WILDeRNEsS Set out to discover the european wild nature


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WILDeRNEsSSet out to discover the european

wild nature

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Whether it is the power of high mountains, the gigantic desert or the old forests, the nature allows

us to be amazed and offers us the feeling of loneliness, freedom and adventure. But if Nature gives us a lot, the artificialization of natural spaces and urbanization threaten it. Indeed, the human impact increases, jeopardizing the natural balance.

To cope with this situation, a large associative movement has been working for several years in order to promote a wilderness preservation system.

“A Wilderness is an area governed by natural processes. It is composed of native habitats and species, and is large enough for the effective ecologi-cal functioning of natural processes. It is unmodified or only slightly so and without intrusive or extractive human activity, settlements, infrastructure or visual disturbance.”

“Wild areas have a high level of predominance of natural process and natural habitat. They tend to

be individually smaller and more fragmented than wilderness areas, although they often cover extensive tracts. The condition of their natural habitat, processes and relevant species is however often partially or substan-tially modified by human activities such as livestock herding, hunting, fishing, forestry, sport activities or general imprint of human artifacts.” 

The wilderness concept has gained considerable momentum in Europe during the last 15 years. A milestone was the adoption of the “European Parliament Reso-lution on Wilderness in Europe” in February 2009. With this in mind, 4 NGOs (Friends of the Earth Czech Republic – Hnuti DUHA, Mountain Wilderness France, European Wil-derness Society and WOLF Forest Protection Movement) launched an european program to advance and exchange on wilderness Education in the European Union: ERASMUS +.

Thanks to this catalogue, you will discover 13 wild areas in Europe where you can live a “wilderness experience” and reconnect yourself with nature!

EWS / Austria

The European Wilderness Society is the only Pan-European, wilderness and environmental advocacy non-profit organi-zation with a dedicated multi-cultural and very experienced professional team whose mission is to: identify, designate, manage and promote Europe’s last great places of wilderness.


Mountain Wilderness / france

For over 20 years, MW France has been promoting a global approach of mountain in which “preservation of natural environment”, “social equity” and “local economy” constitute the same aim.


WOLF / Slovakia

Established in 1993, WOLF works for the preservation of natural forests and their wildlife in Slovakia and the whole of Central and Eastern Europe. Indeed, 40 % of Slovakia is covered by beech-fir forest and more than 250 wolves and 800 bears thrive in these areas.


Friends of the Earth / Czech Republic

Hnuti DUHA exposes bad practices by corporations and lobbies parties  around their election manifestos, advises communities and drafts new laws, informs consumers and researches alternatives.


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The largest nature reserve of the Alps… The Hohe Tauern National Park was established in 1981 and is therefore Austria’s first National Park. During the following decades the National Park, which covers parts of the three provinces of Carinthia, Salzburg and Tyrol, deve-loped into the largest nature reserve in Central Europe, with an area of over 1,834 km2.It is not only a wild, primeval lands-cape but also a landscape cultivated by mountain farmers. These are the two

faces of the Hohe Tauern National Park. The nature reserve encompasses swee-ping, primeval Alpine landscapes, such as glaciers, rock faces and turf, as well as mountain pasture landscapes which have been carefully and painstakingly cultivated for centuries.

Discovering the largest National Park of the Alps :


R www.hohetauern.at/en E [email protected]

q (+43) 4875 5112

austria47° 04 30 North - 12° 41 40 East

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THE NATIONAL PARK WORLDS - SALZBURGThe National Park Worlds cener is the best place for all National Park visitors to start at . Indeed thanks to 3D films, you can learn lot of things about the history of the formation of the Alps , the inhabitants and living environment.


THE GROSS GLOCKNER HIGH ALPINE ROADNumerous display lecterns, six study trails and two information centers run along the Gross Glockner High Alpine Road. At 3,798 m the Grossglockner is not only the highest mountain in Austria, it also counts among the highest peaks in the Alps. On the road, you coan also visit exhibitions : Art exhibition alpenliebe, Alpine nature show museum, Grossglockner exhibition or the Golden eagle in the eastern Alps.


THE BIOS NATIONAL PARK CENTER – MALLNITZTake a glance into an unknown world: hidden life forms, primitive organisms, strange shapes and objects of surprising beauty! The BIOS National Park Centre lots of interactive stations, experiments and multi-media shows will take you into a different world. Your journey of discovery goes from the smallest to the largest - from the most amazing structure under the microscope to the genuine mountain stream.


