Will Internet make English the Universal Language? As we may know internet has created a new level of globalization and system of communication in which many people can take part. However, many people around the world are native in different languages and they study English in order to reach an easier way to expose their ideas on the web. From a historical point of view, since we have written records there have been a lot of cultures that have tried to impose a language in order to communicate better and obtain better benefits. As an example we can see Rome and the imposition of teaching and learning Latin all over the empire. Another example can be the imposition of the Ottoman Empire to learn Arab, in a less explicit example, Vikings tried to learn other languages in order to get more benefits when they attacked a place. More recently, around the 1600’s, with the rise of trading and the decline of Latin in the Early Modern Europe, it was impossible to stop the creation of a new concept of International Auxiliary Language in which traders could negotiate with better results. In the 1700’s, rationalist philosophers aim to recover the famous Edenic language, which was thought to be the first language ever created, but as it is obvious there were no results. The 19 th century, the idea of creating a new language that could be spoken worldwide was very famous and many created languages arose from the time, such as Esperanto, Solresol, and Volapük. However, all the wars of the 20 th century destroyed the idea of one universal language. Nowadays, the internet, the easier capacity of traveling and the international business have led to use English as the dominant language. However, as it is not used in the most important international organizations, many countries have not recognized the language as a universal language.

Will the World Be Able to Establish English as a Universal Language

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Will Internet make English the Universal Language?

As we may know internet has created a new level of globalization and system of communication in which many people can take part. However, many people around the world are native in different languages and they study English in order to reach an easier way to expose their ideas on the web. From a historical point of view, since we have written records there have been a lot of cultures that have tried to impose a language in order to communicate better and obtain better benefits. As an example we can see Rome and the imposition of teaching and learning Latin all over the empire. Another example can be the imposition of the Ottoman Empire to learn Arab, in a less explicit example, Vikings tried to learn other languages in order to get more benefits when they attacked a place.More recently, around the 1600s, with the rise of trading and the decline of Latin in the Early Modern Europe, it was impossible to stop the creation of a new concept of International Auxiliary Language in which traders could negotiate with better results.In the 1700s, rationalist philosophers aim to recover the famous Edenic language, which was thought to be the first language ever created, but as it is obvious there were no results.The 19th century, the idea of creating a new language that could be spoken worldwide was very famous and many created languages arose from the time, such as Esperanto, Solresol, and Volapk. However, all the wars of the 20th century destroyed the idea of one universal language.Nowadays, the internet, the easier capacity of traveling and the international business have led to use English as the dominant language. However, as it is not used in the most important international organizations, many countries have not recognized the language as a universal language.