HELLBOY 2: THE GOLDEN ARMY Written by Guillermo del Toro FADE IN: EXT. MANHATTAN STREETS - NIGHT 1 SUPERIMPOSURE: MANHATTAN. 10.30 P.M. Park Avenue in mid-December. On the lampposts, Xmas lights sparkle over streets slick with slush and rain. Limousines line up for a public function. 2 EXT. BLACKWOOD BUILDING - NIGHT 2 SUPERIMPOSURE: BLACKWOOD'S AUCTION HOUSE Under black umbrellas, wealthy men and women exit the limos and enter a stately ten-story building. On the facade, a sign reads: TONIGHT - TREASURES OF PRE-CHRISTIAN EUROPE. A SHADOWY FIGURE lurks in an alley near the corner. His

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Written by

Guillermo del Toro




MANHATTAN. 10.30 P.M. Park Avenue in mid-December. On the lampposts, Xmas lights sparkle over streets slick with slush and rain. Limousines line up for a public function.



BLACKWOOD'S AUCTION HOUSE Under black umbrellas, wealthy men and women exit the limos and enter a stately ten-story building. On the facade, a sign reads: TONIGHT - TREASURES OF PRE-CHRISTIAN EUROPE. A SHADOWY FIGURE lurks in an alley near the corner. His features are hidden by a broad-brimmed hat. He watches as- The guests present gleaming, golden invitations to the security people at the door.

SHADOWY FIGURE (in Elvish, subtitled) I'll go up first. You'll enter from below- He addresses WINK, an eight-foot tall TROLL with grey skin and a huge scar over his left, empty, eye socket. His right hand is missing and he sports a heavy IRON MACE instead. A plume of breath escapes from his brutish mouth.


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And remember Wink-

(BEAT) Don't be shy. He extends his arms and with a swoop, he climbs the wall, up, up, like a bat. Five floors up...



CAMERA lingers on the bloated features of a stone FERTILITY



AUCTIONEER Pre-Celtic votive sculpture is in granite and has been dated circa 700 B.C. Like the guests, the AUCTIONEER is dressed in formal wear. TV MONITORS display the image of the statue so the bidders can have a closer look.

AUCTIONEER (CONT'D) We'll open the bidding at two hundred thousand dollars. A DISTINGUISHED BUYER raises his hand-

AUCTIONEER (CONT'D) Two hundred and seventy-five, and... we have three hundred, thank you Mr. Van Hausen - Three hundred thousand once- A FEMALE BIDDER raise her hand-

AUCTIONEER (CONT'D) And Three hundred and fifty thousand, thank you Mrs. Bernstein- As the auction carries on, a STEWARD leaves the room and heads down -

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-a darkened corridor where other STEWARDS wheel auction lots to and from the sales room. The STEWARD notices an open window at the end of the corridor. He leans out and looks down. Ten stories below - a snow-covered alley. Suddenly, he sees the SHADOWY FIGURE above the window frame, clinging to the smooth granite wall!!

STEWARD What the h- Quick as lightning, the SHADOWY FIGURE covers the steward's mouth. When he withdraws his hand, the steward's mouth has

VANISHED!!! The Shadowy Figure grabs the hapless man by the lapels, hauling him outside and dangling him over the void. Far below: a spiked wrought-iron fence.


SHADOWY FIGURE A silent human- almost as good as a dead one...

(BEAT) Almost. He releases the STEWARD, who falls-


-DOWN- -down- TKKCT!!! Flailing in utter silence. All the way. Onto the fence. The Figure slips through the window and moves into the-



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AUCTIONEER And now, for our next item. Lot #777. Two STEWARDS wheel in an oaken box and open it. Nestled in maroon velvet is an eight-inch, ornately decorated arc of gold.

AUCTIONEER (CONT'D) A once-in-lifetime opportunity. For the first time in auction. A piece of the Royal Crown of Bethmoora... A precious artifact dating from the Atrebatean period. Exquisite workmanship in 24 carat gold. The lights flicker briefly, provoking MURMURS from the audience.

AUCTIONEER (CONT'D) Please- please- ladies and gentlemen... may I have your attention. As I was saying, observe the fanciful creatures adorning the outer surface, figures from a lost mythology... The lights go out completely. From the sudden darkness, the Shadowy Figure speaks up.

SHADOWY FIGURE Lost- ? Not at all. Forgotten by you perhaps, but very much alive.

BELLBOY 2 4 A few emergency lights come on, revealing The Shadowy Figure, who walks down the aisle to confront the auctioneer.

AUCTIONEER Sir, would you please identify yourself? I see no badge or-

SHADOWY FIGURE Shall we just say that I am the rightful owner of this piece?

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He seizes the artifact. The auctioneer grabs a phone and hits a button.

AUCTIONEER (to a Steward) Security- Call Security- This is an outrage- An- The SHADOWY FIGURE reaches into his pockets and throws a handful of seeds at the Auctioneer's feet.

AUCTIONEER -Outrage of- KRRRRR-K the seeds sprout into massive, thick branches and roots and instantly engulfing the Auctioneer amidst coils of wooden branches, crushing him. They grow and grow until they crack the ceiling!! Soon the Auctioneer disappears, and in its place stands a compact, twisted tree. Tiny creatures emerge from its branches and crawl around the trunk. CRASH!!!!! Four SECURITY GUARDS come flying through the side doors and land in the aisles with a THUD!!! The spectators scream. WINK walks in. He carries two large IRON BOXES on his back. On the sides of the boxes A ROYAL SEAL, embossed in the metal. People cower in the corners, SCREAMING in terror and disbelief. WINK shrugs the iron boxes to the floor with a CLANG!!!! Inside them, little clawed THINGS are scrabbling - mewling, fast and hungry!! At the Shadowy Figure's signal, the troll opens the cages... and the people's SCREAMS redouble.


SHADOWY FIGURE May this remind you all why you once feared the dark... A multitude of eyes glint in the darkness, rows and rows of tiny teeth shine greedily. They lunge at CAMERA.

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Guards with German Shepherds patrol the fence line. Searchlights sweep the surrounding woods. Super: BUREAU FOR PARANORMAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT

TRENTON, N.J. 10.08 P.M.


A Christmas tree glows next to the fireplace; Mozart is playing on the aquarium's underwater speakers. Floating in warm water on a cloud of bubbles is ABE SAPIEN, lost in the music. A blurry figure approaches and raps a ring finger against the tank: It's TOM MANNING, chief FBI liaison to the BPRD. Looking dyspeptic, he presses a folder against the glass:


MANNING Hey, Fishstick- We gotta talk.


As they walk down the hall, manning shows Abe.

MANNING Look at that- Each photo costs a fortune to suppress. And then, naturally, they pop up on the net. CAMERA moves in on Abe's breathing apparatus. It's sleek, more modern, fitting snugly to his gills and neck. His goggles are new, too. He examines a photo of Hellboy bounding down a city street, brandishing his mighty, high-caliber Samaritan. He's looking straight at the camera lens.

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ABE Oh, Lord- He's smiling in this one.

MANNING I know- It's not just the money. It's the provocation. This is asking for trouble. His ego- Manning leans close to a voice-recognition security mike.

MANNING "Man-ning..." He enunciates each syllable perfectly, then turns to Abe.

MANNING (CONT'D) -is out of control. And I think it's all deliberate on his part.

(BEAT) He hates me. Layers of steel doors trundle open in sequence.

ABE No, he doesn't. He's just- enthusiastic. As they approach HB's room...

MANNING (CONT'D) How are things between him and Liz?

ABE Oh, you know. The usual. Since they moved in together- Good days and bad. On cue, the concrete wall explodes!'.! A massive BALL OF FIRE swings the final steel door open, almost tearing it off its hinges.

ABE (CONT'D) Then again, there are the really bad days- Manning and Abe cower behind a pillar. Once the explosion dies away- Hellboy's revealed, lying on the floor, his back smoking and in flames.

HELLBOY Oh, hi Blue- Manning- He puts out a small flame on his forearm and steps into the room.

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HELLBOY'S VOICE (yelling at Liz) Well- I'm not afraid of you! You hear?? Abe and Manning peek inside-


HB stumbles around the rubble, wreathed in smoke. He holds a bunch of blackened LPs and 8-track cassettes.

HELLBOY (yelling at Liz) Look- I have one rule! One- "Don't touch my stuff -" Liz appears, shimmering in a halo of blue flame. HB's pulls a few LP albums out of the garbage bin.

LIZ You have the same album on CD, LP and an 8 track- An 8 track!!!

HELLBOY You can't listen to Al Green on a CD!! You just can't!! Oh, and 8 track was the way to go- one day mankind will realize its mistake.

LIZ What about me? I need some space! Not much, but just enough to find- to find- my- toothbrush. She flares up, losing control...

HELLBOY Is that what this is about?? Your toothbrush's right there, behind you- (Liz turns) There- there- with the cat food!! Wrinkling her nose in disgust, Liz plucks a toothbrush from

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a heap of spilled cat kibble.

LIZ Damn it, Red- there's no room for me here. You can't just act like- Suddenly, the alarm SOUNDS. Hellboy is elated.


HELLBOY Oh, heavenly bells are ringing!



Surrounded by racks of weapons, Abe, Hellboy and Liz suit up. Tight-lipped and grumpy, Liz dons black army pants and a leather jacket. She jams an automatic handgun into her utility belt. They move into a vast garage, big as a stadium. It houses a fleet of planes, cars, boats, helicopters and tanks. They load weapons and ammo on board their usual transport/mobile quarters - a GARBAGE TRUCK. The perfect gentleman, Hellboy holds the door open for Liz. The truck interior has been refurbished with more high-tech equipment. As the engine starts and the headlights blaze...


- NIGHT 11


The cops have surrounded the building and helicopters hover overhead.


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The BPRD garbage truck pulls to stop.



Completely refurbished, with a BANK OF MONITORS and a large digital WORLD MAP, tracking each Paranormal.

MANNING Oh, Jeez- did you see the crowds? He offers HB a couple of cigars and lights one for him.

MANNING This is midtown Manhattan... Will you promise to be careful? You'll use discretion?


HELLBOY Piece of cake. In and out... no one will see me. You have my word- A sarcastic guffaw from Liz.


(GLARING) I can be discreet if I want to be- They exit the truck and enter the building. Manning sighs.


14 TNT. SALES ROOM - NIGHT 14 A BPRD agent (AGENT MUDD), Abe and Liz move into the big, dark sales room, past a jumble of overturned chairs. They use plasma-screen night-vision scanners to survey the devastation.

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LIZ No one here. No survivors. No bodies.


15 TNT. CORRIDOR - SAME 15 Two agents lead the way down the adjacent hallway. Hellboy follows, a few feet behind. HB trains his flashlight on a fallen display case. Broken glass glitters.

HELLBOY Same story here, babe-

LIZ (on the intercom) Don't call me babe-

HELLBOY I said "Abe"- I'm sorry- wrong channel- Hellboy falls back to talk privately on the intercom.


LIZ (on the intercom) Yes?



(WHISPERS) When we get home... I'm gonna clean the place up; okay? Even the bathroom.

LIZ That's not the problem and you know it.


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(WHISPERS) What? You want to get rid of the cats? You can't mean that-

LIZ No. That's not the problem either-


(WHISPERS) Then, what--?

LIZ Not now, for God's sake!


Abe, Liz and Agent Mudd fan out, moving cautiously toward the auctioneer's overturned podium. Abe discovers an empty cage... and on the iron door, the embossed ROYAL SEAL. Abe hears a high-pitched chitter- chatter and looks around: Nothing.

ABE Red- I'm afraid I do detect some activity- As the agent and Liz inspect the other iron cages, he extends his webbed fingers.

LIZ What kind of creature?




HELLBOY There's more than one-? He hears a scratching noise.

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ABE (on the intercom) More- Many more-

HELLBOY How many- ten-?

ABE No. Maybe a hundred- or two-



MPPF- As HB nears a wall, it bulges and splits open!! The ceiling cracks, too. He hurriedly loads a pair of lever-action



ABE They're all around us- Sounds of MOVEMENT from burrowing, unseen creatures-

HELLBOY What are they???

ABE Uh- If I'm right, we should leave now and ask for backup.


Manning is holding forth in a sidewalk press conference.

MANNING The situation is completely under control. Earlier tonight, customs agents discovered a few illegally imported items. This caused a minor confrontation.

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The reporters go wild with questions.

MANNING (CONT'D) Federal agents have now taken over the premises. We ask that you all step back- Manning basks in the flashbulb glow and acknowledges a pretty young REPORTER.



(GRINS) Yes, Debra-?

20 TNT. CORRIDOR - NIGHT 20 Plaster spills from widening cracks in the wall. Hellboy shoots, blowing open a massive hole. He peeks inside- Small bodies burrow away like moles.

HELLBOY What are they-? Abe?


Abe finds a human femur, wet and gnawed.

ABE Ah, I knew it.

(BEAT ) They're vicious and cruel and- The floor ripples with activity.

ABE (CONT'D) Have you noticed the floor??

HELLBOY (looking around) Uh- thick rug, deep pile, light brown-

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ABE Red- there is no rug- Hellboy lifts his foot, realizing he's been walking on an inch-thick layer of- ahem- poo.

HELLBOY Aw, crap-

ABE Precisely...

(BEAT) These things have a very active metabolism. They, um- excrete as soon as they eat and then need to eat some more. There are no corpses 'cause there are no



HELLBOY Spit it out, brother blue. What are they?


ABE Alright, but-

LIZ Damn it Abe, just tell us!

ABE Okay, then- They're- um- tooth fairies.

LIZ Abe, c'mon- cut the crap. She checks her boots, sticky with poo-

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ABE Third century, the Teutoburg forest. Famished. They feed on calcium-

(BEAT) And they do go for the teeth first. How do you think they got that name "Tooth Fairies"?? Liz senses movement in the darkness. She holds out her hand and starts a small fire on her palm. She pans it like a torch, firelight sweeping the darkness-



Agent MARBLE comes upon a lonely little creature peeping out from a crack in the wall. It's about 9 inches high, with olive skin and almond-shaped eyes gleaming in the half- light. It whimpers softly.

AGENT MARBLE Hey, this guy is cute -i. He reaches out to touch it.

AGENT MARBLE Are you scared, buddy? Across the room Hellboy sees the Agent nearing the Fairy.


HELLBOY No, don't- The thing SNARLS, leaps and sinks its tiny teeth into MARBLE's finger. Then it dives under MARBLE's shirt and goes to work. MARBLE gasps and drops his gun. Dozens of creatures emerge from the crack on the wall and crawl into Marble's clothing. Gasping, he tears open his shirt as claws and teeth dig in.. ribs crack... blood spurts. The agent falls.

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Liz lights up both hands, illuminating a surging tidal wave of hungry critters that engulfs the room, gnawing at the wallpaper, the furniture! The things sweep over Agent Mudd, ripping into him like wriggling piranhas.