EDUCATIONAL TRAILSGet ready for a natural adventure in the most beautiful places of Hohe Tauern National Park. Not only will you be amazed but you will also learn lot of things about the fauna, flora, glacier and natural history. The educational trails last several hours or days and are adapted for children or no. Online, the topos inform you about the environment, the trail, the equipment, the reachability and lots of other things.



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Located in the Austrian state of Styria, the Gesäuse National Park was created in 2002 and covers 110 km².A wonderful place for alpine sports, the reputation of the Park comes from the exceptional 16kms of gorge shaped by the waters of the Enns. The river takes its source in the Salzbourg and winds its way through 250 km until it reaches the Danube. Precipitous limestone peaks and green forests, alarge variety of fauna and flora  : the Gesäuse National Park is

a hotspot for biodiversity in Austria with more than 89 endemic animal species such as the arachnids Megabonus, or 15 plants. Since 2003, the Park has been rewarded by the category II of IUCN evaluation for its involvement in the pre-servation of ecosystems and for the res-pect of natural processes.



R www.nationalpark.co.at E [email protected]

q (+43) 3613 21160 20

auSTRIA47° 36 North - 14° 45 East

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WILDERNESS CAMPDo you want to spend a few days in forests with your friends and their children? The National Park of Gesäuse offers you a friendly adventure with a ranger to unplug from virtual reality and reconnect with nature. Can you imagine surviving without a smartphone or a watch? In the camp you can try to live without noun and electrical appliances. Happiness is in simplicity: guided discovery of wilderness during the day and meal cooked over a wood fire during the evening!

HIKING THE AUSTIAN MOUNTAINSSince 200 years, the Gesäuse National Park entices the hiking lovers.It seemsA natural choice due to the wonderful mountains and the spectacular rock faces dominating the Park. Since several years, renovation projects of routes have been engaged while safeguarding their authenticities. Notably via the installation of enough attachment points without creating a “garden of climb”. The ascension requires good orientation skills as well as a sense of responsibility. At the top: loneliness and stunning views.

The Willow Dome Adventure Centre offers you to discover the life of the park through various activities:

JOURNEY INTO THE MICROCOSMImmerse yourself in the fascinating world of water and soil organisms with expert instruc-tion from the National Park rangers.

THE WILD JOHN DISCOVERY TRAILModified and controlled to answer to human needs, the Jonsbach river has found its na-tural and wild character again thanks to the LIFE project lead by the Park and its partners. Flowing now as an authentic mountain stream, a walk is dedicated to him.


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With 2 280 km² of lakes and moun-tains, the Lake District NP is the biggest National Park of England. A succession of glaciations has formed glacial valleys, glacier cirques and the most beauti-ful english mountains. The altitude of the Scafell Pike (978 m), the highest submit of the Park, the misty atmos-phere above the “region of lakes” and the pannel of warm colours are ma-gical. William Wordsworth, romantic poet claims his love for the mountains:

“in the combinations which they make, towering above each other, or lifting them-selves in ridges like the waves of a tumul-tuous sea, and in the beauty and variety of their surfaces and colours, they are surpassed by none”



R www.woodsmoke.uk.com E [email protected]

q (+44) 01900 821779

ENGLAND54° 27 North - 3° 06 West

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WOODSMOKEEstablished in 2001, Woodsmoke is internationally respected for its pioneering bushcraft courses and professional approach to teaching classical wilderness survival skills. Bushcraft is about thriving in the natural environment, and the acquisition of the skills and knowledge to do so. The bushcraft courses are set in the heart of England’s Lake District National Park.

Guided by inspirational educators and wilderness guides, Woodsmoke proposes a 360 degree immersion in nature. You will learn to reach into the natural world and truly begin to master the full spectrum of traditional practices, hands-on skills and theoretical knowledge that is required to develop your ability to both inhabit and traverse natural landscapes, in a self-sufficient and environmentally considered way.

TRAINING COURSES EXAMPLESWoodlander buschcraft & advanced survival courses  6 days of immersion to adapt yourselves to wildlife. Collection and desinfection of water, survival skills in mountains, identification of wild plants, wild fisheries...

Tracker Workshop5 days to learn how to observe and recognize the tracks. Identification of skulls, bones, faeces and noises.

