Wine and Cheese Invitation 2-1

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    GE For All Concerned With GOTV (Getting Out The Vote)

    Dan Isaacson, PhD, Editor and Publisher of The Enlightened Voter newsletter, invites you to a

    Wine and CheesePreview Event

    2014 Study Shows Voter Education Is a Vital New Tool In Dramatically Improving Voter Turnout

    By Up To 71% Attend the unveiling of an exciting study reporting on

    a so-far-unused proven method

    Wednesday August 26, 20155:30pm 7:30pm

    The home of Nancy Flinn5900 Old Ocean Blvd. A4Ocean Ridge, FL 33435

    (561) 860-3897

    Limited SeatingRSVP by August 15th (or to sign up as a host) phone: 561-470-7258

    or online to: [email protected]

    Between July 2015 and December 2016, The Voter Publications, Inc. will address

    Voter Turnout: Improve Voter Turnout by up to 71%

    Local Outreach: English Language Edition Twenty-three (23) issues between July

    2015 and December 2016. Door Knockers Develop materials for door-knockers to solicit email address subscriptions

    for The Enlightened Voter. Phone Callers Develop materials for phone callers to solicit email address subscriptions

    for The Enlightened Voter.Minority Outreach:

    Spanish Language Edition Twenty-three (23) issues. Creole Language Edition Twenty-three (23) issues.

    Countywide Outreach: All 840 Palm Beach County Precincts Solicit Email Addresses )URP3DOP%HDFK&RXQW\VUHJLVWHUHG'HPRFUDWVDQG

    Independents.Statewide Outreach:

    Contact All 67 Florida Counties Assist them in adapting The Enlightened Voter turnout model into their own monthly county edition.

    National Outreach: Develop contacts nationally to encourage adopting The Enlightened Voter voter turnout

    model in every state.