ABE (backing away) Oh, my-


Hellboy protects the other agent, but he feels the things swarming over him, reaching for his lips and ears... Bellowing in disgust, he fires his shotguns, splattering dozens of creatures onto the walls. Every blast, however, reveals a buzzing, hungry mass pouring from the walls. HB claws at dozens more, which cling to him like baby monkeys.


The room is awash with hissing creatures, crawling over the iron cages. For an awful moment, no sign of Liz or Abe.

HELLBOY (sudden panic)

LIZ!! In reply, he hears a faint scream. He bats at the things with the SHOTGUN, wading further into the room.


HELLBOY (CONT'D) Liz!! Where are you - ?! He sees a horde of little beasts gnawing at the metal bars of a cage... .Liz cowering inside. Hellboy just has time to look deep

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into her eyes. A quick moment of silent communion.

HELLBOY Do it, Liz, do it!!! And Liz obeys. Closing her eyes she-


(WHISPERS) The fire's not my enemy. It is part of me- -gets covered by a gentle film of blue flame.


UH-OH- He takes refuge as-

LIZ It is mine- -the gentle flame blooms into a cloud of fire. Liz goes supernova. BAMMM!!!


A ball of fire erupts from an upstairs balcony. The crowd and reporters look up, amazed.


(MUTTERING) Evidently we have a- gas pocket- somewhere in- The reporters stampede towards the explosion, leaving Manning alone and fuming.

MANNING (CONT'D) Hey guys, hey guys, come back!!



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Hellboy stomps down hard, popping some creatures, bashing others with the butt of his shotgun. As flames leap up, the things regroup and renew their attack. Liz and Abe run for the stairs.

LIZ Red, Red, this way- Hellboy kicks the critters away, shooting again and again.

HELLBOY No- I'll deal with them- NOW. He dumps his backpack and pulls out a belt full of VULCAN 66 grenades. Holds it high.

HELLBOY (CONT'D) Vulcan 66, boys! Come and get 'em- Liz and Abe take cover on the stairs. They see Hellboy luring the tooth fairies toward the windows overlooking the street.

10 As the creatures climb onto him, he pulls the pins on all grenades. Soon he's a mass of swarming, gnarly fairies and



(YELLING) No, Red- Not there! Move away from the- K-B00000MMMMMM`IN!!!!!!!!! A massive explosion-

29 TNT / EXT - AUCTION HOUSE 29 Like a cannonball, HB flies out the upper floor window. A ball of flame, he arcs downward, covered in fighting, writhing fairies. Below, the onlookers scatter as the massive Red Giant lands in their midst, cracking the pavement.



Liz and Abe go to the window and look down. A TV CAMERA LENS

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LIZ (into her radio) HB?? HB?? Are you alright??


The crowd is screaming. Half a dozen smoldering fairies climb out of the smoking crater and snarl at the crowd. People shrink back in horror. One of the hungry critters jumps at a woman but- BLAM!! Hellboy shoots it in mid-air, then calmly and efficiently shoots its fellows. Finally, he plucks one last creature off his coat. He holds it up by the tail, like a rodent. Manning hurries forward, witness to his worst nightmare. A sea of camera flashes explodes on a grinning Hellboy.

HELLBOY (looks at Manning) Gee whiz, Manning-

(SHRUGS) I guess we're out now.


32 CREDITS 32 Behind the CREDITS are caballistic engravings suggesting the power, size and weapons of a mystic, mechanical GOLDEN ARMY.




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WEST SIDE RAILYARDS. MIDNIGHT Demolition has begun on abandoned factories and rail sheds around an old ROUNDHOUSE. A sign reads: COMING NEXT SUMMER,




Guard 1 watches TV. HB is on the screen, surrounded by press and TV.

GUARD 1 Check it out. That guy's make-up is so fake. I mean, come on, solid red- Guard 2 is cleaning his gun.

GUARD 2 And what's with his forehead? Is that goggles? He looks out the window and sees the THE SHADOWY FIGURE standing by the gates.

GUARD 2 (CONT'D) Hey, we got us a wino. He grabs his nightstick and steps outside.



Waving his nightstick, Guard 2 approaches the intruder. Their elongated shadows loom up above them on a brick wall.

GUARD 2 Hey- buddy- get the- The THE SHADOWY FIGURE whirls and drops his coat. He unsheathes a long, thin sword, slicing the air around the

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guard. The guard's shadow in the background is cut into three parts and collapses.



Guard 1 tunes in a game show. Looks outside- -no sign of his buddy. Behind him, at the window, WINK appears. Its MASSIVE ARM punches through the wall and hauls off the GUARD and then slams his massive IRON MACE down!!!

BAMMKM ! ! ! ! THE SHADOWY FIGURE wipes off his sword over the crumpled remains of Guard 2. Screams and bone crunching can be heard. WINK emerges from behind the shack.

HELLBOY 2 19 Effortlessly, the SHADOWY FIGURE vaults the chainlink fence and walks into the roundhouse. WINK smashes the fence and follows him through.


A few pigeons flutter through a forest of steel pillars. Radiant fingers of moonlight shine on the old train tracks. THE SHADOWY FIGURE and WINK stop as a dozen ROYAL GUARDS in helmets and light armor march out from a tunnel. After a pause, a CHAMBERLAIN joins them. He bows low in a show of respect for the Shadowy Figure.

CHAMBERLAIN Prince Nuada- He awaits you- Please, follow me, Sire.


The Chamberlain leads the way down a tunnel lined with more guards. The armed men surround the Prince as they stop at an

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intersection. The Prince prepares to unsheathe his sword- WINK growls.

CHAMBERLAIN I beg you, your majesty. Before entering the chamber you surrender your sword.

PRINCE I will not.

CHAMBERLAIN Then, I regret to say, you may not see your father. It is the protocol, sire. For peasant and prince alike. Please- for the last time- surrender your sword. A tense beat and then the Prince relents. The guards accept his weapon, carefully pat him down-

PRINCE Mr. Wink however- cannot dispose of his weapon. He will wait here- WINK snorts as the Prince is finally escorted through a huge, rusting iron door.



An abandoned machine shop functions as a council chamber. High-ranking heads of outlandish MAGICK FAMILIES are there: goblins, trolls, dwarves and elves. At the center sits KING BALOR The One-armed King of Elfland and, behind him, the willowy, beautiful PRINCESS NUALA, the Prince's sister. Both on the King's chest and her own, a large golden piece dangles from a chain. Nuala's resemblance to the Prince is uncanny, down to the fine scars marring their perfect faces. They're YING and YANG, almost the same being. The Prince eyes the doors closing behind him. The armed guards watch his every move.

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He bows his head and kneels.

PRINCE Father. (eyes the Princess)

SISTER- The KING gestures for him to rise.

KING Why have you done this?? His voice trembles with anger.

KING (CONT'D) Why? ! The Prince looks at him, defiant.

PRINCE I have returned from exile to set us free. All of us, Father- And to reclaim what has been taken from our people. The land and the freedom that is rightfully ours.

KING No- You have broken a truce that has lasted for centuries.


PRINCE A shameful truce, worth nothing. How can you abide it? How- ? They have no respect for themselves, their Gods or the earth-

(BEAT) And they scorn us- every time they raise a dead, cold building, destroy a forest, or take more land- The PRINCESS then steps forward.

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PRINCESS What they do is in their nature. We must honor our side of the agreement-

PRINCE Honor-?

(BEAT) Look at this place. Is this where you hold court??

(BEAT ) Is this how we are to live?? Amidst their filth, in their rubble??? Picking at scraps from their table??? Where is the honor in that??

KING And what would your solution be-? War? Why?

(PAUSE) It may just be that our days are ended...

PRINCE It may be- but we will not go quiet. We will not fade like this. Better to burn than fade away... And for this... Prince Nuada looks around, locking eyes with the heads of the clans.

PRINCE .we'll need the help of the Good... the Bad... and the Worst- He brings out the gold artifact from the auction. Holds it high. The crowds GASPS. The King instinctively covers the companion piece hanging from his chest as a medallion.

KING No- you cannot be that mad-

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PRINCE Yes. I am.

KING This is the path you wish to take? Knowing the cost?

PRINCE Yes, Father- it is. The King takes the Princess' hand and mournfully lowers his head.

KING Then, I am sorry my son- you leave me no choice. (looks at his guards) Death. His two PRAETORIAN GUARDS unsheathe their swords.


(GRIM) I agree. Death it is- And the guards turn toward the king and stab him. The Princess screams. The Prince looks away as the old monarch tumbles from his throne, dead. The heads of the clans try to flee, but are kept at bay by the other guards.

PRINCE Hear me all!!! There are some amongst you that have already seen the light- (he nears the guards) Seen the future... The PRAETORIAN GUARDS cover his back as he leans forward to his Father"s corpse and snatches the medallion.

PRINCE (CONT'D) As for you- You may join us in our quest or die now- His gaze is fierce, inspired. He joins the pieces together, they fuse and interconnect through the magical equivalent of NANOTECHNOLOGY. Minute gears and hooks join the pieces seamlessly into an almost complete CROWN. The Prince raises


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PRINCE (CONT'D) All of those in favor, make it known.

HELLBOY 2 23 All of the family heads sheepishly bow their heads, then kneel.

PRINCE (CONT'D) Good- I see the council is as brave as it's always been...

(BEAT) And now, my sister- The Prince looks around and sees that his sister is gone. He pushes through the mob, pulling his guards to the door.

PRINCE (CONT'D) Find her- Find her- His minions surge into the tunnels.

40 TNT. TUNNEL MAZE - NIGHT 40 Clutching the medallion on her chest , the Princess runs down a tunnel. A CROWD gathers behind her, chasing her as she zig-zags from tunnel to tunnel. With perfect calm, she ducks into a niche, then slides down a chute. She lands in a stone chamber lined with bookshelves.


The Princess rushes to a small cabinet. She grabs an ancient, leather-bound tome. She turns to leave, but a horde of TROLLS rushes and quickly surrounds her. One of the beasts swings a heavy, rusty sword. It opens a gash in the princess' left arm-

42 INT. TUNNEL 1 - DAY 42

The Prince, rushing through the tunnel with the PRAETORIAN

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GUARDS, suddenly doubles over, cursing. Blood pours from a wound in his left arm.

PRINCE No- no- you fools-



As another troll lifts his sword high-

PRINCESS (calling out) Yrdrig!! YRDRIG, a hellhound the size of a tank, jumps out from an alcove. He has multiple heads, all of them ferocious. In seconds, he's upon the TROLLS. Each of his many mouths tears into green flesh, lifting and shaking the helpless monsters like rag dolls. The Princess slips through a secret door.

44 INT. TUNNEL 2 -- SAME 44

The Prince and his guards rush through the tunnels, as troll screams echo off the walls. When they finally-


-reach the Princess' chamber, it's too late. Dead and dying TROLLS lie in a heap on the floor. The Prince finds no sign of his sister. He clutches his bleeding arm.



Liz sprawls on a sofa, watching the 20-odd TV monitors in Hellboy's room. All the news channels feature footage of

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Heliboy's "outing" the night before. HB is grinning at the camera. Now he's signing an autograph!

HELLBOY ON TV Yes- yes- I'd say I am that strong- I've fought many creatures over the years but none as strong as me- He winks at camera. Liz rolls her eyes.

HELLBOY 2 25 Hellboy plunks himself down next to her, popping a can of beer.

HELLBOY I think I did good. And I looked good, don't you think, Liz? Abe stands behind them, juggling a dozen remote controls.

ABE Look- there's Manning... He raises the volume as Manning is shown, surrounded by microphones.

MANNING ON TV Evidently we have a- gas pocket- somewhere in-

HELLBOY A gas pocket??!! Ha-! I love it. The door opens. Manning is there, holding a plastic box overflowing with mail.


PLEASE- Disgusted, Manning turns off the TV's.

MANNING Aw- this is a disaster! A disaster- you hear?? Worse than Cheney with a shotgun. Only Liz-

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(BEAT) Only Liz handled herself with any dignity.

LIZ (glancing at HB) No one asked me anything. Manning pulls a fistful of mail out and tosses it on a table.

MANNING Don't bother starting a fan club. It's trending five to one against us.

HELLBOY Against?


LIZ (glances at some letters) Polls- protests- hate mail- Liz grabs a few letters and scans them.


(READING) "Unwelcome species... mongrelizing... lower orders... ungodly freaks..." She glares at Hellboy.

HELLBOY Ungodly freaks-? Us?

MANNING You really did it this time- I'm under review. (to Hellboy) But so are you- As of today, there's a new team leader.

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HELLBOY New - ? What?

MANNING Yes- You heard me. A new team leader. We're to meet him at the conference room at 0900- (looks at his watch) Now.


The SECURITY POUND is row after row of stacked cages, each one imprisoning a different CREATURE. BPRD AGENTS patrol the pens, feeding the occupants, cleaning the pans- HB looks at Manning, who is edgy and nervous.

HELLBOY What's the matter, Manning?? Don't you trust me anymore?

MANNING Oh- I never did- But after last night, Washington wants a new public face for the BPRD-


HELLBOY What about me? What's wrong with my face???

MANNING Or mine??? The press loves me!! But now you've ruined it all-

HELLBOY But, who-? Who is this guy?


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How would I know? Evidently, he's quite the big shot- (he reads a file) His name is Johann Kraus-

HELLBOY Akkk- Kraus??? He's German-


(OVERLAPPING) -a physical medium, head of the European branch of the BPRD-


(OVERLAPPING) You know I have a problem with Germans-


(OVERLAPPING) -a Doctor in Philosophy and Occult Practice from the University of Munich and a very eloquent speaker-


(OVERLAPPING) -Germans make me nervous-

MANNING I guess they need a nice open face- A face people can trust. Finally, next to steel cage, they meet- JOHANN KRAUS: about 6' tall, dressed in a canvas containment suit full of tubes and taps. His hands are encased in thick latex gloves with exit valves at the fingertips and his head...

MANNING . Oh, my God-

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HELLBOY 2 28 .is a translucent glass bubble, full of gas! He is studying a drawing of the royal seal we saw on the Fairy Cages. Johann approaches Liz. He takes her hand and bows.

JOHANN Johann Kraus, at your service. His unearthly voice is velvety and warm. Almost soothing. Liz smiles. Hellboy glowers as Kraus' fishbowl head turns toward them.

HELLBOY (whispers to manning) That's an open face for you...


Johann pulls out one of the dead, singed Fairies. Hellboy and the others gather around him.

JOHANN Poor things, bought and sold on the black market. Smuggled in tight, cramped cages. Let's see what they can remember-

HELLBOY Memory gets pretty sketchy after you die- (nudges Abe) -but maybe I can be of help- Nudges Abe and starts fishing for an amulet.

JOHANN Oh, no, no- No amulets are required. He adjusts the valves at the tips of his fingers and approaches the lock.

HELLBOY What are you doing?