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Montagna della Majella is a high, im-posing, wild mountain group which is lo-cated in the provinces of Chieti, Pescara and L’Aquila, in the region of Abruzzo in Italy. Majella National Park is characte-rized by a territory dominated by moun-tains: 55 % of it is over 2,000 meters. The Parc has the rarest and most precious part of the biodiversity national heritage. But it was not always the case. The in-trusive and destructive action of man led to the complete destruction of the

big wild herbivores. Thanks to the Park’s safeguard measures and the great efforts of Italian WWF, Club Alpino Italiano and many municipalities, the situation has radically changed. Nowadays, Deer and Roe deer populate the woods with about 150 and 80 specimens. The Abruzzi Cha-mois is once again the uncontested ru-ler of the summits and there are about 15-20 specimens of Brown Bear in every corner of the Park.

the wild mountains areas


R www.parcomajella.it E [email protected]

q (+39) 0864 25701

italiA42° 4 55 NorTH - 14° 3 36 EAst

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CARAMANICO TERME VISITOR CENTER In this Visitor Center you can visit a Museum which has two sections, one dedi-cated to naturalistic features and the other dedicated to archeology. In the former, you could observe a showcase dedicated to the geology and fossils of Majella. The archaeological section of the Museum houses several finds discovered in the northern section of Majella, from the lower Paleolithic to the Roman period. Annexed to the structure, the wildlife area is dedicated to the European Otter. After your visit in the park, why not try one of the numerous hiking trails?

www.majambiente.it [email protected]

FARA SAN MARTINO VISITOR CENTERSituated in the square of the Town Hall, it houses a naturalistic museum wich will make you discover the environment of Maiella National Park from the high mountains to the woodland through cliffs, depressions, Mugo pine woods, ravines and

subterranean environments. Are you able to distinguish the songs of birds? An audio-visual panel reproduces images and calls of several birds living in the Park.

[email protected]

LAMA DEI PELIGNI VISITOR CENTER Are you a passionate of Chamois? This centre is the perfect place for you! You could find a large section dedicated to the Abruzzi Chamois. After the exhibition, why don’t you go to see the chamois closer? The Center is the ideal starting point for hikes to the Mountain Hut Tarì. You can also discover rock paintings, the hermitage of Grotta S. Angelo and Grotta del Cavallone (1,475 m above sea level). The latter is one of the highest caves in Europe open to the public.

[email protected]

THE VISITOR CENTERS PROPOSALS : A PERFECT WAY TO DISCOVER THE BIODIVERSITY AND HISTORY OF MAJELLA NATIONAL PARKThe Majella National Park contains about 500 kilometers of hiking trails through the mountains, cave paintings in Grotta Sant’Angelo and Grotta del Cavallone, and also 4 visitors sectors which are ideal gateways to the park.

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Large of 17 000 hectares the Reserve of the Natural Regional Park of Vercors is the widest of France. The Vercors not only has 738 flora species and the biggest forest of black pine of Limestone Alpe but also a wonderful fauna: rock ptamir-gan, royal eagle, wolf, little or Tengmalm’s owl live in the Park. In order to limit the damage caused by human impact, the Reserve has decided to reduce the planning and the markings. This initia-tive promotes to visitors environmental

awareness and encourages the respect and preservation of nature. Total immer-sion in the wilderness. Don’t forget your map and compass! You can also contact one of these guides!



R www.parc-du-vercors.fr E [email protected] q (+33) 04 76 94 38 26

FRANCE44° 92 NorTH - 5° 49 EAst

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ACCOMPAGNATEURS NATURE ET PATRIMOINEDuring the Spring, Summer and Autumn, the Accompagna-teurs Nature et Patrimoine offer walks and hikes while forthe Winter, snowshoeing outings are programmed. Connecting the natural mountain world with a society which desires more environmental respect, the Accompagnateurs Nature et Patrimoine encourage you to limit your impact: soft mobility, quiet and respectful osbervation of fauna and flora, discovery of the biodiversity...

• Winter outings: The animals in winter, Gourmand night (snowshoeing and mountain meal), Altitude landscapes...

• Estival outings: Marmot in family, Discovery of Chamois, Wildplants and their uses


MILLE TRACESFor more than 20 years, the association Mille Traces offers trainings in nature to discover the fauna and flora of Vercors drômois. Big predators, little carnivores, large herbivores, reptiles, birds of prey and mountain flora will immerge you in the beauty of Plateaux du Vercors. Thanks to teaching tools and a good knowledge of the territory, whether you are a profesional or amateur naturalist, you will benefit from this enriching experience.

