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Wichita Public Schools · 2016-04-12 · of architects, engineers, auditors, dentists, medical doctors, lawyers, consultants, teachers, accountants, etc. 400 Purchased Property Services

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Page 1: Wichita Public Schools · 2016-04-12 · of architects, engineers, auditors, dentists, medical doctors, lawyers, consultants, teachers, accountants, etc. 400 Purchased Property Services

UUSSDD 225599 Wichita Public Schools

Sedgwick County

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Page 3: Wichita Public Schools · 2016-04-12 · of architects, engineers, auditors, dentists, medical doctors, lawyers, consultants, teachers, accountants, etc. 400 Purchased Property Services

Table of Contents District Budget

Code 01 ....................Certificate Page – shows adopted budget, expenditures and tax to be levied, and computation of delinquency

Code 02 ....................Resolutions for levy limits for tax funds (capital outlay, adult ed, historical museum, recreation commission)

Code 04 ....................Worksheet showing tax levy (motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, delinquency, estimates) Code 05 ....................Statement of Indebtedness (bond and interest – bonds issued, interest and principle) Code 05a .................Statement of conditional lease, lease purchase and certificate of participation (payments and int.) Code 06 ....................General Fund – Unencumbered cash balance; Revenue (local, county, state and federal) General Fund – Expenditures such as salaries, benefits, textbooks, supplies, operations and

maintenance, etc. Code 07 ....................Federal Funds – Unencumbered cash balance; Revenue - federal grants such as Title I, II, and IV Federal Funds – Expenditures such as salaries, benefits, textbooks, supplies, purchased services,

etc. Code 08 ....................Supplemental General (Local Option Budget) Revenue (local, county, state); tax levied Supplemental General (Local Option Budget) Expenditures such as salaries, supplies, equipment,

repairs and maintenance, communication services, and transfers to other funds Code 11 ....................At Risk 4yr Old – Revenue (local, federal) At Risk 4yr Old – Expenditures such as salaries, benefits, textbooks and supplies Code 13 ....................At Risk K-12 – Revenue (local, federal) At Risk K-12 – Expenditures such as salaries, benefits, textbooks, and supplies Code 14 ....................Bilingual Education – Revenue (local, federal) Bilingual Education – Expenditures such as salaries, purchased services, and supplies Code 15 ....................Virtual Education – Revenue (local) Virtual Education – Expenditures such as salaries, benefits, textbooks, supplies, operations and

maintenance, etc. Code 16 ....................Capital Outlay – Revenue [local, county, federal (impact aid construction)] Capital Outlay – Expenditures – equipment and furnishings, buses, property, repair and

remodeling, etc. Code 18 ....................Driver Training – Revenue (local, state) Driver Training – Expenditures such as salaries, supplies, equipment, etc. Code 24 ....................Food Service – Revenue (local, state, federal) Food Service – Expenditures such as salaries, energy, supplies (food and milk), equipment, etc. Code 26 ....................Professional Development – Revenue (local, state, federal), and expenditures for support services,

salaries, supplies, equipment, etc. Code 29 ....................Summer School – Revenue (local, federal) Summer School – instruction, salaries, supplies, equipment, energy, etc. Code 30 ....................Special Education – Revenue (local, state, federal) Special Education – Expenditures such as salaries, purchased services, property, supplies,

equipment, student transportation, etc. Code 34 ....................Vocational Education – Revenue (local, federal) Vocational Education – Expenditures such as salaries, purchased services, supplies, and

equipment Code 35 ....................Gifts and Grants – Revenue (local) Gifts and Grants – Expenditures for miscellaneous funds Code 42 ....................Special Liability Expense – Revenue (local, county) and expenditures Code 47 ....................Special Reserve Fund – Revenue (local) and expenditures for health care services, life insurance,

etc. Code 51 ....................KPERS – Revenue (state); Expenditures such as employee benefits Code 53 ....................Contingency Reserve – Revenue (transfer from general) Contingency Reserve – Expenditures such as salaries, supplies, equipment, property services, etc. Code 55 ....................Textbook & Student Material Revolving – Revenue (local) and expenditures for textbooks, musical

equipment, materials and supplies, etc. Code 56 ....................Activity Fund – Revenue (local) and expenditures for activities in which pupils may participate

directly or indirectly. This does not include student organizations or clubs. Code 62 ....................Bond and Interest (USD) #1 – Revenue (local, county, state) and expenditures for principle and

interest Code 99 ....................Notice of Hearing (published in newspaper) is a summary showing operating funds and total

expenditures, special education cooperative, total taxes levied and estimated tax rate. Other line items include library board, recreation commission, assessed valuation, lease purchase principle, and total USD debt.

Average Salary....................This page provides FTE and average salaries for administrators, teachers, licensed personnel, and substitutes.

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Table of Contents con’t Budget Profile Page 1 .......................Budget general information: general information about the community, contact information for

board members, names of key staff (administrators, business office and board clerk), and district accomplishments and challenges

Page 2 .......................Supplemental information for tables in Summary of Expenditures Page 3 .......................KSDE website information available

• K-12 statistics (building, district or state totals for attendance, enrollment, staff, graduates/dropouts, crime/violence)

• School Finance reports and publications (certified personnel, enrollment, dropouts, graduates, salary reports)

• Kansas Building Report Card (rates for attendance, graduation, dropouts, school violence; reading, math and writing assessments for all districts)

Summary of expenditures (sumexpen.xlsx) – Tables and graphs illustrate a 3-year comparison of expenditures by function, FTE enrollment, low income students, mill rates by fund, assessed valuation and bonded indebtedness.

Budget At A Glance Page 1 .......................Summary of Total Expenditures by function (all funds) Page 2 .......................Summary of General and Supplemental General Fund Expenditures by Function Page 3 .......................Instruction Expenditures Page 4 .......................Sources of Revenue (state, federal and local) and proposed budget for current year Page 5 .......................Enrollment and Low Income Students Page 6 .......................Mill Rates by Fund Page 7 .......................Assessed Valuation and Bonded Indebtedness Page 8 .......................Average Salary - This page provides FTE and average salaries for administrators, teachers,

licensed personnel, and substitutes. Page 9 .......................KSDE website information

• K-12 statistics (building, district or state totals for attendance, enrollment, staff, graduates/dropouts, crime/violence)

• School Finance reports and publications (certified personnel, enrollment, dropouts, graduates, salary reports)

• Kansas Building Report Card (rates for attendance, graduation, dropouts, school violence; reading, math and writing assessments for all districts)

Coding Expenditures in the Budget Document (Definitions for Functions, Subfunctions, Objects)

Funds in the USD budget document have a general definition as currently used under Kansas law which would include such funds as general, vocational education, special education, etc. Within each fund will be a breakdown by function, subfunction, object and subobject. This document will explain what expenditures should be charged under which code. Additional information can be found in the Kansas Accounting Handbook which is available on the KSDE School Finance website (located under Guidelines): http://www.ksde.org/Default.aspx?tabid=1877. This handbook explains in detail how functions, subfunctions and objects are used to breakdown expenditures in each of the funds, and includes a section with Guidelines for Activity Funds.

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Funds will have the general definition as currently used under Kansas law which would include such funds as general, vocational education, special education, etc. Within each fund will be a breakdown of 5 major functions performed by school personnel or activity. The function describes the activity for which a service or material object is acquired. These 5 major functions include instruction, support services, operation of non-instructional services, facilities acquisition and construction services, and other outlays such as debt service and fund transfers.

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CCooddiinngg tthhee UUSSDD BBuuddggeett DDooccuummeenntt……ccoonnttiinnuueedd

Functions are further broken down into subfunctions, service areas and areas of responsibility. The major subfunctions fall under the support services. The services include student support, instructional support, general administration, school administration, operations and maintenance, and other support services. Each of these levels consists of activities that have somewhat the same general operational objectives. Furthermore, categories of activities comprising each of these divisions and subdivisions are grouped according to the principle that the activities can be combined, compared, and are related. For example:

Function Subfunction Service area

Area of responsibility services

2000 2300 2310 2313

Support Services General Administration Board of Education Services Board Treasurer

An effort has been made to group together functions in relation to the magnitude of expenditures typically found in the LEA. This grouping corresponds to the categories most frequently requested in reporting to external authorities, especially the federal government. The numbering code for functions are always in even thousands, such as 1000; 2000; 3000; etc.

Within each function or subfunction will be a breakdown of expenditures that will be object codes. Examples of object codes would be salaries, employee benefits, purchased professional and technical services, purchased property services, other purchased services, supplies and equipment. The object codes may have a further breakdown by different types of expenditures under each object code. For example, salaries could be further broken down into salaries for teachers and other salaries for instruction.

Below are definitions taken from the Kansas Accounting Handbook explaining what expenditures should be charged under which code.


Code 1000 Instruction

Instruction includes the activities dealing directly with the interaction between teachers and students. Teaching may be provided for students in a school classroom, in another location such as a home or hospital, and in other learning situations such as those involving co-curricular activities. It may also be provided through some other approved medium such as two-way interactive video, television, radio, telephone, and correspondence. Included here are the activities of aides or classroom assistants of any type (clerks, graders, teaching machines, etc.) that assist in the instructional process.

Include only regular and part-time teachers, teacher aides, or assistants, homebound teachers, hospital based teachers, substitute teachers and teachers on sabbatical leave.

2000 Support Services

Support services provide administrative, technical (such as guidance and health), and logistical support to facilitate and enhance instruction. These services exist to fulfill the objectives of instruction, community services and enterprise programs, rather than as entities within themselves.

The subfunction of this function include: Student Support Services, Instructional Staff Support Services, General Administration, School Administration, Business, Operation and Maintenance of Plant Services, Student Transportation, Central Support, and Other Support.

3000 Operation of Non-Instructional Services Activities concerned with providing non-instructional services to students, staff or the community. This

would include such activities as food service operations, enterprise operations (such as LEA bookstores) and community services (such as recreation, public library, and historical museum).

4000 Facilities Acquisition and Construction Service

Activities concerned with acquiring land and buildings; remodeling buildings; constructing buildings and additions to buildings; initially installing or extending service systems and other built-in equipment; and improving sites.

5000 Other Services A number of outlays of governmental funds are not properly classified as expenditures, but still require

budgetary or accounting control. These are classified under Other Services. These include debt service payments (principal and interest) and certain transfers of monies from one fund to another.

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Definition - A subfunction is the next level of accounting breakdown under the functions. An illustration of this in the Support Services function would be: Code 2000 Support Services

2100 Student Support Services 2200 Instructional Staff Support Services 2300 General Administration 2400 School Administration 2500 Central Services 2600 Operation and Maintenance of Plant Services 2700 Student Transportation Services 2900 Other Support Services

The numbering code for the main subfunctions always has been hundreds in the last 3 digits such as 2100, 2200, etc.; 3100, 3200, etc. Further breakdown below the main subfunctions will continue such as:

2110 2111 2112


The final breakdown of expenditures is called object codes. The object codes include such expenditures as salaries, employee benefits, purchased services, supplies and equipment. A detailed breakdown of object codes is provided for those schools that would like a further breakdown.

Listed below are the nine major object codes and their definitions:

Code 100 Personal Services - Salaries - amounts paid to all employees of the district. This includes gross

salary for personal services rendered while in the payroll of the district.

200 Employee Benefits - Amounts paid by the district in behalf of employees; these amounts are not included in the gross salary, but are in addition to that amount. Such payments are fringe payments and, while not paid directly to employees, nevertheless are part of the cost of personal services. Used with all functions except 5000.

300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services - services which by their nature can be performed only by persons or firms with specialized skills and knowledge. Included are the services of architects, engineers, auditors, dentists, medical doctors, lawyers, consultants, teachers, accountants, etc.

400 Purchased Property Services - services purchased to operate, repair, maintain, and rent property owned or used by the district. These services are performed by persons other than district employees.

500 Other Purchased Services - amounts paid for services rendered by organizations or personnel not on the payroll of the district (separate from Professional and Technical Services or Property Services). While a product may or may not result from the transaction, the primary reason for the purchase is the service provided.

600 Supplies and Materials - amounts paid for items that are consumed, worn out, or deteriorated through use.

700 Property - expenditures for acquiring fixed assets, including land or existing buildings; improvements of grounds; initial equipment; additional equipment; and replacement of equipment.

800 Other Objects - amounts paid for goods and services not otherwise classified above.

900 Other Uses of Funds (Appropriated Funds Only) - this series of codes is used to classify transactions which are not properly recorded as expenditures to the LEA but require budgetary or accounting control. These include redemption of principal and interest on long-term debt and fund transfers. Used with governmental funds only.

There are no subfunctions in the Instruction function category.

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FFuunndd CCllaassssiiffiiccaattiioonn DDeessccrriippttiioonnss


General Fund, Supplemental General Fund (i.e. Local Option Budget/LOB) Accounts for all financial resources of the LEA except those required to be accounted for in another fund.

Special Revenue Funds (Adult Education, Special Liability Expense, Adult Supplemental Education, Bilingual Education, Virtual Education, Driver Training, Professional Development, Parent Education Program, Summer School, Special Education, Vocational Education, Textbook & Student Materials Revolving Fund, Capital Outlay Fund, Extraordinary School Program, Food Service, Extraordinary Growth Facility, Coop Special Education, Federal Funds, At Risk 4yr Old, At Risk K-12, Declining Enrollment, Tuition Reimbursement and KPERS.)

Account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources (other than expendable trusts or major capital projects) that are legally restricted to expenditure for specified purposes. Some examples of special revenue funds might include:

Restricted State or Federal grants-in-aid Restricted tax levies

A separate fund may be used for each restricted source, or one fund may be used supplemented by the dimension Project/Reporting code.

Capital Project Funds Account for bond proceeds used to acquire or construct major capital facilities.

Debt Service Funds (Bond & Interest, Special Assessment, No-Fund Warrants and Temporary Notes) Account for the accumulation of resources for, and the payment of general debt, principal and interest.

Internal Service Funds Internal Service Funds are used to account for the financing on a cost-reimbursement basis of goods or

services provided by one department or agency to other departments or outside agencies. This type of fund is used to ensure that all costs are accounted for and recovered through user fees. However, use of an internal service fund is not required. It is acceptable to use a special revenue fund for this purpose.

Trust and Agency Funds (Recreation Commission, Recreation Commission Employees Benefit, Library Board, Library Board Employees Benefit, Historical Museum, School Retirement, Special Reserve Fund, Contingency Reserve Fund, Gifts and Grants.)

General Fixed Asset Accounts All of a governmental unit's fixed assets which are not recorded in an enterprise, internal service, or trust

fund, should be recorded in the General Fixed Assets Account Group. This account group is not a fund and does not, therefore, report operations like the general fund or a special revenue fund. It is essentially a list of the district's fixed assets and is designed to help ensure accountability.

General Long-Term Debt Account Group All of a governmental unit's long-term debt that is not recorded in an enterprise, internal service, or trust

fund, should be recorded in the General Long-Term Debt Account Group. This account group is not a fund and does not, therefore report operations like the general fund or a special revenue fund. It is essentially a list of the district's unmatured debt such as general obligation bonds, temporary notes, and no-fund warrants. It would also include liabilities for certain compensated absences (vacation and sick leave) and other claims and judgments against the district.

NOTE: Student Activity Funds Accounts for moneys related to fees and user charges, gate receipts, school project accounts, student

organization accounts, and special revolving accounts. Go online to www.ksde.org, look under most requested topics and select > School Finance. Under School Finance Index, select Guidelines and Manuals and download the Kansas Accounting Handbook. Refer to the section called Guidelines for School Activity Funds that outlines the specific guidelines for these accounts.

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9/7/2012 2:32 PM Code No. 02


2012-2013Resolutions for LEVY LIMITS FOR TAX FUNDS

1. Capital Outlay*: Resolution dated 12/23/2009 authorizing 7.000 mills for 5 years. Limit 5 years.

2. Increase to Capital Outlay*: Resolution dated authorizing 0.000 mills for 0 years. Must expire

same time as original resolution.

3. Adult Education:Resolution dated authorizing 0.000 mills for 0 years. Limit 5 years.

4. Historical Museum: Tax Rate authorized by a petition dated authorizing mills.

5. Public Library: Resolution dated authorizing mills.

6. Recreation Commission: Resolution dated authorizing mills. (Attach a copy of each resolution.) The USD must have a copy of the separate recreation commission budget before making this levy.

* For any new resolutions 7-1-05 and after, the mill rate may not exceed 8 mills in total.

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9/26/2012 2:36 PM Code No. 04 Page 1


(Columns (1) through (5) must match Form 110)

Less Less 2011 Less FOR FISCAL YEAR 2012-2013Code Actual 3.450 Tax Tax 2011 Tax Motor Vehicle Recreational Amount of Estimate of 2012

04 2011 Allowance Received Refunded In Tax (includes Vehicle 2012 Tax to Taxes 1/1/2013Line Tax Levy for Delinquency in 2011-12 in 2011-12 Process 16/20M Tax) Tax be Levied 6/30/2013

Fund (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

General 01 47,621,018 1,642,925 43,920,633 645,317 1,412,143 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 47,078,741 42,680,645

Supplemental General 03 56,625,220 1,953,570 52,032,827 836,490 1,802,333 6,617,180 54,308 59,930,349 54,331,656

Adult Education 05 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Capital Outlay 10 15,804,238 545,246 14,522,493 233,467 503,032 1,847,263 15,161 11,736,998 10,640,528

Declining Enrollment 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

School Retirement 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Special Assessment 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Spec Liability Expense 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bond and Interest #1 40 24,841,022 857,015 22,832,289 366,962 784,756 2,903,328 23,828 24,581,441 22,285,043

Bond and Interest #2 45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Temporary Note 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

No-fund Warrant 55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Extraord Gowth Fac 57 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Recreation Commission 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Rec Comm Emp Bnfts & Spec Liab 65 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Public Library Board 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Public Lib Brd Emp Bnfts 71 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Historical Museum 75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Cost of Living 78 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL 80 144,891,498 133,308,242 2,082,236 11,367,771

Adult Education Computation – Taxes to be LeviedAssessed Valuation $2,600,132,581 x Adult Ed. Mill levy 0.000 = $0

Taxes to be Levied

Capital Outlay Computation – Taxes to be LeviedAssessed Valuation $2,600,132,581 x Capital Outlay Mill levy 4.514 = $11,736,998

Taxes to be LeviedTax Collection Ratio for 2011 92.006 %

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9/7/2012 2:32 PM Code No. 05

STATE OF KANSAS USD# 259Budget Form USD-D2012-2013


Date Int. Amount of Amount Date Due 2012-2013 July-Dec. 2013of Rate Bonds Outstanding

Issue % Issued 7/1/2012 Int. Prin. Int. Prin. Int. Prin.Purpose of Debt (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

Total xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx 0 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 0 0 0 0

Series 2002 9/15/2002 3.77 94,830,000 31,220,000 April Oct/April 780,500 5,320,000 323,750 0Series 2004 11/1/2004 3.47 31,990,000 26,370,000 March Sept/Mar 1,159,925 5,975,000 508,275 6,370,000Series 2005 6/28/2005 4.90 36,470,000 36,470,000 March Sept/Mar 1,653,133 5,325,000 762,160 5,500,000Series 2009A 5/27/2009 3.61 58,760,000 53,680,000 April Oct/April 2,474,350 25,000 1,237,050 250,000Series 2009B 5/27/2009 4.04 132,500,000 132,500,000 April Oct/April 8,241,500 2,000,000 4,120,750 0Series 2009C 12/15/2009 1.35 32,000,000 32,000,000 Mar,Jun,SepSept/Mar 432,000 216,000 2,000,000Series 2010A 3/3/2010 1.91 6,450,000 6,450,000 April Oct/April 193,750 50,000 96,625 100,000Series 2010B 3/3/2010 5.29 100,000,000 100,000,000 April Oct/April 5,311,400 2,655,700 0Series 2010C 9/1/2010 3.30 13,010,000 13,010,000 March Sept/Mar 427,500 213,750 0Series 2011A 6/1/2011 4.24 26,950,000 26,950,000 March Sept/Mar 1,236,650 618,325 4,995,000

Total xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx 458,650,000 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 21,910,708 18,695,000 10,752,385 19,215,000

If Bond and Interest levies are based on different assessed valuations due to territory changes, show such issues as a separate group. Use Bond and Interest #2, Code No. 63, for these issues.

Prior to July 1, 1992

After July 1, 1992

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9/7/2012 2:32 PM Code No. 05a



Term Total TotalDate of Int.* Outright Other Amount Principal

of Contract Rate Purchase Charges Financed Balance Due Payments Due Payments DueContract (Months) % Price In Contract (Beg Principal) 7/1/2012 2012-2013 July - Dec 2013

Item/Service Purchased (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

Xerox - Lease Copier 3/10/2009 3/31/2014 7.00 550,522 550,522 205,367 125,029 93,772

TOTAL $550,522 $0 $550,522 $205,367 $125,029 $93,772

*If you are merely leasing/renting with no intent to purchase, do not list--such transactions are not lease-purchases.

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9/7/2012 2:32 PM Code No. 06 Page 1


2012-201312 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.

Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013GENERAL 06 Actual Actual Budget

Line (1) (2) (3)UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE JULY 1 01 134,303 214,684 166,683Cancel of Prior Yr Enc 03 61,433 166,681REVENUE: 1000 LOCAL SOURCES 1110 Ad Valorem Tax Levied 2009 $ 05 906,012 2010 $ 10 43,428,625 1,102,094 2011 $ 15 43,920,633 1,412,143 2012 $ 20 42,680,645 1140 Delinquent Tax 25 731,725 1,230,811 821,873 1300 Tuition 1312 Individuals (Out District) 30 1320 Other School District/Govt Sources In-State 40 1330 Other School District/Govt Sources Out-State 45 1410 Transportation Fees 47 1700 Student Activities (Reimbursement) 50 1900 Other Revenue From Local Source 1910 User Charges 55 1980 Reimbursements 60 516,269 1985 State Aid Reimbursement**** 65 1,209,515 901,8942000 COUNTY SOURCES 2800 In Lieu of Taxes IRBs 85 23,620 03000 STATE SOURCES 3110 General State Aid 95 218,132,553 224,214,571 230,437,434 3130 Mineral Production Tax 115 1,212 3205 Special Education Aid 120 38,145,500 41,081,697 41,299,2954000 FEDERAL SOURCES 4599 ARRA Stabilization Funds 140 5,609,375 4604 Ed Jobs Funds 143 9,822,003 145,094 4820 PL 382 (Exclude Extra Aid for Children on Indian Land and Low Rent Housing) (formerly PL 874)* 145 05000 OTHER 5208 Transfer From Authorized Funds***** 165 0 4,756,624 2,267,451RESOURCES AVAILABLE 170 318,181,044 318,275,884 319,085,524TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS 175 317,966,360 318,109,201 319,085,524EXCESS REVENUE TO STATE *** 200 0 **UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE JUNE 30 190 214,684 166,683 xxxxxxxxxxx* Only deduct 70% of the estimated 2012-2013 P.L. 382 receipts. The 30% portion not deducted may be treated as miscellaneous revenue and placed in a fund designated under K.S.A. 72-6427 (categorical aid funds, program weighted funds or capital outlay.)** Line 170 minus Line 175. (Column 3 only.)*** Columns 1 & 2 would be amount sent to the State. Do Not Include General State Aid Overpayments.**** Includes Psychiatric Treatment Centers, Juvenile Detention\Flint Hills Job corporation payments and State Aid received as a result of adjustments to prior year P.L. 382 deduction (formerly 874), Teacher Mentoring Program, National Board Certified teacher payments, and Career and Technical Education state aid for students earning an industry recognized credential in a high need occupation.***** 2012 SB11 authorizes transfers from the approved funds to expend unencumbered cash balances as approved by the local board.