JOHANN I can inhabit inanimate things: organic,


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JOHANN Exactly. A PROTOPLASMIC emanation seeps out from his fingertips, slightly deflating his body. The tendrils enter the- -"Dead" Fairy.

JOHANN I can briefly take control of entities, both mechanical and organic and reactivate their neural system- The "dead" Fairy snarls and bares its teeth at Hellboy. Two more do the same from another pen.

JOHANN (CONT'D) (points at Hellboy) You scare him- The fairy blabbers furiously while glaring at HB.

HELLBOY (leering at it) Whaddayawant??? You chewed off the tip of my tail- Yes, you-

JOHANN (CONT'D) Rough translation: He says you are rude, brutish and not too bright-

ABE Touche. More high-pitched jabbering... Johann replaces the little fairy in the holding pen.

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JOHANN (CONT'D) Enough. it seems our little friend here remembers a noise. A very peculiar noise in the last place where his cage was traded: market sounds-

(BEAT) Troll language-

LIZ The troll market- ?


JOHANN Exactly, Miss Sherman. The Fairy starts babbling uncontrollably and grows pale and weak.

HELLBOY Jeez- your buddy there doesn't look too good.

JOHANN I'm losing my grip on its limbic system- He feels nauseous. I'm afraid he's about to die-

HELLBOY Wow- You have that effect on me too. The Fairy's cheekbones hollow and it finally collapses. Ectoplasm escapes its body and regroups at Johan's fingertips.

ABE How can we find the Troll market??? Its location has been a source of speculation for centuries


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Yes, well- Trolls dwell under bridges- And Vladimir Vanya 18th century occultist- places it under Washington Bridge

ABE We've looked there before-- Staked it out for weeks-

JOHANN Yes, but this time I have asked for a very special piece of equipment- He moves in to a large crate marked "Lot 336"

ABE "336" The schufftein glasses??

JOHANN (smiles knowingly) On loan from the Smithsonian. Plus we have this clue- He produces the sketch of the ROYAL SEAL.


JOHANN In my mind we have enough to go by- Any questions?? Abe is about to ask something when, abruptly, Hellboy raises his hand-

JOHANN Yes- what is it?

HELLBOY If you're really German- how come you don't have a funny accent?


(SIGHS) Get ready. We are on the move.

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Hellboy is suiting up. Liz and Abe do the same.

HELLBOY What a moron!! "We are on the move" He thinks he's so hot!! We've been looking for that place for years and we've never found it- (looks at Abe) You said so- Abe pulls out TWO headsets of COMPOSITE GOGGLES, made of copper and glass, full of buzzing and whirring pieces. He tries it on.

LIZ Get used to it. He might be here for good-

HELLBOY For good?!

LIZ He has a nice voice.

ABE Yes, very commanding, very soothing.

HELLBOY I think he's a jerk.

ABE I like him.


HELLBOY Well, then you're a jerk, too. "The brains of the operation-" give me a

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JOHANN They head towards the garbage truck. Manning, Abe and are waiting there.

LIZ I think you feel threatened... Hellboy stays behind- thinking- thinking real hard.



The Garbage truck and a few other BPRD vehicles crossthe Washington Bridge on the way to CHINATOWN.



Hellboy rides in silence- still thinking hard- then.

HELLBOY Ha! Me? Threatened?? Glaring, at Liz:

HELLBOY By whom? By him??

LIZ Not just him- this whole thing you did. The TV- the reporters-

HELLBOY I did that?

LIZ Yes, Red- absolutely. 'Cause you did it without thinking- You just wanted to be in the public's eye- well- you're there- but so are we.

HELLBOY Hey- We got some hate mail.

(SHRUGS) We'll deal with it. Together.

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HELLBOY 2 33 He comes closer to her.

HELLBOY Something else bothering you-? Liz nods quietly.

HELLBOY So- Tell me about it-

LIZ I will, but not now- I'm sorry if- I-

(BEAT) I don't like being watched. I never have. I feel like a freak only if someone's watching me. Suddenly: Angry YELLS... then fists pounding the walls and fenders. The doors open and they are inundated by reporters and TV CREWS and cameras and flashes. There are, literally, hundreds of them. This time from all over the world: Japan, UK, Germany...



Agents cordon off the street with yellow tape, holding the press at bay. As the truck rolls by, hordes of bystanders push forward, hoping for a glimpse of Hellboy. Some of them chase run alongside the vehicle, carrying support/hatred signs.

MANNING May I suggest that tonight you refrain from signing autographs.

HELLBOY It's the garbage truck. It makes the

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wrong statement. About who we are.

MANNING You think that's what this is about? Transportation???



The truck stops near other official vehicles. Overhead, the soaring roadbed of the Brooklyn Bridge. At the sight of the BPRD team, some protestors throw eggs. Hellboy shields Liz from the barrage.

REPORTER 2 C'mon- show us your powers-

ABE Oh- No, no, no, it's not a parlor trick.

REPORTER 1 What are you, a mermaid??

ABE Oh, goodness, no- I-

REPORTER 2 You say you can read things- things about people- so read me- c'mon- read me- The crowd of reporters and onlookers laughs and applauds.

REPORTER 2 (CONT'D) What do you see?

ABE Very well, if you insist. (webbed hand on reporter's chest) You... keep... a large, battery-operated vibrating egg by your bedside... A shrieking CAMERA CREW runs up loaded with video equipment.

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REPORTER You! Demon-man! Will you take a DNA test?

HELLBOY It's "Hellboy" not "Demon-man"- One of the projectiles hits him. The crowd roars. Hellboy gazes back at them- seething.

JOHANN Let me take care of this. Johann bravely confronts the news teams and the crowd.


JOHANN (CONT'D) Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Johann Kraus and I beg you to allow us- (interrupted by catcalls) -Please, we need space to work- please-

WE- The REPORTERS bombard him with questions. He signals for silence.

JOHANN (CONT'D) In due time- very soon- we will provide all the answers you require, all the whos, whys and wherefors- But for now- An egg hits him in the face- hard. The crowd roars-

HELLBOY Great P.R... He gets ready to pummel the crowd. Liz stops him.

LIZ Shh! Give him a chance...

JOHANN -it's been a long... long time... for many decades really, that the BPRD has

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served you- all of you... in silence. We have waged an unknown war - but a very real one. Heroes have died unrewarded and unrecognized so that you might go about your daily life. To work, to marry, to bid your children goodnight. Little by little, the crowd grows quiet.

JOHANN In exchange, we have been consigned to the lies and racist innuendo of the tabloids. And there we have lived without complaint - until now.


54 MONTAGE Johann's speech is replayed in broadcast TV VANS, HOMES, PUBS and BARS all over the world to a fascinated human population. All colors and creeds.


JOHANN (CONT'D) But perhaps soon- after learning of our hardships and sacrifices, you may decide that our humble lives may, in some way, have a value... and a meaning-



The camera lights reflect off Johann's glass head.

JOHANN I pray that you will allow us to defend your good fortune- to guarantee the blessing that is a peaceful night's sleep. A night free from monsters and nightmares. And if so-

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(chokes back tears) If so- then all we ask in return... from you... is a little respect and the chance, remote as it may be, to prove ourselves worthy of a tiny, tiny place in this- God's Earth.

HELLBOY (rolls his eyes) This is sooo corny- A moment of silence ensues-- Then, the wet-eyed reporters applaud- the crowd applauds- Liz applauds, Abe applauds. Hellboy is agog!!

HELLBOY What-?? What-??


(DAZZLED) He has a nice voice. All business now, Johann steps over to the group.

JOHANN Come on. We have work to do-



Hellboy, Abe and Johann peer over the cornice of a bowling alley rooftop. The CROWDS are visible in the distance. Hellboy looks through THE SCHUFFTEN GLASSES.


HELLBOY Nothing yet, Sparky, over-


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The BPRD truck is parked behind the bowling alley, directly under the bridge. Its back door is open; Liz and manning are at the communications center.

LIZ I read you, Red. Keep looking- Manning is bored, looks at his watch.

MANNING Looking at what, for goodness sake-? (looks at the Schufften glasses) What do these things do-? Liz starts locking and unlocking a series of lenses and prisms. Both Abe and Johan wear similar gear.

ABE In 1778 Emil Schufften, a Good friend of Benjamin Franklin, designed these optical sets with the intent of photographing fairies in England...

MANNING Let's get out of here- We're never going to find it-

HELLBOY'S VOICE Hey- Sparky, I think we got one. Manning studies the image on the monitor: a bag lady pushing a shopping cart full of cats-

MANNING That? Oh, please, she looks as sweet as she can-

LIZ Red, turn on the "antiglamour" filter... (to Manning) Fairy folk use a spell called "glamour" to seem human and nice-

(BEAT) These lenses allow you to see their real appearance...

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HELLBOY 2 38 ,,f 58 EXT. BOWLING ALLEY PARKING LOT - NIGHT 58 Bellboy turns a few knobs on the goggles, then raises them.


59 POV GOGGLES. As a series filters enter the visual field, the bag lady transforms into an ugly, muscle-bound troll.



MANNING Oh, dear Lord.

(PAUSE) What about the cats?

LIZ She eats them.

MANNING "She??" That's a "she"?????

HELLBOY We're moving in, Sparky-

61 BOWLING ALLEY / BACK ALLEY/ UNDER THE BRIDGE 61 HE, Johann and Abe follow the Bag Lady. She opens a service




The bag lady goes through the rear of the bowling alley and through a basement door. The room RUMBLES with the sound of rolling balls and toppling pins.

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(WHISPERS) Maybe we can bowl a few frames, uh?

ABE (splays his webbed fingers) Bowling balls- they give me trouble.

HELLBOY How about a beer, then? Now that we're "out"- Whaddya say, Mein Herr?


JOHANN Sorry. I don't drink.




Hellboy and Abe enter the basement: no sign of the old woman. Just a Warehouse-

JOHANN' Adjust the prisms to "2" Abe moves his glasses, Hellboy fumbles his own- unsuccessfully. Now the WHOLE ROOM transforms under the new optical elements: Its geometry remains somewhat unchanged, but instead of a pile of boxes a tree trunk and a large, mossy rock are visible, where there were iron beams now tree trunks and stone columns are visible...



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Where a large banner hung, now a huge, rusty mechanical lock.

HELLBOY What the heck is that?

ABE A locking mechanism-

HELLBOY Mmh- I'll take care of it- He clenches his stone fist, rears back...

JOHANN No- You destroy it. We'll never get in- He adjusts the valves at the tips of his fingers and approaches the lock.

HELLBOY Ah, of course- the Fishbowl touch-

JOHANN Johann's s ecto-tendrils enter the-



64 MECHANISM OF THE LOCK -filling it, making a few complex gears turn and move-


65 THE LOCK Opens and the floor drops away, revealing a stone staircase. Johann withdraws his protoplasmic tendrils and closes off the valves.

JOHANN Gentlemen: welcome to Troll Market.

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Troll Market is a steamy, medieval nightmare. A labyrinth of narrow alleys and foetid vapour. Trolls scavenge the crumbling, marble shoreline, picking through garbage, scattering vermin. Muddy water trickles down from above, forming cloudy puddles. Roaming vendors hawk exotic objects from every culture and century. At kiosks and shops, Trolls peddle cats (skinned or alive) cadres of Lovecraftian entities stroll about: Mer-men, Goblins and a few select species unknown to any cosmology. A dogfight of sorts is taking place in a small ring. Instead of pitbulls, multi-limbed creatures leap at one another while violent bettors laugh and shout. At the rail, Abe watches in horror, then sees a woman in rags making her way through the crowd. He catches a glimpse of her slippered feet... .which flash with pearls and gold embroidery. His curiosity aroused, he follows her.


67 MARKET STALL The woman inspects a pile of ancient bric-a-brac at a market stall; her cowl swings aside, briefly revealing her face. It's the PRINCESS. In these grotesque surroundings, her beauty is transcendent.

HELLBOY 2 41 Abe is thunderstruck. As she turns to leave, they briefly make eye contact. On her bandaged arm: a bracelet adorned with the seal's coat of arms!

ABE (into microphone) Brother Red!!


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(INTERCOM) Not now, Abe. As the Princess disappears into the mob, Abe hurries after her.



Hellboy and Johann show a picture of a tooth fairy to a surly SHOP OWNER.

SHOP OWNER Never seen anything like it. No one sells `em down here - over in Jersey, maybe. Behind him, there's a faceless CAVE BERSERKER: a tall and gnarly ogre, his naked chest crisscrossed with scars, his feet encased in iron shoes. Growling, it bares its teeth at HE. HB smiles back-

HELLBOY Hiya, Chuck-

- SAME 69


Abe follows the Princess down an alley - and then another one, narrow and dark. Panhandlers pull at his belt; he bats them away.



Now Johann shows a drawing of the royal seal to the shop owner.

JOHANN What about this?? Do you recognize this seal?

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HELLBOY 2 42 The shop owner's face suddenly grows pale.

SHOP OWNER You'd better go. Now.

JOHANN Please. We'll make it worth your while. The shop owner claps his hands. BERSERKER takes two steps forward, ROARING. Its iron shoes go CLOMP-CLOMP!!

SHOP OWNER (CONT'D) He's not friendly- Hellboy huffs and walks up to the creature.

HELLBOY Well, neither am I- BAMMMM!!!!! With a single uppercut, he sends it flying toward the ceiling, shoeless. The shop keeper watches in awe until it lands, about thirty feet away in the middle of the dogfight. The crowd scatters as the mongrel creatures attack the thing with blind instinct. Hellboy grabs the shop owner by the lapels and pulls him close. The shop owner's head rockets back and forth like a boxer's speed bag as HB "gently" slaps him around. Teeth fly everywhere.

HELLBOY Feeling more chatty now??

SHOP OWNER It's rumors! ... just- No- don't hit me, all right? There's talk of a revolt- a revolt against the human world- Hellboy releases him, then looks around.

HELLBOY Where the hell is Abe?? He pushes his belt locator-

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HELLBOY 2 43 1.,,,d 71 INT. TROLL MARKET ALLEY MAZE - NIGHT 71 The Princess has entered a shop selling MAPS and PRINTS. Abe stays outside, watching through a window as she negotiates to purchase a silver and crystal CYLINDER contained in a safety holding case. The SALESMAN denies it at first but after the Princess hands him a gold bracelet he finally acquiesces while vowing to her. He extracts the cylinder from its holding case and hands it to her. A red locator light flashes on Abe's utility belt.


(INTERCOM) Hey, Abe, gimme me your twenty-

ABE I'm following a lead, Red. Keep your locator -. A large TROLL cuts him off-

ABE Excuse me- What do you think you're doing?


(INTERCOM) Are you in trouble? Talk to me, Abe. Another TROLL comes up behind Abe.

ABE (CONT'D) I don't think you- The TROLL opens a small wooden box and extracts a nasty looking Insect: A NARCOTIC BUG.

