Why you do not need to worry about your Preschooler’s vocabulary! Few parents understand the need to constantly remain in conversation with their 3 year olds. One would be surprised to know that by the age of 3, children have acquired and understood at least 900 to 1000 words which they use effectively to communicate with their parents. Preschoolers in Dubai are mainly of ages 3 to 5 years. This is an age where preschoolers learn to speak and communicate with the idea of getting a response. They simply love it when someone gives them the attention and actually continues a conversation with them. In reality this response is far more gratifying for them; compared to any other activity they involve themselves in at this age. Few parents understand the need to constantly remain in conversation with their 3 year olds. One would be surprised to know that by the age of 3, children have acquired and understood at least 900 to 1000 words which they use effectively to communicate with their parents. When I say effectively I mean they can pass on a message or confirm to a statement by saying yes or trying to form a statement that confirms to the same. A pretty impressive feat isn’t it? For a child who has barely been skimming through picture books and involved in non- structured play for the past one year. By the time children reach the age of 5, they will be able to construct sentences without problems. There would be the occasional corrections that parents would have to make, but it is often taken by

Why you do not need to worry about your preschooler's vocabulary

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Page 1: Why you do not need to worry about your preschooler's vocabulary

Why you do not need to worry about your Preschooler’s vocabulary!

Few parents understand the need to constantly remain in conversation with their 3 year olds. One would be surprised to know that by the age of 3, children have acquired and understood at least 900 to 1000 words which they use effectively to communicate with

their parents.

Preschoolers in Dubai are mainly of ages 3 to 5 years. This is an age where preschoolers learn to speak and communicate with the idea of getting a response. They simply love it when someone gives them the attention and actually continues a conversation with them. In reality this response is far more gratifying for them; compared to any other activity they involve themselves in at this age.

Few parents understand the need to constantly remain in conversation with their 3 year olds. One would be surprised to know that by the age of 3, children have acquired and understood at least 900 to 1000 words which they use effectively to communicate with their parents. When I say effectively I mean they can pass on a message or confirm to a statement by saying yes or trying to form a statement that confirms to the same. A pretty impressive feat isn’t it? For a child who has barely been skimming

through picture books and involved in non-structured play for the past one year.

By the time children reach the age of 5, they will be able to construct sentences without problems. There would be the occasional corrections that parents would have to make, but it is often taken by them in a manner by which they will remember, recall and improve on it, the next time they frame the same sentence. Their vocabulary set would have increased to a good 7000 words by the time they complete their fifth year and will need only minor grammatical errors such as using pronouns correctly and manners regarding when they need to talk and when they should not interrupt when they speak. Talking at this age unlike in their 3rd year is used less for wants and demands and more for communication and conversation. This is because preschoolers simply enjoy talking and conversing. They take pride in learning big words and will often try to spell them out. It simply fascinates them when they hear them on TV or when adults around them converse using such big words.

Page 2: Why you do not need to worry about your preschooler's vocabulary

The three years mentioned above, are vital when it comes to bringing a child with good speaking skills. Constant conversation helps them learn more words, so if you are a working parent it is wise that they are sent to day care or a nursery in Dubai so that the educators there engage in constant conversation with them. This also helps them when it comes to association as they understand what words mean; when one is engaged in a conversation or a related action. So the next time your 3 year old starts talking to you, make it a habit to question them back or give a reply when necessary.