Wind Power Industry Guide

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  • 8/6/2019 Wind Power Industry Guide


    Maxim m eliabili fo e moagg e ive e vi o me

    E co e a mo o fee back em fo wi powe em

    I n d u s t r y G u I d E

  • 8/6/2019 Wind Power Industry Guide


    Wi c ome -foc e p o c , sICK-stEGMAnn abee a e e ial pa e of i wo l wi e fo mo e

    a five eca e . Ove 400 emplo ee ba e iGe ma , I al , I ael a e usA joi l evelop, e iga ma fac e ab ol e a i c eme al e co e ,mo o fee back em a fo ma a j me ive .

    A wide distribution and servicenetwork, with subsidiaries andagents throughout the world,offers qualified support wherever

    the customer needs it.

    sICK stEGMAnn a cce f lsICK G o p compa

    I e a io al i ib io e wo k sICK AG

    s b i ia ie

    di ib o

    2 W I n d P O W E r s y s t E M s s I C K | s t E G M A n n

    P o c io aevelopme i e

  • 8/6/2019 Wind Power Industry Guide


    Since 2002, SICK-STEGMANN hasbeen a wholly-owned subsidiary of SICK AG. Globally, SICK is one of theleading manufacturers of sensors andsensor systems for industrial applica-


    Both in Factory and Process Auto-mation, SICK is a technology- and

    market leader the competent, triedand tested partner, especially whereapplication in harsh environments isconcerned.

    W I n d P O W E r s y s t E M s 3

  • 8/6/2019 Wind Power Industry Guide


    K owi g w e e e wiblow f om

    Variable-speed, pitch-con- trolled systems are thecurrent state of the artin wind energy systemconstruction. They arebest suited to the harshconditions in onshore andoffshore operations.

    Build on SICK-STEGMANNscompetence, demon-strated by over ten yearsexperience in this segmentand more than 20,000encoders installed in pitch-controlled systems.

    Using the zero set button the encoder can be comfor- tably set, in situ, to zero ora user-programmed value.

    Magnetic scanning, arobust housing (IP67rating) and high shock andvibration resistance make

    the ATM60 ideal for usein wind energy systems inonshore and offshoreoperations.

    Our "star": the ATM60absolute multiturn enco-der extremely robust andextremely reliable

    The tendency for offshorewind energy systems isincreasing, as are require-

    ments in terms of robust-ness and resistance toenvironmental effects.

    The ATM60 absolutemultiturn encoder fromSICK-STEGMANN reliablyprovides the speed datarequired, even under harshenvironmental conditions.In this rotary system formeasuring distances,

    angles and positions, asensor scans permanentmagnet elements arranged

    to provide angular positioninformation. The encodersmultiturn feature is achievedby several reduction gearunits with additionalmagnets and sensors.

    In contrast to encoderswith battery-bufferedcounters, SICK-STEGMANNmultiturn encoders operatereliably in electrically noisyenvironments, whilst being maintenance-free and long-lasting.

    Whether for wind directionadaptation via azimuthadjustment or for pitchadjustment, thousandsof ATM60 encoders fromSICK-STEGMANN have beensuccessfully operating inwind energy systems formany years. Quality andreliability see for yourself!

    ATM60 blind hollow shaft ATM60 zero set button

    SRS/SRM64 SRS/SRM50 stand-alone

    4 W I n d P O W E r s y s t E M s s I C K | s t E G M A n n

  • 8/6/2019 Wind Power Industry Guide


    P I t C h s y s t E M

    A Z I M u t h s y s t E M

  • 8/6/2019 Wind Power Industry Guide


    small elpefo g ea pe fo ma ce

    Wind power systems mustoperate at near 100 %availability. Hence qualityand reliability are extremelyimportant.

    Opt for the provenSICK-STEGMANN solutions:

    ro o bla e a j mea go ola a ap a iowi ab ol e i glea m l i e co e Absolute encoders generatedata related to position,angle and speed, with aunique digital code allocated

    to each angular position.The number of unique

    codes for each revolutiondetermines the resolutioncapability. Since an absoluteposition is allocated to eachunique code, a referencerun is not required.This means that the currentposition value is availableeven after voltage failure. In the case of multiturnencoders, the multiturninformation is determinedusing gear stages withmagnets attached.

    The absolute position ismapped onto the magnet, by

    the unique structure, and thusis completely independent of

    the encoders voltage state. With SSI, Profibus, CANopenand DeviceNet, all common

    interfaces are available for data transmission to the respectivecontrol system.