ABE (CONT'D) Oh, my- The second TROLL loads the buzzing bug - like a bullet - into a blowpipe. Abe turns just as he blows. The bug lands on Abe's chest and sinks its stinger deep into his flesh. He groans.


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Abe? What's wrong?

HELLBOY 2 44 Abe tears it loose and crushes it underfoot. But his vision blurs, he staggers forward and falls, face first, onto the cobblestones.


(INTERCOM) Abe? Come in - Abe? Dammit -

72 EXT. SHOP - SAME 72

The locator's blue light dims; concerned, Hellboy and Johann look at each other. Seeing his chance, the shop keeper melts away into the crowd.


Abe opens his eyes and slowly gets up. He looks around: he's surrounded by racks of ancient scrolls and musty books. The door is locked. Instinctively he looks for his belt- It's not there.

PRINCESS If you are looking for your weapons, my guards took them. Abe turns to face the Princess, who stands only a few feet away. She has cast off her dingy cloak and is radiant in fine silk robes. She is feeding slices of fruit to a cage of large, featherless REPTILE/BIRDS.

ABE I - I carry no weapons, madam- I assure you...

PRINCESS Why were you following me?

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Abe is ashamed to realize the real answer. He's utterly beguiled by her.

PRINCESS (CONT'D) Are you seeking to join my brother?

ABE Your brother-??


PRINCESS In his revolt against the humans?

ABE A revolt? No, no, no, I- You are sorely mistaken... He takes a step forward but the YRDRIG comes out of nowhere, barking and growling.

PRINCESS Then answer me truthfully- Why were you following me?

ABE My name is Abe Sapien -


(LAUGHING) There is no such name!

ABE Horrible- I know- but- Please, hear me, I beg you. I am an agent of the Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense. If we can assist you-

PRINCESS Give me your hand. Abe complies, thrilled as she runs her fingers over his

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palm. The Princess' face brightens. She smiles and gestures for the YRDRIG to yield.

PRINCESS Down Yrdrig - he's a friend. The YRDRIG jumps on Abe and starts licking him with all three tongues.

PRINCESS (CONT'D) Yrdrig's really just a puppy. The drooling beast pins Abe to the floor with one paw.


(WHEEZING) Nice puppy...

A The YRDRIG lifts Abe with one of its mouths and gives him playful shake.


PRINCESS My father gave him to me. Yrdrig, leave our guest alone- The Yrdrig drops Abe onto the floor.

PRINCESS (CONT'D) Out! Out! Bad Yrdrig! As the animal skulks away, she helps Abe up-

PRINCESS (CONT'D) (bows her head) My name is Princess Nuala.

ABE (bows his head) Your highness, the honor is all mine.

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PRINCESS May I apologize, Mr. Sapien, for the manner in which we brought you here... couldn't be too sure. She offers him the locator belt.

ABE Please, it was nothing. Love the puppy,


PRINCESS And under diplomatic immunity - may I seek asylum??

ABE We would be... honored, I'm sure. But, may I ask: from whom do you seek asylum? Suddenly, a COMMOTION outside. The door flies off its hinges. Hellboy and Johann burst in, leaping over a pile fallen guards outside.

ABE Red, no! I'm all right! The Princess shrinks back, but Abe motions for calm.

ABE Gentlemen! Some respect, please! The Princess looks with dismay at her vanquished bodyguards. The NARCOTIC BUGS buzz around HB, who swats them like mosquitoes.


PRINCESS And that was my royal guard.

ABE Red, apologize at once! We are in the presence of... royalty! Hellboy's never heard Abe sound like this- giddy as a

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JOHANN (to Abe) You're vouching for her, I take it. Mr Sapien?

ABE Oh, most definitely. She's from an ancient, noble line -

JOHANN - of warriors. The Children of the Earth. (to the Princess) I'm sorry, Princess Nuala. With such a fierce bloodline, we cannot take your claim of allegiance at face value. He produces the ANCIENT SEAL.


Standing at a long deal table, the Princess lights a candle and examines the ancient seal.

PRINCESS Where did you get this?

HELLBOY Human side, two nights ago- The Princess studies their faces.

PRINCESS In ancient times a seal like this was delivered to the enemy as a declaration of war. A signal from the underground realm to the entire world. It prefaced the awakening of the Golden Army- Johann sits down heavily.

JOHANN I feared as much.

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HELLBOY (to Johann) What-? What-? A goblin army-? Johann shakes his glass head, overcome with worry.

JOHANN Golden Army. The unstoppable tide. There has been nothing to substantiate such a


PRINCESS Not a tale- At the dawn of time... Even before the great flood, man and the Children of the Earth shared this planet... (she sighs) But as man in his greed expanded his dominion, there ensued a bitter war...



Silhouetted against a crimson sky, the shadows of thousands upon thousands of goblins, elves and fairies do battle with hordes of men.

PRINCESS (V.0.) (CONT'D) In those days, my people were led by my Father, King BALOR, the one-armed king of Elfland. KING BALOR fights valiantly at the side of his son, the tall, pale elf knight: PRINCE NUADA.

PRINCESS (V. 0.) (CONT'D) The bloodshed went on year after year. Many lives were lost. An overview of the battlefield fades as the sun sinks below the horizon.


Seated in an 'opulent throne room, KING BALOR addresses a wretched guild of deformed goblins.

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PRINCESS (V.0.) It was then that the King ordered the Sigri to build him a new, invincible army.


Lit by the fires of a hundred furnaces, stoked by scores of goblins, a MECHANICAL ARMY is born. Metal plates and moving parts are hammered into shape on enormous anvils and bolted onto tall, ornate, golden figures.

PRINCESS (V.0.) This was an army that would not eat, drink or grow tired. A heartless, ruthless force made of the purest metal, mined from the depths of the earth.


In perfect ranks, in eerie unison, the golden soldiers line up, filling the entire courtyard, awaiting the King's command.

PRINCESS (V.0.) The Sigri worked until the winter moon was high in the sky - The CHIEF GOBLIN BLACKSMITH displays three curved segments of gold. He fits them together and holds a completed CROWN directly over the King's head.

KING I am King Balor, leader of the Golden Army. Is there anyone here who disputes my right??? Silence. Prince NUADA kneels next to his father. The Goblin crowns the King, who lifts his sword. In response- TCHANKKKKK!!!! The new army raises its lances, hailing him.

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As the humans make ready for battle, a tremor shakes the earth. They turn their gaze to the horizon, which bristles with the arms of the approaching troops.



The fight is brutal. The mechanical soldiers mow down the humans by the hundreds, their swords replaced as needed by battle axes, bludgeons and lances.

PRINCESS (V.0.) But this army knew no bounds, had no remorse, felt no loyalty, engaging in blind battle with man, woman or child. The horde crushes everything, with swords slicing through armor as if it were paper. Every blow is deadly, precise. The army marches ever onward, like a grinding machine devouring tender flesh. At length, there is no sign of life in the human camp.

PRINCESS (V.0.) (CONT'D) And as the king gazed upon the earth awash in blood and at the impassive metal faces of the army he had created, his heart grew heavy. Victory was gained at too high a price. This war should never have been waged. The King surveys the carnage. The mechanical soldiers stand in symmetrical ranks awaiting further instructions.

PRINCESS (V.0.) (CONT'D) And so he arranged a truce: the surviving men would keep to their cities and we children of the Earth would dwell within the forests. This pact, he declared, would be honored by our sons and the sons

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of their sons until the end of time. Listening to his father, Prince Nuada reacts with anguish.

PRINCESS (V.0.) (CONT'D) But my brother did not believe in the promises of men. He marched off into exile, vowing to return if the Sons of the Earth ever needed him. Prince Nuada walks away towards a dying sunset.



The goblins lock the golden army into a huge cavern, under the light of ten thousand flickering torches.


PRINCESS (V.0.) And the golden army was ordered to lie dormant, locked inside the earth itself - and there it is to this day, waiting for the wearer of the crown to command it again.


The Princess finishes her tale. Hellboy and Johann look at each other.

HELLBOY Where is that crown??

PRINCESS My father had it destroyed. Cut into three pieces. One for mankind... She holds up her piece of the puzzle, which dangles from a chain around her neck.


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.Two for the sons of the Earth.

ABE So, you do need our help..?

PRINCESS I'm afraid it's the other way around. She holds the CYLINDER she purchased.

PRINCESS The location of the Golden Army is contained within this cylinder-- She opens it and produces a parchment hidden inside. She extends it: the map just shows three coordinates.

ABE Just a global chart, Edo - that's the old name for Tokyo - Moscow, and Renvyle here-

PRINCESS But nothing else- She rolls back the map into the cylinder.

PRINCESS So far, this is a family matter. To intervene will bring nothing but trouble.


HELLBOY Good, I like trouble.


The Princess leads the group through the surging, noisy crowd of bizarre creatures. Hellboy, Johann and Abe bring up the rear.

PRINCESS No- not that way. Too risky- They're lost in unfamiliar alleys and byways. Until-

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JOHANN (finally, pointing) There. Stairs to the street...


PRINCE Hold! The Prince appears at the top of the stairs, dressed in black. He's surrounded by his elite guard. Stepping to the rail, he points at his sister and addresses the crowd:

PRINCE Hear me, o creatures of the forest! Can you recognize a traitor? She's here to betray her own! He casts a disdainful look at Hellboy.

PRINCE I'm here to recruit all of you against the humans. Make your decision now. Those who join me will be rewarded. The rest... will be killed. A sudden silence falls over the throng. Then, the sound of CRACKING KNUCKLES. Everyone looks at Hellboy, who is unclenching his fists and stretching his neck. He starts up the stairs, but a couple of the GUARDS leap down to block his path.

HELLBOY I'm gonna put this as delicately as I can.





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A crowded BOWLING ALLEY is full of serious-looking players in colorful shirts and shoes. Someone rolls a ball down the center lane, and as it speeds right at the pins...

BOWLER Look out, Manny! Strike city..! CRASH! Hellboy erupts from under the floorboards, fighting the clawing monsters right behind him! As the bowlers freeze in shock, dozens of creatures pour out into the human world. Grunting, Hellboy punches his way free, only to be dragged back by the tail by WINK. Abe, shielding the Princess, demonstrates the way of the water, a fluid martial arts display. He ducks and parries the blows, leaping like Nureyev. Abe scoops up a couple of bowling balls and rolls them at the Prince's guards. He manages to knock a couple off their feet. As they get back up, he uses the available bowling pins as clubs. The screaming PATRONS rush for the doors.



Outside, the civilians flee, but the news crews come is back. He running. As their lights blaze up, REPORTER 2 gapes in disgust: Hellboy's massive hands are wrapped around the neck of a sweet little OLD LADY! He beats her mercilessly!

OLD LADY Help me...! Please, somebody..!

REPORTER 2 (to his cameraman) Oh, my God!! Oh, my- Roll! Roll on this!

BELLBOY It's not what you think -!

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REPORTER (pointing at HB) He's lost his mind! He's worse than any of them..! CUT BACK to Hellboy, revealing that the old lady is actually

WINK. Liz runs over with a prism from the SCHUFFTEIN GOGGLES and sticks it in front of the camera lens, revealing the truth. The reporter checks his monitor.



86 STREET FIGHT 86 ALL the BPRD team, including Liz, is swept up in this fight. The denizens of the troll market overturn parked cars and knock down lamp posts, ROARING with excitement.


(MUTTERING) The fire is not my enemy-- it is a part of me-- Liz yells out a warning... and then throws a barrage of flaming bolts. A pair of crab-like THINGS shrivel and burn. Johann melds with a heavy steel dumpster, until only his legs are visible beneath it. Bending at the waist - SPLAT - he brings it down on the head of the nearest creature! WINK and HB duke it out for a few beats and then HB finally vanquishes the Troll, Ripping his Iron Mace off and throwing it away. As the other monsters retreat... .the PRINCE appears: in his hand a complex mechanical GRENADE. Immediately worried, Abe hustles the Princess over to the BPRD truck. The Prince twists a timer. His bloodied trolls disperse, screaming, renewing the panic.

PRINCE (to Hellboy) I will find you, young daemon -

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(to Nuala) - and you, too, my sister. Meanwhile, here's a taste of what lies in store.

HELLBOY 2 55 He throws the grenade. Hellboy dives, just in time to catch it. He's about to throw it down a sewer, when he listens to its clockwork innards then: PING!!!!

HELLBOY It's a dud, your royal assness - ! The Prince has disappeared, along with his horde.

HELLBOY How do you like that? Just when I was loosening up. Then... CLACKK!!!. Hellboy scrutinizes the grenade as it opens up like a beans. flower... and spews out a handful of Brightly colored

ABE Pick them up!!

HELLBOY Abe. relax- It's jumping beans... Abe is scrambling to retrieve them.

ABE Do as I say! With a sigh, Hellboy scoops up a few.

ABE How many do you have?

HELLBOY Three, how about you?

ABE Three! There's always seven! Find the last one!!!

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TO The seventh bean is next to a manhole. It hops closer edge...

ABE Quick, it's going for water! Hellboy reaches for it... but it's too late. The thing hops into the manhole and lands somewhere below with a SPLASH.

ABE (CONT'D) Oh, my God, evacuate the area!


HELLBOY Abe, please, get a grip. A RUMBLE from below their feet. WHAMMMM! A HUGE TREE punches up through the pavement, overturning cars, knocking buildings off their foundations and ripping up through the Bridge overpass!! Picking up speed, the tree branches soar up, up, up... into the moonlit clouds. Hellboy approaches the massive, trunk, gazing up in fascination. Birds and creatures emerge from the inside and flutter around, grass overtakes pavement- and for a moment Chinatown looks like the Garden of Eden.

HELLBOY (CONT'D) Whoa. Just like the story books. Manning and Liz take a few steps into it: a SQUIRREL-BEING climbs on Liz's shoulder and a couple of IRIDESCENT HUMMINGBIRDS fly around her "ala" SNOW WHITE. A small crowd starts wandering into this idyllic scenario.

LIZ This is so beautiful-

MANNING So- perfect- so peaceful-

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HELLBOY Hey!!! He spots. the prince, at the base of the tree. Knocking on it-

HELLBOY Hey- Jhonny Apleseed- What are you-?? Oh- Jeez did you have to do that?? Liz starts pulling Manning away and yelling at the crowd-

LIZ Back- Go back- right now!!!

MANNING What? What? What is he doing-?

LIZ He's knocking on wood- summoning an



MANNING An elem-

LIZ A forest spirit that lives in that tree. He's releasing it-

MANNING Oh, and is it that bad?? KKKRRRRCHTCH!!!!! The tree trunk rumbles and shakes under some enormous force. Huge LEAVES tumble to the street. Even the ever-present NEWS CREWS back away as a huge shape descends. BOOM!! the trunk rips in two, revealing a curled, dormant

ELEMENTAL. Five stories high- Fierce as nature. THE ELEMENTAL steps out of the tree and stares at Hellboy. Uttering a weird, guttural SOUND, the Giant raises an arm

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and pulverizes a GASOLINE TRUCK! WHUMP- ! Flames leap up! The Elemental grins with delight, turning his baleful gaze on the Princess. As she shrinks back, her pet Yrdrig rushes at the thing, snarling. In a single leap, it sinks its teeth into the Elemental's heel.