“The nature is a universal teacher for those who observes it” Carlo Goldoni

[email protected]

SYLVATICA“Sylvatica” means forest in latin. It is also the name of the beech, this typical tree of our mountains. In addition to the beauty of its bark and its foliage, it is also the symbol of the life in full nature. Sylvatica proposes several trainings in which the emotional and sensory environment is really important.

• Treks: In autonomy or from refuge to refuge, with a lot or little walk, rustic or comfortable, you will find the perfect stay for you.

• Trainings: From culinary art to woodworking, including the use of plants, you will discover a new perception of wildlife.

• Unusual bivouacs: In a grotto, an igloo, in hammocks or under the stars... This experience will provide you with a lot of memories.

• Thematic days: You can discover or deepen your knowledges on several themes, birdwatching, orientation, wild orchids, mushrooms, bird songs...

[email protected]

VERCORS ESCAPADEVercors Escapade is a group of nature guides passioned by the wilderness, the secrets of fauna and flora and the lesser-known places of Vercors. You will be in complete immersion : a search for beaver and chamois, discovery of vulture and black grouse and reading of animal tracks... Through tese activities will marvel the wildlife around you.Whatever the age, it is always possible to learn how to live in the wilderness. With that in mind, Vercors Escapade offers activities accessible to all. By the immersion, you will reconnect with yourself and rediscover the life in full nature.Outings during the day, evening hikes, trapper week-ends, bivouacs in igloo or under tents, hikes with donkeys...


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The Wolf Private Nature Reserve has an area of 21.24 hectares and is situated in the Prešov region. WOLF has acquired the forest from a private landowner thanks to a fundraising campaign. WOLF is the owner of the forest since 1998 and has decided to protect it with no human interventions: no logging, no planting of trees, no removing of dead trees and no hunting in this forest. Beech and fir trees prevail in the lower parts of the forest, whereas it’s a beech-maple forest that

covers the slopes close to the moun-tain ridge. In the forest, you can hear the chaffinch, the robin and song trush and also different species of owls. You can also see the predators occurring in this area : wolves, lynx, wild cats and also one brown bear visits it occasionally.

AN immersion in the Slovak forests with


R www.wolf.sk/en E [email protected]

slovaKIA49° 01 NorTH - 21° 23 eAst

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8 DAYS OF IMMERSION IN THE SLOVAK FORESTS WITH WOLFGAÏA – WOLF FOREST PROTECTION MOVEMENTGaia – our home is an eight day stay in the forest organized by WOLF. Listening to the owls in the night, sleeping under the stars, meeting wolves... This experience will bring the spirit of wilderness in your heart. Thanks to this adventure you will also think about the responsibility for the human impact on natural processes and about getting out of anthropocentrism.

Program• Day 1: Identification of the diverse Central European flora. Interconnection of plants with fungi, animals and other organisms.• Day 2: Observation and identification of members of the bird kingdom. Identification of individual species, their distinguishing traits, the food chain and their place in the forest ecosystem. • Day 3: Observation of the largest residents of the forest world, the mammals. • Day 4: Preservation of the forest by non-intervention• Day 5: Discussions and meditations around a better understanding of deep ecology. This training gives you the sensational experiencing of contact with nature.• Day 6: Field work (renewal of faded marks of nature reserve’s boundaries, or replacement of da-maged information boards or their wooden poles).• Day 7: The history of wilderness conservation in the world. The origins and activities of the WOLF Forest Protection Movement.• Day 8: Departure

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The Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve is a real pearl of the European nature he-ritage. It’s a specimen of virgin nature, a rare and even unique corner on the continent where nature has retained its original look and character. About 800 vascular plant species, 216 moss species, 238 lichen species, 317 algae species and 463 mushroom species are found in the Reserve. The Reserve is also an ideal habitat for numerous animal species that until recently were widely spread in

Europe and are either extinct or excep-tionally rare today. The Reserve’s verte-brate animals world is today represented by 56 species of mammals, 230 species of birds, 5 reptiles and 11 amphibian. Rivers and lakes are home for 34 fish species. Among the mammals one can ever find peculiar species such as Brown Bear, Lynx, Wolf, Eurasian Otter, Elk, Beaver and European Bison.

Discovering the Berezinsky

Biosphere Reserve

R www.berezinsky.by/en E [email protected] (+375) 2132 2-63-18, 2-63-13

bELARUS54° 43 25 NorTH - 28° 20 21 EAst

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MUSEUM OF NATUREIn the Museum you will find the 200 species of animals and birds that live in the Berezinsky Reserve. Thanks to this 45 min excursion, you will plunge into the pristine beauty and wealth of the forests, ponds, flora and fauna of Belarus.