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9/7/2012 2:32 PM Code No. 06 Page 2



12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

GENERAL EXPENDITURES 06 Actual Actual BudgetLine (1) (2) (3)

1000 Instruction 100 Salaries 110 Certified 210 77,414,184 72,084,750 77,269,031 120 NonCertified 215 2,411,020 1,886,631 2,475,855 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 220 11,392,091 10,485,033 11,274,978 220 Social Security 225 6,086,997 5,637,239 6,062,826 290 Other 230 13,833,625 6,661,465 6,059,491 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 235 415,817 417,894 426,018 400 Purchased Property Services 237 40,758 62,478 56,783 500 Other Purchased Services 560 Tuition 561 Tuition/other State LEA's 240 562 Tuition/other LEA's outside the State 245 563 Tuition/Priv Sources 250 590 Other 255 490,388 589,364 641,549 600 Supplies 610 General Supplemental (Teaching) 260 3,025,519 3,378,739 3,162,124 644 Textbooks 265 23,206 650 Supplies (Technology Related) 267 53,159 238,592 55,057 680 Miscellaneous Supplies 270 844,893 1,068,994 466,067 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 275 939,627 3,013,520 264,602 800 Other 280 59,861 93,516 51,2262000 Support Services 2100 Student Support Services 100 Salaries 110 Certified 285 8,477,684 7,909,731 8,296,426 120 NonCertified 290 501,685 465,467 355,938 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 295 1,246,553 1,147,206 1,207,672 220 Social Security 300 680,461 633,392 657,820 290 Other 305 1,554,884 753,093 695,919 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 310 716,930 615,999 620,830 400 Purchased Property Services 313 2,381 17,570 12,833 500 Other Purchased Services 315 26,445 37,778 89,010 600 Supplies 320 71,253 94,689 176,437 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 325 18,872 35,525 21,654 800 Other 330 20,596 25,898 25,6202200 Instr Support Staff 100 Salaries 110 Certified 335 8,260,211 7,105,965 8,190,161 120 NonCertified 340 1,274,261 994,343 1,347,501 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 345 1,162,594 1,026,659 1,245,247 220 Social Security 350 730,184 613,769 725,128 290 Other 355 1,651,715 728,189 761,373 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 360 423,835 95,000 56,725 400 Purchased Property Services 363 26,006 14,304 22,935 500 Other Purchased Services 365 140,722 200,805 365,569

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9/7/2012 2:32 PM Code No. 06 Page 3



12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

GENERAL EXPENDITURES 06 Actual Actual BudgetLine (1) (2) (3)

600 Supplies 640 Books (not textbooks) and Periodicals 370 332,194 299,979 372,853 650 Technology Supplies 375 43,990 44,412 17,518 680 Miscellaneous Supplies 380 301,291 218,038 417,917 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 385 55,852 319,960 145,295 800 Other 390 2,915 1,247 8502300 General Administration 100 Salaries 110 Certified 395 959,232 1,117,124 1,143,765 120 NonCertified 400 555,198 536,917 552,903 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 405 150,214 119,345 138,808 220 Social Security 410 122,665 111,918 128,993 290 Other 415 292,490 172,469 205,541 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 420 52,127 11,979 92,472 400 Purchased Property Services 425 27,167 8,869 22,300 500 Other Purchased Services 520 Insurance 430 530 Communications (Telephone, postage, etc.) 435 17,429 13,567 26,630 590 Other 440 110,268 57,239 129,194 600 Supplies 445 92,867 83,808 136,593 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 450 14,336 44,754 14,466 800 Other 455 66,064 38,605 66,2002400 School Administration 100 Salaries 110 Certified 460 12,365,861 12,469,294 13,021,805 120 NonCertified 465 8,031,551 8,090,491 8,277,195 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 470 2,916,913 2,963,216 3,192,124 220 Social Security 475 1,553,909 1,558,901 1,619,314 290 Other 480 3,541,659 1,853,014 2,467,855 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 485 664 400 Purchased Property Services 490 5,605 1,467 1,467 500 Other Purchased Services 530 Communications (Telephone, postage, etc.) 495 87,443 87,994 77,571 590 Other 500 37,419 72,222 129,943 600 Supplies 505 80,944 103,866 130,577 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 510 31,279 62,187 36,660 800 Other 515 528 432 89

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12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

GENERAL EXPENDITURES 06 Actual Actual BudgetLine (1) (2) (3)

2600 Operations & Maintenance 100 Salaries 120 NonCertified 520 19,726,610 19,766,367 23,171,420 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 525 3,870,990 3,752,990 4,146,299 220 Social Security 530 1,749,122 1,751,523 1,761,669 290 Other 535 3,485,800 1,843,635 1,538,621 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 540 5,940 7,187 11,991 400 Purchased Property Services 411 Water/Sewer 545 420 Cleaning 550 40,000 40,000 43,700 430 Repairs & Maintenance 555 125,634 338,485 108,122 440 Rentals 560 63 128 460 Repair of Buildings 565 490 Other 570 484,900 405,000 434,594 500 Other Purchased Services 520 Insurance 575 331 590 Other 580 31,586 98,766 52,430 600 Supplies 610 General Supplies 585 1,751,711 1,895,599 1,831,527 620 Energy 621 Heating 590 622 Electricity 595 626 Motor Fuel (not schoolbus) 600 430,803 422,163 546,792 629 Other 605 680 Miscellaneous Supplies 610 46,569 46,171 24,819 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 615 17,762 761,352 63,280 800 Other 620 4,253 2,588 2,8502601 Operations & Maintenance (Transportation) 100 Salaries 120 NonCertified 622 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 623 220 Social Security 626 290 Other 628 300 Purchased and Professional Technical Services 630 400 Purchased Property Services 632 500 Other Purchased Services 634 600 Supplies 610 General Supplies 636 620 Energy 621 Heating 638 622 Electricity 640 626 Motor Fuel (not schoolbus) 642 629 Other 644 680 Miscellaneous Supplies 646 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 648 800 Other 650

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12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

GENERAL EXPENDITURES 06 Actual Actual BudgetLine (1) (2) (3)

2700 Student Transportation Serv2720 Supervision 100 Salaries 120 NonCertified 652 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance 654 220 Social Security 656 290 Other 658 600 Supplies 660 730 Equipment 662 800 Other 6642710 Vehicle Operating Services 100 Salaries 120 NonCertified 666 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance 668 220 Social Security 670 290 Other 672 442 Rent of Vehicles (lease) 674 500 Other Purchased Services 513 Contracting of Bus Services 676 519 Mileage in Lieu of Trans 678 73,065 67,196 87,000 520 Insurance 680 626 Motor Fuel 682 730 Equipment (Including Buses) 684 800 Other 6862730 Vehicle Services& Maintenance Services 100 Salaries 120 NonCertified 688 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance 690 220 Social Security 692 290 Other 694 300 Purchased Professional and Tech Services 696 400 Purchased Property Services 698 500 Other Purchased Services 700 600 Supplies 702 730 Equipment 704 800 Other 7062790 Other Student Transportation Services 100 Salaries 120 NonCertified 708 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance 710 220 Social Security 712 290 Other 714 300 Purchased Professional and Tech Services 716 400 Purchased Property Services 718 500 Other Purchased Services 720 600 Supplies 722 730 Equipment 724 800 Other 726

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12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

GENERAL EXPENDITURES 06 Actual Actual BudgetLine (1) (2) (3)

2500, 2900 Other Supplemental Service 100 Salaries 110 Certified 730 318,765 238,442 747,103 120 NonCertified 735 612,112 340,804 325,823 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance 740 106,200 113,280 124,950 220 Social Security 745 71,102 65,786 173,255 290 Other 750 192,276 256,063 223,034 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 755 333,120 356,509 660,361 400 Purchased Property Services 760 2,493 1,492 4,000 500 Other Purchased Services 765 47,908 49,112 67,699 600 Supplies 770 48,389 59,886 102,034 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 775 47,374 15,849 86,705 800 Other 780 1,490 2,684 3,6003300 Community Services Operations 7854300 Architectural & Engineering Services 7905200 TRANSFER TO: 932 Adult Education 795 0 0 0 934 Adult Suppl Education 800 0 0 0 936 Bilingual Education 805 2,349,438 2,863,637 2,863,637 937 Virtual Education 807 1,775,587 1,895,292 2,279,514 938 Capital Outlay 810 413,715 0 0 940 Driver Training 815 0 0 0 943 Extraordinary School Prog 823 0 0 0 944 Food Service 825 0 0 0 946 Professional Development 830 0 767,424 767,424 948 Parent Education Program 835 217,556 0 0 949 Summer School 837 0 0 0 950 Special Education 840 43,269,571 59,816,102 49,069,012 954 Vocational Education 850 121,249 121,249 121,249 960 Special Reserve Fund 853 0 0 0 963 Special Liability Expense Fund 855 0 0 0 972 Contingency Reserve** 885 0 0 0 974 Textbook & Student Materials Revolving Fund 889 1,335,358 1,356,816 1,941,325 976 At Risk (4yr Old) 891 4,477,551 4,814,211 4,814,211 978 At Risk (K-12) 893 54,511,807 55,178,171 55,178,171TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS* xxxx 317,966,360 318,109,201 319,085,524

* Enter on Code 06, Line 175.** The maximum amount of money which can be carried in the Contingency Reserve Fund is 10% of the legal maximum general fund budget.

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12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

Federal Funds 07 Actual Actual Budget(Monies Not Included in Other Funds) Line (1) (2) (3)

UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE JULY 1 01 1,265,561 -141,630 -661,001Cancel of Prior Yr Enc 03 320,118 449,789REVENUE: 4000 FEDERAL SOURCES-GRANTS

4591 Title I* 010 27,735,683 24,596,275 26,554,7164593 Title II** 015 4,196,457 4,034,314 3,501,0984594 Title IV (Drug Free) 020 31,762 233,660 XXXXXXXXXX4602 Title IV (21st Century) 0224597 Reading First 045 XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX4601 Title III (English Language Acquisition) 060 765,087 598,735 677,2504603 Charter Schools 0624599 Other 075 3,758,585 3,757,905 3,736,916

RESOURCES AVAILABLE 170 38,073,253 33,529,048 33,808,979TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS 175 38,214,883 34,190,049 33,808,979UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE JUNE 30 190 -141,630 -661,001 0*This would include programs such as (but not limited to) Migrant; Neglected/Delinquent. This would also include regular allocations and ARRA recovery funds.**This would include programs such as (but not limited to) Title II-A Teacher Quality; Title II-D Education Technology. This would also include regular allocations and ARRA recovery funds.

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12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

Federal Funds Expenditures 07 Actual Actual Budget (Monies Not Included in Other Funds) Line (1) (2) (3)

1000 Instruction 100 Salaries 110 Certified 210 3,229,630 3,790,558 4,163,462 120 NonCertified 215 2,444,501 2,955,287 3,824,708 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 220 880,466 848,682 1,556,409 220 Social Security 225 426,642 512,903 611,096 290 Other 230 279,296 317,823 325,595 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 235 1,734,928 1,550,738 1,554,978 400 Purchased Property Services 237 201 747 500 Other Purchased Services 560 Tuition 561 Tuition/other State LEA's 240 562 Tuition/other LEA's outside the State 245 563 Tuition/Priv Sources 250 7,693 7,202 7,203 590 Other 255 1,286,395 1,606,410 1,554,768 600 Supplies 610 General Supplemental (Teaching) 260 1,757,026 1,252,543 1,004,670 644 Textbooks 265 650 Supplies (Technology Related) 267 805,719 1,828,934 1,036,095 680 Miscellaneous Supplies 270 584,446 209,875 113,238 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 275 3,677,496 1,998,263 1,527,481 800 Other 280 8,656 285 2852000 Support Services 2100 Student Support Services 100 Salaries 110 Certified 285 1,822,357 1,884,474 1,729,663 120 NonCertified 290 1,646,770 1,218,957 1,053,260 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 295 483,685 426,740 765,611 220 Social Security 300 260,881 234,872 212,893 290 Other 305 196,337 190,601 182,731 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 310 104,786 5,500 500 400 Purchased Property Services 313 500 Other Purchased Services 315 26,808 22,618 12,884 600 Supplies 320 122,656 257,726 73,994 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 325 18,204 17,419 14,288 800 Other 3302200 Instr Support Staff 100 Salaries 110 Certified 335 7,635,534 5,961,368 6,401,964 120 NonCertified 340 52,590 58,412 49,831 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 345 895,208 638,796 1,294,472 220 Social Security 350 575,959 455,331 493,561 290 Other 355 472,196 380,091 409,442 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 360 2,192,951 1,274,186 610,187 400 Purchased Property Services 363 20,366 4,085 3,685 500 Other Purchased Services 365 673,765 666,074 300,323

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12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

Federal Funds Expenditures 07 Actual Actual Budget(Monies Not Included in Other Funds) Line (1) (2) (3)

600 Supplies 640 Books (not textbooks) and Periodicals 370 283,877 113,292 87,968 650 Technology Supplies 375 15,760 12,691 6,849 680 Miscellaneous Supplies 380 182,976 178,689 154,763 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 385 78,332 112,616 35,268 800 Other 390 154 915 9152300 General Administration 100 Salaries 110 Certified 395 110,474 164,812 97,082 120 NonCertified 400 417,789 413,454 384,993 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 405 86,878 80,240 152,220 220 Social Security 410 39,316 43,357 36,879 290 Other 415 33,215 44,043 41,708 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 420 416,882 344,926 98,508 400 Purchased Property Services 425 7,275 5,617 5,617 500 Other Purchased Services 520 Insurance 430 530 Communications (Telephone, postage, etc.) 435 5,259 17,850 17,850 590 Other 440 20,668 11,845 11,792 600 Supplies 445 30,444 22,968 21,632 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 450 33,927 29,332 26,469 800 Other 455 102400 School Administration 100 Salaries 110 Certified 460 31,864 35,374 34,468 120 NonCertified 465 173,707 147,999 99,382 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 470 24,237 21,595 42,834 220 Social Security 475 15,713 14,024 10,240 290 Other 480 6,857 6,476 5,953 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 485 400 Purchased Property Services 490 1,010 500 Other Purchased Services 530 Communications (Telephone, postage, etc.) 495 113,485 32,373 20,627 590 Other 500 3,416 3,411 2,575 600 Supplies 505 747 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 510 75 2,097 800 Other 515

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12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

Federal Funds Expenditures 07 Actual Actual Budget(Monies Not Included in Other Funds) Line (1) (2) (3)

2600 Operations & Maintenance 100 Salaries 120 NonCertified 520 23,077 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 525 1,180 220 Social Security 530 1,762 290 Other 535 1,464 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 540 400 Purchased Property Services 411 Water/Sewer 545 420 Cleaning 550 430 Repairs & Maintenance 555 1,148 440 Rentals 560 460 Repair of Buildings 565 490 Other 570 500 Other Purchased Services 520 Insurance 575 77,993 65,040 63,806 590 Other 580 1,459 600 Supplies 610 General Supplies 585 620 Energy 621 Heating 590 622 Electricity 595 626 Motor Fuel (not schoolbus) 600 629 Other 605 680 Miscellaneous Supplies 610 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 615 20,000 20,000 800 Other 6202700 Student Transportation Services2710 Vehicle Operating Services 100 Salaries 120 NonCertified 625 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance 630 220 Social Security 635 290 Other 640 442 Rent of Vehicles (lease) 645 500 Other Purchased Services 513 Contracting of Bus Services 650 15,788 17,666 12,202 519 Mileage in Lieu of Trans 655 32,770 12,593 520 Insurance 660 626 Motor Fuel 665 730 Equipment (including buses) 670 800 Other 675

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12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

Federal Funds Expenditures 07 Actual Actual Budget(Monies Not Included in Other Funds) Line (1) (2) (3)

2500, 2900 Other Supplemental Service 100 Salaries 110 Certified 680 120 NonCertified 685 1,585,864 1,434,332 1,349,604 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance 690 220 Social Security 695 290 Other 700 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 705 400 Purchased Property Services 710 500 Other Purchased Services 715 37 600 Supplies 720 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 725 800 Other 7303000 Operation of Noninstructional Services3100 Food Service Operation 100 Salaries 110 Certified 735 25,016 120 NonCertified 740 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance 745 220 Social Security 750 1,895 290 Other 755 445 500 Other Purchased Services 520 Insurance 760 570 Food Service Management 765 590 Other Purchased Services 770 600 Supplies 630 Food & Milk 775 74,846 120,477 58,228 680 Miscellaneous Supplies 780 6,522 6,517 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 785 160 160 800 Other 7903300 Community Services Operations 7954300 Architectural & Engineering Services 800TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS xxxx 38,214,883 34,190,049 33,808,979

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12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

(LOCAL OPTION) 08 Actual Actual BudgetLine (1) (2) (3)

UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE JULY 1 01 3,898,144 0 2,737,659Cancel of Prior Year Encumbrances 03 395,349 232,249REVENUE:1000 LOCAL SOURCES 1110 Ad Valorem Tax Levied 2009 $ 10 1,211,700 2010 $ 15 49,040,843 1,426,545 2011 $ 20 52,032,827 1,802,333 1140 Delinquent Tax 25 997,152 1,484,671 977,274 1410 Transportation Fees 47 1980 Reimbursements 602000 COUNTY SOURCES 2400 Motor Vehicle Tax (Includes 16/20M Tax) 70 6,381,981 6,268,177 6,617,180 2450 Recreational Vehicle Tax 75 50,255 47,435 54,308 2800 In Lieu of Taxes IRBs 85 24,849 03000 STATE SOURCES 3140 Supplemental State Aid 95 39,597,998 37,470,372 41,874,3214000 FEDERAL SOURCES 4599 ARRA Stabilization Funds 140 XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXRESOURCES AVAILABLE 170 101,573,422 98,987,125 54,063,075TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS 175 101,573,422 96,249,466 107,856,793TAX REQUIRED (175 minus 170) 195 53,793,718PERCENT OF COLLECTION* 196 90.658 %TOTAL 2012 TAX REQUIRED (195÷196) 197 59,336,979Delinquent Tax 200 593,370AMOUNT OF 2012 TAX TO BE LEVIED Line 197 + Line 200 205 59,930,349UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE JUNE 30 207 0 2,737,659 xxxxxxxxxxx

*From Form 110, Table I, Line 2. 12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013


1000 Instruction . 100 Salaries 110 Certified 210 120 NonCertified 215 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 220 220 Social Security 225 290 Other 230 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 235 2,000 8,609 13,000 400 Purchased Property Services 237 500 Other Purchased Services 560 Tuition 561 Tuition/other State LEA's 240 562 Tuition/other LEA's outside the State 245 563 Tuition/Priv Sources 250 590 Other 255 1,500 600 Supplies 610 General Supplemental(Teaching) 260 91,472 644 Textbooks 265 650 Supplies (Technology Related) 267 680 Miscellaneous Supplies 270 746,847 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 275 2,600,714 263,801 581,322 800 Other 280

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12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL 08 Actual Actual Budget(LOCAL OPTION) Line (1) (2) (3)

2000 Support Services 2100 Student Support Services 100 Salaries 110 Certified 285 120 Non-Certified 290 163,671 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 295 28,320 220 Social Security 300 12,521 290 Other 305 11,473 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Serv 310 407 400 Purchased Property Services 313 1,500 500 Other Purchased Services 315 1,580 600 Supplies 320 2,637 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 325 800 Other 3302200 Instr Support Staff 100 Salaries 110 Certified 335 158,161 275,525 291,435 120 NonCertified 340 39,687 35,684 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 345 22,420 35,400 28,320 220 Social Security 350 14,739 23,276 22,295 290 Other 355 12,286 21,206 25,110 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Serv 360 5,000 400 Purchased Property Services 363 1,850 500 Other Purchased Services 365 6,930 600 Supplies 640 Books (not textbooks) and Periodicals 370 650 Technology Supplies 375 1,298,544 680 Miscellaneous Supplies 380 181 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 385 800 Other 390 34,0762300 General Administration 100 Salaries 110 Certified 395 122,438 131,033 139,463 120 NonCertified 400 348,179 208,975 195,561 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 405 34,810 21,240 21,240 220 Social Security 410 32,423 22,703 25,629 290 Other 415 51,436 42,667 43,026 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 420 16,925 344,172 202,500 400 Purchased Property Services 425 452 1,867 500 Other Purchased Services 520 Insurance 430 530 Communications (Telephone, postage, etc.) 435 1,224 1,185 1,350 590 Other 440 190 79 3,938 600 Supplies 445 7,023 15,364 21,000 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 450 6,199 6,365 13,000 800 Other 455 180,099 203,459 23,013

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12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL 08 Actual Actual Budget(LOCAL OPTION) Line (1) (2) (3)

2400 School Administration 100 Salaries 110 Certified 460 120 Non-Certified 465 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 470 220 Social Security 475 290 Other 480 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 485 400 Purchased Property Services 490 500 Other Purchased Services 530 Communications (Telephone, postage, etc.) 495 590 Other 500 600 Supplies 505 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 510 800 Other 5152600 Operations & Maintenance 100 Salaries 120 Non-Certified 520 360,186 194,498 199,473 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 525 46,020 21,240 21,240 220 Social Security 530 27,642 15,071 15,260 290 Other 535 19,900 12,920 16,034 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 540 15,587 18,736 3,811 400 Purchased Property Services 411 Water/Sewer 545 608,895 634,835 1,113,343 420 Cleaning 550 430 Repairs & Maintenance 555 440 Rentals 560 460 Repair of Buildings 565 490 Other 570 500 Other Purchased Services 520 Insurance 575 901,916 980,000 1,013,670 590 Other 580 5,276 5,545 7,972 600 Supplies 610 General Supplies 585 1,973 1,153 2,862 620 Energy 621 Heating 590 1,623,586 1,211,595 2,454,554 622 Electricity 595 5,737,397 6,426,625 7,171,677 626 Motor Fuel (not schoolbus) 600 629 Other 605 680 Miscellaneous Supplies 610 6,825 3,335 12,125 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 615 2,267 7,372 800 Other 620 50

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12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL 08 Actual Actual Budget(LOCAL OPTION) Line (1) (2) (3)

2601 Operations & Maintenance (Transportation) 100 Salaries 120 NonCertified 622 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 623 220 Social Security 626 290 Other 628 300 Purchased and Professional Technical Services 630 400 Purchased Property Services 632 500 Other Purchased Services 634 600 Supplies 610 General Supplies 636 620 Energy 621 Heating 638 622 Electricity 640 626 Motor Fuel (not schoolbus) 642 629 Other 644 680 Miscellaneous Supplies 646 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 648 800 Other 6502700 Student Transportation Serv2720 Supervision 100 Salaries 120 NonCertified 652 421,322 453,439 490,658 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance 654 61,596 66,611 74,340 220 Social Security 656 32,082 34,165 37,535 290 Other 658 26,200 35,778 41,826 600 Supplies 660 730 Equipment 662 800 Other 6642710 Vehicle Operating Services 100 Salaries 120 NonCertified 666 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance 668 220 Social Security 670 290 Other 672 442 Rent of Vehicles (lease) 674 500 Other Purchased Services 513 Contracting of Bus Services 676 13,383,948 12,824,225 13,964,206 519 Mileage in Lieu of Trans 678 6,252 8,809 10,000 520 Insurance 680 626 Motor Fuel 682 1,851,535 1,723,398 3,148,237 730 Equipment (Including Buses) 684 800 Other 6862730 Vehicle Services& Maintenance Services 100 Salaries 120 NonCertified 688 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance 690 220 Social Security 692 290 Other 694 300 Purchased Professional and Tech Services 696 400 Purchased Property Services 698 500 Other Purchased Services 700 600 Supplies 702 730 Equipment 704 800 Other 706

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12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL 08 Actual Actual Budget(LOCAL OPTION) Line (1) (2) (3)

2790 Other Student Transportation Services 100 Salaries 120 NonCertified 708 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance 710 220 Social Security 712 290 Other 714 300 Purchased Professional and Tech Services 716 42,526 57,910 400 Purchased Property Services 718 500 Other Purchased Services 720 4,464 6,233 9,105 600 Supplies 722 17,864 53,468 19,257 730 Equipment 724 1,982 9,809 2,300 800 Other 726 1562500, 2900 Other Supplemental Services 100 Salaries 110 Certified 730 276,209 137,643 170,025 120 NonCertified 735 1,485,516 420,562 3,263,508 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance 740 974,916 949,487 1,003,236 220 Social Security 745 557,081 547,767 582,034 290 Other 750 496,210 571,386 637,507 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 755 817,158 453,301 501,123 400 Purchased Property Services 760 559,448 786,818 355,371 500 Other Purchased Services 765 1,161,848 436,247 4,549,152 600 Supplies 770 2,050,414 4,432,591 5,435,234 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 775 1,116,108 1,347,231 542,869 800 Other 780 146,141 144,257 147,1223300 Community Services Operations 7854300 Architectural & Engineering Services 7905200 TRANSFER TO: 930 General (Not Ending Balance) 792 0 0 0 932 Adult Education 795 0 0 0 934 Adult Suppl Education 800 0 0 0 936 Bilingual Education 805 8,375,373 8,517,648 9,453,317 937 Virtual Education 810 0 0 0 940 Driver Training 815 0 0 0 943 Extraordinary School Prog 823 0 0 0 944 Food Service 825 0 0 0 946 Professional Development 830 0 247,405 247,405 948 Parent Education Program 835 247,405 0 0 949 Summer School 837 0 0 0 950 Special Education 840 28,586,000 27,169,736 23,683,642 954 Vocational Education 850 7,940,175 7,940,175 8,394,651 963 Special Liability Expense Fund 855 0 0 0 974 Textbook & Student Materials Revolving 880 0 0 0 976 At Risk (4yr Old) 885 235,093 235,093 0 978 At Risk (K-12) 890 15,505,548 15,505,548 17,122,519TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS* xxxx 101,573,422 96,249,466 107,856,793

* Enter on Code 08, Line 175.

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2012-201312 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo. 18 mo.

Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 FinancingADULT EDUCATION 10 Actual Actual Budget Required

Line (1) (2) (3) (4)UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE, JULY 1 01 67,510 2,471 328 328Cancel of Prior Years Encumbrance 03REVENUE: 1000 LOCAL SOURCES 1110 Ad Valorem Tax Levied 2009 $ 05 2010 $ 10 2011 $ 15 0 0 0 2012 $ 20 0 0 1140 Delinquent Tax 25 617 328 0 0 1310 Tuition Individuals-Class Fees 30 0 July - December Estimate 35 1510 Interest on Idle Funds 40 0 July - December Estimate 45 1900 Other Revenue From Local Source 1940 Sale & Rent of Textbook 50 0 July - December Estimate 55 1990 Miscellaneous 60 172 172 July - December Estimate 652000 COUNTY SOURCES 2400 Motor Vehicle Tax (Includes 16/20M Tax) 75 0 0 July - December Estimate 80 0 2450 Recreational Vehicle Tax 85 0 0 July - December Estimate 86 0 2800 In Lieu of Taxes I.R.B.s 90 0 0 July - December Estimate 95 03000 STATE SOURCES 3201 Adult Basic Aid 100 0 July - December Estimate 1054000 FEDERAL SOURCES 4540 Adult Education Aid 110 0 July - December Estimate 1155000 OTHER 5206 Transfer From General 120 0 0 0 0 July - December Estimate 125 5208 Transfer From Supplemental General 130 0 0 0 0 July - December Estimate 135 5253 Transfer From Contingency Reserve 140 0 0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx July - December Estimate 145 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxRESOURCES AVAILABLE 170 68,127 2,799 500 500TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS 175 65,656 2,471 500 500 July - December Estimate 180 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURE (18 MO) 185 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 500UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE JUNE 30 190 2,471 328 0 xxxxxxxxxxxxx

(a) Enter in Column (4) the Amount of Tax to be Levied reported on the Certificate, Line 10.

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12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

ADULT EDUCATION EXPENDITURES 10 Actual Actual BudgetLine (1) (2) (3)

1000 Instruction 100 Salaries 110 Certified 210 120 NonCertified 215 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 220 220 Social Security 225 290 Other 230 300 Purchased Professional and Tech Services 235 400 Purchased Property Services 237 500 Other Purchased Services 560 Tuition 240 204 340 590 Other 245 99 425 600 Supplies 610 General Supplemental(Teaching) 250 1,717 500 644 Textbooks 255 650 Supplies (Technology Related) 257 680 Miscellaneous Supplies 260 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 265 800 Other 2702000 Support Services 2100 Student Support Services 100 Salaries 110 Certified 275 120 NonCertified 280 34,699 481 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 285 14,160 220 Social Security 290 2,458 37 290 Other 295 1,771 8 300 Purchased Professional and Tech Services 300 400 Purchased Property Services 303 500 Other Purchased Services 305 600 Supplies 310 10,004 1,180 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 315 800 Other 3202200 Instructional Support Staff 100 Salaries 110 Certified 325 120 NonCertified 330 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 335 220 Social Security 340 290 Other 345 300 Purchased Professional and Tech Services. 350 400 Purchased Property Services 353 500 Other Purchased Services 355 600 Supplies 640 Books(not textbooks) Periodicals 360 650 Technology Supplies 365 680 Miscellaneous Supplies 370 544 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 375 800 Other 380

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12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

ADULT EDUCATION EXPENDITURES 10 Actual Actual BudgetLine (1) (2) (3)

2330 Special Area Administration Services 100 Salaries 110 Certified 385 120 NonCertified 390 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 395 220 Social Security 400 290 Other 405 300 Purchased Professional and Tech Services. 410 400 Purchased Property Services 415 500 Other Purchased Services 420 600 Supplies 425 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 430 800 Other 4352600 Operations & Maintenance 100 Salaries 120 NonCertified 440 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 445 220 Social Security 450 290 Other 455 300 Purchased Professional and Tech Services. 460 400 Purchased Property Services 465 500 Other Purchased Services 470 600 Supplies 610 General Supplies 475 620 Energy 621 Heating 480 622 Electricity 485 626 Motor Fuel (not school bus) 490 629 Other 495 680 Miscellaneous Supplies 500 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 505 800 Other 510TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS* xxxx 65,656 2,471 500*Enter on Code 10, Line 175.