HELLBOY Good dog. (to Elemental) Now, Woody... You want to fight someone, you fight with me. Hellboy humorously adopts a kung fu pose, as in Bruce Lee. The Elemental hops forward, New branches sprout from his limbs, shaking the Yrdrig off.

ABE (to the Princess) This may not be the best place for you, your majesty. With your permission... He offers the Princess his arm. She takes it and allows Abe to lead her away. A moment later, the Elemental smashes the ground where they had been standing! Every time the ELEMENTAL moves, he trails behind roots and branches. The roots connecting to its feet and leading to the original tree trunk, like an umbilical cord. Johann sees this-


JOHANN I have a plan- He looks at Abe-

87 STANDING AT THE GARBAGE TRUCK 87 -as the fishman helps the Princess up into the rear of the BPRD garbage truck. Up front, behind the wheel, Liz starts the engine.



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Hellboy climbs a fire escape as the Elemental's arm/branches extend and grow over the ladder, pulling it down below his feet. Hellboy ducks into one of the open windows as the Elemental tears away the rest of the scaffolding. Growing and discarding branches and roots.


Hellboy runs like a cockroach through a dilapidated KITCHEN. Behind him, the Elemental's massive BRANCH/FIST crashes through the wall, then pursues him as he runs down a corridor littered with debris. Like a wrecking ball, the Elemental demolishes each section of the corridor as Hellboy runs.


Hellboy steps out onto a ledge ten stories up, just out of reach of the Elemental.

HELLBOY (to the Elemental) What now, Big Boy? You get a ladder? The Elemental jumps up and down, trying to reach him, barking in frustration. Hellboy's RADIO crackles:

ABE (on the radio) HB? This is Blue. The Princess is fine.


HELLBOY So what?

JOHANN So, lead him to the bridge. Hellboy looks over the buildings and sees the Brooklyn Bridge in the distance.

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HELLBOY That's nine blocks from here, Fishbowl!

ABE You'll figure it out.

HELLBOY What's at the bridge? Abe - ? Liz? Hello??? No answer. Muttering, Hellboy climbs higher, up a buzzing neon sign reading "Hotel". The Elemental smashes the letters "tel"... so Hellboy climbs the "0" to the roof.


Liz drives the garbage truck toward the Brooklyn Bridge. Johann is sitting next to her.


Hellboy makes a running start and leaps off the building. He sails over the alley, reaches for the approaching cornice... and almost loses his grip! He hangs on for dear life. Behind him, the Elemental appears, climbing onto an adjacent roof. As his feet smash through the skylights, the Elemental pulls down a WATER TOWER. A wall of water rolls toward Hellboy, like an ocean wave! Hellboy leaps to the next roof... and the water shoots over the edge of the building, cascading onto the street below.


Liz parks the truck near the Brooklyn Bridge. Using binoculars, Abe peers out the back doors to see Hellboy bringing the Elemental closer.


ABE Johann - they're almost here.

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Johann moves among massive construction machinery. He stops at a stack of heavy SPOOLS OF CABLE. Abe comes running, pointing at the cable.

ABE Yes. I had the very same idea... He gets behind the levers and handles of a complex machine which holds a half mile of steel cable.

ABE (gazing at the controls) .but how do you operate this??

JOHANN If you'll permit me... Johann opens his fingers, and plunges both arms deep into the mechanism! Instantly, the diesel engine STARTS UP.

JOHANN (to Abe) Stand back, Abe. A hydraulic strut lifts the spool, then pitches it through the air, spinning off 300 yards of cable. It splashes down near the far shore of the East River.

JOHANN Now, tie it onto the pontoons on the other side. (seeing Hellboy coming) Quickly, Abe!

94 IN THE WATER 94 Abe races down a pier and dives smartly into the dark water. Then he surfaces, surging dolphin-like toward the Manhattan shore.

95 BROOKLYN BRIDGE - DOCKS 95 Hellboy makes it to the bridge... as, behind him, the Elemental wades into the river, pushing aside boats and barges.

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96 IN THE RIVER Abe makes it to the other side, surfacing with the cable, towing it to a half-submerged pontoon.

JOHANN (CONT'D) (on the radio) Macht schnell! Abe - make it fast! The cable is a yard short of the anchor point! Abe tugs on


ABE I need more!

JOHANN No more available! The Elemental's feet stomp through the river; he stumbles as he encounters the submerged cable.


97 UNDERWATER Clinging to the cable, Abe is dragged down, down down... past rusting cars, oil drums... and a couple of rotting CORPSES, their feet in tubs of cement! Suddenly, Abe's head strikes a sunken truck, knocking him unconscious. Blood seeps from his wound.


98 AT THE BRIDGE As Hellboy climbs one of the bridge towers, he hears someone calling out from above:

PRINCE (to Hellboy) Haven't you managed to kill it yet? You, who were so eager for a fight? The Prince is standing on top of the tower. He points at Hellboy, then yells at the Elemental.

PRINCE (to the Elemental) Over here, dear friend...

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SNATCH! The Elemental plucks Hellboy off a parapet! Hellboy wriggles in the massive wooden finger-like appendages.

HELLBOY 2 62 The Prince walks to the edge of the tower, near a steel spire, his coat flapping in the night wind.

PRINCE This might be a good chance for you to come to your senses. Help us.

HELLBOY I've been all through this! The answer's still no! Far below, Johann slips his right arm into the cable, bringing it to life, whipping it back and forth, like a steel snake! The cable forms a huge loop, splashing down near the Elemental and tightening around his ankles. The cable


JOHANN (to Liz) Burn the roots!!! Burn them!!i He points at the roots trailing into the river. Liz concentrates and a bolt of fierce white-hot energy pours out of her hands, burning the roots at the Elemental's feet. Johann gyrates; the cable responds, whipping up out of the river! With a bellow, the Elemental loses his balance; he tosses Hellboy high into the air. On the way down, Hellboy grabs a support stay and swings back and forth like a red monkey. He lands atop of the Elemental's back, right behind his head.

HELLBOY Nap time, Big guy- He raises his stone fist and hits him straight in the back of the neck. The cable tenses- -The Elemental pitches forward-

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The Prince looks up to see the Elemental falling right at him; his mouth opens as if to scream... The Elemental goes down, impaling himself on a spire atop the bridge... exactly where the Prince had been standing. Putting an end, it seems, to both of them.

HELLBOY 2 63 The Creature dies, but even as it does, its branches embrace the steel structure and grow, Ultimately, blocks and blocks of the city are now covered in trees and grass and mossy leaves... A strangely beatific and precious change. Liz runs up, looking out at the river as Abe emerges, bleeding, but alive. Abe, Liz and Johann embrace firmly, laughing and happy to be together. Abe eyes the Princess standing nearby, smiling back at him... Hellboy meanwhile observes the group from a distance, jealous, alone.



BLAM! BLAM! Deafening shots as Hellboy blasts the Samaritan again and again at a target in the dark firing range. Hits a button, brings the paper close for inspection. Result: a very ragged, loose pattern around the bull's eye. Suddenly, from the next alley, RAPID GUNFIRE. Johann leans over, and to address Hellboy through a cloud of gunsmoke.

JOHANN You'll permit a small criticism? You take too much time to aim, to think. Nein. Just point- like afinger- as if you wish for something.

HELLBOY Oh, I wish for something. Johann brings his target close: a beautiful, tight cluster of shots, dead center.

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JOHANN Speed is of the essence. You must work on it. I'm willing to spend some - Johann reaches for his loader, accidentally knocks Heliboy's onto the floor.

HELLBOY Hey, watch it! You're winding me up, I don't like it.


JOHANN On the contrary.


Hellboy's in the shower, glaring across the room, where Johann stands at a mirror, polishing his glass head with a terry cloth towel.

HELLBOY You keep wiping that thing like she's gonna care.

JOHANN She- Who-??

HELLBOY You know who- She-

(BEAT) She's not gonna care.

JOHANN (long beat) You think I'm after Liz, don't you? (Hellboy walks out) Well, I'm not.


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Why not?

(BEAT) Not good enough for you? Hellboy wraps a towel around his waist and comes up behind Johann.

HELLBOY Well- From now on, you don't come near her. You don't talk to her-

JOHANN You forget. I'm part of the team now, such interactions are inev-

HELLBOY Well- you better start making them "evitable"-

JOHANN That's not a word-

HELLBOY Yes, it is-


JOHANN No, it isn't- Hellboy raises his stone fist.

HELLBOY Now it is-

JOHANN Oh, I see- you want to punch me- That's how you win an argument.


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JOHANN Well, you're big, I'll give you that much-

HELLBOY "Give me???"- You don't give me sh-

JOHANN -and you're strong- but you're slow.


JOHANN Very- slow- I've seen your fighting style. Very slow- WHAM-! Hellboy cracks Johann over the head with his massive fist. To his surprise, the Johann's glass ball cranium shatters!

HELLBOY Slow enough for ya-?? With a loud HISSS, Johann's odd suit sags to the floor!

HELLBOY Ow- Johann... buddy. Sorry- I- I- got carried away... (leaning over the empty suit) Johann? You still hear me? An ectoplasmic TENDRIL reaches out from the suit and penetrates the closest locker.

HELLBOY It was an accident, okay? I'll get you some help-

HELLBOY 2 66 With a CLANG! -- the bank of lockers comes to life! Metal doors smack Hellboy's head repeatedly, like a pinball machine! his face imprinted in the metal.


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See? Speed is the key. The vaporous form of Johann's body emerges from the lockers and wanders away. The locker room doors open and close as he goes by. Hellboy tries to stand, wobbles and sits.

HELLBOY Chicken shit!


- NIGHT 101


Abe floats in his tank, smiling at the Princess, who's at one of the book stands, reading to him.

PRINCESS "I sometimes have a queer feeling - especially when you are near me, as now: it is as if I had a string somewhere under my left ribs, tightly and inextricably knotted to a similar string situated in the corresponding quarter of your little frame."

ABE I love this part. Keep going.

PRINCESS "I am afraid that cord of communion will be snapt; and then I've a nervous notion I should take to bleeding inwardly." She closes the book, looking troubled.

ABE Charlotte Bronte died shortly before I was born. It would have been a great privilege to have known her...

PRINCESS This "Jane Eyre"... I understand it's only a story, but such a tie that binds, it exists between me and my brother. I assure you: my brother, he's not dead-

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ABE How can you know? We all saw-

PRINCESS We are twins. Even now, I can sense his presence. This has been our way since we were young children, in Renvyle-

ABE Renvyle, Ireland- The ancient isles-


(NODS) A magical place in the West. A different time. Long gone. Now, he's near and he's looking for me. I can feel and even understand his. hatred for mankind.

ABE Men... usually mean well, I believe that. But they need our help and patience.

PRINCESS You were very brave, vouching for me. How do you know I'm not the enemy, bringing me here?

ABE It's as you were saying, I suppose. From intuition, feeling. I've never met anyone like you... but that's my instinct. They gaze fondly at each other through the glass, as bubbles swirl out of Abe's gills.



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Liz is patching Hellboy's injured head. In the background the TV's are playing up: CITY LIGHTS, WHITE HEAT and some TV programming.

HELLBOY He caught me off-guard- but I'll get him next time. He's examining a few letters, contract forms, etc.

LIZ There shouldn't be a "next time" we're all part of the same team.


HELLBOY We are- he's not- The guy's an egomaniac. You can see right through him.

(PAUSE) That's a joke, Liz. Liz remains silent.

HELLBOY (raises a letter) Look!! They wanna do a cartoon series, based on me? And this: (he holds up a box of cereal) Product endorsement - breakfast of demons. And a videogame!!! As CITY LIGHTS ends, Liz lifts the remote to turn the volume up.

LIZ Gosh, that was so sweet, so sad- It always gets me- Red- There's something I need to-


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(taking the remote) No, wait. (switching to Leno) Look that's us- Jay is showing some footage from the giant incident.

LENO So- this "Hellboy" what is he?? Is he really on our side?? I mean, he's red, has a tail and shaves his horns- horns, Ladies and Gentleman. Horns are never a good sign.


(CHUCKLES) Ha- He's funny.

LENO Maybe we should have him come over and talk to us a little, uh? Whaddayathink?? The crowd roars.

HELLBOY That's a great idea, don't you think??


LIZ No, I don't-

HELLBOY Did you know that during the commercial breaks the orchestra keeps playing so the guest can't talk to Jay... keeps the conversation fresh.

LIZ How do you know these things?


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I read it in TV Guide.

LIZ You're really liking this, aren't you?

HELLBOY We should do this-

LIZ It's a bad idea. All of it- Do you really need everybody to like you?? What's in it for you?? Are we not enough??? She leaves. Hellboy glances at Leno on TV: a dog outfitted in a ballerina costume is jumping around with a red ball balanced on its nose. Hellboy chuckles.

HELLBOY That's funny.



Liz is looking out into Trenton NJ's light landscape. Johann approaches her.

JOHANN Are you alright-? Liz nods weakly.

JOHANN May I be of assistance??

LIZ Maybe.


JOHANN He's a big brute, isn't he?? Liz chuckles.

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JOHANN But he has a good heart. I know it. He means well.

LIZ I think I may have made a mistake.

JOHANN In what way, Mein Frau??

LIZ Just a mistake- nothing important.

(SIGHS) But sometimes being with him is not easy-

JOHANN It never is. I know. Lis looks at him with renewed interest.

JOHANN I was married once. A long, long time ago... And only after I lost her- I realized that my life would never be quite the same- And my loss lead me to become what I am today... Johann's human face materializes inside his glass helmet.

JOHANN I- I tried constantly to make contact with her-



104 FLASHBACK - CIRCA 2001 Johann's mouth opens and out of it emerges a large tendril of ectoplasm. His neck engorges and the substance continues to flow freely out of his mouth and fingertips--

JOHANN It was only there- in the Ethereal plane that I ever gazed upon her again... CAMERA close in on several ceremonial candles burning in the room. Their flame illuminating the eerie scene.

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HELLBOY 2 71 Out of the mouths of the other guests, emerge other, equally large ectoplasmic shapes. They cross to-

105 THE ETHEREAL PLANE 105 Once there- they reform into humanoid shapes, vaguely reminiscent of their mortal bodies. JOHANN floats freely, approaching another humanoid form in the void: That of a woman, his wife.

JOHANN'S VOICE But it was there, while he was partially on the ethereal plane, that disaster

STRUCK- He is about to embrace his wife's form when a horrible rumble occurs and the void bursts in flames, destroying and distorting everything around him- His wife's shape screams and evaporates.