    Mea i g e o o peewi i c eme al e co e

    Incremental encoders generatedata related to position, angleand speed using a number of lines on a code disc.

    The number of lines per revolu- tion determines the resolutioncapability. The respective posi-

    tion is determined by counting the pulses produced by scan-ning the lines from a definedreference point. Following power down, a reference run isrequired in order to determine

    the absolute position.

    s a -alo e mo o fee back em ,i gle a m l i ,

    wi hIPErFACE i e face.

    SRS/SRM series motor feedback systemsare particularly suited to absolute positionfinding, with the number of steps being 32,768 per revolution as well as a maxi-mum of 4,096 revolutions giving a totalresolution of 134,217,728 steps. Sine/cosine signals are used to fulfil the speedmonitoring function. The storing of motor-specific data in the electronic type label

    and programming both are importantfeatures of these series.

    6 W I n d P O W E r s y s t E M s s I C K | s t E G M A n n

  • 8/6/2019 Wind Power Industry Guide


    Mo o fee back-s emeMo o fee back-s emeMo o fee back-s emeMo o fee back-s eme

    d r s60 /d r s61 A t M6 0 s r s / s r M64

    n mbe of li e1 o 8,192

    Solid, blind hollow oro g ollow af

    Axial/radial cable or screw-i co ec o em axial/

    a ial Protection up to IP66 Electrical interfaces

    ttL/rs 422 a htL/p p ll

    Number of lines and zerop l e wi f eel p o-g ammable (drs 61)

    Solid or blind hollow shaft Radial Cable or screw-in

    Co ec o em Protection up to IP67 Electrical interfaces SSI,

    rs 422, P ofib ,devicene , CAnope

    Hollow shaft up to 14 mm Absolute position with a

    e ol io of 32,768 eppe evol io

    Up to 4,096 revolutions canbe mea e (m l i )

    Programming of thepo i io val e

    Electronic type label HIPERFACE i e face

    W I n d P O W E r s y s t E M s 7

    de aile i fo ee www. ick- egma . e | o co ac i ec l .

    re ol iop o 26 bi

    1,024 i e/co i e pe io

    Mo o Fee back s emAb ol e e co e m l iI c eme al e co e

    s r s / s r M 5 0s t A n d - A L O n E

    1,024 i e/co i e pe io

    Mo o Fee back s em

    Solid shaft 6 or 10 mm Absolute position with a

    e ol io of 32,768 eppe evol io

    Up to 4,096 revolutions canbe mea e (m l i )

    Programming of thepo i io val e

    Electronic type label HIPERFACE i e face

  • 8/6/2019 Wind Power Industry Guide


    SICK AG | Waldkirch | Germany | www.sick.comSICK STEGMANN GmbH | DonaueschingenGermany |

    8 0 1 2 2 9 3 / 2 0 0 7 - 1

    0 W

    A S / M D P

    r i n t e d i n G e r m a n y

    ( 2 0 0 7 - 1

    0 )

    S u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w

    i t h o u t n o t i c e S

    T E G W B i n t 2 9 Worldwide presence with

    subsidiaries in the following countries:

    A aliaBelgi m/L xembo gB a ilCe k rep blikaC i ada ma kde c laE paaF a ceG ea B i aiI iaI aliaJapane e la

    no ge e eicPol karep blic of Ko earep blika slove ijarom iar iaSchweiz

    si gapo e

    s omisve igetaiwat ki eusA/Ca a a/Mxico

    Please nd detailed addresses andadditional representatives and agenciesin all major industrial nations atwww.

    FACtOry Au tOMA t I O n

    With its intelligent sensors, safetysystems, and auto ident applications,SICK realises comprehensivesolutions for factory automation.

    Non-contact detecting, counting,classifying, and positioning of any

    types of objectAccident protection and personalsafety using sensors, as well assafety software and services

    L O G I s t I C s A u t O M A t I O n

    Sensors made by SICK form the basisfor automating material ows and theoptimisation of sorting and warehousing processes.

    Automated identification with barcode and RFID reading devices for

    the purpose of sorting and targetcontrol in industrial material owDetecting volume, position, and con-

    tours of objects and surroundingswith laser measurement systems

    P r O C E s s A u t O M A t I O n

    Analyzers and Process Instrumentationby SICK MAIHAK provides for the bestpossible acquisition of environmentaland process data.

    Complete systems solutions for gasanalysis, dust measurement, flowrate measurement, water analysis or,respectively, liquid analysis, and levelmeasurement as well as other tasks

    O u r C O M P E t E n C E I n t h E B u s I n E s s s E G M E n t s

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