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12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

AT RISK FUND (4 Year Old) 11 Actual Actual BudgetLine (1) (2) (3)

UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE JULY 1 01 521,491 554,180 895,422Cancel of Prior Year Encumbrance 03 419 148REVENUE: 1000 LOCAL SOURCES 1300 Tuition 1312 Individuals 05 1315 Individual (Summer School) 15 1320 Other School District/Govt Sources In-State 25 1510 Interest on Idle Funds 35 1700 Student Activities(Reimbursement) 45 1900 Other Revenue From Local Source 1990 Miscellaneous 754000 FEDERAL SOURCES 4590 Other Federal Aid 1155000 OTHER 5206 Transfer From General 135 4,477,551 4,814,211 4,814,211 5208 Transfer From Supplemental General 140 235,093 235,093 0 5253 Transfer From Contingency Reserve 145 0 0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxRESOURCES AVAILABLE 170 5,234,554 5,603,632 5,709,633TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS 175 4,680,374 4,708,210 5,706,268UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE JUNE 30 190 554,180 895,422 3,365

12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.AT RISK FUND (4 Year Old) Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

EXPENDITURES 11 Actual Actual BudgetLine (1) (2) (3)

1000 Instruction 100 Salaries 110 Certified 210 1,950,026 1,954,919 2,138,878 120 NonCertified 215 947,901 900,598 1,048,874 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 220 594,130 584,690 623,040 220 Social Security 225 220,019 216,538 243,864 290 Other 230 179,893 193,892 218,721 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 235 135,366 303,214 402,000 400 Purchased Property Services 237 38,552 500 Other Purchased Services 560 Tuition 561 Tuition/other State LEA's 240 563 Tuition/Priv Sources 245 590 Other 250 12,582 9,747 18,500 600 Supplies 610 General Supplemental (Teaching) 255 26,371 33,193 34,083 644 Textbooks 260 650 Supplies (Technology Related) 263 680 Miscellaneous Supplies 265 1,984 2,000 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 270 781 129 4,400 800 Other 275 5,451 180 267,3512000 Support Services 2100 Student Support Services 100 Salaries 110 Certified 280 174,348 158,220 173,573 120 NonCertified 285

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12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.AT RISK FUND (4 Year Old) Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

EXPENDITURES 11 Actual Actual BudgetLine (1) (2) (3)

200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 290 28,042 25,904 27,769 220 Social Security 295 13,131 11,827 13,278 290 Other 300 11,689 11,673 13,415 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 305 400 Purchased Property Services 307 500 Other Purchased Services 310 600 Supplies 315 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 320 45,300 800 Other 3252200 Instr Support Staff 100 Salaries 110 Certified 330 122,206 127,606 175,545 120 NonCertified 335 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 340 14,160 14,160 21,240 220 Social Security 345 9,175 9,608 13,429 290 Other 350 7,037 7,793 12,041 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 355 400 Purchased Property Services 357 500 Other Purchased Services 360 5,184 6,135 11,250 600 Supplies 640 Books(not textbooks)and Periodicals 365 650 Technology Supplies 370 680 Miscellaneous Supplies 375 293 6 500 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 380 557 800 Other 3852400 School Administration 100 Salaries 110 Certified 390 120 NonCertified 395 54,312 8,278 70,161 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 400 8,260 590 220 Social Security 405 4,177 561 5,367 290 Other 410 2,794 368 1,340 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 415 500 Other Purchased Services 420 8,000 600 Supplies 425 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 430 800 Other 4352600 Operations & Maintenance 100 Salaries 120 NonCertified 440 13,234 875 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 445 1,475 220 Social Security 450 1,003 67 290 Other 455 687 77 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 460

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12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.AT RISK FUND (4 Year Old) Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

EXPENDITURES 11 Actual Actual BudgetLine (1) (2) (3)

400 Purchased Property Services 411 Water/Sewer 465 420 Cleaning 470 430 Repairs & Maintenance 475 440 Rentals 480 490 Other 485 500 Other Purchased Services 490 600 Supplies 610 General Supplies 495 620 Energy 621 Heating 500 622 Electricity 505 626 Motor Fuel (not schoolbus) 510 629 Other 515 680 Miscellaneous Supplies 520 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 525 800 Other 5302700 Student Transportation Services 120 NonCertified Salaries 531 200 Employee Benefits 532 800 Other 5332500, 2900 Other Supplemental Services 100 Salaries 110 Certified 535 120 NonCertified 540 67,007 57,579 119,604 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance 545 14,160 13,570 28,320 220 Social Security 550 5,212 4,486 9,150 290 Other 555 3,716 3,886 8,575 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 560 400 Purchased Property Services 565 500 Other Purchased Services 570 600 Supplies 575 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 580 800 Other 5855200 TRANSFER TO: 930 General Fund 595TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS xxxx 4,680,374 4,708,210 5,706,268

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12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

AT RISK FUND (K-12) 13 Actual Actual BudgetLine (1) (2) (3)

UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE JULY 1 01 2,933,745 3,090,644 3,770,983Cancel of Prior Year Encumbrance 03 10,499 23,571REVENUE: 1000 LOCAL SOURCES 1300 Tuition 1312 Individuals 05 58,413 68,423 1315 Individual (Summer School) 15 1320 Other School District/Govt Sources In-State 25 1510 Interest on Idle Funds 35 1700 Student Activities(Reimbursement) 45 1900 Other Revenue From Local Source 1990 Miscellaneous 754000 FEDERAL SOURCES 4590 Other Federal Aid 1155000 OTHER 5206 Transfer From General 135 54,511,807 55,178,171 55,178,171 5208 Transfer From Supplemental General 140 15,505,548 15,505,548 17,122,519 5253 Transfer From Contingency Reserve 145 0 0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxRESOURCES AVAILABLE 170 73,020,012 73,866,357 76,071,673TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS 175 69,929,368 70,095,374 76,071,673UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE JUNE 30 190 3,090,644 3,770,983 0

12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.AT RISK FUND (K-12) Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

EXPENDITURES 13 Actual Actual BudgetLine (1) (2) (3)

1000 Instruction 100 Salaries 110 Certified 210 48,597,112 50,401,686 52,763,999 120 NonCertified 215 825,688 991,982 407,028 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 220 7,253,561 7,572,096 7,571,706 220 Social Security 225 3,760,168 3,900,857 4,067,579 290 Other 230 3,246,735 3,678,964 3,971,608 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 235 104,338 121,286 119,066 400 Purchased Property Services 237 44,412 7,852 14,860 500 Other Purchased Services 560 Tuition 561 Tuition/other State LEA's 240 563 Tuition/Priv Sources 245 590 Other 250 106,053 154,984 63,820 600 Supplies 610 General Supplemental (Teaching) 255 724,190 332,338 1,663,773 644 Textbooks 260 650 Supplies (Technology Related) 263 615,814 174,359 668,328 680 Miscellaneous Supplies 265 113,765 49,042 16,662 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 270 2,006,119 577,248 222,625 800 Other 275 2,025 3,253 1,873,3432000 Support Services 2100 Student Support Services 100 Salaries 110 Certified 280 448,937 492,773 557,708 120 NonCertified 285

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12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.AT RISK FUND (K-12) Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

EXPENDITURES 13 Actual Actual BudgetLine (1) (2) (3)

200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 290 57,293 65,136 72,216 220 Social Security 295 34,315 37,515 42,666 290 Other 300 29,507 35,264 42,333 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 305 400 Purchased Property Services 307 500 Other Purchased Services 310 250 692 250 600 Supplies 315 771 388 590 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 320 800 Other 3252200 Instr Support Staff 100 Salaries 110 Certified 330 236,540 134,555 413,186 120 NonCertified 335 2,784 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 340 28,320 14,160 49,560 220 Social Security 345 17,901 10,210 31,822 290 Other 350 15,408 9,222 30,194 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 355 1,650 2,825 400 Purchased Property Services 357 500 Other Purchased Services 360 70 1,482 600 Supplies 640 Books(not textbooks)and Periodicals 365 2,688 4,705 4,893 650 Technology Supplies 370 2,875 680 Miscellaneous Supplies 375 114 70 9,885 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 380 800 Other 3852400 School Administration 100 Salaries 110 Certified 390 573,811 430,610 404,167 120 NonCertified 395 375,005 336,692 388,226 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 400 119,770 100,890 116,820 220 Social Security 405 72,263 57,608 60,618 290 Other 410 91,601 77,635 81,383 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 415 20,000 20,303 20,299 500 Other Purchased Services 420 30,355 4,430 13,483 600 Supplies 425 4,169 3,811 11,136 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 430 230 3,559 2,588 800 Other 4352600 Operations & Maintenance 100 Salaries 120 NonCertified 440 269,275 215,116 210,647 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 445 46,020 38,350 37,170 220 Social Security 450 20,898 16,491 16,114 290 Other 455 13,051 11,758 12,722 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 460

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12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.AT RISK FUND (K-12) Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

EXPENDITURES 13 Actual Actual BudgetLine (1) (2) (3)

400 Purchased Property Services 411 Water/Sewer 465 420 Cleaning 470 430 Repairs & Maintenance 475 440 Rentals 480 490 Other 485 500 Other Purchased Services 490 600 Supplies 610 General Supplies 495 8,737 7,484 6,634 620 Energy 621 Heating 500 622 Electricity 505 626 Motor Fuel (not schoolbus) 510 629 Other 515 680 Miscellaneous Supplies 520 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 525 800 Other 5302700 Student Transportation Services 120 NonCertified Salaries 531 200 Employee Benefits 532 800 Other 533 10,4392500, 2900 Other Supplemental Services 100 Salaries 110 Certified 535 120 NonCertified 540 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance 545 220 Social Security 550 290 Other 555 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 560 400 Purchased Property Services 565 500 Other Purchased Services 570 600 Supplies 575 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 580 800 Other 5855200 TRANSFER TO: 930 General Fund 595TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS xxxx 69,929,368 70,095,374 76,071,673

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2012-201312 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.

BILINGUAL EDUCATION Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-201314 Actual Actual Budget

Line (1) (2) (3)UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE JULY 1 01 1,832 2,228 0Cancel of Prior Year Encumbrance 03 2,227 8,919REVENUE: 1000 LOCAL SOURCES 1510 Interest on Idle Funds 05 1,353 5,009 1900 Other Revenue From Local Source 154000 FEDERAL SOURCES 4520 Bilingual Aid 35 4590 Other Federal Aid 405000 OTHER 5206 Transfer From General 45 2,349,438 2,863,637 2,863,637 5208 Transfer From Supplemental General 50 8,375,373 8,517,648 9,453,317 5253 Transfer From Contingency Reserve 55 0 0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxRESOURCES AVAILABLE 170 10,730,223 11,397,441 12,316,954TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS 175 10,727,995 11,397,441 12,316,954UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE JUNE 30 190 2,228 0 0

12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.BILINGUAL EDUCATION Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

EXPENDITURES 14 Actual Actual BudgetLine (1) (2) (3)

1000 Instruction 100 Salaries 110 Certified 210 5,972,070 6,232,028 7,095,296 120 NonCertified 215 1,041,081 1,135,598 1,042,385 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 220 1,124,361 1,167,808 1,251,045 220 Social Security 225 532,272 557,548 622,534 290 Other 230 444,798 503,686 590,604 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 235 105,544 136,419 20,000 400 Purchased Property Services 237 550 340 500 Other Purchased Services 560 Tuition 561 Tuition/other State LEA's 240 563 Tuition/Private Sources 245 564 Payment to Bilingual Education Coop 250 590 Other 255 4,421 4,725 2,500 600 Supplies 610 General Supplemental(Teaching) 260 15,649 38,683 15,000 644 Textbooks 265 16,984 69,312 25,000 650 Supplies (Technology Related) 267 30,407 61,331 3,800 680 Miscellaneous Supplies 270 37,866 71,856 26,000 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 275 172,465 173,573 69,362 800 Other 280 201,3192000 Support Services 2100 Student Support Services 100 Salaries 110 Certified 285 120 NonCertified 290 92,377 121,686 132,184 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 295 16,815 23,895 24,780 220 Social Security 300 7,148 9,338 10,112 290 Other 305 4,861 7,106 7,943

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12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.BILINGUAL EDUCATION Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

EXPENDITURES 14 Actual Actual BudgetLine (1) (2) (3)

300 Purchased Professional and Tech Services 310 400 Purchased Property Services 313 500 Other Purchased Services 315 600 Supplies 320 430 2,000 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 325 800 Other 3302200 Instructional Support Staff 100 Salaries 110 Certified 335 116,088 115,309 123,005 120 NonCertified 340 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 345 14,160 14,160 14,160 220 Social Security 350 8,043 8,040 9,410 290 Other 355 7,490 8,176 8,877 300 Purchased Professional and Tech Services 360 153,861 400 Purchased Property Services 363 500 Other Purchased Services 365 20,262 14,451 30,144 600 Supplies 640 Books (not textbooks) and Periodicals 370 2,588 25,000 650 Technology Supplies 375 250 1,500 680 Miscellaneous Supplies 380 2,127 658 7,002 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 385 1,199 599 20,000 800 Other 390 1302400 School Administration 100 Salaries 110 Certified 395 94,706 92,591 93,483 120 NonCertified 400 286,841 283,864 296,786 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 405 66,375 63,720 70,800 220 Social Security 410 29,368 28,820 29,855 290 Other 415 27,595 30,888 34,011 300 Purchased Professional and Tech Services 420 500 Other Purchased Services 425 5,091 8,790 14,733 600 Supplies 430 43,158 19,802 19,143 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 435 14,300 6,270 10,440 800 Other 440 1302600 Operations & Maintenance 100 Salaries 120 NonCertified 445 14,446 15,368 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 450 3,540 3,540 220 Social Security 455 1,098 1,176 290 Other 460 830 932 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 465

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2012-201312 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.

BILINGUAL EDUCATION Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013EXPENDITURES 14 Actual Actual Budget

Line (1) (2) (3) 400 Purchased Property Services 411 Water/Sewer 470 420 Cleaning 475 430 Repairs & Maintenance 480 5,000 440 Rentals 485 69,536 7,000 490 Other 490 500 Other Purchased Services 495 600 Supplies 610 General Supplies 500 620 Energy 621 Heating 505 622 Electricity 510 626 Motor Fuel-not school bus 515 629 Other 520 680 Miscellaneous Supplies 525 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 530 800 Other 5352700 Student Transportation Services 120 NonCertified Salaries 536 200 Employee Benefits 537 800 Other 5382500, 2900 Other Supplemental Services 100 Salaries 110 Certified 540 120 NonCertified 545 144,554 357,457 342,595 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance 550 220 Social Security 555 290 Other 560 300 Purchased Professional and Tech Services 565 400 Purchased Property Services 570 500 Other Purchased Services 575 174 600 Supplies 580 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 585 800 Other 5905200 TRANSFER TO: 930 General Fund 595TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS* xxxx 10,727,995 11,397,441 12,316,954

* Enter on Code 14, Line 175.

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2012-201312 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.

Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013VIRTUAL EDUCATION 15 Actual Actual Budget

Line (1) (2) (3)UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE JULY 1 01 40,131 1,085,080 700,643Cancel of Prior Year Encumbrances 03 3,383 105REVENUE: 1000 LOCAL SOURCES 1300 Tuition 1311 Individuals 05 10,023 20,210 1320 Other School District/Govt Sources In-State 25 1510 Interest on Idle Funds 35 1900 Other Revenue From Local Source 1990 Miscellaneous 755000 OTHER 5206 Transfer From General 135 1,775,587 1,895,292 2,279,514 5208 Transfer From Supplemental General 140 0 0 0 5253 Transfer From Contingency Reserve 145 0 0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxRESOURCES AVAILABLE 170 1,829,124 3,000,687 2,980,157TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS 175 744,044 2,300,044 2,048,470UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE JUNE 30 190 1,085,080 700,643 931,687

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12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.VIRTUAL EDUCATION Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

EXPENDITURES 15 Actual Actual BudgetLine (1) (2) (3)

1000 Instruction 100 Salaries 110 Certified 210 265,937 324,368 282,764 120 NonCertified 215 55,964 61,750 57,206 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 220 49,560 49,560 49,560 220 Social Security 225 24,145 29,167 26,005 290 Other 230 20,965 25,142 26,473 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 235 471 12,621 15,800 400 Purchased Property Services 237 455 500 Other Purchased Services 560 Tuition 561 Tuition/other State LEA's 240 564 Payment to Vocational Education Coop 245 590 Other 250 8,459 3,926 13,160 600 Supplies 610 General Supplemental (Teaching) 255 14,581 26,518 23,373 644 Textbooks 260 650 Supplies (Technology Related) 263 44,901 334,629 329,730 680 Miscellaneous Supplies 265 36 6,518 4,473 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 270 55,997 158,520 130,029 800 Other 275 98,3872000 Support Services 2100 Student Support Services 100 Salaries 110 Certified 280 31,961 54,515 56,444 120 NonCertified 285 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 290 4,299 8,703 8,850 220 Social Security 295 2,459 3,971 4,318 290 Other 300 2,170 4,062 4,433 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 305 400 Purchased Property Services 307 500 Other Purchased Services 310 600 Supplies 315 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 320 800 Other 3252200 Instr Support Staff 100 Salaries 110 Certified 330 45,821 45,821 50,481 120 NonCertified 335 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 340 7,080 7,080 7,080 220 Social Security 345 3,430 3,343 3,862 290 Other 350 3,113 3,408 3,720 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 355 400 Purchased Property Services 357 500 Other Purchased Services 360 600 Supplies 640 Books (not textbooks) and Periodicals 365 650 Technology Supplies 370 680 Miscellaneous Supplies 375 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 380 800 Other 385

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12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.VIRTUAL EDUCATION Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

EXPENDITURES 15 Actual Actual BudgetLine (1) (2) (3)

2400 School Administration 100 Salaries 110 Certified 445 44,979 45,465 46,741 120 NonCertified 450 33,492 33,491 34,197 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 455 10,620 10,620 10,620 220 Social Security 460 6,053 5,997 6,192 290 Other 465 7,551 8,338 8,814 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 470 500 Other Purchased Services 475 600 Supplies 480 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 485 800 Other 4902600 Operations & Maintenance 100 Salaries 120 NonCertified 495 23,065 33,408 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 500 5,900 7,080 220 Social Security 505 1,766 2,556 290 Other 510 1,325 2,071 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 515 400 Purchased Property Services 411 Water/Sewer 520 420 Cleaning 525 430 Repairs & Maintenance 530 440 Rentals 535 490 Other 540 500 Other Purchased Services 545 600 Supplies 610 General Supplies 550 620 Energy 621 Heating 555 622 Electricity 560 626 Motor Fuel (not schoolbus) 565 629 Other 570 680 Miscellaneous Supplies 575 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 580 800 Other 5852500, 2900 Other Supplemental Service 100 Salaries 110 Certified 590 120 NonCertified 595 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance 600 220 Social Security 605 290 Other 610 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 615 400 Purchased Property Services 620 500 Other Purchased Services 625 600 Supplies 630 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 635 800 Other 6405200 TRANSFER TO: 930 General Fund 645 1,000,000 700,643TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS* xxxx 744,044 2,300,044 2,048,470

* Enter on Code 15, Line 175.

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2012-201312 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo. 18 mo.

Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 FinancingCAPITAL OUTLAY 16 Actual Actual Budget Required

Line (1) (2) (3) (4)UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE JULY 1 01 31,459,839 28,069,007 23,807,159 23,807,159Cancel of Prior Year Encumbrance 03 955,661 1,041,014REVENUE: 1000 LOCAL SOURCES 1110 Ad Valorem Tax Levied 2009 $ 05 414,986 2010 $ 10 16,803,418 488,585 2011 $ 15 14,522,493 503,032 503,032 2012 $ 20 10,640,528 11,736,998 1140 Delinquent Tax 25 316,453 496,550 272,760 408,935 1510 Interest on Idle Funds 30 168,032 46,831 0 July - December Estimate 35 1900 Other Revenue From Local Source 40 903,648 352,002 0 July - December Estimate 452000 COUNTY SOURCES 2400 Motor Vehicle Tax (Includes 16/20M Tax) 55 2,206,127 2,146,773 1,847,263 1,847,263 July - December Estimate 60 923,632 2450 Recreational Vehicle Tax 65 17,229 16,246 15,161 15,161 July - December Estimate 66 7,581 2600 Other County Revenue 70 0 July - December Estimate 75 2800 In Lieu of Taxes IRBs 80 7,665 0 0 July - December Estimate 82 04000 FEDERAL SOURCES 4390 Impact Aid Construction 90 5,702,905 6,486,449 0 July - December Estimate 955000 OTHER 5206 Transfer From General 100 413,715 0 0 0RESOURCES AVAILABLE 170 59,362,013 53,673,615 37,085,903 39,249,761TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS 175 31,293,006 29,866,456 27,200,000 27,200,000 July - December Estimate 180 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 12,049,761TOTAL OPERATION EXPENDITURE (18 MO) 185 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 39,249,761

UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE JUNE 30 190 28,069,007 23,807,159 9,885,903 xxxxxxxxxxxxx

(a) Enter in Column (4) the Amount of Tax to be Levied reported on the Certificate, Line 16.

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12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES 16 Actual Actual BudgetLine (1) (2) (3)

EXPENDITURES: 1000 Instruction 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 210 151,222 1,294,611 1,250,0002000 Support Services 2100 Student Support Services 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 215 2200 Instructional Support Staff 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 220 2300 General Administration 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 225 2400 School Administration 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 230 2500 Central Services 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 235 2600 Operations & Maintenance 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 240 331,305 359,611 500,000 2700 Transportation 700 Property (Equipment & Buses) 243 2900 Other Support Services 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 2504000 Facility Acquisition & Construction Services 4100 Land Acquisition 255 187,501 1,840 4200 Land Improvement 260 1,319,454 1,597,452 3,205,000 4300 Architectural & Engineering Services 265 917,848 1,213,094 690,000 4500 New Building Acquisition & Construction 275 2,625,658 894,152 1,550,000 4600 Site Improvement 280 10,777,932 4,543,088 1,100,000 4700 Building Improvements 100 Salaries 120 NonCertified 286 4,042,006 3,991,374 1,384,983 200 Fringe Benefits 210 Insurance 287 162,250 152,220 169,920 220 Social Security 288 105,193 89,859 105,952 290 Other 289 83,154 77,741 123,160 400 Outside Contractors 290 10,020,559 15,329,509 16,875,985 4900 Other 291 343,963 321,905 245,0005100 Debt Service Capital Outlay Bond 832 Interest 295 224,961 890 Commission & Postage 300 831 Principal 305TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS* xxxx 31,293,006 29,866,456 27,200,000

* Enter on Code 16, Line 175.

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2012-201312 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.

DRIVER TRAINING Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-201318 Actual Actual Budget

Line (1) (2) (3)UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE JULY 1 01 172,539 267,944 0Cancel of Prior Year Encumbrance 03 6,834REVENUE: 1510 Interest on Idle Funds 05 1900 Other Revenue From Local Source 153000 STATE SOURCES 3208 State Safety Aid 25 107,596 0 3209 Motorcycle Safety Aid 35 04000 FEDERAL SOURCES 4590 Other Federal Aid 405000 OTHER 5206 Transfer From General 45 0 0 0 5208 Transfer From Supplemental General 50 0 0 0 5253 Transfer from Contingency Reserve 55 0 0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxRESOURCES AVAILABLE 170 286,969 267,944 0TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS 175 19,025 267,944 0UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE JUNE 30 190 267,944 0 0

12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.DRIVER TRAINING Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013EXPENDITURES 18 Actual Actual Budget

Line (1) (2) (3)1000 Instruction 100 Salaries 110 Certified 210 17,228 120 NonCertified 215 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 220 220 Social Security 225 1,283 290 Other 230 293 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 235 400 Purchased Property Services 237 500 Other Purchased Services 560 Tuition 561 Tuition/other State LEA's 240 563 Tuition/Private Sources 245 590 Other 250 32 600 Supplies 610 General Supplemental(Teaching) 255 24 644 Textbooks 260 650 Supplies (Technology Related) 263 680 Miscellaneous Supplies 265 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 270 800 Other 2752000 Support Services 2100 Student Support Services 100 Salaries 110 Certified 280 120 NonCertified 285 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 290 220 Social Security 295 290 Other 300

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2012-201312 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.

DRIVER TRAINING Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013EXPENDITURES 18 Actual Actual Budget

Line (1) (2) (3) 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 305 400 Purchased Property Services 307 500 Other Purchased Services 310 600 Supplies 315 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 320 800 Other 3252200 Instructional Support Staff 100 Salaries 110 Certified 330 120 NonCertified 335 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 340 220 Social Security 345 290 Other 350 300 Purchased Professional and Tech Services 355 400 Purchased Property Services 357 500 Other Purchased Services 360 165 600 Supplies 640 Books (not textbooks) and Periodicals 365 650 Technology Supplies 370 680 Miscellaneous Supplies 375 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 380 800 Other 3852400 School Administration 100 Salaries 110 Certified 390 120 NonCertified 395 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 400 220 Social Security 405 290 Other 410 300 Purchased Professional and Tech Services 415 500 Other Purchased Services 420 600 Supplies 425 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 430 800 Other 4352600 Operations & Maintenance 100 Salaries 120 NonCertified 440 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 445 220 Social Security 450 290 Other 455 300 Purchased Professional and Tech Services 460 400 Purchased Property Services 465 500 Other Purchased Services 470

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2012-201312 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.

DRIVER TRAINING Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013EXPENDITURES 18 Actual Actual Budget

Line (1) (2) (3) 600 Supplies 610 General Supplies 475 620 Energy 621 Heating 480 622 Electricity 485 626 Motor Fuel-not schoolbus 490 629 Other 495 680 Miscellaneous Supplies 500 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 505 800 Other 5102650 Vehicle Operations, Maintenance Services (Not Student Transportation) 100 Salaries 120 NonCertified 515 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance 520 220 Social Security 525 290 Other 530 300 Purchased Professional and Tech Services 535 442 Rental of Vehicles 540 520 Insurance 545 626 Motor Fuel-not schoolbus 550 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 555 800 Other 5602500, 2900 Other Supplemental Services 100 Salaries 110 Certified 565 120 NonCertified 570 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance 575 220 Social Security 580 290 Other 585 300 Purchased Professional and Tech Services 590 400 Purchased Property Services 595 500 Other Purchased Services 600 600 Supplies 605 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 610 800 Other 6155200 TRANSFER TO: 930 General Fund 625 267944TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS* xxxx 19,025 267,944 0

*Enter on Code 18, Line 175.

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2012-201312 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.

EXTRAORDINARY SCHOOL Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013PROGRAM 22 Actual Actual Budget

Line (1) (2) (3)UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE JULY 1 01 856,730 968,790 973,681Cancel of Prior Yr Encumbrance 03 9,506 6,865REVENUE: 1000 LOCAL SOURCES 1310 Tuition Individual-Class Fees 05 1510 Interest on Idle Funds 10 1900 Other Revenue From Local Source 15 2,7944000 FEDERAL SOURCES 4590 Other Federal Aid 40 600,355 569,916 6000005000 OTHER 5206 Transfer From General 85 0 0 0 5208 Transfer From Supplemental General 90 0 0 0 5253 Transfer From Contingency Reserve 95 0 0 xxxxxxxxxxxxRESOURCES AVAILABLE 170 1,466,591 1,548,365 1,573,681TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS 175 497,801 574,684 801,011UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE JUNE 30 190 968,790 973,681 772,670

12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.EXTRAORDINARY SCHOOL Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013PROGRAM EXPENDITURES 22 Actual Actual Budget

Line (1) (2) (3)1000 Instruction 100 Salaries 110 Certified 210 120 NonCertified 215 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 220 220 Social Security 225 290 Other 230 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 235 400 Purchased Property Services 237 500 Other Purchased Services 560 Tuition 561 Tuition/other State LEA's 240 562 Tuition/LEA's Out of State 245 563 Tuition/Priv Sources 250 590 Other 255 600 Supplies 610 General Supplemental(Teaching) 260 644 Textbooks 265 650 Supplies (Technology Related) 267 680 Miscellaneous Supplies 270 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 275 800 Other 2802000 Support Services 2100 Student Support Services 100 Salaries 110 Certified 285 173,846 187,295 175,000 120 NonCertified 290 206,540 221,679 198,322 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 295 2,898 1,908 220 Social Security 300 28,949 31,117 28,557 290 Other 305 6,511 7,215 7,132 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 310 843 1,022 3,800 400 Supplies (Technology Related) 313 277 199 2,000

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2012-201312 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.