BPRD agents break in on the scene. Smoke and flames billow in the room, wax puddles stand where the CEREMONIAL CANDLES were and seated around the seance table, charred corpses hold hands in eternal contact. As the Agents move around a pale, vaporous shape emerges from the soot-stained darkness: It's Johann.

JOHANN'S VOICE All the seance attendees were incinerated. The only survivor -and only to some extent- was me- Why? I'll never

KNOW-- The form moves towards its body and attempts to climb back and reanimate it, but the CHARRED CORPSE is barely amble to amble a few steps forward before collapsing into ash and bone... The shape of Ectoplasm stands there, alone and lost- Then, Professor TREVOR BROOM wanders into the scene and

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approaches the form-

JOHANN'S VOICE It was then that Professor Broom and the B.P.R.D. devised a containment suit for me. A new body-

HELLBOY 2 72 CAMERA pulls back to reveal-

107 BALCONY BPRD - NIGHT 107 Johann, back in the balcony, talking to Liz.

JOHANN I owe Professor Broom everything that I've become. He brought me back to life- He grows silent for a brief moment.

JOHANN But I've never been able to see her again. My reach became limited- My loss, infinite... Liz puts her hand on his shoulder. Johann takes it...

JOHANN Loss- the very threat of it makes us vulnerable... makes us care- You can see that, don't you?? Without her I became but an empty shell... Liz leans her head on his shoulder.

JOHANN Don't give up on him. Not yet. Liz chuckles.

LIZ No. Not yet. CAMERA discovers HELLBOY, watching them from behind a glass door, a six-pack in his hand. He steps away.


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Heliboy walks down a deserted corridor carrying his six pack. He stops, puzzled. Strains of Barry Manilow are emanating from the library.


Hellboy enters the library and goes over to the tank. Abe is there, listening to Vivaldi.


ABE Ah, hello Red. You're up late.

HELLBOY Liz and I- we had a fight-


OH- Hellboy eyes the CD player.

HELLBOY Did I hear Barry Manilow just now?

ABE (smiles hypocritical) Barry M- oh, Gosh- no- no- (fast, stammering) It was er- urm- Vivaldi. Il cimento dell'armonia I believe I particularly admire the passage... Hellboy hits the eject button on Abe's CD player. The music stops and he pulls out a different CD from the changer.

HELLBOY What's happening to you??


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Ooh- Ooh-

(SIGHS) All my life I thought I was alone, a made- up name and a random pasted on a cylinder. But then I saw her- She's like me. A creature from another world... Alone... Brother Red- I think I'm in love.

HELLBOY You say that like it's a good thing. (looks at the CD) What track?


(ASHAMED) Track eight-


(READS) Oh, God- you're disgusting-

ABE I know-


HELLBOY "Can't smile without you"

ABE I'd cry, but I don't have the glands for it..

(DESPERATE) What am I going to do, Red???? Hellboy sighs and pops a beer, presses play and sighs heavily, looks around-

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ABE I miss him- Father- don't you??


(NODS) Everyday.

ABE He would tell what to do- He would tell what's right- what's wrong-

HELLBOY He did that for all of us... The opening strings of "Can't Smile Without You."

ABE (sips beer) You know? I- I never much appreciated Manilow's artistry that much- until now- Now it seems to be a grand poet and speaks directly to my innermost feelings.

HELLBOY Jeez- You need to get out more- The two of them sit there, growing quiet, listening to the syrupy music. Then, slowly, the two of them start singing: low at first and then at the top of their voices, moved and teary-eyed.



The Princess hears the distant music and smiles, but then feels a chill down her spine. She shudders and moves to the panoramic window and gazes outside, to the woods and the distant city lights below...


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The music can be heard at a distance. A dark figure stands on a hill, amid the trees, listening and watching... CAMERA MOVES IN: the Prince gazes at the building.




Manning strides down the corridor, followed by the BPRD team. All of them dressed in BLACK LEATHER OUTFITS.

MANNING This is a whole new ballgame and I want you to take my lead.

ABE I find these leather outfits very


MANNING Maybe so, maybe so- but they look- hip.

(BEAT) When it comes to dealing with reporters or the public, I set the tone. You all know the old saying: the perception is the reality.

HELLBOY Correctamundo, chief. For one thing, we can ditch the garbage truck, right?

ABE Wait, Red, the lab's in it-

HELLBOY Screw the lab. I want new wheels.



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You got 'em- The round a corner and enter -


Three gleaming Hummers await them.


MANNING A gift from General Motors. One for each of you. Each Hummer has custom paint: Hellboy's with scenes of Dante's inferno, Liz's with flames and Abe's with an underwater vista.

HELLBOY This is more like it!

LIZ I'm not driving that- Abe has opened the hood on his Hummer.

ABE This is a most unfortunate vehicle. The sheer waste of precious fossil fuels...

MANNING An American custom, it's called product placement! What's the harm?


-- DAY 114


A mob of SCREAMING FANS outside the TV studio. The frenzy intensifies when they see the Hummers pulling up. As the BPRD team exits the cars, autograph seekers break through the POLICE LINE and swarm around the heroes.

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MANNING Every agent on the field is on the case. They will solve it-- Hellboy signs a color photo of himself with a flourish.

HELLBOY There you go, pal. "To Jason, best wishes, Hellboy."

FAN (squints at the signature) How am I supposed to read that?

BELLBOY You don't like it?

HELLBOY 2 77 Irritated, he scowls at the fan. Manning takes him by the elbow and leads him away.

HELLBOY (to the fan) That turns up on e-Bay, I'm gonna find you, "Jason"...



A row of makeup chairs. Manning sits in the first one, looking at himself in the mirror.

MANNING Can you do anything about this... uh... (lowers his voice) -double chin?

MAKEUP GIRL No, you're not being made up.

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MANNING Why not?

MAKEUP GIRL They said, you're too normal. You don't need anything.

MANNING But- Believe me- I'm not normal at all...

2 CAMERA MOVES to the next makeup chair, where Makeup Girl holds a camelhair brush and stares dubiously at Abe.

MAKEUP GIRL 2 So, what color is that- green?

ABE Carribbean Blue, actually. CAMERA MOVES to the next makeup chair, where the very sexy Makeup Girl 3 gingerly touches Hellboy's chest.

MAKEUP GIRL 3 Are these really scars?

HELLBOY Well, yeah. Each one tells a story- His grin fades as he sees Johann talking to Liz. He abruptly gets up and goes to them.


HELLBOY That about you, glass-man? A few squirts of Windex?

JOHANN I'm not going on. And if I may- a word of


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(long beat, then sotto voce) -it's not a good idea to hint that you two have... a relationship.

HELLBOY Thanks a bunch. I'll decide that.

JOHANN You don't know how people may react.

HELLBOY It's a love story. They'll lap it up.

JOHANN I know you don't like me, but trust me on this one.

(BEAT) I knew your father- he was a friend- Hellboy blinks, taking the information in.

JOHANN Do as you may- But know this- he wouldn't have approved of your behaviour. A P.A. opens the door.

P.A. You're on-!

JOHANN I'll be watching from the truck lab, where I belong- Go, enjoy your fifteen minutes... He walks away.




SIGN: PATROVICK STATION, MOSCOW, 22.00 HOURS. A busy Moscow Subway station, not very crowded at this time of night. Sleepy patrons await the arrival of the subway.

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HELLBOY 2 79 One of them, a puppet vendor, showcases his product. He manipulates a wooden marionette: A KNIGHT in SHINING ARMOR. In the distance- lights, bright lights and the train ROAR!!! The Puppeteer readies his merchandise bag and quickly moves to the edge of the platform alongside other passengers. The lights grow in intensity and the ROAR becomes deafening. But something's wrong, really, wrong-

PUPPETEER Hooy na ny! The lights are in reality, the eyes of a giant dragon and it roars into the platfrom, demolishing pillars, crushing people and eating the puppeteer in a matter of second. Pandemonium ensues.



A warning light goes off on the Truck's GLOBAL POSITIONING

MAP: "MOSCOW" But Johann and the other agents are too absorbed watching the Leno show on the bank of monitors.

LENO Ladies and gentlemen, yesterday we saw some extraordinary things on TV. And tonight you're in for more.



118 TV SHOW Jay Leno grins and pulls his microphone close.

LENO Please extend a warm, warm welcome to Hellboy, Liz Sherman, Abe Sapien, and Special Agent Tom Manning.

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Uproarious applause as the BPRD team comes out and make their way to the couch.



Alone in the BPRD conference room, the Princess is watching the show. The massive Yrdrig is curled up at her feet.


LEND Wow, So - He's pointing at Manning.

LENO .what planet are you from?

MANNING Washington, D.C., Jay. It's hot and inhospitable to human life.

LEND Funny. (to Liz) Why are you just "Liz" and not Fire Girl?

LIZ I was born in Milwaukee, so it was just plain old Liz ever since first grade.

HELLBOY Hey, we do call her Sparky now and then. A chuckle from the crowd. Hellboy smiles in satisfaction.

LEND (to Abe) And you, Abe. Is it uncomfortable at night with that toilet seat around your neck?

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The Princess smiles as the camera singles out Abe for a closeup.

ABE Actually, Mr. Leno, my lungs are more like gills. I need to convert the air's nitrogen into oxygen, otherwise I'd suffocate in five minutes.


(NODDING) Gotcha. We call that stand-up comedy.


Johann is groaning. This is turning unpleasant. Behind him, the map's lights are lightning up non-stop.


LENO (CONT'D) So, Hellboy: what's your favorite food? Devil's food cake? Do you have a last name? More laughter at HB. Liz mortified. She touches HB's hand to restrain him. Cameras zoom in on this.

LENO Whoa. What's that- Are you two an item?


LENO (to Liz) Care to comment on that? Sounds like you're contemplating marriage!

LIZ (after a big pause)

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You know, Jay, we are- together. We are. Rumble of consternation from the audience.

JOHANN Uh oh. Manning, I think your polls just tanked. He turns to see the map- lit like a christmas tree.

JOHANN Mein Gott-


121 TV SHOW Leno smiles at the audience, which is buzzing.

LENO Folks, this is modern America. A guy in Rhode Island married his motorcycle! What's a little inter-species romance in this day and age?

LIZ: Scattered BOOING from the back row. Jay turns back to

LENO Okay, here's what we've really been wondering: Is he just like every guy? In every respect? I mean, he looks like a guy...


HELLBOY 2 82 LENO(continued) and if so, are you using any protection? A layer of asbestos might be in order, don't you think? Liz tenses up in silence. Holds tight to HB's hand. Hellboy is ready to explode.

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LIZ As a matter of fact, Jay- Before she can finish, the production assistant runs out and hands a NOTE to Leno, who scans it and grows serious:

LENO We we're getting pre-empted, ladies and gentlemen. Please, bare with us. We'll be right back- CAMERA PUSHES IN on one of the MONITORS:


News footage of the Ginza features YOKAI GHOSTS on a rampage, destroying the stores and attacking salarymen.

ANNOUNCER 1 This is a news alert. Tokyo is under assault - repeat - this city has been attacked. Monstrous beings, defying description, have waded into the Ginza- The jumpy, handheld images are full of digital interference. The spectral BEASTS drag down power lines and hurl cars.

ANNOUNCER I - where police are helpless and hospitals overwhelmed. One moment, please. Moscow... come in, Moscow...



Red Square, Moscow now seen in similar, shaky video. Hundreds of citizens are running from a towering, DRAGON.

ANNOUNCER 2 This is CNN in Moscow, where a Dragon has laid claim to Red Square. Yes- a DRAGON.


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The DRAGON heads towards the TV REPORTER and screeching, it raises its PAW.

ANNOUNCER 2 Oh, my God... CAMERA goes down, then the picture winks out. Black screen. The HISS of static... PAN off the monitor to Jay Leno, who sits in stunned silence, like everyone else. Finally, he looks over at Hellboy.

LENO Friends of yours?


(GROWL) No -!

LENO Then, may I ask what you're doing here? Shouldn't you be out protecting humanity instead of hooking up with our women? At last, Hellboy explodes. Bellowing, he rips up the desk and throws it through the backdrop!



124 TNT. BPRD - SAME The Princess snaps off the TV, looking worried. Alone with her thoughts, she examines the curved gold piece hanging from a chain around her neck. She closes her eyes and shudders - trouble is near. The Yrdgrig wakes up and whimpers.



Video cameras record the journey of the Princess as she makes her way through the nearly-deserted corridors.

126 TNT. LIBRARY -- CONTINUOUS 126 A VIDEO surveillance camera in the BPRD library records the Princess as she crosses to Abe's tank.

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BELLBOY 2 84 She hides the gold segment within the pages of "Jane Eyre." At that moment, the Yrdrig GROWLS -

PRINCESS Shhh, it's all right - BOOM-! A jolt shakes the room. A-moment later, a wall collapses as warty, heavily muscled ARMS and FINGERS tear at the masonry! in seconds, a squad of TROLLS pulls itself into view! WINK leers at the Princess. From her waistband, she produces a long, thin DAGGER and wields it timidly. Somewhere in the building, ALARMS start clanging. The Yrdrig shakes himself into action and springs. With a SNARL, it attaches its several jaws onto the nearest trolls. As the fighting creatures crash into the spiral staircase, the Princess hears a familiar voice:

PRINCE Hold. The Prince steps into the room, carrying a long spear. The trolls are on top of the Yrdrig, ready to kill him.

PRINCE Come-! The trolls release the Yrdrig and bound over to the Prince. The last troll, however, grabs the Yrdrig by the neck and brutally twists -! The animal's three mouths yelp and cough, fighting for air. - the It thrashes pathetically until, suddenly, it's over beast is dead.


PRINCE Where is your sense of shame? You mingle with... the liars?


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ALARMS are ringing as the Hummers pull into the underground parking garage. Manning and Hellboy jump out of their vehicle and see -

HELLBOY 2 85 - a couple of dead AGENTS sprawled on the loading dock.

MANNING What in God's name- ? Hellboy, Abe, Liz and Johann race past him, disappearing into the building. The alarm bells are deafening.


Hellboy leads the way down the corridors, which are alive with scrambling personnel. Several BPRD employees are lying on the floor, wounded and confused.

129 INT. LOBBY 129

The top-level human agents are clustered in the lobby, their guns drawn, all of them aiming at the Prince and his drooling bodyguards. Standoff. As Hellboy and the team arrive, Abe sees the Princess, her arms tied. Her brother holds her by the hair.

ABE Princess! Without thinking, he darts forward. Instantly, one of the trolls swipes at him, its claws just missing his chest-

HELLBOY Abe! No, get back!! Abe regains his balance and tries again, his eyes glued to the desperate features of the beautiful young woman. Hellboy manages to restrain him.

PRINCESS Mr. Sapien, don't! He'll kill you!

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PRINCE I'll kill you all, if that's what you want.

HELLBOY No. Why don't you just start with me? Hellboy strolls up to the Prince.

PRINCE You challenge-me?


HELLBOY You bet your ass I do-

PRINCE Your weapon of choice?

