Persuasive Essay

Why visit siam

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Page 1: Why visit siam

Persuasive Essay

Page 2: Why visit siam

Siam is a very beautiful place to visit or go on vacation.

There are many reasons why, first it has a very deep

history. Second, it has a rich culture based on centuries

of traditions. Third, there are many beautiful sites to

see. Just take a little trip down to Siam and learn about

their history, culture, and see the wondrous sites.

Page 3: Why visit siam

Learning about Siam’s history is not very difficult, the whole place is

like one big history book. Some don’t know that there is an actual

place called “Ancient Siam” it is a real place, where you can learn

about the history and see how it was in the ancient times. Some

basic history about Siam is that some say it was founded by the

Thais people. It is also known that it got some of its influences

from time periods like, the Khmer, Lanna, Sukhothai, Ayutthaya,

Thonburi, and Rattanakosin.

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Siam’s culture is influenced by Indian religion and mythology.

Some of their customs is centered around their religious

beliefs. They highly believed in good behavior, excellent

etiquette, and no lying. Some of their traditions are on how

you greet others, like they use “Wai” to greet one another.

Others are on how you present yourself, they always smile

and it is disrespectful or rude not to smile.

Page 5: Why visit siam

There are many great places to go in Siam, like Bangkok. It’s

the capital city and it is home to some of the greatest

temples in Asia. Also visit Chiang Mai it is a smaller city near

Bangkok, it is a valley between mountains and is partially

covered in an ancient moat. Go down to southern Siam and

you will be able to go into some famous caves, like the

Dragon, Tiger, and Buddha caves. Do not forget to visit the

King’s grand palace in Bangkok.

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Some might say that Siam is just another country in Asia with

the same culture and traditions as the rest, but that is not

entirely true. Siam was influenced by other cultures, but

they do have their own unique culture and traditions. Others

might think that visiting Siam will be boring, but not at all.

Knowing the right places to visit will give you an outcome of a

great vacation. Siam is full of festivals each year and there

are so many places to eat and shop.

Page 7: Why visit siam

Visiting Siam will be a great relaxing adventure. Learn

about their history through the many places you can

visit. Also learn about their cultures and traditions, by

seeing others who are from there and use it everyday.

See the beautiful sites that Siam has to offer. Siam

can be a wonderful stay, learning bout history, culture,

and seeing wonderful sites all in one place.

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