EXTRAORDINARY SCHOOL Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013PROGRAM EXPENDITURES 22 Actual Actual Budget

Line (1) (2) (3) 500 Other Purchased Services 315 8,629 11,912 41,200 600 Supplies 320 42,674 68,983 208,300 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 325 22,630 38,970 117,200 800 Other 330 4,004 4,384 19,5002200 Instr Support Staff 100 Salaries 110 Certified 335 120 NonCertified 340 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 345 220 Social Security 350 290 Other 355 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 360 400 Purchased Property Services 363 500 Other Purchased Services 365 600 Supplies 640 Books (not textbooks) and Periodicals 370 650 Technology Supplies 375 680 Miscellaneous Supplies 380 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 385 800 Other 3902400 School Administration 100 Salaries 110 Certified 450 120 NonCertified 455 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 460 220 Social Security 465 290 Other 470 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 475 500 Other Purchased Services 480 600 Supplies 485 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 490 800 Other 4952600 Operations & Maintenance 100 Salaries 120 NonCertified 500 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 505 220 Social Security 510 290 Other 515 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 520 400 Purchased Property Serv 411 Water/Sewer 525 420 Cleaning 530 430 Repairs & Maintenance 535 440 Rentals 540 490 Other 545 500 Other Purchased Services 550 600 Supplies 610 General Supplies 555 620 Energy 621 Heating 560 622 Electricity 565 626 Motor Fuel-not schoolbus 570 629 Other 575 680 Miscellaneous Supplies 580 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 585 800 Other 590

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2012-201312 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.

EXTRAORDINARY SCHOOL Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013PROGRAM EXPENDITURES 22 Actual Actual Budget

Line (1) (2) (3)2500, 2900 Other Supplemental Service 100 Salaries 110 Certified 595 120 NonCertified 600 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance 605 220 Social Security 610 290 Other 615 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 620 400 Purchased Property Services 625 500 Other Purchased Services 630 600 Supplies 635 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 640 800 Other 645TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS* xxxx 497,801 574,684 801,011*Enter on Code 22, Line 175.

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2012-201312 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.

Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013FOOD SERVICE 24 Actual Actual Budget

Line (1) (2) (3)UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE JULY 1 01 5,139,467 6,026,559 7,806,977Cancel of Prior Year Encumbrance 03 911,697 2,384,484REVENUE: 1000 LOCAL SOURCES 1510 Interest on Idle Funds 05 5,915 9,861 1600 Food Service 1611 Student Sales (Lunch) 15 3,126,792 3,217,240 2,166,915 1612 Student School Lunches (Breakfast) 25 225,036 1613 Student School Lunches (Spec Milk) 35 0 1614 Student School Lunches (Snacks) 40 0 1620 Adult & Student Sales (NonReimbursable Prog) 45 104,436 1990 Miscellaneous 55 2023000 STATE SOURCES 3203 School Food Assistance 65 186,769 268,064 219,7364000 FEDERAL SOURCES 4550 Child Nutrition Programs 75 16,619,940 18,051,841 16,866,048 4590 Other Federal Aid 805000 Other 5206 Transfer From General 85 0 0 0 5208 Transfer From Supplemental General 90 0 0 0 5253 Transfer From Contingency Reserve 95 0 0 xxxxxxxxxxxxRESOURCES AVAILABLE 170 25,990,580 29,958,251 27,389,148TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS 175 19,964,021 22,151,274 25,501,208UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE JUNE 30 190 6,026,559 7,806,977 1,887,940

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2012-201312 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.

Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013FOOD SERVICE EXPENDITURES 24 Actual Actual Budget

Line (1) (2) (3)2600 Operations & Maintenance 100 Salaries 120 NonCertified 210 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 215 220 Social Security 220 290 Other 225 400 Purchased Property Services 411 Water/Sewer 230 7,651 10,813 13,000 490 Other 235 63,804 76,720 80,000 500 Other Purchased Services 240 600 Supplies 610 General Supplies 245 620 Energy 621 Heating 250 20,223 20,945 25,000 622 Electricity 255 47,256 59,926 60,000 626 Motor Fuel-not schoolbus 260 55,376 70,281 60,000 629 Other 265 680 Miscellaneous Supplies 270 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 275 800 Other 2803000 Operation of NonInstructional Services 3100 Food Service Operation 100 Salaries 110 Certified 285 120 NonCertified 290 6,252,718 6,261,577 6,964,156 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance 295 969,370 960,520 1,118,640 220 Social Security 300 453,731 448,491 497,079 290 Other 305 247,780 273,365 333,273 500 Other Purchased Services 520 Insurance 310 570 Food Service Management 315 590 Other Purchased Services 320 69,634 77,611 107,460 600 Supplies 630 Food & Milk 325 10,597,014 10,975,368 14,000,000 680 Miscellaneous Supplies 330 738,206 804,395 1,298,300 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 335 423,042 2,091,687 924,300 800 Other 340 18,216 19,575 20,000TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS* xxxx 19,964,021 22,151,274 25,501,208

* Enter on Code 24, Line 175.

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2012-201312 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.

Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 26 Actual Actual Budget

Line (1) (2) (3)UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE JULY 1 01 1,619,953 381,762 832,078Cancel of Prior Year Encumbrance 03 56,042REVENUE: 1000 LOCAL SOURCES 1510 Interest on Idle Funds 05 1900 Other Revenue From Local Source 154000 FEDERAL SOURCES 4500 Aid 405000 OTHER 5206 Transfer From General 45 0 767,424 767,424 5208 Transfer From Supplemental General 50 0 247,405 247,405 5253 Transfer From Contingency Reserve 55 0 0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxRESOURCES AVAILABLE 170 1,619,953 1,452,633 1,846,907EXPENDITURES: 2000 Support Services 2200 Instr Support Staff 100 Salaries 110 Certified 210 298,102 259,934 221,863 120 NonCertified 215 35,890 35,913 36,670 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 220 21,240 7,080 7,080 220 Social Security 225 28,713 23,105 19,779 290 Other 230 14,175 6,964 6,500 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 235 137,009 85,000 220,000 400 Purchased Property Services 237 5,000 500 Other Purchased Services 240 14,137 49,797 77,035 600 Supplies 640 Books (not textbooks) and Periodicals 245 652,586 88,287 251,315 650 Technology Supplies 250 4,250 47,363 5,000 680 Miscellaneous Supplies 255 11,219 8,858 231,300 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 260 19,019 8,054 41,000 800 Other 265 50 1002500, 2900 Other Supplemental Service 100 Salaries 110 Certified 270 120 NonCertified 275 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance 280 220 Social Security 285 290 Other 290 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 295 400 Purchased Property Services 300 500 Other Purchased Services 305 1,801 200 650 600 Supplies 310 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 315 800 Other 3205200 TRANSFER TO: 930 General Fund 325 723,615TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS 175 1,238,191 620,555 1846907UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE JUNE 30 190 381,762 832,078 0

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2012-201312 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.

Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013PARENT EDUCATION PROGRAM 28 Actual Actual Budget

Line (1) (2) (3)UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE JULY 1 01 175,673 429,354 222,742Cancel of Prior Year Encumbrance 03 1,703 3,051REVENUE: 1000 LOCAL SOURCES 1320 Payment from Other school district 05 1510 Interest on Idle Funds 15 1900 Other Revenue From Local Source 25 74,133 9143000 STATE SOURCES 3216 Parent Education Aid 35 505,311 158,387 307,6924000 FEDERAL SOURCES 4500 Aid 45 31,1235000 OTHER 5206 Transfer From General 55 217,556 0 0 5208 Transfer From Supplemental General 50 247,405 0 0 5253 Transfer From Contingency Reserve 60 0 0 xxxxxxxxxxxRESOURCES AVAILABLE 170 1,252,904 591,706 530,434TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS 175 823,550 368,964 518,969UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE JUNE 30 190 429,354 222,742 11,465

12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.PARENT EDUCATION PROGRAM Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

EXPENDITURES 28 Actual Actual BudgetLine (1) (2) (3)

2000 Support Services 2100 Support Services Student 100 Salaries 110 Certified 210 61,951 165,345 120 NonCertified 215 571,672 220,750 235,450 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 220 77,880 41,890 38,940 220 Social Security 225 43,656 21,213 30,660 290 Other 230 32,615 20,390 25,423 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 235 6,030 94 400 Purchased Property Services 237 500 Other Purchased Services 561 Payment to Other School District 240 564 Payment to Coops/Interlocal 245 590 Other 250 32,834 224 9,238 600 Supplies 640 Books(not textbooks) and Periodicals 255 19,881 650 Technology Supplies 260 680 Miscellaneous Supplies 265 35,726 2,452 12,374 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 270 229 800 Other 275 30

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2012-201312 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.

PARENT EDUCATION PROGRAM Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013EXPENDITURES 28 Actual Actual Budget

Line (1) (2) (3)2200 Instr Support Staff 100 Salaries 110 Certified 280 120 NonCertified 285 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 290 220 Social Security 295 290 Other 300 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 305 400 Purchased Property Services 307 500 Other Purchased Services 310 600 Supplies 315 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 320 800 Other 3252500, 2900 Other Supplemental Service 100 Salaries 110 Certified 330 120 Non-Certified 335 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance 340 220 Social Security 345 290 Other 350 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 355 400 Purchased Property Services 360 500 Other Purchased Services 365 2,997 1,539 600 Supplies 370 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 375 800 Other 3805200 TRANSFER TO: 930 General Fund 385TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS* xxxx 823,550 368,964 518,969

*Enter on Code 28, Line 175.

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2012-201312 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.

Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013SUMMER SCHOOL 29 Actual Actual Budget

Line (1) (2) (3)UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE JULY 1 01 147,214 108,499 57,512Cancel of Prior Year Encumbrance 03 944REVENUE: 1000 LOCAL SOURCES 1300 Tuition 1315 Individual (Summer School) 05 114,782 120,500 200,000 1316 Individuals (Out-of-District) 10 1320 Other School District in State 15 1510 Interest on Idle Funds 20 1990 Miscellaneous 254000 FEDERAL SOURCES 4590 Other Federal Aid 30 4599 Summer School Aid 355000 OTHER 5206 Transfer from General 40 0 0 0 5208 Transfer From Supplemental General 45 0 0 0 5253 Transfer From Contingency Reserve 50 0 0 xxxxxxxxxxxxRESOURCES AVAILABLE 170 262,940 228,999 257,512TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS 175 154,441 171,487 228,832UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE JUNE 30 190 108,499 57,512 28,680

12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

SUMMER SCHOOL EXPENDITURES 29 Actual Actual BudgetLine (1) (2) (3)

1000 Instruction 100 Salaries 110 Certified 210 91,863 132,977 160,522 120 NonCertified 215 2,373 1,122 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 220 220 Social Security 225 7,061 10,176 12,366 290 Other 230 5,804 5,661 11,597 300 Purchased Professional and Tech Services 235 350 1,200 400 Purchased Property Services 237 500 Other Purchased Services 560 Tuition 561 Tuition/other State LEA's 240 562 Tuition/other LEA's outside State 245 563 Tuition/Priv Sources 250 590 Other 255 656 955 600 600 Supplies 610 General Supplemental(Teaching) 260 4,390 5,506 19,569 644 Textbooks 265 650 Supplies (Technology Related) 267 680 Miscellaneous Supplies 270 547 19 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 275 800 Other 2802000 Support Services 2100 Student Support Services 100 Salaries 110 Certified 285 2,924 120 NonCertified 290 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 295 220 Social Security 300 224 290 Other 305 56

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12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.SUMMER SCHOOL EXPENDITURES Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

29 Actual Actual BudgetLine (1) (2) (3)

300 Purchased Professional and Tech Services 310 400 Purchased Property Services 313 500 Other Purchased Services 315 600 Supplies 320 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 325 800 Other 3302200 Instr Support Staff 100 Salaries 110 Certified 335 120 NonCertified 340 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 345 220 Social Security 350 290 Other 355 300 Purchased Professional and Tech Services 360 400 Purchased Property Services 363 500 Other Purchased Services 365 600 Supplies 640 Books (not textbooks) and Periodicals 370 650 Technology Supplies 375 680 Miscellaneous Supplies 380 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 385 800 Other 3902400 School Administration 100 Salaries 110 Certified 460 120 NonCertified 465 13,436 6,554 10,348 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 470 1,859 425 354 220 Social Security 475 1,148 501 792 290 Other 480 610 292 277 300 Purchased Professional and Tech Services 485 400 Purchased Property Serv 490 500 Other Purchased Services 530 Communications (Telephone, postage, etc.) 495 590 Other 500 600 Supplies 505 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 510 800 Other 5152600 Operations & Maintenance 100 Salaries 120 NonCertified 520 7,500 3,644 10,300 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 525 220 Social Security 530 574 279 788 290 Other 535 128 94 197

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12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

SUMMER SCHOOL EXPENDITURES 29 Actual Actual BudgetLine (1) (2) (3)

300 Purchased Professional and Tech Services 540 400 Purchased Property Services 411 Water/Sewer 545 420 Cleaning 550 430 Repairs & Maintenance 555 440 Rentals 560 460 Repair of Building 565 490 Other 570 500 Other Purchased Services 520 Insurance 575 590 Other 580 600 Supplies 610 General Supplies 585 620 Energy 621 Heating 590 622 Electricity 595 626 Motor Fuel (not schoolbus) 600 629 Other 605 680 Miscellaneous Supplies 610 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 615 800 Other 6202500, 2900 Other Supplemental Service 100 Salaries 110 Certified 625 120 NonCertified 630 16,142 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance 635 220 Social Security 640 290 Other 645 300 Purchased Professional and Tech Services 650 400 Purchased Property Services 655 500 Other Purchased Services 660 600 Supplies 665 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 670 800 Other 6753300 Community Services Operations 6805200 TRANSFER TO: 930 General Fund 685TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS * xxxx 154,441 171,487 228,832

*Enter on Code 29, Line 175

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2012-201312 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.

Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013SPECIAL EDUCATION 30 Actual Actual Budget

Line (1) (2) (3)UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE JULY 1 01 12,511,471 15,966,886 15,007,311Cancel of Prior Year Encumbrances 03 408,286 92,763REVENUE: 1000 LOCAL SOURCES 1510 Interest on Idle Funds 05 1900 Other Revenue From Local Source 15 1,336,685 34,502 36,0123000 STATE SOURCES 3211 Deaf/Blind 354000 FEDERAL SOURCES 4310 PL 382 Special Ed (formerly PL:874) 45 4560 Aid Regular (include ARRA)* 55 17,694,348 9,013,878 12,446,749 4570 Medicaid 60 6,198,458 2,282,830 4,776,303 4590 Other Reserve Grants in Aid 65 13,974 1,010,984 1,010,9845000 OTHER 5206 Transfer From General 75 43,269,571 59,816,102 49,069,012 5208 Transfer From Supplemental General 80 28,586,000 27,169,736 23,683,642 5253 Transfer From Contingency Reserve 85 0 0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxRESOURCES AVAILABLE 170 110,018,793 115,387,681 106,030,013TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS 175 94,051,907 100,380,370 106,030,013UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCEJUNE 30 190 15,966,886 15,007,311 0* This would include regular allocations and ARRA recovery funds.

12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.SPECIAL EDUCATION Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

EXPENDITURES 30 Actual Actual BudgetLine (1) (2) (3)

1000 Instruction 100 Salaries 110 Certified 210 27,270,723 26,969,837 29,585,997 120 NonCertified 215 14,253,211 14,298,791 14,683,876 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 220 7,854,750 7,855,190 8,828,161 220 Social Security 225 3,141,922 3,122,482 3,386,638 290 Other 230 2,491,513 2,700,751 3,022,591 300 Purchased Professional and Tech Services 235 452,502 488,997 1,131,891 400 Purchased Property Services 237 2,268 9,481 1,071 500 Other Purchased Services 560 Tuition 561 Tuition/other State LEA's 240 563 Tuition/Priv Sources 245 564 Payment to Spec Education Coop/Interlocal (Assessments)** 250 565 Payment to Spec Education Coop/Interlocal (Flowthrough) 251 590 Other 255 112,033 106,106 162,067 600 Supplies 610 General Supplemental(Teaching) 260 90,605 130,031 84,678 644 Textbooks 265 2,024 4,485 111,642 650 Supplies (Technology Related) 267 4,537 39,065 11,248 680 Miscellaneous Supplies 270 94,660 208,639 191,865 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 275 82,003 292,620 209,183 800 Other 280 33,195 5,968 3,379,405

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12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.SPECIAL EDUCATION Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

EXPENDITURES 30 Actual Actual BudgetLine (1) (2) (3)

2000 Support Services 2100 Student Support Services 100 Salaries 110 Certified 285 13,967,043 14,505,221 15,224,616 120 NonCertified 290 613,956 945,502 711,111 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 295 2,110,144 2,210,919 2,237,357 220 Social Security 300 1,097,367 1,163,763 1,219,083 290 Other 305 1,002,975 1,151,823 1,256,248 300 Purchased Professional and Tech Services 310 172,812 158,026 118,300 400 Purchased Property Services 313 8,286 19,004 1,318 500 Other Purchased Services 315 67,821 76,222 133,117 600 Supplies 320 88,954 158,703 183,909 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 325 54,788 118,795 49,668 800 Other 330 673 450 1,0382200 Instr Support Staff 100 Salaries 110 Certified 335 831,631 747,123 892,003 120 NonCertified 340 32,771 50,221 47,946 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 345 101,291 93,102 116,112 220 Social Security 350 65,307 59,708 71,907 290 Other 355 54,031 54,525 70,715 300 Purchased Professional and Tech Services 360 169,408 153,094 57,968 400 Purchased Property Services 363 2,700 524 1,180 500 Other Purchased Services 365 21,885 41,659 21,470 600 Supplies 640 Books(not textbooks)and Periodicals 370 7,023 8,599 9,037 650 Technology Supplies 375 16,900 125 12,252 680 Miscellaneous Supplies 380 10,794 11,777 37,473 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 385 23,552 532 13,037 800 Other 390 1,300 5,504 6002300 General Administration 2330 Special Area Admin Services 100 Salaries 110 Certified 395 269,834 239,030 269,359 120 NonCertified 400 907,518 623,158 867,243 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 405 174,522 112,395 162,840 220 Social Security 410 87,912 63,569 86,950 290 Other 415 83,729 74,470 95,294 300 Purchased Professional and Tech Services 420 24,944 2,525 30,723 400 Purchased Property Services 425 455 606 1,482 500 Other Purchased Services 430 17,757 23,140 21,622 600 Supplies 435 23,921 32,213 68,638 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 440 32,838 16,768 79,083 800 Other 445 553 1,854 20,0002400 School Administration 100 Salaries 110 Certified 450 456,906 455,662 473,817 120 NonCertified 455 269,414 264,289 280,005

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12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.SPECIAL EDUCATION Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

EXPENDITURES 30 Actual Actual BudgetLine (1) (2) (3)

200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 460 86,730 84,960 92,040 220 Social Security 465 52,431 54,729 57,667 290 Other 470 66,093 72,212 76,656 300 Purchased Professional and Tech Services 475 1,185 1,125 420 500 Other Purchased Services 480 14,252 13,552 13,704 600 Supplies 485 73,692 112,264 107,816 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 490 31,097 47,605 33,253 800 Other 495 436 346 5672600 Operations & Maintenance 100 Salaries 120 NonCertified 500 715,572 655,609 643,647 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 505 141,340 135,809 136,344 220 Social Security 510 57,874 52,421 49,239 290 Other 515 38,225 40,741 38,178 300 Purchased Professional and Tech Services 520 400 Purchased Property Services 411 Water/Sewer 525 16,083 14,663 14,500 420 Cleaning 530 7,791 10,548 3,068 430 Repairs & Maintenance 535 4,372 4,010 3,105 440 Rentals 540 10 490 Other 545 89 500 Other Purchased Services 550 281,980 298,295 300,405 600 Supplies 610 General Supplies 555 20,998 14,883 20,213 620 Energy 621 Heating 560 38,582 29,540 69,004 622 Electricity 565 141,103 145,190 135,000 626 Motor Fuel (not schoolbus) 570 629 Other 575 680 Miscellaneous Supplies 580 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 585 8 1,954 433 800 Other 590 2002700 Student Transportation Serv2720 Supervision 100 Salaries 120 NonCertified 595 196,500 140,324 125,847 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance 600 25,488 19,942 19,824 220 Social Security 605 14,979 10,483 9,627 290 Other 610 18,733 12,219 11,507 400 Purchased Property Services 615 600 Supplies 620 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 625 800 Other 6302710 Vehicle Operating Services 100 Salaries 120 NonCertified 635 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance 640 220 Social Security 645 290 Other 650 400 Purchased Property Services 442 Rent of Vehicles (lease) 655 490 Other 660

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12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.SPECIAL EDUCATION Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

EXPENDITURES 30 Actual Actual BudgetLine (1) (2) (3)

500 Other Purchased Services 513 Contracting of Bus Services 665 8,236,226 9,438,200 9,499,017 519 Mileage in Lieu of Trans 670 520 Insurance 675 590 Other Purchased Services 680 600 Supplies 626 Motor Fuel 685 1,237,526 836,939 1,106,137 680 Miscellaneous Supplies 690 561 750 730 Equip (Including Buses) 695 6,088 14,496 800 Other 7002730 Vehicle Services& Maintenance Services 100 Salaries 120 NonCertified 705 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance 710 220 Social Security 715 290 Other 720 300 Purchased Professional and Tech Services 725 219,484 290,000 294,827 400 Purchased Property Services 730 500 Other Purchased Services 735 1,100 2,050 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 740 18,088 800 Other 7452790 Other Student Transportation Services 100 Salaries 120 NonCertified 750 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance 755 220 Social Security 760 290 Other 765 300 Purchased Professional and Tech Services 770 400 Purchased Property Services 775 500 Other Purchased Services 780 600 Supplies 785 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 790 800 Other 7952500, 2900 Other Supplemental Service 100 Salaries 110 Certified 800 120 NonCertified 805 3,529,068 4,457,001 2,949,772 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance 810 220 Social Security 815 290 Other 820 300 Purchased Professional and Tech Services 825 6,000 11,334 35,699 400 Purchased Property Services 830 500 Other Purchased Services 835 310 600 Supplies 840 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 845 800 Other 8505200 TRANSFER TO: 930 General Fund 855 3,488,680 430,068TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS* xxxx 94,051,907 100,380,370 106,030,013

* Enter on Code 30, Line 175. ** Includes Sponsoring district payment to coop fund (Code 78) on Line 250.

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12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

VOCATIONAL EDUCATION 34 Actual Actual BudgetLine (1) (2) (3)

UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE JULY 1 01 296,078 411,665 413,648Cancel of Prior Year Encumbrance 03 2,045 2,506REVENUE: 1000 LOCAL SOURCES 1300 Tuition 1312 Individuals 05 1315 Individual (Summer School) 15 1320 Other School District/Govt Sources In-State 25 1510 Interest on Idle Funds 35 1700 Student Activities(Reimbursement) 45 1900 Other Revenue From Local Source 1910 User Charges 55 1940 Sale & Rent of Textbook 65 1990 Miscellaneous 753000 STATE SOURCES 3225 CTE Transportation State Aid 80 04000 FEDERAL SOURCES 4530 Vocational Aid 4531 Regular Aid 115 4532 Special Project Aid 125 4590 Other Federal Aid 1305000 OTHER 5206 Transfer From General 135 121,249 121,249 121,249 5208 Transfer From Supplemental General 140 7,940,175 7,940,175 8,394,651 5253 Transfer From Contingency Reserve 145 0 0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxRESOURCES AVAILABLE 170 8,359,547 8,475,595 8,929,548TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS 175 7,947,882 8,061,947 8,929,548UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE JUNE 30 190 411,665 413,648 0

12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.VOCATIONAL EDUCATION Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

EXPENDITURES 34 Actual Actual BudgetLine (1) (2) (3)

1000 Instruction 100 Salaries 110 Certified 210 4,818,415 4,914,963 5,418,946 120 NonCertified 215 1,705 2,438 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 220 672,512 675,037 697,734 220 Social Security 225 361,781 369,575 414,737 290 Other 230 320,242 356,572 411,825 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 235 22,972 50,374 61,945 400 Purchased Property Services 237 11,976 18,142 36,000 500 Other Purchased Services 560 Tuition 561 Tuition/other State LEA's 240 564 Payment to Vocational Education Coop 245 590 Other 250 85,702 25,979 39,300 600 Supplies 610 General Supplemental (Teaching) 255 94,031 102,528 121,321 644 Textbooks 260 1,219 13,742 10,500 650 Supplies (Technology Related) 263 141,851 72,296 18,805 680 Miscellaneous Supplies 265 29,969 32,901 22,100 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 270 426,027 448,906 165,966 800 Other 275 150 138 127,178

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12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.VOCATIONAL EDUCATION Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

EXPENDITURES 34 Actual Actual BudgetLine (1) (2) (3)

2100 Student Support Services 100 Salaries 110 Certified 280 120 NonCertified 285 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 290 220 Social Security 295 290 Other 300 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 305 400 Purchased Property Services 307 500 Other Purchased Services 310 600 Supplies 315 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 320 800 Other 3252200 Instr Support Staff 100 Salaries 110 Certified 330 28,144 38,710 120 NonCertified 335 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 340 3,558 4,744 220 Social Security 345 2,127 2,961 290 Other 350 2,098 3,008 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 355 400 Purchased Property Services 357 500 Other Purchased Services 360 600 Supplies 640 Books(not textbooks)and Periodicals 365 650 Technology Supplies 370 680 Miscellaneous Supplies 375 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 380 800 Other 3852400 School Administration 100 Salaries 110 Certified 445 261,635 249,879 274,418 120 NonCertified 450 139,740 95,121 132,683 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 455 50,150 43,659 49,560 220 Social Security 460 30,437 26,005 31,143 290 Other 465 30,406 28,761 32,757 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 470 630 1,000 500 Other Purchased Services 475 16,561 9,770 10,840 600 Supplies 480 16,199 13,982 11,500 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 485 10,003 99 800 Other 490 130 190 100

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12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.VOCATIONAL EDUCATION Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

EXPENDITURES 34 Actual Actual BudgetLine (1) (2) (3)

2600 Operations & Maintenance 100 Salaries 120 NonCertified 495 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 500 220 Social Security 505 290 Other 510 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 515 400 Purchased Property Services 411 Water/Sewer 520 420 Cleaning 525 430 Repairs & Maintenance 530 873 440 Rentals 535 490 Other 540 14,386 500 Other Purchased Services 545 28,555 28,090 31,373 600 Supplies 610 General Supplies 550 620 Energy 621 Heating 555 622 Electricity 560 626 Motor Fuel (not schoolbus) 565 629 Other 570 680 Miscellaneous Supplies 575 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 580 800 Other 5852700 Student Transportation Services 120 NonCertified 586 200 Employee Benefits 587 626 Motor Fuel 588 800 Other 5892500, 2900 Other Supplemental Services 100 Salaries 110 Certified 590 120 NonCertified 595 345,026 427,044 320,533 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance 600 7,670 10,620 10,620 220 Social Security 605 4,775 5,287 5,479 290 Other 610 3,657 4,857 6,199 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 615 400 Purchased Property Services 620 500 Other Purchased Services 625 600 Supplies 630 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 635 800 Other 6405200 TRANSFER TO: 930 General Fund 645 413,125TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS* xxxx 7,947,882 8,061,947 8,929,548

* Enter on Code 34, Line 175.