ECOLOGICAL TRACKDuring a 2 hours walk, you will get acquainted with the flora and fauna of the Reserve, will hear the birds singing, and will come to admire the vast panorama of sphagnum bog awhile learning about its vegetation.

TRAIL OF DISCOVERYWhat would be better than learning with fun? For several hours, you will become a biologist who discover the small inhabitants of our forests: the bugs. Through games, you will learn how to find, recognize and distinguish them!

FOREST ZOOWounded or abandoned animals find shelter in the zoo which aims at reproducing similar conditions as their natural habitats.

ONE DAY OF CYCLING IN THE NATURAL DIVERSITY OF BEREZINSKYThe route provides a unique opportunity to visit the core of the Reserve and its divine nature. You will pass near the capercaillie lek, the mating site of one of the most ancient birds of the Berezinsky forests. On your way, from the observation tower you will see the panorama of a forest that have been damage to a great extent by a storm. The length of the route is 45 km and lasts 6 hours.

ALONG THE BEREZINA RIVERBy kayaking, you will enjoy the amazing natural complex of the Berezina River: its serpentine riverbed, system of oxbows and floodplain lakes, abundance of willow thickets, sedge-grass succulent forbs, waterfowl and mammals. The duration of the tour varies from 1 to 7 days.

THE DISCOVERY OF WILDERNESS IN THE BEREZINSKY BIOSPHERE RESERVEWhether it is by visiting the museum and the zoo or it is by going on trips in the natural areas, plenty of activities have been developed to make you discover the beauty and the wealth of this wild space.

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Spanning almost 21,000 ha, Kalk-alpen National Park protects the last big forest wilderness in the heart of Austria since 1997. Here, nature is the top prio-rity, it develops according to its own laws and the wilderness is returning. Colorful mixed forests, crystal-clear mountain streams and enchanting high pastures all leave their stamp on the landscape and provide the basics of life for numerous animals and plants that have become very rare elsewhere. Kalkalpen National

Park is made up of two mountain ranges : The Reichraminger Hintergebirge and the Sengsengebirge. The Reichraminger Hintergebirge is one of Austria’s largest distinct forest areas - a sea of forest, which has not yet been dissected by public transportation routes and human habitation. The Sengsengebirge is a nor-thern outpost of the Limestone Alps. In 2016 the Kalkalpen Wilderness  with 13.034 ha is complying with the  GOLD European Wilderness Quality Standard.



R www.kalkalpen.at E [email protected]

q (+43) 7584 3651

auSTRIA47° 47 24 NorTH - 14° 22 25 EAst

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THE WILDERNESS CAMPIntense nature experiences, exciting adventures, and cooperative activities are the focus of the program with the trained national park rangers. The national park wilderness camp lies on a sunny glade in the middle of the forest of the Kalkalpen NP. “Wild spirit and body”, “Women in Wilderness”, “On the way in the empire of the Lynx”, “A weekend for parents and children to discover the Wilderness”… Many expeditions are proposed to seduce all the family to live the experience of wilderness during a weekend or more.

Villa Sonnwend National Park [email protected]

THE NATIONAL PARK CENTER OF MOLLN Service center for visitors. Here, you can obtain information about Kalkalpen National Park, guided tours, hiking suggestions, tips for bike and horseback riding trails, general tourist information, and excursion tips in the region. You could also visit the “Mountain Forest & Water World” exhi-bition in which you will learn more about

the residents such as the striking Red Deer and the shy Lynx and discover the inside of Kalkalpen limestone alps.

National Park Center [email protected]

THE “WONDROUS WORLD OF THE FOREST WILDERNESS” EXHIBITIONDo you want to see closermammals of the forest such as the lynx, deer, badger or foxe? The diversity of the wild forest is displayed in the large diorama. The incredible fauna and flora of the Kalkalpen forests will have no secrets for you! After, you can immerse yourself in a fairytale pathway of wilderness by watching the film “On the path to forest wilderness”. Finally, in the interactive station “Wilderness in the ground”, you can dive into a hidden world three centimeters below the soil surface.

National Park Visitors’ Center [email protected] 

THE BIGGEST WILD FOREST OF EUROPE PRESERVED IN KALKAPEN NATIONAL PARKFeel a touch of the wild and experience a landscape of exceptional diversity with virgin forests, panoramic mountain peaks, hidden gorges, pristine mountain streams, and beautiful, lush meadows. In nature with a ranger or in the National Park centers, you could enter in the wild world of Kalkapen.