HELLBOY (holds up his massive hand) Five-fingered Mary. In the background, Manning arrives, wide-eyed. Just in time to see the Prince hand off his captive to one of the trolls. He drops back, flips his spear to horizontal and waits for Hellboy's attack.


130 FIGHT Hellboy feints left, goes right and whips around, swinging his tail at the Prince. The Prince leaps and jabs with the spear, poking a hole in Hellboy's coat. The surrounding crowd backs away as the combatants circle each other. The Prince is nimble. The Prince is quick. He thrusts the spear again and again, driving Hellboy into a display case full of antique weapons. The glass breaks and a number of swords and axes fall to the floor.


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(to Hellboy) Arm yourself! Use the flail!.

HELLBOY Not my style. Watch and learn, fish bowl. He punches the Prince, hard. The blow knocks the Prince to his knees; as he rises, Hellboy connects with a brutal combination. In the arms of the troll, the Princess' head rockets back and forth, as if struck. A moan of pain escapes from her lips.

ABE (seeing this) H.B., no! Stop - you mustn't harm him! As the Prince totters, Hellboy turns to look at Abe, momentarily distracted- Then-

HELLBOY 2 87 Hellboy grimaces and looks down: the Prince's SPEAR TIP is half-buried in his chest...! The Prince sneers and gives the spear a savage yank, breaking off the blade! Hellboy's eyes roll upward; Liz SCREAMS. She and Johann manage to catch Hellboy as he collapses. The Prince reclaims the Princess and turns to the humans. His eyes seek out Abe, who has rushed to Hellboy's side.

PRINCE (showing off the Princess) If you want to see her again, you'll give me what's rightfully mine. Many people died for that crown. Bring it to me. He and his trolls escape into the night.



Stretched out on an operating table, HB is barely conscious. Abe, in surgical goggles, probes the wound.

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In CLOSE-UP, Abe's webbed fingers lightly touch the glinting metal that protrudes from Hellboy's sternum. The spear tip responds, as if alive; it wriggles, producing a GROAN from

HB. Liz is near panic.

LIZ Abe, stop studying! Pull the friggin' thing out, why don't you?

ABE Liz, I'm sorry. It's a magical alloy. Every time I touch it, it moves closer to his heart.

(GESTURING) Come here, I'll show you... Liz backs away, shaking her head.

LIZ No! I don't want to see it! (to Johann) We've got to do something!


ABE I cannot reverse the magic- we have to look for the Prince or somebody that can help Red.

LIZ Go after that son-of-a-bitch and get him to reverse the spell!!

JOHANN He'll demand the gold piece-

LIZ So? We find it! We give it to him-!!

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Manning exchanges a worried look with a couple of his agents in the b.g.


Liz rummages in the Princess' quarters, throwing bedding around, opening drawers.



Liz bursts into the conference room and starts shoving books and papers aside, hunting high and low.



Johann walks into the control room. In every screen a crisis situation is visible. JAGGED, BLURRY FOOTAGE shows a Yeti at large in Nebraska and a Plesiosaurus at large in Scotland, etc, etc-

AGENT AGATE A lupgarou loose in Picadilly, a Winged creature nesting in a skyscraper- We have a situation in almost every point of the map. Johann looks back at a map with LED indicators signaling each crisis in the globe. They keep turning on a dozen a second.

JOHANN The Rebellion's spreading too fast- The only way to stop it is to stop the Prince.



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Abe enters the dark, soaking library and surveys the ruins of his tank. He goes directly to one of the book stands, which lies in pieces on the floor. He comes up with his copy of "Jane Eyre." He opens it to Chapter 23 and finds the gold piece.

LIZ Any luck? Liz has come in behind him. Abe quickly palms the precious thing in his webbed hand.

ABE No. Sorry.

LIZ It doesn't matter.

ABE No -?

LIZ No. Forget the gold piece. Let's us just find this royal asshole.

(FIERCE) Fire and water, me and you, Abe. We'll kick his ass. Abe looks supremely troubled.

LIZ Abe, let's do this for Red! Abe nods, unable to find a good answer. He manages to tuck the gold piece into his belt.



Abe stands at a lectern. Behind him, a projected image of the Princess' map from the troll market. His finger traces the strange, elvish text.

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ABE The map contained within the cylinder seems useless-

(BEAT) Now the case itself proves very useful- He moistens the holding cylinder case on a rubber stamp mat and imprints the surface pattern on the paper map. Glyphs and coordinates become visible. A silhouette of a twisted, gnarly tree is visible too.

ABE Renvyle it is- Both the Princess and her brother were born there. They hold it sacred.

MANNING Even if you're right, we sit tight and locate the gold piece, make sure he never ever gets his hands on it. If there's any truth to this legend, the fate of the world depends on it.

LIZ What about Red?? Don't you care about him??? A moment of silence. Nobody knows what to say. Finally:

JOHANN Liz. That may be his destiny. Manning is right: we can't take the chance. Liz glares at him.

LIZ I see. Red was right about you. Welcome to the team, Johann. And goodbye. She leaves the room.


137 INT. HB'S ROOM - LATER 137

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Hellboy leans weakly against the doorway to his room. His cats purr all around him, oblivious to his pain. He sits by the bed. Liz enters the room. He smiles weakly at her-


HELLBOY Don't worry, Sparky- It's all going to be

ALRIGHT- Abe stands nearby, in silence. Liz looks at him, teary-eyed.

ABE We'll make it alright. Screw Manning- You are right, Liz- We should just do this together: the three of us. Liz smiles.


138 INT. PLANE - NIGHT 138

The BPRD airplane sits quietly in its hangar. In the passenger compartment, Hellboy climbs up. He looks up to see Liz smiling down at him.


Abe's sitting in the pilot's seat, leafing through the massive airplane manual.

ABE Engine, starting- refer to NA-7488-BD... Liz climbs in behind him.

LIZ We stay here much longer, we're gonna get caught...

ABE Just a few more minutes. Here's an easy

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way to remember that "port" means "left." They each have four- A NOISE from the door: it's Johann.

JOHANN Good evening, friends.

LIZ Don't try to stop us, Johann.


JOHANN On the contrary. I've been giving it some thought, and we should be able to save Hellboy. After all, the Prince lacks the gold crown. Without it, his army poses no threat. None at all. Abe is very quiet.

ABE (in despair) Its useless- I- I- can't- I can't pilot this thing... Johann sits down in the co-pilot seat and melds with the controls...

JOHANN I'll give it a try- Abe smiles at the sound of the engines starting up.



Manning bangs on a vending machine in one of the BPRD corridors. As a dribble of hot coffee splatters into his cup, a couple of AGENTS run up.

AGENT Sir - you'd better come, fast -

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MANNING Got it - ow! He burns his fingers on the coffee as he hurries after the agents.



The BPRD airplane is ROARING, amid clouds of exhaust fumes. The plane spins around and around in tight circles, its wing tips knocking into ladders, lights and shelves. A bunch of agents are cowering in the doorway as Manning arrives.

MANNING Not ALL of them, it's not possible!

AGENT Isn't that Johann at the controls?

HELLBOY 2 93 Sure enough, they get a glimpse of the transparent head through the cockpit window. Abe's there, too. He raises a webbed hand to wave goodbye. The plane taxis outside onto the runway...


.and takes off, barely under control, just missing the New Jersey treetops.


143 UNDERGROUND 143 The Prince pulls the Princess through fractured, roaring tunnels. Here and there, the walls are pierced, allowing light and ocean waves to enter. Rounding a few corners, the Prince stops near a wall decorated with a large, elaborate FRESCO. It shows a

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stylized family tree, hunting scenes and naive renderings of trolls, faeries and ogres.

PRINCE Maybe this will help you remember who we are, who you are... What our destiny is- The Prince pushes his sister through a low doorway, out onto


144 LEDGE 144 -overlooking a vast cavern, big as a stadium, lit by a thousand torches. The mechanical ARMY stands knee-deep in heaving seawater and foam.

PRINCE They - they - will be mine to command, whether you like it or not. Only after our victory will you appreciate my sacrifice... and yours.


The BPRD plane exits a bank of clouds and starts its descent upon an Irish island surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean.

HELLBOY 2 94 Massive granite mountains encircle an impossibly green valley.

146 TNT. BPRD PLANE COCKPIT - DAY 146 Early sunlight washes over Hellboy's body, who weakly groans in Liz's arms.

HELLBOY (to Liz) Where are we, Liz..?

LIZ Near the ocean, Red.We'regonna make you well here.

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148 SIGN:REYNVILLE,IRELAND. 148 The back doors of the cargo plane opens and out come Abe and



Liz and Abe help Hellboy up to a gnarled TREE, twisted by eons of wind. Abe unfurls the map and points at a drawing of a similar, weird tree.

ABE This should be the portal. By all rights- Johann reaches the tree and inspects it carefully.

JOHANN Abe, bring the mapcase over here. He's found a roundish SLOT in the tree, where the lowest branch joins the trunk. Abe slips the map back into its crystal cylinder and holds it alongside: it looks to be a perfect fit.

LIZ Yes! Try it, Abe-


JOHANN Before you do anything... remember what we're in for. A world unlike anything we've ever known. Dangerous, deceptive...

LIZ You're wasting time! Abe inserts and twists the cylinder. The tree comes to life, hauling its roots out of the ground,

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bending them into a swaying arch.

JOHANN Dangerous, deceptive... and hard to leave. They walk under the tree roots, into...


150 FAIRY WORLD A transformed landscape. A perpetual nightland- Still overlooking the same ocean, but now throbbing with pale colors and twisted, Rackahm-esque contours. The men start down the hill, into a valley bordered by a rugged coastline.


151 EXT. INLET - DAY 151

The team reaches the stony shore of a mile-wide inlet. Abe brings out the map.

ABE (pointing to the opposite shore) Renvyle is over there. They glance up and down the beach, looking for a boat. Hellboy blinks and sniffs the air. A GOBLIN speaks up from an outcropping of rocks in the shallows directly in front of them. By his side, sitting atop of a tree: A SATYR and a CROW observe the group.

GOBLIN I bid you welcome, strangers. Would you be seeking safe passage to Renvyle?


LIZ Yes! Can you help us?

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(QUIET) Careful, Liz.

SATYR I'm sure you can come to an understanding! The Goblin heaves on an oar and emerges from behind the rocks. He's standing in the stern of a sturdy little coracle. Its wooden hull is painted in Celtic patterns.

GOBLIN Room enough for all of you! (looks at Hellboy) Even your weary friend.

JOHANN What will it cost, boatman? The Goblin smiles, displaying a disconcerting row of triangular teeth.

GOBLIN Ah, next to nothing! Make me an offer. Abe, Johann and Liz confer among themselves:

LIZ How much?

CROW He won't want money.

JOHANN (to the goblin) I have a... belt!

OF Johann removes his equipment belt, dangling it in front the creature's bat-like face.

GOBLIN I have no use for such a thing. Liz shows him her binoculars.

LIZ Here... is a wonderful set of eyes, magic eyes that will bring the world-

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GOBLIN I already have binoculars! No, I see something special. He points toward Hellboy's chest.

SATYR Under his bandage - ! Quick as a squirrel, the creature hops to Hellboy's side and brings out a KNIFE! SWISH! In one sweep of the blade, he reveals HB's terrible wound, and the speartip protruding from it.

GOBLIN That! (points at the steel) That - in exchange for your crossing!

LIZ Don't you touch it - ! She rushes to Hellboy's side, pushing the Goblin back, ready for a fight. The Goblin shrugs.

GOBLIN Is it so precious to you? Let me pull it out.

ABE You mustn't. One touch can kill him. The Goblin's eyes grow wide with understanding.

GOBLIN Ah. I see. We must go to the Angel of


CROW He'll know what to do.

152 EXT. INLET - DAY 152

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The tiny boat is a dot on the golden waves of the inlet as the Goblin rows them to the opposite shore and docks near a cove. The Goblin leads the way as Liz, Abe and Johann arrive and help Hellboy up.

HELLBOY 2 98 Strange BIRDS hang upside down form the Cave's roof. A MASSIVE CHIMNEY has been carved out of the cave's rock at the other end. A Black, ancient figure is hunched there, warming its skeletal hands by the fire. A raspy voice utters something in an ancient language. The Goblin replies, gesturing at Hellboy, who collapses on the floor. In a deep coma, Hellboy lies on the floor, near the crackling fireplace. The ANGEL OF DEATH extends its FOUR BLACK WINGS and a thin, jagged smile appears in its pale, eyeless face.

ANGEL OF DEATH So. This one... The boy- I remember him well! Anung-un-Rama!

LIZ Oh, my God. She knows - ?!

ANGEL OF DEATH I helped bring him into this world - in my fashion. It pulls a set of a glowing, red-hot TONGS out of the fire. It studies the speartip, which has buried itself deep in Hellboy's flesh.

ANGEL OF DEATH (CONT'D) I warn you: it is his destiny to rule over the destruction of the Earth. Not now, not tomorrow - but some day. You are sure you want him to live?


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Yes, I say yes-! Abe and Johann exchange a silent, worried look.

ANGEL OF DEATH Very well, then- but let it be said: The day will come when you will pay the price fire girl: This will bring you and the world much sorrow.

LIZ And I'll deal with it when that time comes. Now save him. The creature cackles and then grips the spear tip with the tongs. A cry of pain from Hellboy as it withdraws the bloody point from his chest.

HELLBOY 2 99 The ANGEL OF DEATH holds up the speartip and looks at it with distaste.

ANGEL OF DEATH Harmless now. (looking at Hellboy) See - ? Hellboy's eyes flutter open.

ANGEL OF DEATH (to Hellboy) Sleep now, child. Your strength, it will return. A guttural HISS from the corner: the Goblin is jumping up and down, pointing at the speartip.

JOHANN Our ferry captain - he wants his payment...

ANGEL OF DEATH Ach, outside with you! She tosses the speartip to the creature, who scoops it up and bounds out the door.

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instantly, the goblins and birds leap down and crowd around him, chattering in excitement over the latest prize. She gazes down at Hellboy, whose yellow eyes are fixed on her. He smiles wanly.


153 EXT.. HILLTOP - DAY 153

Alone on a hilltop, Abe surveys the coastline. Through the binoculars, he discerns a SECOND CAVE half-hidden behind wild, breaking waves. Glancing back at ANGEL OF DEATH's cave, Johann strikes off on his own, headed for the cave.

154 EXT. HUT - DAY 154

Outside ANGEL OF DEATH's hut, a bandaged HB is sitting up, blinking in the sunlight. He sips some tea and gazes at Liz, who is happy now.


LIZ I almost lost you- Hellboy smiles and grabs her hand-

HELLBOY I thought you were mad at me.

LIZ Well, no one can stay mad forever.

HELLBOY I'm sorry for all the attention, I thought it would be good for us.