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12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

GIFTS AND GRANTS 35 Actual Actual Budget(Monies Not Included in Other Funds) Line (1) (2) (3)

UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE JULY 1 01 4,274,768 5,603,335 5,670,464Cancel of Prior Yr Enc 03 653,780 596,472REVENUE: 1700 Student Activities*

1710 Admissions 0101730 Student Organization Membership Dues 0151790 Other Student Activity Income 020

1900 Other Revenue From Local Sources*1920 Contributions & Donations 030 91,417 89,0091930 City/County Sales Tax 0321990 Miscellaneous 035 2,209,328 1,615,481

RESOURCES AVAILABLE 170 7,229,293 7,904,297 5,670,464TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS 175 1,625,958 2,233,833 3,238,297UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE JUNE 30 190 5,603,335 5,670,464 2,432,167

by the Central Office. Do not include activity funds administered at the building level or federal grants received by the school districts.

Examples of funds to be included are: 1. Drug prevention grants from cities or counties 2. Gifts from booster clubs 3. Gifts from individuals 4. Gifts from foundations 5. Gifts from businesses (including money from pop sales) 6. Gifts/grants from other governmental units not included in the budget.

The only monies reported on this form are funds administered at the district level.

*Include monetary gifts (excluding scholarships), private grants and district activity funds that are administered

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12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

GIFTS AND GRANTS EXPENDITURES 35 Actual Actual Budget(Monies Not Included in Other Funds) Line (1) (2) (3)

1000 Instruction 100 Salaries 110 Certified 210 111,872 106,443 306,439 120 NonCertified 215 159,978 223,888 212,461 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 220 21,240 21,240 35,400 220 Social Security 225 20,239 25,106 39,696 290 Other 230 9,621 10,726 15,239 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 235 13,087 25,256 65,730 400 Purchased Property Services 237 4,007 8,874 24,700 500 Other Purchased Services 560 Tuition 561 Tuition/other State LEA's 240 562 Tuition/other LEA's outside the State 245 563 Tuition/Priv Sources 250 18,275 4,149 14,000 590 Other 255 29,214 87,880 96,178 600 Supplies 610 General Supplemental (Teaching) 260 235,905 276,103 479,625 644 Textbooks 265 650 Supplies (Technology Related) 267 13,851 35,706 263,360 680 Miscellaneous Supplies 270 25,077 71,742 294,000 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 275 83,353 125,391 1,122,535 800 Other 280 1,470 5,241 5,1002000 Support Services 2100 Student Support Services 100 Salaries 110 Certified 285 27,001 27,729 120 NonCertified 290 7,768 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 295 3,540 7,080 220 Social Security 300 2,051 594 2,121 290 Other 305 1,827 138 2,135 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 310 1,457 400 Purchased Property Services 313 2,690 4,267 500 Other Purchased Services 315 4,529 2,500 600 Supplies 320 27,483 10,117 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 325 13,716 800 Other 330 2492200 Instr Support Staff 100 Salaries 110 Certified 335 64,110 36,565 20,441 120 NonCertified 340 2,142 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 345 4,319 7,080 220 Social Security 350 5,056 2,764 1,564 290 Other 355 2,838 646 1,595 300 Purchased Professional and Tech Services 360 29,455 36,130 400 Purchased Property Services 363 575 500 Other Purchased Services 365 10,828 50,276

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12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

GIFTS AND GRANTS EXPENDITURES 35 Actual Actual Budget(Monies Not Included in Other Funds) Line (1) (2) (3)

600 Supplies 640 Books (not textbooks) and Periodicals 370 29,159 29,247 650 Technology Supplies 375 500 3,032 680 Miscellaneous Supplies 380 20,546 25,789 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 385 4,696 26,410 800 Other 390 292300 General Administration 100 Salaries 110 Certified 395 120 NonCertified 400 43,157 24,887 22,101 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 405 10,620 7,080 14,160 220 Social Security 410 2,878 1,719 1,691 290 Other 415 2,844 1,598 1,927 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 420 400 Purchased Property Services 425 4,930 500 Other Purchased Services 520 Insurance 430 530 Communications (Telephone, postage, etc.) 435 450 590 Other 440 130 600 Supplies 445 3,133 4,518 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 450 758 800 Other 455 1,240 5,3242400 School Administration 100 Salaries 110 Certified 460 120 NonCertified 465 56 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 470 220 Social Security 475 4 290 Other 480 1 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 485 550 12,305 400 Purchased Property Services 490 500 Other Purchased Services 530 Communications (Telephone, postage, etc.) 495 142 143 590 Other 500 569 249 600 Supplies 505 2,729 3,885 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 510 50 800 Other 515 17,291 6,850

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12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

GIFTS AND GRANTS EXPENDITURES 35 Actual Actual Budget(Monies Not Included in Other Funds) Line (1) (2) (3)

2600 Operations & Maintenance 100 Salaries 120 NonCertified 520 196,691 160,684 55,388 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 525 220 Social Security 530 10,404 8,417 4,237 290 Other 535 2,426 2,090 1,059 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 540 4,796 4,426 400 Purchased Property Services 411 Water/Sewer 545 420 Cleaning 550 430 Repairs & Maintenance 555 5,515 4,845 440 Rentals 560 460 Repair of Buildings 565 112,883 490 Other 570 500 Other Purchased Services 520 Insurance 575 1,263 978 2,650 590 Other 580 5 1,496 6 600 Supplies 610 General Supplies 585 42,487 24,507 620 Energy 621 Heating 590 622 Electricity 595 52,024 43,232 25,170 626 Motor Fuel (not schoolbus) 600 629 Other 605 680 Miscellaneous Supplies 610 400 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 615 50,229 17,794 800 Other 620 2172700 Student Transportation Services2710 Vehicle Operating Services 100 Salaries 120 NonCertified 625 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance 630 220 Social Security 635 290 Other 640 442 Rent of Vehicles (lease) 645 500 Other Purchased Services 513 Contracting of Bus Services 650 9,583 519 Mileage in Lieu of Trans 655 3,954 520 Insurance 660 626 Motor Fuel 665 730 Equipment (including buses) 670 800 Other 675

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12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

GIFTS AND GRANTS EXPENDITURES 35 Actual Actual Budget(Monies Not Included in Other Funds) Line (1) (2) (3)

2500, 2900 Other Supplemental Service 100 Salaries 110 Certified 680 120 NonCertified 685 50,390 59,159 36,353 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance 690 5,310 5,310 12,390 220 Social Security 695 3,853 4,528 2,104 290 Other 700 1,950 2,320 1,698 300 Purchased Professional and Technical Services 705 5,230 2,895 400 Purchased Property Services 710 1,217 153 500 Other Purchased Services 715 11,712 1,664 850 600 Supplies 720 4,380 388,337 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 725 61,216 31,648 800 Other 730 7,313 7,6623000 Operation of Noninstructional Services3100 Food Service Operation 100 Salaries 110 Certified 735 120 NonCertified 740 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance 745 220 Social Security 750 290 Other 755 500 Other Purchased Services 520 Insurance 760 570 Food Service Management 765 590 Other Purchased Services 770 600 Supplies 630 Food & Milk 775 5,507 8,351 680 Miscellaneous Supplies 780 210 372 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 785 800 Other 7903300 Community Services Operations 7954300 Architectural & Engineering Services 800 10,000TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS* xxxx 1,625,958 2,233,833 3,238,297

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2012-201312 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo. 18 mo.

Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 Financing SPECIAL LIABILITY EXPENSE 42 Actual Actual Budget Required

Line (1) (2) (3) (4)UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE JULY 1 01 2,184,699 1,890,646 1,757,213 1,757,213Cancel of Prior Year Encumbrances 03REVENUE: 1000 LOCAL SOURCES 1110 Ad Valorem Tax Levied 2009 $ 05 2010 $ 10 2011 $ 15 0 0 0 2012 $ 20 0 1140 Delinquent Tax 25 187 206 0 0 1900 Other Revenue From Local Source 30 4,312 2,046 0 July - December Estimate 352000 COUNTY SOURCES 2400 Motor Vehicle Tax (Includes 16/20M Tax) 40 0 0 July - December Estimate 45 0 2450 Recreational Vehicle Tax 50 0 0 July - December Estimate 55 0 2800 In Lieu of Taxes IRBs 60 0 0 July - December Estimate 65 05000 OTHER 5206 Transfer From General 70 0 0 0 0 July - December Estimate 75 5208 Transfer From Supplemental General 80 0 0 0 0 July - December Estimate 85 5253 Transfer From Contingency Reserve 90 0 0 xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxRESOURCES AVAILABLE 100 2,189,198 1,892,898 1,757,213 1,757,213EXPENDITURES: 2300 General Administration 2310 Board of Education Services 520 Insurance 105 296,052 129,957 990,000 820 Judgments 110 2,500 5,400 600 890 Other 115 3285200 TRANSFER TO: 960 Special Reserve Fund 120 0 0 0TOTAL EXPENDITURES 175 298,552 135,685 990,600 990,600 July December Estimate 180 xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx 766,613TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURE (18 MO) 185 xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx 1,757,213UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE JUNE 30 190 1,890,646 1,757,213 766,613 xxxxxxxxxxx

195 TAX REQUIRED (Line 185 minus Line 100) 0200 Delinquent Tax 0205 Amount of 2012 Tax to be Levied 0

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2012-201312 mo. 12 mo.

Code 2010-2011 2011-2012SPECIAL RESERVE FUND 47 Actual Actual

Line (1) (2)UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE JULY 1 01 46,616,968 39,885,961Cancel of Prior Year Encumbrances 03 2,065,970 746,848REVENUE: 1000 LOCAL SOURCES 1510 Interest on Idle Funds 05 86,339 44,017 1900 Other Revenue From Local Sources 07 337,551 819,914 1961 Revenue From General 10 25,752,698 23,813,832 1962 Revenue From Supplemental General 12 1,405,912 1,334,871 1963 Revenue From Adult Education 15 16,295 9 1964 Revenue From Adult Supplemental Education 20 1965 Revenue From Bilingual Education 25 1,483,241 1,518,343 1966 Revenue From Driver Training 30 304 1967 Revenue From Extraordinary School 37 48,525 42,486 1968 Revenue From Food Service 40 1,173,156 1,142,896 1969 Revenue From Professional Development 45 29,637 12,927 1970 Revenue From Parent Education 50 18,106 50,298 1971 Revenue From Summer School 52 3,267 2,994 1972 Revenue From Special Education 55 12,641,458 12,434,179 1975 Revenue From Vocational Education 65 899,729 887,188 1977 Revenue From Federal Funds 71 2,937,035 2,481,129 1978 Revenue From Contingency Reserve 72 1979 Revenue From Special Liability Expense 75 0 0 1980 Revenue From At Risk (4yr Old) 77 787,856 748,028 1981 Revenue From At Risk (K-12) 78 9,194,200 9,362,515 1982 Revenue From Virtual Education 79 87,383 98,9185000 OTHER 5206 Transfer from General 80 0 0RESOURCES AVAILABLE 82 105,585,630 95,427,353EXPENDITURES: 210 Health Care Services 85 57,745,872 55,028,377 211 Disability Income Benefits 90 1,056,708 946,981 212 Group Life Insurance 95 260 School Workers' Compensation 100 5,006,805 1,543,733 520 Risk Management Insurance 105 1,890,284 1,368,731TOTAL EXPENDITURES 175 65,699,669 58,887,822UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE JUNE 30 190 39,885,961 36,539,531

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12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.KPERS SPECIAL RETIREMENT Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

CONTRIBUTION FUND 51 Actual Actual BudgetLine (1) (2) (3)

UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE JULY 1 01 XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXCancel of Prior Year Encumbrances 03 XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXREVENUE: 3000 STATE SOURCES 3221 KPERS 05 20,228,896 33,112,981 31,486,664RESOURCES AVAILABLE 70 20,228,896 33,112,981 31,486,664EXPENDITURES: 1000 Instruction 200 Employee Benefits 75 11,513,614 21,373,450 20,323,710 2100 Student Support 200 Employee Benefits 80 1,682,151 3,115,702 2,962,677 2200 Instructional Support 200 Employee Benefits 85 1,186,208 1,928,615 1,833,893 2300 General Administration 200 Employee Benefits 90 453,185 506,880 481,985 2400 School Administration 200 Employee Benefits 95 1,928,022 2,384,747 2,267,622 2500/2900 Other Supplemental Services 200 Employee Benefits 100 795,827 896,203 852,187 2600 Operations & Maintenance 200 Employee Benefits 105 2,184,803 2,335,302 2,220,606 2700 Student Transportation Services 200 Employee Benefits 110 55,433 61,645 58,617 3000 Food Service 200 Employee Benefits 115 429,653 510,437 485,367TOTAL EXPENDITURES 175 20,228,896 33,112,981 31,486,664UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE JUNE 30 190 XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX

Note: FY2011 Fourth Quarter state aid was paid July 2011 and treated as FY12 (2011-12) receipt. This will reflect lower expenditures for FY11 and increased expenditures for FY12.

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12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

CONTINGENCY RESERVE 53 Actual Actual BudgetLine (1) (2) (3)

UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE JULY 1 01 16,477,282 14,874,585 14,873,751Cancel of Prior Year Encumbrances 03 1065000 OTHER 5206 Transfer From General 05 0 0RESOURCES AVAILABLE 170 16,477,282 14,874,691TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS 175 1,602,697 940UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE JUNE 30 190 14,874,585 14,873,751

12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.CONTINGENCY RESERVE Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

EXPENDITURES 53 Actual Actual BudgetLine (1) (2) (3)

1000 Instruction 100 Salaries 110 Certified 210 120 NonCertified 215 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 220 220 Social Security 225 290 Other 230 300 Purchased Professional and Tech Services 235 400 Purchased Property Services 237 500 Other Purchased Services 560 Tuition 561 Tuition/other State LEA's 240 562 Tuition/other LEA's outside the State 245 563 Tuition/Private Sources 250 590 Other 255 600 Supplies 610 General Supplemental (Teaching) 260 117,428 855 644 Textbooks 265 650 Supplies (Technology Related) 267 159,202 680 Miscellaneous Supplies 270 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 275 874,011 85 800 Other 2802000 Support Services 2100 Student Support Services 100 Salaries 110 Certified 285 120 NonCertified 290 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 295 220 Social Security 300 290 Other 305 300 Purchased Professional and Tech Services 310 400 Purchased Property Services 313 500 Other Purchased Services 315 600 Supplies 320 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 325 800 Other 330

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12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

CONTINGENCY RESERVE EXPENDITURES 53 Actual Actual BudgetLine (1) (2) (3)

2200 Instr Support Staff 100 Salaries 110 Certified 335 120 NonCertified 340 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 345 220 Social Security 350 290 Other 355 300 Purchased Professional and Tech Services 360 400 Purchased Property Services 363 500 Other Purchased Services 365 600 Supplies 640 Books (not textbooks) and Periodicals 370 650 Technology Supplies 375 680 Miscellaneous Supplies 380 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 385 800 Other 3902300 General Administration 100 Salaries 110 Certified 395 120 NonCertified 400 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 405 220 Social Security 410 290 Other 415 300 Purchased Professional and Tech Services 420 400 Purchased Property Services 425 500 Other Purchased Services 520 Insurance 430 530 Communications (Telephone, postage, etc.) 435 590 Other 440 600 Supplies 445 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 450 800 Other 4552400 School Administration 100 Salaries 110 Certified 460 120 NonCertified 465 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 470 220 Social Security 475 290 Other 480 300 Purchased Professional and Tech Services 485 400 Purchased Property Services 490

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12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

CONTINGENCY RESERVE EXPENDITURES 53 Actual Actual BudgetLine (1) (2) (3)

500 Other Purchased Services 530 Communications (Telephone, postage, etc.) 495 590 Other 500 600 Supplies 505 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 510 800 Other 5152600 Operations & Maintenance 100 Salaries 120 NonCertified 520 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 525 220 Social Security 530 290 Other 535 300 Purchased Professional and Tech Services 540 400 Purchased Property Services 411 Water/Sewer 545 420 Cleaning 550 430 Repairs & Maintenance 555 440 Rentals 560 460 Repair of Buildings 565 490 Other 570 500 Other Purchased Services 520 Insurance 575 590 Other 580 600 Supplies 610 General Supplies 585 1,816 620 Energy 621 Heating 590 622 Electricity 595 626 Motor Fuel (not schoolbus) 600 629 Other 605 680 Miscellaneous Supplies 610 3,544 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 615 446,696 800 Other 6202500, 2900 Other Supplemental Service 100 Salaries 110 Certified 625 120 NonCertified 630 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance 635 220 Social Security 640 290 Other 645 300 Purchased Professional and Tech Services 650 400 Purchased Property Services 655 500 Other Purchased Services 660 600 Supplies 665 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 670 800 Other 675

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12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

CONTINGENCY RESERVE EXPENDITURES 53 Actual Actual BudgetLine (1) (2) (3)

3300 Community Services Operations 680 0 05200 TRANSFER TO: 930 General Fund 725 932 Adult Education 730 0 0 934 Adult Suppl Education 735 0 0 936 Bilingual Education 740 0 0 937 Virtual Education 745 0 0 940 Driver Training 750 0 0 943 Extraordinary School Prog 757 0 0 944 Food Service 760 0 0 946 Professional Development 765 0 0 948 Parent Education Program 770 0 0 949 Summer School 773 0 0 950 Special Education 775 0 0 954 Vocational Education 790 0 0 963 Special Liability Expense Fund 800 0 0 974 Textbook & Student Material Revolving 805 0 0 976 At Risk (4yr Old) 810 0 0 978 At Risk (K-12) 815 0 0TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS* xxxx 1,602,697 940

* Enter on Code 53, Line 175.

The maximum amount of money which can be carried in the Contingency Reserve Fund is 10% of the legalmaximum general fund budget.

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2012-201312 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.

TEXTBOOK & Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013STUDENT MATERIAL REVOLVING 55 Actual Actual Budget

Line (1) (2) (3)UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE JULY 1 01 9,115,403 8,875,574 7,176,021Cancel of Prior Year Encumbrances 03 7,018 8,035REVENUE: 1000 LOCAL SOURCES 1740 Fees (Rental) 05 708,213 648,670 1911 Fines 10 1942 Rental Fees & Books 15 391,590 407,212 1990 Miscellaneous 20 17,056 17,0514000 FEDERAL SOURCES 4590 Other Federal Aid 225000 OTHER 5206 Transfer From General 25 1,335,358 1,356,816 5208 Transfer From Supplemental General 30 0 0 5253 Transfer From Contingency Reserve 35 0 0RESOURCES AVAILABLE 40 11,574,638 11,313,358EXPENDITURES: 1000 Instruction 100 Salaries 110 Certified 45 120 NonCertified 50 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employees) 55 220 Social Security 60 290 Other 65 300 Purchased Professional and Tech Services 70 600 Supplies 644 Textbooks 75 1,667,380 3,095,724 645 Workbooks 80 646 Repairing Textbooks 85 4,841 15,000 649 Other Materials & Supplies 90 644,771 858,043 650 Supplies (Technology Related) 932200 Support Services 680 Miscellaneous Supplies 681 Special Clothing & Towels 95 682 Musical Instruments 100 307,344 120,912 683 Other Material & Supplies 105 74,728 47,658 684 Other 1105200 TRANSFER TO: 930 General Fund 125TOTAL EXPENDITURES 175 2,699,064 4,137,337UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE JUNE 30 190 8,875,574 7,176,021

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12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

ACTIVITY FUND 56 Actual Actual BudgetLine (1) (2) (3)

UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE JULY 1 01 1,189,510 953,048 1,151,589Cancel of Prior Yr Enc 03 40,261 71,090REVENUE: 1000 LOCAL SOURCES 1710 Admissions/Gate Receipts 50 490432 463,020 1790 Donations/Fundraisers/Other 55 106,978 1900 Other Revenue From Local Source 1980 Reimbursements 60RESOURCES AVAILABLE 170 1,720,203 1,594,136TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS 175 767,155 442,547UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE JUNE 30 190 953,048 1,151,589 xxxxxxxxxxx

12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo.Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

ACTIVITY FUND EXPENDITURES 56 Actual Actual BudgetLine (1) (2) (3)

1000 Instruction 100 Salaries 110 Certified 210 86,973 1,732 120 NonCertified 215 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance (Employee) 220 220 Social Security 225 6,578 131 290 Other 230 1,481 33 300 Purchased Professional and Tech Services 232 238,685 92,286 600 Supplies 235 194,770 96,902 700 Property (Equipment & Furnishings) 240 24,528 1,000 800 Other 245 44,060 14,6372700 Student Transportation Serv 100 Salaries 120 NonCertified 250 200 Employee Benefits 210 Insurance 255 220 Social Security 260 290 Other 265 600 Supplies 270 730 Equipment 275 800 Other 280 170,080 235826TOTAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS* xxxx 767155 442,547

In accordance with 72-8208a, all monies received from the sale of admissions to activities which the school district sponsors shall be credited to school activity funds in accordance with policies and procedures adopted by the board of education. Such monies shall not be considered to be monies of the school district for the purposes of K.S.A. 72-8202d, and amendments thereto. The term "activities" means activities, events, and competitions in such fields as athletics, music, forensics, and dramatics, and other interschool or intraschool extracurricular activities in which pupils may participate directly or indirectly. This does not include student organizations or clubs.

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12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo. 18 mo.Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 Financing

BOND AND INTEREST (USD) #1 62 Actual Actual Budget Required Line (1) (2) (3) (4)

UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE JULY 1 01 30,091,730 26,158,508 27,191,430 27,191,430REVENUE: 1000 LOCAL SOURCES 1110 Ad Valorem Tax Levied 2009 $ 05 558,425 2010 $ 10 22,580,912 656,856 2011 $ 15 22,832,289 784,756 784,756 2012 $ 20 22,285,043 1140 Delinquent Tax 25 338,884 596,201 428,722 642,761 1510 Interest on Idle Funds(a) 30 92 0 July - December Estimate 35 1900 Other Revenue From Local Source 40 64,109 3,335 0 July - December Estimate 452000 COUNTY SOURCES 2400 Motor Vehicle Tax (Includes 16/20M Tax) 55 2,183,413 2,885,953 2,903,328 2,903,328 July - December Estimate 60 1,451,664 2450 Recreational Vehicle Tax 65 16,959 21,841 23,828 23,828 July - December Estimate 66 11,914 2800 In Lieu of Taxes IRBs 70 11,152 0 0 July - December Estimate 72 03000 STATE SOURCES 3217 State Aid (prior 7-1-92) 76 0 0 July - December Estimate* 77 3217 State Aid (after 7-1-92) 78 9,885,746 9,607,117 10,758,658 10,758,658 July - December Estimate* 79 8,244,4705000 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 5140 Federal Tax Credit 80 4,888,103 4,743,515 4,743,516 4,743,516 July - December Estimate* 81 2,371,758RESOURCES AVAILABLE 82 70,608,281 67,516,859 69,119,281 59,128,083EXPENDITURES: 5100 DEBT SERVICE 832 Interest 85 24,292,198 22,495,429 21,910,708 890 Commission & Postage 90 47,575 100,050 831 Principal 95 20,110,000 17,830,000 18,695,000TOTAL EXPENDITURES 100 44,449,773 40,325,429 40,705,758 40,705,758 832 Interest Due July-December 105 10,752,385 890 Commission & Postage July-Dec 110 100,000 831 Principal Due July-December 115 19,215,000 990 Cash Basis Reserve 120 12,693,000TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURE (18 MO) 185 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 83,466,143UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE JUNE 30 190 26,158,508 27,191,430 28,413,523 xxxxxxxxxxxxx

195 TAX REQUIRED (Line 185 minus Line 82) 24,338,060200 Delinquent Tax 243,381205 Amount of 2012 Tax to be Levied 24,581,441

(a) Interest on Bond Proceeds only.* July - December estimate must be entered manually.

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12 mo. 12 mo. 12 mo. 18 mo.Code 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 Financing

SPECIAL ASSESSMENT 67 Actual Actual Budget RequiredLine (1) (2) (3) (4)

UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE JULY 1 01 1,145,781 8,262 1,090 1,090REVENUE: 1000 LOCAL SOURCES 1110 Ad Valorem Tax Levied 2009 $ 05 2010 $ 10 2011 $ 15 0 0 0 2012 $ 20 0 1140 Delinquent Tax 25 185 89 0 0 1900 Other Revenue From Local Source 30 1,751 1,001 0 July - December Estimate 352000 COUNTY SOURCES 2400 Motor Vehicle Tax (Includes 16/20M Tax) 45 6,129 0 0 July - December Estimate 50 0 2450 Recreational Vehicle tax 55 0 0 July - December Estimate 56 0 2800 In Lieu of Taxes IRBs 60 0 0 July - December Estimate 65 0RESOURCES AVAILABLE 70 1,153,846 9,352 1,090 1,090EXPENDITURES: 4000 FACILITIES ACQUISITION 4200 Site Improvement Services 75 1,145,584 8,262TOTAL EXPENDITURES 175 1,145,584 8,262 0 0 July - December Estimate 180 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1,090TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURE (18 MO) 185 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1,090UNENCUMBERED CASH BALANCE JUNE 30 190 8,262 1,090 1,090 xxxxxxxxxxxxx

195 TAX REQUIRED (Line 185 minus Line 70) 0200 Delinquent Tax 0205 Amount of 2012 Tax to be Levied 0

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County of Sedgwick

Mark Fletchall, of lawful age, being first duly sworn, deposeth and saith: That he is Record Clerk of The Wichita Eagle, a daily newspaper published in the City of Wichita, County of Sedgwick, State of Kansas, and having a general paid circulation on a daily basis in said County, which said newspaper has been continuously and uninterruptedly published in said County for more than one year prior to the first publication of the notice hereinafter mentioned, and which said newspaper has been entered as second class mail matter at the United States Post Office in Wichita, Kansas, and which said newspaper is not a trade, religious or fraternal publication and that a notice of a true copy is hereto attached was published in the regular and entire Morning issue of said The Wichita Eagle for _1_ issues, that the first publication of said notice was

made as ~foresaid on the 16th of

August A.D. 2012, with

subsequent publications being made on the following dates:

And affiant further says that he has personal knowledge of the statements above set forth and that they are true.

Subscribed and sworn to before me this

16th day of August, 2012

Notary 'Publici Sedgwick County, Kansas Ii v

Printer's Fee: $787,60


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Wichita Public Schools USD 259

2012-13 Profile Information

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• Budget General Information (characteristics of district)

• Supplemental Information for Tables in Summary of Expenditures

• KSDE Website Information Available

• Summary of Expenditures (Sumexpen.xlsx)

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2012-13 Budget General Information USD #: 259


Unified School District (USD) No. 259 is located in Sedgwick County of south central Kansas. The major city within the school district is Wichita with a population of more than 344,631. Approximately 97 percent of the students reside in the city of Wichita. The school district covers more than 152 square miles and serves more than 49,000 students. The district consists of more than 100 schools and other administrative or attendance centers.

USD No. 259 is the largest school district in the state. The district provides a full range of school programs and services authorized by Kansas state statutes. These services include educational programs for grades kindergarten through twelfth grades, special education, Title 1, Even Start, pre-kindergarten, vocational education, transportation, nutrition services, health services, support services, and professional development activities for educators. USD No. 259 also supervises the use of district facilities to ensure that individuals and community groups may utilize those facilities.

Unified School District No. 259 was established on July 1, 1965. The district is governed by a seven member elected School Board. The majority of district funding comes from the state of Kansas. The district also receives funds from local and federal government sources and must comply with the accompanying requirements of those entities. However, USD No. 259 is not included in any other governmental “reporting entity” as defined by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board. Board of Education members are elected by the public, have policy setting authority, and have primary responsibility for fiscal matters.