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Established in 1909–1910, the Sarek National Park is one of the oldest natio-nal parks in Europe and is located in Jok-kmokk Municipality, Lapland in the north of Sweden. With six of Sweden’s thirteen peaks over 2000 m –such as Sarektjåkkå (2089 m) and Pårtetjåkkå (2005 m) - the Park is an inevitable place for hikers and mountaineers. However, Sarek National Park is mainly a high-alpine area with almost no accommodation for tourists. Indeed, the Park wishes to preserve the

wilderness and its near-pristine condi-tion. For this, the park rules are relatively strict: fishing, hunting, picking flowers and any other activity that could damage the wildlife are all forbidden, except for picking berries and edible mushrooms.Similarly, no motorised vehicles are allowed in the park.



R www.sverigesnationalparker.se E [email protected]

sweden67° 17 NorTH - 17° 42 eAst

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DISCOVERING THE ARCTIC CIRCLE WITH SIBERIAN HUSKIES!Jokkmokkguiderna is a small company owned and run by Matti Holmgren and Stina Svensson. They live all year round in Jokkmokk, the small village just north from the Arctic Circle. Here they have a Siberian Husky kennel with almost 40 Siberian huskies and two Border Collies. They do sled tours with there huskys. In 2003 they became Jokkmok-kguiderna, an approved Eco Tourism organizer and got several of their tours labelled with the Nature’s Best certification and in 2008 Jokkmokkguiderna got the great honour to receive the “Grand Travel Award” in ecotourism. With Jokkmokkguiderna, you are sure to really live a natural experience and not a commercial one. The dog sled tours are not made up tourist adventures but real experiences where nature’s law rules.

From 1 to 10 days, you could make your dream true: travelling with your own team of Siberian huskies through the fairytale forests and see the mysterious northern lights slowly dancing over the sky. You will travel in small groups and help with everything from cooking, feeding the dogs, loading the sleds, shopping wood etc … Not only a real adventure in wilderness but also a rich human experience!

If you want to experience the summer in Lapland, you could also travel with canoe or kayak, alone or guided. Stina and Matti also propose 6-days expedition in search of scandinavian wildlife.

www.jokkmokkguiderna.com/[email protected]

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Soomaa National Park, created in 1993, is one of the youngest in Estonia, but its area, 390 km², places it second after the Lahemaa National Park. The national park Soomaa (in English: swam-pland) has been created to protect large raised bogs, flood plain grasslands and meandering rivers. Because of its large untouched areas, Soomaa has been nicknamed the Wilderness Capital of Estonia. The territory of the national park is mostly covered with large mires,

separated from each other by the rivers of the Pärnu River basin — Navesti, Hal-liste, Raudna and Lemmjõgi rivers. On the eastern margin of the national park lie the highest dunes on the Estonian mainland. The Ruunaraipe Dunes are the highest of the area.



R www.keskkonnaamet.ee/soom-eng E [email protected]

q (+372) 43 57164

estoniA58° 26 27 NorTH - 25° 6 20 EAst

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SELF-GUIDED TRIPSIf you wish to explore Soomaa wilderness on your own, the canoe trip is the best experience! You can book a trip for one day, but if you want to continue the expedition, you could combine canoeing trip with bog walking for two to seven days.

GUIDED TRIPSIf you prefer to learn more about the environment of the Park, it may be better for you to choose a guided trip. The local guides, who speak english, will teach you incredible things. The day-trip includes: canoeing on the river, hiking on the bog (bog walking and/or bog shoeing), paddling dugout canoe, picking and tasting mushrooms and wild berries, tracking wildlife, kick sledding, snowshoeing and back-country skiing.

[email protected]

EXPERIENCE THE “FIFTH SEASON” OF SOOMAA Since 1994, sooma.com proposes to live the experience of the Wilderness in Soomaa National Park. The quality of the offers are certified by PAN Parks. By self-guided or guided tours, you can enter in the exceptionnal envi-ronment of the park.

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Parc Adula includes areas that are among the most spectacular and most fascinating of the whole Alpine region. Here, you will find an incomparable landscape and geological diversity and a rich fauna and alpine flora. The local population has managed to preserve the most valuable wealth virtually intact: the culture, the landscape and the nature. The area around the peak of the Adula is one of the largest in Switzerland wit-hout significant human interventions.

This landscape, these natural features and this culture are authentic examples of the Swiss Alps, and the area can no doubt claim to be recognized as a park of national importance. It is therefore particularly suitable for a new Swiss National Park.

