William 'MakePeace' Thackeray

William 'MakePeace' Thackeray. Early Years........ Born in Calcutta, India, on July 11 th, 1811 Father died when he was 4 years old Mother Remarried shortly

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Page 1: William 'MakePeace' Thackeray. Early Years........ Born in Calcutta, India, on July 11 th, 1811 Father died when he was 4 years old Mother Remarried shortly

William 'MakePeace' Thackeray

Page 2: William 'MakePeace' Thackeray. Early Years........ Born in Calcutta, India, on July 11 th, 1811 Father died when he was 4 years old Mother Remarried shortly

Early Years........

• Born in Calcutta, India, on July 11th, 1811

• Father died when he was 4 years old

• Mother Remarried shortly after his fathers death

• went to england at 6 to be enrolled in a boarding school where he felt isolated and was bullied

• At nine William had a sense of independence and a large imagination

Page 3: William 'MakePeace' Thackeray. Early Years........ Born in Calcutta, India, on July 11 th, 1811 Father died when he was 4 years old Mother Remarried shortly

Various Schools......

• William attended various schools all his early life,some of which included:

• Charter House(england), which he nicknamed “Slaughter House”

• Attended Various Schools in South Hampton(england)

• Went to Trinity College in Cambridge.

Page 4: William 'MakePeace' Thackeray. Early Years........ Born in Calcutta, India, on July 11 th, 1811 Father died when he was 4 years old Mother Remarried shortly

His Gambling Problem....

• On several occasions he lost money in gambling which leads me to believe he developed a gambling problem

• During his stay at Trinity, he lost 1500 pounds in a card game.

• While he was in Germany, he inherited a large amount of money, most of it was reported lost to gambling.

Page 5: William 'MakePeace' Thackeray. Early Years........ Born in Calcutta, India, on July 11 th, 1811 Father died when he was 4 years old Mother Remarried shortly

Thackeray's Tour Of Europe....

• William first went to Wiemar, Germany

• Then to Paris to study the arts, which upset his parents because they wanted him to take interest in law.

• In Paris William showed skill in drawing caricatures.

Page 6: William 'MakePeace' Thackeray. Early Years........ Born in Calcutta, India, on July 11 th, 1811 Father died when he was 4 years old Mother Remarried shortly

Met and Married.......

• William Met and Married and Irish girl named Isabella, in Paris, France

• Thackeray was enchanted by her singing

• Had three kids together , one died at birth

• She went insane shortly after the birth of the third child and although she outlived her husband by almost 30 years she never recovered.

Page 7: William 'MakePeace' Thackeray. Early Years........ Born in Calcutta, India, on July 11 th, 1811 Father died when he was 4 years old Mother Remarried shortly


• In 1837 William worked on staff with Frasier Magazine

• From 184-1851 he worked on a newspaper called Punch, which is when he wrote


Page 8: William 'MakePeace' Thackeray. Early Years........ Born in Calcutta, India, on July 11 th, 1811 Father died when he was 4 years old Mother Remarried shortly

Vanity Fair

• Main characters are Amelia Sadly and Rebecca Sharp.

• His wife was inspiration for the character Amelia.

• Vanity Fair is a satirical novel about social class and the search for wealth

• Amelia belongs to a good family and does not consider wealth to be important in life.

Page 9: William 'MakePeace' Thackeray. Early Years........ Born in Calcutta, India, on July 11 th, 1811 Father died when he was 4 years old Mother Remarried shortly

Vanity Fair

• Rebecca is an orphan and feels that gaining wealth and power is ones purpose in life

• They both get married to different people but it dosent work out for either because Rebecca is shallow and cares about money while Amelia gave up her life of wealth.

• They both end up giving birth to children and basically live opposite lives in the fictional place of Vanity Fair untill............