The Board of Education meets at 6:00 p.m. the second and fourth Monday of each month at the North High School Lecture Hall, 1437 Rochester, Wichita, Kansas. The Board welcomes the public’s input and will permit anyone to bring matters before the Board.

The community has held strong concern for and support of the educational opportunities made available through the Wichita Public Schools. This concern has been enhanced by the quality and enthusiasm of the professionals who work in the school system. Continued cooperation between local citizens and professional educators will maximize future educational opportunities to ensure that all students learn the skills and acquire the knowledge necessary for success at continuing stages of their lives.

Board Members District 1: Betty Arnold, 5311 Pembrook, Wichita, KS 67220 (Term Expires 2013) District 2: Connie Dietz, 8310 Greenbriar Lane, Wichita, KS 67226 (Term Expires 2013) District 3: Barbara Fuller, 6900 E. Zimmerly, Wichita, KS 67207 (Term Expires 2015) District 4: Jeff Davis, 1941 W. Greenfield St., Wichita, KS 67217 (Term Expires 2015) District 5: Lanora Nolan, 1664 Melrose Lane, Wichita, KS 67212 (Term Expires 2013) District 6: Lynn W. Rogers, 912 Spaulding, Wichita, KS 67203 (Term Expires 2013) At-Large: Sheril Logan 1505 N. Valleyview Ct. Wichita, KS 67212 (Term Expires 2015)

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Key Staff

John Allison, Superintendent of Schools

Direct Reports: Denise Seguine, Chief Academic Officer

Alicia Thompson, Assistant Superintendent of Elementary Schools Bill Faflick, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Schools

Shannon Krysl, Chief Human Resources Officer Linda J. Jones, Chief Financial Officer

Cathy Barbieri, Chief Information Officer Tom Powell, Chief Legal Counsel

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Other Key Staff

Division Director of Learning Services and Staff Development: Susanne Smith Division Director of Facilities: Julie Hedrick Division Director of Operations: Darren Muci Business Office Staff: Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer: Linda Jones Director of Budgeting: Dee Anne Grunder Controller/Assistant Treasurer: Barbara Phillips Director of Payroll: Susan Willis

The District’s Accomplishments • On Nov. 4, 2008, voters approved a $370 million bond issue that will add schools and classrooms to

reduce class sizes and address overcrowding and growth, build 60 safe rooms, support the end to forced busing, upgrade technical education programs and renovate or rebuild aging physical education, athletic and fine arts facilities.

• 60 schools met the 2011 Adequate Yearly Progress on state assessment targets in both reading and math. An additional 20 schools met the target in either reading or math.

• 45 schools received 164 Standard of Excellence awards in 2011—the state’s highest honor based on

their performance on the Kansas assessments in math, reading and science.

• More than $26.5 million in scholarships were awarded in 2011 to Wichita Public Schools’ high school graduates.

• Twenty students representing East, Northwest and Southeast High Schools qualified to compete at

the 2012 National Forensics League’s National Tournament.

• Northwest High School boys’ soccer team won the 2011 6A State Championship, and Heights High School won 2012 6A State Championships in boys basketball and girls basketball.

• The National Merit Scholarship competition has named 10 finalists for 2012 who attended Wichita

Public Schools.

• Gordon Parks Academy became the only school in Kansas to be authorized as both an International Baccalaureate World School Primary Years and Middle Years program site.

• Wichita Public Schools received the Healthiest Employers Award from the Wichita Business Journal

in 2011 and 2012.

• Robinson Middle School’s orchestra performed at the prestigious Midwest Band and Orchestra Clinic in Chicago.

• North High School and Coleman Middle School were named AVID (Achievement Via Individual

Determination) National Demonstration Schools, the only schools in Kansas and two of the few across the country.

Challenges: Wichita Public Schools is the largest district situated between the Mississippi River and Denver, and

Dallas and the Canadian border.

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Nearly 73 percent of students come from a lower income household.

About 16 percent of students receive special education services. Over $100 million is spent on special needs students.

The non-English speaking population comprises 16 percent of the student body. The percentage of

non-English speaking students has doubled over the past 10 years. Approximately one-third of the district’s aging workforce is expected to retire in the next four years. A

growing teacher shortage exists nation-wide. The state dictated budget per pupil of $3,838 is $595 less per pupil than in 2009 and is now at the

2001 funding level per student. State statutes limit how much the district can spend. Though additional resources are needed to

reach legislated achievement levels with our challenging student population, state statutes do not allow for generation of those resources.

Supplemental Information for the Following Tables 1. Summary of Total Expenditures by Function (All Funds)

• District-wide over 87% of the operational budget is spent on students for instruction, student & instructional support (librarians, counselors, nurses, etc.) school principals, student meals, utilities, and student transportation.

• The adopted FY’13 budget of $626 million is overall higher than the FY’12 budget of $611 million primarily due to increased state aid in the general and supplemental general funds. Overall cost increases are primarily due to a 4% salary increase costing $12 million; the first salary increase in four years.

• The district also added 15 bilingual teachers, 8 regular education teachers, 12 special education teachers, 23 special education para-educators (teacher aides) and 8 other support staff primarily due to the opening of 5 new school buildings and increases in the numbers of students requiring bilingual and special education services.

• The increase in operations and maintenance is primarily due to the purchase of a new phone system along with the rising costs of gas, water, sanitation, and electric for a total utility budget of $12 million.

• The reduction in Capital improvements is primarily due to the spending of cash balances in prior years for bond related projects.

• The budget for other costs reflects the increased costs of diesel and the transportation contract (which is tied to Kansas CPI) and increased costs of food for the breakfast and lunch programs (funded by student fees and federal reimbursement for low income students.) The budget for transportation is $29 million. The budget for student food service is $25.5 million.

2. Summary of General Fund Expenditures by Function

• Budget increases in School Administration and Student & Instructional support is primarily due to 4% salary increases and the opening of 5 new schools.

• Operations and Maintenance increased primarily due to the movement of 70.5 positions from the capital outlay fund to the general fund in order to generate state matching funds.

3. Summary of Supplemental General Fund Expenditures by Function

• Operations and Maintenance includes utility cost increases and utility usage increases due to the construction of 5 new schools and other additional school square footage funded through the 2008 bond election.

• Other costs for FY2012 and FY2011 are unusually low due to delayed expenditures in equipment and supplies due to state aid cuts.

• Increased other costs include $4 million to implement a new student data base, upgrade the financial system, upgrade the district-wide security system and purchase of a new telephone system. Transportation costs also increased due to inflationary factors.

4. Summary of General and Supplemental General Fund Expenditures by Function

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• Operations and Maintenance include utility rate increases and utility increases due to the construction of 5 new schools and other additional classroom space funded through the 2008 bond election.

• Other costs for FY2012 and FY2011 are unusually low due to delayed expenditures in equipment and supplies related to state aid cuts. Other costs also include increased costs for transportation and fuel.

5. Summary of Special Education Fund by Function • The district added 12 special education teachers and 23 special education para-educators

(teacher aides) in FY’13 due to state and federal mandates to serve special needs students.

6. Instruction Expenditures (1000) • Overall cost increases are primarily due to a 4% salary increase; the first salary increase in four

years. • Increases in At-Risk and Bilingual Educational spending are a result of increased student poverty

and increased non-English speaking students. • The district added 15 bilingual teachers, 8 regular education teachers, 12 special education

teachers, 23 special education para-educators (teacher aides.) 7. Student and Instructional Support Expenditures (2100 & 2200)

• At-Risk is expected to increase due to rising poverty and the need to provide additional services to low performing students.

• Professional development was underspent in FY’12 due to concerns about state funding. • Supplemental General expenditures are up due to the movement of staffing from the general

fund. 8. General Administration Expenditures (2300)

• The special education general administration FY’12 budget was underspent to provide funding to cover increasing special education transportation costs.

9. School Administration Expenditures (2400)

• General fund increases are due to 4% salary increases and the staffing of 5 new schools. 10. Operations and Maintenance Expenditures (2600)

• The General fund increase is primarily due to the movement of 70.5 positions from capital improvements (formerly in capital outlay.)

• Supplemental general fund increased primarily to increased utility costs. 11. Other Costs (2500 & 2900: Other Supplemental Services) (3000: Non-Instruction Services)

• Other costs for FY2012 and FY2011 are unusually low due to delayed expenditures in equipment and supplies related to state aid cuts. Other costs also include increased costs for transportation and fuel. The busing contract is tied the Kansas Consumer Price Index which increase by 3%.

12. Capital Improvements (4000) 13. Debt Services (5000)

14. Miscellaneous Information – Transfers

• Transfers represent money transferred between funds. Since transfers must be budgeted by state law in both the sending and receiving funds, duplicate entries are subtracted from the total for purposes of calculating the total budgeted expenditures.

• General fund transfers were higher in FY’12 due to the transfer of funds to special education which funded increased special education costs for FY’13.

15. Miscellaneous Information Unencumbered Cash Balance by Fund

• July 1, cash balances reflect June tax collections needed to fund budgeted expenditures until the January tax distribution is received. December cash balances are significantly lower.

• July 1 unencumbered cash balance reflects delinquent state aid of $30 million for FY’12 which was required to be included though it was not actually received. The state has been on average $28 million late on June 30 over the past 11 years in a row.

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• Unencumbered cash has declined by $21 million over the past 2 years. • Only the General and Supplemental General funds are unrestricted and available to be used at

the board’s discretion. All the other funds are restricted and must only be used for the purposes generated. Many of the programs such as the special education and bilingual funds are mandated by both state and federal law.

16. Reserve Funds Unencumbered Cash Balance

• Represents reserves for the district’s self-insured health, disability, property, and worker’s compensation.

17. Other Information - FTE • Other Information - FTE Enrollment has increased by over 2,000 students over the past 20 years. • While overall enrollment has increased slightly over time, the number of low-income and non-

English speaking students has increased significantly. About three-fourths come from low income families, and about 16 percent speak little to no English.

18. Miscellaneous Information Mill Rates by Fund 19. Other Information – Assessed Valuation and Bonded Indebtedness

• Assessed valuation declined for the third time in four years. 20. Average Salary

• Hiring highly qualified teaching staff has become one of the district’s biggest challenges. In order to be competitive in the labor market, the district gave 4% salary increases in FY’13. It has been four years since our last salary increase.

Note: The FTE (full time equivalency) used in this report to calculate the “Amount Per Pupil” is defined as following: Enrollment (FTE) includes the enrollment of the district used for state aid and budget authority, and all other preschool enrollment and kindergarten students attending full time.

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KSDE Website Information Available K-12 Statistics (Building, District or State Totals) http://svapp15586.ksde.org/k12/k12.aspx

• Attendance / Enrollment Reports • Staff Reports • Graduates / Dropouts Reports • Crime / Violence Reports

School Finance Reports and Publications http://www.ksde.org/Default.aspx?tabid=1870

• Certified Personnel • Enrollment • Dropouts • Graduates • Salary Reports

Kansas Building Report Card http://svapp15586.ksde.org/rcard/

• Attendance Rate • Graduation Rate • Dropout Rate • School Violence • Assessments

o Reading o Mathematics o Writing

• Graduates Passing Adv. Science Courses • Graduates Passing Adv. Math Courses

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2012-13 Budget at a Glance

259 - Wichita

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Summary of Total Expenditures………………………………….………...……………………….………1

Summary of General and Supplemental General Fund Expenditures…………………… 2

Instruction Expenses…………………………………………………………………………………..…………3

Sources of Revenue and Proposed Budget for 2012-13…………………...……………………4

Enrollment and Low Income Students…………………………………………………………………. 5

Mill Rates by Fund………………………………………………………………..…………...…………..…… 6

Assessed Valuation and Bonded Indebtedness…………………….……………………………… 7

Average Salary…………………………………………………………………………………....…………………8

KSDE Website Information……………………………………………………………...……………………9

Table of Contents

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USD# 259

Summary of Total Expenditures By Function(All Funds)

% % % % %2010-2011 of 2011-2012 of inc/ 2012-2013 of inc/

Actual Tot Actual Tot dec Budget Tot dec

Instruction 298,632,464 49% 297,465,076 51% 0% 313,681,387 50% 5%

Student & Instructional Support 75,523,375 13% 68,388,793 12% -9% 72,438,452 12% 6%

General Administration 6,909,322 1% 6,371,696 1% -8% 7,458,033 1% 17%

School Administration (Building) 34,632,379 6% 33,190,257 6% -4% 34,993,856 6% 5%

Operations & Maintenance 46,694,847 8% 45,874,076 8% -2% 50,718,940 8% 11%

Capital Improvements 31,741,102 5% 28,220,496 5% -11% 25,450,000 4% -10%

Debt Services 44,674,734 7% 40,325,429 7% -10% 40,705,758 7% 1%

Other Costs 64,539,956 11% 68,891,997 12% 7% 80,723,014 13% 17%

Total Expenditures 603,348,179 100% 588,727,820 100% -2% 626,169,440 100% 6%

Amount per Pupil $12,477 $12,175 -2% $12,929 6%

Note: Percentages on charts are within +-1% due to rounding used. Pie graph percentages may differ from charts for this reason also.

Further definition of what goes into each category:Instruction - 1000 Operations & Maintenance - 2600Student & Instructional Support - 2100 & 2200 Other Costs - 2500, 2900 and 3000 and all others not included elsewhereGeneral Administration - 2300 Capital Improvements - 4000School Administration (Building) - 2400 Debt Services - 5100 Transfers - 5200

The funds that are included in the categories above are: General, Supplemental General, Bilingual Education, At Risk(4yr Old), At Risk(K-12), Virtual Education, Capital Outlay, Driver Education, Extraordinary School Program, Summer School, Special Education, Vocational Education, Professional Development, Bond & Interest #1, Bond & Interest #2, No-Fund Warrant, Special Assessment, Parent Education, School Retirement, Student Materials Revolving & Textbook Rental, Tuition Reimbursement, Gifts/Grants, KPERS Special Retirement Contribution, Contingency, Special Liability Expense, Federal Funds, Adult Education, Adult Supplemental Education, Activity Fund and Special Education Coop Fund.









Instruction Student &Instructional





Operations &Maintenance


Debt Services Other Costs







Summary of Total Expenditures by Function (All Funds)


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USD# 259Summary of General and Supplemental General Fund

Expenditures by Function

% % % % %2010-2011 of 2011-2012 of inc/ 2012-2013 of inc/

Actual Tot Actual Tot dec Budget Tot dec

Instruction 120,473,678 48% 105,890,625 46% -12% 108,859,929 43% 3%

Student & Instructional Support 29,317,388 12% 23,790,109 10% -19% 26,418,500 11% 11%

General Administration 3,261,455 1% 3,315,703 1% 2% 3,347,585 1% 1%

School Administration (Building) 28,653,775 11% 27,263,084 12% -5% 28,954,600 12% 6%

Operations & Maintenance 41,126,946 16% 40,660,155 18% -1% 45,777,507 18% 13%

Capital Improvements 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0 0% 0%

Other Costs 27,345,114 11% 27,010,484 12% -1% 37,648,119 15% 39%

Total Expenditures 250,178,356 100% 227,930,160 100% -9% 251,006,240 100% 10%

Amount per Pupil $5,174 $4,713 -9% $5,183 10%









Instruction Student &Instructional





Operations &Maintenance


Other Costs

Summary of General and Supplemental General FundExpenditures by Function


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NOTE: Gifts/Grants includes private grants and grants from nonfederal sources.

Amount per pupil excludes the following funds: Adult Education, Adult Supplemental Education, Special Education Coopand Tuition Reimbursement.

*Enrollment (FTE) includes the enrollment of the district used for state aid and budget authority, and all other preschool enrollmentand kindergarten students attending full time.

USD# 259Instruction Expenditures (1000)

% %2010-2011 2011-2012 inc/ 2012-2013 inc/

Actual Actual dec Budget dec

General 117,031,145 105,618,215 -10% 108,265,607 3%Federal Funds 17,123,095 16,880,250 -1% 17,279,988 2%Supplemental General 3,442,533 272,410 -92% 594,322 118%At Risk (4yr Old) 4,111,072 4,199,084 2% 5,001,711 19%At Risk (K-12) 67,399,980 67,965,947 1% 73,424,397 8%Bilingual Education 9,498,468 10,152,907 7% 10,964,845 8%Virtual Education 541,016 1,033,174 91% 1,056,960 2%Capital Outlay 151,222 1,294,611 756% 1,250,000 -3%Driver Education 18,860 0 -100% 0 0%Declining Enrollment 0 0 0% 0 0%Extraordinary School Program 0 0 0% 0 0%Food Service 0 0 0% 0 0%Professional Development 0 0 0% 0 0%Parent Education Program 0 0 0% 0 0%Summer School 113,044 156,494 38% 205,776 31%Special Education 55,885,946 56,232,443 1% 64,790,313 15%Cost of Living 0 0 0% 0 0%Vocational Education 6,988,552 7,081,153 1% 7,548,795 7%Gifts/Grants 747,189 1,027,745 38% 2,974,463 189%Special Liability 0 0 0% 0 0%School Retirement 0 0 0% 0 0%Extraordinary Growth Facilities 0 0 0% 0 0%Special Reserve 0 0 0%KPERS Spec. Ret. Contribution 11,513,614 21,373,450 86% 20,323,710 -5%Contingency Reserve 1,150,641 940 -100%Text Book & Student Material 2,316,992 3,968,767 71%Activity Fund 597,075 206,721 -65% 0 -100%Bond and Interest #1 0 0 0% 0 0%Bond and Interest #2 0 0 0% 0 0%No-Fund Warrant 0 0 0% 0 0%Special Assessment 0 0 0% 0 0%Temporary Note 0 0 0% 0 0%

SUBTOTAL 298,630,444 297,464,311 0% 313,680,887 5%Enrollment (FTE)* 48,357.0 48,357.0 0% 48,433.1 0%Amount per Pupil 6,176 6,151 0% 6,477 5%

Adult Education 2,020 765 -62% 500 -35%Adult Supplemental Education 0 0 0% 0 0%Tuition Reimbursement 0 0 0% 0 0%Special Education Coop 0 0 0% 0 0%TOTAL 298,632,464 297,465,076 0% 313,681,387 5%








2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013



Instruction Expenditures

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USD 259

2012-13 Estimated Sources of Revenue--2012-13 EstimatedAmount July 1, 2012 State Federal Local July 1, 2013

Fund Budgeted Cash Balance Interest Transfers Other Cash BalanceGeneral 319,085,524 166,683 271,736,729 0 2,267,451 44,914,661 XXXXXXXXSupplemental General 107,856,793 2,737,659 41,874,321 63,244,813 XXXXXXXXAdult Education 500 328 0 0 0 0 172 0At Risk (4yr Old) 5,706,268 895,422 0 0 4,814,211 0 3,365Adult Supplemental Education 0 0 0 0 0 0At Risk (K-12) 76,071,673 3,770,983 0 0 72,300,690 0 0Bilingual Education 12,316,954 0 0 0 12,316,954 0 0Virtual Education 2,048,470 700,643 0 2,279,514 0 931,687Capital Outlay 27,200,000 23,807,159 0 0 0 13,489,914 10,097,073Driver Training 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Declining Enrollment 0 0 0 0 XXXXXXXXExtraordinary School Program 801,011 973,681 0 0 0 772,670Food Service 25,501,208 7,806,977 219,736 16,866,048 0 0 2,496,387 1,887,940Professional Development 1,846,907 832,078 0 0 1,014,829 0 0Parent Education Program 518,969 222,742 307,692 0 0 0 0 11,465Summer School 228,832 57,512 0 0 0 200,000 28,680Special Education 106,030,013 15,007,311 0 18,234,036 0 72,752,654 36,012 0Vocational Education 8,929,548 413,648 0 0 0 8,515,900 0 0Special Liability Expense Fund 990,600 1,757,213 0 0 766,613Special Reserve Fund 36,539,531 XXXXXXXXGifts and Grants 3,238,297 5,670,464 0 2,432,167Textbook & Student Materials Revolving 7,176,021 XXXXXXXXSchool Retirement 0 0 0 0 0Extraordinary Growth Facilities 0 0 0 0 XXXXXXXXXKPERS Special Retirement Contribution 31,486,664 0 31,486,664 XXXXXXXXXContingency Reserve 14,873,751 XXXXXXXXXActivity Funds 1,151,589 XXXXXXXXXTuition Reimbursement 0 0 0 0 0Bond and Interest #1 40,705,758 27,191,430 10,758,658 4,743,516 0 26,425,677 28,413,523Bond and Interest #2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0No Fund Warrant 0 0 0 0Special Assessment 0 1090 0 1,090Temporary Note 0 0 0 0 0Coop Special Education 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Federal Funds 33,808,979 -661,001 xxxxxxxxxxx 34,469,980 xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx 0Cost of Living 0 0 xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx 0 0 XXXXXXXXXSUBTOTAL 804,372,968 151,092,914 356,383,800 74,313,580 0 176,262,203 150,807,636 45,346,273Less Transfers 176,262,203TOTAL Budget Expenditures $628,110,765

Sources of Revenue and Proposed Budget for 2012-13

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*FTE for state aid and budget authority purposes for the general fund.







2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013




FTE Enrollment for Budget Authority









2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

2746430416 31668 32721 32721

6308 5023 4901 4609 4412

Low Income Students

Free MealsReduced Meals

USD# 259

2008-2009 2009-2010 % 2010-2011 % 2011-2012 % 2012-2013 %Actual Actual inc/ Actual inc/ Actual inc/ Budget inc/

dec dec dec dec

Enrollment (FTE)* 44,429.2 44,963.3 1% 44,871.0 0% 44,797.8 0% 44,877.4 0%Number of Students - Free Meals 27,464 30,416 11% 31,668 4% 32,721 3% 32,721 0%Number of Students - Reduced Meals 6,308 5,023 -20% 4,901 -2% 4,609 -6% 4,412 -4%

Enrollment Information

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USD# 259

Miscellaneous InformationMill Rates by Fund

2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013Actual Actual Budget

General 20.000 20.000 20.000Supplemental General 20.482 21.549 23.139Adult Education 0.000 0.000 0.000Capital Outlay 7.015 6.014 4.514Declining Enrollment 0.000 0.000 0.000Cost of Living 0.000 0.000 0.000Special Liability 0.000 0.000 0.000School Retirement 0.000 0.000 0.000Extraordinary Growth Facilities 0.000 0.000 0.000Bond and Interest #1 9.431 9.454 9.454Bond and Interest #2 0.000 0.000 0.000No Fund Warrant 0.000 0.000 0.000Special Assessment 0.000 0.000 0.000Temporary Note 0.000 0.000 0.000TOTAL USD 56.928 57.017 57.107Historical Museum 0.000 0.000 0.000Public Library Board 0.000 0.000 0.000Public Library Board & Employee Bnfts 0.000 0.000 0.000Recreation Commission 0.000 0.000 0.000

Rec Comm Employee Bnfts 0.000 0.000 0.000TOTAL OTHER 0.000 0.000 0.000










2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

56.928 57.017 57.107

Total USD Mill Rates

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USD# 259Other Information

2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013Actual Actual Budget

Assessed Valuation $2,630,161,737 $2,627,691,824 $2,600,132,581

Bonded Indebtedness 500,144,296 476,817,428 458,855,367


2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

$2,630,161,737 $2,627,691,824


Assessed Valuation










2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013




Bonded Indebtedness

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USD# 259

FTE Total Salary Average Salary FTE Total Salary Average Salary FTE Total Salary Average SalaryAdministrators (Certified/Non-Certified) 225.0 20,324,679 90,332 223.0 19,870,338 89,105 219.0 20,363,872 92,986Teachers (Full Time) 3,340.6 189,395,424 56,695 3,281.2 185,280,622 56,467 3,355.5 192,669,530 57,419Other Certified (Licensed) Personnel 737.3 45,941,402 62,310 683.8 42,205,799 61,722 700.4 44,235,826 63,158Classified Personnel 2,070.7 85,460,831 41,271 2,014.9 78,270,998 38,846 2,016.6 82,857,159 41,088Substitutes/Temporary Help XXXXX 16,551,994 XXXXXXXXX XXXXX 18,702,554 XXXXXXXXX XXXXX 18,702,554 XXXXXXXXX

DEFINITIONSAdministrators: *Certified (Licensed) - Superintendent; Assistant Superintendent; Administrative Assistants;

Principals; Assistant Principals; Directors/Supervisors Special Education; Directors/Supervisors ofHealth; Directors/Supervisors of VocEd; Instructional Coordinators/Supervisors; All Other Directors/Supervisors.

** Non-Certified - Assistant Superintendents; Business Managers; Business Services(Directors/Coordinators/Supervisors); Food Service (Directors/Coordinators/Supervisors);Transportation (Directors/Coordinators/Supervisors); Custodial Maintenance(Directors/Coordinators/Supervisors); Other (Directors/Coordinators/Supervisors).

Teachers (Full Time Only): *Practical Arts/Vocational Teachers; Special Education Teachers; Prekindergarten Teachers;Kindergarten Teachers; Reading Specialists/Teachers; All Other Teachers.

Other Certified (Licensed) Personnel: Part-Time Teachers; Library Media Specialists; School Counselors; Clinical or SchoolPsychologists; Speech Pathologists; Audiologists; Nurses (RN); Social Workers.

Classified Personnel: **Attendance Services Staff; Library Media Aides; Security Officers; Regular Education TeacherAides; Secretarial/Clerical; Special Education Paraprofessionals; Nurses (LPN); Food ServiceWorkers; Custodians, Bus Drivers.

Substitutes/Temporary: **Substitute Teachers, Coaching Assistants and other short term temporary help.

Total Salary: Report total salary including employee reduction plans***, supplemental and extra pay forsummer school, and board paid fringe benefits (employer paid)****.

*FTE for Certified Administrators, Teachers and Other Certified (Licensed) Personnel is defined by the local school board. Generally FTE for teachers with a 9-10 month contract should be reported as 1.0; FTE for Principals with a 10-12 month contract should be reported as 1.0; FTE for Superintendents with a 12 month contract should be reported as 1.0.

**FTE of 1.0 for Non-Certified Administrators, Classified Personnel and Substitutes/Temporary should be based upon 2,080 hours.

***Employee reduction plans include benefits received by employees under a Section 125 Salary Reduction Agreement. Does not include social security,workers' compensation, and unemployment insurance.

****Board paid fringe benefits (employer paid) include group life, group health, disability income, accidental death and dismemberment, and hospital surgical, and/or medical expense insurance. Does not include social security, workers' compensation, and unemployment insurance.