“KEEPWILD!” IN the swiss


R www.parcadula.ch E [email protected] q (+43) 91 827 37 65

sWITZERLAND46° 29 37 NorTH - 9° 02 24 EAst

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KEEPWILD! CLIMBING WITHOUT LEAVING TRACESClean Climbing is climbing with mobile, removable protection gear. It is also referred to as “self protec-tion”, “climbing without bolts” or “trad climbing”. Clean Climbing is not better than climbing with bolts – but simply different. It demands a bit more commitment. Finding the route, climbing, placing gear, building belays and removing everything again. Some really like that, others do not. And that’s great! It is the variety that makes mountain sports so attractive. The guidebook keepwild! climbs Ticino describes routes and places where we can still climb without bolts, off the beaten track, where we can still experience wilderness. On the other hand, if we come down from the mountains, stay in local huts and consume local products, we also contribute to regional value added and the variety between wild and remote and culturally rich communities.

EXAMPLE OF CLIMBING ROUTELe Pizzo della Rossa (2 482m) – ridges of north south-west: Itinerary on a narrow crest, partially exposed, with spectacular rock formations.

www.keepwildclimbs.ch [email protected]

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Few of us remain unmoved when watching wildlife in nature documenta-ries. However, we don’t have to travel to distant countries in order to see it with our own eyes. Thanks to Šumava Natio-nal Park fascinating wilderness can be seen even here in the middle of Europe. With the area of up to 70,000 ha Šumava National Park is the largest one in the Czech Republic. The park consists main-ly of forests and large predators as lynx

or wolf live there. You can also find ma-jestic moos there, the animal that people rather associate with Scandinavia.

Šumava National Park

The green Heart of Europe

R www.npsumava.cz E [email protected] q (+420) 388 450 111

CZECH REPUBLIC48° 46 16 NoTH - 13° 51 26 EAst

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Accompanied by local trained guides you can get to the areas of the National Park where entrance is otherwise prohibited. Šumava remains habitat for large animals which have been pushed away from other places by human activity and its impact. You can find lynx, wolf, capercaillie, various deer species, black grouse and other rare animals as well as plants there. You will walk through rivers, climb up hills or wade through bogs. The guides will teach you recognize both plants and animals; they will tell you the history of the place and introduce you to the situation of wilderness protection in Šumava. The excursions are for limited number of participants so you don’t have to worry about any crowds. About 20 tracks are open each year and you can choose from many dates during the summer period.

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South of the Northern Alps, North of the Southern Alps, which brings a great variety of landscapes and biotopes, the Natural Park of Les Écrins covers 672 000 acres, of which 223 000 acres form the “heart area“. This protected heart of the park is an area that can only be reached on foot, through hiking trails, and then very quickly by climbing over rock faces or dizzy ridges. This “great wild Oisans”, as Samivel used to call it, is one of the big-gest and highest massifs of the Alps : the

“Barre des Écrins”, with its 13 455 ft, do-minates 150 summits that exceed 10 000 ft. Among them, the mythical “Meije”, last major summit of the Alps to be climbed. 27 000 acres of glaciers have shaped deep valleys, laid out in a star-shaped way, that provide shelter for the golden eagle, the chamois, the ibex, and thousands of other species of animals and plants. This is pro-bably why the European Council has dis-tinguished it as the “European park of the high mountains”.

Discovering the «European

park of the high mountains»

R www.ecrins-parcnational.fr E [email protected]

q (+33) 04 92 40 20 10

france44° 51 21 NorTH - 6° 15 49 EAst

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THE REFUGES’ NIGHTEvery year since 15 years, the last Saturday of June, the high-mountains refuges of the Hautes-Alpes department open the doors of their universe in music, in a theatrical way or with tales… An invitation to discover the universe of the mountains in summer, and to live an unforgettable experience: spend a night in a refuge. This “Refuges’ Day” might be for you the first step towards these height spaces, where you will come back and taste the silence of the peaks.


“HUSHH, IT’S WINTER !” By associating the National Park of Les Ecrins and many partners, this operation aims to limit the impacts of the moun-tain activities in winter, when wildlife is weakened by cold and snow. For a better approach of nature in winter, call on mountain professionals, guides who will lead you by snowshoes or skis to a res-pectful discovery of the natural middle. These “soft traces” outings are proposed in this state of mind in several areas of the national park. An annual program is available on the website of the park.


