating?

• will be the dedicated go to person(s) for the tool?


• is our organization’s definition of automated testing: what it is and what it is not?

• are the test automation objectives?

• is the expected testing coverage sought after with test automation?


• are testing resources available for this initiative?

• can training happen in relation to the procurement?

• are there project deadlines that compete against test automation?


• will the test automation take place; dedicated test environment?

• are the associates located? This will decide whether a training should be remote on onsite

• will a central repository reside?


• start a test automation initiative – what are the specific issues?

• run a vendor POC program; what do we want from this assessment?

• start with a top-down management approach?


• do our test automation objectives differ from our overall testing objectives?

• does manual testing fit into a test automation framework?

• will a full integrated quality suite function?

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Adoption Failures

The not so best practices & assumptions for adoption

• Manual Test Cases not written for automation

• Error handling is not considered as part of manual testing

• Modularity isn’t a key element for manual test case planning

Automates manual test


• Testers should just automate the entire regression test library

• Application changes instantly added to automated library

• Full overnight run with discrepancies logged as app. defect

Must cover 100% of the application

• Replace manual testing time with automated testing time

• Manual testers can automate their own tests

• Separate initiative is not required, ample time within project

Testers can automate

in a release

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Why is the Test Automation

implementation failing in organizations?

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Case Study 2: Choosing the Wrong Tool

• Goal was to automate testing of major functionality on web development tools for internet software development company

Background for the Case Study

• Most functional tests were executed manually. Some dated automation scripts could potentially serve useful if restored Pre-existing Automation

• The GUI had gone through major changes for the application. Tool had to be flexible with app. changes & easy to maintain

New Tool or Major Maintenance Effort?

• Consensus was tool required coding; difficult for manual testers. Also, native object recognition provided did not work

Moving Forward with existing tool?

• Understand how automated tools use objects and realize that identification by image was not adequate

What was done after the tool was replaced?

• Examine solutions that work best with the your applications and controls. Maintainability & error-handling should be critical Conclusion

Experiences of Test Automation – Case Studies of Software Test Automation: Graham & Fewster

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Implementation Failures

What could wrong when trying to use procured solution

• AUT uses technologies that don’t work with the tool

• Attempt to playback my recording doesn’t playback at all

• Multiple tools on varied technologies (Desktop, Web, Mobile)

Won’t work on my


• Heavy maintenance in re-recording tests for GUI changes

• Only for regression testing of legacy apps; not new apps

• Can’t work when deployed incrementally; key for Agile

Automate my AUT if it changes?

• No time with project schedules and over-allocation

• Marketed to testers with a development skillset

• Doesn’t require cross-department support

Complex for manual


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Correcting the Test Automation


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Adoption corrections

Changing the mindset concerning test automation

• Automated differs from manual with entry, data & exit criteria

• Error handling is an essential part of automated test cases

• Modularity is how automated test cases are developed

Automates manual test


• Start with regression library, but focus on tests with a high ROI

• App changes planned and automated in a maintenance window

• Failure analysis: Defect in the automated TC or AUT?

Must cover 100% of the application

• Initial cycle is longer than manual; cycle runtime reduced after

• Requires training on the tool, approach and best practices

• Separate initiative, defined unique objectives apart from projects

Testers can automate

in a release

Objectives aim for the highest ROI

TP includes automated and manual

Separate goals &


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Case Study 3: Multi-Solution Strategy • Leading electronic design automation company had products

comprised of over 120 programs. This was GUI-based and ported to all leading industry workstation hardware platforms

Background for the Case Study

Current Testing Activities

• Three distinct test phases:

• Evaluation (done by end-user),

• Integration

• System

• Integration & System done manually and consumed 38 person-weeks of effort for every software release on every platform

Proposed Solution

• Purchase solution or build internally

• Hire an outside consultant to validate the tool selection prior to purchase, then train testing staff

• DECISION: Build in-house tool

Integration test


•Completed under a year

•Manual: 2-person weeks

• Automated: 1-person week – but not everything could be automated

•Manual: 10 person-weeks on every platform

System test


•Automate in two phases: breadth and depth

•Manual: 8 person-weeks per platform

•Automated: 4 person-weeks total

•Total tests automated was approximately 79%

Test effort per platform cut in half

Consistent regression testing

Less dependent on system SME’s

Better use of testing resources

Key Benefits

Software Test Automation: Effective use of test execution tools – Fewster & Graham

First trial

Without automation

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Implementation corrections

Changing the approach to put automation into practice

• Develop criteria for vendors to prove their solution works

• Standardize object naming structure from Dev, very important

• Research fully integrated suites; vendor mgmt. will thank you!

Won’t work on my


• Find solution that you don’t re-record if adding new controls

• Consider starting your testing with automated tests to start

• Test automation should be a key element in sprint planning

Automate my AUT if it changes?

• Schedule a just-in-time training shortly after procurement

• Layout the resource plan on how every tester contributes

• Testing mgmt. can build the IT cross-functional support plan

Complex for manual


Develop a resource

plan for all

Understand the object landscape

POC will prove the solution

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Case Study 4: Automate Government System

Experiences of Test Automation – Case Studies of Software Test Automation: Graham & Fewster

• Speed up the Department of Defense (DoD), software delivery. Leading-edge technology, but lengthy testing & certification processes were in place before software can deploy

Background for the Case Study

•The tool has to be independent of the System Under Test; no modules should be added

Can’t Be Intrusive to System Under Test (SUT)

•The solution(s), had to go across Windows, Linux, Solaris, Mac, etc.

Must Be OS Independent

•The tool needed to support all languages that the applications were written in

Must Be Independent of the GUI

•The system should be able to handle operations through the GUI and backend processes

Must Automate Tests for Both Display & Non-Display Interfaces

•The tool needs to test a system of systems: multiple servers, monitors and displays interconnected to form one SUT

Must Work in a Networked Multicomputer Environment

•One of the main requirements from the DoD. Testers were SME’s in the application, but not software developers writing scripts. Needed a code-free solution.

Non-Developers Should Be Able to Use the Tool

•Needed a framework that could allow for test management activities, including documenting a test case in the Automated Test and Re-Test (ATRT) solution, along with a hierarchical breakdown of test cases into test steps and sub-steps

Must Support an Automated Requirements Traceability Matrix

Solutions selected

spanned across


Reduced test cycles

from 5 testers to 1

Testing department

worked on automated

test cases, both

creation and execution

Additional processes

for Test Case & Test

Data Management

were now enabled

Test Automation ROI

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Session recap

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Presentation Recap

Reviewing the main points of the presentation

Automation industry focused on desktop initially, but now must cover multi-technology

stacks to cover many platforms

Primary skillset for automation was programming, but solutions are available offering

code-free test automation

Common perceptions and myths will exist; review the list of questions to be asked to

drive your strategy

Present real-life case studies to management and ensure this does not occur during

your research and implementation

Review common failures in the theory and implementation; compare if any are

problematic in your organization

Make the corrective action for each failure step accordingly; incorporate test

automation as part of your overall test strategy

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Jim Trentadue – Software Quality Consulting Director

[email protected]