2010-11 Actual 2011-12 Actual 2012-13 Contracted

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KSDE Website Information Available

K-12 Statistics (Building, District or State Totals)http://svapp15586.ksde.org/k12/k12.aspx

• Attendance / Enrollment Reports• Staff Reports• Graduates / Dropouts Reports• Crime / Violence Reports

School Finance Reports and Publications

• Certified Personnel• Enrollment• Dropouts• Graduates• Salary Reports

Kansas Building Report Card

• Attendance Rate• Graduation Rate• Dropout Rate• School Violence• Assessments

• Reading • Mathematics • Writing

• Graduates Passing Adv. Science Courses• Graduates Passing Adv. Math Courses



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9/26/2012 2:36 PM Open Page 1


2,630,161,737 Final 2010 Assessed Valuation (All funds except General.)2,383,675,738 Final 2010 General Fund Assessed Valuation2,627,691,824 Final 2011 Assessed Valuation (All funds except General.)2,381,033,991 Final 2011 General Fund Assessed Valuation2,600,132,581 2012 Assessed Valuation (All funds except General.)2,353,937,033 2012 General Fund Assessed Valuation2,600,122,992 2012 Assessed Valuation for Bond and Interest #2 (Only use if you have a different

assessed valuation for the bond and interest #2 fund.)LEAVE BLANK

2010-11 Mill Rates 2011-12 Mill Rates 2010 Taxes Levied(Official Levies from County Clerk) (In Dollars from F110 prior yr budget)

General 20.000 20.000 47,621,018Supplemental General 20.482 21.549 56,625,220Adult EducationCapital Outlay 7.015 6.014 15,804,238Special Liability ExpenseSchool RetirementBond and Interest #1 9.431 9.454 24,841,022Bond and Interest #2No Fund WarrantSpecial AssessmentTemporary NoteHistorical MuseumPublic Library BoardPublic Library Brd - Emp BnftsRecreation CommissionRecreation Commission Employee BenefitsExtraordinary Growth FacilitiesDeclining EnrollmentCost of Living

44,871.0 Audited 9/20/10 + 2/20/11 FTE Enrollment (Not weighted enrollment and excludes 4 yr old at-risk.)44,797.8 Audited 9/20/11 + 2/20/12 FTE Enrollment (Not weighted and excludes 4 yr old at-risk FTE.)44,877.4 9/20/12 Est. FTE Enrollment (Exclude 4 yr old at-risk. Transfers to Table I) (Exclude

FHSU Math & Science Academy)956.0 9/20/12 Est. 4 yr old at-risk FTE Enrollment (count each student as .5 FTE)

32,721 9/20/12 Number of eligible students that qualify for free lunches.8,964.3 Vocational Education total clock hours of students enrolled and attending on 9/20/12

31,242.7 Bilingual Education total clock hours of students enrolled and attending on 9/20/121,404.6 9/20/12 Est. FTE for new facilities

15,189.0 All public pupils transported or for whom transportation is being made available 9/20/12who reside in the district 2.5 miles or more

2,418 Headcount of 2011-12 Non-proficient students (excluding free students)2.0 Estimated FTE of students enrolled in your district and attending Fort Hays State University (FHSU)

Math & Science Academy. (Transfers to Form 150, Line 16)[Cannot be used to generate general fund weightings other than BSAPP and cannot be used for LOBauthority. Districts must send BSAPP to FHSU for students enrolled in their district and attendingFHSU Math & Science Academy.]

Enrollment data for Form 150 (Excludes Virtual)

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9/26/2012 2:36 PM Open Page 2

2/20/13 Est. FTE (excludes 4yr old at risk) 2/20/13 Est. 4yr old at risk FTE (count each student as .5 FTE) 2/20/13 Est. number of students that qualify for free lunchesVocational Education total clock hours of students enrolled and attending on 2/20/2013Bilingual Education total clock hours of students enrolled and attending on 2/20/2013Est. 2/20/13 FTE for new facilitiesEst. 2/20/13 FTE of new students of military families transported or for whomtransportation is being made available 2/20/13 who reside in the district 2.5 miles or more

477.3 Est. 9/20/12 FTE Virtual Students0 Headcount of 2011-12 Non-proficient Virtual Students (includes free students)

1st Semester Virtual Students Taking Advanced Placement Courses (unduplicated hdct)2nd Semester Virtual Students Taking Advanced Placement Courses (unduplicated hdct)

Amt. (Ancillary Facilities Weighting) approved by Court of Tax Appeals (Transfers to F150 Line 13)Amt. (Declining Enrollment Weighting) approved by Court of Tax Appeals (Transfers to F150 Line 15)

151.0 Area of district in square miles 9/20/12. (Transfers to F150 Table III)

Date the current LOB was authorized. (Goes to Code 01.) Percent authorized. Number of years authorized.

2nd Resolution date the LOB was authorized. (If any.) (Goes to Code 01.) Percent authorized. Number of years authorized.

3rd Resolution date the LOB was authorized. (If any.) (Goes to Code 01.) Percent authorized. Number of years authorized.

Date the election was held to increase LOB authority to exceed 30%. (Goes to Code 01.) Percent authorized. (Cannot Exceed 1%) Number of years authorized.

12/23/2009 Date the Capital Outlay was authorized. (Goes to Code 02.)7.000 Number of mills. (New resolutions 7/1/05 and after cannot exceed 8 mills.)

5 Number of years authorized.

Date of Increase to a current Capital Outlay. (Goes to Code 02.)Number of additional mills. (New resolutions 7/1/05 and after cannot exceed 8 mills in combination with current resolution.)Number of years authorized (must expire same time as original Capital Outlay).

Date the Adult Education was authorized. (Goes to Code 02.) Number of mills. Number of years authorized.

316,691,038 2011-12 General Fund (Final Audited Legal Max)

100% of estimated P.L. 382 (formerly P.L. 874) for 2012-13. (ExcludeExtra Aid for Children on Indian Land, Low Rent Housing and Special Education.)

1.000 Delinquent tax rate to be used for the 2012-2013 budget. (Goes to Code 01.)

Bonded Indebtedness 7/1/2010 7/1/2011 7/1/2012(Total Principal Outstanding)General Obligation Bonds $499,725,000 $476,480,000 $458,650,000Capital Outlay BondsTemporary NoteNo-Fund WarrantLease Purchase Principal $419,296 $337,428 $205,367

Virtual Student Provision for Form 150 (Table V) (Exclude new military students)

Military Provision for Form 150 (new students of military families, not enrolled on 9/20/2012 and exclude virtual)

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9/26/2012 2:36 PM Open Page 3

11,273,040 Estimated Motor Vehicle Property Tax* 7/1/12 to 6/30/1393,297 Estimated Recreational Vehicle Property Tax* 7/1/12 to 6/30/13

0 Estimated In Lieu of Taxes on Industrial Bonds* 7/1/12 to 6/30/1394,731 Estimated 16/20M Tax* 7/1/12 to 6/30/13

4.514 2012-13 Capital Outlay Mill Levy Rate to be used in this budget (Goes to Code 04.)

0.000 2012-13 Adult Ed. Mill Levy Rate to be used in this budget (Goes to Code 04.) * Amounts are available from the County Treasurer and are for all levy funds.

FTE Enrollment for All Students** (For Information Purposes Only)46,539.0 9/20/08 FTE Enrollment47,489.0 9/20/09 FTE Enrollment (include 2/20/10 military count)48,357.0 9/20/10 FTE Enrollment (include 2/20/11 military count)48,357.0 9/20/11 FTE Enrollment (include 2/20/12 military count)48,433.1 9/20/12 FTE Enrollment (Estimated)

**FTE includes 9/20 enrollment used for State Aid purposes and adding the additional FTE for preschool programs,headstart, and all-day kindergarten. For example, pre-school students attending half days on September 20thwould be counted at .5 FTE. Kindergarten students attending full time every day would be counted as 1.0 FTE.

4,412 9/20/12 Headcount Eligible for Reduced Meals (Estimated)

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9/7/2012 2:57 PM Salaries

USD# 259

FTE Total Salary Average Salary FTE Total Salary Average Salary FTE Total Salary Average SalaryAdministrators (Certified/Non-Certified) 225.0 20,324,679 90,332 223.0 19,870,338 89,105 219.0 20,363,872 92,986Teachers (Full Time) 3,340.6 189,395,424 56,695 3,281.2 185,280,622 56,467 3,355.5 192,669,530 57,419Other Certified (Licensed) Personnel 737.3 45,941,402 62,310 683.8 42,205,799 61,722 700.4 44,235,826 63,158Classified Personnel 2,070.7 85,460,831 41,271 2,014.9 78,270,998 38,846 2,016.6 82,857,159 41,088Substitutes/Temporary Help XXXXX 16,551,994 XXXXXXXXX XXXXX 18,702,554 XXXXXXXXX XXXXX 18,702,554 XXXXXXXXX

DEFINITIONSAdministrators: *Certified (Licensed) - Superintendent; Assistant Superintendent; Administrative Assistants;

Principals; Assistant Principals; Directors/Supervisors Special Education; Directors/Supervisors ofHealth; Directors/Supervisors of VocEd; Instructional Coordinators/Supervisors; All Other Directors/Supervisors.

** Non-Certified - Assistant Superintendents; Business Managers; Business Services(Directors/Coordinators/Supervisors); Food Service (Directors/Coordinators/Supervisors);Transportation (Directors/Coordinators/Supervisors); Custodial Maintenance(Directors/Coordinators/Supervisors); Other (Directors/Coordinators/Supervisors).

Teachers (Full Time Only): *Practical Arts/Vocational Teachers; Special Education Teachers; Prekindergarten Teachers;Kindergarten Teachers; Reading Specialists/Teachers; All Other Teachers.

Other Certified (Licensed) Personnel: Part-Time Teachers; Library Media Specialists; School Counselors; Clinical or SchoolPsychologists; Speech Pathologists; Audiologists; Nurses (RN); Social Workers.

Classified Personnel: **Attendance Services Staff; Library Media Aides; Security Officers; Regular Education TeacherAides; Secretarial/Clerical; Special Education Paraprofessionals; Nurses (LPN); Food ServiceWorkers; Custodians, Bus Drivers.

Substitutes/Temporary: **Substitute Teachers, Coaching Assistants and other short term temporary help.

Total Salary: Report total salary including employee reduction plans***, supplemental and extra pay forsummer school, and board paid fringe benefits (employer paid)****.

*FTE for Certified Administrators, Teachers and Other Certified (Licensed) Personnel is defined by the local school board. Generally FTE for teachers with a 9-10 month contract should be reported as 1.0; FTE for Principals with a 10-12 month contract should be reported as 1.0; FTE for Superintendents with a 12 month contract should be reported as 1.0.

**FTE of 1.0 for Non-Certified Administrators, Classified Personnel and Substitutes/Temporary should be based upon 2,080 hours.

***Employee reduction plans include benefits received by employees under a Section 125 Salary Reduction Agreement. Does not include social security,workers' compensation, and unemployment insurance.

****Board paid fringe benefits (employer paid) include group life, group health, disability income, accidental death and dismemberment, and hospital surgical, and/or medical expense insurance. Does not include social security, workers' compensation, and unemployment insurance.


2010-11 Actual 2011-12 Actual 2012-13 Contracted

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9/7/2012 2:57 PM Form 110 Page 1

Form 0-135-110 PAGE 15/2012 District Name 259 - Wichita No. 259

Kansas State Department of Education County COMBINED2012-2013


FORM 110Supplemental Capital Bond and

General General Outlay Interest RecreationFund Fund Fund Fund #1 Fund

1. County Treasurer Balance 6/30/2012 * $0 $0 $0 $0 $02. 2011 Actual Taxes Levied* $47,621,018 $56,625,220 $15,804,238 $24,841,022 $0

3. Less: percent of delinquent taxes (3a) 3.450 $1,642,925 $1,953,570 $545,246 $857,015 $0

4. Less: Jan. 20, 2012 Taxes received** $26,061,529 $29,794,312 $8,315,681 $13,070,519 $0

5. Less: Mar. 20, 2012 Taxes received** $995,511 $1,206,306 $336,684 $535,114 $0

6. Less: June 5, 2012 Taxes received** $16,863,593 $21,032,209 $5,870,128 $9,226,656 $0

7. Less: County Taxes received** $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

8. Less: County Taxes received** $0 $0 $0 $0 $09. Less: Taxes refunded/abated $645,317 $836,490 $233,467 $366,962 $010. Total Deductions (add Lines 3+4+5+6+7+8+9) $46,208,875 $54,822,887 $15,301,206 $24,056,266 $0

11. 2011 taxes receivable (taxes in process of collection 6/30/2012)(Line 2 less Line 10) $1,412,143 $1,802,333 $503,032 $784,756 $012. Estimated Revenue from Delinquent Taxes during the next 18 months (7-1-2012 to 12-31-2013) (Line 3 x 75%) $1,232,194 $1,465,178 $408,935 $642,761 $0Tax Collection Ratio (Jan, Mar, June) 92.230 % 91.890 % 91.890 % 91.914 % 0.000 %

TABLE I1. Estimated percent of distribution of 2012 tax dollars: = Jan. 20, 2013 52.000 Sept. 20, 2013 5.000

Mar. 20, 2013 3.658 Oct. 31, 2013 4.342June 5, 2013 35.000

2. Estimated percent of distribution (Jan., Mar., June) = 90.6583. 2012 General Fund Assessed Valuation = $2,353,937,033 TOTAL 100.0004. 2012-2013 Tax Levied (20 mills x 2012 General Fund Assessed Valuation***) = $47,078,741 (Must total 100%)5. 2012-2013 Est. Tax Levy to be received 1-1-2013 to 6-30-2013 (Line 2 x Line 4) = $42,680,645*Amounts are available from the County Treasurer. **These Jan.-June, 2012 amounts are available from the County Treasurer. (Shouldcorrespond to school records and does not include MVPT.) ***Exclude any assessed valuation due to the neighborhood revitalization act.

Page 112: Wichita Public Schools · 2016-04-12 · of architects, engineers, auditors, dentists, medical doctors, lawyers, consultants, teachers, accountants, etc. 400 Purchased Property Services

9/7/2012 2:57 PM Form 110 Page 2

Form 0-135-110 PAGE 25/2012 District Name 259 - Wichita No. 259

County COMBINED2012-2013


FORM 110

Adult Special School Bond &Education Liability Retirement Interest #2

1. County Treasurer Balance 6/30/2012 * $0 $0 $0 $0

2. 2011 Actual Taxes Levied* $0 $0 $0 $0

3. Less: percent of delinquent taxes 3.450 $0 $0 $0 $0

4. Less: Jan. 20, 2012 Taxes received** $0 $0 $0 $0

5. Less: Mar. 20, 2012 Taxes received** $0 $0 $0 $0

6. Less: June 5, 2012 Taxes received** $0 $0 $0 $0

7. Less: County Taxes received** $0 $0 $0 $0

8. Less: County Taxes received** $0 $0 $0 $09. Less: Taxes refunded/abated $0 $0 $0 $010. Total Deductions (Add lines 3+4+5+6+7+8+9) $0 $0 $0 $0

11. 2011 taxes receivable (taxes in process of collection 6/30/2012)(Line 2 less Line 10) $0 $0 $0 $0

12. Estimated Revenue from Delinquent Taxes during the next 18 months (7-1-2012 to 12-31-2013) (Line 3 x 75%) $0 $0 $0 $0Tax Collection Ratio (Jan, Mar, June) 0.000 % 0.000 % 0.000 % 0.000 %Estimated Motor Estimated Recreational Vehicle Estimated In Lieu of TaxesVehicle Property Tax* Property Tax* 7/1/2012 to 6/30/2013 on Industrial Revenue Bonds*7/1/2012 to 6/30/2013 7/1/2012 to 6/30/2013

(13) $11,273,040 (14) $93,297 (15) $0Estimated 16/20M Tax*

(17) 2010 DELINQUENT TAX PERCENTAGE 7/1/2012 to 6/30/2013

Percent Uncollected* = 3.4500 % (16) $94,731*Amounts are available from the County Treasurer. **These Jan.-June, 2012 amounts are available from the County Treasurer. (Does not include MVPT. Should correspond to school records.)

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Form 0-135-110 PAGE 35/2012 District Name 259 - Wichita No. 259




No Fund Special Temporary Historical PublicWarrant Assessment Note Museum Library

1. County Treasurer Balance 6/30/2012 * $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

2. 2011 Actual Taxes Levied* $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

3. Less: percent of delinquent taxes 3.450 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

4. Less: Jan. 20, 2012 Taxes received** $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

5. Less: Mar. 20, 2012 Taxes received** $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

6. Less: June 5, 2012 Taxes received** $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

7. Less: County Taxes received** $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

8. Less: County Taxes received** $0 $0 $0 $0 $09. Less: Taxes refunded/abated $0 $0 $0 $0 $010. Total Deductions (Add lines 3+4+5+6+7+8+9) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

11. 2011 taxes receivable (taxes in process of collection 6/30/2012)(Line 2 less Line 10) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

12. Estimated Revenue from Delinquent Taxes during the next 18 months (7-1-2012 to 12-31-2013) (Line 3 x 75%) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Tax Collection Ratio (Jan, Mar, June) 0.000 % 0.000 % 0.000 % 0.000 % 0.000 %

*Amounts are available from the County Treasurer. **These Jan.-June, 2012 amounts are available from the County Treasurer. (Does not include MVPT. Should correspond to school records.)

Page 114: Wichita Public Schools · 2016-04-12 · of architects, engineers, auditors, dentists, medical doctors, lawyers, consultants, teachers, accountants, etc. 400 Purchased Property Services

9/7/2012 2:57 PM Form 110 Page 4

Form 0-135-110 PAGE 45/2012 District Name 259 - Wichita No. 259




Rec. Comm Extraordinary Public LibraryDeclining Emp Benef Growth Board Cost of

Enrollment & Spec Liab Facilities Emp Benefits Living

1. County Treasurer Balance 6/30/2012 * $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

2. 2011 Actual Taxes Levied* $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

3. Less: percent of delinquent taxes 3.450 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

4. Less: Jan. 20, 2012 Taxes received** $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

5. Less: Mar. 20, 2012 Taxes received** $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

6. Less: June 5, 2012 Taxes received** $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

7. Less: County Taxes received** $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

8. Less: County Taxes received** $0 $0 $0 $0 $09. Less: Taxes refunded/abated $0 $0 $0 $0 $010. Total Deductions (Add lines 3+4+5+6+7+8+9) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

11. 2011 taxes receivable (taxes in process of collection 6/30/2012)(Line 2 less Line 10) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

12. Estimated Revenue from Delinquent Taxes during the next 18 months (7-1-2012 to 12-31-2013) (Line 3 x 75%) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Tax Collection Ratio (Jan, Mar, June) 0.000 % 0.000 % 0.000 % 0.000 % 0.000 %

*Amounts are available from the County Treasurer. **These Jan.-June, 2012 amounts are available from the County Treasurer. (Does not include MVPT. Should correspond to school records.)

Page 115: Wichita Public Schools · 2016-04-12 · of architects, engineers, auditors, dentists, medical doctors, lawyers, consultants, teachers, accountants, etc. 400 Purchased Property Services

9/7/2012 2:57 PM Form 110 Page 5

Form 0-135-110 PAGE 15/2012 District Name 259 - Wichita No. 259

County Sedgwick



Supplemental Capital Bond andGeneral General Outlay Interest Recreation

Fund Fund Fund Fund #1 Fund

1. County Treasurer Balance 6/30/2012 *

2. 2011 Actual Taxes Levied* $47,621,018 $56,625,220 $15,804,238 $24,841,022

3. Less: percent of delinquent taxes (3a) 4.170 $1,985,796 $2,361,272 $659,037 $1,035,871 $0

4. Less: Jan. 20, 2012 Taxes received** $26,061,529 $29,794,312 $8,315,681 $13,070,519

5. Less: Mar. 20, 2012 Taxes received** $995,511 $1,206,306 $336,684 $535,114

6. Less: June 5, 2012 Taxes received** $16,863,593 $21,032,209 $5,870,128 $9,226,656

7. Less: County Taxes received**

8. Less: County Taxes received**9. Less: Taxes refunded/abated $645,317 $836,490 $233,467 $366,96210. Total Deductions (add Lines 3+4+5+6+7+8+9) $46,551,746 $55,230,589 $15,414,997 $24,235,122 $0

11. 2011 taxes receivable (taxes in process of collection 6/30/2012)(Line 2 less Line 10) $1,069,272 $1,394,631 $389,241 $605,900 $0

12. Estimated Revenue from Delinquent Taxes during the next 18 months (7-1-2012 to 12-31-2013) (Line 3 x 75%) $1,489,347 $1,770,954 $494,278 $776,903 $0Tax Collection Ratio (Jan, Mar, June) 92.230 % 91.890 % 91.890 % 91.914 % 0.000 %*Amounts are available from the County Treasurer. **These Jan.-June, 2012 amounts are available from the County Treasurer. (Does not include MVPT. Should correspond to school records.)M:Form 110

Page 116: Wichita Public Schools · 2016-04-12 · of architects, engineers, auditors, dentists, medical doctors, lawyers, consultants, teachers, accountants, etc. 400 Purchased Property Services

9/7/2012 2:57 PM Form 110 Page 6

Form 0-135-110 PAGE 25/2012 District Name 259 - Wichita No. 259

County Sedgwick



Adult Special School Bond & Education Liability Retirement Interest #2

1. County Treasurer Balance 6/30/2012 *

2. 2011 Actual Taxes Levied*

3. Less: percent of delinquent taxes 4.170 $0 $0 $0 $0

4. Less: Jan. 20, 2012 Taxes received**

5. Less: Mar. 20, 2012 Taxes received**

6. Less: June 5, 2012 Taxes received**

7. Less: County Taxes received**

8. Less: County Taxes received**9. Less: Taxes refunded/abated10. Total Deductions (Add lines 3+4+5+6+7+8+9) $0 $0 $0 $0

11. 2011 taxes receivable (taxes in process of collection 6/30/2012)(Line 2 less Line 10) $0 $0 $0 $0

12. Estimated Revenue from Delinquent Taxes during the next 18 months (7-1-2012 to 12-31-2013) (Line 3 x 75%) $0 $0 $0 $0

Tax Collection Ratio (Jan, Mar, June) 0.000 % 0.000 % 0.000 % 0.000 %

*Amounts are available from the County Treasurer. **These Jan.-June, 2012 amounts are available from the County Treasurer. (Does not include MVPT. Should correspond to school records.)

Page 117: Wichita Public Schools · 2016-04-12 · of architects, engineers, auditors, dentists, medical doctors, lawyers, consultants, teachers, accountants, etc. 400 Purchased Property Services

9/7/2012 2:57 PM Form 110 Page 7

Form 0-135-110 PAGE 35/2012 District Name 259 - Wichita No. 259

County Sedgwick



No Fund Special Temporary Historical PublicWarrant Assessment Note Museum Library

1. County Treasurer Balance 6/30/2012 *

2. 2011 Actual Taxes Levied*

3. Less: percent of delinquent taxes 4.170 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

4. Less: Jan. 20, 2012 Taxes received**

5. Less: Mar. 20, 2012 Taxes received**

6. Less: June 5, 2012 Taxes received**

7. Less: County Taxes received**

8. Less: County Taxes received**9. Less: Taxes refunded/abated10. Total Deductions (Add lines 3+4+5+6+7+8+9) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

11. 2011 taxes receivable (taxes in process of collection 6/30/2012)(Line 2 less Line 10) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

12. Estimated Revenue from Delinquent Taxes during the next 18 months (7-1-2012 to 12-31-2013) (Line 3 x 75%) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Tax Collection Ratio (Jan, Mar, June) 0.000 % 0.000 % 0.000 % 0.000 % 0.000 %

*Amounts are available from the County Treasurer. **These Jan.-June, 2012 amounts are available from the County Treasurer. (Does not include MVPT. Should correspond to school records.)

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Form 0-135-110 PAGE 45/2012 District Name 259 - Wichita No. 259

County Sedgwick



Rec. Comm Extraordinary Public LibraryDeclining Emp Benef Growth Board Cost of

Enrollment & Spec Liab Facilities Emp Benefits Living

1. County Treasurer Balance 6/30/2012 *

2. 2011 Actual Taxes Levied*

3. Less: percent of delinquent taxes 4.170 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

4. Less: Jan. 20, 2012 Taxes received**

5. Less: Mar. 20, 2012 Taxes received**

6. Less: June 5, 2012 Taxes received**

7. Less: County Taxes received**

8. Less: County Taxes received**9. Less: Taxes refunded/abated10. Total Deductions (Add lines 3+4+5+6+7+8+9) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

11. 2011 taxes receivable (taxes in process of collection 6/30/2012)(Line 2 less Line 10) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

12. Estimated Revenue from Delinquent Taxes during the next 18 months (7-1-2012 to 12-31-2013) (Line 3 x 75%) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Tax Collection Ratio (Jan, Mar, June) 0.000 % 0.000 % 0.000 % 0.000 % 0.000 %

*Amounts are available from the County Treasurer. **These Jan.-June, 2012 amounts are available from the County Treasurer. (Does not include MVPT. Should correspond to school records.)

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9/7/2012 2:57 PM Form 118

Form 0-135-1185/2012




(This form should be included with the budget document and filed with the State Board of Education)

1. Estimated number of Special Education Teachers (FTE*) 815.9

2. Estimated (FTE*)Special Education Paraprofessionals 808.3 times .4 = 323.3

3. Total number of Special Education Teachers (Line 1 + Line 2) 1,139.2

4. Estimated State Aid due from 7-1-2012 to 6-30-2013 (Line 3 x $28,500) $32,467,200

*Full-time equivalency


Reimbursed Transportation Costs for Special Education.

5. Salaries of Bus Drivers and Transportation Aides (includes social security and fringe benefits)

6. Contractual Services (includes mileage paid to parents) $9,997,508

7. Insurance

8. Maintenance in Lieu of Transportation (limited to $750 per child)

9. Other Expense (gasoline, oil, vehicle maintenance, etc.)

10. Capital Outlay Fund—Equipment (exclude bus purchases)

11. Depreciation (Includes only those vehicles which are not depreciated in the regular transportation formula. See depreciation schedule for prior year.)

12. Teacher travel (in-district)

13. Total of Lines 5 through 12 $9,997,508

14. Less: Transportation reimbursement (include cash sale of buses, EXCLUDE State Aid)

15. Net Transportation Cost (Line 13 minus Line 14) $9,997,508

16. Total Estimated Transportation Aid (7-1-2012 to 6-30-2013) (Line 15 x 80%) $7,998,006

17. Estimated Catastrophic State Aid (7-1-2012 to 6-30-2013)

18. Estimated Medicaid Replacement State Aid $834,089

19. Estimated Special Education State Aid on behalf of Cooperative/Interlocal (Form 120) (7-1-2012 to 6-30-2013)

20. Total Estimated Special Education Aid (7-1-2012 to 6-30-2013) (Line 4+16+17+18+19) $41,299,295

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9/7/2012 2:57 PM Form 148

Kansas State Department of Education USD# 259School Finance SectionForm 0-135-1485/2012

Form 1482012-2013 Estimated

General Fund State Aid

Important: Include this form with the budget document to be filed with the State Department of Education.

1. 2012-2013 General Fund Budget (Form 150, Line 21) $319,085,524

2. Estimated Local Effort a. 2012-2013 Tax Levy 1-1-2013 to 6-30-2013 (Form 110,Table I, Line 5) $42,680,645 b. 2012-2013 Tax in Process (Form 110, Line 11) (General Fund only) $1,412,143 c. 2012-2013 Delinquent Tax (Form 110, Line 12, General Fund) x .667 $821,873 d. 2012-2013 Mineral Production Tax (General Fund) $0 e. 2012-2013 In Lieu of Tax Payments on IRB's (General Fund) $0 f. 2012-2013 Federal Impact Aid PL 382 (formerly PL 874)* $0 g. 2012-2013 Pupil Tuition (General Fund only) $0 h. 6-30-2012 Unencumbered Cash Balance (General Fund) $166,683 i. 2012-2013 Special Education State Aid $41,299,295 j. Transfers From Authorized Funds (Code 06 Line 165)** $2,267,451

3. TOTAL (2a + 2b + 2c + 2d + 2e + 2f + 2g + 2h + 2i + 2j) $88,648,090

4. 2012-2013 Estimated General State Aid (Line 1 - Line 3; if negative, insert 0) $230,437,434

*ONLY deduct 70% of the estimated 2012-2013 P.L. 382 receipts . The 30% portion not deducted may be treated as miscellaneous revenue and placed in a fund designated under K.S.A. 72-6427 (categorical aid funds, capital outlay, or program weighted funds.)