BRING YOUNG PEOPLE TO THE REFUGES ? DO IT YOURSELF ! Because young people of today will be the players of tomorrow, education network on environment Educ’Alpes and La Coordination Montagne have developed the program “young people in refuges”. The idea : to take advantage of a night in a refuge to learn young people to “be in the mountains”. The practical guide they have edited give you the keys of an successful immersion experience in nature, and invites you to climb your own teaching project to the refuge.



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You went to the wilderness areas proposed in this catalogue and you have realized your love of wilderness. Now, you want to deepen your knowledges and your abilities to live in full nature. Professional trainings or not, to a short or long-term, several organisations offer you the occasion to adopt a way of life closest with nature.


Le centre de la nature montagnarde (The centre of Natural Mountains), France

Among the many activities of environmental awareness and teaching, the “Centre de la nature montagnarde” organizes each summer naturalist trainings for amateurs and profesionals about the mountain environment. On several days, you could discover or improve diverse knowledges : geology, glaciology, pedology, botany or bryophyte and spider expertise.


École de la Nature et des SavoirS(The School of Nature and Knowledges) France

“L’Ecole de la Nature et des Savoirs” is a place of formation and researchs about sustainable human development located in the Diois (Drôme). Face to the disruptions of our modern society, this association whishes to develop a relation between our modernity and the principles of living promoted by the traditional society as the Kogi People (Colombia). On a preserved natural space, the Ecole de la Nature et des Savoirs proposes several “Parkours” in which you will create a relation with nature. During the 9 days of “Immersion nature”, you will participate to the building of a Kogi home called “Nuhé”, try sand painting of the navajo culture and will share the tradi-tional craftmanship for a joyful autonomy. You could also learn more about agroecology, permaculture, wildlife techniques, rural transition...

[email protected]

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Gens des bois (people of the Woods), France

“Gens des Bois” proposes to you trainings and activities to rediscover the wildlife, the life in the woods. How could you passed from civilized mode of life to wildlife? How could you abandon you city habits? Thanks to “Gens des Bois”, you will gain a powerful feeling of liberty! Many courses are proposed: immersion in full nature, wildlife techniques, bows making…


Formation to become Refuge GuardianFrance

Living perched on mountain summits more than half the year, without much comfort, at the pace of nature and its whims… This requires a physical and moral tenacity but mostly a big love of life in full nature! The refuge guardian welcomes and takes care of the mountain visitors. He must have a good knowledge of the environment to give good advices but also be polyvalent. Indeed, he cooks, pulls up the food, solves all current problems… The Institute of Hotel Tourism and Alimentation of Toulouse (ISTHIA) offers the only formation of Refuge Guardian in France. 110 trainees have been certified and 75 % are actually in activity.

[email protected]


Along our way of getting civilized nature became alien to us and wilderness became something to be afraid of and feared. Joining this program you will experience powerful ways to again reconnect yourself to the natural world. Over the course of 4 years this program consists of 17 modules, lasting from 3 days up to a 3 weeks wilderness immersion in the Carpathie Mountains of Poland. In addition attendees are provided with home study between the modules. The programme is divided in three parts:• The basics: wilderness living and danger in nature, mammals and tracking, edible plants and orientation, ecological inter-relationship and community, trees and survival, bird language and awareness, the art of mentoring.• The abundance: advanced bird language, art of thruthspea-king, bow and arrow, trapping and tanning, winter survival, inner tracking and inner vision, circle of life and death, sacred silence, shadowing, song of mosquito, finding your gift, storytelling, camouflage, dreams and empowering, mammals, herbs and trees, wandering...• The transition: circle attunement, expanding the zone of comfort, wilderness hygiene, wilderness first aid, orientation and mind map, intensive animal tracking and trailing, inner tracking, the mother provides, advanced shelters, reading the weather, the tresholds, solo quest...

[email protected]


Brochure published by Mountain Wilderness5 place Bir Hakeim - 38000 Grenoble - 2016

Document produced by Fiona Mille with the help of Vincent Neirinck, Christine Oriol, Bastien Llorca and Jana Hrdličková.

Graphic DesignSamuel Herby

Photo credits

Mountain Wilderness, Nationalpark Hohe Tauern, National Park Gesäuse - Lake District National Park - Giacomo Fé - Sergio D’Ambrosio Marco Carafa - Denis Ivkovich - Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve - Nationalpark Kalkalpen Jokkmokk Guiderna - Estonian National Parks Sooma - Vincent Neirinck - Jean-Pierre Nicollet.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible

for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.