LIZ We're never going to make them all happy, Red. What we have is ours and no one

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BELLBOY I can turn my back on the world. I don't care anymore I don't- as long as you stay with me- as long as you think I'm still a good man.

(BEAT ) Am I a good man, Liz?? Am I??

LIZ Yes you are. You are the best man I've ever met.

HELLBOY You still seem sad. Is there anything you want to tell me-??

LIZ Yes, there is-

HELLBOY Say it now, then. Whatever it is, I'm ready.

(SIGHS) Is it about Johann-

LIZ No- no- what are you talking about?? Before she can go on, Johann appears. He carries a poultice and fresh rags.


JOHANN Abe and I have found the entrance to the Golden Army's resting place- Liz come with us- (looks at Hellboy)

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You should stay behind and get some rest-

HELLBOY And call you in the morning, right?? Like Hell I will. I'm keeping an eye on you,





Johann, Liz and Hellboy follow a rugged trail along a bluff high over the sea. Johann refers to the map, then points to the cave opening a half-mile ahead. Abe is standing there,


JOHANN There. Abe points at the violent sea below-

ABE The only way in- I'm afraid we'll have to jump in- (looks at Hellboy) Can you make it-? Hellboy nods.

BELLBOY Strange. If this is the entrance-

ABE I know- Why isn't there more security?? With a ROAR, WINK!!!!! - jumps out and throws a CHAIN around Bellboy's neck! The chain is connected to his IRON MACE which now dangles around Hellboy's neck. The two creatures battle each other fiercely. WINK's MACE destroys a nearby tree, like a wrecking ball and it connects twice with Hellboy's head. But Red gets the upper hand quickly, snapping the chain in two and twirling the mace like a boleador.

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HELLBOY 2 102 He hits Wink again and again-

HELLBOY See?? It hurts!!! It hurts!!! Hellboy grips the chain, pulls the creature close, then, like a weightlifter, raises him high overhead. With a mighty GRUNT, Hellboy tosses him overboard. WINK hits the jagged rocks once- twice- thrice-

HELLBOY Ouch- ouch- ouch- (looking around) We better go swimming before any more ugly fellas show up- He stares down into the swirling waters and discreetly takes his hand to his bandaged side: He's bleeding. The wound has re-opened.

ABE Red, are you-?

HELLBOY Don't say a word, Blue- Let's move on-


156 UNDERWATER Johann plunges in from above, his body quickly tumbled by the rough seas. A moment later, Liz and Hellboy are in the water, too. Johann swims down, leading them into the darkness of the cave entrance.


As they bob up for air, they find there's only a few inches of breathing room between the sea and the rocky ceiling. Liz starts coughing.

JOHANN Hang on, people. I'll be right back.

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158 UNDERWATER Johann dives down to find a rusting, iron LOCK six feet under the surface. He tries to turn the control wheel, but can't make it budge.

BELLBOY 2 103 Seconds later, Hellboy is at his side, gripping the wheel in his huge hands. Using all his strength, Hellboy finally manages to turn it. His bandage, however, floats free... and his wound opens up, emitting a plume of blood. Lungs bursting, he shoots to the surface. Johann stays behind and swings open the lock, revealing...

159 A STAIRWELL 159 .carved from the living rock, leading upward into the depths of the cliff.


160 STAIRS - LATER 160 The trio cautiously climbs the stairs, finding their way with light sticks. Hellboy stops to lean against the wall. He dabs at his chest with a rag.

LIZ (to Johann) Hold up. We need to rest.

HELLBOY Says who? I'm fine, I tell ya. He lurches forward, pushing past the others, fighting off his pain.

LIZ (to Johann) This was a mistake. He's -

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JOHANN Mein Gott-- The stairs lead to-

161 INT. CAVERN 161

-a vast underground arena where a thousand torches are flickering. CAMERA PULLS BACK to reveal rank upon rank of GOLDEN SOLDIERS. Immobile. Silent. Waiting.


162 AMONG THE SOLDIERS 162 Hellboy leads the way down a row of gleaming statues, pausing to gaze up at the blank face of one of the infantrymen.

HELLBOY Hey, amigo. You got some gum? Two rows away, Johann examines the lethal weaponry that terminates the arms of each soldier.

JOHANN Most ingenious. A versatile, highly mobile killing machine.

LIZ Make that machines, Johann. I see more than one. Hellboy taps on a soldier's mechanical chest, which booms faintly, sending ECHOES up into the dark cavern.

HELLBOY Wow. You hear that? Listen - He thumps it, harder. The mechanical thing rocks backwards...

HELLBOY Uh oh. CRASH!!! The thing falls onto the soldier behind it! Then,

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- the ear-shattering noise of a hundred car wrecks builds as - a toppling LINE OF SOLDIERS races away like falling dominoes!!

HELLBOY Whoops. The sound dwindles, then builds again as ANOTHER LINE of falling soldiers bears down on them!! Liz screams and Hellboy pulls her aside. The soldiers crash past them until - - the din suddenly stops. The PRINCE stands revealed at the head of the column.


PRINCE As a boy, they say I enjoyed toy soldiers. So do you, I see. He strolls past the mechanical figures, pausing to kick aside some of the weapons.

PRINCE (to Hellboy) You're bleeding. Most unfortunate. Hellboy wipes at his oozing chest wound.

HELLBOY Yeah. Now it's your turn.

PRINCE Do you envy these contraptions? They never bleed. They feel nothing. Not even the zest of combat. The Prince circles them, keeping an eye on Johann.

PRINCE These fighting men are the very model of patience... merely awaiting word from their lawful commander.

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AS From his tunic, he brings forth two of the gold segments. he fits them together...

PRINCE You have the remaining piece, I presume.

JOHANN We do not -


(SURPRISED) Then you are most foolish. He gestures to some troll GUARDS near a tunnel entrance. They lead the Princess out in chains.

PRINCE (CONT'D) You came here expecting what? Mercy?

JOHANN The death you would unleash will never happen! What you need is far from here and will stay out of your reach forever.

HELLBOY 2 106 A VOICE reaches their ears from the tunnel entrance behind them.

ABE Stop - I have it. Abe, dripping wet, stands there, the last gold segment in the palm of his hand.


(APPROACHING) Here... For her... Take it...


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Oh, my God. What has he done? Keeping his eyes on the Princess, Abe gives the gold piece to the Prince. Hellboy steps forward, feeling dizzy and betrayed.


ABE (to Hellboy) You cannot fight him- not without hurting her...

(BEAT ) What would you do if it was Liz?? CLICK! The Prince fits the gold parts together and places the resulting crown on his head!

PRINCE I am Prince Nuada and I command my army to life once more. Does anyone dispute my right? With the deep sound of gears, ratchets and springs, the army comes to life. Up comes the lances and shields.

PRINCE (CONT'D) (points at the team) Kill them. Abe is now aghast, seeing the Prince drag his sister back.

ABE (to the Prince) That was your price!! A ransom, you said - paid in good faith!!


HELLBOY 2 107 ABE(continued) (to Hellboy) Why, he lied to us!

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HELLBOY Abe old buddy. If we survive this, we need to talk. The Army swings into action, marching toward them. The four friends retreat, soon pressed against one of the walls.

ABE He - he's a cad! Can you imagine, a highborn heir to the throne, last in a noble line of-

BELLBOY Not now, Abe, okay? The first phalanx of golden soldiers is upon them, their terrifying weapons slashing in unison. Hellboy brings out his huge gun and starts firing as Johann grabs a torch and swings it like a club. A couple of the mechanical soldiers go down, only to pop back onto their feet, new weapons blossoming on their arms.

LIZ Let me - Liz summons up a white-hot burst of electrical fire in each hand. With a yell, she unleashes a searing EXPLOSION at the oncoming fighters. The shock wave rolls through the enemy ranks, flattening scores of soldiers. For a moment, the BPRD team regains hope... but the endless lines of mechanicals keep coming, marching on and over their scorched comrades. Hellboy holsters the Samaritan and rushes forward, giving it his best. His wound is running with fresh blood. He punches a soldier, whose mace pounds repeatedly against his ravaged chest; as blood spatters his face, Hellboy groans and keeps fighting, to absolutely no effect. At length, the mechanical arms throw Hellboy against the wall, where he collapses, unable to carry on.

JOHANN Invincibility!? So - the only one thing may stop them - Johann unzips his suit; with a HISSS, his ectoplasmic self flows out, into the body of the nearest mechanical soldier!

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HELLBOY 2 108 Instantly, the thing whirls on its companions and starts chopping! Bits and pieces of gold machinery fly about as Johann rips into the enemy!! But again, fresh metal soldiers fill in for the fallen. As the BPRD team watches in dismay, Johann's mechanical shell is surrounded by the other SOLDIERS, who methodically dismember it like marauding insects! As the parts drop to the floor, twitching and useless, Johann slithers out and re-inhabits his suit.

JOHANN Ach. They are too many. Anyone have another idea? Hellboy grabs the nearest sword and hauls himself to his feet.

HELLBOY (a bellow) Prince Nuada: I challenge your right to command this army! With a soft BOOM, the clockwork troops come to a halt! All the mechanical heads turn toward the Prince, who stands on a ledge with his sister.

ABE (follows HB) No= please- no- Hellboy moves away from him.

HELLBOY A challenge must be answered! Raise your sword!

PRINCE A challenge from you? A nobody?? You are no one.

PRINCESS No!! He is Anung-un-Rma- son of the Fallen one- He has the right! Her eyes lock with Abe's: there's no other way. The Prince sees Hellboy coming and with a bitter smile picks up his sword.

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HELLBOY 2 10 9

PRINCE Very well. (to the BPRD team) May his fate show you the cost of pride and blindness. As the hall rings with their first blows of their swords-

JOHANN Hellboy's too weak- Summoning up his last ounce of strength, Hellboy manages to drive the Prince back into the center of the arena, where they fight under the inscrutable gaze of the golden army. Every time Hellboy gets a clean shot at the Prince, Abe looks at him, pleading, and HB has no choice but to keep parrying off his enemy. Hellboy's sword grows heavy in his hands; he stares at it in dismay as it trembles. His muscles can no longer respond. The Prince is ready to kill him.

LIZ (witness to a nightmare) No!! NO! ! A sudden movement at the ledge, where the Princess steps forward and... Using her concealed DAGGER, she STABS HERSELF in the right arm!! In silent slow motion, she drops the dagger. Instantly, the Prince drops his arm... his hands come away red with blood. He looks over at his sister. They share a hard look of mutual understanding. Love and hatred. Hellboy raises, through supreme effort, bleeding. He quickly raises his sword. The fight resumes, but this time, HB has the advantage. He fights bravely and after parrying fiercely with the Prince, he disarms him and points his sword at his chest.

HELLBOY I- have- won-

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PRINCE No. You have not-

HELLBOY 2 110 He impales himself on HELLBOY's sword. The blade goes through his abdomen and protrudes on the other side. Hellboy pulls it out, but it's too late. Both the Prince and the Princess collapse to the ground, mortally wounded.



NO- Abe hurries to the Princess. Takes her into his arms, blinking in despair. The pale young creature is now a ghostly white. She lifts her eyes to Abe's, caressing his thin, scaly face.

PRINCESS We'll find each other again, somewhere. And she dies in his arms. In the center of the arena:

PRINCE (to Hellboy) You... think you're any different from me? The humans - they will tire of you. They will disappoint you. And in the end, they will betray you. You... are living a lie. Your time will come again. May you make a better choice. Then, he, too, is dead. Both him and his sister turn to fine, pale dust. And the wind carries away the ashes from Abe's hands... Shaken, Hellboy lifts the crown from the Prince's head. Looks at it carefully, as if considering the possibilities. Suddenly, he rips it into pieces. As he crushes the first segement... . an entire division of the golden army collapses into a

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heap of scrap metal! Hellboy does the same with a second section of the crown and another massive division of the army tumbles into junk! HB is about the tear up the last segment of the crown, when it explodes in his hands! WHUMP! The last of the army disintegrates. Hellboy confronts the Prince's frightened troll guards:


HELLBOY (to the trolls) You - and your kind! Leave here. And stay in the shadows - where you belong. As the ogres slink back into the tunnels, Liz looks at Hellboy. He seems angry, stung by the Prince's last words.




The BPRD team crosses waterfalls and stone bridges, through the magical hills. Liz walks at Hellboy's side, but he avoids her glance.


164 EXT. TREE -- DAY

They reach the strange, twisted tree. Johann takes the map cylinder and fits it into the slot.

JOHANN Any last minute requests?

ABE (very quiet) Do it, please. I - I'm ready for the real world now.

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Johann turns the cylinder. The tree roots form their arch... and the BPRD team walks through.



On the other side of the tree: Manning and a bunch of agents have set up spotter scopes and are gazing out over the countryside, looking for them. Suddenly, the team appears, literally from out of nowhere.


(STARTLED) Whoa! Where'd you come from? We were just-

BELLBOY I know, here to help. Well, I appreciate that Manning.

HELLBOY 2 112 Abe steps past Hellboy and removes his gunbelt and equipment pack.

ABE Yes, Mr. Manning. I want to thank you, too. For all you've done for us over the years. He gives his stuff to the astonished agent.

MANNING What? What, exactly is this?

ABE (walking away) I quit. Hellboy glances at Abe, then hauls out the Samaritan and shrugs off his pack, too.


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Come on. You're resigning?

HELLBOY Looks that way, doesn't it? Hellboy starts to leave, but spins around and takes his gun back.

HELLBOY (CONT'D) I think I'll keep this. He finally meets Liz's gaze. She crosses to him and takes him by the arm. She walks off with Hellboy and Abe, clinging tightly to the big, red daemon.

MANNING Liz -- not you, too!? (to Johann) They can't do this. Stop them, Johann-

JOHANN Manning, you're an asshole.


Miles down the road, Abe stands on a promontory, staring off at the ocean, which blazes with golden reflections. Liz and HB sit next to each other on some mossy rocks. Overhead: blue sky, puffy white clouds.


LIZ What you said before - about us living


HELLBOY I mean it! `Course, I'm thinking USA... but, hey - you decide.

LIZ (breathing deep) Let's find a place in the country. Clean air - green hills - fresh milk from the farm.

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HELLBOY Milk? Yech.

LIZ A yard... With lots of room to grow in.

HELLBOY (he looks blank) Grow? who gonna grow- ?

LIZ Our baby, that's who!

HELLBOY Our b-? On Hellboy's immense grin: FREEZE FRAME. Roll CREDITS. At the end of the credits-



5 ZINCO ENTERPRISES helicopters land on the hard, icy surface of Amundsen's glacier. A row of GUARDS in black garb flank each helicopter. Out of one of them exits RODERICK ZINCO, billionare, madman. He carries a mechanized container, a little larger than a hat box. CAMERA follows as he enters through a crevace and..


Light shines through the ice walls and into rows and rows of machinery.

Hellboy 2: The Golden Army

Writers :   Guillermo del ToroGenres :   Action  Adventure  Fantasy

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