**2012 Senate Bill 11 authorizes for 2012-13 school year, any school district to expend the unencumbered cashbalance from approved funds to pay for general operating expenses out of the general fund as approved by the local board: 1. At Risk (K-12), Bilingual, Contingency Reserve, Driver Training, Parent Education Program,At Risk (Pre-K), Professional Development, Summer School, Virtual School, and Vocational Education;2. Textbook and Student Materials; and 3. Special Education.

Page 121: Wichita Public Schools · 2016-04-12 · of architects, engineers, auditors, dentists, medical doctors, lawyers, consultants, teachers, accountants, etc. 400 Purchased Property Services

9/7/2012 2:57 PM Form 149 Page 1

USD# 259

1) What is the minimum cash balance you would need to ensure cash flow for the following funds,and the estimated cash balance on July 1, 2012?

Col. 1 Col. 2 Col. 3 Col. 4Est. Balance

on 7/1/12Minimum Balance Difference

(Col. 1-2)Transfer to General

At-risk Education (K-12) 3,770,983 322,572 3,448,411 0

Bilingual Education 0 0 0

Contingency Reserve 14,873,751 14,873,751 0

Driver Training 0 0 0

Parent Education Program 222,742 222,742 0

At-risk Education (Pre-School) 895,422 895,422 0

Professional Development 832,078 832,078 723,615

Summer Program 57,512 57,512 0

Virtual School 700,643 0 700,643 700,643

Vocational Education 413,648 413,648 413,125*Textbook and Student Materials Revolving 7,176,021 7,176,021 0

*Special Education 15,007,311 12,000,000 3,007,311 430,068

TOTAL $43,950,111 $12,322,572 $31,627,539 $2,267,451

2) What is the maximum amount that can be used of the cash balance to help increasethe general fund? [$250 x adj. (weighted) FTE enrollment, excluding special education] $17,946,775

3) The amount to be transferred to the general fund for the 2012-13 school yearis either the answer in question 1 column 4 or question 2 (whichever is lower).

This amount will be transferred to Line 20 of Form 150. $2,267,451

*You cannot transfer more than one-third of the cash balance for the special education fund or the textbook and student materials revolving fund.

Note: If you have questions on the budget, please contact the School Finance office at 785-296-3871.



Page 122: Wichita Public Schools · 2016-04-12 · of architects, engineers, auditors, dentists, medical doctors, lawyers, consultants, teachers, accountants, etc. 400 Purchased Property Services

9/7/2012 2:57 PM Form 150 Page 1

Form 0-135-150 USD# 2595/2012

USD Form 1502012-2013


General Fund Budget – Lines 1 through 21

1. Estimated 9-20-2012 FTE enrollment (from Table I or Table IV) (Exclude 4 yr old at-risk FTE.) = 44,877.4

2. Estimated 9-20-2012 4yr old at risk FTE enrollment (e) (Must be approved.)(At-risk students count as .5 FTE)956.0 + 0.0 (Table IV, Line 4) = 956.0

3. Total Estimated 9-20-2012 FTE Enrollment (Line 1 + Line 2) = 45,833.4

4. Estimated low enrollment and high enrollment for districts. 9-20-2012 FTE enrollment (from line 3) 45,833.4 x 0.035040 factor (from Table II or pages 5, 6) = 1,606.0

5. Estimated weighted bilingual education enrollment. 9-20-2012 bilingual = 2,056.8 FTE (a) 5207.1167 + 0.0000 (Table IV, Line 5) x 0.395

6. Estimated weighted vocational education enrollment. 9-20-2012 vocational education FTE(b) 1494.0500 + 0.0000 (Table IV, Line 6) x 0.5 = 747.0

7. Estimated weighted at-risk student enrollment(c). Number of eligible students that qualify for free lunches as of 9-20-2012 32,721 + 0 (Table IV, Line 7) x 0.456 = 14,920.8

8. Estimated High At-Risk Weighting. District's calculated free lunch percentage for current year:

(Comes from Table VI, Line 1) 71.39% District's calculated students per square mile:

Line 3 / square miles in district = 45833.4 / 151 = 303.5 a. Number of students eligible for free lunch (at least 50%) (32721+0) x 0.105 = 3,435.7 b. Number of students eligible for free lunches at 35.1% and 212.1 students per square mile. (32721+0) x 0.105 = 0.0 c. Number of students eligible for free lunches (35-49.99%) (32721+0) x (0.7139-0.3500) x 0.7 = 0.0

9. Est. Non-Proficient student weighting. Number of non-proficient students. (g) ( 2,418 x 0.0465 ) = 112.410. Estimated weighted FTE for new facilities. 9-20-2012 enrollment of students attending a new facility (d) 1,404.6 + 0.0 (Table IV, Line 9) x 0.25 = 351.2

11. Estimated weighted FTE for transportation. (Table III, Line 5) = 2,220.6

12. Estimated weighted FTE virtual enrollment. (Table V, Line 4) = 501.2

13. Estimated ancillary facilities weighting. Amt approved by Court of Tax Appeals 0 ÷ $3,838 = 0.0

14. Estimated Special Education weighting. Amount of Sp. Ed. Funding (f) 41,299,295 ÷ $3,838 = 10,760.6

15. Estimated Declining Enrollment weighting. Amt apprvd by Court of Tax Appeals 0 ÷ $3,838 = 0.0

16. Estimated FHSU Math & Science Academy FTE enrollment = 2.017. Estimated 2012-2013 operating budget. (Lines 3 through 16) 82,547.7 x $3,838 = $316,818,07318. Estimated Cost of Living weighting $0 ÷ $3,838 = 0.0

(maximum allowed for this district) (Amt district will use, up to the maximum)19. Estimated 2012-2013 operating budget. (Include Cost of Living and FHSU) 82,547.7 x $3,838 = $316,818,073

20. Amount to transfer to General Fund (Form 149, Line 3). = $2,267,451

21. Total General Fund Budget Authority (Form 150 Line 19 + Line 20) = $319,085,524

Local Option Budget -- See Form 15522. Estimated 2012-2013 LOB General Fund budget (excludes FHSU weighting & includes higher of 2008-09 Spec Ed or current year Spec Ed)

(Lines 3 through 13 + 15 + 18) = 71785.1 x $4,433 = $318223348 + 41,299,295 (Spec Ed) = $359,522,643

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9/7/2012 2:57 PM Form 150 Page 2

(a) FTE is computed by taking the total clock hours of bilingual students who are enrolled and attending in an approved bilingual class on 9-20-2012 and dividing by 6 (cannot exceed 6 hours for an individual student). Total clock hours 31,242.7 ÷ 6 = 5207.1167 (Record on Line 5)

(b) FTE is computed by taking the total clock hours of vocational education students who are enrolled and attending in an approved vocational class on 9-20-2012 and dividing by 6 (cannot exceed 6 hours for an individual student). Total clock hours 8,964.3 ÷ 6 = 1494.0500 (Record on Line 6)

(c) USD must have an approved at-risk pupil assistance plan for the school district.(d) In order to access new facilities weighting, a USD must have adopted at least a 25% LOB.(e) Four year old at risk students are counted as .5 FTE. USD must be approved by the Kansas State Department of Education.(f) Comes from form 118 (line 20).(g) 2011-2012 Non Proficient students (excluding free students).(NOTE: If September 20 falls on a weekend, the following Monday will be the official count date.)

USD# 259

1. September 20, 2011, FTE and February 20, 2012 FTE enrollment (Excludes 4 yr old at risk students.) = 44,797.8

2. September 20, 2012, FTE enrollment (Excludes 4 yr old at risk students.) = 44,877.4

3. 3 YR AVG FTE: ( 44,871.0 + 44,797.8 +(9/20/2010 FTE)* (line 1)

44,877.4 )/3= 44,848.7 = 44,848.7(line 2) (goes to line 3)

* Excludes 4 yr old at risk students, but includes 2/20/2011 military students.

4. FTE enrollment for budget purposes (higher of line 1, 2, or 3)(Goes to page 1, line 1 if no military provision; see Table IV.) = 44,877.4

TABLE IILow and High Enrollment Weighting

Enrollment of District Factor

0 - 99.9 1.014331100 - 299.9 {[7337 - 9.655 (E - 100)]÷3642.4} -1300 - 1,621.9 {[5406 - 1.237500 (E - 300)]÷3642.4} -11622 and over 0.03504

'E' is 9-20-2012 Adjusted FTE Enrollment (from Page 1, line 3)


{[5406 - 1.237500 (954.0 - 300)]÷3642.4}-1 AND HIGH ENROLLMENT FACTOR{[5406 - 1.237500 (654.0)]÷3642.4}-1 TABLE (PAGES 5 AND 6){[5406 - 809.325]÷3642.4}-1{4597.675÷3642.4} -11.261991-10.261991

TABLE IIITransportation Weighting

1. Area of district in square miles 9-20-2012. = 151.0

2. All public pupils transported or for whom transportation is being made available 9-20-2012 who reside in the district 2.5 miles or more (Estimated) 15,189.0 + 0.0 (Table IV) = 15,189.0

(Line 8)3. Index of density = Line 2 15,189.0 divided by Line 1 151.0 = 100.59

4. Using index of density (Line 3), determine transportation weighting factor. = 0.1462

5. Estimated weighted FTE for transportation. 9-20-2012 number of resident students over 2.5 miles (line 2) 15,189.0 x 0.1462 factor (Line 4) (to Line 11, Page 1) = 2,220.6

TABLE IDeclining Enrollment Calculation

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9/7/2012 2:57 PM Form 150 Page 3

USD# 259House Bill 2059 - Military Provision

1. Estimated Adjusted 9-20-2012 FTE (Table 1, Line 4, Form 150) = 44,877.4

2. Estimated 2-20-2013 FTE (excludes 4 yr old at risk students) of new students of military families, not enrolled on 9-20-2012 (Must be at least 25 FTE or 1% of Line 1. If it doesn't 0.0 = 0.0 meet criteria then calculates zero.)

3. Estimated FTE Enrollment count for 2012-2013 (Line 1 + Line 2) to Line 1, Form 150 = 44,877.4

Number of students in Line 2 with the following weighting factors:

4. Estimated 2-20-2013 4yr old FTE (add to Line 2, Form 150) = 0.0

5. Estimated weighted bilingual education enrollment. 2-20-2013 bilingual FTE (a) 0.0000 x 0.395 = 0.0 (add to Line 5, Form 150)

6. Estimated weighted vocational education enrollment. 2-20-2013 vocational education FTE (b) 0.0000 x 0.5 (add to Line 6, Form 150) = 0.0

7. Estimated weighted at-risk student enrollment ( c). Number of students eligible that qualify for free lunches as of 2-20-2013 0 x 0.456 (add to Line 7, Form 150) = 0.0

8. Estimated 2-20-2013 FTE of new students of military families, not enrolled on 9-20-2012 transported or for whom = 0.0 transportation is being made available 2-20-2013 who reside in the district 2.5 miles or more (goes to Table III, Line 2, Form 150)

9. Estimated weighted 2-20-2013 FTE for New Facilities (d) FTE 0.0 x 0.25 = 0.0 (add to Line 10, Form 150)

(a) FTE is computed by taking the total clock hours of bilingual students who are enrolled and attending in an approved bilingual class on 2-20-2013 and dividing by 6 (cannot exceed 6 hours for an individual student). Total clock hours 0.0 ÷ 6 = 0.0000 (Record on Line 5)

(b) FTE is computed by taking the total clock hours of vocational students who are enrolled and attending in an approved vocational class on 2-20-2013 and dividing by 6 (cannot exceed 6 hours for an individual student). Total clock hours 0.0 ÷ 6 = 0.0000 (Record on Line 6)

(c) USD must have an approved at-risk pupil assistance plan for the school district.

(d) In order to access new facilities weighting, a USD must have adopted at least a 25% LOB.

1. Estimated 9/20/2012 FTE Virtual Enrollment 477.3 X 1.05 = 501.2

2. Estimated Non-Proficient* Virtual Students (headcount) 0 X 0.25 = 0.0

3. Estimated Virtual Students Taking AP** Courses1st Semester 0 X .08 = 0.02nd Semester 0 X .08 = 0.0 0.0

4. Estimated Weighted FTE Virtual Enrollment 501.2

* This provision applies to pupils that would qualify for paid or reduced priced lunches, and did not meet proficientin Math or Reading State Assessments in the prior year. The virtual school must have a virtual at-risk pupil assistance plan on file with KSDE.** The Advanced Placement (AP) course is not available in the home district of the virtual pupil. The home district is either more than 200 square miles or has an enrollment of at least 260 pupils.

"Virtual School" means any school or educational program that: (1) Is offered for credit; (2) uses distance-learningtechnologies which predominately use internet-based methods to deliver instruction; (3) involves instruction that occurs asynchronously with the teacher and pupil in separate locations; (4) requires the pupil to make academicprogress toward the next grade level and matriculation from kindergarten through high school graduation; (5) requires the pupil to demonstrate competence in subject matter for each class or subject in which the pupilis enrolled as part of the virtual school; and (6) requires age-appropriate pupils to complete state assessment tests.

TABLE VVirtual Enrollment Weighting (K.S.A. 72-3715, 72-3716)


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9/7/2012 2:57 PM Form 150 Page 4

1. Calculated free lunch percentage for the current year (goes to page 1, line 8)(Page 1, Line 7 total students eligible for Free Lunches) / (Page 1, Line 3) = 32721 + 0 / 45833.4 = 71.39% = 71.39%

2. District's calculated free lunch percentage for the prior year (info only) = 71.40%

ADDITIONAL DEFINITION FOR SCHOOL FACILITIES (Must use a minimum LOB listed below to qualify for this provision.)

a) School Facilities Definition - School facilities weighting is available for school districts whose adopted local option budget (LOB)is at least 25% for 2012-13 and have constructed an entirely new facility or an addition to an existing facility.

The determination of weighting will be based upon the number of full-time equivalent (FTE) students that are enrolled andattending in the new facility September 20 (and February 20 for districts qualifying under K.S.A. 72-6448). In the case of school districts that have constructed an addition to existing facilities, the number of students that are enrolledand attending in the new addition will be counted on a full-time equivalent basis (see example 2.) The additional weighting for this provision of the law is applicable for two years only. For a new facility, the FTE is for the entire building (see example 1). For additions to an existing facility, the following calculating would be utilized.

Example #1: (For new buildings.)For a totally new constructed building, the FTE equals the total enrollment FTE for that building.

Headcount FTE Kindergarten 77 38.5 Grade 1 87 87.0 Grade 2 81 81.0 Grade 3 75 75.0Weighting for example: 281.5 X 0.25 = 70.4 X $3838 = $270195

Example #2: (For new additions)

Total number of students in each new classroom Number of class periods (divide by)

Full-time equivalent enrollment =

Example: New classroom A = 105 students for the dayNew classroom B = 154 students for the dayNew classroom C = 133 students for the dayNew classroom D = 121 students for the day

TOTAL = 513

divide by 7 class periods = 73.3 FTE

Weighting for above example: 73.3 X 0.25 = 18.3 X $3838 = $70235

Qualifying for New Facilities Weighting

In order to qualify for new facilities weighting, a district must have adopted at least a 25% local option budget.

TABLE VIHigh At-Risk Weighting Calculation

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9/7/2012 2:57 PM Form 155 Page 1

Kansas Department of Education USD# 259Form 0-135-1555/2012


1. Statewide LOB average percentage for 2011-2012 school year = 30.00 %

2. Authorized Percent of LOB due to Election effective 2007-08 and thereafter Expires 0 = 0.00 %

3. Authorized percent of LOB due to an ELECTION beginning with the 2012-2013 school year to exceed 30%. (1% limit) School year it expires ......... %

4. Max LOB percentage authority with election to exceed 30% (Lines 1+2 OR Lines 1+3) (Max 31%) = 30.00 %

5. COMPUTED LOB FOR 2012-2013 (2012-2013 LOB Base General Fund $ 359,522,643 X Line 4) ................................................. $ 107,856,793

6. ADOPTED LOB FOR 2012-2013 IF LESS THAN Line 5.............................................................................. $

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2012-2013This form should be included with the budget document and filed with the State Department of Education.


LUNCHESPaid Elem 1. 446,792 .4825 $215,577 .0400 $17,872 2.05 $915,924 $1,149,373 Jr. High 2. 297,768 .4825 $143,673 .0400 $11,911 2.20 $655,090 $810,674 Sr. High 3. 172,215 .4825 $83,094 .0400 $6,889 2.35 $404,705 $494,688Free 4. 4,098,600 2.9925 $12,265,061 .0400 $163,944 $12,429,005Reduced 5. 477,990 2.5925 $1,239,189 .0400 $19,120 0.40 $191,196 $1,449,505Adult 6. 31,118 3.15 $98,022 $98,022

TOTAL 7. 5,524,483 $13,946,594 $219,736 $2,264,937 $16,431,267

BREAKFASTPaid Elem 8. 98,742 .2700 $26,660 1.25 $123,428 $150,088 Jr. High 9. 19,143 .2700 $5,169 1.35 $25,843 $31,012 Sr. High 10. 26,165 .2700 $7,065 1.45 $37,939 $45,004Free 11. 1,740,133 1.5100 $2,627,601 $2,627,601Reduced 12. 126,085 1.2100 $152,563 0.30 $37,826 $190,389Adult 13. 3,376 1.90 $6,414 $6,414

TOTAL 14. 2,013,644 $2,819,058 $231,450 $3,050,508

SNACKSPaid Elem 15. .0700 $0 $0 $0 Jr. High 16. .0700 $0 $0 $0 Sr. High 17. .0700 $0 $0 $0Free 18. 132,100 .7600 $100,396 $100,396Reduced 19. .3800 $0 0.15 $0 $0Adult 20. $0 $0

TOTAL 21. 132,100 $100,396 $0 $100,396

KINDERGARTENMILKPaid 22. .2050 $0 $0 $0Free-Avg Dealer Cost 23. $0 $0

TOTAL 24. 0 $0 $0 $0

OTHER CASHSales/Income 25. xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx $0

12 MonthsTotal Income 26. xxxxxxxxxxx $16,866,048 $219,736 $2,496,387 $19,582,171

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9/27/2012 7:54 AM Page 1

0-135-194Rev 5/2012


2012-2013FORM 194

Proration of Estimated Motor Vehicle Property Tax, Recreational Vehicle Property Tax,and In Lieu of Taxes on Industrial Revenue Bonds for July 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012

Do Not Anticipate Revenues from Motor Vehicle Property Tax, Recreational Vehicle Property Tax and In Lieu of Taxes on Ind. Rev. BondsFor New Levies Made in 2011-2012 School Year Until March, 2013. For new levies made in 2012-2013

revenues will not be received until March, 2014

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)2010 Taxes Levied Percent of Total Motor Vehicle Percent of Total Recreational Vehicle In Lieu of Taxes in

(Dollars)(a) Taxes Levied (b) Property Tax (d) Taxes Levied (f) Property Tax (d) Ind. Rev. Bonds (g) 16/20M Tax (d)1. General (No MVPT or RVPT) $0 0.00% XXXXXXXXXXXX 32.87% XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX $0 XXXXXXXXXXXXX2. Supplemental Gen. Fund $56,625,220 58.21% $4,396,565 39.08% $36,386 $0 $36,9463. Adult Education $0 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 $0 $04. Capital Outlay $15,804,238 16.25% $1,227,352 10.91% $10,158 $0 $10,3145. Special Assessment $0 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 $0 $06. Bond and Interest #1 $24,841,022 25.54% $1,929,020 17.14% $15,965 $0 $16,2107. Bond and Interest #2 $0 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 $0 $08. Temporary Notes $0 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 $0 $09. Recreation Commission $0 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 $0 $010. Rec Comm Employee Bnfts $0 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 $0 $011. No Fund Warrant $0 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 $0 $013. Special Liability Expense $0 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 $0 $014. School Retirement $0 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 $0 $015. Historical Museum $0 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 $0 $016. Extraordinary Growth Facilities $0 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 $0 $017. Public Library Board $0 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 $0 $018. Public Library Board Emp Benefits $0 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 $0 $019. Declining Enrollment $0 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 $0 $020. Cost of Living $0 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 $0 $021. TOTAL $97,270,480 100.00% (c) $7,552,937 (e) 100.00% (c) $62,509 (e) $0 (e) $63,470 (e)

(a) Do not include taxes levied for any funds in which a budget will not be made in 2012-2013.(b) Divide each fund's tax levy by total tax dollars levied.(c) Should equal 100 percent.(d) Take the amount on line 21 times the calculated percentage for each fund from column 2.(e) Take the amount on Form 110, Page 2, Lines 13, 14, 15 and 16 and multiply by .67. (f) Includes the total 2010 General Fund taxes levied.(g) Take the amount on line 21 times the calculated percentage for each fund from column 4.

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9/27/2012 7:54 AM Page 2

0-135-194aRev 5/2012 USD# 259


FORM 194-AProration of Estimated Motor Vehicle Property Tax, Recreational Vehicle Property Tax

and In Lieu of Taxes on Industrial Revenue Bondsfor January 1, 2013, to June 30, 2013

Do Not Anticipate Revenues from Motor Vehicle Property Tax, Recreational Vehicle Property Tax and In Lieu of Taxes on Ind. Rev. BondsFor New Levies Made in 2011-2012 School Year Until March, 2013. For new levies made in 2012-2013

revenues will not be received until March, 2014

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)2011 Taxes Levied Percent of Total Motor Vehicle Percent of Total Recreational Vehicle In Lieu of Taxes in

(Dollars)(a) Taxes Levied (b) Property Tax (d) Taxes Levied (f) Property Tax (d) Ind. Rev. Bonds (g) 16/20M Tax (d)1. General (No MVPT or RVPT) $0 0.00% XXXXXXXXXXXX 32.87% XXXXXXXXXXXXX $0 XXXXXXXXXXXX2. Supplemental Gen. Fund $56,625,220 58.21% $2,165,472 39.08% $17,922 $0 $18,1973. Adult Education $0 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 $0 $04. Capital Outlay $15,804,238 16.25% $604,517 10.91% $5,003 $0 $5,0805. Special Assessment $0 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 $0 $06. Bond and Interest #1 $24,841,022 25.54% $950,114 17.14% $7,863 $0 $7,9847. Bond and Interest #2 $0 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 $0 $08. Temporary Notes $0 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 $0 $09. Recreation Commission $0 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 $0 $010. Rec Comm Employee Bnfts $0 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 $0 $011. No Fund Warrant $0 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 $0 $013. Special Liability Expense $0 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 $0 $014. School Retirement $0 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 $0 $015. Historical Museum $0 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 $0 $016. Extraordinary Growth Facilities $0 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 $0 $017. Public Library Board $0 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 $0 $018. Public Library Board Emp Benefits $0 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 $0 $019. Declining Enrollment $0 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 $0 $020. Cost of Living $0 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 $0 $021. TOTAL $97,270,480 100.00% (c) $3,720,103 (e) 100.00% (c) $30,788 (e) $0 (e) $31,261 (e)

(a) Do not include taxes levied for any funds in which a budget will not be made in 2012-2013.(b) Divide each fund's tax levy by total tax dollars levied.(c) Should equal 100 percent.(d) Take the amount on line 21 times the calculated percentage for each fund from column 2.(e) Take the amount on Form 110, Page 2, lines 13, 14, 15 and 16 and multiply by .33. (f) Includes the total 2011 General Fund taxes levied.(g) Take the amount on line 21 times the calculated percentage for each fund from column 4.

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9/7/2012 2:57 PM Form 195

Form 0-135-195 USD# 259Rev. 5/2012


FORM 195


A. Driver Education Aid (Approved Programs Only)

1. Estimated aid 7/1/2012 to 6/30/2013 (12 mo.) (No. of driver ed. pupils completing program x $90) = $0

B. Motorcycle Safety Aid (Approved Programs Only)

1. Estimated aid 7/1/2012 to 6/30/2013 (12 mo.) (No. of motorcycle safety pupils completing program x $55) = $0

C. Estimated KPERS Flow-Through

1. Actual KPERS payments for 2011-12 (Does not include 2010-11 delayed payment.) = $27,143,675

2. Est. increase due to KPERS rate (Line 1 x 10.00%) = $2,714,368

3. Est. KPERS State Aid due to salary increases and added staff (Line 1 X % of salary increase and added staff 6.00 %) = $1,628,621

4. Est. KPERS State Aid for 2012-13 (Line 1 + Line 2 + Line 3) = $31,486,664

(This form should be included with the budget document and filed with the State Department of Education.)

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Form 0-135-239 USD # 2595/2012


FORM 239


(This form should be included with the budget document and filed with the State Department of Education)

1. Adopted local option budget (Cannot exceed Line 6, Form 155) = $107,856,793

2. Estimated supplemental general state aid. Line 1 $107,856,793 x factor 0.4853 Pro-rated 80% = $41,874,321

(see table below)3. Less prior year overpayment -

4. Net Estimated Supplemental General State Aid (Line 2 - Line 3) = $41,874,321



(Bonds Issued Prior to July 1, 1992)

Does not include asbestos bonds and capital outlay bonds. State aid applies only to generalobligation bonds passed in a referendum

1. Estimated 2012-2013 bond and interest fund payments =

2. Estimated Federal Tax Credit (Build America Bonds) =

3. Estimated bond and interest state aid. (Line 1 minus Line 2) x factor 0.1000 (see table below) = $0

4. Less prior year overpayment -

5. Less transfer from LOB -

6. Estimated bond and interest fund state aid payment = $0 (July 1,2012 through June 30, 2013) (Line 3 - (Line 4 + Line 5))



(Bonds Issued After July 1, 1992)Does not include asbestos bonds and capital outlay bonds. State aid applies only to generalobligation bonds passed in a referendum

1. Estimated 2012-2013 bond and interest fund payments = $40,605,708

2. Estimated Federal Tax Credit (Build America Bonds) = $4,743,516

3. Estimated bond and interest state aid. (Line 1 minus Line 2) x factor 0.3000 (see table below) = $10,758,658

4. Less prior year overpayment -

5. Less transfer from LOB -

6. Estimated bond and interest fund state aid payment = $10,758,658 (July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013) (Line 3 - (Line 4 + Line 5))


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Form 0-212-241a USD # 2595/2012



(Bonds Issued Prior to July 1, 1992)

Does not include asbestos bonds and capital outlay bonds. State aid applies only to generalobligation bonds passed in a referendum

1. Estimated 2012-2013 bond and interest fund payments =

2. Estimated Federal Tax Credit (Build America Bonds) =

3. Estimated bond and interest state aid. (Line 1 minus Line 2) x factor 0.1000 (see table below) = $0

4. Less prior year overpayment -

5. Less transfer from LOB -

6. Estimated bond and interest fund state aid payment = $0 (July 1,2012 through June 30, 2013) (Line 3 - (Line 4 + Line 5))

USD# 259FORM 242-A



Does not include asbestos bonds and capital outlay bonds. State aid applies only to generalobligation bonds passed in a referendum

1. Estimated 2012-2013 bond and interest fund payments =

2. Estimated Federal Tax Credit (Build America Bonds) =

3. Estimated bond and interest state aid. (Line 1 minus Line 2) x factor 0.3000 (see table below) = $0

4. Less prior year overpayment -

5. Less transfer from LOB -

6. Estimated bond and interest fund state aid payment = $0 (July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013) (Line 3 - (Line 4 + Line 5))